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Financial Highlights under Japanese GAAP

for Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2016

May 16, 2016

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.

This document contains forward-looking statements regarding estimations, forecasts, targets and
plans in relation to the results of operations, financial conditions and other overall management of the
company and/or the group as a whole (the “forward-looking statements”). The forward-looking
statements are made based upon, among other things, the company’s current estimations,
perceptions and evaluations. In addition, in order for the company to adopt such estimations,
forecasts, targets and plans regarding future events, certain assumptions have been made.
Accordingly, due to various risks and uncertainties, the statements and assumptions are inherently
not guarantees of future performance, may be considered differently from alternative perspectives and
may result in material differences from the actual result. For the main factors that may affect the
current forecasts, please see Consolidated Summary Report, Annual Securities Report, Disclosure
Book, Annual Report, and other current disclosures that the company has announced.
The financial information included in this financial highlights is prepared and presented in accordance
with accounting principles generally accepted in Japan (“Japanese GAAP”). Differences exist
between Japanese GAAP and the accounting principles generally accepted in the United States (“U.S.
GAAP”) in certain material respects. Such differences have resulted in the past, and are expected to
continue to result for this period and future periods, in amounts for certain financial statement line
items under U.S. GAAP to differ significantly from the amounts under Japanese GAAP. For example,
differences in consolidation basis or accounting for business combinations, including but not limited to
amortization and impairment of goodwill, could result in significant differences in our reported financial
results between Japanese GAAP and U.S. GAAP. Readers should consult their own professional
advisors for an understanding of the differences between Japanese GAAP and U.S. GAAP and how
those differences might affect our reported financial results. We will publish U.S. GAAP financial
results in a separate disclosure document when such information becomes available.

<Definitions of figures used in this document>

Consolidated : Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. (Consolidated)
Non-consolidated : The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. (non-consolidated) + Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and
Banking Corporation (non-consolidated) (without any adjustments)

• FY2015 financial result summary 3
• Income statement summary 4
• Outline of profits attributable to owners of parent 5
• Outline of results by business segment 6
• Balance sheet summary 7
• Loans / deposits 8
• Domestic deposit / lending rates 9
• Loan assets 10
• Investment securities 11
• Capital adequacy 12
• FY2016 targets 13
• Dividend forecast 14
• Repurchase of own shares 15
• Appendix: Capital policy 16
• Appendix: Energy and mining credit exposure 17
• Appendix: Mitsubishi UFJ Nicos - System Integration Project 20
FY2015 financial result summary 【Consolidated】
(for Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2016)

〈Consolidated〉 (¥bn)

Profits attributable to owners of parent FY14 FY15 Change

1 Gross profits 4,229.0 4,143.2 (85.8)
• A decrease of ¥82.3bn compared to FY14
• Achieved our FY15 target of ¥950.0bn 2 G&A expenses 2,584.1 2,585.2 1.1

3 Net business profits 1,644.9 1,557.9 (87.0)

Profits attributable to owners
4 1,033.7 951.4 (82.3)
Common Equity Tier1 ratio of parent

(full implementation) 5 Dividend per common stock (\) 18.00 18.00 0.00

• Kept a good level of capital adequacy

〈Financial targets of medium-term business plan 〉
FY14 FY15
Shareholder returns
15% increase or
• Dividend of ¥18.00 per common stock for FY15 6 EPS (\) 73.22 68.51 more from FY14

• Resolved to repurchase own shares of up to ¥100bn 7 ROE*1

8.74% 7.63% 8.5-9.0%
8 Expenses ratio 61.1% 62.3% 60%
Common Equity Tier1 ratio 9.5%
9 12.3% 12.1%
(full implementation)*2 or above
*1 Profits attributable to owners of parent-Equivalent of annual dividends on nonconvertible preferred stocks
{(Total shareholders' equity at the beginning of the period-Number of nonconvertible preferred stocks at the beginning

of the period×Issue price+Foreign currency translation adjustments at the beginning of the period)

+(Total shareholders' equity at the end of the period-Number of nonconvertible preferred stocks at the end of the period

×Issue price+Foreign currency translation adjustments at the end of the period)}÷2

