An Integrated Authoring Tool For Tactical Question

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An Integrated Authoring Tool for Tactical Questioning Dialogue Systems

Article · January 2009

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David Traum
University of Southern California


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An Integrated Authoring Tool for Tactical Questioning Dialogue Systems

Sudeep Gandhe and Nicolle Whitman and David Traum and Ron Artstein
Institute for Creative Technologies
13274 Fiji way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292.

Abstract human dialogues through roleplays or Wizard of Oz ses-

sions; this is the starting point for specifying the domain.
We present an integrated authoring tool for rapid pro-
totyping of dialogue systems for virtual humans taking
Corpus collection can be costly and time-consuming. If the
part in tactical questioning simulations. The tool helps domain of interaction is relatively simple and can be au-
domain experts, who may have little or no knowledge of thored consistently and completely by a scenario designer,
linguistics or computer science, to build virtual charac- the collection of dialogue corpora can be bypassed. Here
ters that can play the role of the interviewee. Working in consistency refers to generating only the valid dialogue acts
a top-down fashion, the authoring process begins with that can be correctly handled by the dialogue manager and
specifying a domain of knowledge for the character; the completeness refers to generating all dialogue acts that are
authoring tool generates all relevant dialogue acts and relevant with respect to the character’s domain knowledge
allows authors to assign the language that will be used and associating all of these to corresponding surface text.
to refer to the domain elements. The authoring tool can
also be used to manipulate some aspects of the dialogue
strategies employed by the virtual characters, and it also
supports re-using some of the authored content across
different characters.

