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Technical Report On Electrostatic Precipitator: Geeco Enercon PVT LTD Tiruchirapalli - 620015 India

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UNITS 3 & 4 (2 x 300 MW)






Technical report on electrostatic precipitator


The Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Power Station is a major power station in the Klang Valley
region of Peninsular Malaysia. This power station,which fires natural gas,bunker oil and coal,
is located in Kapar, Selangor .

Kapar Energy Ventures sdn Bhd is a joint venture company between Tenaga Nasional
berhad (TNB) and Malakoff Berhad. Kapar Energy Ventures (KEV) owns.operates and
maintains the above power station.


The above power station has four generating facilities which can produce 2420 MW.

ƒ Generating Facility 1 consists of 2 units, a boiler and a steam turbine with

300 MW each using natural gas and bunker oil.
ƒ Generating Facility 2 consists of 2 units, a boiler and a steam turbine with
300 MW each using natural gas , bunker oil and coal.
ƒ Generating Facility 3 consists of 2 units, a boiler and a steam turbine with 500
MW each using natural gas , bunker oil and coal.
ƒ Generating Facility 4 consists of 1 unit, a gas turbine with 110 MW using
natural gas and distillate fuel.

GEECO Enercon Pvt Limited, an engineering firm located at Tiruchirapalli, India carried
out a study of the electrostatic precipitators installed at # 3 & # 4 of the above power station
in November,2010. A team of engineers consisting of Mr.Irudayaraj and Mr. Selvarathinam
carried out a detailed inspection of the electrostatic precipitators and also held detailed
discussions with the plant authorities.

Based on the inspection and the details collected from the plant, the following observations
in respect of the design and the current status of the electrostatic precipitators are submitted
for the kind perusal of the plant authorities

Each steam generator is equipped with two (2) numbers of electrostatic precipitators each
having the model number FAA – 4 x 52.5H – 7272150 – 2. The electrostatic precipitators
are of dry type with horizontal direction of gas flow. There are four electrical fields in series in
the direction of gas flow and four electrical bus sections across the gas flow, making a total
of sixteen (16) independent electrical bus sections per boiler. Each of the bus section is
energized by its own high voltage transformer – rectifier set.

The major technical parameters of the electrostatic precipitators are:

Model Number: FAA – 4 x 52.5H – 7272150 – 2

Number of independent casings / boiler 2

Number of fields in series 4

Nominal length of each field, metres 5.25

Nominal height of electrode system, metres 15

Nominal width of each bus section, metres 7.2

Spacing between the adjacent rows of

collecting electrode across gas flow, mm 300

Number of parallel gas paths in each

Bus section 24

Total collection area provided, m2 / boiler 60480


The electrostatic precipitator system is guaranteed for the following parameters while the
boiler is fired with coal having the analysis as furnished in the following table.

ƒ Emission with all fields in service 0.2 gm / Nm3 (dry gas)

200 mg / Nm3 (dry gas)
ƒ Corresponding collection efficiency 99.2 %

The above parameters are to be demonstrated while the electrostatic precipitator system is
operating with the following inlet parameters.

1. Flue gas flow rate, Nm3 / hr ( wet gas) 1,030,700

2. Flue gas temperature, Deg C 144
3. Inlet dust concentration, gm / Nm3 (dry gas) 25
4. Number of ESP fields in service ALL (16)


The proximate analysis of the coal considered during the design stage of electrostatic
precipitators is as tabulated below.