*2 Calculated on the basis of regulations applied at the end of March 2019

Income statement summary 【Consolidated】

Net business profits Income statement (¥bn) FY14 FY15 Change

• Gross profits decreased mainly due to a decrease in Gross profits
net interest income by the appreciation of the 1
(before credit costs for trust accounts)
4,229.0 4,143.2 (85.8)
Japanese yen against the other currencies, while 2 Net interest income 2,181.6 2,113.5 (68.0)
gains from fees and commissions increased.
• G&A expenses were almost unchanged since the
3 Trust fees + Net fees and commissions 1,420.0 1,437.6 17.5
previous fiscal year. Net trading profits
+ Net other business profits
627.3 592.0 (35.3)
• Net business profits decreased by ¥87.0bn from FY14
5 Net gains (losses) on debt securities 115.1 132.9 17.7
to ¥1,557.9bn.
6 G&A expenses 2,584.1 2,585.2 1.1
Total credit costs*1 7 Net business profits 1,644.9 1,557.9 (87.0)
• Total credit costs recorded ¥ 255.1bn mainly due to an
increase of specific allowance for credit losses. 8 Total credit costs*1 (161.6) (255.1) (93.5)
9 Net gains (losses) on equity securities 93.1 88.3 (4.8)
Net gains (losses) on equity securities 10 Net gains (losses) on sales of equity securities 97.9 113.6 15.7
• Net gains on equity securities decreased by ¥4.8bn
11 Losses on write-down of equity securities (4.8) (25.3) (20.5)
from FY14 to ¥88.3bn mainly due to an increase in
losses on write-down of equity securities, while an 12 Profits (losses) from investments in affiliates 159.6 230.4 70.7
increase in net gains on sales of equity securities.
13 Other non-recurring gains (losses) (23.0) (82.0) (58.9)
14 Ordinary profits 1,713.0 1,539.4 (173.5)
Profits (losses) from investments in affiliates
15 Net extraordinary gains (losses) (98.2) (40.7) 57.5
• Profits from investments in affiliates increased as
Total of income taxes-current
Morgan Stanley performed well during the period. 16 and income taxes-deferred (467.7) (460.2) 7.5

Profits attributable to owners of parent 17 Profits attributable to owners of parent 1,033.7 951.4 (82.3)
• As a result, profits attributable to owners of parent 18 EPS (\) 73.22 68.51 (4.70)
decreased by ¥82.3bn from FY14 to ¥951.4bn. *1 Credit costs for trust accounts + Provision for general allowance for credit losses + Credit costs (included in non-recurring gains/losses)
+ Reversal of allowance for credit losses + Reversal of reserve for contingent losses included in credit costs + Gains on loans written-off

Outline of profits attributable to owners of parent 【Consolidated】

• Profits attributable to owners of parent was ¥951.4bn, achieving the FY15 target.

History of profits attributable Breakdown of profits attributable

to owners of parent to owners of parent*2
(¥bn) (¥bn) Morgan
H1 H2
1,000 MUFG
1,033.7 951.4
981.3 984.8 MUSHD Others*4
900 43.2 ACOM (55.4)
Krungsri 5.8
852.6 *3
Negative goodwill *1 285.2 MUAH MUN
290.6 455.0 57.2
352.0 (34.7)
454.6 800
562.1 700

388.7 BTMU
600 586.0

578.7 599.3
247.7 530.2
405.4 500
FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 *2 The above figures reflect the percentage holding in each subsidiaries and equity
*1 One-time effect of negative goodwill associated with the application of equity method method investees
accounting on our investment in Morgan Stanley *3 MUFG Americas Holdings Corporation
*4 Including cancellation of the amount of inter-group dividend receipt and
profits (losses) related to transfer of equity securities within MUFG and
5 other expenses, etc.
Outline of results by business segment 【Consolidated】

• Consolidated net operating profits decreased by ¥112.4bn from FY14.

• 82% of the total operating profits was from the customer segments. 36% of profits of the customer
segments was generated by overseas business.