Tactical Questioning dialogues are those in which small-
unit military personnel, usually on patrol, hold conversations
with individuals to produce information of military value
(Army 2006). Building Tactical Questioning characters that
can play the role of a person being questioned has been an
on-going project at Institute for Createive Technologies. The
simulation training environment can be used to train military
personnel in how to conduct such dialogues. The project has
evolved through many different architectures for dialogue Figure 1: Hassan – A virtual human for Tactical Questioning
systems (Traum et al. 2008). Gandhe et al. (2008) provide
description of the latest architecture for this tactical ques- We have implemented a character named Hassan (see Fig-
tioning dialogue system. ure 1), who is being questioned about illegal tax collections
These tactical questioning dialogues are different from at a local marketplace. We will use this domain for most of
typical question answering dialogues in that they can be the examples in this paper.
non-cooperative at times. The character may answer some In the next section, we review some of the existing author-
of the questions by the interviewer in a cooperative manner ing tools for building dialogue systems. We then list the re-
but some other questions which are of a more sensitive na- quired features an authoring tool should provide and explain
ture may need more coercion from the interviewer. Some of our design decisions for the tool. Next, we describe the tool
the strategies used by interviewers include building rapport starting with how the domain knowledge is specified. The
with the character, addressing their concerns, promising to subsequent section explains how dialogue acts are automat-
do certain actions in their favor or pointing out the effects of ically generated based on the domain knowledge and how
non-cooperation. the dialogue manager functions at the dialogue act level. It
Traditionally, one step in the development life cycle for a is followed by the discussion of surface text authoring and
dialogue system is to build a corpus of in-domain human- how authored content can be re-used across multiple char-
Copyright c 2009, Association for the Advancement of Artificial acters. We present a preliminary evaluation of the tool and
Intelligence ( All rights reserved. conclude by discussing avenues for future improvements.
Related Work linguistics or computer science. For these reasons, we de-
Many toolkits and authoring environments have been de- signed a simple schema for specifying the domain knowl-
veloped for building dialogue systems. Rapid Application edge which is easily understandable. The authoring pro-
Developer from CSLU toolkit (Sutton et al. 1998) allowed cess starts with the domain knowledge construction which
designers to build dialogue systems employing finite state is done with the help of our authoring tool (see Figure 2).
dialogue models. The authoring environment was accessi- The authoring tool automatically constructs all relevant dia-
ble by non-experts and allowed building systems that could logue acts that are used by the dialogue manager. The tool
conduct simple directed dialogues. Our tactical questioning also allows direct linking of these acts to surface text of the
dialogue system is mainly reactive but allows for some ini- utterances for training NLU and NLG.
tiative for simple negotiations. It can be cast into finite state Although Tactical Questioning dialogues are mainly
models augmented with information state. Since our virtual question-answering dialogues, we need the ability to model
human system engages the trainee in a natural conversation, simple negotiations over when to release certain sensitive
the input from the user is free-form and is more challenging information. The dialogue manager maintains a model of
for the NLU. emotions and compliance which are updated as the dialogue
There have been several commercial dialogue building so- proceeds. In compliant mode, the character may elicit cer-
lutions based on VoiceXML, which allows for a form-based tain offers from the interviewer before answering questions
dialogue management. RavenClaw (Bohus and Rudnicky regarding the sensitive information. Whereas in adversarial
2003) is another dialogue architecture where designers can mode, the character may choose to lie in response to these
specify hierarchical domain task specification. The dialogue questions. We need to allow the scenario authors to mark
