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Big Semantic Data Processing in The Materials Design Domain: Definitions

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Big Semantic Data Processing in the Materials

Design Domain

Patrick Lambrix, Rickard Armiento, Anna Delin, Huanyu Li

Definitions challenges include energy storage, solar

cells, thermoelectrics, and magnetic
To speed up the progress in the field transport (Ceder and Persson (2013);
of materials design, a number of chal- Jain et al (2013); Curtarolo et al (2013)).
lenges related to big data need to be ad- The space of potentially useful
dressed. This entry discusses these chal- materials yet to be discovered — the
lenges and shows the semantic technolo- so-called ‘chemical white space’ — is
gies that alleviate the problems related to immense. The possible combinations
Variety, Variability and Veracity. of, say, up to six different elements,
constitute many billions. The space
is further extended by possibilities
of different phases, low-dimensional
Overview systems, nanostructuring, and so forth,
which adds several orders of magnitude.
Materials design and materials in- This space was traditionally explored by
formatics is central for technological experimental techniques, i.e., materials
progress, not the least in the green synthesis and subsequent experimental
engineering domain. Many traditional characterization. Parsing and searching
materials contain toxic or critical raw the full space of possibilities this way
materials, whose use should be avoided is however hardly practical. Recent
or eliminated. Also, there is an urgent advances in condensed matter theory
need to develop new environmentally and materials modeling make it possible
friendly energy technology. Presently, to generate reliable materials data by
relevant examples of materials design means of computer simulations based

2 Lambrix, Armiento, Delin, Li

on quantum mechanics (Lejaeghere et al to be developed, and integration of the

(2016)). High-throughput simulations material into the production must be
combined with machine learning can realized. Furthermore, life-cycle aspects
speed up progress significantly and also of the material need to be assessed.
help to break out of local optima in Today, this post-invention process takes
composition space to reveal unexpected typically about two decades (Mulhol-
solutions and new chemistries (Gaultois land and Paradiso (2016); Jain et al
et al (2016)). (2013)). Shortening this time is in itself
This development has led an important strategic goal, which could
to a global effort — known as be realized with the help of an inte-
the Materials Genome Initiative grated informatics approach (Jain et al
(https://www.mgi.gov/) — to (2013), Materials Genome Initiative
assemble and curate databases that https://www.mgi.gov/).
combine experimentally known and To summarize, it is clear that ma-
computationally predicted materials terials data, experimental as well as
properties. A central idea is that materi- simulated, has the potential to speed
als design challenges can be addressed up progress significantly in many steps
by searching these databases for entries in the chain starting with materials
with desired combinations of properties. discovery, all the way to marketable
Nevertheless, these data sources also product. However, the data needs to
open up for materials informatics, i.e., be suitably organized and easily ac-
the use of big data methodology and cessible, which in practice is highly
data mining techniques to discover nontrivial to achieve. It will require a
new physics from the data itself. A multidisciplinary effort and the various
workflow for such a discovery process conventions and norms in use need to
can be based on a typical data ming be integrated. Materials data is highly
process, where key factors are identified, heterogeneous and much of it is cur-
reduced and extracted from heteroge- rently hidden behind corporate walls
neous databases, similar materials are (Mulholland and Paradiso (2016)).
identified by modeling and relationship
mining and properties are predicted
through evaluation and understanding
of the results from the data mining Big Data Challenges
techniques (Agrawal and Alok (2016)).
The use of the data in such a workflow To implement the data-driven materials
requires addressing problems with data design workflow, we need to deal with
integration, provenance, and seman- several of the big data properties (e.g.
tics, which remains an active field of Rajan (2015)).
research. Volume refers to the quantity of the
Even when a new material has been generated and stored data. The size of
invented and synthesized in a lab, the data determines the value and poten-
much work remains before it can be tial insight. Although the experimental
deployed. Production methods allowing materials science does not generate
manufacturing the material at large huge amounts of data, computer sim-
scale in a cost effective manner need ulations with accuracy comparable to
Data Processing in Materials Design 3

