Abhinn Sharma 41810046 Mba Second Year HR PDF
Abhinn Sharma 41810046 Mba Second Year HR PDF
Abhinn Sharma 41810046 Mba Second Year HR PDF
A Study of Impulse Buying in Relation to Personality
(Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of Master of Business
Administration (MBA) National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra)
Session 2018-20
Department of Business Administration
Certified that ABHINN SHARMA, Roll No: 41810046, (HR) a Student of Master
(Report Guide)
Assistant Professor
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
National Institute Of Technology
First and foremost, I thank to God for his substantial blessings and mercy at all stages in the
completion of my project. It is great pleasure for me to acknowledge the kind of help and
guidance received by me during my dissertation work. I was fortunate enough to get support
from a large number of people to whom I shall always remain grateful.
I especially remember and extend my humble words of thanks to Dr. SHABNAM under whose
supervision and guidance this report was completed. She was always there to clear my doubts
and provided necessary suggestions whenever I approached her. It is a privilege to have her as
my guide and mentor. I am also very grateful to the management of my college where I have
been studying, for allowing me to do the course and project.
I extend my gratitude to Dr. NEERAJ KAUSHIK, HOD, Department of Business
administration, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra for giving me this opportunity. I
take this opportunity to thank all the students who spared their precious time to provide me with
valuable inputs for the project without which it would have not been possible. I am also thankful
to my parents, siblings, classmates, and friends who were in some way or the other helpful to me
in successfully completing this project. I firmly believe that there is always scope for
improvement; I welcome any suggestions for future enriching the quality of this project.
This project has been undertaken by me for the partial fulfillment for the award Degree of Master
Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, NIT Kurukshetra. Further, I would
like to declare that this project is my original work and has been prepared for knowing what the
This project has not been presented in any seminar or submitted elsewhere for the award of any
degree or diploma.
4. Chapter - 4 (Data Interpretation and Analysis)
4.1. Introduction 35
4.2. Analysis of the Data 35
4.3. Objective wise Analysis, Interpretation and Discussion of Results 35
5. Chapter - 5 (Conclusion and Discussion)
5.1. Conclusion of the Study 49
5.2. Discussion 50
6. Chapter - 6 (Recommendations) 52
7. References 54
8. Appendix
According to Popai (2012) point of purchase advertising international says that 76 per cent of
decisions by the consumers in the store are unplanned. We can also say that impulse buying is a
process of spontaneous buying without thinking about the use of the product that means that
product is beneficial for me or not.
Nowadays in India everywhere malls are open and the majority of customer visited the malls for
purchasing the product because the customer thinks that I will get a cheaper and good quality of
the product. One perception of the customer is that they can get various companies of the product
and they can easily differentiate about the product quality and cost and features of the product.
So impulse buying is a process of purchasing a product on the spot. Most of the companies and
shops owner earns a huge profit through impulsive buying. Shops and malls generate a that type
of environment so that customer is motivated and goes for impulsive purchase. Customers attract
more when the product is attracted or when the huge discount is running on that product.
Sometimes companies doing attractive packing of the product so that the product attract more to
the customer and that increases the impulsive buying
1.2. Types of Impulse Buying
Generally, impulse buying is four types these are pure impulse buying, reminder impulse buying,
suggested impulse buying, planned impulse buying
(1) Pure Impulse Buying: It is a process in which it breaks a regular buying pattern.
When customers visit the store and his emotional speaks to buying something new and
more. Customer purchases a low desire product.
In other words, this purchase is also known as an impulse purchase. In this purchase
products are placed at the checkout counter or billing counters. That type of products
have an attracting wrapping or with a huge discount on that product. Some products have
an attracting packaging and with a very low price so that these products attract the
customers. Customers are emotionally weak and purchase the products even though that
purchase is out of their normal purchasing behaviour.
(2) Reminder Impulse Buying: That type of impulse buying is based on reminding.
That means customers are no planned for that product. Products are arranged or placed in
the store (online and offline) that triggered an emotion to purchase the product. These
products are placed in a very effective manner so that they developed the need for the
In other words, when customer visiting the store and purchase a planned product or
purchasing according to the list and when he noticing the products that are placed in the
gallery of the store or maybe in billing section than the customer noticed that product and
need of the product is developed that is called reminder impulse buying
(3) Suggested Impulse Buying: The concept of suggested buying is given by Stern
(1962). In that type of impulse buying customer purchases the product on his behalf.
When the customer sees the product and his mind tells about the need of the product so in
this type of buying a positive wave comes out in his mind and customer purchases the
product. In this impulse buying customer suggest himself to buying the product. The new
product is purchased based of self-suggestion without any prior experience.
Impulse buying is fashion impulse buying where the customer is motivated by self-
suggestion to purchase the new fashion product. In the case of fashion impulse buying
purchase customer never uses the product in past and customer wants to purchase new
design and the new style of the product. So according to him, customers impulse buying
purchases more in case of fashion products.
According to Mattila and Enz (2002) argued in later that fashion-oriented impulse buying
is influenced by shoppers own positive emotions and also product design and colour
when shopping
(4) Planned Impulse Buying: In this type of impulse buying customer has a planned to
purchase a product but the company of the product is not decided. Customer purchases
the product of that company in which the products have a huge discount offers and prices
of the product. Let us consider an example - customer wants to purchase of soap but the
company is not decided when the customer visits the store and company x has 10 per cent
discount of the product and company y gives a 20 percent discount of the product so the
customer will purchase a that company products who have a large discount so in this
example customer purchase any company products.
1.3. Regular Buying Process and Impulse Buying Process
In regular buying process includes cognitive thinking. Cognitive thinking refers to the need of
the product is developed through the mind. Human needs are different and human have never
ended demand for the product. Consumer demand is generated through the need is developed.
Every consumer has derived demand and wants to satisfy the basic needs so that the consumer
purchases the product to satisfy the demand. In normal-decision making process consumer
purchases the product according to satisfy the basic demand of the product and in normal
decision-making impulse buying has never happened. In normal decision making consumer did a
lot of research before buying the products because in today competitive world many companies
offer a product at a very low cost with attractive deals sometimes companies give huge
discounts. Today customers are clever and have options to purchase the product and due to the
introduction of globalisation competition is increasing so that new companies come with the
latest technology so that the product cost is very low. In normal decision making purchase
process consumer purchases high-cost product. Before purchasing consumer collects all the
relevant information about the product and checks all the pros and cons of the product and also
checks that product is satisfy the need or not.
Generally, impulse buying is seeing in low-cost product and daily product like fast moving
consumers goods (FMCG), beverages, food, and cosmetics categories product. The decision-
making process is very short generally seeing spontaneous purchase so this is impulse
buying.The decision-making process is very short the reason is to cognitive thinking. In impulse
buying, the consumer did not think about the consequences of the product while purchasing the
product because of the purchase in an unplanned purchase. Unplanned purchase is generated
through internal stimulus. So in low-cost product purchase customer is never dissatisfied. But
some cases customer is not happy these cases may be the quality of the product and expiry of the
product and it may be possible product are defective.
