Air India Material Planning Training Manual18
Air India Material Planning Training Manual18
Air India Material Planning Training Manual18
Materials Management Department
Date of Issue: 1st January 2009 1
Issue 1 Rev 0
Materials Management Department
Consequent upon the merger of Air India Ltd. and Indian Airlines Ltd. in August
2007, it has become imperative to evolve a common set of procedures for
procurement of materials and services as required by the Company. The task of
harmonization of purchase procedures has been undertaken after reviewing the
provisions of the Stores & Purchases Manual of Indian Airlines Ltd., and the
Materials Management Administrative Orders 582 and 583 of Air India Ltd., as
well as through in‐house deliberations in the Materials Management
Department. Besides, the latest guidelines of the Central Vigilance Commission,
as well as the notifications issued by various regulatory authorities with regard
to Government procurement processes have also been taken into consideration.
Oracle ERP (SMART) has been implemented at NACIL (A) ‐ Mumbai. Some of the
terms used in this document pertain to the transactions used in the SMART
system. Wherever SMART system is not yet been implemented, such
transactions would be done manually till SMART system is rolled out at the
concerned station.
The MMAO 684 is a comprehensive document which in our opinion will simplify
the understanding about the Purchase Procedures. The language has been kept
simple for the understanding of even personnel not associated with purchasing.
We are sure that with the implementation of this revised procedure and
financial powers, the Materials Management Department will contribute to
better decision making and overall efficiency for the organization.
This manual has been vetted by Internal Audit & CVO and also concurred by
Director‐ Finance and has the approval of CMD.
Executive Director ‐ MM
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Issue 1 Rev 0
Materials Management Department
BG ‐ Bank Guarantee
BPA ‐ Blanket Purchase Agreement (Rate Contract)
CVC ‐ Central Vigilance Commission
DTR ‐ Desk Top Receipt
DGS&D ‐Director General of Supplies & Disposal
EMD‐ Earnest Money Deposit
EUR ‐ Euro
IATA ‐ International Air Transport Association
IEM ‐ Independent External Monitor
INR ‐ Indian Rupees
NSIC ‐ National Small Industries Corporation Limited
OEM ‐ Original Equipment Manufacturer
PG ‐ Performance Guarantee
PO ‐ Purchase Order
PQ ‐ Prequalification
PR ‐ Purchase Requisition
RFI ‐ Request for Information (Techno Commercial Bid)
RFQ ‐ Request for Quote
SD ‐ Security Deposit
SLA ‐ Service Level Agreement
SMART ‐ Stock Monitoring and Replenishment Tool
SSI ‐ Small Scale Industries
TC ‐ Tender Committee
TER ‐ Technical Evaluation Report
USD ‐ US Dollars
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Issue 1 Rev 0
Materials Management Department
¾ Office equipment and furniture (Purchases and repairs)
¾ Ground support equipment and spares
¾ Vehicles, spares and maintenance
¾ Canteen equipments and commodity purchases including pantry
items for various departments
¾ Medicines and medical equipment.
¾ Engineering workshop test/calibrating equipments and spares
¾ ATF for test house
¾ Petrol and Diesel for GSD equipments and vehicles
¾ Oils, gases, grease and lubricants for workshop equipments
¾ In‐flight Provisioning items both Bonded and Non‐Bonded
¾ Courier services
¾ IT Hardware, software and AMCs
¾ Commercial stock items such as plywood, slotted angles, aluminum
sheets, polythene rolls, strapping rolls, hardware and plumbing items
¾ Printing of Revenue documents such as tickets, MCOs, EBTs and
AWBs, hand baggage tags etc., boarding cards.
¾ Printing of calendars, diaries, menu cards, timetables.
¾ All types of stationery and paper items.
¾ Uniforms, including monsoon and safety equipments.
¾ Tailoring contracts for all cadres.
¾ Hardware, paints, epoxy coatings and extrusions.
¾ General tools, jigs and fixtures.
¾ Transportation contracts for cockpit crew, cabin crew, AMEs and staff.
¾ Technical books, literature and magazine subscription for all
¾ Aircraft Test Equipments and test Programmed packages.
¾ AMCs of X‐ray machines and explosive detection machines for
¾ Facilities management services.
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Materials Management Department
¾ ATF for aircrafts
¾ Insurance
¾ Catering meal contracts
¾ Hotel contracts
¾ Ground Handling Contracts
¾ Housekeeping contract
¾ Recruitment of manpower both permanent and temporary
¾ All contracts and AMCs currently under the purview of P&F and EFD
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Issue 1 Rev 0
Materials Management Department
1. CASH PURCHASE ............................................................................................................ 9
2. PURCHASES BETWEEN Rs 5001 /‐ AND Rs. 25,000/‐ ....................................... 10
3. PURCHASE REQUISITION ........................................................................................... 11
4. TENDER FEES ................................................................................................................. 12
5. TENDER PROCESSES .................................................................................................... 13
6. BID SYSTEMS ................................................................................................................. 16
7. TIME FRAME FOR QUOTES ....................................................................................... 17
8. EXTENSION OF TENDER DUE DATE ........................................................................ 18
9. TENDER DOCUMENT .................................................................................................. 20
10. INTEGRITY PACT ........................................................................................................... 24
11. BID RECEIVING/OPENING ......................................................................................... 25
12. EVALUATION OF TECHNO‐COMMERCIAL BIDS ................................................. 28
13. EVALUATION OF PRICE BIDs / AWARD CRITERIA .............................................. 30
14. LOADING CRITERIA IN CASE OF DEVIATION ....................................................... 32
15. RETURN OF BIDS OF DISQUALIFIED BIDDERS .................................................... 33
16. SAMPLING ...................................................................................................................... 34
17. PRICE PREFERENCE ..................................................................................................... 35
18. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD). ........................................................................ 36
19. SECURITY DEPOSIT (SD)/ PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE (PG) ........................ 38
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Materials Management Department
20. PENALTY CLAUSE / LIQUIDATED DAMAGES ....................................................... 41
21. TERMINATION AND EXIT CLAUSES ........................................................................ 42
22. NEGOTIATIONS ............................................................................................................. 43
23. COMPOSITION OF TENDER COMMITTEE (TC) ................................................... 45
24. ROLE OF TC MEMBERS .............................................................................................. 47
25. TYPES OF PURCHASE ORDERS ................................................................................. 49
26. TIME FRAME FOR COMPLETION OF TENDER EVALUATION .......................... 50
27. EXTENSION OF PERIOD OF PURCHASE ORDERS ................................................ 52
30. SMALL SCALE INDUSTRY (SSI) PROCUREMENT ................................................. 55
31. REPEAT ORDERS ........................................................................................................... 56
32. WAIVER OF PURCHASE PROCEDURE .................................................................... 57
33. EMERGENCY PURCHASES BY THE DEPARTMENTS ........................................... 59
34. BUY‐ BACK OPTION ..................................................................................................... 60
WEBSITE ........................................................................................................................ 61
36. PURCHASE ORDER AMENDMENTS ........................................................................ 62
37. GOVERNMENT LEVIES / TAXES, ETC ...................................................................... 63
38. PAYMENTS ..................................................................................................................... 64
39. ADVANCE PAYMENT ................................................................................................... 65
40. EXCHANGE RATE .......................................................................................................... 66
41. STORES INSPECTION ................................................................................................... 67
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Materials Management Department
42. PRE‐DELIVERY INSPECTION ...................................................................................... 68
43. TOLERANCE LIMIT ....................................................................................................... 69
44. EXCESS SUPPLY ............................................................................................................. 70
45. RECEIPT CERTIFICATION ............................................................................................ 71
46. INVOICE PROCESSING ................................................................................................ 72
47. STANDARDISATION ..................................................................................................... 74
48. BUDGET –MMD AUDIT .............................................................................................. 75
49. CONTRACTS ADMINISTRATION .............................................................................. 76
50. VENDOR REGISTRATION ............................................................................................ 78
51. PURCHASING AT REGIONS ....................................................................................... 82
52. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY ................................................................................... 83
53. ANNEXURES ................................................................................................................... 84
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Materials Management Department
1.1. Applicable to purchases up to Rs 5000/‐.
1.2. Individual departments will be responsible for handling their own
cash purchases and coordinating with the Finance department for
advances/reimbursements thereof.
1.3. The respective departments would be responsible to set up their
own internal mechanism to handle cash purchases.
1.4. Payment / reimbursement would be subject to the proof of delivery,
i.e. delivery challan duly signed / certified by the competent
authority of the concerned department, along with the party’s /
vendor’s invoice / cash memo.
1.5. The competent authority of the department concerned will be
responsible to ensure that approvals are not given for purchase of
items of recurring nature and capital items.
1.6. The competent authority must also ensure that the splitting of bills
is not done for keeping the value below Rs. 5000/‐.
1.7. In case of cash purchases, Purchase Order(s) would not be issued.
1.8. The monthly float levels for cash purchases for all departments,
except Engineering and PFD, would be decided by Materials
Management Department in consultation with Finance Department.
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Materials Management Department
2. PURCHASES BETWEEN RS 5001 /‐ AND RS. 25,000/‐
2.1 A minimum of 3 quotations will have to be obtained by way of fax,
email, letter, etc. However, this may be dispensed with in the case
of proprietary items.
2.2 The details of the offers as received should be recorded in the
SMART system such as supplier particulars, rates quoted, etc.
2.3 Purchase(s) order will thereafter be issued.
2.4 Payments would be made by cheque or ECS by the Finance
Department. However, in exceptional circumstances, to be recorded
in writing, cash payment not exceeding Rs 20,000 may be authorized
by the competent authority in the Materials Management
Department (Refer Annexure A) not less than the rank of Senior
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Materials Management Department
3.1 Requisitions will be raised by the user department.
3.3 For stock items, requisitions would be triggered by the SMART
system, wherever implemented, for further processing by the Buyer.
3.4 Providing details such as complete specifications, detailed scope of
work, drawings, Service Level Agreements (SLA), warranty
requirements, pre‐qualification criteria, delivery schedule, pre‐
delivery inspection, technical evaluation criteria, requirement of a
Pre‐Bid conference, and any other relevant details should be
provided by the user department along with the requisition. The
Materials Management Department will not be responsible for
vetting or authenticating such requirements as provided by the user
3.5 For all IT related purchases both Hardware and software the
requirement should be routed through DIT who would authenticate
and approve the requirement. Only on DIT approval would MMD
initiate purchasing action.
3.6 The delivery period along with the tolerance for the same should be
clearly spelt out. The tolerance period would be taken into
consideration for calculating the loading on the price bid.
