Explanatory Pluralism in Cognitive Science: Rick Dale, Eric Dietrich, Anthony Chemero
Explanatory Pluralism in Cognitive Science: Rick Dale, Eric Dietrich, Anthony Chemero
Explanatory Pluralism in Cognitive Science: Rick Dale, Eric Dietrich, Anthony Chemero
Received 23 January 2009; received in revised form 26 January 2009; accepted 27 January 2009
This brief commentary has three goals. The first is to argue that ‘‘framework debate’’ in cognitive
science is unresolvable. The idea that one theory or framework can singly account for the vast
complexity and variety of cognitive processes seems unlikely if not impossible. The second goal is a
consequence of this: We should consider how the various theories on offer work together in diverse
contexts of investigation. A final goal is to supply a brief review for readers who are compelled by
these points to explore existing literature on the topic. Despite this literature, pluralism has garnered
very little attention from broader cognitive science. We end by briefly considering what it might
mean for theoretical cognitive science.
We use many theories to understand the universe. This basic idea, often called explana-
tory pluralism, derives from the diverse levels of organization in the universe, and the
equally diverse explanatory goals of human beings—concluding that many and multifarious
theories are needed. We are writing to encourage cognitive scientists to consider this plural
perspective for understanding the human mind. The mind, as somehow constituted by
brain–body–environment interaction, is extraordinarily complex. In addition, we have many
and assorted interests in that interaction. A mere glance at the proceedings of the society’s
annual conference reveals this. Ever since the era of the ‘‘cognitive revolution,’’ many
accounts of our short history portray new theories as subjugating or supplanting those that
came before (Leahey, 2001). However, it is possible that the brain–body–environment
system is sufficiently rich to admit of levels and goals of analysis that require pluralism to
tackle them all.
A big hang-up many have with plurality is its apparent flouting of ontology. One does not
wish to accept the ‘‘reality’’ of some competing theory, because its constructs are somehow
an ‘‘approximation’’ or ‘‘idealization’’ of purer, lower-level accounts. But reductionist
ontology is not the only goal found across the sciences (Laughlin, 2005). If it were, then
virtually every single concept from cognitive science can be cast aside as an idealization,
including that fundamental fiction of ‘‘neuron’’ (which, in a reductionist’s ontology, would
actually be ‘‘merely emergent’’ from even lower-level physical descriptions). If reductionist
ontology were so central, then we would all agree with Horgan (1996) that cognitive science
is just another cataloguing endeavor of the life sciences.
There are preexisting frameworks that encourage embracing theoretical diversity. Emer-
gentism is one such framework, already well-rooted in the physical sciences (but still under
development conceptually, Halley & Winkler, 2008). In very complex interactive systems,
measurable properties of crucial epistemological value can be identified at a higher level of
abstraction than the system’s substrate (Anderson, 1972). Some have recently used the
phrase ‘‘emergent property’’ in a near-pejorative sense, calling out some constructs or oth-
ers as ‘‘mere’’ emergent phenomena. There is a difference between convenient fictions and
emergent phenomena. The former are inherently false in some vitiating way, while the latter
are central to scientific understanding of a system. Genuine emergent phenomena are not
mere, but reflective of how a system self-organizes into some function or operation or other.
Whether this induces a ‘‘promiscuous plural ontology’’ (Dupré, 1993), or a more agnostic
epistemological metatheory, the higher-level patterns and principles are needed in either
Yet our talk of low- and high-level phenomena simplifies much. Impressive research pro-
grams are in place for bridging these measurement scales as a rule, such as social cognitive
neuroscience (Gilbert, 2002). Therefore, though they may be exemplary in their efforts to
organize our understanding, schematic portrayals of the scientific agenda, such as Marr’s
levels or more recent approaches (Sun, Coward, & Zenzen, 2005), cannot fully capture the
heterogeneity of empirical and theoretical work. No normative schematic for the sciences
has gained consensus in the philosophy of science, and we doubt any such schematic would
win over all cognitive scientists either (Chemero, 2009; Chemero & Silberstein, 2008;
Dietrich, 2008). However, intertheoretic relations can be drawn on a case-by-case basis
(McCauley & Bechtel, 2001). For example, symbolic and connectionist/dynamic
approaches may find synthesis in symbolic dynamics and other frameworks (Atmanspacher
& beim Graben, 2007; Dale & Spivey, 2005; Smolensky & Legendre, 2005). This is not to
say that there cannot be genuine competition between different theories in similar levels or
situations. It does suggest the possibility of theoretical integration that cuts across contexts,
rather than an endless wrestling match. Theoretical assumptions and ‘‘commitments’’ thus
need not function as fundamental pillars to be upheld inviolately, but rather serve to define
explanatory boundary conditions.
These reflections are not novel. For example, Bechtel and colleagues have for some time
recommended developing a richer account of interfield and intertheoretic relations in cogni-
tive science (Abrahamsen & Bechtel, 2006; Bechtel, 1990; Bechtel & Richardson, 1993;
McCauley & Bechtel, 2001). Some work recently about processing and representation has
R. Dale, E. Dietrich, A. Chemero ⁄ Cognitive Science (2009) 3
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