APSEIP Biannual Report Jan Jun 2015 PDF
APSEIP Biannual Report Jan Jun 2015 PDF
APSEIP Biannual Report Jan Jun 2015 PDF
Enhancement Investment
October, 2015
Table of Content
Executive Summary (ES)......................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Project Description .............................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Scope of Report .................................................................................................................. 6
2.1 Status of Project Implementation ........................................................................................ 6
2.2 Consultancy Services to support PMU ................................................................................ 6
3.1 Project Safeguard Review ................................................................................................... 6
3.1.1 Social Safeguard ................................................................................................................. 6
3.1.2 Environmental Safeguard .................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Safeguards Implementation Status .................................................................................... 10
3.2.1 Social Safeguard Activities ................................................................................................ 10
3.2.2 Environmental Safeguard Activities ................................................................................... 10
4.0 Grievance Redress Mechanism ........................................................................................ 12
5.0 Consultations and Disclosure ............................................................................................ 12
Assam Power Sector Enhancement Investment Program Bi-annual Social Safeguard Monitoring Report Tranche – 4
However, caution to obtain to obtain permission from local forest officer for tree cutting/pruning during
stringing of distribution line and compliance to various the nation and sate’s environmental regulations
during various stages of project implementation.
ES 3.2 Safeguards Implementation Status
Social Safeguard
The process for purchasing private land transfer of government land identified for construction of 20 sub-
stations are in progress. Mutual negotiation process is ongoing with three individual owners. In case of
government land, implementing agency is coordinating with concerned government department.
For distribution line, land is not required for pole erection. The impacts on crop, trees, structures, livelihoods
etc. due to stringing of distribution line will be assessed during RoW verification. According, entitlement will
be identified and compensated.
Environmental Safeguard
The needs for obtaining permission under various environmental regulation is being assessed. The need for
EC though not envisaged, but will be confirmed once building design for control room and office are
finalised. In case of seven sub-stations coming with 10km radius from boundary of environmentally sensitive
areas, the need for wildlife clearance will be assessed in consultation with concerned wildlife department.
Forest land diversion is not involved for sub-stations, hence FC will not be required. But, permission for tree
cutting/pruning during stringing of distribution line will be ensure as and when needs arises.
The civil works has not started and compliance to EMP measures will be reported once works starts at site.
The environmental monitoring as needed is EMP is yet to start.
ES 4.0 Grievance Redress Mechanism
Grievance Redress Committee is still to be established and will be initiated for Tranche-4 in line with does
existing GRC established for Tranche 3.
ES 5.0 Consultation and Disclosure
The implementing agency is interacting and informing about the project to the local peoples of the villages
during site identification of sub-stations land. All documents prepared for the project are disclosed in website
ES 6.0 Compliance to Loan Agreement
The safeguard covenants compliance will be ensured once works at site starts.
ES 7.0 Project Implementation Schedule
Currently, emphasise is on taking over of possession of land for sub-stations. The detailed implementation
schedule will be submitted from next bi-annual report.
ES 8.0 Conclusion
Environmental and Social Safeguards are integral part of the ‘Loan Agreement’ and EA is abide by and to
ensure compliance with conditions in the covenant. All environmental and social safeguards activities are in
various stages of advancement and will further ensure project has minimum environment and social
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Assam Power Sector Enhancement Investment Program Bi-annual Social Safeguard Monitoring Report Tranche – 4
1.0 Introduction
Assam Power Sector Enhancement Investment Program (The Program) is being funded under Multi-
Tranche Financing Facility (MFF) lending approach of Asian Development Bank (ADB). The Program is an
endeavour to conduct low carbon power sector development, among others, through (i) reducing technical
loss and enhancing physical capacity of transmission and distribution network, and (ii) promoting Demand
Side Management (DSM) in tandem with increase of power generation capacities mainly by other agencies.
Assam Power Distribution Company Limited (APDCL) will be the Executing Agency (EA) for the MFF.
Government of Assam (GoA) through Government of India (GOI) has requested the Asian Development
Bank (ADB) for an MFF to partly fund the power sector investment program in the state of Assam and the
same was approved and the loan is under implementation. The investment program covers physical
investments in transmission, distribution, energy efficiency, and non-physical investments in management
information system. The investments to be supported by ADB will (i) improve quality and reliability of power;
(ii) remove transmission bottlenecks; (iii) facilitate in state and interregional power transfers; (iv) facilitate a
reduction in overall system losses; (v) improve energy efficiency, capitalize related carbon market
opportunities; and (vi) improve utility operational and financial performance. The proposed program will
sustain the reform agenda established with earlier ADB support, and is expected to help to attract other
long-term financiers to the sector.