3.7 The estimated cost / value of the items requisitioned should be
provided by the user.
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Materials Management Department
4.1 Tender fees will not be applicable for any tender issued by Materials
Management Department.
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Materials Management Department
The tender processes would be of the following three types:
5.1 Selective/ Limited Tender :
5.1.1 Selective/ Limited tender denotes tenders that are to be sent
to selective vendors/parties who have already been enlisted
as approved suppliers for the particular item(s) being
tendered for.
5.1.3 Depending on the nature of the item, the number of
approved sources will be flagged against each item in the
item master of the SMART system. The minimum number of
approved suppliers against an item to be eligible for selective
tender will be 5(five), and tender enquiries would be
restricted to only the approved suppliers. The list of
approved suppliers will be termed the “Approved Supplier
List (ASL)”. However, in case of proprietary / brand approved
item(s), the ASL may be less than 5 and this should be defined
in the SMART system against such item/s.
5.1.4 If a minimum of 5(five) approved vendors / parties are not
available in an ASL for a given item (with the exception of
proprietary / brand approved items), web tendering / public
tendering, as applicable, should be resorted to. In addition to
inviting bids from selected vendors, the tender should also be
hosted on the Air India website with an indication therein
that vendors who have not been invited to participate may
register themselves for qualification as approved suppliers for
similar products for participation in the future tenders.
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Materials Management Department
5.1.5 Even if a minimum of five vendors is available in the ASL for a
given item, the authority level in the Materials Management
Department for Final award as indicated at Annexure A may
authorize a web tender, or pubic tender depending on the
merit of individual cases.
5.1.6 Every effort should be made to obtain minimum of 3(Three)
5.1.7 Regrets will be considered as valid tender responses. If the
regret responses are received either by fax, email, or in an
open condition, the same are to be sealed in an envelope by
an official of the Materials Management Department with the
tender number duly super scribed thereon, and put in the
tender box.
5.1.8 In case the number of quotes received is less than 3,
depending upon the urgency, and the number of responses
received including regret responses, an officer of the
Materials Management Department of a level not below that
of Sr. Manager may authorize opening of the bids in
consultation with the indenter, if need be. Unsolicited bids
will not be considered.
5.1.9 If for some reason in a selective tender, the lowest bidder has
not submitted his bid as per the requirement/specification of
the tender, but is offering a better specification or a product
then the same is to be referred to the user department. If
the user department recommends the revised specification
then re‐tendering is to be resorted to. However If the user
does not require any change /better specification or product
then the award may be released on the lowest vendor who
has quoted as per tender/user requirement.
5.1.10 If all the bidders to whom tender enquiries have been sent
have responded before the due date, the quotations could be
opened before the due date, i.e. the tender may be pre‐
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closed after due notification to all the bidders, who have
submitted quotations, inviting them to participate in the
tender opening.
5.1.11 Tenders, if sent to selective vendors for an estimated value
above Rs 15 lakh, would require the prior approval of ED‐
Materials Management after recording the reasons for the
5.2 Web tender:
5.2.2 The existing approved suppliers, as well as any other known
sources of the item/s tendered for, should be notified of the
hosting of the tender on the website.
5.3.1 Applicable for items whose estimated tender value is above
Rs.40.00 lakh.
5.3.2 In addition to publishing in the print media (regional or on all
India basis as deemed appropriate by the authority level in
the Materials Management Department for final award as per
Annexure A), the tender will also be hosted on the Air‐India
5.3.3 The existing approved suppliers, as well as any other known
sources of the item/s tendered for, should be notified of the
hosting of the tender on the website.
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Materials Management Department
6.1 There will be 2 types of bid systems.
6.1.1 Single bid system: This will be applicable for Selective /
Limited tenders (as defined in point no. 5 clause 5.1, page 7),
and tenders for proprietary products / services.
6.1.2 Two bid system: Quotations should be asked for in two
separate sealed bids, viz. Techno‐commercial bid and Price
bid. This will be applicable for web tenders and public tenders.
6.2 Depending on the merit of the case, ED‐Materials Management may
authorize issue of a selective/ limited tender in a single bid system
even for tenders for non‐proprietary items whose value is Rs 15.00
lakh and above, or for issue of a tender in a two bid format for
Selective / Limited and proprietary tenders.
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Materials Management Department
7.1 The time frame for submission of quotes against various tender
types generally should be as under:
7.1.1 Selective tender : Minimum 10 calendar days
7.1.2 Web / Public tender : Minimum 21 calendar days
7.1.3 Global tender : Minimum 30 calendar days
7.2 The competent authority in the Materials Management Department
as per the Financial Powers defined at Annexure A may at their
discretion authorize variations in the time frame from the above.
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Materials Management Department
8.1. The due date of a tender may be extended at any time prior to the
date of closing of the tender.
8.3. Under certain circumstances an extension to the tender may be
warranted after the scheduled closing date of the tender even if a
minimum of three quotations have been received. Such
circumstances may arise wherein it is noticed that the market
leader or the last supplier has not quoted. In such cases the user
department should be consulted and depending upon the merit of
the case, extension may be given if there is adequate justification
for the extension based on the profile of the parties who have not
quoted/quoted. The reasons for such extensions should be
recorded in writing by MMD and only DGM and above may grant
extension in such cases irrespective of the value.
8.4. In the case of selective tender, extension of tender due date should
be notified to all the bidders. In the case of web tender, notification
of extension should be put up on the website and also intimated to
the invited bidders.
8.5. In the case of public / global tender, notification of extension should
be put up on the website, and also through publication in the print
media. In addition the invited bidders are also to be notified.
8.6. In case the due date is extended, such extension should be for a
minimum period of 7 Calendar days for selective / limited tenders,
and 14 Calendar days for web / public / global tender.
8.7. The competent authority in the Materials Management Department
as per Financial powers (Refer Annexure A) would authorize the
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extension of tender due date, as well as deviations from clause 8.3
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9.2 The indenting department will advise the specific user requirements
to be incorporated in the tender as stated at clause 3.4.
9.3 Materials Management Department will incorporate the applicable
commercial terms in the tender document. The tender document
should contain a clause stating the reasons due to which the
quotation of a bidder may be rejected, viz. receipt by fax / email,
unsigned quotation , unsealed quotations, non receipt of EMD
(without valid proof of exemption), submission of EMD in a mode
other than as indicated in the tender, receipt of quotation after the
closing date of the tender, non receipt of samples (if applicable), etc.
9.4 Price preference to the SSI units registered with the NSIC under its
Single Point Registration Scheme should be incorporated in the bid
document, in accordance with the extant stipulations of the
statutory authorities.
9.5 The Loading Criteria in respect of deviations from the Commercial
Terms and Conditions such as payment terms, warranty, delivery
period, advance payment, etc which has financial implications
should be spelt out in the tender.
9.6 If more than one source of supply is necessary due to critical nature
of the item, or because the tight delivery schedule as stipulated in
the tender may be difficult for a single supplier to comply with, then
the ratio in which the orders would be split, and the condition
thereof, i.e. the eligible bidders would have to agree to match the
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Materials Management Department
L‐1 price, have to be pre‐disclosed in the tender document itself.
However, if a split of quantities between more than one bidder has
not been pre‐disclosed in the tender as capacity constraints have
not been anticipated in advance, the tender should have a provision
for equitable splitting of quantities between more than one supplier
if, after evaluation of the technical bids, it is assessed that the
delivery schedule of the tender cannot be complied with because of
capacity constraints of a bidder who subsequently qualifies as the
L‐1 bidder after opening of the price bids. (CVC circular No. 4/3/07
dated 3/3/2007)
9.7 In case of any change in quantity, scope of work, terms and
conditions, etc. after release of the tender but before its due date,
the tender should be extended suitably by informing the vendors of
the change(s). Vendors who have submitted their response should
also be given an option to resubmit their bids should they choose to
do so.
9.8 In cases where the tendered quantity of the item(s) / service(s) is /
are likely to change after the award of contract, or during the term
of the contract, quotations should be obtained in different quantity
slabs. However, the tender document must spell out clearly the slab
which would be considered for arriving at the L1 bid.
9.9 The date and time of tender opening should be declared in the
tender document itself. In order to allow for sufficient time to
determine whether an extension is to be given for a tender, in
terms of clause 8.2, a gap of one working day may be given
between the date and time of tender closing and the date and time
of tender opening. However, the status of the bids as received as on
the closing date / time of the tender is to be recorded by the
designated officials of the Materials Management Department /
Tender Opening Committee and immediately forwarded to the
competent authority in the Materials Management Department for
taking an appropriate decision with regard to the tender opening.
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Materials Management Department
9.10 Since late bids are not to be considered, the tender document
should contain a clause advising the prospective bidders of the
same, and that in their own interest they should forward the tender
well in advance with the correct address, tender no, due date, etc.
as indicated in the tender document.
9.11 The tenders should include a clause stating that the closing date for
submission of bids may be extended at any time, including after the
scheduled date of closing, at the sole discretion of NACIL.
9.12 The tenders are to be received in sealed envelope as mention in
clause 11.4 through 11.6. A clause to this effect must be included in
the tender document.
9.13 The terms of delivery have a direct bearing on the quoted price.
Therefore, the terms of delivery such as the delivery schedule,
location of delivery, etc. should be clearly mentioned in the tender
document. . Expressions such as ‘immediate’, ‘ex‐stock’, ‘as early as
possible’, ‘off‐the‐shelf’, etc must not be used to indicate
contractual delivery period.
9.14 In case of turn‐key contracts, or contracts of special nature such as
purchase of sophisticated and costly equipments, a suitable clause
is to be provided in the tender document for a pre‐bid conference
for clarifying issues and clearing doubts, if any, about the
specifications and other allied technical details, as mentioned in the
tender document. The date, time and place of the pre‐bid
conference should be indicated in the tender enquiry document for
information of interested bidders. This date should be sufficiently
ahead of the tender opening date.
9.15 A tolerance clause, if warranted, should be incorporated in the
tender document, reserving the purchaser’s right to increase or
decrease the quantity of the required goods up to that limit without
change in any terms and conditions and prices as quoted by the
bidders. This is to cover unforeseen changes in the quantity
requirements from the date of issue of the tender to the date of
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release of the purchase order / contract. This tolerance should
normally be limited to +‐ 15%. (As per Ministry of Finance dated
9.16 The tender document should have a clause regarding the validity of
the quotations. The validity for a selective tender should be for a
minimum period of 90 days from the opening of the tender. For
web / public tenders the validity should be for a minimum period of
120 days from the date of opening of technical bid.