Sometimes impulse buying also depends upon the income of the consumer if a consumer earns
more money than impulse buying is more and those consumers earn less money less impulse
buying seeing but other employees who are earning on daily basis or income is very less impulse
buying never seen.
1.4. Regular Buying Process
Normal decision making is a 5 step process in which customer purchases the product according
to the need of the product, shown in figure 3. Impulse buying is never seen in this process.
Customers have a limited amount of money to spend. So in normal purchasing customer
purchases, important product means purchases products which are daily used products. Customer
also purchases fast movinf consumer goods, beverages, pulses and other living raw material so
that they can survive in the world.
Stage 1 - Need Recognition
This is the first stage of the decision-making process in this stage in which the need is developed
by the customer. Need is a daily needs products and basic products which are important to
survive in the life. So customers are identifying the products which are purchased in future or
maybe suddenly purchased.
Stage 2 - Search for Information
In this step now the customer has gathered the information about the product like which
company provides a good quality product and low-cost product. Which company provides a huge
discount and good packaging of the product and also which company give a promotional offer.
Also collects the information which product satisfy the need of the consumer and which product
is easily available.
Stage 3 - Evaluation of Alternatives
In this stage, customers have various options of companies. So customer has all companies
product information this information consists of the price of the product, promotion offers on the
products, packaging of the product and easily availability of the product etc. So customer-
selected these products whose purposes are solved and also affect the prices of the product.
Basically in this stage customer did all the evaluations like the pros and cons of the product.
Stage 4 - Purchase Decision
In this stage consumer decided which company product will purchase and satisfy the need of the
consumer. So in this step customer purchases the product after evaluation of all the factors
Stage 5 - Post Purchase Behaviour
In this stage customer will do generally review of the product like a product is satisfy the need or
not means customer purchased the product and checks that product fulfils the need or not and
also thinks about the quality of the product and also measures product is cost-effective or not.
1.5. Impulse Buying Process
Stage 1 - Desire is created seeing the product
When a customer has visited the store such that (online and offline) and customer is attracted
when the product packaging is very good or if a product has a huge discount and then human
mind suddenly stimulus to purchase that product because the customer thinks that it may be
possible scheme will end in future or he cannot purchase this product at this cost so the customer
is decided to purchase the product. Stores placed a product in such a way that customer is
attracted to that product by looking at the product. Generally, all the huge discount product and
attractive packaging product is placed near the entry of the store or in the billing section. So
desires are created by externally.
Stage 2 - Reminds about the Problem
Once the desire is created than the customer thinks internally about the problem like thinks about
the cash is available with him and enough space to carry the product and he can also think about
that product is useful or not for him and he can use the product or not. This is a cognitive process
means he thinks through internally.
Stage 3 - Evaluation of Alternative
Generally, in stores, there are the same types of products but the manufacturing company is
different. In this stage customer checks how many company offers a product and on which
company offers more benefit and low-cost product.
Stage 4 - Impulse Purchase
After evaluation is done than the customer is purchasing the product without thinking
consequences. Impulse buying happens suddenly means spontaneous. Customer generally
bought low involvement product. Customer goes for an impulse purchase just because there are
various reasons so that these reasons activated the human thinking and customer goes for an
impulse purchase.
Evaluation of alternatives
Evaluation of Alternatives
Purchase decision
Short decision making time
Impulse Purchase
1.6. Introduction to the Topic
The main purpose of this study to know what the factors are behind so that customer is going for
impulse buying purchase. There are various factors which affect the regular buying behaviour.
Customer purchases those products which are not present in the list or we can also say that
customers are not prepared for purchase that product. Impulse buying is basically, a customer
purchase the product spontaneous means without thinking about the consequences of that
Personality affects the consumer buying pattern. Salary also matters for purchasing of impulse
buying. Personality changes through the influence of cultural, social and environmental factors
which the person determined. Personality also depends upon Genes. Personality is different from
different people. Personality is basically, a unique identification of the person and personality is
different from different people. Impulse buying behaviour is also influenced by personality traits
which are experienced by the customer. Some customer personality is they want to use new
products and explore the new products. They always try to explore new company products and
gaining an experience of new company product.
This study aims is to identify what are the factors so that customer goes for spontaneous
purchase. There are various reasons when a customer goes for impulse buying purchase. Some
factors are internal and some factors are external and some factors are customer-related. If a
person is extrovert they try to a new product and they are feeling comfortable when they are used
a new company product. They are attracted more through product packaging and discount offers
of that product.
Impulse buying behaviour is also dealt with emotions thoughts and feelings of the customer with
their experience. Some customer goes for impulse buying because they are motivated when they
are purchasing the products because some stores play an emotional or songs and some store uses
fragrances. Some stores use good lighting in the store and create an environment in such a way
so that customer is going for an impulse buying. So there are various reasons so that customer
goes for an impulse buying. India is a developing country and most of the companies sold
product because the reason of impulse buying because they provide the product with huge
discounts and cover packaging is very effective. They are placed in the billing section and entry
section of the shops or malls. Impulse buying also depends on the customer earing factors if a
customer earns more than the impulse buying is more if a customer earns less than impulse
buying is often occurring. Impulse buying also affected consumer age, perception, beliefs,
thinking etc. Impulse buying is also affected by cognitive. Cognitive refers to the thinking of the
customer means how a customer thinks about the product how’s a customer take the product.
When the customer saw a product if the product is very attracting the customer than the customer
thinks to purchase that product but if the product packaging is very good and there is no discount
and product cost is very high then customer is thinking for purchasing the product if the product
is normal with a huge discount and prices are also less than customer purchases the product. For
impulse buying prices of the product refers to the major role and the way of the thinking of the
customer for that product.
Impulse buying also affected through the store representative if the store representative tells
about all the positive side of the products than customer also goes for an impulse buying. In this
study, the researcher wants to know the factors for the impulse buying and which factor more
influenced for impulse buying. In India competition is very high and new companies enter in the
competition and also provide a good quality of products with a very low cost. These companies
focus on how can influence the customer and how can sell the product. Nowadays companies
more focus on product price and packaging. Most of the companies survive in this competitive
world just because of impulse buying.
Internal Factors
Sudden Self-Control
Exciting Self-Reaction
1.8. Emotions
Emotions psychological term is affect. Emotion is a part of cognitive process emotions are
generated through cognition and emotions also play a very important role for impulse buying. In
the cognitive process, every customer emotions are different and it is very important how
customer takes a product. What is the perception of the product after seeing the product different
person have a different view when they seeing the product. Emotion is basically a mood. Mood
also plays a very important role for impulse buying.
Paul Eckman in 1976 gave 6 types of emotions these are happiness, sadness, disgust, fear,
surprise, and anger. Emotions are biological states which are associated with the nervous system.
