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Customer Stories

GE Power Digital Solutions © 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
Discover the Power of Digital Customer Stories

Power Digital Outcomes
A sweeping digital transformation of the electricity landscape
Reliability has begun. Organizations that move with urgency to drive a digital strategy
throughout their businesses will define the industry’s future. Data and
Productivity analytics strategies will be key to future competitive advantage, to fueling
growth, determining profitability and ultimately survival. I’m inspired
Profitability by our customers every day; by working alongside them on their digital

endeavors. I hope you will be inspired by their stories too.”
Security Ganesh Bell, Chief Digital Officer, GE Power Digital

GE Power Digital Solutions © 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
Discover the Power of Digital Customer Stories

Creating a More Efficient and

Reliable Power Plant — Whitegate,
County Cork, Ireland

Challenge Additionally, Bord Gáis Energy is leveraging GE’s Advanced

The 445-megawatt Whitegate gas combined-cycle power Controls OpFlex solution to provide enhanced performance
plant, owned by Bord Gáis Energy, is located 25 miles east of capabilities for their fleet of GE turbines. The solution is
the city of Cork, and provides power to 10% of Ireland. powered by GE’s enterprise platform Predix, which uses the
cloud to unify the data flow across all plant and fleet assets,
With European government regulations demanding more delivering the enterprise visibility and insights needed to help
renewable energy production, in turn creating a greater need improve power plant, fleet and business operations.
€.08MM cost savings for reliable, on-demand generation capacity, Bord Gáis Energy
understood it needed to prepare the Whitegate station for Results
• Supplementary firing gas flow future grid challenges. The Whitegate implementation of GE’s APM, Advanced
• Condensate extraction pump Controls and GE’s Predix platform reduced plant downtimes
Solution and balance of plant operations costs. With APM, early
Bord Gáis Energy required a solution for condition-based warnings of failure mechanisms using 300 algorithms detect
€2.20MM cost avoidance monitoring at the Whitegate plant to ensure continuous when plant components are about to fail, allowing for more
operation toward no unplanned downtime. They chose GE’s efficient outage management.
• Actual power station turning gear Asset Performance Management (APM) solution featuring 141
• Projected turning gear failure over plant life total sensors throughout the plant. These sensors allow for The integrated solution has created a €2,28M positive
24/7 monitoring of the plant’s hardware, offering Whitegate’s financial impact from cost savings and cost avoidance
without any plant unavailability due to covered equipment
€2.28MM cost reduction & engineers operational recommendations while still providing
a single, consolidated view of plant performance. and 21 additional “catches” by the system.
avoidance over first year

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Discover the Power of Digital Customer Stories

See How SSE Achieved

Greater Plant Reliabiity


Challenge staff. SSE created an Equipment Performance Center (EPC)

Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE) with a £14.95BN to continuously monitor asset health for over 11 different
market cap and 20,000 employees is UK’s broadest-based locations. The system tracks factors such as combustion
energy company. It’s capabilities include power generation, dynamics, turbine vibration analysis, boiler temperatures,
transmission, distribution, supply and services. It is also creep analysis and safety case management.
Ireland’s fastest growing energy company. Predictive analytics drive model-based condition monitoring,
The outturn availability of the thermal generation fleet was allowing SSE to understand pending issues before they
become production problems, allowing proactive action to
Early detection failures > £3MM per year
an area of improvement focus due to a number of specific
technical failures over the last several years. SSE identified avoid unplanned outages.
Saved a generator from running into a fail state,
the following objectives to help improve the maintenance
SSE has experienced a significant reduction in plant failures
saving £100K in repair costs
• Early detection of potential failure and prevent past since the introduction of GE’s APM solution, resulting in
failures from reoccurring increased plant availability and production. Early failure Significant reduction in insurance cost ~
• Increase availability of plant
• Manage and control CAPEX
detection has resulted in savings of approximately £3MM
per year. £6MM per year
• Reduce insurance cost
• Condition-based maintenance
The EPC is now armed to monitor multiple site operations
efficiently with confidence to understand pending failures. Total 1026 monitored assets
Solution Overall insurance costs have been reduced (£7.5MM per
year) and with improved maintenance, a greater control over
With GE’s Asset Performance Management solution, SSE was
CAPEX is expected.
able to turn data into actionable knowledge for the operating

