Big Semantic Data Processing in The Materials Design Domain: Definitions
Big Semantic Data Processing in The Materials Design Domain: Definitions
Big Semantic Data Processing in The Materials Design Domain: Definitions
Design Domain
2 Lambrix, Armiento, Delin, Li
terials and for semantic query support ber of databases for phase identification
(e.g., Zhang et al (2015b, 2017)). are hosted. These databases have been
Further, standards for exporting in use by experimentalists for a long
data from databases and between tools time.
are being developed. These standards Springer Materials (http:
provide a way to exchange data be- //
tween databases and tools, even if the contains among many other data sources
internal representations of the data in the well-known Landolt Bornstein
the databases and tools are different. database, an extensive data collection
They are a prerequisite for efficient from many areas of physical sciences
materials data infrastructures that allow and engineering. Similarly, The Japan
for the discovery of new materials National Institute of Material Science
(Austin (2016)). In several cases the (NIMS) Materials Database MatNavi
standards formalize the description of (
materials knowledge (and thereby create index_en.html) contains a wide
ontological knowledge). collection of mostly experimental but
In the remainder of this section a brief also some computational electronic
overview of databases, ontologies and structure data.
standards in the field is given. Thermodynamical data, necessary
for computing phase diagrams with the
CALPHAD method, exist in many dif-
ferent databases (Campbell et al (2014)).
Databases Open access databases with relevant
data can be found through OpenCalphad
The Inorganic Crystal Struc- (
ture Database (ICSD, https: com/databases.html).
// Databases of results from electron
is a frequently utilized database for structure calculations have existed in
completely identified inorganic crystal some form for several decades. In 1978,
structures, with nearly 200k entries Moruzzi, Janak, and Williams published
(Belsky et al (2002); Bergerhoff et al a book with computed electronic prop-
(1983)). The data contained in ICSD erties such as, e.g., density of states,
serve as an important starting point bulk modulus and cohesive energy
in many electronic structure calcula- of all metals (Moruzzi et al (2013)).
tions. Several other crystallographic Only recently however, the use of such
information resources are also avail- databases have become widespread, and
able (Glasser (2016)). A popular open some of these databases have grown to a
access resource is the Crystallography substantial size.
Open Database (COD, Among the more recent efforts to collect materials properties ob-
with nearly 400k entries (Grazulis et al tained from electronic structure
(2012)). calculations publicly available a
At the International Cen- few prominent examples include the
tre for Diffraction Data (ICDD, Electronic Structure Project (ESP) a num- (
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as well as in the process of connecting use of standards compliant data formats for
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