So emotion in a persons are changing means emotions are changes time to time sometimes
customer feel mole happy more motivated sometimes feel demotivated. So impulse buying also
depends on the customer emotions. If a person is happier and he visited the store than he feels
good and purchases more items so impulse buying increases. So, in short, we can say that
emotions are a degree of pleasure or displeasure.
Happiness is also known as subjective well-being and it is dual faceted and subjective well-being
is shown person mood whether a person is happy or not. Subjective well-being (happiness)
shows individual life satisfaction. Subjective well-being (happiness) is a feeling of prosperity so
that person is calm and we can say that person is stress-free. Happiness is an inner feeling of the
mind. When a person feels happy and go for shopping than the chances of spontaneous purchase
(impulse buying) increases because a person is happy than he is attracted easily when he saw
attractive packaging product and product with huge discount. A Person is easily attracted
because when he is happy than his mind is become relaxed and when he saw a product with
good packaging and with huge discount person mind attracted very easily because the mind is in
relaxed form and when the mind is in relaxed form this is generally seen mind accept the things
very easily because mind give information like if a product is in attractive packaging it may be
possible product quality is very good and mind release some type of neurons so that these
neurons generate a feeling of miss out. When a person is relaxed mind rapidly converts the data
of the product with useful information. Subjective well-being is quite similar to mood because if
person mood is positive than a person feels happy, relaxed, stress-free and if a person sad or
tensed than person mood is negative so that person feels stress, depressed. So when a person is in
joyful mood or happy and go for shopping than the chances of impulse buying is increases.
I am already described that emotions psychological term is affect. Emotions are broder term and
affect is a sub part of emotions. Affect is divided into two types positive affect and negative
affect. Positive affect refers to many positive emotions. Positive emotion means pleasant
emotion. A person is happy and stress- free and talk to a person with calm and give suggestions
to another person and help to others just because of positive emotions. If a person is happy and
go for shopping and person feel relaxed and tension free than the person is easily attracted with
an attractive product means good packaging product and product with a huge discount and this
increases the chances of impulse buying. Whereas negative affect shows unpleasant emotions.
Due to negative emotions the person feels miserable and sad. Due to this negative emotions
person dislike yourself and others. So we can say that negative emotions are unpleasant or
unhappy emotions. Due to negative emotions person discourages. So when person emotions are
negative there are two cases. In one case person will not go for shopping and in another case, a
person go for shopping with negative emotions in this case person will not easily be attracted
when he will see a good packaging product or product with huge discount. So in negative affect
the chance of impulse buying is reduced. Figure 7 shows types of affect. Affect plays a major
role in spontaneous purchase. So in today era companies works more on how to increase the
customer affect in positively. Companies place a product in the store so that product is easily
catchable for the customer and also sets a product price which is not too high or too low. If a
company sets high price customer did not go for spontaneous purchase and if a company sets too
low-cost customer thinks negative about the product. So the company sets the middle range of
price and makes an attractive packaging and provides a huge discount on the product so that
when a customer sees the product positive thoughts come into the customer mind and customer
sudden purchase the product. It is generally seen when a customer finds great deal positive
emotions come out and more positive emotions come out when he gets the product with high
discount which product is needed for the customer to satisfy the basic need and customer go for
spontaneous purchase.
1.9. Personality
Personality is derived from “persona” which means unique or different. Different persons have
different personality. Some persons are more introvert and some are extrovert. Personality is a
term which differs the person from others. Person thinking is differing just because of
personality. Due to differing in personality buying pattern of the person is different. Some
persons are enjoying when they use different company items and some people don’t want to try
new company products. Some persons are influenced due to good and attractive packaging and
huge discount available on that product. Personality is basically, a way of thinking of the person
every person thinking is different. Personality is basically, how a person considers a product after
seeing the product. Some customers have a good personality they are focused and purchased
those items which are important and never distract with promotional strategies of the company.
The term personality is defined in many ways, but in general, we can define personality in two
ways. The first way consists of differences exist in between people. In this way, we can
differentiate or identify the nature of the people, the mood of the people, emotions of the person,
type of the person etc. Different people behave in different ways some are aggressive and some
are calm, some people are serious and some are not serious so this is basically a personality
every person have a different personality. The second way is to help in differentiate different
species of the people. In this way, we can define the nature of the person and also determine how
the person can influence with others and the person how to take decisions and what are the
parameters considers to take a decision. Different person thinks different in the same situation
just because of the personality. Person gets personality from their parents and some personality is
learnt by through environment.
According to Gordon Allport, he told about personality nearly about 70 years ago. Allport said
personality is the dynamic nature within the individual that is basically a psychophysical systems
that his unique adjustments with the environment or with the persons. Personality is the sum total
of ways how to person interact with others and how to react in situations.
Due to personality different person behaves different and thinks different and the purchasing of
the product and decision is also different. Some persons feel more stress when he will go for
decision and some persons make decisions calmly. Some persons interact with others happily
and some persons interact with others with sad. So we can say that different persons have
different nature and a different attitude.
Personality also affect the impulse buying because some person wants to purchase new products
and some persons want to purchase only those products which are used previously. Some person
wants to new product just because of personality because that type of person explore new
products and used this product and gain the information about which product is good and which
product is not good and also wants to gaining the experience about the quality of the product and
then decide that in future that product is used or not. Some person shares the experience with
others and some not share the experience just because of the personality. That type of person
thinks that my experience is very bad for that product and my rupees waste so I cannot share the
information with others because I wasted my rupees that type of personality of the person is
Some persons attracted easily when he saw attractive packaging product and some persons
attracted when he saw the products with huge discounts and then the customer suddenly purchase
a product without thinking this is done just because of personality and that type of person is most
times go for impulse buying.
The Big Five Personality Model
To understand the role of personality how much effect the impulse buying, my study utilise
OCEAN model of personality. It stands for openness, conscientiousness, extraversion,
agreeableness, and neuroticism. It is also known as the big five model. It covers all the human
personality features (Andreassen et al., 2013; Robert et al., 2015) and helps to understand the
essential personality traits and these traits also helps to differentiate the persons with others.
a. Openness
According to McCrae and Costa (2008) defines as the level of person thinking means how much
a person thinks about the situation it is basically a person imagination and their leniency (broad-
mindedness). Mondak (2010) categorised openness as a trait in which person has a different
behaviour like some persons have a flexible behaviour basically that are not rigid basically, they
act according to the situation and some person have a strict behaviour that person is rigid and
they did not change the views and opinions. Hogan and Barrette (2007) categorised openness as
an individual creativity according to them every person have a creative and every person are
different from others. So openness persons are open-minded and they are very fast to learn new
things basically, that type of people are adventurous and different people have different interest
means diversified interest. So individual has a low score shows that people are conservative and
they did not attract easily when he saw a new deal or when he saw a good packaging product and
that people have a limited mind level. They are slightly reserved and they did not show emotions.