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10.1 In respect of all contracts of the value of Rs.10 crore and above, the
Integrity Pact would be signed by NACIL and Vendors at the pre‐
tendering stage itself. A pre‐signed Integrity Pact by NACIL would
form part of the Tender document. The Vendors would sign the
Pact and submit it along with the financial and technical bids. The
tender document would also include the pre‐designated IEMs.
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11.3 If the master envelope is found to contain an inner envelope
marked “Price bid along with the tender reference” in a duly
sealed condition, but also contains the “Technical bid” in an open
condition, this tender will be accepted / opened and the
“Technical bid” will be taken on record. This is because the
“Technical bid” was effectively received in a sealed envelope, i.e.,
the master envelope.
11.4 If the techno‐commercial bid and the price bid are both in an open
condition, when the sealed master envelope is opened, this bid
would stand disqualified.
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11.5 Incomplete quotations, i.e. where only the technical or only the
commercial bid are received in a single sealed master envelope,
will stand disqualified.
11.6 While opening the tender if it is found that the technical bid
envelope contains the commercial bid in an open condition, the
bid shall stand disqualified.
11.7 The envelopes in which the bids are submitted should be retained
in the file. Care should be taken while opening the tenders to
ensure that the date, time, tender no. and any other relevant
details are not defaced/ torn off prior to filing.
11.8 Price bids of the bidders, who do not qualify at the stage of
evaluation of the technical bids, are to be returned after the
tender process has been concluded.
11.9 The respective buyers will be authorized to open online bids
submitted through the SMART system irrespective of the value of
the tender.
11.10 In the case of manual bids received in hard copy, one
representative each of the Purchase and Budget / Admin Sections
of the Materials Management Department would jointly open bids
received in hard copy in respect of tenders with an estimated
value below Rs 5 lakh.
11.11 For manual bids received in hard copy in respect of tenders with
an estimated value over Rs 5 lakh, the same would be opened by
an officer each of the Purchase Section of the Materials
Management Department and an Officer of the Finance
11.12 It would be mandatory to invite all bidders except as stated in
11.13, irrespective of selective or public tender, to attend the
opening of Techno‐commercial / Price bids.
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11.13 If all the participating bidders have quoted online, their physical
presence during the techno‐commercial and price bid opening is
not required since the facility to view the details of the bids online
is available in the SMART system.
11.14 If both online and manual bids have been received against a
tender, then all the participating bidders including the ones, who
have bid online, should be invited for both the techno‐commercial.
11.15 The price bid of only those vendors, found technically suitable
during technical evaluation would be opened. The opening date
and time of price bids would be intimated to all the qualified
vendors to enable them to attend the price bid opening.
11.16 The authorized representative(s) of the bidders would only be
allowed to attend the bid opening. Such representative(s) must
carry an authorization letter on the letterhead of the bidder in the
format as given at Annexure G. Separate authorization letters
would be required for Techno‐commercial bid opening and price
bid opening.
11.17 Complete details of the authorized representative(s) of the bidders,
who participate in the tender opening, are to be recorded in the
format as at Annexure H.
11.18 At the time of tender opening queries related to the tender, if
raised by the participants, are not to be entertained.
11.19 In the case of web / public / global tender, or selective / limited
tender, late bids, i.e. bids received after the specified date and
time for receipt of bids, would not be considered.
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12.1 Evaluation of the technical portion of the techno‐commercial bids
will be the responsibility of the requisitioning / user department.
12.2 A convener of the user department would be responsible for
carrying out technical evaluation of the bids. The Technical
Evaluation Report (TER) would be submitted to the Materials
Management Department duly approved by the Tender
Committee (TC) member of the user department as per the
delegation of the financial powers as per Annexure A, or by an
officer not less than a rank of Manager or equivalent level for non
TC cases. The TER should clearly identify the qualified and non
qualified bidders with justifications thereof. The TER would be
scrutinized by the Materials Management Department in respect
of compliance with the procedural requirements of the tender.
Observations, if any, would accordingly be conveyed to the user
department for their comments / review. Thereafter the TER
would be further evaluated by the Materials Management
Department to assess compliance with the commercial
requirements in order to arrive at the techno‐commercial
evaluation of the tender.
12.3 In the course of the technical evaluation of the bids, clarifications,
if any, regarding technical issues arising out of the quotations
should be taken up with the bidders directly by the user
department. However, queries seeking information / clarifications
on pricing aspects should not be sought from the bidders at this
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and price bids which may include a representative of the Materials
Management Department.
12.5 For tenders above Rs 50 lakh, a nominee of the Finance
Department will also associate with the evaluation of commercial
terms in techno‐commercial evaluation along with the
representative of the Materials Management Department.
12.8 Pre approved bidders for a specific item (from the approved
suppliers list) need not be technically evaluated for every tender
subject to such suppliers confirming compliance with the techno‐
commercial specifications of the tender.
12.9 Deviations, if any, in the commercial parameters such as payment
terms, warranty, delivery period, penalty clause, etc, if acceptable
on the basis of the tender evaluation criteria, should be reflected
in the techno commercial evaluation report for the purpose of
loading in the corresponding price bids.
12.10 The techno‐commercial evaluation report will be reviewed by the
competent authority in the Materials Management Department as
per the Financial powers (Refer Annexure A), before approving the
opening of the price bids.
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13.1 The vendor whose nett price (on a common platform such as the
landed cost) works out to be the lowest will be determined as the
L‐1 vendor.
13.2 Depending upon the nature of the item for tenders having
multiple items, the overall L1 vendor would be considered for the
award of contract. For those items for which the overall L1 vendor
is not the lowest, efforts should be made to match the rates closer
to L1 vendor for that item.
13.3 Deviations, if any, in the commercial parameters such as payment
terms, warranty, delivery period, advance payment, etc should be
loaded as spelt out in the Tender.
13.4 If after due processing, it is discovered that the quantity to be
ordered is far more than what L‐1 alone is capable of supplying, i.e.
if the L‐1 has capacity constraints, then the quantity being finally
ordered should be distributed among the other bidders in a
manner that is fair, transparent and equitable. The final decision /
adjudication regarding the proportion of distribution of quantities
will be decided by the competent authority in the Materials
Management Department (Refer Annexure A).
13.5 If in the price quoted there is a discrepancy between the unit price
and the total price (which is obtained by multiplying the unit price
by the quantity), the unit price shall prevail and the total price
corrected accordingly, unless in the opinion of the purchaser there
is an obvious misplacement of the decimal point in the unit price,
in which case the total price as quoted shall govern, and the unit
price corrected accordingly.
13.6 If there is an error in a total corresponding to the addition or
subtraction of sub totals, the subtotals shall prevail and the total
shall be corrected.
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13.7 If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in
words shall prevail, unless the amount expressed in words is
related to an arithmetic error, in which case the amount in figures
shall prevail subject to 12.6 and 12.7 above.
13.8 If for any reason the L1 bidder backs out, there should be re‐
tendering. The competent authority as per the delegation of
financial powers (Ref. Annexure A) may, in such a situation, call for
a selective or short notice tender to meet the immediate
13.9 In case the L‐1 vendor backs out, either before issue of the
Purchase Order / Letter Of Intent (LOI), or subsequent to its issue,
the L‐1 vendor should be blacklisted for a minimum period of 3
years. This would, however, be subject to the Purchase Order / LOI
having been issued within the period of validity of the quotation.
In addition, the EMD / SD of the vendor would also be forfeited.
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14.1 The loading criteria as specified below would be applied to the
basic price of the bid.
14.2 The taxes or levies would be added to the basic price as quoted by
the bidder unless stated otherwise in the tender. Refer Annexure E
for a sample calculation.
14.3 If the bidder asks for advance payment, the price bid of the bidder
would be loaded @ 18% per annum on the basic price, calculated
on a pro‐rata basis, or as per the loading criteria as defined in the
14.4 In case of deviation with regard to the stipulated warranty period,
the price bid of the bidder would be loaded @ 10% per annum on
the basic price, calculated on a pro‐rata basis.
14.5 In case of deviation with regard to delivery period beyond a
predefined tolerance ( to be ascertained from the user at the time
of tender preparation) , the price bid of the bidder would be
loaded @ 12% per annum on the basic price, calculated on a pro‐
rata basis.
14.6 During the process of evaluation of bids no queries are to be
entertained from the bidders with regard to the status of the
evaluation and an appropriate clause should be inserted in the
tenders to this effect.
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15.1 The price bids of the technically disqualified bidders would be
returned to them after finalization of the Purchase Order /
15.2 The purchaser should intimate the technically disqualified bidders
in writing to collect their price bids in person, or through their
authorized representative within 3 days of acceptance of the
Purchase Order by the successful bidder. The representative must
carry an authorization letter on the company letterhead in the
format as per Annexure I.
15.3 An acknowledgement must be taken from the bidders or their
authorized representatives on collection of the bids by them as per
the format at Annexure I.
15.4 In the event a bidder fails to collect the price bid within the
stipulated 30 days without reasonable grounds for extension
sought thereof and duly accepted by NACIL, the bids should be
shredded in “as is where is” condition after expiry of 30 days or an
extended period thereof as agreed to by NACIL, whichever is later.
The bidder should be intimated regarding non collection and
shredding of the same as per Annexure I.
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16.2 All samples should be submitted to the Materials Management
Department by the closing date of the tender.
16.3 Samples should be properly coded by the Materials Management
Department wherever feasible, and thereafter forwarded to the
authority that has to carry out the evaluation. The Materials
Management Department would not associate with evaluation of
samples wherever coding of samples has been carried out by it.
16.4 The authority in the user / indenting department for approving
samples would be as defined under the financial powers, vide
Annexure A.
16.5 For multi‐user items, wherever evaluation of samples is to be done
by the Materials Management Department, the coding should be
carried out by a Section that is different from the Section that
would carry out evaluation of the samples. Further the coding is to
be supervised by an officer of the rank of Sr. Manager and above,
and the coding details should be kept under the custody of the
supervising officer till such time as the evaluation has been
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17.1 SSI units registered with the NSIC under its Single Point
Registration Scheme or with Directorate General of Supply and
Disposal (DGS&D), are entitled to price preference up to 15% over
the offer of large scale sector and 5% over the offer of Public
Sector Undertaking, provided the offers under consideration are
otherwise clear for acceptance in all respects.
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18.1. Applicable for all tenders above Rs.5.00 lakh.