management builds on top of agenda based dialogue man- certain information elements as sensitive and modify some
agement technique (Xu and Rudnicky 2000). Although this of the policies regarding when to release this information.
architecture has been successfully used for building multiple There are cases where we would like to build several char-
dialogue systems, it is most suited for task-oriented dialogue acters that can be questioned about the same incident. E.g.
systems and using it requires considerable expertise in pro- Multiple witnesses of a shooting incident at the marketplace
gramming and design of dialogue systems. Other dialogue will have a considerable overlap in their domain knowledge.
system architectures such as TrindiKit (Larsson et al. 2004) One of the requirements for the authoring tool is the abil-
or Midiki (MITRE 2005), which use information state based ity to re-use the existing authored content across different
dialogue modeling (Traum and Larsson 2003) have the same characters. Our tool allows for such re-use of the domain
issue. These systems require considerable knowledge of the knowledge along with all the dialogue acts and the language
dialogue theories and software development. associated with it.
There have been some efforts in the area of tutorial dia- Figure 2 shows a screenshot of our authoring tool. It has
logue systems that concentrate on building authoring tools three horizontal panels. The topmost panel is used for edit-
which can be used by non-experts for rapidly building a di- ing the domain knowledge level. The middle one allows au-
alogue system. TuTalk (Jordan et al. 2007) is one such thors to view all dialogue acts and select one of them. The
system. TuTalk authoring tool allows tutorial system re- bottom panel allows editing of the surface text correspond-
searchers who may not have expertise in the dialogue system ing to the chosen dialogue act.
design to rapidly prototype dialogue systems and experiment
with different ideas. Our tactical questioning project has a Domain Knowledge Level
similar requirement. The TuTalk authoring tool allows au-
thoring of initiation-response pairs along with many features Domain knowledge is created as a four level hierarchy. The
suitable for tutorial dialogue systems. highest level is the characters, the conversational partici-
Our initial efforts in providing authoring tools for tac- pants in the domain, who can be speakers and addressees
tical questioning were along the same lines. Designers of utterances and dialogue acts. In the Hassan domain there
were allowed to author questions and the corresponding an- are two characters viz. the trainee (called player) and Has-
swers (Leuski et al. 2006). Although this works very well san. Each character knows about a set of objects. These
for simple question answering systems, it suffers from the objects can be of different types such as person (imam), lo-
inability to maintain coherence over sequences of utterances cation (market) or abstract concept (tax). Each object can be
greater in length than two. We need this ability to engage in further described by attributes. Finally, attributes can take
simple negotiation dialogues. We follow an approach simi- on values, some of which can be marked false – to be used as
lar to TuTalk in designing an authoring tool that is special- lies. A basic proposition is a triple <object,attribute,value>.
ized for a specific genre of dialogue viz. tactical questioning Queries for the value field of a such propositions form the
and allows authoring by non-experts. basis for questions. Objects of type person can also have
representations of the actions they can perform (e.g. offers,
threats, admissions), their goals, and their attitudes toward
Requirements other objects. Actions and goals are not further specified
One of the requirements for the tactical questioning project with values. Attitudes are used in a similar fashion to at-
is to allow subject matter experts to rapidly build different tributes. Currently attitudes and goals are used as talking
scenarios within the same tactical questioning framework. points only. In future, we plan to connect goals with actions
Moreover, these authors should not require any expertise in and other domain knowledge. These additional aspects are
Figure 2: A tool for designing the domain, dialogue acts and the utterances that map to those dialogue acts.

