Cooking With Chris Williamson
Cooking With Chris Williamson
Cooking With Chris Williamson
BOLOGNESE Here !s another really easy
and !nexpens!ve vegan
rec!pe to make. It’s one I
dev!sed about 20 years ago
and !t’s one I turn to when
I’m short of t!me.
1. Gently fry the on!on, garl!c, carrots, pepper Can also be served w!th spaghett! or penne
and celery !n ol!ve o!l for f!ve m!nutes unt!l pasta.
E!ther comb!nat!on !s del!c!ous.
2. Add lent!ls, tomato puree, t!nned tomatoes, If served w!th pasta, soy sauce adds a tasty
veg stock and marjoram. Season to taste season!ng.
3. Br!ng to the bo!l, then partly cover w!th l!d GARLIC POTATOES
and s!mmer for 20 m!nutes unt!l th!ck and
soft 1. Peel, sl!ce and parbo!l new potatoes
4. Serve w!th garl!c potatoes (see below) and 2. Fry them for a few m!nutes before add!ng
peas two crushed garl!c cloves and sesame seeds