18.2. SSI units registered with the NSIC under its Single Point
Registration Scheme /Public Sector Units/Central/ State
Government undertakings/ A‐I widows associations / A‐I co‐
operative society/Handicraft boards, Khadi Village and Cottage
Industries/ Social Welfare organizations/ Handicapped and Blind
associations/ Units registered with the Central Purchase
Organizations (e.g. DGS&D) will be exempted from submission of
18.3. EMD would not be applicable for goods / services being procured
from OEM/ sole authorized distributor or dealer on single source
18.4. EMD will be applicable @ 1% of the estimated tender value or its
equivalent in foreign currency subject to a maximum of Rs. 2 Lakh.
The EMD deposit should be by way of / Demand Draft, Banker’s
Cheque, or ECS, and will be interest free.
18.5. The EMD amount is to be mentioned in terms of absolute value in
the tender.
18.6. “Corporate EMD Account” may be offered to the vendors as an
option, which will be managed dynamically in the SMART system
under the control of the Finance Department.
18.7. EMD furnished by the unsuccessful bidders should be returned to
them free of interest within 45 days of issue of the Purchase Order
/ conclusion of the contract. EMD of the successful bidder should
be refunded without any interest whatsoever, after receipt of
Security Deposit or Bank Guarantee in lieu thereof from the
vendor. EMD of a bidder will be forfeited if the bidder withdraws
or amends its tender, impairs or derogates from the tender in any
respect, or declines to accept or honour the Purchase Order /
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contract if awarded in his favour. If the successful bidder fails to
furnish Security Deposit or Bank Guarantee within the specified
period, its EMD will be forfeited.
18.8 Depending on the merit of the case, General Manager‐MM and
above would be the competent authority to waive the EMD.
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19.1 For PO value above Rs. 5 Lakh, a Security Deposit must be
obtained from the supplier within 2 weeks from the date of issue
of the Purchase Order (PO)/ Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA).
The Security Deposit will be applicable at the rate of 5% of the
value of the PO, and can be in the form of a Bank Guarantee (BG),
Demand Draft, Banker’s Cheque or transfer to NACIL account
(ECS). In exceptional cases, depending on merits, NACIL would
reserve the right to deduct the amount of Security Deposit from
any outstanding invoice(s) of the vendors irrespective of the PO
against which the Security Deposit may be due.
19.2 For PO value below Rs 5 lakh in respect of rate contracts, Security
Deposit shall be deducted from the invoice/bill(s) by the Finance
Department, and no separate Security Deposit needs to be
19.3 The Bank Guarantee as submitted by the bidder selected for award
of the P.O. / Contract should be verified verbatim with the format
as enclosed with the tender.
19.4 The validity of the SD / BG would be till 30 days after the
scheduled completion of all obligations under the Purchase Order
/ Contract. After commissioning of the equipment, wherever
applicable, the SD would be converted into a Performance
Guarantee (PG) that would be refunded / returned by Finance on
completion of warranty / all obligations under the Purchase Order
/ contract subject, however, to deduction of penalties, if any, that
may be leviable under the terms of the Purchase Order / contract.
The onus of informing MMD of the shortfall or under performance
by the vendor would be on the user department. In the absence of
any intimation to the effect from the user department during the
course of the contract, MMD would advise Finance for the release
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of the Security Deposit/ Bank Guarantee, on completion of the
warranty / contract period. In exceptional cases depending on
merits, the Tender Committee may recommend waiver of SD,
which would then be put up for approval to the competent
authority as defined at Annexure A. In any case such approval
cannot be given by an officer below the level of GM‐Materials
Management. For Non TC cases, the minimum level for approval of
waiver of SD would be DGM‐Materials Management, and the
reasons for according such waiver are to be placed on record.
19.5 The cost of submission of Security Deposit or execution of BG
would be borne by the successful bidder.
19.6 The original BG should be forwarded by the banks to the
beneficiary directly under registered post (A.D.). However, in
exceptional cases, where the BG is handed over to the bidder for
any genuine reason, the bank should immediately send by
registered post (A.D.) an unstamped duplicate copy of the
guarantee directly to the beneficiary with a covering letter
requesting them to compare with the original as handed over to
the customer, and to confirm that it is in order. The A.D. card
should be kept along with the BG. (CVC Circular No. 01/01/08
dated 21/12/2008)
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19.8 In case of extension of the delivery period under the Purchase
Order, the validity of the SD / BG should be extended up to 90
days beyond the period of such extension.
19.9 SSI units registered with the NSIC under its Single Point
Registration Scheme / A‐I widows associations / A‐I co‐operative
society/Handicraft boards, Khadi Village and Cottage Industries/
Social Welfare organizations/ Handicapped and Blind associations/
Units registered with the Central Purchase Organizations (e.g.
DGS&D) would also be exempted from submission of the Security
19.10 Depending on the merit of the case, General Manager and above
would be the competent authority to waive the Security Deposit.
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20.1 Unless otherwise notified in the tender, the penalty to be levied
for delayed delivery would be @ 0.5% per week or part thereof of
the value of the undelivered portion of the goods or services
(excluding taxes and delivery charges) subject to a maximum of
10% of the value of the undelivered part. This is to be recovered
from the Security Deposit / Performance Guarantee, or from the
amount due to the vendor after due notification to the vendor in
20.2 The user department should indicate in the requisition the
quantum of penalty to be imposed on account of deficiencies, if
any, in the delivered goods / services. The tender should
incorporate the same accordingly. For those goods / services that
are directly received by the users, the actual penalty to be
imposed would be as per the advice of the user department
keeping in view the penalty clause of the tender and the extent of
default in performance / supply. In exceptional cases depending
on merits, the Tender Committee may recommend waiver of or
reduction in the quantum of penalty, which would then be put up
for approval of the competent authority as defined at Annexure A.
Such approval is to be given by an officer of the level of GM –
Materials Management and above. For Non TC cases DGM‐
Materials Management and above would be competent to waive /
take appropriate decision on the imposition of penalty after
recording the reasons thereof. Further, such decisions would also
require the concurrence of an officer of equivalent level of the
Finance Department.
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21.1 The PO / contract should include a termination clause as below:
21.2 In case of unsatisfactory performance or breach of any of the
clauses of this contract, NACIL would issue a notice of 30 days to
the party to rectify the breach and improve the performance
failing which NACIL shall be at liberty to terminate this agreement
by providing a 30 days written notice to the party. The party shall
not have any right to dispute or question the judgment of NACIL of
unsatisfactory performance of the party.
21.3 Notwithstanding the above, NACIL shall also be at liberty to
terminate this agreement for any reason including change in
situation/circumstances, etc. by providing to the party a 90 days
written notice. The party shall also be at liberty to terminate this
contract by providing to NACIL a 90 days written notice. In such an
event, the terminated party shall have no right to claim
compensation/damages, etc. from the terminating party on
account of early termination. However, the party shall duly
comply with their respective obligations during the notice period
and thereafter, shall discharge the obligations arising out of the
agreement till the termination.
21.4 Depending on the nature of the item / service, DGM ‐ Materials
Management and above, in consultation with the user, would be
the competent authority to decide the termination / exit period if
it varies from the above.
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22.1 As a general norm price negotiations are not to be carried out with
the bidders. Negotiations, if at all, shall be an exception and may
be held only in the case of proprietary items, or in the case of
goods / services with limited sources of supply. Negotiations
should be held with the L1 bidder only. Counter offers tantamount
to negotiations and should be avoided. (CVC circular No. 4/3/07)
22.2 Negotiations, if held without proper justifications, could lead to
unnecessary delay in award of the PO / contract. Therefore
whenever negotiations are recommended, this should be after due
application of mind and the justifications for the same should be
placed on record. In case of inability to achieve the desired results
by way of reduction in rates, i.e. if the negotiations prove in
fructuous, an explanation for the failure of negotiations is required
to be recorded by the committee that had recommended the
negotiations. The committee that had recommended negotiations
would be held accountable should such an explanation not be
found to be satisfactory by the competent authority. (CVC circular
No. 4/3/07)
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22.4 In the exceptional cases where negotiations are held, the same
would be recorded in the negotiation sheet as at Annexure O.
22.5 Counter – offers to L1 in order to arrive at an acceptable price,
shall amount to negotiation. However any counter – offer
thereafter to L‐2,L‐3 etc(at the rates accepted by L‐1) in case of
splitting of quantities, as pre – disclosed in the tender ,shall not be
deemed to be negotiation. (CVC circular No. 4/3/07)
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23.8 The members who are associated with the evaluation of a tender
would be required to give an undertaking that none of them has
any personal interest in the companies / agencies participating in
the tender process. A member having interest in any should
refrain from participating in the tender evaluation. The format for
this undertaking is given at Annexure F. The Materials
Management Department would forward the format of the
undertaking to the concerned user department along with the
technical bids for evaluation, and the evaluation committee
members should sign the undertaking before commencement of
the evaluation. Similarly, the undertaking would be taken from the
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members of the commercial bid evaluation committee prior to
initiation of the evaluation. The undertakings (one by the technical
evaluation committee and the other by the commercial evaluation
committee) would form a part of the respective evaluation reports.
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24.1.2 To evaluate the commercial terms and conditions of the
technical bid.
24.1.3 To prepare the comparative statement after opening of the
price bids.
24.1.4 To ensure that the laid down purchase procedure has been
24.1.5 To prepare the TC note.
24.2 Role of the representative(s) of the Finance department would be
as under:
24.2.1 To verify the amount of the applicable taxes.
24.2.2 To vet the comparative statement of the price bids
24.2.3 To evaluate the commercial terms which have financial
implications in the techno‐commercial bid.
24.3 Role of the representative(s) of the user department would be as
under :
24.3.1 To vet the comparative statement of the technical bids
prepared by the user department.
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24.3.2 To prepare and approve the Technical Evaluation Report
24.3.3 To vet the comparative statement of the price bids.
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25.1 Purchase Orders would be of the following two types:
25.1.1 Standard PO: This would be applicable for items having a
one‐ time delivery, or a pre‐defined delivery schedule. BPA is a long term contract with or without pre‐
defined delivery schedules. BPA should be raised for a period of one / two /
three years, depending on the nature of the item
or services (E.g. Maintenance Contract for PCs /
office equipment, Transportation Contracts, etc). BPA should include a price variation clause,
wherever applicable, to provide for variation in
input prices for the particular item / service (E.g.
Oil, eggs, pulses, etc).
