Rules and Regulations On Student Conduct and Discipline

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Practicing or attempting to practice any deception or fraud in connection

with his application in any University funded or sponsored scholarship or
(As approved by the Board of Regents at its 876th meeting on September 2, j. Damaging or defacing University property;
1976 superseding all provision rules on the subject, and as amended at the 923rd k. Disgraceful or immoral conduct within the University premises;
BOR meeting on 31 January, 1980 and 1017th BOR meeting on 8 December,
1988 and further amended at the 104th BOR meeting on 25 June, 1992.) l. Unlawful taking of University property; and
m. Any other form of misconduct.
Sec. 1. Basis of Discipline. – Student shall at all times observe the laws of the land and
the rules and regulations of the University. Sec. 3. Rules and Regulations Promulgated by Deans or Directors of Units. – Deans or
Directors of various units may, after due consultation with the Faculty
No disciplinary proceedings shall be instituted except for conduct prohibited Student Relations Committee, promulgate rules on conduct and discipline of
by law or by the rules and regulations promulgated by duly constituted peculiar application to their respective units, subject to the written approval of
authority of the University. the President or Chancellor and to the rules on circulation and date of
Sec. 2. Specific Misconduct. – A student shall be subject to disciplinary action for any of effectivity, as herein provided.
the following acts: Sec. 4. Student Disciplinary Tribunal. – There shall be a Student Disciplinary Tribunal
a. Any form of cheating in examination or any act of dishonesty in relation composed of a chairman, who shall be a member of the Integrated Bar of the
to his studies; Philippines, and two members to be appointed for a period of one year among
b. Carrying within the University premises any firearm, knife with a blade the faculty and other staff of the University. In any disciplinary case before
longer than two and a half inches, or any other dangerous or deadly the tribunal, a respondent may request that two students be appointed to sit
weapon; Provided, that this shall not apply to one who shall possess the with the tribunal. The Chairman and non-student members shall render full-
same in connection with his studies and who has a permit from the Dean time service in the tribunal. They shall receive monthly honoraria in the
or Director of his college or school; amount of P500.00 and P400.00, respectively.
c. Drinking alcoholic beverages within academic and administrative The tribunal shall be under the supervision of the Dean of Student Affairs,
building, dormitories and the immediate premises thereof; except in who shall designate, whenever requested, the student members to sit with the
places expressly allowed by the University; or drunken behavior within tribunal.
the University premises;
Autonomous units shall set up their own student disciplinary tribunals in
d. Unauthorized or illegal possession or use of prohibited drugs or accordance with these rules.
chemicals, or other banned substances enumerated in the Dangerous
Drug Act of 1972 (as amended), such as L.S.D., marijuana, heroin, shabu Sec. 5. Jurisdiction. – All cases involving discipline of students under these rules shall be
or opiates and hallucinogenic drugs in any form within the University subject to the jurisdiction of the student disciplinary tribunal, except the
premises following cases which shall fall under the jurisdiction of the appropriate
e. Gambling within the University premises; college or unit:
f. Gross and deliberate discourtesy to any University official, faculty 1. Violation of college or unit rules and regulations by students of the
member or person in authority; college, or
g. Creating within the University premises disorder, tumult, breach of peace 2. Misconduct committed by the students of the college or unit within its
or serious disturbance; classrooms or premises or in the course of an official activity;
h. Making any false statement of any material fact, or practicing or Provided, that regional units of the University shall have original jurisdiction
attempting to practice any deception or fraud in connection with his over all cases involving students of such units.
admission or registration in, or graduation from the University;