experiments can. Moreover, going from provenance information from which

state-of-the-art static simulations at one can derive the data quality. Not all
temperature T=0K towards realistic the computed data is confirmed by lab
descriptions of materials properties at experiments. Some data is generated
temperatures of operation in devices and by machine learning and data mining
tools will raise these amounts as well. algorithms.
Variety refers to the type and nature of
the data. The materials databases are het-
erogeneous in different ways. They store
different kinds of data and in different Sources of data and Semantic
formats. Some databases contain infor- Technologies
mation about materials crystal structure,
some about their thermochemistry, oth- Although the majority of materials data
ers about mechanical properties. More- that has been produced by measurement
over, different properties may have the or through predictive computation have
same names, while the same information not yet become organized in general
may be represented differently in differ- easy-to-use databases, several sizable
ent databases. databases and repositories do exist.
Velocity refers to the speed at which However, as they are heterogeneous in
the data is generated and processed to nature, semantic technologies are im-
meet the demands and challenges that lie portant for the selection and integration
in the path of growth and development. of the data to be used in the materials
In computational materials science new design workflow. This is particularly im-
data is generated continuously, by a large portant to deal with Variety, Variability
number of groups all other the world. and Veracity.
In principle, one can store summary re- Within this field the use of seman-
sults and data streams from a specific tic technologies is in its infancy with
run as long as one needs (days, weeks, the development of ontologies and stan-
years) and analyze it afterwards. How- dards. Ontologies aim to define the ba-
ever, to store all the data indefinitely may sic terms and relations of a domain of
be a challenge. Some data needs to be re- interest, as well as the rules for com-
moved as the storage capacity is limited. bining these terms and relations. They
Variability deals with the consistency standardize terminology in a domain and
of the data. Inconsistency of the data are a basis for semantically enriching
set can hamper processes to handle and data, integration of data from different
manage it. This can occur for single databases (Variety), and reasoning over
databases as well as data that was the data (Variability and Veracity). Ac-
integrated from different sources. cording to Zhang et al (2015a) in the
Veracity deals with the quality of the materials domain ontologies have been
data. This can vary greatly, affecting used to organize materials knowledge in
accurate analysis. The data generated a formal language, as a global concep-
within materials science may contain tualization for materials information in-
errors, and it is often noisy. The quality tegration (e.g. Cheng et al (2014)), for
of the data is different in different linked materials data publishing, for in-
databases. It may be challenging to have ference support for discovering new ma-
4 Lambrix, Armiento, Delin, Li

terials and for semantic query support ber of databases for phase identification
(e.g., Zhang et al (2015b, 2017)). are hosted. These databases have been
Further, standards for exporting in use by experimentalists for a long
data from databases and between tools time.
are being developed. These standards Springer Materials (http:
provide a way to exchange data be- //materials.springer.com/)
tween databases and tools, even if the contains among many other data sources
internal representations of the data in the well-known Landolt Bornstein
the databases and tools are different. database, an extensive data collection
They are a prerequisite for efficient from many areas of physical sciences
materials data infrastructures that allow and engineering. Similarly, The Japan
for the discovery of new materials National Institute of Material Science
(Austin (2016)). In several cases the (NIMS) Materials Database MatNavi
standards formalize the description of (http://mits.nims.go.jp/
materials knowledge (and thereby create index_en.html) contains a wide
ontological knowledge). collection of mostly experimental but
In the remainder of this section a brief also some computational electronic
overview of databases, ontologies and structure data.
standards in the field is given. Thermodynamical data, necessary
for computing phase diagrams with the
CALPHAD method, exist in many dif-
ferent databases (Campbell et al (2014)).
Databases Open access databases with relevant
data can be found through OpenCalphad
The Inorganic Crystal Struc- (http://www.opencalphad.
ture Database (ICSD, https: com/databases.html).
//icsd.fiz-karlsruhe.de/) Databases of results from electron
is a frequently utilized database for structure calculations have existed in
completely identified inorganic crystal some form for several decades. In 1978,
structures, with nearly 200k entries Moruzzi, Janak, and Williams published
(Belsky et al (2002); Bergerhoff et al a book with computed electronic prop-
(1983)). The data contained in ICSD erties such as, e.g., density of states,
serve as an important starting point bulk modulus and cohesive energy
in many electronic structure calcula- of all metals (Moruzzi et al (2013)).
tions. Several other crystallographic Only recently however, the use of such
information resources are also avail- databases have become widespread, and
able (Glasser (2016)). A popular open some of these databases have grown to a
access resource is the Crystallography substantial size.
Open Database (COD, http://www. Among the more recent efforts
crystallography.net/cod/) to collect materials properties ob-
with nearly 400k entries (Grazulis et al tained from electronic structure
(2012)). calculations publicly available a
At the International Cen- few prominent examples include the
tre for Diffraction Data (ICDD, Electronic Structure Project (ESP)
http://www.icdd.com/) a num- (http://materialsgenome.se)
Data Processing in Materials Design 5