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26.1 A definite time schedule should be laid down for each stage of bid
evaluation (Technical / Commercial bid). Similarly a time frame for
according approval for each stage of the tender process (Technical
Evaluation Report / Commercial Evaluation Report / decision for
conducting negotiations, if applicable / award of PO / Contract)
should be laid down which should not exceed 15 days for each
stage of approval. In any case the overall time for the
aforementioned processes should be within the validity period of
the tender. (CVC Circular No. 4/3/07 dated 3/3/2007)
26.2 Time frames will be laid down at each stage of the tendering
process as under:
26.2.1 The Materials Management Department to finalise the
tender document after receipt of the specifications /
work scope and other parameters from the User
department including vetting by the user department
( as and where required) ‐ 15 working days
26.2.2 Evaluation of the technical bids, as and where applicable
– the time frame to be advised to the user department
by the Materials Management Department at the time
of forwarding of the bids for evaluation. This time frame
would depend on the complexity of the tender, and in
any case should be at least 45 days before expiry of
validity of the bids.
26.2.3 Evaluation of the price bids – 5 working days
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26.3 Placement of P.O. – 5 working days
26.4 If for some reason the timelines cannot be met and an explanation
is called for then the same should be submitted by the concerned
personnel to the competent authority of the individual
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28.1 The onus of declaration of an item as “Proprietary”/ “Brand
approved” should be with the user department
28.2 The “Proprietary”/”Brand approved” items can be of any value.
28.3 In case an item is declared as “Proprietary”/ ”Brand approved” by
the user department, but the Materials Management Department
is aware that acceptable equivalent(s) is/are available in the
market, then such information may be made available to the user
department for guidance. After getting such information the user
department shall decide whether to purchase the item as
“Proprietary / Brand approved,” or to go in for competitive bids, .
The decision of the user department in this regard shall be final.
28.4 If the proprietary / brand approved items are procured directly
from the manufacturer / OEM / distributor (as exclusively
nominated by the OEM to quote), the procurement would be on
single source basis, and TC procedure would be required. In such
cases the quotations may be obtained by fax, email, etc.
28.5 If the proprietary / brand approved items are procured from more
than one source (e.g. if the OEM nominates multiple distributors
to quote), TC procedure would be required.
28.6 If proprietary / brand approved items are to be procured, the
quotations may be taken from as many distributors as have been
authorized by the OEM to quote, which may even be less than 3
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29.1 On receipt of an indent the Buyer should ascertain from the
DGS&D web site ( availability of the indented
29.2 If the item(s) is / are available under the DGS&D rate contract, the
Buyer will download the product specifications and the relevant
terms and conditions from the DGS&D web site. This information
would be conveyed to the user department and their concurrence
or otherwise obtained with regard to release of the PO on one of
the DGS&D contracted suppliers.
29.3 In case the user department confirms acceptance of the product(s)
from the DGS&D contracted suppliers, the Buyer shall obtain the
supplier’s confirmation of compliance with NACIL’s commercial
terms and conditions, in case the same are at variance with the
DGS&D stipulated terms and conditions.
29.4 If the DGS&D contracted supplier does not agree to comply with
NACIL’s commercial terms and conditions, the procurement would
be through the regular tendering process.
29.5 TC procedure would not be required in case of procurement based
on the DGS&D rate contract.
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30.1 Tenders are to be invited from SSI units for all items that are
reserved for procurement from SSI Units as per the list published
by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises of the
Government of India.
30.2 There should be a regular update of items /inclusion of the
notified items as and when it comes into effect. While making
purchase of goods falling in these categories, the purchase
organisation should check the latest directives in this regard for
necessary action. The current list of items reserved to be procured
from SSI units is as per Annexure D. Updated list can be viewed at
30.3 Wherever the requirement cannot be met through such SSI units in
terms of specifications, capacity constraint or for any other reasons,
in the interest of the company, the tenders may also be sent to
others including non SSI units in the line.
30.4 It is mandatory for the SSI units (registered with NSIC) to agree to
match the L1 price (quoted by the large scale unit) on being given
the benefit of up to 15% price preference over the quotation of
the large scale unit.
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31.1 Repeat Orders may be resorted to provided the following
conditions are met:
31.1.1 The initial order was finalised after following the laid down
purchase procedure.
31.1.2 The quantity under Repeat Order does not exceed the
quantity ordered against the initial order
31.1.3 The basic price remains unchanged.
31.2 Placement of Repeat Order/s within 2 years of the initial order can
be approved by the Competent Authority (Refer Annexure A)
provided the cumulative quantity so ordered does not exceed the
initial PO quantity, i.e. if the initial PO was, say, for qty 100, then
more than one Repeat Orders can be placed within two years
subject to the total qty against all such Repeat POs not exceeding
qty 100. Beyond this quantity approval of Executive Director ‐
Materials Management would be required to place further Repeat
31.3 TC procedure would not be required.
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32.1 For requirements of an immediate nature, where the timely supply
is not possible under the laid down procurement procedures, the
indenter would be promptly advised about the same by the
Materials Management Department. The indenter would
thereafter prepare detailed justifications for the urgency of the
requirement, duly approved at the level of Dy. General Manager
and above of his / her department, and submit the same to the
Materials Management Department for taking priority action for
procurement. For such immediate requirements, where the
estimated order value exceeds Rs. 25,000/‐, procurement may be
authorized by officials as under through waiver of the purchase
Authority level of the Order Value (Rs.) Report to Authority level
Materials Management in the Materials
Department Management Department
Sr. Manager Up to 35,000 Asst. General Manager/
Chief Manager
For order value up to Rs. 25,000 the user department may directly take
action for procurement.
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32.2 Any purchase on waiver basis above Rs.10.00 lakh would require
the concurrence of Finance Department and prior approval of HQ
32.3 Pos are to be released for purchases made on the basis of waiver
of the purchase procedure.
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33.1 In case any goods / service(s) are required on urgent / emergency
basis, the departments are empowered to procure the goods /
service(s) directly to meet such situations.
33.2 However, such goods/items should be non‐capital in nature.
33.3 The goods/services so required should be for operational areas
33.4 Goods/services availed of under this provision should be ratified
by the authority level as mentioned below and forwarded to
competent authority in MMD for reference.
33.5 The value limits for a single instance of an emergency
procurement is as under:
Authority Level Value
Division Head at HQ as defined Rs. 10,000
in the Instrument of Delegation
of Financial Powers
33.6 The PO will not be raised by the Materials Management
Department for such purchases
33.7 Invoices / Bills will be certified by the concerned departments and
directly settled by the Finance Department.
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34.1 When it is decided by the indenting departments to replace any of
their existing goods with the latest versions or better substitutes,
the department may request the Materials Management
Department to trade such existing goods while purchasing the new
ones. For this purpose, an appropriate buy‐back clause is to be
incorporated in the tender document so that interested bidders
may submit their tenders accordingly. The indenters must ensure
that vendors are permitted unrestricted access to inspect the
goods meant for buy‐back.
34.2 For capital items, the SRF for the item/s to be procured against
buy‐back options should be routed through the Finance
Department and should be countersigned by the appropriate
authority in Finance. The requisition should be raised thereafter
and forwarded to the Materials Management Department for
further action.
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35.1 A summary of the contracts / purchases made above Rs 10.00 lakh
will be posted on the Air‐India website.
35.2 The details to be posted would be in the format as given at
Annexure ‘B’.
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36.1. The PO / Contract is to be amended whenever the period of
contract is extended. Approval of the TC would not be required in
such cases. Such amendments would require approval of the
signatory of the original Purchase Order or an equivalent level
36.2. The PO / Contract is to be amended whenever there is a change in
the value of the PO due to a change of quantity / rate. Approval of
the TC would be required in such cases
36.3. The PO / Contract is to be amended whenever there is any change
in the terms and conditions. Approval of the TC would be required
in such cases.
36.4. The PO / Contract is to be amended when there is an increase in or
addition to the Government levies, taxes, surcharges, etc. –
Approval of the TC would not be required in such cases.
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37.1 Government levies, taxes, surcharges, etc should not be avoided
by changing the delivery locations.
37.2 If new taxes/ levies are introduced during the validity of the
contract period, then the same shall be applicable at the time of
availing of the services, or supply of an item.
37.3 The tender document should clearly state that the bidders must
specify whether their quotation is inclusive or exclusive of taxes
and levies. In the case of quote submitted exclusive of taxes, all
applicable taxes, Government levies must be clearly spelt out.
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38.1 Payments shall be effected through the Finance department.
38.2 Tenders should incorporate the standard payment terms of
“Payment within 30 days of receipt of invoice or goods/ services
whichever is later”.
38.3 Payment details are to be made available by the Finance
Department to the Materials Management Department, user
department and respective vendor/s as and when required.
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39 .1 Advance payment should generally be discouraged. If payment of
advance is unavoidable, efforts should be made for payment
against delivery. However, if still the advance payment is to be
made, then the same can be allowed. In such cases, the company’s
interest must be safeguarded by obtaining bank guarantee equal
to the sum of the advance payment from the supplier with
sufficient validity. Such advance payments, should be interest
bearing. The amount of interest would be applicable at the rate of
15% per annum on the whole amount of advance and not part
thereof. Advance payments should not generally exceed the
following limits: (As per Ministry of Finance dated 31/08/2006)
39.1.1 Thirty percent of the contract value to private firms
39.1.2 Forty percent of the contract value to a state or central
government agency, or to a Public Sector Undertaking.
39.1.3 In case of maintenance contracts, the advance amount
should not exceed the amount payable for six months
under the contract.
39.2 Depending on the merit of the case, the ceilings mentioned above
may be relaxed by the competent authority at the level of Dy.
General Manager – Materials Management and above.
39.3 The competent authority to authorize advance payment will be
Senior Manager and above / Tender Committee as per Annexure A.
39.4 The payment terms must be clearly reflected in the PO.
39.5 Payment in respect of proforma / advance payment should be
certified by the signatory of the PO subject to such terms of
payment being reflected in the PO.
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40.1 IATA exchange rate prevalent on the day of the opening of the
commercial bid would be taken as the valid exchange rate. IATA
exchange rate as released on monthly basis by the Finance
Department will be taken as the basis for comparative evaluation
of price bids as well as for all other processes related to tenders.
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41.1 For multi departmental stock items, the receipt sections of the
Materials Management Department at HQ and all the regions, will
undertake inspections.
41.2 For captive stores stock items such as In‐flight, GSD, Engineering
Tool stores, revenue items etc., the respective departments would
be responsible for carrying out the inspection.
41.3 The Receipt Sections should ensure that the vendors submit the
Quality Assurance Certificate (QAC), wherever so indicated under
the terms of the PO.
41.4 For the inspection of items, assistance may be taken, if required,
from other departments or specialized agencies.
41.5 Approved sample/s should be retained at LRS / NBRS till receipt of
the last supply for the purposes of comparison.