Rules and Regulations on Student Conduct and Discipline 1

Sec. 6. College Investigation. – Investigation of cases falling under the jurisdiction of a Sec. 15. Committee Report. – The college investigating committee shall forward to the
college shall be conducted by a committee of three members appointed by the Dean concerned within 15 days after termination of the hearing the complete
dean, one of whom shall be a student of the college. records of the case, with its report and recommendation. The recommendation
signed by a majority of the members of the Committee shall state the findings
Sec. 7. Filing of Charges. – A disciplinary proceeding shall be instituted motu proprio by
of fact and the specific regulations on which it is based.
the appropriate authority or upon the filing of a written charge specifying the
acts or omissions constituting the misconduct and subscribed to by the Sec. 16. Action by the Dean. – The Dean shall within ten days from receipt of the
complainant or upon submission of an official report of any violation of Committee report, transmit the report, together with his decision or
existing rules and regulations. Upon the filling of said charge or report with recommendation, to the President of the University or the Chancellor of an
the student disciplinary tribunal or the Office of the Dean, as the case may be, autonomous unit, as the case may be.
an entry shall be made in an official entry book kept for the purpose,
Sec. 17. Decision of the Tribunal. – The tribunal shall decide each case within 15 calendar
specifying the person or persons charged, the complainant or complainants,
days from final submission. The decision shall be in writing and signed by a
his witnesses if any, the date of filing and the substance of the charge.
majority of its members. It shall include a brief statement of the findings of
Sec. 8. Preliminary Inquiry. – Upon receipt of the complaint or report, the tribunal or the fact and the specific regulations on which the decision is based.
Dean of College, as the case may be, shall determine whether such complaint
Sec. 18. Finality of Decision. – Any decision of the tribunal or of a Dean, other than
or report is sufficient to warrant formal investigation. In all cases where the
expulsion, permanent disqualification from enrollment or suspension for more
complaint or report is found sufficient, formal charge or charges shall be
than 30 calendar days, shall become final and executory after 15 days from
drawn up and served upon each respondent. In every case, the parents or
receipt of the decision by the respondent unless within five days from receipt
guardians of the students charged shall be furnished with a copy of the same
thereof a motion for reconsideration of the same is filed, in which case the
decision shall be final after 15 days from receipt of the action on the motion
Sec. 9. Answer. – Each respondent shall be required to answer in writing within three for reconsideration.
days from receipt of the charge or charges. Formal investigation shall be held
Sec. 19. Appeal to the President or Chancellor. – In all cases in which final decision is not
on notice as provided below.
conferred on a Dean or the tribunal, the respondent may file an appeal with
Sec. 10. Hearing. – Hearings shall begin not later than one week after receipt of the the President or the Chancellor within ten days from receipt of the decision.
respondent’s answer or after the expiration of the period within which the
Sec. 20. Action by the President or Chancellor. – Action of the President or Chancellor on
respondent should answer.
recommendation coming from the Dean on appeal from the decision of a dean
Sec. 11. Duration of Hearing. – No hearing on any case shall last beyond two calendar or the tribunal shall be rendered within ten (10) days exclusive of Sundays
months. and official holidays after receipt of the appeal.
Sec. 12. Notice of Hearing. – All parties concerned shall be notified of the date set for The Executive Committee shall automatically review and decide all student
hearing at least two days before such hearing. Notice to counsel of record or disciplinary cases in which the penalty of suspension for one year or more,
duly authorized representative of a party shall be sufficient notice for the expulsion and withdrawal of registration privileges is imposed.
purpose of this Section.
The authority given to the Executive Committee under this rule is understood
Sec. 13. Failure to Appear at Hearing. – Should either complainant or respondent fail to to include the power to affirm, reverse, decrease or increase the penalties
appear for the initial hearing after due notice and without sufficient cause, this imposed in the case under review.
fact shall be noted and the hearing shall proceed ex parte without prejudices
The decision of the Executive Committee shall be final and executory after 15
to the party’s appearance in subsequent hearings.
days from receipt of the decision by the respondent unless, in the meantime,
Sec. 14. Postponement. – Application for postponement may be granted for good cause for an appeal is made to, and given due course by the Board of Regents.
such period as the ends of justice and the right of the parties to a speedy
Sec. 21. Action by the Board of Regents. – The Board may review, on appeal, decisions of
hearing require.
the President or Chancellor when the penalty imposed is expulsion,