Where people have a high score that people are more adventurous they want to use new things
and that type of people easily attracted to good packaging product and product with attractive
packaging. Basically that people come up with new ideas and fun-loving person. It is believed
that people adopt new products. So openness shows a positive effect on impulse buying.
b. Conscientiousness
Conscientiousness is also personality trait which shows the behaviour of the person. Due to
conscientiousness person shows the self-control behaviour and mostly times they did not go for
easily impulse buying. That person basically a task oriented or goal oriented person. Due to this
personality traits different person show different behaviour that person are basically a self-
control, hard worker person. Those persons have some type of responsibility and that person
spent money carefully means that type of person never spent money on useless things or items.
That person makes a plan and act or shows behaviour according to plan and those persons are
more energetic to fulfil the aim. Basically, those persons make a plan carefully and organise the
plan in suitable order and focus on their plan and doing hard work to achieve the plan. So
individual having a low score shows careless person, and they do not focus on their life goals and
plan and they live life without tension and that person did not have any plan and that person is
too lazy and they don’t worry about the life and they can be easily distracted. The person having
a high score shows those persons are a goal-oriented person and focused on life and they take
tension until they did not achieve the target and spent money when that products fulfil the need
so that type of person has a limits to go for impulse buying.
c. Extraversion
Extraversion trait shows that type of person is more socializing, confidence, anticipation and
enjoyable person. That type person wants to interact more with the people and share the ideas
and past experience they treat all the people are same and they are easily mixed with others and
when uses a new product or gaining new information they want to share with others. If a person
having a low score they are not friendly they don’t want to interact with others that type of
person introvert and they do not want to share experiences and information basically, they are
less talkative and they are less confident. A person has a high score that person is highly
motivated that person has a high confidence, positive thinking, energetic, more active and they
basically love to more socialize. So that person always try to new things and wants to gain
experience and always share the information with friends that type of person always go for
impulse buying.
d. Agreeableness
Agreeableness trait shows that the persons are more intelligent and they act on a situation very
carefully they take the things very seriously and that type of people are more sociable. They want
to help the people when other people share the problems. They want to make new friends and
maintain the relationship. They always share true information with their friends. They believe
that when they help other people other people are also helped when they face a problem. So a
person having a high score shows that people are more sensible and intelligent and they think
more before purchasing the items. They purchase only those items whose are beneficial for them
and solve the purpose they never spent on useless items.
e. Neuroticism
Neuroticism traits two type of category person. In this type of category, persons are maybe on
stress, anxiety, depression, calm etc. If a person has on the stress they are also on depression and
they did not calm and they that type of person thinks too much they think actively on one topic
that person losses self-control there are many reasons to show that type of behaviour. Opposite to
this if a person is stress-free they live life enjoyable and share information with others and
always makes a new friend and also help other people. If a person having a high score that means
a person is in stress and depression and they go for shopping for reducing the stress and that type
of person most times did impulse buying. If a person having a more high score this shows a
person requires psychiatric because may be possible that a person feels that they are guilty or
thinking too much, unhappiness, humiliation, etc. That person is not emotionally stable. If a
person having a low score shows that type of person are more stable and that person faces their
challenges and problems more strongly. That person never thinks negatively and always do
motivate yourself to give their best and always wants to do work with focus. Those persons are
more conscious and take the thinks very carefully and they behave well. If any problem arises
they take the problem very seriously and always try to find out the ways to solve the problem.
Those persons are emotionally stable.
1.10. Mindfulness
Mindfulness is the vital human ability in which a person is fully present, and also where we are
and what to be done and how to do the things. If persons have a mind they know what is right
and what is wrong. Mindfulness is a process in which the product information is decoded
through the mind and gives the idea that this product is beneficial for me or not and also gives
the idea that product is in the range of my pocket or not.
If the customer has a mind means customer know what is good for him and what is bad for him.
If customers have a presence of mind they attracted easily through a new product and thinks
about that product is purchase or not. If the products is beneficial for him and satisfy the need of
the customers than customers goes for purchase.
If the customer did not have mind than customer is not easily attracted through the products
because they are not in presence of mind the reason of this it may be possible that customer is
suffering from some stress or mental illness. That type of customer mind did not respond fast and
not able to convert the images into fruitful information.
2.1. Introduction
The previous chapter deals with the conceptual framework of the present research problem.
Every piece of ongoing research needs to be connected with the work already done, to attain
overall relevance and purpose. The review of literature thus acts as a link between the studies
already conducted in the field/area and the research proposed. The study of these stages helps a
researcher to proceed in his research work properly and effectively. Knowledge about the work
already done in the particular field helps the researcher in adopting the methodology to complete
that particular research work and the results derived from those previous researches in
determining the research problem properly.
2.2. Review of Literature Related to Impulse Buying
1. Clover (1950)
Clover is first given the concept of impulse buying in 1950. In his study, he found that some of
the product is more sold during shopping. Impulse buying is mostly done on how much customer
attracted through the product. If a product has a good packaging and huge discount and customer
less think about the product and pick the product spontaneously. He found that some products are
sold during impulse buying, not all product. Customers never go for purchase if the customer
never listen to the company name or company is newly entered in the market.
2. Rook (1987)
Rook says that impulse buying is an uncontrollable phenomenon wherein a person feels a sudden
need to buy certain products and a person did not think about the future outcomes. In impulse
buying customer are emotionally thinks and attracted easily and at that point, customer cannot
understand why he attracted for impulse buying and sometimes ignores future outcomes.
3. Stern (1952)
In 1952 Stern determined nine factors that affect the impulse buying he has also included the
price of the product in the overall purchase, efficient distribution done by the seller, heavy
publicity and promotion, significant need, powerful distribution done by the seller, freedom to
select, creative display, easy to carry and store. Stern also described four types of purchase like
Reminder, Suggestive, pure and planned impulse buying.
4. Engel and Blackwell (1982)
Engel and Blackwell describes that customer has no plans to purchase the product and customer
have no past problems and customer have no buying plans. Generally customer did impulse
buying when he visits the store and attracted towards a product when he saw an attractive
packaging product with huge discount. When the customer saw a huge deal he is in a dilemma
like if he did not purchase the product it may be a chance that this offer never comes in future.
5. Loudon and Della Bitta (1984)
The findings of the study that customer avail the benefits when he purchases the product which
have under in special offers. In his study they found customer attract mostly products have a
good packaging and huge discounts and customer go for spontaneous purchase so that they can
save the money when he purchased the product in special discount offers.
2.3. Review of Literature Related to Personality
1. Beatty & Ferell (1998)
The findings of the study is that when customer have a lack of control or may be said loose self-
control is very important for impulse buying. If a customer have self-control and easily distracted
when he looks good packaging product and product have a huge discount this increases the
impulse buying. If customer easily attracted on products
2. Gramzow et al. (2004)
The findings of the study is that if a customer has self-control than it reduces the impulse buying
because customer clear know what is to be purchased and on which company product purchase.