with ca 60k electronic structure re- Ontologies

sults, Aflow (Curtarolo et al (2012),
http://aflowlib.org/) with We introduce the features of current ma-
data on over 1.7 million com- terials ontologies from a materials (Table
pounds, the Materials Project with 1) and a knowledge representation per-
data on nearly 70k inorganic com- spective (Table 2), respectively.
pounds (Jain et al (2013), https: Most ontologies focus on specific
//materialsproject.org/), sub-domains of the materials field
the Open Quantum Materials Database (Domain in Table 1) and have been
(OQMD, http://oqmd.org/), with developed with a specific use in mind
over 470k entries (Saal et al (2013)), (Application Scenario in Table 1).
and the NOMAD repository with 44 The Materials Ontology in Ashino
million electronic structure calcula- (2010) was designed for data exchange
tions (https://repository. among thermal property databases.
nomad-coe.eu/). Also available is Other ontologies were built to enable
the Predicted Crystallography Open knowledge-guided materials design
Database (PCOD, http://www. or new materials discovery, such as
crystallography.net/pcod/) PREMΛ P ontology (Bhat et al (2013))
with over 1 million predicted crystal for steel mill products, MatOnto ontol-
structures, which is a project closely ogy (Cheung et al (2008)) for oxygen
related to COD. ion conducting materials in the fuel
As the amount of computed data cell domain, and SLACKS ontology
grows, the need for informatics in- (Premkumar et al (2014)) that integrates
frastructure also increases. Many of relevant product life cycle domains
the databases discussed above have which consist of engineering analysis
made their frameworks available, well- and design, materials selection and
known examples include the ones by manufacturing. The FreeClassOWL
Materials Project and OQMD. Other ontology (Radinger et al (2013)) is de-
publicly available frameworks used signed for the construction and building
in publications for materials design materials domain and supports seman-
and informatics include the Automated tic search for construction materials.
Interactive Infrastructure and Database MMOY ontology (Zhang et al (2016))
for Computational Science (AiiDA, captures metal materials knowledge
http://www.aiida.net/) (Pizzi from Yago. The ontology design pattern
et al (2016)), the Atomic Simula- in Vardeman et al (2017) models and
tion Environment (ASE, https: allows for reasoning about material
//wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/ase/) transformations in the carbon dioxide
(Larsen et al (2017)), and the and sodium acetate productions by com-
high-throughput toolkit (httk, bining baking soda and vinegar. Some
http://www.httk.org) (Faber ontologies are generated (Data Source in
et al (2016)). Table 1) by extracting knowledge from
other data resources such as the Plinius
ontology (van der Vet et al (1994))
which is extracted from 300 publication
abstracts in the domain of ceramic
6 Lambrix, Armiento, Delin, Li

materials, and MatOWL (Zhang et al materials property data which includes

(2009)) which is extracted from MatML schemas for such things as materials
schema data to enable ontology-based properties, composition, heat, and
data access. The ontologies may also production.
use other ontologies as a basis such as Some other standards that have
for instance, MatOnto that uses DOLCE received more attention are, e.g., Ther-
(Gangemi et al (2002)) and EXPO moML and CML. ThermoML (Frenkel
(Soldatova and King (2006)). et al (2006, 2011)) is an XML-based
From the knowledge representation markup language for exchange of
perspective (Table 2), the basic terms thermophysical and thermochemical
defined in materials ontologies involve property data. It covers over 120
materials, properties, performance, and properties regarding thermodynamic
processing in specific sub-domains. and transport property data for pure
The number of concepts ranges from compounds, multicomponent mixtures,
a few to several thousands. There are and chemical reactions. CML or Chem-
relatively few relationships and most ical Markup Language (Murray-Rust
ontologies have instances. Almost all and Rzepa (2011); Murray-Rust et al
ontologies use OWL as a representation (2011)) covers chemistry and espe-
language. In terms of organization of cially molecules, reactions, solid-state,
materials ontologies, Ashino’s Materials computation and spectroscopy. It is
Ontology, MatOnto, and PREMΛ P on- an extensible language that allows for
tology are developed as several ontology the creation of sub-domains through
components that are integrated in one the convention construct. Further, the
ontology. In Table 2 this is denoted in dictionaries construct allows for con-
the modularity column. necting CML elements to dictionaries
(or ontologies). This was inspired by the
approach of the Crystallographic Infor-
mation Framework or CIF (Bernstein
Standards et al (2016), http://www.iucr.
There are currently not so many stan- The European Committee for Stan-
dards yet in this domain. Early efforts dardization (CEN) organized workshops
including ISO standards and MatML on standards for materials engineering
achieved limited adoption according data (Austin (2016)) of which the re-
to Austin (2016). The standard ISO sults are documented in CEN (2010).
10303-45 includes an information The work focuses specifically on ambi-
model for materials properties. It pro- ent temperature tensile testing and devel-
vides schemas for material properties, oped schemas as well as an ontology (the
chemical compositions and measure ELSSI-EMD ontology from above).
values (Swindells (2009)). ISO 10303- Another recent approach is connected
235 includes an information model to the European Centre of Excellence
for product design and verification. NOMAD (Ghiringhelli et al (2016)).
MatML (Kaufman and Begley (2003), The NOMAD repository’s (https:
https://www.matml.org/) is //repository.nomad-coe.eu/)
an XML-based markup language for metadata structure is formatted to be
Data Processing in Materials Design 7