Net operating profits by business segment*1 Breakdown of changes in net operating profits

(¥bn) (¥bn)

1,663.4*2 Global Markets

1,551.0*2 Trust Assets 1,663.4
Global Banking
Corporate Banking
426.7 1,600 Retail Trust Others
Retail Banking Banking Assets
68.3 1.9 40.2 1,551.0
(54.1) Corporate
70.2 Banking
1,500 (34.5) Global
499.6 Banking
464.2 (35.4) Markets
*3 Customer
Customer 1,400 Sum of customer segments
segments 82% (122.0)
84% 494.8

340.6 286.6
FY14 FY15 FY14 FY15
*1 Consolidated net business profits on a managerial accounting basis.
*2 Total net operating profits includes net operating profit for “Other” segment (FY14:¥(197.2)bn, FY15:¥(157.0)bn).
*3 Ratio of customer segments = net operating profits from customer segments ÷ total net operating profits (*2)

Balance sheet summary 【Consolidated】

Loans (Banking + Trust accounts) Balance sheet (¥bn) Mar.16

Change Change
from Mar.15 from Sep.15
• Increased from the end of September 2015 1 Total assets 298,302.8 12,153.1 9,137.8
mainly due to increases in domestic corporate
loans and overseas loans. 2 Loans (Banking + Trust accounts) 113,906.8 4,426.1 1,943.8
3 Loans (Banking accounts) 113,756.3 4,387.9 1,918.5
4 Housing loans*1 15,570.7 (308.3) (114.3)
Investment securities
5 Domestic corporate loans*1*2 43,804.4 1,347.6 1,098.7
• Increased from the end of September 2015 mainly *3
due to increase in foreign bonds. Decreased from 6 Overseas loans 43,045.4 1,343.7 572.4
the end of March 2015 mainly due to a decrease in Investment securities
(Banking accounts)
69,993.8 (3,544.3) 3,294.7
Japanese government bonds.
8 Domestic equity securities 5,573.5 (750.1) (346.6)
9 Japanese government bonds 28,357.1 (6,853.5) (1,858.3)
Deposits 10 Foreign bonds 27,883.7 4,312.1 5,146.4
• Increased mainly due to an increase in domestic 11 Total liabilities 280,916.1 12,053.8 8,871.0
corporate deposits.
12 Deposits 160,965.0 7,607.6 6,474.4
13 Individual deposits 71,068.6 653.4 332.7
(Domestic branches)
Non performing loans (“NPLs”) 14 Total net assets 17,386.7 99.2 266.8
• NPL ratio increased mainly due to an increase in
15 FRL disclosed loans*1*4 1,306.9 83.6 142.7
the amount of NPL loans.
16 NPL ratio*1 1.19% 0.03% 0.11%
Net unrealized gains (losses)
Net unrealized gains on available-for-sale 17
on available-for-sale securities
3,485.2 (647.9) 391.2
securities *1 Non-consolidated + trust accounts *2 Excluding loans to government and govermental institutions
*3 Loans booked in overseas branches, MUAH, Krungsri, BTMU (China), BTMU (Holland),

• Increased from the end of September 2015 mainly BTMU (Canada) and BTMU (Malaysia)
*4 FRL = the Financial Reconstruction Law
due to increases in unrealized gains on Japanese
government bonds and foreign bonds.

Loans / deposits 【Consolidated】

【Loans (Period end balance)*3】

Loan balance ¥113.9tn (¥tn) 111.9 113.9
(increased ¥1.9tn from the end of September 2015) 102.0 102.6 1.3 1.3
95.3 1.3 1.3
<Changes from September 2015 > 1.3
42.4 43.0
34.4 36.1
 Housing loan (¥0.1tn) 28.8

 Domestic corporate*1 +¥1.0tn 8.2 8.6 7.6 7.9 9.7

 Government +¥0.3tn 40.4 41.3 41.5 42.4 42.7 43.8

 Overseas*2 +¥0.5tn
Excluding impact of foreign
exchange fluctuation
+¥2.8tn 16.3 16.3 15.9 15.8 15.6 15.5

*1 Excluding loans to government and governmental institutions Sep. 13 Mar. 14 Sep. 14 Mar. 15 Sep. 15 Mar. 16
*2 Loans booked in overseas branches, MUAH, Krungsri, BTMU (China),
BTMU (Holland) , BTMU (Canada) and BTMU (Malaysia) Housing loan Domestic corporate *1 Government
*3 Sum of banking and trust accounts Overseas *2 Others

【Deposits (Period end balance)】

Deposit balance ¥160.9tn (¥tn)

154.4 160.9
(increased ¥6.4tn from the end of September 2015) 144.7 144.1
<Changes from September 2015 > 24.9
30.1 29.6
35.4 36.2

 Domestic individual +¥0.3tn 43.1 45.7 45.1 47.4 47.4 52.7

 Domestic corporate, etc. +¥5.2tn

 Overseas and others +¥0.8tn 68.0 68.8 69.2 70.4 70.7 71.0
Excluding impact of foreign
exchange fluctuation
Sep. 13 Mar. 14 Sep. 14 Mar. 15 Sep. 15 Mar. 16
Domestic individual Domestic corporate, etc. Overseas and others

Domestic deposit / lending rates 【Non-consolidated】

• Domestic deposit / lending spread excluding loans to government in FY15 4Q decreased 0.01 percentage
point from FY15 3Q mainly due to a decline in lending rates reflecting lower market interest rates.

