Design No. XR736: BYBU - XR736 Fire-Resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 1709 Design/System/Construction/Assembly Usage Disclaimer
Design No. XR736: BYBU - XR736 Fire-Resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 1709 Design/System/Construction/Assembly Usage Disclaimer
Design No. XR736: BYBU - XR736 Fire-Resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 1709 Design/System/Construction/Assembly Usage Disclaimer
Fire-resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 1709
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1. Spray-Applied Fire-Resistive Materials* — See table below for appropriate thicknesses. Applied by mixing with
water according to instructions printed on each bag of mixture and spraying in one or more coats, as necessary (Mix each
21 kg bag with 12 liters of water for 3 minutes. For the initial application, 1 bag of BOVIA 271 is mixed with 2 liters
KSL362 and 12 liters water and applied as a base layer.), directly to the column which must be clean and free of dirt,
loose scale and oil. The spray-applied fire-resistive materials may also be trowel-applied to the steel surfaces in multi-
layers. Min avg and min ind density of 51/47 pcf, respectively. For method of density ination, see Design Information
Rating Hr Min Thkns In.
1 25 (1)
1-1/2 31 (1-1/4)
2 37 (1-1/2)
2-1/2 42 (1-11/16)
2. Reinforcing Mesh — Min No. 23 SWG galvanized steel wire with steel pin fixings (welded fixing) to hold the mesh
spaced vertically 8-12 in. O.C on each surface of the column. Mesh embedded at approximate mid-depth in Spray-Applied
Fire Resistive Material with a min. 3 inch overlap.
* Indicates such products shall bear the UL or cUL Certification Mark for jurisdictions employing the UL or cUL Certification
(such as Canada), respectively.
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