Table 1 Comparison of materials ontologies from a materials perspective

Materials ontology Data Source Domain Application Scenario

Ashino’s Materials Ontology

Thermal property databases Thermal properties Data exchange, search
Ashino (2010)
Plinius ontology
Publication abstracts Ceramics Knowledge extraction
van der Vet et al (1994)
MatOnto DOLCE ontology1 ,
Crystals New materials discovery
Cheung et al (2008) EXPO ontology2
PREMΛ P ontology
PREMΛ P platform Materials Knowledge-guided design
Bhat et al (2013)
FreeClassOWL Eurobau data3 , Construction and
Semantic query support
Radinger et al (2013) GoodRelations ontology4 building materials
MatML schema data Materials Semantic query support
Zhang et al (2009)
Yago data Metals Knowledge extraction
Zhang et al (2016)
ELSSI-EMD ontology Materials testing data Materials testing, Ambient
Data interoperability
CEN (2010) from ISO standards temperature tensile testing
SLACKS ontology Ashino’s Materials Ontology,
Laminated composites Knowledge-guided design
Premkumar et al (2014) MatOnto
1 DOLCE stands for Descriptive Ontology for Linguistic and Cognitive Engineering.
2 EXPO ontology is used to describe scientific experiments.
3 Eurobau.com compiles construction materials data from ten European countries.
4 GoodRelations ontology (Hepp (2008)) is used for e-commerce with concepts such as business
entities and prices.
8 Lambrix, Armiento, Delin, Li

Table 2 Comparison of materials ontologies from a knowledge representation perspective

Materials ontology Ontology Metrics Language Modularity

Ashino’s Materials Ontology

Ashino (2010)
606 concepts, 31 relationships,
488 instances
Plinius ontology 17 concepts, 4 relationships,
Ontolingua code
van der Vet et al (1994) 119 instances1
Cheung et al (2008)
78 concepts, 10 relationships,
24 instances
PREMΛ P ontology
Bhat et al (2013)
62 concepts UML !
FreeClassOWL 5714 concepts, 225 relationships
Radinger et al (2013) 1469 instances
(not available) OWL
Zhang et al (2009)
544 metal concepts, 1781 related concepts,
9 relationships, 318 metal instances OWL
Zhang et al (2016)
1420 related instances
ELSSI-EMD ontology
CEN (2010)
35 concepts, 37 relationships,
33 instances
SLACKS ontology
34 concepts and 10 relationships at least2 OWL
Premkumar et al (2014)
1 103 instances out of 119 are elements in the periodic system.
2 The numbers are based on the high-level class diagram and an illustration of instances’
integration in SLACKS shown in (Premkumar et al (2014)).

independent of the electronic-structure reasoning capabilities should be used, as

theory or molecular-simulation code in the bioinformatics field in the 1990s
that was used to generate the data and (Lambrix et al (2009)). Databases could
can thus be used as an exchange format. use ontologies to define their schemas
and enable ontology-based querying.
Integration of databases is enabled by
the use of ontologies. However, when
Conclusion databases have used different ontologies,
alignments between different ontologies
The use of the materials data in a are needed as well (Euzenat and Shvaiko
materials design workflow requires (2007)). Further, more effort should be
addressing several big data problems in- put on connecting ontologies and stan-
cluding Variety, Variability and Veracity. dards (as started in the CML, CEN and
Semantic technologies are a key factor NOMAD approaches), which may also
in tackling some of these problems. lead to connections between different
Currently, efforts have started in creat- standards. Reasoning can be used in
ing materials databases, ontologies and different ways. When developing re-
standards. However, much work remains sources reasoning can help in debugging
to be done. To make full use of these and completing the resources leading to
resources there is a need for integration higher quality resources (Ivanova and
of different kinds of resources and Lambrix (2013)). Reasoning can also
Data Processing in Materials Design 9

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