Changes in domestic deposit / lending rates

(Excluding loans to Government)
(Reference) Market interest rates
1.6% 0.8% (Interest rates as of the end of each month)

1.4% Lending rate 0.6%

1.2% 0.4% 3M JPY TIBOR

Deposit / lending spread
1.0% 1.04% 0.2%

Deposit rate
0.2% 0.0%

5Y JPY Swap Rate

0.04% 0.04% 0.04% 0.03%

0.0% -0.2%
FY12 FY13 FY13 FY13 FY13 FY14 FY14 FY14 FY14 FY15 FY15 FY15 FY15 Dec. Mar. Jun. Sep. Dec. Mar. Jun. Sep. Dec. Mar. Jun. Sep. Dec. Mar.
4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 16

(Source : Bloomberg)

Loan assets 【Consolidated】

• Risk-monitored loans ratio increased 0.04 percentage points from the end of March 2015 to 1.45% mainly due
to an increase in risk-monitored loans balance.
• Total credit costs were ¥255.1bn on a consolidated basis. (¥103.7bn on a non-consolidated basis.)

Balance of risk-monitored loans*1 Total credit costs*4

(¥bn) (¥bn)
Risk-monitored loans ratio*3 Reversal of 11.8
credit costs
2.24% 2.20%
2.08% 2.12%
1.80% Increase in
1.66% 1.67%
credit costs
1.44% 1.40% 1.45%
1,864.1 1,944.4 (115.6)
1,792.5 (75.6)
1,766.0 1,705.5 (161.6)
1,655.8 (193.4)
1,530.8 1,529.7 1,539.9


Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar.
FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15
[Breakdown] 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 [Breakdown]
EMEA*2 18.1 21.2 42.6 136.3 121.2 127.2 122.0 126.3 88.2 133.9 61.5 (50.1) (357.8) (361.6) (174.2) (134.5) (65.3) 35.1 (71.1) (103.7)
Americas*2 54.9 24.8 81.2 147.3 110.3 89.2 125.0 114.9 100.7 199.4 CF*5
(133.0) (152.1) (91.0) (232.2) (135.0) (50.1) (33.7) (35.7) (44.1) (51.6)

Asia 13.5 13.1 15.4 14.4 9.4 14.4 17.0 89.0 108.8 145.3 Overseas*6 0.7 (17.8) (59.7) (110.6) (2.7) 16.1 (0.8) 9.2 (63.2) (100.8)

Domestic 1,444.2 1,217.3 1,390.5 1,467.9 1,551.5 1,633.2 1,680.3 1,375.2 1,242.0 1,177.1 Others*7 (4.9) (41.5) (61.5) (55.7) (42.1) (24.9) (15.6) 3.2 16.9 1.0

*1 Risk-monitored loans based on Banking Act. Regions are based on the borrowers’ location. *4 Including gains on loans written-off
*2 Figures of EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Other) and Americas before March 2012 are *5 Sum of MUN and ACOM on a consolidated basis
previously disclosed as Other and United States of America, respectively. *6 Sum of BTMU and MUTB’s oversea subsidiaries and affiliated companies
*3 Total risk-monitored loans / Total loans and bills discounted (banking accounts as of period *7 Sum of other subsidiaries and affiliated companies,
10 end) and consolidation adjustment
Investment securities 【Consolidated/Non-consolidated】

Available-for-sale securities with fair value Unrealized gains (losses) on available-for-sale securities

Balance Unrealized gains (losses)

