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Smart Sensor Systems

Article  in  NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics · January 2012
DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-4119-5_19


41 6,529

4 authors:

G. Hunter Joseph Stetter

NASA kwj engineering inc


Peter Hesketh Chung Chiun Liu

Georgia Institute of Technology Case Western Reserve University


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Smart Sensor Systems
by Gary W. Hunter, Joseph R. Stetter, Peter J. Hesketh, Chung-Chiun Liu

ensors and sensor systems are control and conditioning stages that environment in a given application or
vital to our awareness of our will provide both excitation and signal that can be modified to meet the needs
surroundings and provide safety, data logging and conditioning. The of a wide range of different applications.
security, and surveillance, as well as data acquisition layer will convert the A second major implication of smart
enable monitoring of our health and signal from analog to digital and acquire sensors is the development of a new
environment. A transformative advance additional parameters of interest to generation of smart sensors that can be
in the field of sensor technology provide compensation when needed for networked through the communication
has been the development of smart thermal drift, long term drift, etc. The interface to have the capability of
sensor systems. The definition of a embedded intelligence will continuously individual network self-identification
smart sensor may vary, but typically monitor the discrete sensor elements, and communication allowing
at a minimum a smart sensor is the validate the engineering data being reprogramming of the smart sensor
combination of a sensing element with provided, and periodically verify sensor system as necessary. Further, the output
processing capabilities provided by a calibration and health. The processed from a number of sensors within a given
microprocessor. That is, smart sensors are data becomes information and can then region can be correlated not only to
basic sensing elements with embedded be transmitted to external users. The verify the data from individual sensors,
intelligence. The sensor signal is fed to user can choose the complexity of the but also to provide a better situational
the microprocessor, which processes the data transmitted: from a single reading awareness. Such communication
data and provides an informative output to a complete download of the sensor can be between a single smart sensor
to an external user. A more expansive system’s parameters. and communication hub or between
view of a smart sensor system, which is One major implication of smart individual smart sensors themselves.
used in this article, is illustrated in Fig. 1: sensor systems is that important data can These types of capabilities will provide
a complete self-contained sensor system be provided to the user with increased for a more reliable and robust system
that includes the capabilities for logging, reliability and integrity. Intelligent because they are capable of networking
processing with a model of sensor features can be included at the sensor among themselves to provide the end
response and other data, self-contained level including but not limited to: self- user with coordinated data that is
power, and an ability to transmit or calibration, self-health assessment, based on redundant sensory inputs.
display informative data to an outside self-healing, and compensated Further, information can be shared in
user. The fundamental idea of a smart measurements (auto zero, calibration, a more rapid, reliable, and efficient
sensor is that the integration of silicon temperature, pressure, relative humidity manner with on-board communications
microprocessors with sensor technology correction). The capability of the smart capability in place.
can not only provide interpretive sensor to perform internal processing A driving goal in the development
power and customized outputs, but also allows the system not only to provide the of smart sensor systems is the
significantly improve sensor system user processed data, but also the ability of implementation of systems in a
performance and capabilities. the sensor to be self-aware and to assess nonintrusive manner so that the
The smart sensor possesses several its own health or status and assess even information is provided to the user
functional layers: signal detection the validity of the processed data. The wherever and whenever needed, as well
from discrete sensing elements, smart sensor system can optimize the as in whatever form is needed for the
signal processing, data validation and performance of the individual sensors application. In effect, the objective of
interpretation, and signal transmission and lead to a better understanding smart sensor research is the development
and display. Multiple sensors can of the data, the measurement, and of sensor systems to tell the user what
be included in a single smart sensor ultimately, the environment in which they need to know in order to make
system whose operating properties, the measurement is made. Overall, the sound decisions. While this article is not
such as bias voltage or temperature, presence of the microprocessor-sensor a complete survey of all the activities
can be set by the microprocessor. The combination allows the design of a core in the development of smart sensor
sensor elements interface to signal system that is adaptable to a changing systems, it is a brief sampling of some of
the enabling smart sensor technologies,
two examples of smart sensor
systems, and a discussion of potential
Smart Sensor System Processed ramifications of this technology.
Information Smart Sensor
Physical/Chemical Stimulus

to User System Components


The components of a smart sensor


system as depicted in Fig. 1 include


sensors, power, communication, and

Analog-Digital-Analog signal processing typically provided by
Signal Processing a microprocessor. The description of
User advances in microprocessor technology
Commands is beyond the scope of this article, but
for Sensor recent advances are enabling sensor
Operation systems to function remotely on very
little power. There are many examples
of technology advancements in sensors,
power, and communications that can
Fig. 1. A smart sensor system as presented herein. The core of a stand-alone smart sensor system enable future smart sensor systems. The
includes sensors, power, communication, and signal processing. ideal goal is to have a self contained