Customer has very much intelligent and he has a good knowledge about the product and he can
easily differentiate between company products and customer is not easily attracted on a good
packaging product and product have an attractive deals because he already focused what is to be
purchased. Generally customer purchase on those products which they are used in past and did
not go for new products.
3. Zensen Compbell (1992)
They show the relation between conscientiousness and impulse buying and neuroticism and
impulse buying. The findings of the study is that if a customer has a conscientiousness than the
chances of impulse buying increases because the customer is easily attracted to attractive
discounts and good packaging. Customer wants to save more money so that customer easily
picked the products which have a good discount and attractive packaging. Impulse buying is a
spontaneous action because if customer sees the offers and collect all the relevant information
and picked the product quickly. If a customer has a problem of neuroticism than it may be
chances customer is in stress and in depression than impulse buying is very less. If customers
have a high level of stress and in depression than customer required psychiatrist and customer
when visited the store they never be attracted on good packaging product and product a huge
discount because the customer did not have self-control.
4. Otero-López & Pal (2013)
These are the recent researcher and the findings in his study that impulse buying is positive with
neuroticism and negative associated with conscientiousness and agreeableness. They find that
customer with neuroticism have self-control and easily attracted with attractive products and
huge discounts on a product because customer go for shopping for reducing the stress so
generally they do impulse buying and customer have a conscientiousness they have self-control
and they know what is good and what is bad for them. They purchase only those things they
decided when he go for shopping and generally they did not go for a new company product.
2.4. Review of Literature Related to Mindfulness
1. Longer (1989)
The finding of the study mindfulness is a feeling of participation, connection (attachment), and
the state of active mind which can be achieved easily when mind noticing new things.
Mindfulness is basically a sense of humour of the customer once customer looks on the product
and product have a good packaging and very attractive discount than customer collects all the
relevant information about the product like uses of the product and what are the uses of the
product if customer purchases and that product will fulfil the need of the customer or not.
2. Compton (2005)
The findings of the study mindfulness is a condition in which person are fully present and
conscious for doing a daily activity and a person knows their role and responsibility and what is
to be done in a day and sometimes some person maintains a dairy in which he mentioned what is
to be done today. Mindfulness is basically a person is conscious and he knows everything what is
to be done and how to be done and when a person goes for purchasing he knows what is to be
purchased or what is to be not purchased.
3. Alidina (2010)
The findings of this study is that when customer go for shopping customer focuses more when he
saw good deals in a store maybe he visited offline or online. Customer pay attention more when
he finds good deals and huge discount on the product than customer collects all relevant
information about the product like the company of the product and what are the ingredients of
the product etc.
4. Didoma (2009)
Mindfulness is a simple step to connect to reduce adversity and transform human beings into a
good person. Mindfulness is basically an active state of mind that pays more attention when a
person looks on new things and wants to enhance the knowledge through life experiences when a
person tries new things basically a completely new things such that customer never uses that
2.5. Review of Literature Related to Happiness
1. Nicolao et.al. (2009)
The findings of the study that when a customer is happy and visited the store than customer
mostly do impulse buying. When customer feel gratitude or happy than positive neutrons flow in
the body of the customer and when customer go for shopping than customer feels motivated
when he find attractive discounts on the products and customer purchases the product without
thinking that is basically an impulse buying.
2. Saleh (2012)
He concluded in his study that when a customer did shopping they feel more motivated and
relaxed. Customers satisfied when he visited the store and purchases the product according to the
need. Customer happier when he purchased the product at very lower price the reason of lower
price is maybe the company provided huge discounts or company provides promotional offers if
a customer purchases the product with a very less price he saves some part of money and
customer is happy.
3. Waterman (2002)
Waterman defines hedonist well happiness is a positive feeling when a customer purchases the
product at a very low cost. If a company provides a product at a very low-cost customer have an
option or opportunity to fulfil the desires or need. So happiness is a positive feeling when a
customer gets a product at a very low price.
4. Diener, Lucas & Oishi (2002)
The finding of the study is that person feels happy when the positive emotions flow in the mind
at that situation person is free from stress and when he visited the store the possibility of impulse
buying increase. Impulse buying is a sudden urge to buy and the customer goes for purchases
more and more when he has positive emotions every person have emotions due to emotions
customer are sad and happy. When customer has positive emotions and visited the store than the
customer easily attracted when a customer saw attractive packaging and attractive offers on the
3.1. Introduction
Research is a systematic, scientific, organized and disciplined procedure for conducting an
investigation to examine data, data source and arriving at conclusions by explaining. Research is
a systematic and scientific process as it has a certain procedure and methodology to be followed
using inductive or deductive reasoning. In the words of Koul (2009) “Research is an objective,
impartial, empirical and logical analysis and recording of controlled observations that may lead
to the development of generalizations, principles or theories, resulting to some extent in
prediction and control of events that may be consequences or causes of some specific
phenomena.” Research is of immense importance as its results are used in the refinement and
improvement of human lives and the expansion of the knowledge. Research design acts as a tool
which prompts new commitments and additionally turns in to a sort of innovative work.
The research design is a detailed plan of work involving a sequence of steps to be undertaken for
carrying out the investigation concerning the research problem (Singh, 2006). It is just like the
blueprint which provides a complete overview of the work to be carried out. It entails all the
necessary steps, a well-equipped plan with proper techniques, strategies which an investigator
prepares before the actual investigation of the research problem. Research design is helpful in
determining the direction of a research study and taking important decisions like measures to be
used in collecting the data, statistical techniques to be used, analysis of data and so on. Research
project is based on the purpose of research, type of variables and situations in which research is
to be carried out.
3.2. Statement of the Problem
In the light of the discussion given above, the researcher has taken up the problem to investigate.
A study of impulse buying in relation to personality. The problem is formally stated as below:
3.3. Objectives of the Study
3. There is no significant relationship of mindfulness, happiness, extraversion,
agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness to experiences, positive
affect, negative affect and self-control with the impulse buying of female students.
4. There is no significant combined and individual effect of mindfulness, happiness,
extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness to
experiences, positive affect, negative affect and self-control with the impulse buying of
the students.
5. There is no significant combined and individual contribution of mindfulness, happiness,
extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness to
experiences, positive affect, negative affect and self-control with the impulse buying of
male students.
6. There is no significant combined and individual effect of mindfulness, happiness,
extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness to
experiences, affect and self-control with the impulse buying of female students.
3.5. Sample Design
The present study employs the usage of questionnaires in the form of GOOGLE DOCS that are
administered to collect the information from participants.
3.6. Type of Study
The present research was survey method under descriptive. Descriptive research is a fact-finding
study which is used to know the current status of the phenomena and phenomena of the
immediate past. The survey study is a type of descriptive research which is used to collect
information or data.