Rules and Regulations on Student Conduct and Discipline 2

suspension for more than one academic year, or any other penalty of 2. Students found guilty of cheating/dishonesty shall be barred from
equivalent severity. graduating with honors, even if their weighted average is within the
requirement for graduation with honors.
Sec. 22. Rights of Respondents. – Each respondent shall enjoy the following rights:
b) Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in Section 2(b) shall
1. Not to be subjected to any disciplinary penalty except upon due process be penalized as follows;
of law;
1. For the first offense, suspension for a period of not less than 15
2. To be convicted only on the basis of substantial evidence, the burden of calendar days but not more than 30 days;
proof being with the person bringing the charge;
2. For the second offense, suspension for a period of not less than 30
3. To be convicted only on evidence introduced at the proceedings or of calendar days, but not more than one semester.
which the respondent has been properly appraised;
3. For the third offense, the penalty shall be expulsion; Provided, that
4. Pending final decision on any charge, to enjoy all his rights and should the deadly weapon be a firearm, the penalty for the first
privileges as a student, subject to the power of the Dean or the tribunal to offense shall be suspension for not less than 30 calendar days, but
order the preventive suspension of the respondent for not more than 15 not more than one semester, for the second offense, the penalty shall
days where suspension is necessary to maintain the security of the be expulsion.
college or the University;
c) Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in Section 2c shall be
5. To defend himself personally, or by counsel, or representative of his own penalized with suspension for not less than seven calendar days, but not
choice. If the respondent should desire but is unable to secure the more than 30 calendar days; Provided, that should the student be found
service of counsel, he should manifest that fact two days before the date guilty for the fourth time, the penalty shall be expulsion.
of hearing, and request the tribunal or the investigation committee to
d) Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in Section 2(d) shall
designate counsel for him from among the members of the University
be penalized with suspension for not less than 15 calendar days, but not
more than 45 calendar days; Provided, that should the student be found
Sec. 23. Effect of Decision. – Decision shall take effect as provided in these rules. guilty for the third time, the penalty shall be expulsion.
However, final decision of suspension or dismissal within 30 days prior to e) Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in Section 2(e) shall
any final examination, shall take effect during the subsequent semester, be penalized with suspension for not less than seven (7) calendar days,
except when the respondent is graduating, in which case the penalty shall but not more than 30 calendar days; Provided, that should the student be
immediately take effect. found guilty for the fourth time, the penalty shall be Expulsion.
Sec. 24. Records. – All proceedings before any tribunal or Committee shall be set down in f) Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in Section 2(f) shall
writing by a competent stenographer. Original records pertaining to student be penalized with suspension for not more than 30 calendar days, but not
discipline shall be under the custody of the Dean of Student Affairs. Such more than one semester; Provided, that the penalty for the second offense
records are hereby declared confidential and no person shall have access to shall be expulsion; and Provided further, That should student assault,
the same for inspection or copying unless he is involved therein, or unless he strike or inflict physical violence upon any University official, faculty
has a legal right which cannot be protected or vindicated without access to or member or person in authority, the penalty shall be expulsion.
copying of such records. Any University official or employee who shall g) Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in Section 2(g) shall
violate the confidential nature of such records shall be subject to disciplinary be penalized with suspension for not less than 15 calendar days, but not
action. more than 45 calendar days; Provided, that should the student be found
Section 25. Sanctions. guilty for the third time, the penalty shall be expulsion.
h) Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in Section 2(h) shall
a) Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in Section 2(a) shall
be penalized as follows:
be penalized with suspension for not less than one year.
1. For the first offense, by suspension for a period of not less than one
1. All cases involving cheating or dishonesty shall be investigated by a
semester, but not more than one year;
College/Unit but shall be automatically be subject to review by the
Chancellor. 2. For the second offense, the penalty shall be expulsion.

