Writing Continuum Checklist
Writing Continuum Checklist
Writing Continuum Checklist
Begins Top-Bottom, Right - Left Display top-Bottom Left- Right Writs all capital and lowercase from memory
Copy Words from Environment Pictures and developmental spelling Leaves spaces between words
Letter Sound Connections Developmental spelling to label Organizes writing in logical sequence
Pretends to read own spelling Attempt to read writing Writes stories with Beginning, M and E
Prints First Name Respond to lit by drawing, telling, or Capital letters to begin
Generates Ideas Match lowercase and capital Represents most sounds, B, M and E
Sing familiar songs and rhymes Can independently write most letters
Forms most letters legibly Forms all letters legibly Begins to write about feelings
Uses capital letters I and names Writes a variety of complete sentences Prewriting strategies- Brainstorming
Writes pieces others can read Begins to write in paragraphs Writes with a central idea
Spells sight words correctly Adds details to story Moving towards conventional spelling
Incorporates instruction in writing Revises with checklist and rubric Offers feedback to others’ writing
Memorizes pattern books, poems, and familiar books. & Begins to read signs, labels, and logos (environmental
print). J Demonstrates eagerness to read. ˛ Pretends to read. ˛ Uses illustrations to tell stories. ˛ Reads top to
bottom, left to right, and front to back with guidance. ˛ Knows most letter names and some letter sounds. ˛
Recognizes some names and words in context. ˛ Makes meaningful predictions with guidance. C Rhymes and
plays with words. C Participates in reading of familiar books and poems. C Connects books read aloud to own
Emerging Developing Beginning
Reads signs, labels and logos Reads books with simple patterns Uses basic punctuation when reading
Pretends to read Begins to read own writing Meaning and sentence cues
Uses illustrations to help tell Pictures and context to check meaning Letter/sound cues and patterns
Knows some letter name + sound Most letter names and sounds Begins to self correct