Three tranches under ‘the Program’ are in implementation stage. Due to competitive bidding process and
the depreciation of the Indian currency against the US Dollar resulted in loan savings of $50.2 million under
the MFF from three tranches. These savings were realized while the committed outputs of the MFF being
delivered. Subsequent to realization of these savings, APDCL and GOA requested ADB to consider
financing a supplementary tranche under the ongoing MFF. The ‘Periodic Financing Request’ (Tranche 4)
submitted by GoA was approved by ADB on July 7, 2014 and considered extension of the MFF availability
period from 30 June 2015 up to 31 October 2019. The ‘Project Agreement’ and ‘Loan Agreement’ were
signed on February 20, 2015.
1.1 Project Description
As part of Assam Power Sector Enhancement Investment Programme, the Tranche-4 will have two major
outputs: (i) enhanced capacity of distribution system; (ii) improved technology of operation and maintenance
(O&M) systems. The sub-projects proposed under Tranche 4 has been bundled into four contract packages
i.e. package 1, package 2, package 3 and package 4. The package 1 and 2 involves construction activities
and is like to trigger safeguards requirements, while package 3 and 4 are related to operation stage
activities. The various sub-projects identified under Tranche-4 are in Annexure 1. The Loan Agreement of
Tranche 4 was signed on February 20, 2015 and the loan closing date is June 30, 2019. Assam Power
Distribution Company Limited (APDCL) is the executing agency for the Assam Power Sector Enhancement
Investment Program (APSEIP), Tranche-4. The field units of APDCL i.e. implementing agency, will provide
the support and monitor implementation of sub-project under this tranche. Please note that the APSEIP
Tranche-4 is hereinafter and throughout this Report, referred to as the ‘Project’.
construction schedule for construction of distribution line will be done during the off season, thereby
minimising crop damages.
Table 1.0: Details on Land Requirements and Ownership for 33/11 kV Substation
(as per RP, August 2014)
Sl No Area (Ha) Ownership Name of the Owner
(33/11 kV substation)
1 33/11kV Bindukuri 0.2 Tea Estate Land Tezpur & Ghara TE
2 33/11kV Borjuli 0.134 Government Land Not Applicable
3 33/11kV Bedeti 0.3 Tea Estate Land Bihali TE
4 33/11kV Singri 0.268 Government Land Not Applicable
5 33/11kV Rakhyshmari 0.268 Government Land Not Applicable
6 33/11kV Borsola 0.268 Government Land Not Applicable
7 33/11kV Baghjan 0.268 Tea Estate Land Baghjan TE
8 33/11kV Gangabari 0.45 Private Land Md. Samad Ali
9 33/11kV Mahakali 0.134 Private Land Chandradhar Malakar
10 33/11kV Dholla 0.268 Tea Estate Land Dholla TE
11 33/11kV Gelapukhuri 0.134 Private Land Mr. Mrinal Dohutia
12 33/11kV Philobari 0.268 Tea Estate Land Philobari TE
13 3311/kV Pawoi 0.132 Tea Estate Land Pawoi TE
14 33/11kV Borhat 0.162 Government Land APDCL
15 33//11 kV Napuk 0.159 Private Land Md. Asfik Ali
16 33/11kV Gharamara 0.201 Private Land [to be confirmed]
Naresh Chandra Dev
17 33/11 kV Namsung 0.201 Private Land Jagat Ray Ghatwar
18 33/11kV Radhabari 0.258 Tea Estate Land Radhabari TE
19 33/11kV Nahorbari 0.408 Tea Estate Land Naharbari TE
20 33/11kV Dayang 0.194 Tea Estate Land Dayang TE
Source: Resettlement Plan Document (August 2014), Prepared by: APDCL, GoA
As per the Resettlement planning documents, the land requirements for the proposed new 33/11kV sub-
station will required a total of 4.68 Ha. The construction of six sub-stations is likely to need for acquisition of
1.28 ha of private land thereby economically displacing six households. No non-titleholders were identified
and impacts on any structures or buildings is not recorded at sub-station location area.
Table 2: Summary of Impacts
Sl No Impacts Unit RP (August, 2014)
of Tranche – 4
1 Land area Requirement
a Total area of agriculture private land Ha 1.28
b Total area of Tea Garden private land Ha 2.30
c Total area of Community land Ha -
d Total area of government land Ha 1.10
e Total Land Area Requirements Ha 4.68
2 Total number of economically displaced family No. 6
3 Total number of vulnerable households No. 1
Environmentally-sensitive areas include National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries, Bio-reserve zones, Eco Sensitive
Zones, or wetlands as declared by GoI and areas declared as heritage sites. Environment and wildlife Department’s
approval is required for right-of-way and sites located in reserved forests, wildlife preserves, national parks, and
other designated sensitive areas.