Domestic equity securities
(¥bn) Change from Change from (¥tn)
Mar.16 Mar.16
Sep.15 Sep.15 Domestic bonds
1  Total 65,518.4 3,314.8 3,485.2 391.2 Others
Domestic equity
2 securities
4,873.2 (344.7) 2,205.4 (254.9)
3 Domestic bonds 30,322.4 (1,192.0) 718.2 401.3 3.09
2.75 0.32 0.56
Japanese 0.31
4 government 27,255.9 (1,858.2) 631.9 365.6 0.41 0.31
1.81 1.86 0.24
5 Others 30,322.7 4,851.5 561.6 244.8 0.07 0.08
0.19 0.22
Foreign equity 2.93
6 securities
149.0 15.3 23.8 21.6 2.46
2.09 2.20
7 Foreign bonds 26,650.4 5,145.3 510.9 204.4 1.54 1.55

8 Others 3,523.2 (309.1) 26.8 18.8

Sep.13 Mar.14 Sep.14 Mar.15 Sep.15 Mar.16

Balance of JGB portfolio by maturity*1 Duration of JGB portfolio*2

(¥tn) within 1 year 1 year to 5 years (year)
5 years to 10 years over 10 years

41.1 40.4 4.0

0.5 0.7 35.1 3.2 3.3
5.5 5.3 2.1 30.2 2.8
5.0 2.5 28.3 2.7 2.5
5.7 2.4
19.3 5.4 3.2
21.4 16.1 5.7
11.0 8.6
13.5 14.9 16.2 12.7 11.3 10.7

Sep.13 Mar.14 Sep.14 Mar.15 Sep.15 Mar.16 Sep.13 Mar.14 Sep.14 Mar.15 Sep.15 Mar.16
*1 Available-for-sale securities and held-to-maturity securities. Non-consolidated. *2 Available-for-sale securities. Non-consolidated.

Capital adequacy 【Consolidated】

(¥bn) Change
Sep.15 Mar.16
Total capital from Sep.15
1 Common Equity Tier1 ratio 11.23% 11.63% 0.40%
• Total capital increased by ¥378.9bn from the end of
September 2015 mainly due to increases in retained 2 Tier1 ratio 12.73% 13.24% 0.50%

earnings and other comprehensive income, as well as 3 Total Capital ratio 15.69% 16.01% 0.31%
subordinated debt funding.
4 Common Equity Tier1 capital 12,571.9 13,039.8 467.9
• Common Equity Tier1 capital increased by ¥467.9bn
5 Retained earnings 8,358.0 8,587.5 229.5
from the end of September 2015.
6 Other comprehensive income 1,356.2 2,161.2 805.0

Risk weighted assets (RWA) 7 Regulatory adjustments (693.3) (1,100.4) (407.1)

8 Additional Tier1 capital 1,682.2 1,799.4 117.1
• RWA was relatively unchanged, mainly due to an
Preferred securities and
increase in loans balance, offset by a decrease in 9
subordinated debt
1,260.2 1,544.5 284.2
equity balance and the appreciation of the Japanese 10 Foreign currency translation adjustments 588.4 316.5 (271.9)
yen against the other currencies.
11 Tier1 capital 14,254.1 14,839.2 585.1
12 Tier2 capital 3,308.6 3,102.5 (206.1)

Common Equity Tier 1 ratio 13 Subordinated debt 2,110.4 2,060.5 (49.8)

Amounts equivalent to 45% of unrealized
14 838.3 633.8 (204.5)
Full implementation*1 basis : 12.1% gains on available-for-sale securities

15 Total capital (Tier1+Tier2) 17,562.8 17,941.8 378.9

Excluding impact of net unrealized gains : 9.9%
(losses) on available-for-sale securities 16 Risk weighted assets 111,925.3 112,064.3 139.0
17 Credit risk 95,274.0 95,372.3 98.2
Leverage ratio 18 Market risk 1,989.1 2,198.7 209.5

Transitional basis : 4.79% 19 Operational risk 6,635.4 6,581.1 (54.2)

20 Transitional floor 8,026.6 7,912.1 (114.4)
Note: The risk-adjusted capital ratios and the amount of components thereof as of
September 30, 2015 reflect corrections of errors discovered in the risk weighting
*1 Calculated on the basis of regulations applied at the end of March 2019 applied to certain assets, mostly residential mortgage loans, and certain other
adjustments made under Basel I standards to obtain amounts that were used for
floor adjustments in determining the amounts of risk-weighted assets under Basel III
FY2016 targets 【Consolidated/Stand-alone】

• FY16 consolidated profits attributable to owners of parent target is ¥850.0bn.