used to create policies for how to engage in questioning dia- Dialogue Level
logues. Another aspect crucial for tactical questioning is so- Once the domain is defined, it needs to be linked up with the
cial behavior for building rapport, oriented more generally language that will be used to refer to it. Dialogue acts form
to the characters rather than specific objects. We have sets the middle level in this link, having domain aspects as their
of these kinds of content, including compliments and insults. contents and being identified directly as the interpretations
We use a simple XML representation of these domain of language utterances.
knowledge aspects, for ease of use across modules of the
system at both domain specification and run-time. Figure 3 Dialogue Acts
shows parts of the domain specification used for the Hassan Our dialogue manager reasons about several standard types
scenario, including an attribute and an action for Hassan, of dialogue acts, including assertions, yn-questions, wh-
and both a true and false (i.e. lie) value for an attribute about questions, offers, threats, compliments and insults. Fol-
the tax. lowing Core and Allen (1997) we have dialogue acts
The topmost panel of the authoring tool (see Figure 2) with forward-function – elicitations and with backward-
shows the domain creation aspects, where, moving from left function – responses for most of the acts. Figure 4 shows our
to right, authors can add or delete characters, objects, at- XML representation of some of these acts, which contain a
tributes (or other object contents) and values. The tool au- speaker (one of the characters), an act-type, and contents.
tomatically constructs XML like in Figure 3. This top most All dialogue acts are automatically created from the
section is also used to filter the set of dialogue acts shown in domain representation as per Algorithm 1. E.g. all
the middle panel of the GUI. <object,attribute,value> triples known by a character can
<domain name="hassan"> Algorithm 1 Generation of dialogue acts from domain
<character name="hassan">
<object name="hassan" type="person"> for all speaker ∈ characters do
<attribute name="role"> /* Primitive dialogue acts */
<value>middle-man</value> for all obj ∈ objects under speaker do
</attribute> ADD assertions (speaker, obj, atr, val)
<actions> ADD attitudes (speaker, obj, atd, val)
<offer name="cooporate"/> ADD actions (speaker, obj, act)
</actions> ADD goals (speaker, obj, goal)
</object> ADD compliments (speaker, obj, compl)
<object name="tax" type="abstract">
<attribute name="collector">
ADD insults (speaker, obj, insult)
<value>hassan</value> ADD groundingDAs (speaker, obj)
<value isTruth="false"> end for
tax-collecting-soldier /* Dialogue acts that relate to other characters */
</value> for all char0 ∈ (characters \ speaker) do
</attribute> for all obj0 ∈ objects under char0 do
... /* Forward-looking dialogue acts */
ADD whq (speaker, obj0 , atr0 )
Figure 3: Aspects of the Hassan domain ADD ynq (speaker, obj0 , atr0 , val0 )
ADD elicit-action (speaker, obj0 , act0 )
hassan.assert /* Backward-looking dialogue acts */
ADD response-action (speaker, obj0 , act0 )
<dialogue_act speaker="hassan">
ADD response-compl (speaker, obj0 , compl0 )
<assertion> ADD response-insult (speaker, obj0 , insult0 )
<object name="tax"> ADD groundingDAs (speaker, obj0 )
<attribute name="collector"> end for
<value>hassan</value> end for
</attribute> /* Generic dialogue acts */
</object> ADD greetings, closings, accept, reject, refuse-answer,
</assertion> ack, offtopic, . . .
</primitive_speech_act> end for
Indeed, you might say that I collect the taxes.
dialogue acts that are customary in human-human conver-
sations like greeting and closing, that are not tied to any
<dialogue_act speaker="player"> specific domain content. Grounding acts like repeat-back,
<primitive_speech_act> request-repair are also generated. Offtopic is a special dia-
<offer name="give-money"/> logue act specifically designed to handle out-of-domain di-
alogue acts from the player. The Hassan domain has 102
dialogue acts with Hassan as speaker and 108 dialogue acts
We can offer you financial reward. with player as the speaker.
The middle panel of the authoring tool shown in Figure 2
hassan.elicit-offer allows selection from among the full set of dialogue acts.
<dialogue_act speaker="hassan"> The left pane allows selection of the type of dialogue act;
<elicit> the middle pane lets one select individual dialogue acts; the
<primitive_speech_act> right pane shows the full XML content of the dialogue act.
<offer name="give-money"/> In future, instead of showing a dialogue act with XML repre-
sentation, we plan to use pseudo-natural language – possibly
</dialogue_act> generated using templates. E.g. A template like “Attribute
of Object is Value” for assert dialogue act type.
I might tell you what you want if there was something in it for me.