4 GE Power Digital Solutions © 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
Discover the Power of Digital Customer Stories

APM to Improve
Reliability and Availability
of RasGas Assets

Challenge GE’s APM solution empowers RasGas with asset anomaly

RasGas is one of the worlds’ premier integrated liquefied natural detection through a unified user experience covering both
gas (LNG) enterprises that transformed a regional resource into GE and non-GE assets, providing alerts, alarms, historical
a key component of the global energy mix. RasGas is a Qatari analysis with the visibility into asset performance and health.
joint stock company with more than 3,000 employees, owned The intention of RasGas’s APM analytic solution was to reduce
by Qatar Petroleum (70%) and ExxonMobil (30%). Qatar remains unplanned downtime, improve productivity and reliability,and to
the largest LNG exporter, providing 77 MTA to the market, which is move from reactive to predictive maintenance for rapid recovery.

2,300+ monitored assets roughly one-third of global supply. Results

The LNG production at RasGas in Ras Laffan, Qatar, consists The GE team worked closely with the RasGas team to develop
of seven LNG production trains with an approximate capacity and identify opportunities for a pilot project to detect early
The Predix™ cloud solution is projected failures and production optimization initiatives by leveraging a
of 37MM Tons a year. RasGas is focused on cost and value
to extend the life of RasGas assets, as well as optimization to reduce overall expenditures and enhance consolidated store of collected machine sensor data, analytic
lower operating costs through greater efficiency by improving plant reliability and availability without software and a platform that provides a plant-wide view.
compromising safety, health and the environment.
efficiencies. This ‘Software Defined Operations’ By mid 2015, the pilot project had demonstrated intially that
Solution early failures and process optimization opportunities can be
provides RasGas with deeper insights into detected with the use of analytics with the ability to identify
The initiative at RasGas began in late 2014 with a pilot for early
their plant operations to enable more forward detection of equipment or system failures and production areas to optimize and reduce waste.
optimization for selected units of three (3) LNG trains. This

looking decisions, in turn providing inputs for Way Forward
covered GE & non-GE equipment with GE’s Asset Performance
how to manage their business. GE’s APM solution is expected to cover the entire plant by
Management (APM) solution, built on the Predix cloud platform,
monitoring and connecting 2,300+ assets with over 65,000 GE
using machine data sensors, predictive analytics and process
and non-GE devices.

5 GE Power Digital Solutions © 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
Discover the Power of Digital Customer Stories

See How SRP Gained Asset,

Plant & Fleet Reliabiity


Challenge 12 plant locations and over 500 assets. The solution uses
Salt River Project (SRP) provides generation, transmission and advanced modeling, protected by over 40 patents, to put into
distribution services, as well as metering and billing services context the normal operating relationships among all relevant
to over 1 million customers in the Phoenix metro area. They parameters, such as load, temperatures, pressures, vibration
operate 12 power plants, including coal, nuclear, natural gas and readings and ambient conditions. In real time, the software
renewable sources (hydroelectric, solar, wind, and geothermal). compares actual sensor readings to that particular machine’s

SRP was looking for a solution that would allow them to

normal, predicted values. 7 fossil sites monitored
integrate data across multiple plants for outage management, Results
to optimize maintenance strategies and to understand where
production issues might occur next. They also wanted to
By consolidating SRP’s data and applying GE’s robust
analytics, experience and innovation, SRP has gained a high 4 hydro sites monitored
identify opportunities to extend monitoring across their level of asset, plant and fleet reliability. SRP is now able to
transmission and distribution-critical assets. see problems before they happen — toward no unplanned
downtime and improving fleet reliability through GE’s Asset 27 total units
With today’s complex business environment, increased public Performance Management (APM) solution.
scrutiny and regulatory oversight, SRP wanted a smarter
approach to sustained reliability for the most efficient power With GE APM, SRP has been able to mitigate unplanned issues 500 monitored assets
production possible. To obtain that level of availability, and costs while ensuring a continued strategic and planned
SRP needed a means to readily analyze the data of their maintenance process. It has shifted from unplanned outages
generation assets in a cohesive and consolidated manner. to planned outages, significantly reducing maintenance costs, ~$.5MM annual savings
optimizing asset life, and improving availability.
SRP chose GE’s Asset Performance Management (APM)
solution to consolidate machine sensor data across 11 of their

