Helier PT QB
Helier PT QB
Helier PT QB
6. A visible dye Penetrant is not as sensitive as most
fluorescent dye penetrants. Why?
a. A red visible dye needs a thicker threshold film.
b. A visible dye does not emit light to attract the eye.
c. A thick developer coat to provide a good white
background can mask an indication
d. All of the above.
e. Only ‘a’ and ‘c’ above
11. It is often recommended that sulp0hur content by limited
to what percent of the penetrant?
a. 0.01 %
b. 0.1 %
c. 1.0 %
d. 1.1 %
16. The primary requirement of a developer is to form an
indication. Essential developer action is to:
a. Draw a sufficient amount of penetrant from a flaw to form
an indication.
b. Expand the width to the indication to make it detectable
by the eye.
c. Decrease the brightness of the dye above bulk
d. All of the above.
e. Only ‘a’ and ‘b’ above.
21. Which application method provides the greatest
a. Keep the part continuously submerged in the penetrant
during the dwell time.
b. Dip the part into the penetrant; remove and drain for the
remainder of the dwell time.
c. Apply the penetrant with a brush; continue applying
penetrant to keep the surface fluid.
d. All of the above provide equal sensitivities.
26. What is the usual emulsifier dwell time range for a
Group VI penetrant in a lipophilic emulsifier?
a. ½ to 3 minutes
b. 1 to 5 minutes
c. 2 to 10 minutes
d. 3 to 20 minutes
31. Post cleaning would be very important in situations
where any residue of penetrant or developer might
combine with other materials while the part is in service
as it might produce:
a. A contrasting background
b. False penetrant indications
c. A fatigue crack
d. Corrosive action
35. The wash nozzle should provide what type of spray for
water –washable penetrant?
a. A very fine soft spray
b. A coarse soft spray
c. A coarse brisk spray
d. A hard scrubbing spray.
36. Which of the following fluorescent indications would
most likely represent a tight or contaminated crack?
a. A line of bright fluorescent sports
b. A wide bright line
c. One small spot
d. A cluster of spots.
41. In the Inspection of turbine blade4s the Inspector wiped
the indications off the leading edge and reapplied the
developer. Some of the small indications did not return;
some of the larger indications reappeared. What is the
proper evaluation?
a. Irrelevant indications
b. False indications
c. Fine, shallow, tight cracks which held a very small amount
of penetrant the indication will not redevelop
d. The wrong developer was used
45. Which of the following characteristics of a fluorescent
penetrant indication can be used to evaluate the type
and cause of the discontinuity?
a. Brightness
b. Size and shape
c. Location
d. Persistence
e. All of the above
50. Which of the following discontinuities in a raw sand
casting can be detected with penetrants?
a. Hot tears
b. Cold shuts
c. Porosity
d. All of the above
55. Which of the following are likely to be found in a weld?
a. Mis-run
b. Crater cracks
c. Laps
d. Shrinkage porosity
61. The first step in evaluating the use of penetrant on a
plastic material is to:
a. Degrease the part.
b. Check the penetrant test materials compatibility with the
c. Apply a water-washable fluorescent penetrant.
d. Remove oxidation from the surface.
65. How does recracking the aluminum test block at 800º F
(427º C) affect its sensitivity?
a. Decreases sensitivity because cracks are enlarged
b. Increases sensitivity because existing cracks contract and
become tighter
c. does not affect sensitivity
d. None of the above, since recracking cannot be
accomplished effectively
70. The spot caused by contaminated penetrant in a
meniscus lens test should compare in which way with
the standard penetrant?
a. It should be smaller than the standard
b. It should be larger than the standard
c. It should be the same as the
d. Its size is irrelevant, brightness is what is measured in a
meniscus lens test.
75. What property of a liquid is measured by a hydrometer?
a. Temperature
b. Density
c. Specific gravity
d. Viscosity
80. A reliable penetrant inspection requires that:
a. All schedules are met.
b. The procedures meet government requirements.
c. The penetrant tests are reproducible.
d. 100% of all discontinuities in the parts be detected.
85. For weld inspection you must:
a. Preclean and cover with penetrant the weld area and
base metal for one inch on each side of the weld
b. Preclean and cover with penetrant the weld area and
base metal for one half inch on each side of the weld
c. Preclean two inches of base metal on either side of the
d. Preclean the weld and one inch of base metal on each
side of the weld
90. To inspect a seven foot long longitudinal seam weld you
would use Turbo Solvent Removable Penetrant
materials or some equivalent brand provided they are
certified materials.
a. True
b. False
95. The liquid developer may be applied by:
a. Dipping
b. Spraying
c. Brushing
d. Spraying with compressed air apparatus provided a filter
is placed in the air line
1 D 31 D 61 B 91 B
2 B 32 D 62 D 92 D
3 C 33 B 63 A 93 C
4 B 34 D 64 D 94 C
5 A 35 C 65 A 95 B
6 E 36 A 66 C 96 A
7 A 37 C 67 A 97 B 4 mm
8 D 38 B 68 B 98 B 4 mm
9 D 39 D 69 A
B less than 1mm gap
10 C 40 C 70 D
99 & more than 10
11 C 41 C 71 B defects in 6 sq in
12 A 42 C 72 A
13 A 43 E 73 A 100 A
14 C 44 D 74 D
15 D 45 E 75 B
16 E 46 C 76 E
17 A 47 A 77 D
18 B 48 D 78 D
19 A 49 A 79 E
20 B 50 D 80 C
21 B 51 B 81 C
22 B 52 D 82 B
23 B 53 A 83 C
24 B 54 B 84 B
25 A 55 B 85 D
26 A 56 C 86 B
27 D 57 D 87 C
28 C 58 D 88 A
29 B 59 C 89 C
30 C 60 A 90 B