Figure 4: Sample dialogue acts automatically generated Dialogue Manager

from the Hassan domain along with example utterances. Previous dialogue manager for tactical questioning charac-
ters like Hassan (Roque and Traum 2007) made use of
hand-authored rules for tracking affective variables and of-
serve as the contents of an assert with that character as the fers and threats made. It used these to compute a compli-
speaker. Likewise, any <object,attribute> pair known by ance level, which would dictate how the character would re-
another character can be queried with a wh-question ad- spond. There were three possible compliance levels – ad-
dressed to that character. We also generate some generic versarial, reticent and compliant. The system’s response
was determined using text-to-text mappings. That architec- denote all possible dialogue acts that can be generated as
ture required developers to specify complete input-text to a response by the system or can be handled as input from
output-text mappings for all three compliance levels. But the user. Some of these transitions can be conditional and
this architecture could not handle the dependencies between depend on the data model configuration (i.e. information-
utterances that go beyond just the adjacent ones. state). Although the network structures themselves are cur-
In order to handle such dependencies and to reason at a rently hand-authored as SCXML documents, some of the
more abstract level, the new dialogue architecture makes use constraints for these networks can be authored using the au-
of dialogue acts and the domain content. The dialogue man- thoring tool as shown in Figure 6.
ager used in this architecture is based on the information Figure 6 shows the policy editing pane. The leftmost pane
state model (Traum and Larsson 2003). The information- lists domain elements that are marked as sensitive informa-
state is in part based on conversational game theory (Lewin tion. This can be marked at the level of an object or a specific
2000). The main responsibilities of the dialogue manager attribute of an object. For every sensitive information the
are to update the information state of the dialogue and use it author can provide a constraint. The constraint can be any
to select the contents of the response. The dialogue manager boolean expression formed by using the information state el-
gets input dialogue acts from the NLU and outputs dialogue ements which can be chosen from a drop-down list. A ques-
acts to the NLG. It decomposes the dialogue acts in order to tion about this sensitive information will not be answered till
update the information state. corresponding constraint is satisfied. In case the constraint
The information state update rules describe grammars for is not satisfied then actions specified in the rightmost pane
conversational game structure and are written as state charts. are executed. E.g. Any yn-question or wh-question about
We are using State Chart XML (SCXML), a W3C working the object “Tax” will not be answered unless the player has
draft (Barnett et al. 2008), for describing the state charts. extended the offer of “give-money”. In case, such a question
SCXML allows for explicit data models that can be manip- is asked and the required constraint is not met, then Has-
ulated by executable code. This code can be triggered on san will set a preference for the offer “give-money”, which
entry or exit from a state or during a transition. As pointed in turn will result in the next move from Hassan being an
out by Kronlid and Lager (2007), all these features make elicit-offer.
it viable to implement the information-state based dialogue
model with SCXML.1 question resolved, offer not elicited
1 P whq Ok I’m trying to understand where the local
taxation is coming from?
question not resolved, offer not elicited
2.1 H grounding So you want to talk about the taxes.
2.2 H elicit-offer I might tell you what you want if there was
something in it for me.
question not resolved, offer elicited
3 P offer We can offer you financial reward.
question not resolved, offer given
(a) offer subdialogues 4.1 H response- That is very generous of you.
question not resolved, offer not elicited
4.2 H assert Please understand, I collect taxes for my
Imam. All in service to Allah.
question resolved, offer not elicited
5 P whq And what is his name?
question not resolved, offer not elicited
6 H elicit-offer My friend, if people find out that I tell you
this, it would be a problem for me.
(b) question-answer subdialogues
Figure 7: Example dialogue showing the currently active
Figure 5: State charts for Hassan domain. states for the networks in Figure 5. P is the player (human
trainee) and H is Hassan.
We have defined a set of networks for each type of
game/subdialogue. Following Traum and Allen (1994), we As an example, in the dialogue from Figure 7, the player
model the character’s conversational obligations using these asks a sensitive question (utterance 1), the constraints for
networks. Each node indicates the state of the obligations which are not yet satisfied. At this point as per the authored
and outgoing arcs with the character as the speaker indicate policy (see Figure 6), Hassan sets the preference for “give-
ways to address these obligations. Figure 5(a) shows a sam- money” offer and chooses to start the offer subdialogue by
ple network that handles dialogue acts for the offer subdi- eliciting that offer (utterance 2.2). After utterance 3 the
alogue. The outgoing arcs from the currently active states constraints are met. Hassan can then respond to the offer
(hassan.response-offer – utterance 4.1) thus completing the
1 offer subdialogue and answer the question (hassan.assert –
We used the apache commons SCXML implementation.
[] utterance 4.2) thus resolving the question under discussion
Figure 6: Authoring tool can be used to specify the conditions for question-answering network.