6 GE Power Digital Solutions © 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
Discover the Power of Digital Customer Stories

“ Operations Optimization provides us with

visibility and the insights to our KPIs and allows

us to look at the actions that will improve

performance at lower costs. When the plant
manager talks to his trading counterpart, they

are going to be talking real-time data.
Richard Lopriore, President, PSEG Fossil


Challenge Solution
PSEG is one of the 10 largest electric companies in the U.S. To achieve PSEG’s digital transformation, GE’s team
and New Jersey’s largest provider of electric and gas service of experts focused on the Linden plant installing GE’s
— serving 2.2 million electric customers and 1.8 million gas Operations Optimization, capturing data from machine
customers. PSEG also owns and operates a diverse fleet sensors, applying sophisticated analytics and creating
of power plants with approximately 12,000 megawatts of insights that drive more profitable decisions for PSEG.
generating capacity located primarily in the Mid-Atlantic and An M&D center was created to help drive PSEG’s key
Achieved top quartile Northeast regions. performance indicators for system availability, thermal
performance, and operations flexibility.
in heat rate and reduced production costs Faced with the challenge of providing economic and reliable
power as demand and fuel prices fluctuate, PSEG needed Results
to maintain a profitable business with their existing power PSEG improved performance with an integrated view that
Minimized fuel start costs generation assets. At the same time, PSEG leadership puts the plant manager and their trading counterpart on
recognized the value of leveraging data from their plants to the same page. Automatic notifications alert the plant
Improved reliability by make more informed decisions about operations and market manager to any operational anomalies in order to prevent
opportunities. risky operations. Cloud-based visibility, insights and actions
1% year 1 = $2MM value keep leadership focused on achieving their continuous
improvement initiatives including identifying opportunities to
improve thermal performance, increase operational flexibility
and reliability.

7 GE Power Digital Solutions © 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
Discover the Power of Digital Customer Stories


Our fleet, including at our other

two combined-cycle power plants in
Cassano and Sermide, will reap the
benefits of GE’s advanced software

Valerio Camerano, CEO, A2A

Challenge GE’s Operations Optimization solution was applied to gather

A2A, the largest Italian multi-utility company, needed machine sensor data, apply analytics and help A2A plant
to modernize their Chivasso power plants to become management understand how to engage the OpFlex controls
more responsive to changing grid demands and to boost software to better react to market conditions, lower operating
productivity in a competitive market. To reopen the plant, costs and reduce the plant’s environmental footprint.
A2A would need compelling improvements to efficiency Results
and have a lower impact on the environment. Achieving
A2A now has the necessary visibility and operational
the lowest emissions compliant load level was a critical
success factor in order for A2A to compete successfully in
flexibility to bring the plant online effectively and
economically, responding to dynamic market conditions.
Achieved 65 MW per GT Min load level
the ancillary services market space — particularly in their
GE’s solution helped achieve a 65MW per GT minimum load
level — the best in the GE 9FA fleet. The OpFlex Fast Ramp Minimized fuel start costs
solution enabled load ramping at up to ±50 MW/min, 2.5
Working closely with A2A traders, engineers, and
production team, GE needed to prove the Chivasso plant
times the normal rate, permitting A2A to react quickly to
market demands. Load ramping at up to ±50 MW/min,
could be improved to succeed in a competitive market.
The team began by installing GE’s OpFlex software to nine A2A’s power block is now producing hundreds of hours 2.5 X normal rate
9FA gas turbines at four combined-cycle power plants in of electricity since coming back online in November 2015
Lombardia in northern Italy, and , at the Chivasso plant, GE and is able to be competitive in their market. By increasing
upgraded two 9FA gas turbines with OpFlex Dry Low NOx plant responsiveness, A2A is better able to meet fast-
2.6+ combustion technology. changing grid demands.