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Assam Power Sector Enhancement Investment Program Bi-annual Social Safeguard Monitoring Report Tranche – 4
Name of Regulation Applicability
1 The Indian Factories Act, 1948 and State Rules May be
2 The Shops and Establishment Act and State Rules Yes
3 The Petroleum Act, 1934 and the Petroleum Rules Yes
4 Gas Cylinder Rules and Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels (Unfired) Rules, 1981 Yes
5 Central Electricity Authority (Safety Requirements for Operation, Construction and Maintenance of
Electric Plants and Electrical Lines) Regulations 2008
6 CGWA Notification No.21-4/ Guidelines/ CGWA/ 2009-832 dated 14th October 2009 Yes
7 Indian Electricity Act Yes
Apart from above listed national environmental regulations, the regulation of the Government of Assam that
are relevant include:
a. Assam Ancient Monuments and Records Act, 1959.
b. Assam Forest Regulation, 1891 (Assam Regulation 7 of 1891) as applied vide Meghalaya Forest
Regulation (Application & Amendment) Act, 1973 (Meghalaya Act 9 of 1973).
c. Assam National Park Act, 1968.
d. Assam Land and Revenue Regulation, 1886.
e. Assam Irrigation Act, 1983.
f. Assam Fishery Rules, 1953.
g. Assam Forest Policy, 2004.
h. Assam Government’s Guidelines for Compensatory Afforestation, 2000.
i. Assam Panchayat Act, 1994.
j. Assam Khadi and Village Industries Board Act, 1955.
k. Assam Forest Protection Force Act 1986.
l. Assam Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Act 1960.
felling/pollarding/pruning of trees if required to maintain the electrical clearance will be done with the
permission of the local forest officer.
ii. EIA Notification September 14, 2006 and amended in December 22, 2014
The paragraph 2 of the EIA notification, 2006 has set forth the requirement for prior environmental
clearance of projects or activity listed out in the ‘Schedule’ to this notification. All Category ‘A’ projects or
activity shall be referred to Ministry of Environment and Forests and at State level the State Environment
Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) for matters falling under Category ‘B’ in the said Schedule.
With respect to the project involves construction of sub-stations which also involves construction of building
for office and control rooms. As a result, item ‘8a’ (building and construction projects) of the Schedule to EIA
notification, 2006 will get triggered. The applicability of ‘General Conditions’ has been relaxed for the
‘building and construction projects’ as per the latest amendment of the EIA notification date December 22,
2014. The extract of the EIA notifications are given in Table 4.3 for understanding.
Table 5: Extract of ‘Building and Construction Projects’ extract in EIA notifications (amended till date)
Notification Category with threshold limit
Project or Activity Conditions if any
Year A B
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Building and ≥20000 sq.mtrs and #(built up area for covered construction; in the
14th September,
8(a) Construction <1,50,000 sq.mtrs. of case of facilities open to the sky, it will be the
projects built-up area# activity area )
The term "built up area" for the purpose of this
notification the built up or covered area on all
floors put together, including its basement and
other service areas, which are proposed in the
building or construction projects.
Building and ≥20000 sq.mtrs and Note 1 - The projects or activities shall not include
22nd December,
8(a) Construction <1,50,000 sq.mtrs. of industrial shed, school, college, hostel for
projects built-up area educational institution, but such buildings shall
ensure sustainable environmental management,
solid and liquid waste management, rain -water
harvesting and may use recycled materials such
as fly ash bricks.
Note 2 - "General Conditions" shall not apply.
General Conditions:
Any project or activity specified in Category ‘B’ will be treated as Category A, if located in whole or in part within 10 km from the
boundary of: (i) Protected Areas notified under the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, (ii) Critically Polluted areas as notified by the
Central Pollution Control Board from time to time, (iii) Notified Eco-sensitive areas, (iv) inter-State boundaries and international
Though the need for EC is not envisaged, the finalisation of detailed design and built-up area of sub-station
building is prime important to decide on the necessity for initiating the EC process. The processing of EC
will be required only if the built-up area of sub-station building is more than or equal to prescribed threshold
limit of 20,000 sq.mt.
iii. The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972
As per IEE prepared for the project has reported propose site for 33/11 kV Baghjan, 33/11 kV Dholla, 33/11
kV Gelapukhuri, 33/11 kV Philobari, 33/11 kV Bedeti, 33/11 kV Singri, and 33/11 kV Rakhysmari sub-station
is located within the 10km radius from boundary of environmentally sensitive areas. However, the necessity
for wildlife clearance would be decided in consultation with officials of Wildlife Department, Govt. of Assam.
iv. The list of environment regulations has many acts and rules that will get after the mobilisation of the
contractor. The compliance to various regulations applicable during various stages of project will be
monitored once works is started.
b. Environmental Management Plan
The mobilization of the contractor has not happened during the reporting month. The implementation status
of environmental measures will be reported after mobilization of contractor and commencement of works at
c. Environmental Monitoring Plan
No activity has happened.