and completing the question-answer subdialogue. player dialogue acts, the author can link possible ways for
We have authored subdialogue networks for greeting, the player to produce this act. The Hassan domain has its
compliment, insult, question-answering, offer, threat, pre- 102 dialogue acts with Hassan as the speaker connected to
closing, closing and grounding subdialogues. Consistent 129 surface text utterances. Its 108 dialogue acts with player
with our design approach of allowing non-experts to rapidly as speaker are connected to 187 utterances.
build the dialogue systems, the scenario developer is ex- The NLU uses a statistical language modeling text clas-
pected to select from such a set of subdialogues/games for sification technique (Leuski and Traum 2008) to map the
a given domain. A finite set of games can be identified that text produced by the speech recognition to dialogue acts.
would cover most of the dialogue phenomena. Still the user In case the closest dialogue act match falls below a thresh-
is allowed to author subdialogue networks from first princi- old an unknown dialogue act is passed on to dialogue man-
ples if needed. ager. The NLG works in a similar fashion but in reverse
As part of the information state, the dialogue manager direction. Both NLU and NLG require a training corpus of
maintains which offers or threats have been given. Apart sample utterances linked to dialogue acts, which can be pro-
from these each subdialogue maintains appropriate infor- duced using the authoring tool as described above. The task
mation to conduct that subdialogue. e.g. The question- of generating a training corpus for NLU and NLG can be
answer network remembers the last question asked. The di- time consuming. It is mitigated by allowing utterances to be
alogue manager also keeps track of the emotional state of linked only to a dialogue act drawn from a specific set of au-
Hassan which is composed of emotions like feels-respected, tomatically generated dialogue acts. It is easier to choose a
respects-interviewer, social-bonding and fear (Roque and dialogue act for an utterance rather than construct one from
Traum 2007). The transition networks inside the dialogue scratch. As an example consider the dialogue act as shown
manager update these emotions based on the incoming di- in Figure 8. Some of these utterances have multiple func-
alogue acts. Based on these emotions the character’s com- tions and can be marked up with multiple dialogue acts. But
pliance level is determined as adversarial, reticent or com- for simplicity, we annotate only the most salient part of the
pliant. This compliance level influences what kind of re- utterance that can be handled by our dialogue manager. Con-
ply will be given. E.g., when adversarial, the character may sider utterance 2 in Figure 8, the clause “so that you could
choose to lie in response to questions, if a lie is available. do other things that will better benefit allah.” does not have
Apart from emotional state the dialog manager also manages any representation in the dialogue act. By avoiding the con-
grounding with help of separate set of networks (Roque and struction of the dialogue act from scratch and focusing on
Traum 2008). the most salient part, we can facilitate and speed up the an-
notation process of such utterances. This produces consis-
Textual Level tent annotations which by design will be handled correctly
Natural language understanding and generation converts by the dialogue manager. Some of the utterances shown in
from surface text to dialogue acts and back again respec- Figure 8 are a result of corpus collection through user testing
tively. The authoring tool shown in Figure 2 supports this of the virtual human dialogue system. If available, roleplays
via links between natural language texts in the bottom pane, or WoZ sessions can also be annotated in a similar fashion.
and dialogue acts in the middle pane. For each dialogue If the non-represented parts of these utterances are deemed
act from the character, the author can add one or more op- important, then the domain specification can be expanded
tions for the character to realize this act. Likewise, for the to include those using the tool shown in Figure 2. The tool
will also automatically generate dialogue acts which will be
appropriate elicitations/responses to the new additions, thus
ensuring completeness.