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2010 29

Hunter, et al. 1  µm wide bridge, a sensitivity of 2.05 will be important for our further
(continued from previous page) mohms/ppm for helium and 0.71ohms/ advancement of the smart sensor
ppm for methane at 3.6 V operation has system. Specifically, it is suggested that
smart sensor system that is cost-effective, been demonstrated. The microfabricated the Li-ion, Li-polymer, and metal-air
reliable, self-monitoring, reconfigurable, sensor elements in Fig. 2 have extremely rechargeable batteries can be appropriate
and can operate indefinitely. Simply low power consumption, on the order energy sources for smart sensor systems.
put, just as microfabrication approaches of 4 mW continuous and, <4 µW when For example, Li-ion and Li-polymer
are enabling the revolution in operated on a duty cycle to read every rechargeable batteries have an open
microprocessor technology and MEMS millisecond. In principle, this would circuit potential of approximately 3.6
sensor elements,1 microfabrication and allow the operation of this sensor for V, and an energy density of 160 and
nanotechnology will play a notable months to years using a single small 130-200 Wh/kg (watt-hour/kilogram),
role in the development of smart sensor battery.2 The microfabrication processing respectively, which will be sufficient
systems.2 Below are examples of several is compatible with CMOS processes for the needs of many smart sensor
potentially enabling technologies for and therefore makes integration of systems.4
smart sensor systems. the electronic interface for the sensor Energy harvesting is a process by
feasible on a single substrate. which energy can be derived from
Many sensors will require multichip an external source, captured, and
Low Powered Sensor Elements solutions, however, in order to achieve stored. Piezoelectric crystals or fibers,
optimal sensing and processing. While thermoelectric generators, solar cells,
Microfabrication methods make approaches may vary for other sensor electrostatic, and magnetic energy
it possible to build very small and types, sensor elements that provide data capture devices can be considered5
low power sensors. One example of with minimal power consumption can for local power needs. A piezoelectric
microfabricated sensors that could be enable long lived smart sensor systems. energy system will produce a small
integrated into a smart sensor system voltage when it is physically deformed.
is a sensor based on a microhotplate.
Microfabricated hotplates offer a lower Power: Battery or This deformation can be caused by
mechanical vibration that may be
power platform for high temperature Energy Harvesting generated by the proper mounting and
metal oxide conductometric sensors. the placement of the smart sensor system
Femtomolar isothermal desorption has A smart sensor system will require in an appropriate (e.g., mechanically
been carried out by Shirke et al.3 with energy to support and operate all vibrating) operating environment.6
heating rates up to 106 oC/s and minimal components including the sensors Thermoelectric generators consisting
power consumption due to the small themselves. If the sensor elements and of the junctions of two dissimilar
thermal mass of the microhotplates. communication system both have low materials produce a small voltage in
An ultra-low power bridge built with power designs and are compatible, the presence of a thermal gradient.
polysilicon surface micromachining is the total energy for the system is Typical performance of 100-200 uV/°C
shown in Fig. 2. This sensor2 responds correspondingly low. This can enable per junction is achievable. Depending
to ambient gas changes in nanoseconds lower installation costs and more on the location of the smart sensor and
having a measured transient response convenient deployment options. Small its power requirement, small energy
time-constant of 12 µs in helium. scale energy systems for the smart sensor harvesting systems can derive sufficient
With constant voltage operation, the applications will generally consider energy from its surroundings to provide
temperature of the bridge, and hence batteries and energy harvesting options, either total or backup power for a
electrical resistance, is a function of the whatever is most suitable for the smart sensor application. These are two
thermal conductivity of the surrounding specific applications. Both primary and examples that small energy sources can
gas ambient. For a 50 µm length, rechargeable (or secondary) batteries be used for supporting a smart sensor

Wireless Communication
The smart sensor system will require
an electrical interface that will transmit
the sensor outputs to an external data
collection, recording or acquisition
system. Ideally, this interface does not
require wiring and can be accomplished
by wireless telemetric methods. A
practical telemetry system that can be
integrated with the smart sensor must
be relatively small and have all the
required performance functions. The
advancement of micro-electronic design
and fabrication processing, namely the
MEMS technology, provides a technical
approach for wireless communication
system development. As an example,
a multi-channel wireless telemetric
microsystem that can be integrated with
the smart sensor system is described in
Fig. 3.7
In this telemetry system, four input
channels plus a calibration channel are
designed to ensure the telemetry system
is not malfunctioning. This system has
Fig. 2. Scanning electron micrograph of an array of four microfabricated polysilicon gas sensors, a package size of approximately 1 cm x
with 50 x1 micron (µm) bridge dimensions, designed at KWJ Inc. and built at Georgia Institute of 1 cm x 0.5 cm (including a small watch
Technology. battery) with a total weight of 1.0 gram.
30 The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2010
Fig. 3. ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) chip for the wireless multi-channel telemetric microsystem.7