3.7. Population
It is any group of individuals that have one or more features in common which distinguish that
group from other individuals and that are of interest to the researcher. “The well-specified and
identifiable group is known as a population” (Singh, 2009). The population is also known as the
universe. The population also defined as the whole group of units for which the value of
variables to be measured. The students of the National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra and
Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) constitute the population for the purpose of the proposed
3.8. Sample
Data collection is basically an important part of the research practice so that the hypothesis or
simplifications tentatively held may be recognized as valid, verified or correct or rejected and
inferences are made. In order to gather the mandatory data for any research problem sample has
taken from the population. Sampling is the procedure of gaining information about a whole
population by examining only a part of it. Sampling is the procedure by which a comparatively
small number of individuals, object or event is selected and examined to find out somewhat
about the complete population from which it was selected. “Sampling is taken any portion of a
population or universe as representative of that population or universe” (Kerlinger, 1986). 191
students selected as a sample for the study.
(Impulse Buying)
i. Dependent Variable
The dependent variable is the factors which are observed and measured to determine the effect of
the independent variable. In simple terms, the variable on which effect is being studied are called
as dependent variables. A dependent variable is one about which we make a prediction. The
dependent variable is the variable which we measured by the researcher and is the presumed
effect. In the present study impulse buying was chosen as the dependent variable.
ii. Independent Variable
A variable that is measured or manipulated through the researcher to decide its relationship to an
observed phenomenon is known as an independent variable. In other arguments, an independent
variable is those variables which are manipulated by the investigator.
In the present study - mindfulness, happiness, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness,
emotional stability, openness to experiences, positive affect, negative affect and self-control were
chosen as the independent variables.
3.10. Sampling Technique
In the present study, the incidental sampling method is used to collect data from the participants.
Incidental sampling is also known as convenient or volunteer sampling method. In this method
whosoever is available to cooperate for providing information is selected and thus, the required
number of sample is obtained.
It is a kind of non-probability sampling technique in which units are selected at the choice of the
investigator. While selecting the sample, the investigator/researcher only thinks where he will get
the required data to serve his purpose. That is why non-probability sampling is also called as
purposive sampling.
In research work, data gathering devices are called as research tools. The utility and importance
of any research work is dependent on the appropriateness of the tools used to access the
information from the sample. The tools used must be valid, reliable and objective. Since the
present study involved the assessment of mindfulness, happiness, extraversion, agreeableness,
conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness to experiences, affect and self-control on the
impulse buying of students. Keeping in view the aims and objectives of the present study, the
following tools were used –
1. Description of Impulse Buying Scale (IBS)
Impulse Buying scale was developed and standardized originally by Anant Jyoti Badgaiyana,
Anshul Verma and Saumya Dixit (2014). This scale consists of 8 items and all eight items are
cognitive and affective factor framed.
Table 3.1: Number of Items in Impulse Buying Scale
Sr. Type of Strongly Strongly
Disagree Agree nor Agree
No. Statement Disagree Agree
1. Positive 1 2 3 4 5
3. Happiness Scale
Happiness scale was developed and standardized originally by Lyubomirsky S. and Lepper H.S.
(1999). This scale consists of five items. In the present study positively framed only one item is
Table 3.4: Scoring of Happiness Scale
5. Personality Scale
Ten item personality inventory (TIPI) is developed and standardized by Woods and Hampson
(2005). This scale is a brief scale that consists of 10 items which describes 5 personality traits.
The five personality traits are – extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional
stability and openness to experiences. Out of 10 items, 5 items are positive while 5 are reverse
Table 3.7: Number of Items in the Personality Scale
Table 3.8: Scoring of Personality Scale
6. Self-Control Scale
4. Lesser number of descriptive statistics was applied due to time shortage.
5. The smaller sample size was taken due to time constraints.
4.1. Introduction
The previous chapters in the study deal with the conceptual and theoretical aspects of the study, a
review of the related literature and the methodology that has been followed in the present study.
With the consideration of the objectives and hypotheses of the present research, the data is
collected. After the scoring and tabulation of data, the analysis and finally the interpretation with
the help of descriptive and inferential statistics are done. This chapter focuses on the analysis and
interpretation of data that were collected for the present study.
4.2. Analysis of the Data
Data is a collected form of facts, for extracting factual information from the set of raw data.
Analysis of data is in a structured and systematic procedure of categorizing, arranging, ordering
and summarizing the data to discover facts and for getting answers related to the research
purpose. The basic purpose of data analysis is to reduce data into a simple and interpretable form
so inferences may be drawn from it (Kothari, 2004). Analysis and interpretation of data with the
help in knowing the relationship between the variables and from those appropriate conclusions
may be drawn. Careful analysis with the help of appropriate statistical techniques leads to better
prediction and accurate assessment. Therefore, data analysis is an important step that involves a
whole composite procedure for assessing data utilizing appropriate descriptive and inferential
4.3.Objective wise Analysis, Interpretation and Discussion of Results
To facilitate the presentation and bring clarity in it, the entire analysis is presented in three parts
and the results based on it are discussed under the following sections –
Section 1: Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation
Pearson product-moment correlation is used to study the relationship between the variables. In
the present study, it is used to know the relationship between independent variables
(mindfulness, happiness, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability,
openness to experiences, affect, self-control) and dependent variable (impulse buying).
Section II: Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis
Stepwise multiple regression analysis is used to predict the relationship between multiple
independent variables or predictor variables (mindfulness, happiness, extraversion,
agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness to experiences, affect, self-
control) and dependent or criterion variable (impulse buying). In this regression takes place
multiple times, removing the weakest correlated variable and at the end, such variables are left
which explains the distribution best.
Section - I
Objective 1
To explore the relationship of mindfulness, happiness, extraversion, agreeableness,
conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness to experiences, positive affect, negative affect,
self-control with the impulse buying of the students.
To find out the inter-correlation between criterion variable (impulse buying behaviour) and the
predictor variables (mindfulness, happiness, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness,
emotional stability, openness to experiences, positive affect, negative affect and self-control) the
given null hypothesis was formulated.
Null Hypothesis 1 (H01)
There is no significant relationship of mindfulness, happiness, extraversion, agreeableness,
conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness to experiences, positive affect, negative affect
and self-control with the impulse buying of the students
To achieve the above-stated objective, impulse buying behaviour was taken as the criterion
variable and the nine predictor variables - mindfulness, happiness, extraversion, agreeableness,
conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness to experiences, positive affect, negative affect,
self-control of students as predictor variables.
To find out the relationship between the criterion and predictor variables, the Pearson product-
moment correlation was applied and the values of the correlation coefficient (r) were obtained.
Concerning all the nine predictive variables (mindfulness, happiness, extraversion,
agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness to experiences, positive affect,
negative affect and self-control) the values of correlation have been tabulated for the total sample
of students.