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43.1 To take care of any change in the requirements during the period
starting from issue of tender till placement of the Purchase Order,
a plus/minus tolerance clause should be incorporated in the
tender document, reserving the purchaser’s right to increase or
decrease the quantity of the required goods up to that limit
without any change in the terms and conditions and prices quoted
by the bidders.
43.2 While awarding the Purchase Order, the quantity ordered may be
increased or decreased, if necessary, within the prescribed
plus/minus tolerance limits.
43.3 The tolerance limit should not be more than plus/minus fifteen
percent. (As per Ministry of Finance dated 31/08/2006)
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44.1 Maximum of 5% of the PO quantity can be accepted as excess
supply against a PO. This would be applicable for those items
which are specifically manufactured for NACIL.
44.2 A monthly review of such cases would be done by the competent
authority in Materials Management Department as per the values
laid down in Annexure ‘A’.
44.3 Vendors’ invoices for the excess quantity can be processed for
payment by the Finance Department without a reference, or an
amendment to the PO.
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45.1 For direct delivery
45.1.1 The Requisitioner / user shall acknowledge the party’s /
vendor’s challan for having received the goods.
45.1.2 The Requisitioner / user shall generate receipt in the SMART
system wherever available. The receipt number thus
generated by the SMART system should be reflected on
the delivery challan.
45.2 For stock items
45.2.1 Receipt certification will be done by the Local Receipt
Section (LRS) of the Materials Management Department.
45.2.2 The LRS will acknowledge the party’s / vendor’s challan for
having received the goods.
45.2.3 The LRS will update receipt in the SMART system, wherever
implemented, based on which GRN will be generated.
45.3 For Services
45.3.1 The Requisitioner / User department / receiver of the
services will acknowledge services received, through his
signature on the service report. This service report should
be forwarded to the invoice processing section of the
Materials Management Department for further
45.3.2 In addition to the above, the Requisitioner / User
department shall acknowledge the services rendered in
the SMART system, wherever implemented, based on
which the service report will be generated in the system
to facilitate further processing by the Finance department
for payment.
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Authority Invoice Value (Rs.)
Asst. Manager Up to 2,00,000/‐
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47.1. Some items like PCs, office equipments, furniture, etc. are used by
multiple departments. In the interest of achieving economies of
scale, Executive Director – Materials Management or any other
Dept. Head may appoint a Committee for standardising a
particular item.
47.2. The purchase of the items, so standardised, shall be processed in
line with the recommendations of the Standardisation Committee.
47.3. The normal tender procedures would be followed for fixation of
rates for standardized products. For placement of POs based on
these rates further approval of the TC would not be required.
47.4. Standardisation will be for a defined period not exceeding three
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48.1. Budgeting will be done through the SMART system wherever
48.2. On release of Purchase Orders the system shall automatically debit
the PO value from the allotted budget head.
48.3. Before release ,every Purchase order would be audited by the
audit section of Materials Management Department , as per the
value limits as given below
Authority Value Rs.
Audit Staff Rs. 5 Lacs
Asst. Manager Rs. 10 Lacs
Dy. Manager Rs. 20 Lacs
Manager Rs. 40 Lacs
Sr. Manager Rs. 1 Crore
Asst. General Manager/ Chief Manager Rs. 3 Crore
Dy. General Manager Rs. 6 Crore
General Manager Above Rs. 6 Crores
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49.1. The contract administration would be the responsibility of the
Requisitioner / user department.
49.2. The Requisitioner / user department would be responsible for
submission of service reports along with the invoice to Bill Section
of the Materials Management Department.
49.3. The Requisitioner / user department would intimate the Materials
Management and Finance Departments in case any discrepancy /
deviation has been observed from the deliverables as contracted
for and appropriate action is to be taken in accordance with the
terms of the PO / Contract.
49.4. The onus of informing MMD of the shortfall or under performance
by the vendor would be on the user department. In the absence of
any intimation to the effect from the user department during the
course of the contract, MMD would advise Finance for the release
of the Security Deposit/ Bank Guarantee, on completion of the
warranty / contract period.
49.5. For items and services received directly by the users, the quantum
of penalty to be levied will be determined by the competent
authority in the user department, and the same advised to the
Finance department through the Materials Management
49.6. The Requisitioner/ user department would be responsible for
compilation and submission to the concerned authorities the
details of export obligations for goods imported against the
licenses such as EPCG, etc.
49.7. In the context of facilitation of execution of contracts, the
individual departments would be responsible for activities such as
issuance of gate pass for items / equipments, entry pass for
contractor’s personnel, facilitation of issuance of BCAS / AAI
passes, liaison with the Security Department for police clearance
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certificate of the contractor’s personnel wherever required,
provision of space and infrastructure, etc.
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50.1 New Vendors
The vendor registration process would be a three step process
50.1.1 Online registration through corporate website
All new vendors would be required to register themselves
through the corporate website or the departmental
website Vendors would be
required to click on the vendors’ link to register
themselves. Once the vendors register through this
website, the system will automatically send an e‐mail to
the e‐mail address provided during registration, with the
user name and password to access iSMART system.
Vendors, at this stage, can view only the Public tenders on
the website.
50.1.2 Submission of vendor data through iSMART system.
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50.1.3 Vendor evaluation by the evaluation team.
Vendor evaluation team would primarily comprise of
members from the Materials Management Department
and the Finance Department. If required, members from
other departments, say user department or medical or
security, may be co‐opted for evaluation of the vendors
data. The representative of Materials Management
Department would be the convener of this team. This
team would meet once a fortnight to review the
registration received. This team would scrutinize the
details provided by the vendor. If required, the team can
obtain more details from the vendors. After evaluation,
the team would submit its report to the competent
authority, not below the rank of DGM, in Materials
Management Department for final approval of acceptance
or rejection of the vendor registration process. Once the
approval is granted, the vendor administrator would
update the system accordingly. Now the vendor will have
full access to the system and the vendor is eligible to
participate in selective tenders also. Vendor administrator
would also compile the list of vendors who have been
accepted or rejected on a monthly basis, refer Annexure
M, and upload the information on the website. The status
for such cases would be shown as Approved or Rejected
as the case may be. The Vender Evaluation Report is as at
Annexure N.
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50.2 Existing Vendors
50.2.1 Wherever implemented, all the existing vendors would be
provided with a user name and password in the iSMART
system. Once the access is provided to the vendors, they
would be required to log‐in to the system and provide
details as mentioned in clause 51.1.2 and the evaluation
would be carried out as per clause 51.1.3. All registered
vendors would normally be registered for a period of 5
years unless and until specified during the registration
50.2.2 Wherever SMART is not yet rolled out, a committee would
be set up at each region comprising one nominee from
the Materials Management Department and Finance
Department to evaluate the existing vendors. This
committee would seek details from the vendors, if
already not available
50.3 All new registrations would be compiled on monthly basis.
50.4 All the new registrations would be sorted according to the
category of products and services.
50.5 Vendor Registration Team would be formed at HQ. In case the
vendor has a regional presence only, a list of such vendors would
be conveyed to the concerned regions subject to their having been
found to be qualified by the Vendor Registration Team. If required,
Vendor registration team can co‐opt members from concerned
regions during the evaluation/ verification process. The list of such
vendors will be forwarded to concerned regions, till SMART system
is rolled out to the regions. Once SMART system is rolled out, this
data would automatically be made available to the concerned
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50.6 The recommendations of the team would be approved by a
competent authority.
50.7 The status of the registration process would be duly intimated to
the vendors via e‐mail through iSMART system.
50.8 The Approved Supplier List would be updated in the SMART
system, with the new vendor.
50.9 If a new vendor participates in a public tender, vendor evaluation
would be done by the Vendor Registration team. For this purpose,
representative(s) from other department(s) may be co‐opted. This
team would submit its report to the competent authority for
approval. However, this approval is only for the vendor. On receipt
of this approval, other parameters of the bid, which are specific to
the concerned tender, would be evaluated as per the laid down
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51.1 Normal purchase procedure to be followed by the Station Tender
51.2 The Tender Committee will comprise officers at the appropriate
level, as identified at Annexure A, from the Regional Materials
Management Department, Regional Finance Department and the
Regional User / Indenting Department. In case an officer at the
designated level is not available in a given region, the participation
in the tender committee from the concerned department would
be decided by the ED of the region. The Executive Director‐ Region
will exercise the same financial powers for purchase related
activities as the Executive Director – Materials Management.
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52.1 A senior officer in a given department may exercise all or any of
the powers given to the officers subordinate to him / her in the
same department in line with the Instrument of delegation of
Financial Powers and Administrative Powers.
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Materials Management Department
A. Financial Powers
B. Contracts Awarded
C. Format for Bank Guarantee
D. List of items reserved for purchase from Small Scale Industries.
E. Loading for deviation
F. Undertaking by Evaluation members
G. Authorization letter for Bid opening
H. Bid opening‐ attendance sheet
I. Return of bids.
J. Pre‐Bid Meeting authorization letter
K. Pre‐ Bid Meeting Attendance sheet
L. Vendor Registration Report
M. Vendor Evaluation Report
N. Undertaking for payment against duplicate challan/ invoice
O. Negotiation Sheet
Date of Issue: 1st January 2009 84
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Materials Management Department
Annexure A
Estimated Value of Contract in Composition of TC/ Negotiation Authority Level for Final Award Authority
INR or its equivalent in any Level and Approval of samples Level for
foreign currency signing PO in
Date of Issue: 1st January 2009 85
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Materials Management Department
Annexure B
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Tende Item/ Mode Type of Last Nos. Nos. and Nos. and Whether Contract Nam Valu Sche
r No. Nature of Bidding date of names of names of contract No & e of e of duled
of Tender (Single/ of tender parties parties awarded date Contr Contr date
work Enquiry Two Bid receipt s recd. qualified not to lowest a-ctor act of
System) of after qualified tenderer/ comp
tender technical after evaluate letion
evaluatio technical d L1 of
n evaluation suppl
Date of Issue: 1st January 2009 86
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Materials Management Department
Annexure C
Executive Director ‐ Materials Management
WHEREAS ………………………………………………………………… (name and address of the
supplier) (hereinafter called “the supplier”) has undertaken, in pursuance of contract
no…………………………… dated …………….. to supply (description of goods and services) (herein
after called “the contract”).
AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said contract that the supplier
shall furnish you with a bank guarantee by a scheduled commercial recognized by you for
the sum specified therein as security for compliance with its obligations in accordance with
the contract;
AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the supplier such a bank guarantee;
NOW THEREFORE, we …………………………………. Bank, hereby affirm that we are
guarantors and responsible to you, on behalf of the supplier, up to a total of
…………………………………………….………………………………… (amount of the guarantee in words and
figures), and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand declaring the
supplier to be in default under the contract and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums
within the limits of (amount of guarantee) as aforesaid, without your needing to prove or to
show grounds or reasons for your demand or the sum specified therein.