FY 2015 FY 2016
Interim Full Year
〈Consolidated〉 Interim Full Year
(results) (results)
1 Total credit costs (31.0) (255.1) (110.0) (210.0)
2 Ordinary profits 969.9 1,539.4 610.0 1,320.0
3 Profits attributable to owners of parent 599.3 951.4 360.0 850.0

〈The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd (non-consolidated)〉

4 Net business profits 480.4 888.1 320.0 670.0

5 Total credit costs 21.2 (103.4) (20.0) (40.0)
6 Ordinary profits 538.3 863.7 290.0 600.0
7 Net income 379.6 586.0 210.0 430.0

〈Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation (non-consolidated)〉

8 Net business profits 95.6 193.0 80.0 170.0

9 Total credit costs 1.3 (0.2) (5.0) (10.0)
10 Ordinary profits 99.5 206.5 75.0 165.0
11 Net income 70.3 159.9 55.0 120.0

Dividend forecast 【Consolidated】

• Dividend per common stock for FY15 is ¥18.00.

• FY16 dividend forecast is ¥18.00 per common stock.

Result and forecasts of shareholder returns

Dividend payout
- 40.6% 30.0% 25.2%*1 22.0% 23.4% 24.6% 26.3% 29.2%
(256.9) 388.7 583.0 690.6*1 852.6 984.8 1,033.7 951.4 850.0 Profits
attributable to
owners of
Year-end dividend Interim dividend
Dividend per
¥18 ¥18 ¥18
common stock

200 ¥12 ¥12 ¥9 ¥9 ¥9
¥12 ¥9
¥6 ¥7
100 ¥5

¥9 ¥9 ¥9
¥7 ¥6 ¥6 ¥6 ¥6 ¥7

FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16

*1 FY11 figures do not include one-time effect of negative goodwill associated with application of equity method accounting on our investment in Morgan Stanley
Repurchase of own shares 【Consolidated】

• Resolved to repurchase own shares in order to enhance shareholder returns, improve capital efficiency and
conduct capital management flexibly.

Outline of repurchase of own share

Type of shares to be
Ordinary shares of MUFG

Aggregate amount of
Up to ¥100.0 billion
repurchase price

Aggregate number of Up to 230 million shares

(Equivalent to 1.67% of the total number of issued shares (excluding
shares to be repurchased
own shares))

Repurchase period From May 17, 2016 to June 30, 2016

(Reference) Own shares held by MUFG as of April 30, 2016

Total number of issued shares (excluding own shares) : 13,791,179,849 shares
Number of own shares : 377,673,971 shares

Appendix: Capital policy
• Enhance further shareholder returns and make strategic investment for sustainable growth while
maintaining solid equity capital

Enhance further
shareholder returns


Maintain solid Strategic investments for

equity capital sustainable growth

Appendix: Energy and mining credit exposure ~Overview
• As of end of March 2016, total credit exposure in the energy related sector *1 was ¥10.4 tn. Net exposure, deducting
collateral and guarantee (e.g. ECA), was ¥6.9 tn. Credit exposure toward companies or projects that are involved with
exploration, development and production of oil and gas (“Integrated” and “Upstream”) was ¥4.7 tn.
• Credit exposure in Americas was ¥3.8 tn or roughly 37% of overall energy related exposure, which includes ¥0.5 tn of
Reserve Based Lending (“RBL”) in MUAH (RBL: Loan collateralized by the value of oil and gas reserves).

Credit exposure, collateral and guarantee Credit exposure and undrawn commitment
(¥tn) (¥tn)
15 Credit exposure
Around 92% is toward
15 Credit exposure
borrowers categorized
¥10.4 tn as Normal ¥10.4 tn

10 Collateralized or guaranteed 10 Undrawn commitment

¥3.5 tn ¥4.2 tn

5 Net exposure 5 Drawn balance

¥6.9 tn ¥6.2 tn
US$/¥=120.17 US$/¥=119.96 US$/¥=112.68
0 0
Mar. 15 Sep. 15 Mar. 16 Mar. 15 Sep. 15 Mar. 16

Breakdown by Sector Breakdown by Region Breakdown by Structure

¥1.2 tn
Related Integrated Structured
industry ¥1.7 tn Americas Structured
finance*3 (BTMU) finance*3
¥0.6 tn ¥2.5 tn ¥3.0 tn ¥2.5 tn