Table 4.1: Correlation between the Criterion Variable and Predictive Variables among Total
Sample of Students
From the above table 4.1, it is clear that the correlation of coefficients for the variables
extraversion, positive affect and negative affect are positive while the value of the coefficient of
correlation for the variables happiness, conscientiousness, emotional stability and openness to
experiences are negative but the values are not significant at 0.05 level of significance. The
values of coefficient of correlation for the agreeableness and self-control coefficients of
correlation are statistically significant at 0.05 level of significance while the value of correlation
for the variable – mindfulness is statistically significant at 0.01 level of significance. Therefore,
the null hypothesis (H0 1), “There is no significant relationship of mindfulness, happiness,
extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness to experiences,
positive affect, negative affect and self-control with the impulse buying of the students is
partially rejected.
Sub Objective 1.1
To explore the relationship of mindfulness, happiness, extraversion, agreeableness,
conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness to experiences, positive affect, negative affect,
self-control with the impulse buying of male students .
In order to achieve the above objective, following null hypotheses were formulated for their
empirical testing.
H0 1.1
There is no significant relationship of mindfulness, happiness, extraversion, agreeableness,
conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness to experiences, positive affect, negative affect
and self-control with the impulse buying of male students.
To find out the relationship between the criterion and predictor variables, the Pearson product
moment correlation was applied, and the values of the correlation coefficient (r) were obtained.
The calculated values of correlation between the various predicator variables and the criterion
variable for the group of male and female students are represented in the tabular form in table
Table 4.2: Correlation between the Criterion Variable and Predictive Variables among Male
Sample of Students
From the perusal of the table 4.2, it is quite evident that the correlation of coefficients for the
variables extraversion, agreeableness, positive affect and negative affect are positive while the
value of the coefficient of correlation for the variables happiness, conscientiousness, emotional
stability and openness to experiences are negative but the values are not significant at 0.05 level
of significance. The values of coefficient of correlation for the coefficient of correlation for
mindfulness and self-control is statistically significant at 0.01 level of significance. Therefore,
the null hypothesis (H0 1.1), “There is no significant relationship of mindfulness, happiness,
extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness to experiences,
positive affect, negative affect and self-control with the impulse buying of male students” is
partially rejected.
Sub Objective 1.2
To explore the relationship of mindfulness, happiness, extraversion, agreeableness,
conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness to experiences, positive affect, negative affect,
self-control with the impulse buying of female students.
H0 1.2
Agreeableness 0.150
Conscientiousness -0.005
Emotional Stability 0.017
Openness to Experiences -0.026
Positive Affect -0.013
Negative Affect 0.039
Self-Control 0.310**
** Correlation is significant at 0.01 level of significance
From the perusal of the table 4.3, it is quite evident that the correlation of coefficients for the
variables - mindfulness, extraversion, agreeableness, emotional stability and negative affect is
positive while the value of the coefficient of correlation for the variables happiness,
conscientiousness, openness to experiences and positive affect is negative but the values are not
significant at 0.05 level of significance. The value of the coefficient of correlation for the
coefficient of correlation for self-control is statistically significant at 0.01 level of significance.
Therefore, the null hypothesis (H0 1.2), “There is no significant relationship of mindfulness,
happiness, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness to
experiences, positive affect, negative affect and self-control with the impulse buying of female
students” is partially rejected.
Section - II
Objective 2
To find out the combined and individual effect of mindfulness, happiness, extraversion,
agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness to experiences, positive affect,
negative affect and self-control with the impulse buying of the students.
In order to study the above-mentioned objective, the following null hypothesis was formulated
for its empirical testing.
H0 2.1
There is no significant combined and individual effect of mindfulness, happiness, extraversion,
agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness to experiences, positive affect,
negative affect and self-control with the impulse buying of the students.
For testing the above-stated hypothesis, stepwise multilinear regression analysis was used. The
following table 4.4 presented the related data as follows –
From the analysis of tables 4.4 and 4.5 reveal that the model of prediction in impulse buying
explains significant variance due to regression. R in the model represents the correlation between
the observed and predicted values of the dependent variable which is in the model found to be
0.358. Thus, in this model, it shows the correlation between the impulse buying reported by the
students by these predictor variable i.e., self-control. Further, from table 4.12, R2 depicts the
square of this measure, hence it shows the portion of the total variability in the dependent
variable i.e., impulse buying which is explained by the independent variable that is self-control.
In the model, the magnitude of predictability is represented by R2, from tables 4.4 and 4.5 the
results of the regression indicated one predictor explained 12.8% of the variance (R2 = 0.128, F
(1, 189) = 27.726, p-value = 0.000<0.01) is significant at 0.01 level of significance. Thus, the
analysis of tables 4.4 and 4.5 presented here reveal the self-control is found as a significant
predictor of impulse buying of students. From table 4.4 it is also evident that self-control
emerged as the most significant contributing variable in influencing impulse buying, as its
contribution is 12.8%.
The standardized coefficients, bearing t values for the predictor i.e., self-control is found to be
positive and significant at 0.01 level. Table 4.6 shows that self-control (β = 0.358, t = 5.266, p-
value = 0.000<0.01) has the strongest predicting power in predicting impulse buying of students.
The regression equation to predict the impulse buying of students can be expressed regarding the
linear combination of the significant predictive variable – self-control is as follows:
Y = b x1 + constant
Y = Dependent Variable (Impulse Buying)
b = Unstandardized Regression Coefficient
x = Raw score of Independent Variables (Self-Control)
C = Constant
Y = 0.149 X1 + 19.458
Therefore, the null hypothesis (H0 2), “There is no significant combined and individual effect of
mindfulness, happiness, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability,
openness to experiences, positive affect, negative affect and self-control with the impulse
buying of the students” is partially rejected.
Sub Objective 2.1
To find out the combined and individual effect of mindfulness, happiness, extraversion,
agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness to experiences, positive affect,
negative affect and self-control with the impulse buying of male students.
To achieve the above-stated objective, the following null hypothesis was formulated for their
empirical testing.
H0 2.1
There is no significant combined and individual contribution of mindfulness, happiness,
extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness to experiences,
positive affect, negative affect and self-control with the impulse buying of male students.
For testing the above-stated null hypothesis (H0 2.1), stepwise multiple linear regression
analysis was used. The following tables presented the related data which are as follows –
Table 4.7: Model Summary of Stepwise Regression Analysis
From the analysis of tables 4.7 and 4.8 reveal that the model of prediction in impulse buying
explains significant variance due to regression. R in the model represents the correlation between
the observed and predicted values of the dependent variable which is in the model found to be
0.401. Thus, in this model, it shows the correlation between the impulse buying reported by the
students by the predictor variable i.e., self-control. Further, from table 4.7, R2 depicts the square
of this measure, hence it shows the portion of the total variability in the dependent variable i.e.,
impulse buying which is explained by the independent variable that is self-control. In the model,
the magnitude of predictability is represented by R2, from tables 4.7 and 4.8 the results of the
regression indicated one predictor explained 16.1% of the variance (R2 = 0.161, F (1, 95) =
18.176, p-value = 0.000<0.01) is significant at 0.01 level of significance. Thus, the analysis of
tables 4.7 and 4.8 presented here reveal the self-control is found as significant predictor of
impulse buying of students. From table 4.7 it is also evident that self-control emerged as the most
significant contributing variable in influencing impulse buying, as its contribution is 16.1%.
