General:: Concentration Limit: Not Detected: Usage Ban Homogeneous: Kinematic Limit: Reporting Limit
General:: Concentration Limit: Not Detected: Usage Ban Homogeneous: Kinematic Limit: Reporting Limit
General:: Concentration Limit: Not Detected: Usage Ban Homogeneous: Kinematic Limit: Reporting Limit
Due to concerns for the health of customers, as well as for the environment and working conditions, H&M group has
established H&M group Chemical Restrictions for all products. H&M group Chemical Restrictions consists of several parts, covering
manufacturing (Manufacturing Restricted Substances List, MRSL) and specific product types (Restricted Substances List, RSL); this
document concerns Chemical Restrictions for Apparel, Accessories, Footwear and Home Interior Textile Products. Each limit in H&M
group Chemical Restrictions is valid for homogeneous parts of the concerned product if not otherwise stated.
By accepting H&M standard purchase conditions, the supplier commits to comply with H&M chemical restrictions.It is
supplier’s responsibility to assure compliance with H&M Group chemical restrictions and to inform their suppliers and
subcontractors about the content of H&M Group chemical restrictions.
Concentration Limit: The substance must not be present in the product at concentrations above this limit
Not Detected: The substance must not be present in the tested sample at concentrations above the analytical reporting limits.
Usage ban: The substance must not be used in production and it must not be added to the product
Homogeneous: Uniform composition throughout, i.e. a material that cannot be mechanically disjointed into different materials.
Kinematic Limit: Describes how fast a fluid is spread on a flat surface in relation to its mass, i.e. weight.
Reporting limit: Describes the level of detection times a safety factor selected by the laboratory that ensures repeatability and
Self-declaration: All chemicals used should have Safety Data Sheets, SDS, showing that no restricted substance is included.
Upon request supplier must be able to present the SDS for the chemicals used in the production of the requested product.
Substances defined as hazardous due to intrinsic properties: Persistent, bio accumulative and toxic (PBT), very
persistent and very bio accumulative (vPvB), carcinogenic, mutagenic and toxic for reproduction (CMR), endocrine disruptors (ED) or equivalent
1 Impurities at low concentrations of these substances may be accepted only if technically unavoidable due to e.g. raw materials, formation in the manufacturing
process, storage or packaging.
CAS no: Chemical Abstracts Service number, an identification number for chemicals in this database.