To achieve the specifications of small the digital world. In the digital world, Fig. 4, in which larger components built
size, a monolithic integrated circuit sensor inputs can be processed to reduce with discrete electronic components
(IC) chip is fabricated. This IC chip is noise, integrated with other sensory are used to emulate all the desired
a low power BiCMOS signal processor inputs for compensation, redundancy, smart sensor features. In Phase II, the
chip, 2 mm x 2 mm in size. This signal and reliability improvements, and then functions are integrated into smaller,
processor chip can also amplify, filter, interfaced to output requirements that smarter, and more complex integrated
and time-division multiplex the signals range from simple digital displays of systems. One of the enabling features
that are in turn transmitted via an RF sensor outputs to wirelessly transmitted about smart sensor systems is that by
link contained within the package to and stored data that feed-back to sensors using microprocessing techniques this
an external radio receiver. The receiver or feed-forward to appropriate system increased complexity can be achieved
drives a demodulator (external) to controls. The evolutionary development with less expense than that of larger,
reconstruct the individual signals of a smart sensor system is exemplified in hand assembled systems.
for display or analysis by waveform
acquisition software. The system
also incorporates a Hall-effect sensor
providing remote on-off capability
for the conservation of power, and it
also can be used to support interactive
procedures. This example illustrates PHASE II integrated Smart
the needs and the required capability
of a wireless multi-channel telemetry Sensor Chip - power in
system, which can be integrated with and compensated signal
a smart sensor system. Ultra low power out is foundation for
wireless systems are also being designed commercial products
for interface to biological systems for
the purpose of sensory data acquisition
and transmission.8
PHASE I Sensor Chip and
Smart Sensor System Examples discrete components
interfaced to a PC
A typical smart sensor contains much demonstrates feasibility
more than just a sensing element, it is
a complete functioning system. The
sensor has an analog circuit for power
management, control, and interface to Fig. 4. Evolution of smart sensors from larger size discrete components to smaller integrated sensory

