Secret To Successful Cold Call PDF
Secret To Successful Cold Call PDF
Secret To Successful Cold Call PDF
out of their day, unannounced, to hear your presentation. Calling A New Prospect
7 | Ten Best Practices For Cold Calling
But if you think cold calling is dead, you’re doing it wrong. 9 | How To Prepare For Your Next
Calling new prospects still works, but the way you approach Sales Call
it has to be right. You can’t call expecting to get much of their 11 | Do You Expect Sales Prospects To
time. You can’t call assuming they want a run-down of your Sleep With You on The First Date?
features right away. And you can’t call to talk about yourself. 12 | Five Tips To Avoid Call Reluctance And
Reach New Prospects
Your prospects are busy. They don’t have time for you. But
that’s exactly how you can approach cold calling to be
effective. Make the call about them. Have something prepared
to offer them, something that ties directly to a priority or
initiative they care about and are working on right now.
Don’t take a ton of their time, not right now. But an effective,
modern cold call can get the engine running.
Matt Heinz
President, Heinz Marketing, Inc.
[email protected]
Cold calling is hard enough, but it’s worse when workday isn’t likely to get the phone answered.
you’re just dialing for dollars and going straight And if they do answer, they’ll be harried,
for the product pitch. Nobody wants to hear distracted, and short on time. Try to make more
that, and if you actually get through to the of your calls at the beginning and end of the day.
prospect in the first place you’re going to get Get in early and call before 8 a.m. local time,
shut down quickly. when prospects (executives in particular) may
get in a little early too before their meetings
Fortunately, there are several strategies you can start. Call at this time or after 5 p.m. and they’re
use to increase cold prospect penetration, and more likely to not be in meetings, and it’s also
accelerate their interest in both taking your call likely that any gatekeeper or administrative
and spending time talking to you. Imagine, assistant isn’t at their desk and screening calls.
prospects interested in taking your call!
3. Schedule Them In Advance
Here are six specific things to integrate into your Cold calls, by definition, are interruptions. You’re
own sales efforts. calling someone who isn’t expecting your call,
and who at best might have a few minutes to
1. Offer Something Of Value (Independent Of
spare but not be in the mindset of thinking about
A Purchase)
what you’re pitching. Get permission to have
Know your audience well enough that you can
that call in advance (ideally including that offer of
create and offer them something that
value from the first point above), and you’ll have
immediately helps them in their current job.
a more focused and prepared prospect. This
Make it something that’s fast and easy to say
won’t always be the case, but it may increase the
yes to, and quick to digest as well. This isn’t the
rate of qualified, successful conversations you’re
entire sales process, but the beginning of your
having to move leads into near-term
relationship-building and a great ice-breaker that
demonstrates you’re not just about getting the
sale, but also helping someone solve a problem
4. Get Warm Introductions
or get closer to an intended outcome. White
There are too many tools available today (many
papers, research reports, free samples. They all
for free) that can help you tap into the networks
of your peers, colleagues, fellow sales reps, past
employees, and more. Depending on what you’re
2. Call At A Good Time
selling and to whom, you’re likely no more than
Calling your prospect in the middle of a busy
2–3 connections away from the individual you
Cold calling is really very simple. Primal. Pick up to sound natural). Use a headset. Make sure you
the phone and reach someone. have good energy. The prospect can hear
whether you’re smiling or not. Take a deep
Of course, to do it well, there’s far more nuance breath. Much of this is physical preparation, but
and skill required than that. Before your next it’s extremely important (even though they can’t
cold call (whether you’re dialing once or a few see you).
dozen times today), follow these four steps:
3. Have An Offer
1. Do Your Homework
What’s in it for them? Are you asking prospects
Who is it that you’re calling? What do they care
to sleep with you on the first date, or do you
about? What are they thinking about right now,
have something more compelling to offer at this
and what have they done recently? What clues
early stage that’s enough to pique their
can you gather— quickly— that can not only tell
interest and earn the right to share more?
you that the prospect has an immediate problem
If you’re calling to get demos vs. calling with
you can solve, but also that can customize your
something of inherent, independent value, your
message, pitch and angle so that you’re directly
conversion rates will suffer commensurately.
aligned with what they care about right now?