We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the supplier
before presenting us with the demand.
We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of
the contract to be performed there under or of any of the contract documents which may
be made between you and the supplier shall in any way release us from any liability under
this guarantee and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition or modification.
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Materials Management Department
Annexure C
This guarantee shall be valid until the ………… day of ……… 20…..
(Signature of the authorized officer of the Bank)
Name and designation of the officer
Seal, name & address of the Bank and address of the Branch
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Materials Management Department
Annexure D
1 AAC/ACSR Conductors upto 19 stand
2 Agricultural Implements ‐
3 Hand Operated Tools and Implements
4 Animal Driven Implements
5 Air/Room Coolers
6 Aluminium Builders and Hardware
7 Ambulance Stretcher
8 Ammeters/Ohm Meters/Volt meter (Electro magnetic upto Class I
9 Ankles Web Khaki
10 Augur (Carpenters)
11 Automobile Head Lights Assembly
12 Badges Cloth, embroidered and metals
13 Bags of all types i.e. made of leather, cotton canvas & jute etc.
including kit bags, mail bags, sleeping bags & water‐proof bags.
14 Bandage Cloth
15 Basket cane, (Procurement can also be made from State Forest
Corporation and State handicraft Corporation).
16 Bath Tubs
17 Barbed Wire
18 Battery Charger
19 Battery Eliminators
20 Bean Scales (upto 1.5 tons)
21 Belt Leather and Straps
22 Bench Vices
23 Bituminous Paints
24 Blotting Paper
25 Bolts and Nuts
26 Bolts Sliding
27 Bone Meal
28 Boot Polish
29 Boots and shoes of all types excluding Canvas shoes
30 Bowls
31 Boxes Leather
32 Boxes made of Metal Braces
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Annexure D
33 Braces
34 Brackets other than those in Railways
35 Brass Wire
36 Brief cases (other than moulded luggage)
37 Brooms
38 Brushes of all types
39 Buckets of all types
40 Buttons of all types
41 Candle Wax Carriage
42 Cane Valves/stock valves (for water fittings only)
43 Cans metallic (for milk & measuring)
44 Canvas Products ‐
45 Water Proof Delivery Bags to Specn. No. IS‐1422/7D
46 Bonnet Covers & Radiators Muff. To spec. Drg. Lv7/NSN/IA/130295
47 Caps Cotton & Woolen
48 Caps Waterproof
49 Castor Oil
50 Ceiling Roses upto 15 amps
51 Centrifugal steel Plate Blowers
52 Centrifugal Pumps‐Section and Delivery 150mm. x 150mm.
53 Chaff Cutter Blade
54 Chains lashing
55 Chappals and sandals
56 Chamois Leather
57 Chokes for light fitting
58 Chorme Tanned leather (Semi‐finished Buffalo & Cow)
59 Circlips
60 Claw Bars and Wires
61 Cleaning Powder
62 Clinical Thermometers
63 Cloth Covers
64 Cloth Jaconet
65 Cloth Sponge
66 Coir fibre and Coir yam
67 Coir mattress, cushions and matting
68 Coir Rope hawser laid
69 Community Radio Receivers
70 Conduit pipes
71 Copper nail
72 Copper Napthenate
73 Copper sulphate
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Materials Management Department Annexure D
74 Cord Twine Maker
75 Cordate Others
76 Corrugated Paper Board & Boxes
77 Cotton Absorbent
78 Cotton Belts
79 Cotton Carriers
80 Cotton Cases
81 Cotton Cord Twine
82 Cotton Hosiery
83 Cotton packs
84 Cotton Pouches
85 Cotton Ropes
86 Cotton Singlets
87 Cotton Sling
88 Cotton Straps
89 Cotton tapes and laces
90 Cotton Wool (Non absorbent)
91 Crates Wooden & Plastic
92 (a) Crucibles upto No. 200
93 Crucibles Graphite upto No. 500
94 Other Crucibles upto 30 kgs.
95 Cumbles & blankets
96 Curtains mosquito
97 Cutters
98 Dibutyl phthaiate
99 Diesel engines upto 15 H.P.
100 Dimethyl Phthaiate
101 Disinfectant Fluid
102 Distribution Board upto 15 amps
103 Domestic Electric appliances as per BIS Specifications :‐
‐ Toaster Electric, Elect. Iron, Hot‐Plates, Elect. Mixer Grinders,
‐ Room heaters & convectors and ovens.
104 Domestic (House Wiring) P.V.C. Cables and Wires (Aluminum)
Conforming to the prescribed BIS Specifications and upto 10.00
mm. sq. normial cross section.
105 Drawing & Mathematical Instruments
106 Drums & Barrels
107 Dust Bins
108 Dust Shield leather
109 Duster Cotton all types except the items required in Khadi
110 Dyes
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Materials Management Department Annexure D
111 Azo Dyes (Direct & Acid)
112 Basic Dyes
113 Electric Call bells/buzzers/door bells
114 Electric Soldering Iron
115 Electric Transmission Line Hardware like steel cross bars, cross arms
clamps arching arm, brackets etc.
116 Electronic door bell.
117 Emergency Light (Rechargeable type)
118 Enamel Wares & Enamel Utensils
119 Enamel camoulflate Bamboo support
120 Exhaust Muffler
121 Expanded Metal
122 Eyelets
123 Films Polythene‐including wide film
124 Films spool & cans
125 Fire Extinguishers (well type)
126 Foot powder
127 French polish
128 Funnels
129 Fuse Cut outs
130 Fuse Unit
131 Garments (excluding supply from Indian Ordnance Factories)
132 Gas mantels
133 Gauze cloth
134 Gauze surgical all types
135 Ghamellas (Tasllas)
136 Glass Ampules
137 Glass & Pressed Wares
138 Glue
139 Grease Nipples & Grease guns
140 Gun Cases
141 Gun Metal Bushes
142 Gum tape
143 Hand drawn carts of all types
144 Hand gloves of all types
145 Hand Lamps Railways
146 Hand numbering machine
147 Hand pounded Rice (polished and unpolished)
148 Hand presses
149 Hand Pump
150 Hand Tools
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Materials Management Department Annexure D
151 Handles wooden and bamboo (Procurement can also be made from
State Forest Corpn. And State Handicraft Corporation).
152 Hamess Leather
153 Hasps & Staples
154 Haver Sacks
155 Helmet Non‐Metallic
156 Hide and country leather of all types
157 Hinges
158 Hob nails
159 Hold all
160 Honey'
161 Horse and Mule Shoes
162 Hydraulic Jacks below 30 ton capacity
163 Insecticides Dust and Sprayers (Manual only)
164 Invalid wheeled chairs
165 Invertor domestic type upto 5 KVA
166 Iron (dhobi)
167 Key board wooden
168 Kit boxes
169 Kudali
170 Lace leather
171 Lamp holders
172 Lamp signal
173 Lanterns Posts & bodies
174 Lanyard
175 Lantex foam sponge
176 Lanthies
177 Letter Boxes
178 Lighting Arresters ‐ upto 22 kv
179 Link Clip
180 Linseed Oil
181 Lint Plain
182 Lockers
183 Lubricants
184 L.T. Porcelain KITKAT & Fuse Grips
185 Machine Screws
186 Magnesium Sulphate
187 Mallet Wooden
188 Manhole covers
189 Measuring Tapes and Sticks
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Materials Management Department Annexure D
190 Metal clad switches (upto 30 Amps)
191 Metal Polish
192 Metallic containers and drums other than N.E.C. (not elsewhere
193 Metric weight
194 Microscope for normal medical use
195 Miniature bulbs (for torches only)
196 M.S. Tie Bars
197 Nail Cutters
198 Naphthalene Balls
199 Newar
200 Nickel Sulphate
201 Nylon Stocking
202 Nylon Tapes and Laces
203 Oil Bound Distemper
204 Oil Stoves (Wick Stoves only)
205 Pad locks of all types
206 Paint remover
207 Palma Rosa oil
208 Palmgur
209 Pans Lavatory Flush
210 Paper conversion products, paper bags, envelops, Ice‐cream cup,
paper cup and saucers & paper plates
211 Paper Tapes (Gummed)
212 Papads
213 Pickles & Chutney
214 Piles fabric
215 Pillows
216 Plaster of paris
217 Plastic Blow Moulded Containers upto 20 litre excluding Poly
Ethylene Terpthalate (PET) Containers
218 Plastic cane
219 Playing Cards
220 Plugs & Sockets electric upto 15 Amp.
221 Polythene Bags
222 Polythene pipes
223 Post picket (wooden)
224 Postal Lead Seals
225 Potassium Nitrate
226 Pouches
227 Pressure Die Casting upto 0.75 kg.
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Materials Management Department Annexure D