Rules and Regulations on Student Conduct and Discipline 3

i) Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in Section 2(i) shall l) Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in Section 2(l) shall
be penalized as follows: be penalized with suspension for not less than 15 calendar days;
1. For the first offense, by suspension for a period of not less than one Provided, that should the student be found guilty for the third time, the
semester, but not more than one year; penalty shall be expulsion. In addition, the student may also be required
2. For the second offense, the penalty shall be expulsion. to pay for, or replace, the stolen property.
3. Any student found guilty of willfully withholding or misrepresenting m) The disciplinary action that may be imposed for violations of the
information in his application to the Socialized Tuition and Financial misconduct in Section 2(m) may take the form of expulsion, suspension
Assistance Program (STFAP) shall be subject to the following from the University, withholding of graduation and other privileges,
guidelines on penalties for STFAP violations; withdrawal of registration privileges, permanent disqualification from
enrollment, exclusion from any class, reprimand, exclusion from any
a. If information withheld involves common appliances e.g. owned
class, warning, or expression of apology. The gravity of the offense
by the majority of the population, the recommended penalty is
committed and the circumstances attending to its commission shall
one semester suspension, reimbursement of STFAP benefits
determine the nature of the disciplinary action or penalty to be imposed.
received, plus permanent disqualification from STFAP and
other scholarships. n) The Dean or Director of the unit may impose the penalty of suspension
for a period not exceeding one calendar year. If he deems suspension for
b. If the information withheld involves appliances which may be
a longer period or expulsion warranted, he shall so recommend to the
used to indicate capacity to pay, the recommended penalty is
Chancellor, who shall refer the case to the Executive Committee for final
one year suspension, reimbursement of STFAP benefits
received and permanent disqualification from STFAP and other
scholarships. o) Any disciplinary action taken against a student shall be reported to his
parents or guardians.
c. If the information withheld is substantial such as car, income,
employment, real properties, the recommended penalty is p) Refusal to submit to the jurisdiction of the University by any student not
expulsion plus reimbursement of all STFAP benefits. enrolled at the time a charge against him is filed shall prejudice his future
enrollment in any unit of the University.
d. If the student is found guilty to have submitted falsified
documents, the recommended penalty is expulsion plus Sec. 26. Summary Actions. – Notwithstanding the provision of the foregoing Sections, a
reimbursement of all STFAP benefits. Dean may proceed summarily against student of a college in the following
e. If the student pleads guilty, he should be made to reimburse all cases:
STFAP benefits received either before the decision is made or a) Violation of the rules and regulations issued by the Dean of the unit in
reimbursement be made a precondition for enrollment. accordance with Section 3 of these rules;
Furthermore, if the information withheld is grave such as in Nos. 3c b) Misconduct committed in the presence of a faculty member or any
and 3d above, the recommended penalty is two years disqualification official of the University within the classrooms or premises of a college,
from the STFAP and other scholarships. or in the course of an official function sponsored by the college.
j) Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in Section 2(j) shall The respondent shall be summoned to appear before the Dean of the unit,
be penalized with suspension for not less than 15 calendar days, but not informed of the charge against him, and afforded the opportunity to
more than 45 calendar days; Provided, that should the student be found present his side.
guilty for the third time, the penalty shall be expulsion. In addition, the Decisions taken under this Section shall be in writing, stating the grounds
student may also be required to pay for the repair or replacement of the for which the disciplinary penalty is imposed. Such decisions shall be
damage property. final and executory upon the issuance of the order. The penalty imposed
k) Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in Section 2(k) shall shall not exceed suspension for 15 days, exclusive of Sundays and
be penalized with suspension for not less than seven calendar days, but official holidays.
not more than 30 calendar days; Provided, that should the student be c) The Dean of Student Affairs may likewise proceed summarily against
found guilty for the third time, the penalty shall be expulsion. students in cases of:

Rules and Regulations on Student Conduct and Discipline 4

1. Misconduct committed as provided in paragraph (b) of this Section,
when committed within the University premises not falling within
the jurisdiction of any college, school or unit or in the course of an
official function sponsored by the University or a Unit other than a
college, school or academic unit.
2. Misconduct as defined in Section 2(g) above whether or not the acts
are committed within the premises of, and by persons belonging to,
one or several colleges, schools or units.
Sec. 27. Definitions. – The following terms shall have the meaning set forth below for
purposes of these regulations:
1. “Autonomous units” refer to such universities or units of the University
of the Philippines System which have been declared autonomous by law
or by the Board of Regents;
2. “Regional units” refer to units outside of Diliman and Manila which are
not autonomous;
3. “Students” (include) shall refer to any person (enrolled in any academic
unit of the University) (1) admitted and registered, in a degree or non-
degree program or cross-registered in any course of the University on a
regular or part-time basis, including those who are officially on leave of
absence and (2) those who has not yet been separated from the University
formally through either transfer, graduation, honorable or dishonorable
dismissal or expulsion or expiration of the period allowed for maximum
residence, at the time of the commission of the offense, [regardless of
whether or not he is enrolled in any unit of the University at the time of
the filing of charge or during the pendency of disciplinary proceedings
against him].
4. “Laws of the land” shall refer to general enactment in force in the
5. “Official report” shall include any report duly submitted in writing to any
proper authority in the University by a faculty member, any member of
the University security force, any officer of a college or unit or any
officer of the University administration.
Sec. 28. These rules shall supersede all previous rules on student discipline and shall take
effect upon approval. Amendments to these rules shall be circularized within
ten days after approval and shall take effect 15 days after circularization,
unless a specific date has been set, which date shall in no case be within five
days after its approval.

Rules and Regulations on Student Conduct and Discipline 5

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