Much of this kind of research can be done with
4. Be Ready To Leave A Voicemail
tools like Gist and InsideView.
The vast majority of cold-callers “wing it” in their
voicemails. I’m not a fan of using call scripts once
Take a moment or two to find out what you
you have someone live, but voicemails are the
may have in common with the prospect, as well
exception. Here are some tips for how to craft
as who you may have in common. Check their
a better voicemail that generates more interest
social profiles for interests, and look them up on
and response.
LinkedIn to see which connections you may have
in common one or two degrees away (check out
IntroRocket for a great way to do this within your
own organization too).
2. Prepare
Have your key messages handy (but don’t read
from them—you should know them well enough
Cold calling is hard, there’s no getting around pick up the phone and dial again. Use volume to
that. It can often feel like a machete in the your advantage.
jungle, but some of the most successful
salespeople in the world have and continue to 3. Get In The Zone And Avoid Distractions
drive their own performance and results based It’s all too easy to make a couple calls and find an
on the cold call. excuse to get up. Refresh your coffee, chat with
your manager, do a victory lap, whatever.
Here are 10 specific best practices to improve Ignore the temptation to get up so often, and
your cold calling approach, performance and stay focused on more activity. Turn off your
results. Facebook, put your phone away, put on your
headset and keep working.
1. Have An Offer.
Don’t make the call with an ask, but call with an 4. Get Comfortable With Rejection And Have A
offer. Give something of value to the prospect, Short Memory
free of charge and with no strings attached. The majority of the time you’re cold-calling,
Make it something immediately relevant to their you’re hearing rejection. You will hear “no” far
current business or priorities. Use it as a means more than “yes,” and the best reps in the world
of starting the conversation, breaking the ice, push right through to that and into the next call.
and building some quick early trust and The best professionals in the world—athletes,
credibility. inventors, innovators—all face failure constantly,
but know that their next success is just one
2. Stay Focused On Volume at-bat or idea or cold call away.
Cold calling is a either a numbers game or a ratio
game, depending on who you ask. The numbers 5. Learn From Those Around You
game implies focusing on a high volume of If your organization has a formal best practice-
activities to reach interested prospects, and the sharing focus (via a library or team meetings or
ratio game implies driving a higher rate of otherwise), soak it up like a sponge. Find the
success with the lists, offers and context in which other sales reps on your team who are
you sell. Either way, results are driven by volume. successful cold callers and take them to lunch or
As a cold caller, oftentimes the one and only coffee. Learn their best practices directly. Read
thing you can control is the number of times you books, blogs, newsletters. Constantly improve
Whether you’re making outbound cold calls or Have You Done Your Homework?
preparing for a scheduled discussion with a new What do you know about your prospect? What
prospect, the last think you want to do is sit they’re thinking, what they care about, what
down and dial without any preparation. they’ve recently done or written, who they know
Successful selling, primarily over the phone but that you might also know? Take advantage of
in field sales environments as well, has as much tools such as LinkedIn and Gist to quickly do your
to do with preparation as it does with your homework and customize parts of your pitch to
natural skills in reacting to the situation unfolding improve the likelihood that you’ll achieve that
before you. mutually-successful outcome.