228 Privy pans
229 Pulley wire
230 PVC footwear
231 PVC pipes upto 110 mm.
232 PVC Insulated Aluminium Cables (upto 120 Sq. mm) (ISS:694)
233 Quilts, Razais
234 Rags
235 Railways carriage light fittings
236 Rakes Ballast
237 Razors
238 RCC Pipes upto 1200 mm. Dia
239 RCC Poles Prestressed
240 Rivets of all types
241 Rolling Shutters
242 Roof light fittings
243 Rubber Balloons
244 Rubber Cord
245 Rubber Hoses (Unbranded)
246 Rubber Tubing (Excluding braided rubbing)
247 Rubberised Garments Cap and caps etc.
248 Rust/Scale Removing Composition
249 Safe meat & milk
250 Safety matches
251 Safety Pins (and other similar products like paper pins, staple pins
252 Sanitary Plumbing Fitting
253 Sanitary Towels
254 Scientific Laboratory glassware (Barring sophisticated items)
255 Scissors cutting (ordinary)
256 Screws of all types including High Tensile
257 Sheep skin all types
258 Shellac
259 Shoes laces
260 Shovels
261 Sign Boards painted
262 Silk ribbon
263 Silk webbing
264 Ski boots & shoes
265 Sluice Valves
266 Snapfastner (Excluding 4 pcs. Ones)
267 Soap Carbolic
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Materials Management Department Annexure D
268 Soap Curd
269 Soap Liquid
270 Soap Soft
271 Soap washing or laundry soap
272 Soap Yellow
273 Socket/pipes
274 Sodium Nitrate
275 Sodium silicate
276 Sole leather
277 Spectacle frames
278 Spiked boots
279 Sports shoes made out of leather (for all sports games)
280 Squirrel Cage Induction Motors upto and including 100 KW 440
volts 3 phase
281 Stapling machine
282 Steel Almirah
283 Steel beds stead
284 Steel chair
285 Steel desks
286 Steel racks/shelf
287 Steel stools
288 Steel trunks
289 Steel wool
290 Steel & aluminium windows and ventilators
291 Stockinet
292 Stone and stone quarry rollers
293 Stoneware jars
294 Standard wire
295 Street light fittings
296 Student Microscope
297 Studs (excluding high tensile)
298 Surgical Gloves (Except Plastic)
299 Table knives (Excluding Cutlery)
300 Tack Metallic
301 Taps
302 Tarpaulins
303 Teak Fabricated round blocks
304 Tent poles
305 Tentage Civil/Military & Salitah jute for Tentage
306 Textile manufactures other than N.E.C. (not elsewhere classified)
307 Tiles
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Materials Management Department Annexure D
308 Tin Boxes for postage stamp
309 Tin can unprinted upto 4 gallons capacity (other than can (O.T.S.)
310 Tin Mess
311 Tip Boots
312 Toggle Switches
313 Toilets Rolls
314 Transformer type welding sets conforming to IS:1291/75 (upto 600
315 Transistor Radio upto 3 band
316 Transistor Insulation – Testers
317 Trays
318 Trays for postal use
319 Trolley
320 Trollies ‐ drinking water
321 Tubular Poles
322 Tyres & Tubes (Cycles)
323 Umbrellas
324 Utensils all types
325 Valves Metallic
326 Varnish Black Japan
327 Voltage stabilisers including C.V.T's
328 Washers all types
329 Water Proof Covers
330 Water Proof paper
331 Water tanks upto 15,000 liters capacity
332 Wax sealing
333 Waxed paper
334 Weighing Scale
335 Welded Wiremash
336 Wheel barrows
337 Whistle
338 Wicks cotton
339 Wing Shield Wipers (Arms & Blades only)
340 Wire brushes and Fibre Brushes
341 Wire Fencing & Fittings
342 Wire nails and Horse shoe nails
343 Wire nettings of gauze thicker than 100 mesh size
344 Wood wool
345 Wooden ammunition boxes
346 Wooden Boards
347 Wooden Box for Stamps
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Materials Management Department Annexure D
348 Wooden Boxed and cases N.E.C. (Not elsewhere classified)
349 Wooden Chairs
350 Wooden Flush Door Shutters
351 Wooden packing cases all sizes
352 Wooden pins
353 Wooden plugs
354 Wooden shelves
355 Wooden veneers
356 Woolen hosiery
357 Zinc sulphate
358 Zip Fasteners
Date of Issue: 1st January 2009 98
Issue 1 Rev 0
Materials Management Department
Annexure E
1. Advance Payment
2. Warranty
3. Delivery Period
1. Advance Payment (Prior to delivery): @ 12 % per annum calculated on pro‐rata
Basic Rate Rs. 1,00,000/‐
Taxes applicable 4% VAT and 5.5 % Octroi
Delivery Period 4 Weeks
Payment due after 30 days of delivery
Loading for advance payment will be 2 Months i.e. 2% on the basic rate i.e.
Rs. 2,000/‐ on Rs 1,00, 000/‐
Therefore the total landed cost would be calculated as follows
Basic Rate 1,00,000/‐
VAT 4% 4,000/‐
Octroi 5.5% 5,720/‐
Loading 2,000/‐
TOTAL 1,11,720/‐
In case the payment is on delivery the loading will be
Basic Rate Rs. 1,00,000/‐
Taxes applicable 4% VAT and 5.5 % Octroi
Payment due after 30 days of delivery
Loading for payment against delivery will be 1 Months i.e. 1% on the basic rate i.e.
Rs. 1,000/‐ on Rs 1,00, 000/‐
Therefore the total landed cost would be calculated as follows
Basic Rate 1,00,000/‐
VAT 4% 4,000/‐
Octroi 5.5% 5,720/‐
Loading 1,000/‐
TOTAL 1,10,720/‐
Date of Issue: 1st January 2009 99
Issue 1 Rev 0
Materials Management Department
Annexure E
2. Warranty: @ 10% per annum calculated on pro‐rata basis
Basic Rate Rs. 1,00,000/‐
Taxes applicable 4% VAT and 5.5 % Octroi
Warranty period 2 years as per tender
Warranty quoted 1 year
Loading for warranty period will be 12 Months i.e. 10% on the basic rate i.e. Rs.
10,000/‐ on Rs 1,00, 000/‐
Therefore the total landed cost would be calculated as follows
Basic Rate 1,00,000/‐
VAT 4% 4,000/‐
Octroi 5.5% 5,720/‐
Loading 10,000/‐
TOTAL 1,19,720/‐
3. Delivery period
Basic Rate Rs. 1,00,000/‐
Taxes applicable 4% VAT and 5.5 % Octroi
Delivery Period as per tender 4 Weeks
Delivery Period quoted – 6 Weeks
Loading for delivery period will be 1/2 Month i.e. 0.5% on the basic rate i.e.Rs. 500/‐
on Rs 1,00, 000/‐
Therefore the total landed cost would be calculated as follows
Basic Rate 1,00,000/‐
VAT 4% 4,000/‐
Octroi 5.5% 5,720/‐
Loading 500/‐
TOTAL 1,10,220/‐
Date of Issue: 1st January 2009 100
Issue 1 Rev 0
Materials Management Department
Annexure F
Date : ______________
Tender no. ________________________
Description :
We, the following committee members for the subject tender, confirm that none of us has
any personal interest in the companies/ agencies participating in the subject tender process.
Date of Issue: 1st January 2009 101
Issue 1 Rev 0
Materials Management Department
Annexure G
The DGM (Materials Management),
National Aviation Company of India Ltd,
Subject : Authorisation for attending bid opening
Tender No. ___________ Closing Date: ______________
Opening Date ______________ Opening Time ____________
The following person(s) are hereby authorised to attend the bid opening for the tender
mentioned above on our behalf.
Sr. No Name E‐Mail ID Contact No. Signature
Authorised Signatory
Note : 1. Permission for entry to the hall where bids are opened, may be refused in case
authorization as prescribed above is not received.
2. The authorized representatives, in their own interest, must reach the venue of bid
opening well in time.
3. The authorized representatives must carry a valid photo identity.
Date of Issue: 1st January 2009 102
Issue 1 Rev 0
Materials Management Department
Annexure H
DATE : ____________
TENDER NO. ________________ SECTION: __________
Subject : ___________________________________________________
The following vendors were present for tender opening.
Date of Issue: 1st January 2009 103
Issue 1 Rev 0
Materials Management Department
Annexure H
Name & Signature of Tender Opening Committee members
Date of Issue: 1st January 2009 104
Issue 1 Rev 0
Materials Management Department
Annexure I
To Date: ________
______________________ Reference No. _____________
Sub: Return of price bids
Sir/ Madam
Please refer to your price bid submitted against our tender no. ___________ dated
______________ .
In connection with the above tender, this is to advise that your price bid was not opened as
your technical bid did not qualify in terms of compliance with the tender requirements. You
are, therefore, requested to collect your price bid from the office of the undersigned within
the next 30 days. Your representative must carry an authorization letter in order to enable
us to hand over the same.
In case you do not collect the price bid within the stipulated 30 days, NACIL reserves the
right to destroy the bid without any further intimation to you, and no communication
whatsoever in this regard would be entertained subsequently.
We thank you for having participated in the tender.
Name of the Materials Management official
Contact No
E‐Mail ID
Date of Issue: 1st January 2009 105
Issue 1 Rev 0
Materials Management Department
Annexure I
To Date: ___________
Tender No ………………………… Tender Date …………………………. Due Date …………………………………
Vendor Name ____________________________
We, hereby, acknowledge the receipt of our price bid against the above mentioned tender
number. The same is in sealed condition and NACIL has no obligation with regard to this
(Signature of Bidder Representative)
Encl: Price Bid
Date of Issue: 1st January 2009 106
Issue 1 Rev 0
Materials Management Department
Annexure J
( To reach DGM‐Procurement on or before date of Pre‐bid conference )
The DGM (Materials Management),
National Aviation Company of India Ltd,
Subject : Authorisation for attending Pre‐bid Conference
Tender No. ___________ Due Date: ______________
Pre‐Bid Conference Date __________
The following person(s) are hereby authorised to attend the pre‐bid conference for the
tender mentioned above on our behalf.
Sr. No Name E‐Mail ID Contact No. Signature
Authorised Signatory
Note : 1. Permission for entry to the hall where bids are opened, may be refused in case
authorization as prescribed above is not received.
2. The authorized representatives, in their own interest, must reach the venue of bid
opening well in time.
3. The authorized representatives must carry a valid photo identity.
Date of Issue: 1st January 2009 107
Issue 1 Rev 0
Materials Management Department
Annexure K
DATE : ___________
TENDER NO: ___________ SECTION: _________
Subject : ___________________________________________________
The following vendors were present for Pre‐bid meeting.
Date of Issue: 1st January 2009 108
Issue 1 Rev 0
Materials Management Department
Annexure K
Name & Signature of Pre‐Bid Committee members
Date of Issue: 1st January 2009 109
Issue 1 Rev 0
Materials Management Department
Annexure L
Vendors applied for registration for the month of _______________
Date of Issue: 1st January 2009 110
Issue 1 Rev 0
Materials Management Department
Annexure M
Following Vendors have been approved / rejected for the month of
Date of Issue: 1st January 2009 111
Issue 1 Rev 0
Materials Management Department
Annexure N
Subject : Undertaking for payment against duplicate challan/ invoice
Purchase Order No. ___________ Purchase Order Date: ______________
Invoice No. _________________ Invoice Date:________________________
Challan No. ___________________ Challan Date: _____________________
This is to state that this is a duplicate invoice / challan and no payment has been received
by us against the above mentioned PO. However, if it is later found that payment has been
received, the same will be refunded to NACIL.
Authorised Signatory
(with Stamp)
Date of Issue: 1st January 2009 112
Issue 1 Rev 0
Materials Management Department
Annexure O
RFI No. ____________________ RFI Date: ________________________
RFQ No. __________________ RFQ Date: ________________________
A price negotiation meeting was held in the office of _______________________________
On _________________ at _____________am/pm. The following participants were present:
NACIL Vendor
Following points were discussed and agreed upon:
Vendor (Authorised Signatory) ____________________________
Date of Issue: 1st January 2009 113
Issue 1 Rev 0