4.0 Grievance Redress Mechanism
The project administration manual of the project has indicated the need for establishing Grievance Redress
Committee cell at circle level with an aim of providing affected people a platform to bring their grievances for
resolving at Project level. In line with existing GRC established for Tranche 3, the establishing of GRC for
tranche 4 will be initiated.
5.0 Consultations and Disclosure
The implementing agency is interacting and informing about the project to the local peoples of the villages
where the sub-stations land has been identified. However, due to other technical engagement proper
documentation will be commence after the mobilization of Individual National Expert for Implementation
Support for Social & Environmental Activities.
6.0 Compliance to Loan Agreement
The safeguard covenants compliance will be ensured once works at site starts.
7.0 Project Implementation Schedule
Currently, emphasise is on taking over of possession of land for sub-stations. The detailed implementation
schedule will be submitted from next bi-annual report.
8.0 Conclusion
Environmental and Social Safeguards are integral part of the ‘Loan Agreement’ and EA is abide by and to
ensure compliance with conditions in the covenant. All environmental and social safeguards activities are in
various stages of advancement and will further ensure project has minimum environment and social
Annexure 1
Package 1: Construction of New 33/11kV Sub-Stations, 33kV & 11kV Lines, 33kV Terminal Equipment and 33kV & 11kV
Railway/River Crossings
A- Tinsukia Electrical Circle:
i) 7 nos. New 2X5 MVA, 33/11kV Substations;
ii) New 33kV Lines (108.35km);
iii) New 11kV Lines (62km);
iv) 1 no. Railway track crossing in the 33kV Line;
v) 3 nos. Railway track crossing in the 11kV Line;
B- Dibrugarh Electrical Circle:
i) 2 nos. New 2X5 MVA, 33/11kV Substations;
ii) 15 km 33kV Line on GI STP with AAAC Wolf conductor form Namrup substation and 10km from Tingkhong substation
to Kaliapani substation with terminal equipment at Namrup substation & Tingkhong substation.
iii) New 11kV Lines (22km);
C- Sivasagar Electrical Circle:
i) 2 nos. New 2X5 MVA, 33/11kV Substations;
ii) New 33kV LILO Lines (18km);
iii) New 11kV Lines (35.1km);
iv) 1 no. Railway track crossing in the 33kV Line;
v) 3 nos. Railway track crossing in the 11kV Line;
D- Golaghat Electrical Circle:
i) 3 nos. New 2X5 MVA, 33/11kV Substations;
ii) New 33kV Lines with terminal equipment (76km);
iii) New 11kV Lines (76km);
iv) 1 no. Railway track crossing in the 33kV Line;
v) 1 no. River crossing in the 33kV Line.
vi) 4 nos. Railway track crossing in the 11kV Line;
E- Tezpur Electrical Circle:
i) 6 nos. New 2X5 MVA, 33/11kV Substations;
ii) New 33kV LILO Lines (20km)
iii) New 33kV Lines with terminal equipment (131km)
iv) New 11kV Lines (125km)
F- Mangaldoi Electrical Circle:
i) 1 no, 33kV strengthening of River crossing span at Ghola river in between 33kV line from Rowta-Kasubil with rail pole.
Package 2: Augmentation and R&M of 33/11kV Substations, Construction of 33kV & 11kV Lines and Construction of
11kV ABC Lines:
A- 33kV Lines for system strengthening:
i) New Lines at Dibrugarh Electrical circle (45km S/C).
Package 3: Mobile Testing Vehicles for T&C Divisions & Mobile Maintenance Vehicles for Sub-Divisions in Assam and
Mobile Trailer Mounted 33/11kV Substations for Emergency Restoration of Distribution system
A. Mobile Testing Vehicles for T&C Divisions:
i) 5 nos. in Upper Assam Zone
ii) 7 nos. in Central Assam Zone
iii) 7 nos. in Lower Assam Zone
B. Mobile Maintenance Vehicle for Sub-Divisions:
i) 5 nos. in Upper Assam Zone
ii) 4 nos. in Central Assam Zone
iii) 11 nos. in Lower Assam Zone
C. Mobile Trailer Mounted 33/11kV Substations for Emergency Restoration of Distribution system:
i) 1 no. in Guwahati Electrical Circle-I.
ii) 1.no. in Jorhat Electrical Circle
Package 4: Supply of Intelligent Modems Including Accessories at Consumer Premises in Different Towns under 19
Electrical Circles
i) Installation and interfacing of the existing meters at the Consumer premises with the Modems.
ii) Integration of the meter data into the Head end Meter Data Acquisition Software for Display of Meter data.
iii) Provision of meter data in standard format (like XML) to APDCL for consumption by the existing SAP ISU System.
iv) Warranty Support for the supplied equipment.