<speech_act speaker="player">
<offer name="protect-hassan"/>
1 I promise you that you will not receive any harm for
giving me this information.
2 Well I can also help you in other ways and we can pro-
tect you so that you could do other things that will better
benefit allah.
3 Well, if you could help us, the perhaps we could put you
in protection. and offer you protective custody because Figure 9: Amani – A virtual human for Tactical Questioning
if your people are being taxed unfairly, then you’re being build by using the new authoring tool. The man sitting in the
taxed unfairly as well too and perhaps we can help. chair is Amani’s brother, Mohammed.
4 Sure I understand, as I said, I can make you safe ah if
you’re able to share information with me. but ah hope-
fully that will be enough. act; utterances which did not match an appropriate exist-
ing dialogue act were marked with the special unknown di-
Figure 8: A sample dialogue act along with the correspond- alogue act. Overall, 53 of the possible 113 player dialogue
ing surface text utterances. The most salient part of these ut- acts were selected by at least one annotator as matching at
terances which matches with the dialogue act is highlighted. least one player utterance. Inter-annotator agreement was
substantially above chance, but fairly low compared to ac-
cepted standards: α = 0.489 when calculated on individual
dialogue acts, and α = 0.502 when these were collapsed
Evaluation into dialogue act types indicating illocutionary force alone.2
Two new characters were built using the authoring tool However, a detailed analysis of the annotations suggested
within a period of a few weeks by subject matter experts that some of the disagreements were due to unclear guide-
who did not have any experience in building dialogue sys- lines that do not have an impact on system performance, for
tems. One of these characters is named Amani (see Fig- example whether a question of the form Do you know. . . or
ure 9), who has witnessed a recent shooting in the market- Can you tell. . . should be treated as a yn-question or wh-
place. The trainee is to question her to find out the identity, question. The analysis also revealed some gaps in the cov-
location and description of the shooter (see Figure 10 for erage of our dialogue acts scheme, such as the absence of
a sample interaction). This Amani domain has 89 dialogue questions which ask about an object without specifying an
acts with Amani as the speaker and these are connected to 98 attribute, as in Tell me more about the sniper. Since such
utterances which are used in the NLG. The domain also has questions are very common, constituting nearly 12% of our
113 dialogue acts with player as the speaker linked to 681 corpus, we added corresponding dialogue acts to the gener-
utterances which are used in the NLU. We have also built a ation algorithm (Algorithm 1). Overall, the analysis shows
character named Assad, a local shopkeeper in this market- that with improved guidelines and extensions, our dialogue
place. Since then we have also started to build Mohammed, act scheme can adequately represent around 80% of actual
Amani’s brother who will share some domain knowledge player utterances. The reader is referred to (Artstein et al.
with Amani. We expect to use the ability of our tool to re-use 2009) for further details.
the authored content from Amani character. Domain knowl- Even with the extended dialogue act scheme and im-
edge can be re-used at the object level. All the dialogue acts proved guidelines, some of the player’s utterances will still
and the corresponding surface text associated with the object be marked with the unknown dialogue act. Preliminary
can be re-used. Although some of the surface text may need analysis suggests that it is difficult for annotators to decide
extra processing for things like indexicals. whether an utterance can be coerced into one of the exist-
ing dialogue acts or whether a new dialogue act needs to
Our authoring tool allows to annotate an utterance only
be created by extending the domain knowledge of the char-
with a dialogue act that has been automatically generated
acter. We are currently developing guidelines about when
from the domain knowledge using a simple dialogue act
and how to extend the domain to increase the coverage of
scheme. To verify the coverage of the scheme, we con-
ducted a dialogue act annotation study for one of our char- 2
Krippendorffs α (Krippendorff 2004) is a generalized measure
acters, Amani (Artstein et al. 2009). A total of 224 unique of interrater agreement, similar to the more familiar K. For a de-
players utterances which were collected during system test- tailed discussion of inter-rater agreement coefficients, see (Artstein
ing were matched by 3 annotators to the closest dialogue and Poesio 2008).
player’s utterances. Besides this the dialogue manager has a XML (SCXML) : State machine notation for control abstraction.
special network to handle unknown dialogue acts which can
be caused by out-of-domain utterances or ASR/NLU errors. Bohus, D., and Rudnicky, A. 2003. Ravenclaw: Dialog manage-
The dialogue manager attempts to confirm the topic of the ment using hierarchical task decomposition and an expectation
conversation and then asks the user to repeat or rephrase. agenda. In proccedings of Eurospeech-2003.
Other strategies to handle unknown include taking initiative Core, M. G., and Allen, J. F. 1997. Coding dialogs with the damsl
providing related information about the current topic of con- annotation scheme. In In Proceedings of AAAI97 Fall Symposium
