Fluid Properties: Density, Specific Volume, Specific Weight, Specific Gravity, and Pressure
Fluid Properties: Density, Specific Volume, Specific Weight, Specific Gravity, and Pressure
Fluid Properties: Density, Specific Volume, Specific Weight, Specific Gravity, and Pressure
Afluid is defined as a “substance that deforms contin- ear relationship between the applied shear stress and the
uously when subjected to a shear stress” and is divided into resulting rate of deformation; but in a non-Newtonian
two categories: ideal and real. A fluid that has zero vis- fluid, the relationship is nonlinear. Gases and thin liquids
cosity, is incompressible,and has uniform velocity distri- are Newtonian, whereas thick, long-chained hydrocar-
bution is called an idealfluid. Realfluids are called either bons are non-Newtonian.
Newtonian or non-Newtonian. A Newtonian fluid has a lin-
The density p is defined as mass per unit volume. In in- The specific gravity s of a liquid is the ratio of its
consistent systems it is defined as lbdcft, and in consis- weight to the weight of an equal volume of water at stan-
tent systems it is defined as slugs/cft. The density of a gas dard temperature and pressure. The s of petroleum
can be found from the ideul gas law: products can be found from hydrometer readings using
M I (American Petroleum Institute) scale.
p = p/RT (1)
where p is the absolute pressure, R is the gas constant, and The fluid pressure at a point is the ratio of normal
T is the absolute temperature. force to area as the area approaches a small value. Its
The density of a liquid is usually given as follows: unit is usually lbs/sq. in. (psi). It is also often measured
The specific volume v, is the reciprocal of density: as the equivalent height h of a fluid column, through
the relation:
v, = l/p
The specific weight y is the weight per unit volume:
Y= Pg
Surface Tension
Vapor Pressure
Molecules that escape a liquid surface cause the evapo- of the temperature and increases with it. Boiling occurs
ration process. The pressure exerted at the surface by these when the pressure above the liquid surface equals (or is less
free molecules is called the vaporpressure. Because this is than) the vapor pressure of the liquid. This phenomenon,
caused by the molecular activity which is a function of the which may sometimes occur in a fluid system network,
temperature, the vapor pressure of a liquid also is a function causing the fluid to locally vaporize, is called cavitation.