Mid/down- Upstream ¥1.3 tn Americas
¥3.0 tn Corporate
stream*2 Asia, (MUAH) ¥7.9 tn
¥3.9 tn Oceania EMEA ¥0.8 tn
¥1.4 tn ¥1.4 tn Of which RBL
¥0.5 tn
*1 Including undrawn commitment and excluding market exposure *2 Storage, transportation, refining, sales and others *3 Project finance and trade finance
17 Note: All figures are on managerial basis, aggregating internal management figures of each subsidiary
Appendix: Energy and mining credit exposure ~Asset quality (1)

Credit exposure and non-performing loans*1 by sector and region

• Credit deterioration has been observed principally in the upstream part of oil & gas related exposure, and
in terms of regions, mostly in the Americas.
(¥ bn)
Total Americas Americas Structured
EMEA Asia/Oceania Japan
Integrated (BTMU) (MUAH) finance
Credit exposure (1) 1,690 523 0 542 626 0 0
Loans outstanding (2) 1,011 274 0 246 491 0 0
NPLs (3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Credit exposure (1) 2,984 637 683 201 192 138 1,133
Loans outstanding (2) 1,591 97 347 34 136 121 855
NPLs *1
(3) 99 A 15 62 0 0 0 B 22

Mid/downstream and related industry

Credit exposure (1) 4,555 1,353 120 331 437 1,118 1,195
Loans outstanding (2) 2,271 258 30 106 380 657 840
NPLs (3) 1 0 0 0 0 1 0

Credit exposure (1) 1,175 478 0 373 180 0 143
Loans outstanding (2) 613 283 0 123 95 0 113
NPLs *1
(3) 20 0 0 0 C 15 0 D 6
*1 Subject to the relevant criteria applying to each subsidiary. For example, risk-monitored loans based on Japanese Banking Act
Note: All figures are on managerial basis, aggregating internal management figures of each subsidiary

Appendix: Energy and mining credit exposure ~Asset quality (2)
Credit exposure, collateral and allowance in the sectors and regions with higher NPL*1 ratio

• Total NPL amount is approx. ¥120 bn, of which 90% are covered with collateral, guarantee or allowance.

(¥ bn)
Upstream Mining
Americas Americas Structured Structured
(BTMU) (MUAH) finance finance

Credit exposure (1) 637 683 1,133 180 143

Collateralized or
(2) 121 540 408 44 46
Uncollateralized or
(3) = (1)-(2) 517 144 725 136 98
Total NPLs

NPLs*1 (4) 15 62 22 15 6 120

Collateralized or
(5) 0 42 19 0 0

Allowance (6) 8 20 3 11 3
Total NPLs (net)

NPLs (net)*1 (7) = (4)-(5)-(6) 7 0 0 4 3 14

*1 Subject to the relevant criteria applying to each subsidiary. For example, risk-monitored loans based on Japanese Banking Act
Note: All figures are on managerial basis, aggregating internal management figures of each subsidiary

Appendix: Mitsubishi UFJ Nicos - System Integration Project

Importance of MUN MUFG’s core subsidiary, leading the growing cashless payment / credit card business

Recognized as a trusted No.1 company in cashless business

MUN’s Vision / goal - pursue to become a top tier company by utilizing MUFG’s customer base and enhancing operating
efficiency through the system integration

MUN Business Strategy Outline of system integration project

Focus on 6 initiatives, providing MUFG group- Establish efficient and effective business platform to
wide sophisticated solution capability support MUFG’s growth strategy
• Enhance the flexibility of system to provide more competitive
(1)Strategic alliance with (4)Enhancing settlement products/service and to expand MUN’s trustee business
Top Tier partners system infrastructure
• Enhance efficient and effective administration, credit exposure
(2)Collaboration with
Integrated into one system
(3)Promoting cashless
(6)Expand financing
business, revitalization
of local area

Capital Expenditure/Schedule Financial Impact

 Total capital expenditure is estimated to be  The system integration will cost antecedently. Net loss
JPY150 bn. in FY15 is primarily due to an increase in tax expenses
 Full integration is scheduled in FY21. by a decrease of Deferred Tax Assets.
 Net profit is expected in FY16.


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