versation if in compliant mode or give an offtopic response. on Communicative Action in Humans and Machines, AAAI.
Recently, we conducted field testing of Amani at U.S. Gandhe, S.; DeVault, D.; Roque, A.; Martinovski, B.; Artstein,
Military Academy, Westpoint. A total of 33 participants in- R.; Leuski, A.; Gerten, J.; and Traum, D. 2008. From domain
terviewed Amani. These are the users from our target pop- specification to virtual humans: An integrated approach to au-
ulation. In response to the question “In general, Amani re- thoring tactical questioning characters. In Interspeech 2008.
sponded appropriately to what I was saying.” Amani scored Jordan, P.; Hall, B.; Ringenberg, M.; Cue, Y.; and Rose, C. 2007.
3.24 (mean) on a scale of 1 to 7. For the question “Taken as Tools for authoring a dialogue agent that participates in learning
a whole, Amani was a human-like conversation partner” the studies. In proceedings of AIED 2007, 43–50.
score was 3.09. These figures are comparable to third gen- Krippendorff, K. 2004. Content Analysis, An Introduction to Its
eration Hassan who scored 4.0 and 3.55 respectively (Roque Methodology 2nd Edition. Sage Publications.
and Traum 2009). Hassan is a character which has been Kronlid, F., and Lager, T. 2007. Implementing the information-
build by several experts over a period of years and through state update approach to dialogue management in a slightly ex-
different architectures. tended SCXML. In Proceedings of the SEMDIAL.
Larsson, S.; Berman, A.; Hallenborg, J.; and Hjelm, D. 2004.
Conclusion Trindikit 3.1 manual. Technical report, Department of Linguis-
tics, Goteborg University.
We have described an integrated authoring tool and the ac- Leuski, A., and Traum, D. 2008. A statistical approach for text
companying dialogue manger which is used to build several processing in virtual humans. In Proccedings of 26th Army Sci-
virtual characters for Tactical Questioning. One of the goals ence Conference.
is to enable scenario designers to build a dialogue system Leuski, A.; Patel, R.; Traum, D.; and Kennedy, B. 2006. Building
without the need of expertise in computational linguistics. effective question answering characters. In Proceedings of the 7th
Our success in building new characters in short amount of SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue, 18–27.
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initial Assad and Amani scenarios, and Michael Rushforth emotion for potentially adversarial dialogue agents. In The 8th
and Jordan Peterson for participating in the annotation study. SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue.
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comments and suggestions. on evidence of understanding. In Proceedings of the 9th SIGdial
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Hosn, R.; Raman, T.; and Reifenrath, K. 2008. State Chart
both not greeted, compliment replied, question resolved, offer not elicited, unknown responded,
track topic
1 P greeting hello
amani greeted
2 A greeting Hello.
both greeted
3 P compliment you have a wonderful house
compliment given
4 A response-compliment This house used to be much nicer before.
compliment replied
5 P whq can i ask you a few questions about the shooting incident yesterday
question not resolved
6 A assert Go on if you can be quick about it.
question resolved
7 P unknown i would like to assure you that you will be protected
do request repair
8 A request-repair You were not clear in what you said. Say it again.
unknown responded
9 P offer i promise to keep you safe
offer given
10 A response-offer You promise me safety.
offer not elicited
11 P whq did you know who did the shooting
question not resolved, repeat back
12.1 A repeat-back So you want to talk about the man, who did the shooting?
question not resolved, track topic
12.2 A assert I have heard that he is called Saif.
question resolved
13 P whq do you know where he lives
14 A elicit-offer You are asking for a lot of information. if you expect me to tell you that. You must offer me secrecy.
15 P offer i will keep this a secret
16.1 A response-offer You have assured me of secrecy.
16.2 A assert I believe he hides on the second floor of Assad’s shop. I know he is in there. but when i go in the shop i
don’t see him. And i have no idea where he is now.
17 P whq do you know anything about the shooter’s daily activities
18.1 A repeat-back So you want to talk about the man, who did the shooting?
18.2 A elicit-offer As you know, I am a teacher. We are not provided the luxuries of great wealth. One hundred of your dollars
would go a long way to help my family make it through these hard times.
question not resolved, offer elicited
19 P reject sorry i’m not authorized to give you any money
question not resolved, offer not given
20 A refuse-answer There is not much i wish to say about that.
question resolved, offer not elicited

Figure 10: A sample dialogue with Amani. The first line shows currently active states (shown in bold) for greeting, compliment,
question-answer, offer, unknown and grounding subdialogue networks. In subsequent lines only the change in the active state
is shown. P is the player (human trainee) and A is Amani. In Amani domain Shooter’s name, location and daily routine
are marked as sensitive information. The name will be released only if safety is promised. Since safety is already offered
in utterance 9, it is not elicited after utterance 11. Information regarding daily routine will be released only if give-money is
promised. In utterance 19 player rejects the elicitation of this offer which results in Amani refusing to answer (utterance 20).

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