The standardized coefficients, bearing t values for the predictor i.e., self-control is found to be
positive and significant at 0.01 level. Table 4.9 shows that self-control (β = 0.401, t = 4.263, p-
value = 0.000<0.01) has the strongest predicting power in predicting impulse buying of students.
The regression equation to predict the impulse buying of male students can be expressed
regarding the linear combination of the significant predictive variable – self-control is as follows:
Y = b x1 + constant
Y = Dependent Variable (Impulse Buying)
b = Unstandardized Regression Coefficient
x = Raw score of Independent Variables (Self-Control)
C = Constant
Y = 0.170X1 + 19.008
Therefore, the null hypothesis (H0 2.1), “There is no significant combined and individual
contribution of mindfulness, happiness, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness,
emotional stability, openness to experiences, positive affect, negative affect and self-control with
the impulse buying of male students” is partially rejected.
Sub Objective 2.2
To find out the combined and individual effect of mindfulness, happiness, extraversion,
agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness to experiences, positive affect,
negative affect and self-control with the impulse buying of female students.
H0 2.2
There is no significant combined and individual effect of mindfulness, happiness, extraversion,
agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness to experiences, affect and self-
control with the impulse buying of female students.
For testing the above-stated null hypothesis (H0 2.2), stepwise multiple linear regression analysis
was used. The following tables presented the related data which are as follows –
Table 4.10: Model Summary of Stepwise Regression Analysis
From the analysis of tables 4.10 and 4.11 reveal that the model of prediction in impulse buying
explains significant variance due to regression. R in the model represents the correlation between
the observed and predicted values of the dependent variable which is in the model found to be
0.310. Thus, in this model, it shows the correlation between the impulse buying reported by the
female students by the predictor variable i.e., self-control. Further, from table 4.10, R2 depicts
the square of this measure, hence it shows the portion of the total variability in the dependent
variable i.e., impulse buying which is explained by the independent variable that is self-control.
In the model, the magnitude of predictability is represented by R2, from tables 4.10 and 4.11 the
results of the regression indicated one predictor explained 9.6% of the variance (R2 = 0.096, F (1,
92) = 9.756, p-value = 0.002<0.01) is significant at 0.01 level of significance. Thus, the analysis
of tables 4.10 and 4.11 presented here reveal the self-control is found as significant predictor
impulse buying of female students. From table 4.10 it is also evident that self-control emerged as
the most significant contributing variable in influencing impulse buying, as its contribution is
The standardized coefficients, bearing t values for the predictor i.e., self-control is found to be
positive and significant at 0.01 level. Table 4.12 shows that self-control (β = 0.310, t = 3.123, p-
value = 0.002<0.01) has the strongest predicting power in predicting impulse buying of female
The regression equation to predict the impulse buying of female students can be expressed
regarding the linear combination of the significant predictive variable – self-control is as follows:
Y = b x1 + constant
Y = Dependent Variable (Impulse Buying)
b = Unstandardized Regression Coefficient
x = Raw score of Independent Variables (Self-Control)
C = Constant
Y = 0.126X1 + 19.962
Therefore, the null hypothesis (H0 2.2), “There is no significant combined and individual effect
of mindfulness, happiness, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability,
openness to experiences, affect and self-control with the impulse buying of female students” is
partially rejected.
The previous four chapters deal with the comprehensive methodology followed by the
investigator used in conducting the present study. Chapter one deals with the identification of the
research problem and it is precisely defined in it. Chapter two deals with the review of the
previous researches done in the field related to the variables of the present study. Chapter three
deals with the methodology used for conducting the present study while chapter four deals with
the data analysis and interpretation. This fifth chapter provides an overall gist of the conclusion
and discussion.
For the total sample of students studying in central universities, a positive significant relationship
was found between mindfulness and impulse buying which is significant at 0.01 level of
significance. A positive relationship was found between agreeableness and self-control with
impulse buying which is significant at 0.05 level of significance.
For the total male sample of students studying in central universities, a positive relationship was
found between mindfulness and impulse buying which is significant at 0.01 level of significance.
A positive relationship was found between self-control and impulse buying which is significant
at 0.05 level of significance.
For the total female sample of students studying in central universities, a positive relationship
was found between self-control and impulse buying which is significant at 0.05 level of
The study discovered that self-control emerged out as the most significant predictor of impulse
buying for the total sample of students studying in central universities. The contribution was
found to be 12.8% variance in impulse buying.
The study discovered that self-control emerged out as the most significant predictor of impulse
buying for the total male sample of students studying in central universities. The contribution
was found to be 16.1% variance in impulse buying.
The study discovered that self-control emerged out as the most significant predictor of impulse
buying for the total female sample of students studying in central universities. The contribution
was found to be 9.6% variance in impulse buying.
5.2. Discussion
It can be interpreted that changes in predictor variable i.e., mindfulness, agreeableness and self-
control are associated with similar changes in criterion variable i.e., impulse buying. This shows
that mindfulness, agreeableness and self-control are positively and significantly related to the
criterion variable i.e., impulse buying. The result leads to conclude that higher mindfulness,
agreeableness and self-control scores of students studying in central universities tend to have
higher scores of impulse buying.
Self-control is significant and positive indicating that variations due to this predicting variable
will cause a positive change in impulse buying. Self-control is significant and positive indicating
that variations due to this predictive variable will cause a positive change in impulse buying.
Thus, it reveals that an increase in per unit in self-control, the impulse buying of the students
studying in central universities (total, male and female) increases.
The investigator while conducting the research work observed that there are the number of other
aspects that remained untouched. So, on the basis of that researcher gave following
recommendations for the future research studies that are as follows:
The researcher suggest to study the post purchase analysis of impulse buying purchases whether
the customers are happy with their purchase choices or they are regretful and disappointed.
There are a number of various other factors that directly or indirectly affect impulse buying like
personality, spiritual intelligence, emotional intelligence, anxiety, socio-economic status,
creativity etc. can be employed.
The present study is confined to the students of NIT KKR and AMU only.
The present study is confined only to Kurukshetra (Harayana) and Aligarh (Uttar Pradesh). A
similar investigation may also be conducted in other districts of Harayana and Uttar Pradesh
State. The study can also be extended to other states of the country.
As the data collection for the present study was confined to the students of central university,
therefore it is recommended that similar study should be conducted on other kinds of universities
like private, deemed etc.
The nature of the present study is quantitative. Therefore, it is suggested that the replication of
the study can be done by employing a mix of both methods: quantitative as well as qualitative for
better results.
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