1 Parts of Speech WS1 PDF
1 Parts of Speech WS1 PDF
1 Parts of Speech WS1 PDF
41. When the bell rings, the class runs out the door. 49. The dusty erasers made Ms. Gerchman sneeze.
a) Verb a) Adverb
b) Adverb b) Adjective
c) Adjective c) Preposition
d) Noun d) Conjunction
42. My dad is not a snazzy dresser, but I love him 50. For our party to be a success, we need pizza, soda,
anyway. and cookies.
a) Noun a) Adverb
b) Verb b) Adjective
c) Conjunction c) Conjunction
d) Preposition d) Preposition
43. Oh dear, I forgot my homework again. 51. I hope to travel to Russia some day.
a) Conjunction a) Noun
b) Noun b) Pronoun