8 GE Power Digital Solutions © 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
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Hardware and Software Upgrade

to Existing Turbines Boosts Power
Output for TransCanada

Challenge As part of the upgrade, OpFlex AutoTune DX and OpFlex

TransCanada is a leading energy infrastructure company in Cold Day Performance were installed to obtain even more
North America. As their GE turbines were nearing end of life performance from the hardware, and to ensure robust
at their Ravenswood and Alberta locations, they required turbine operation and emissions compliance at the increased
cleaner, more viable solutions to meet the growing power output levels even as weather and fuel supplies vary.
demands of their constituency, with the Ravenswood location Results
Mackay River serving over 20% of New York City.
TransCanada projected efficiencies from the engagement
10% increase in output capacity Solution with GE would total approximately $900K in annual fuel cost
savings or 223,440 decatherms of fuel for the company, as
2% increased fuel efficiency In 2012, TransCanada, purchased GE’s Advanced Gas Path
solution for the Ravenswood power plant in New York well as new revenue opportunities for Ravenswood in bidding
City and the Mackay River cogeneration facility in Alberta into the area’s power market. The more efficiently produced
Ravenswood replacing key turbine parts with new components made power displaced less efficient megawatts on the market with
from advanced materials developed for GE jet engines — cleaner power, thus reducing overall emissions for the same
5% increase in output capacity essentially extending the life of their existing equipment. amount of power generated.

1% fuel efficiency increase

Results from combined AGP & OpFlex Solutions

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Major North American and

EU Power Producer Gains
Additional Power Capacity to
Meet Market Demands

With approximately 7.1 GW of clean energy facilities in
Operation Optimization informed engineering and operations
A Large Renewable
North America and Europe, the company was challenged by team on potential leaks and recommended repairs within & Clean Energy
misalignment between the traders and the plant managers
causing missed market opportunities. They lacked a clear
two weeks of implementation and identified sensors that
were wired incorrectly and mislabeled, delivering inaccurate
Generation Company
view of the capacity and output of their wind and solar information. After repairs were completed, the plant was able
farms as well as the thermal performance of their natural to deliver an additional $30K/day or ~ $2 million in additional
gas power facilities. Additionally, they were concerned about capacity.
potential leaks impacting heat rates.
Traders now have visibility into true plant capacity and can Found leaks and thermal performance issues
Solution more accurately bid into the market and increase profitability.
They partnered with GE to build a digital twin and thermal within 2 weeks
model of their natural gas powered plants as well as
designing a forecasting model that would enable traders to
bid more capacity into the market. Increased capacity by $2MM /year
— ability to make this available to trading team

10 GE Power Digital Solutions © 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
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E.ON Achieves Greater

Profitability with Faster, Lower
Cost Combined Cycle Starts

Challenge Solution
E.ON is one of the UK’s leading power and gas companies — GE, in partnership with E.ON, developed an OpFlex Advanced
generating electricity, and retailing power and gas. Controls technology retrofit package that enables agile
and robust combined cycle starts. This package consists of 
Many gas-fired combined cycle power plants in Europe are
OpFlex Variable Load Path (VLP) solution, which enables GT
40% faster combined cycle plant starts unable to be economically dispatched due to high gas prices,
low power demand, and low power sale prices.
load and exhaust conditions to be customized to best match
bottoming cycle needs, plus OpFlex AutoTune MX solution,
Plants that ran 4,000+ hours per year, now see fewer than which provides fully automated combustor tuning to ensure
50% less costly combined cycle starts 1,000 hours of profitable operation. Even that is often only robust GT operation across the full load range and whole VLP
possible in real-time power markets and only when spark operating space.
spreads are high, such as when intermittent renewable
60% more operating hours and starts over power (wind, for example) needs to be quickly replaced).
With Variable Load Path and AutoTune MX, E.ON
plant without OpFlex solution
Successful operation in this time-sensitive environment demonstrated 40% faster and 50% less costly combined
requires combined cycle plant starts that are fast, reliable, cycle plant starts, resulting in up to 60% more operating
and low-cost, similar to what is possible with simple hours and starts compared to non-upgraded plants.
cycle plants.
The solution has been proven in operation on more than 10
units at 5 different sites since 2013, with more than 20,000
cumulative hours and 1,000 starts through December 2015.