The good news is that, with practice and the Why Would The Prospect Take Your Call?
right tools, preparing for your next sales tool can Your prospect is busy, and either didn’t
take just a few minutes, and will have a anticipate your call (if you’re cold calling) or was
significant impact on your conversion rate and nice enough to give you a few minutes out of
success. Here are a few tips. their busy schedule (in anticipation of something
you might give them of value). For the qualified
What Does Success Look Like? prospect, knowing what’s keeping them so busy
Have a clear image of what success looks like (what their primary focus areas are right now)
at the end of the call, both for you and for your and what you have to contribute to that is key to
prospect. What next steps do you want from the getting and keeping their attention. If you can’t
call? Based on your knowledge of the prospect answer this question, or you identify early in the
(or at minimum your expectation of their needs call that you don’t have something to contribute
if they’re indeed qualified), what do you to their priorities, the prospect is likely not
anticipate they would consider a successful qualified. Politely end the call so you can both
outcome of your conversation? This includes give yourselves back the valuable time.
both progress made during the call as well as
expectations and an anticipation of what’s to What Does Your First 10 Seconds Sound Like?
happen after the call (including next steps, You can’t script a sales call word for word, but
promises and deliverables on either end). With you can script the first 10 seconds. It’s what you
this success explicitly in mind, you can ensure say immediately to get the prospect’s attention
your call is always focused or getting back on and earn the right to continue. Especially when
track to meet that outcome. cold calling, your prospect is more likely to blow
We ask so much of our prospects. They Recognize you. Associate you with something of
download a white paper and we think they’re significant enough value, pertinent to what they
ready to buy. They attend a Webinar and we value and care about, that they’re willing to take
wonder why they won’t return our calls. the next step and spend more time with you.
You don’t know me, we just met, but do you That seminar may be just another step towards
want to go away for the weekend? Wanna come a deeper relationship, a paying relationship,
home with me? The answer is usually no. Not so but that too sometimes takes time to earn and
fast. convert.
But we expect our sales prospects to move Sales is a process. You’re in control of the steps,
quickly. We expect them to make commitments but not necessarily the velocity. The more you
before we really get to know them, and they get push, the more likely you’ll end up turning good
to know us. prospects away. But respect the process, and
the buyer, and you’ll close the deals you’re
When you’re cold calling, do you really ask for 30 looking for.
minutes of their time? Do you ask for an
appointment or try to schedule a demo without
context, without some conversation, without
foreplay? Shouldn’t you offer something first?
Most sales professionals hate cold calling. than 40–45 seconds, had a good pace, a sense
Following up with existing leads sometimes isn’t of urgency, and a strong offer or call to action to
much better or easier. Even the best salespeople get your prospect to call back quickly. When you
often have a strong case of call reluctance that’s have a voicemail script like this, that you know
difficult to shake. works, it’s easier and faster to get through more
of your calls (because you know those prospects
But once successful salespeople get rolling, they will be calling back).
often find it easy to keep that momentum and
generate results—live contacts, interested 3. Turn Off All Other Distractions
prospects, new sources of closeable pipeline. You’ve done it too—you make the first couple
Here are five ways to get past that case of call calls, get a kernel of momentum, then check
reluctance and get more of your leads moving your email or Facebook page and it’s all gone.
towards a sale. When you’re ready to make those calls, turn off
everything—email, your Web browser, RSS feeds,
1. Script The First 30 Seconds notifications, everything. Get yourself into a zone
Oftentimes call reluctance comes from a where you’re making those calls and
concern that the beginning of a conversation nothing else. You’ll be surprised how quickly you
may be awkward. Get past that fear by writing get through the list, and drive results for yourself.
down, visualizing and even practicing the first
20–30 seconds of the call. Have a specific script 4. Get Momentum, And Keep Going
you will use printed out and next to your phone. On a related note, have a strong list to call and
It’ll give you confidence that each call will be keep going until you’re through it. Do it at a set
easier to warm up, and get right to the time, perhaps the same time of the day every
conversation you want to be having. day, and make sure those around you know
you’re staying focused. This can take discipline,
2. Have A Great Voicemail Script Ready even if you don’t have distractions. You leave a
Let’s face it, most of the calls you make will result couple good voicemails, maybe have a good
in a voicemail. Many sales pros leave a long, conversation that moves a prospect along, and
rambling voicemail with no direction, no you want to get some more coffee. Tell your
urgency and no call to action. Have a great manager. Avoid these things, and make the next
voicemail script ready beforehand, and use it call.
every time. Leave something that’s no longer
[email protected]