"WEEK 10" Part A: Fujitsu LTD
"WEEK 10" Part A: Fujitsu LTD
"WEEK 10" Part A: Fujitsu LTD
“WEEK 10”
Fujitsu Ltd
General Journal
Bank Account
Exam of Behavioral Finance 2
to the creditor)
The term qualifying asset is defined by both AASB 1036 and AASB 123 as an asset
by which a substantial time is taken to prepare for its proposed sale or utilization. Also,
constant requirements are possessed by such an asset in respect of the suspension, cessation,
Accounting in Australia, financial assets are not considered as a part of qualifying assets,
even in the entities where such assets are treated as equity securities. The AASB categorized
qualifying assets into two different kinds: the assets that are measured at fair value and the
finished goods that are produced or manufactured in bulk quantity based on repetition, which
needs a considerable period for selling purpose. Examples of such assets could be the
property of investment during the period of construction or PPE and inventories that are made
to order.
Exam of Behavioral Finance 3