11 GE Power Digital Solutions © 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
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NRG Achieves Optimal

Balance Between Asset
Life and Performance to
Maximize Profitability

NRG power plants across the US provide about 48,000 megawatts of
outage scheduling and, as a result, can grant the commercial team the
ability to potentially bid more MWs.
generation capacity, enough to power more than 38 million average NRG has installed the new GE solution at one of its generating stations,
households. NRG also provides retail electric service for nearly 3 million and is measuring and refining its use, working with the GE software
retail customers across the US. and engineering teams toward a broader implementation in late 2016.
As the nation’s leading integrated power company, NRG is always In addition, the GE Digital Twin will monitor NRG’s planned outage
2–3% Output improvement*
working to improve operating efficiency in its power production, timeline, helping ensure that future outage dates will not change,
balancing the maintenance requirements of its GE units among the
NRG fleet with a need to maximize power output to meet the needs of
while delivering visibility on the maximum total available output
between outages.
$5MM C ustomer revenue
the bulk power markets. per 32K Hrs.*
GE has developed a unique visibility and insight analytic offering as part
With this new GE analytic offering, NRG expects to gain significant
control over the tradeoff between asset maintenance and business ZERO impact to plant
of its Operations Optimization solution, allowing power generators opportunities. NRG will be able to execute a “look ahead” approach that outage schedule
to make both short- and long-term decisions that can improve plant identifies optimal maintenance windows, allowing it to peak its turbine
profitability. This new offering leverages GE’s Digital Twin model to operations to increase profitability through advantageous market
dynamically review the operation of gas turbines to adjust operating pricing. This can occur while utilizing cold part load to bank MW hours
conditions and key set points. This allows customers to bank MW that can be used during peak periods, while maintaining asset life.
hours during turndown market conditions. By using GE’s Advanced
Controls software, power plants can be operated safely above Based on modeling and historic PJM energy pricing, this new system is
baseload conditions, while the banked MW hours can be used to take capable of providing NRG a 2–3% improvement in MW output through
* Projected estimates based on GE modeling and historical
advantage of peak market prices and conditions. This gives NRG the peak firing, potentially delivering more than $5 million of additional PJM energy pricing
ability to directly understand and act on the balance of peak firing with profitability with zero impact to its critical outage schedule.

12 GE Power Digital Solutions © 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
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A More Profitable Market Position

with Flexible Operations, Enabled
by OpFlex Solution

Challenge Solution
Mainova AG is one of the largest regional energy suppliers in The GE unit in Frankfurt was the first 6B gas turbine in the
Germany, providing electricity, gas, heat and water. world to receive OpFlex control software technologies:
AutoTune, Turndown, Variable Peak and Smart Inlet Bleed
In Germany, cogeneration using gas fuel is competing in
Heat (IBH).
60% turndown to 40% load a landscape where electricity sells on a daily basis and
purchases are mainly driven by the price of fuel. Other less This Advanced Controls solution is designed to deliver broad
costly fuel sources, such as solar, wind, coal and nuclear take operational flexibility across all modes of plant operation by

110% emissions compliant peak load precedence, leading Mainova to take an innovative step to
drive production efficiency.
expanding the operating envelope, while enabling significant
performance improvement.
Mainova was interested in lowering its minimum part load, Results
2% fuel savings during part load operation reducing fuel costs, and improving maximum power output —
all while maintaining emissions compliance.
Mainova is now able to run their gas turbine at competitive
levels, leading to a more profitable position in the market.
They also now have the ability to set emissions limits
and let the turbine control maximum performance within
those limits.
One of the biggest benefits Mainova saw was the ability
to expand their emissions-compliant operating range from
60–100% load to 40–110% load.