The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2010 31

Hunter, et al.
(continued from previous page) user with certain information required multiple locations to improve the overall
on a regular basis, but much further understanding of system conditions.
diagnostic information when needed. A This new generation of sensors will
An example of a family of smart prototype model of the “Lick and Stick” possess embedded intelligence to
sensor systems is shown in Fig. 5. This leak detection sensor system is shown provide the end user with critical
family of “pocket” size gas detectors9 can in Fig. 6a. The ability to have one “Lick data in a more rapid, reliable, robust,
measure species including hydrogen, and Stick” sensor system send data by economical and efficient manner with a
hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, telemetry, as well as have several “Lick seamless interface to applications.
and ozone with selectivity, and operate and Stick” sensor systems sending data This article has just begun to
on a single watch battery for a year or to a central processing hub, has been scratch the surface of the dimensions
more. These systems are specifically demonstrated. Figure 6b shows the of technology development that are
designed to be low-cost, low-power, operation of the electronics with the associated with smart sensor systems.
and have a long battery life. Included three sensor system simultaneously with However, in order to reach the promise of
within the systems are loud alarms data sent telemetrically. Smart sensors sensory systems, further advancements
(visual LED, 85 dB beeper, and vibrating systems using this “Lick and Stick” in both micro and nanotechnology, as
function), a digital display, as well as system as a core have been adapted to well as associated smart sensor software
computed features such as temperature applications as broad as fire detection, algorithms, are necessary. A vision of
compensated signals, time-weighted breath monitoring, environmental how nanotechnology including smart
average dosimetry, data/event logging, monitoring, and operation on rocket sensor systems can revolutionize a range
and a wireless data download capability engine test stands.10 of applications has been published.2 We
in a package weighing less than one look forward to new and creative design
ounce. Being able to provide all of this Future Applications in integrated smart sensor systems.
capability in a single package is only
possible through the integration of Smart sensor systems potentially About the Authors
sensor and microprocessor technology represent a new generation of sensing
and the limiting factor on battery life capability, and self-awareness that Gary W. Hunter is Lead for Intelligent
is typically how often the alarms are are essential components of future System Hardware and the Technical Lead
enabled, i.e., the sensing for these target intelligent systems. Driving intelligence for the Chemical Species Gas Sensors
analytes takes only micro-watts of down to the component level through Team in the Sensors and Electronics
power. the design of smart sensor systems Branch at NASA Glenn Research Center.
A second example of a smart sensor can and will have a profound impact He has been involved with the design,
system is the “Lick and Stick” leak on applications such as food safety fabrication, and testing of sensors for
sensor system.9 This is a multifunctional and biological hazard detection; nearly 20 years for a range of applications.
system with a microsensor array safety hazard detection and warning; This work has included the use of micro
fabricated by microfabrication (MEMS) environmental monitoring both locally and nanotechnology as well as the
based technology designed to detect and on a global scale; health monitoring integration of sensor technology into
hazardous conditions due to fuel leaks. and medical diagnostics;11 and industrial smart systems. He has been co-recipient of
The complete system has three sensors, and aerospace applications. Smart two R&D 100 Awards for one of the most
signal conditioning electronics, power, sensor systems can enable intelligent significant inventions/products of the
data storage, calibration tables, built-in systems, which can monitor themselves year, two NASA Turning Goals Into Reality
self-test, telemetry, and an option for and respond to changing conditions Awards, and one Nano 50 Award. He may
self-power in the surface area comparable optimizing safety and performance. The be reached at [email protected].
to a postage stamp. The approach is to integration of sensors12 and algorithms
be able to place sensors in a vehicle, can be used for early warning fire Joseph R. Stetter is President and CTO
like postage stamps, where they are detection13 or any number of sensor- of KWJ Engineering, Research Professor
needed without rewiring or drawing based applications.14 The smart sensor in Chemistry at Illinois Institute of
power from the vehicle. The electronics system approach can achieve distributed Technology and Oakland University,
can be programmed to provide the sensor systems feeding information from and Research Associate in Mechanical
Engineering at Georgia Institute of
Technology. At KWJ Engineering Inc.,
a second start-up company specializing
in chemical and biochemical sensors,
Dr. Stetter continues his interest in
measurement science and applications for
the social good. Sensor and instrument
products designed by Stetter are still in use
throughout the world protecting human
health and the environment. Dr. Stetter
has won several prestigious awards for
his work in sensor research, instrument
development, and technology transfer
including the “2002 Entrepreneur of the
Year” award given by TMAC (Technology
Management Association of Chicago),
several IR100 awards, and he has been
elected a Fellow of ECS (2008). He is
the author of more than 200 journal
articles and books, numerous conference
proceedings, holds more than 40 patents,
has edited journals, chaired international
conferences, been a plenary speaker at
conferences, given invited and endowed
Fig. 5. A family of “Pocket” smart sensor systems measuring a range of individual gases. (Courtesy lecture series, and is active in professional
KWJ Engineering Inc.15) societies, including being a past Chair of

32 The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2010

Fellow of the AAAS, ASME, and ECS, and
a member of ASEE, AVS, and IEEE. He is
past Chair of the ECS Sensor Division, has
been involved with the ECS for over 20
years, and currently serves on the Honors
and Awards Committee and the Ways and
Means Committee.

Chung-Chiun Liu is the Wallace R.

Persons Professor of Sensor Technology
and Control and a professor of Chemical
Engineering at Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland, Ohio. His research
interest focuses on electrochemical,
chemical, and biomedical sensors
and microfabrication technologies.
Professor Liu received the Outstanding
Achievement Award from the ECS Sensor
Division in 2008, and he received the
Presidential Award for Excellence in
Science, Mathematics and Engineering
Mentoring (PAESMEM) from the White
House in 2003. He is a Fellow of the Royal
Society of Chemistry, the Electrochemical
(a) Society and the American Institute of
Medical and Biological Engineers.

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products in MEMS and he still serves on include microfabrication of chemical Sensor Systems For In-Space
technical committees as well as on the and biosensors, microvalves, miniature Safety Applications,” 42nd AIAA/
boards of several start up companies. He gas chromatography systems, and ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion
may be reached at [email protected]. microcantilever sensors. He currently Conference & Exhibit, July 10-
has active research programs funded by 12, 2006, Sacramento, California,
Peter Hesketh is currently a professor Sandia National Laboratories and the Tech. Rep. AIAA-06-58419 (2006).
of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia National Science Foundation. He has
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The Electrochemical Society Interface • Winter 2010 33
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D. B. Makel, C. C. Liu, P. Dutta,
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13. N. Ming, J. R. Stetter, and W. J. by M. Schlesinger and M. Paunovic (2010)
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Fundamentals of Electrochemistry (2nd Edition)
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Electrochemical Systems (3rd edition)
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Synthetic Diamond: Emerging CVD
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Electrochemical Oxygen Technology
by K. Kinoshita (1992)
444 pages. ISBN 978-0-471-57043-1

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