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Metric ISO Thread: Bolt Thread 6g Nut Thread 6H

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DIN 13 Metric ISO thread

Extract Tolerance fields 6g / 6H

Bolt thread 6g Nut thread 6H

Gradient P

Major-Ø d Pitch-Ø d 2 Minor-Ø d1 Major-Ø D Pitch-Ø D 2 Minor-Ø D1


max. min. max. min. max. min. min. max. min. max. min. max.

M 3 0.5  2.980  2.874  2.655  2.580  2.367  2.273  3.000  2.675  2.775  2.459  2.599
M 4 0.7  3.978  3.838  3.523  3.433  3.119  3.002  4.000  3.545  3.663  3.242  3.422
M 5 0.8  4.976  4.826  4.456  4.361  3.995  3.869  5.000  4.480  4.605  4.134  4.334

not specified
M 6 1  5.974  5.794  5.324  5.212  4.747  4.596  6.000  5.350  5.500  4.917  5.153
M 8 1.25  7.972  7.760  7.160  7.042  6.438  6.272  8.000  7.188  7.348  6.647  6.912
M 10 1.5  9.968  9.732  8.994  8.862  8.128  7.938 10.000  9.026  9.206  8.376  8.676
M 12 1.75 11.966 11.701 10.829 10.679  9.819  9.602 12.000 10.863 11.063 10.106 10.441
M 14 2 13.962 13.682 12.663 12.503 11.508 11.271 14.000 12.701 12.913 11.835 12.210
M 16 2 15.962 15.682 14.663 14.503 13.508 13.274 16.000 14.701 14.913 13.835 14.210
M 20 2.5 19.958 19.623 18.334 18.164 16.891 16.625 20.000 18.376 18.600 17.294 17.744
M 24 3 23.952 23.577 22.003 21.803 20.271 19.955 24.000 22.051 22.316 20.752 21.252

The limiting sizes for standard threads given in the table comply with
- tolerance field 6g for bolt threads
- tolerance field 6H for nut threads.
The metric steel and metal threads specified in this catalogue are based on the tolerance fields given above.
For threads in plastic standard parts (without steel or metallic thread insert) this tolerances can as a rule not be maintained
for production-orientated reasons.

www.jwwinco.com | phone: 1-800-877-8351

Extract from DIN / ISO standard | Page 1
DIN 13 Metric ISO fine thread
Extract Tolerance fields 6g / 6H

Bolt thread 6g Nut thread 6H

Gradient P

Major-Ø d Pitch-Ø d 2 Minor-Ø d1 Major-Ø D Pitch-Ø D 2 Minor-Ø D1


max. min. max. min. max. min. min. max. min. max. min. max.

M  5 0.5  4.980  4.874  4.655  4.580  4.367  4.273  5.000  4.675  4.775  4.459  4.599
M  6 0.5  5.980  5.874  5.655  5.570  5.367  5.263  6.000  5.675  5.787  5.459  5.599
M  8 0.5  7.980  7.874  7.655  7.570  7.367  7.263  8.000  7.675  7.787  7.459  7.599
M 10 0.5  9.980  9.874  9.655  9.570  9.367  9.263 10.000  9.675  9.787  9.459  9.599
M 12 0.5 11.980 11.874 11.655 11.565 11.367 11.258 12.000 11.675 11.793 11.459 11.599
M  6 0.75  5.978  5.838  5.491  5.391  5.058  4.929  6.000  5.513  5.645  5.188  5.378
M  8 0.75  7.978  7.838  7.491  7.391  7.058  6.929  8.000  7.513  7.645  7.188  7.378
M 10 0.75  9.978  9.838  9.491  9.391  9.058  8.929 10.000  9.513  9.645  9.188  9.378
M 12 0.75 11.978 11.838 11.491 11.385 11.058 10.923 12.000 11.513 11.653 11.188 11.378
M 16 0.75 15.978 15.838 15.491 15.385 15.058 14.923 16.000 15.513 15.653 15.188 15.378
M  8 1  7.974  7.794  7.324  7.212  6.747  6.596  8.000  7.350  7.500  6.917  7.153
M 10 1  9.974  9.794  9.324  9.212  8.747  8.596 10.000  9.350  9.500  8.917  9.153
M 12 1 11.974 11.794 11.324 11.206 10.747 10.590 12.000 11.350 11.510 10.917 11.153
not specified

M 16 1 15.974 15.794 15.324 15.206 14.747 14.590 16.000 15.350 15.510 14.917 15.153
M 20 1 19.974 19.794 19.324 19.206 18.747 18.590 20.000 19.350 19.510 18.917 19.153
M 12 1.5 11.968 11.732 10.994 10.854 10.128  9.930 12.000 11.026 11.216 10.376 10.676
M 14 1.5 13.968 13.732 12.994 12.854 12.128 11.930 14.000 13.026 13.216 12.376 12.676
M 16 1.5 15.968 15.732 14.994 14.854 14.128 13.930 16.000 15.026 15.216 14.376 14.676
M 18 1.5 17.968 17.732 16.994 16.854 16.128 15.930 18.000 17.026 17.216 16.376 16.676
M 20 1.5 19.968 19.732 18.994 18.854 18.128 17.930 20.000 19.026 19.216 18.376 18.676
M 22 1.5 21.968 21.732 20.994 20.854 20.128 19.930 22.000 21.026 21.216 20.376 20.676
M 26 1.5 25.968 25.732 24.994 24.844 24.128 23.920 26.000 25.026 25.226 24.376 24.676
M 27 1.5 26.968 26.732 25.994 25.844 25.128 24.920 27.000 26.026 26.226 25.376 25.676
M 30 1.5 29.968 29.732 28.994 28.844 28.128 27.920 30.000 29.026 29.226 28.376 28.676
M 35 1.5 34.968 34.732 33.994 33.844 33.128 32.920 35.000 34.026 34.226 33.376 33.676
M 40 1.5 39.968 39.732 38.994 38.844 38.128 37.920 40.000 39.026 39.226 38.376 38.676
M 20 2 19.962 19.682 18.663 18.503 17.508 17.271 20.000 18.701 18.913 17.835 18.210
M 24 2 23.962 23.682 22.663 22.493 21.508 21.261 24.000 22.701 22.925 21.835 22.210
M 30 2 29.962 29.682 28.663 28.493 27.508 27.261 30.000 28.701 28.925 27.835 28.210
M 36 2 35.962 35.682 34.663 34.493 33.508 33.261 36.000 34.701 34.925 33.835 34.210
M 42 2 41.962 41.682 40.663 40.493 39.508 39.261 42.000 40.701 40.925 39.835 40.210
The limiting sizes for standard threads given in the table For threads in plastic standard parts (without steel or
comply with metallic thread insert) this tolerances can as a rule not be
- tolerance field 6g for bolt threads maintained for production-orientated reasons.
- tolerance field 6H for nut threads.
The metric steel and metal threads specified in this catalogue
are based on the tolerance fields given above.
www.jwwinco.com | phone: 1-800-877-8351
Page 2 | Extract from DIN / ISO standard

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