13 GE Power Digital Solutions © 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
Discover the Power of Digital Customer Stories

In 2013, 91% of power
The average cost of each
40% of all cyber attacks are
generation organizations NERC CIP Violation.2 targeting the energy sector.
had experienced (This is the second
a cyber attack.1 largest vertical).3

1. Baytar, T. (2014,)ct 14). Cybersecurity in the power sector. powering Engineering International, Vol. 22/#9
2. NERC CIP 2013 Reliability Report:
3. Barron-Lopez. L. (2014, Jul 15). Cyber threats put energy sector on red alert.


Customer Customer Customer
One of USA’s largest generator of electricity from natural gas and geothermal A large natural gas distributor, providing service to A regional US utility, serving ~ 500K residents.
resources with > 50 power plants. more than 1MM customers.
Challenge Challenge Facing obsolete Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs)
In response to the publicly disclosed BlackeEnergy malware, this utility wanted This distributor wanted to understand the and switches, this utility needed to examine
to ensure that they were not exposed to a situation that could jeopardize their vulnerability of their SCADA Network/System. and understand the vulnerabilities of their aging
operations. infrastructure.
Solution A complete data and system vulnerability Solution
GE created a framework of cyber security offerings designed to protect the utility assessment was launched to determine security GE executed an on-site review of two facilities,
from the BlackEnergy malware plus other vulnerabilities. GE’s OpShield solution gaps and areas of investment required by reviewing then present architecture and
was installed at one of the customer’s plant facilities as a POC. This solution customer. determining gaps in both hardware and security
provides intrusion detection and prevention, providing the means to protect the OT practices. GE provided a comprehensive results
environment from exposure to security breaches.
Results analysis that demonstrated the need for
The customer obtained detailed understanding of immediate consideration of a system upgrade and
Results their cyber security posture, including gaps within a review of security procedures.
The solution demonstrated the ease of a “hot” install, granting the utility immediate third-party managed and maintained SCADA
visibility into their OT network to baseline “normal” traffic and establish policies that system components. The investigation resulted in Results
would highlight anomalies. The set of capabilities brought the environment within several actionable risk reduction opportunities. The utility obtained greater insights into their
NERC CIP compliance, a major goal for the customer. The customer is on track to security posture and was able to leverage GE’s
install GE’s security solutions across all of their operating sites. findings to obtain budget for upgrade to HMIs,
switches and other networking equipment. The
customer is now operating in a more secured and
Sources: modern security environment.
1. Baytar, T. (2014,)ct 14). Cybersecurity in the power sector. powering Engineering International, Vol. 22/#9
2. NERC CIP 2013 Reliability Report:
3. Barron-Lopez. L. (2014, Jul 15). Cyber threats put energy sector on red alert.

14 GE Power Digital Solutions © 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
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Reliability Productivity Profitability Security

7500+ 2–3% MW + $2MM additional Protected OT operations from
assets monitored output improvement available capacity for trading known malware
team to bid into the market
$3M+ Up to 3% Installed intrusion detection
financial benefit in one year improved fuel efficiency + $5MM Net Margin zero
system with
— over 32,000 Hrs
£6MM $2MM per day production
per year insurance savings in outage reduction 2% Fuel savings downtime
during part-load operations
Brought major US power
provider into
Customer results are not guarantees of performance compliance

Power Digital Solutions for the Industrial Internet GE Power Digital

BUSINESS OPTIMIZATION Your Partner in Digital Transformation
Profitability and Growth

100+ years of energy experience

Productivity and Flexibility
> 25% or 1.5 TW of world’s electricity

ASSET PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT > 13,000 power engineers and data scientists
Reliability and Availability

Library of >5,000 patents

Cloud Platform for the
Industrial Internet 5X growth in connected assets by 2020

Advanced Controls Cyber Security

/ Edge Computing Defense for
Analytics and Actions Industrial Operations
at the Edge

15 GE Power Digital Solutions © 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
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For more information, visit
We have to look to innovation in
emerging technologies.
Mike Kurzeja, Emerging Technology, Exelon Corporation

16 GE Power Digital Solutions © 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.

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