Inherent Moisture Percent 1,5
Surface Moisture Percent 8.0
Fixed Carbon Percent 58.0
Volatile Matter Percent 16.5
Ash Percent 16.5
Sulphur Percent 0.00
Gross Calorific Value Kcal / Kg 6824


The chemical composition of the fly ash considered at the design stage of the electrostatic
precipitator is as tabulated below


Silica (Sio2) Percent 51.40
Alumina (Al2O3) Percent  32.50
Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) Percent  2.08
Calcium Oxide (CaO) Percent  5.30
Magnesia (MgO) Percent  1.20
Sodium Oxide (Na2O) Percent  1.00
Potassium Oxide (K2O) Percent  0.50
Phosphorous Pentoxide (P2O5) Percent  0.40
Titania (TiO2) Percent  1.80
Sulphur Trioxide (SO3) Percent  1.30
Electrical Resistivity Ohm - cm Not available

Based on the size of electrostatic precipitator, the design parameters considered at the inlet
of electrostatic precipitator for purposes of guarantee and the guaranteed parameters
furnished above, the following design parameters have been derived

1. Fflue gas flow rate at the inlet of electrostatic precipitator , m3/s 437.3
2. Specific Collection Area ( SCA), m2/m3/s 138.3
3. the effective migration velocity (Wk), cm / s 16.86
(calculated according to the modified Deutsche – Andersson
equation for collection efficiency of electrostatic precipitator, viz

Efficiency = 1 – e-(Wk x SCA) 0.5)


The layout of the electrostatic precipitator streams and the electrical bus sections are shown
in the drawing below. Each bus section is energized by its own transformer-rectifier set.

The technical parameters of the electrostatic precipitator and its various systems are
furnished in the table.

HT Bus Section (Typ)

AL - 1 AL - 2 AL - 3 AL - 4
Gas Gas

AR - 1 AR - 2 AR - 3 AR - 4

Boiler axis

BL - 1 BL - 2 BL - 3 BL - 4
Gas Gas
BR - 1 BR - 2 BR - 3 BR - 4



SL.No Description Unit

1.0 Plant Details

1.1 Name of the Power Plant Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz
Power Station
1.2 Name of the Owner of the Power Kapar Energy Ventures
1.3 Location of the Power Plant Kapar,Selongor, Malaysia
( Province / Country )
1.4 Total Installed Capacity of Power MW 2420
1.5 Unit Number 3&4
1.6 Year of Commissioning of the Unit
1.7 Rating of the unit MW 300

2.0 Steam Generator ( Boiler)

2.1 Manufacturer
2.2 Type of firing Pulverised
coal /
Pulverised Coal
any other
2.3 Evaporation Tons / hour
2.4 Superheat steam temperature at exit Deg C 540
2.5 Superheat steam pressure at exit kg / cm2
(g) 165

3.0 Coal Analysis

3.1 Proximate Analysis
3.1.1 Moisture (Inherent) % 1.50
3.1.2 Fixed Carbon % 58.0
3.1.3 Volatiles % 24.0
3.1.4 Ash % 16.5
3.1.5 Sulphur % Not available
3.1.6 Moisture ( Surface) % 8.00
3.1.7 Calorific Value Kcal / kg 6824
3.2 Flyash Analysis
3.2.1 Silica (SiO2) % 51.4
3.2.2 Alumina (Al2O3) % 32.5
3.2.3 Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) % 2.08
3.2.4 Calcium Oxide (CaO) % 5.3
3.2.5 Magnesia (MgO) % 1.2
3.2.6 Sodium Oxide (Na2O) % 1.0
3.2.7 Potassium Oxide (K2O) % 0.5
3.2.8 Phosporous Pentoxide (P2O5) % 0.4
3.2.9 Titania ( TiO2) % 1.8
3.2.10 Sulphur trioxide (SO3) % 1.3
3.4 Electrical Resistivity of Flyash ohm - cm


4.1 Manufacturer FLAKT / GADELIUS
4.2 Model Number / Designation FAA-4 x 52.5H -7272150 - 2
4.3 Number off / boiler 2


5.1 Number of independent casings /
5.2 Number of electrical fields in series 4
5.3 Number of electrical bus - sections in
2 / ESP stream
5.4 Total active treatment length per gas m
5.5 Flue gas velocity m/s 1.0
5.6 Treatment Time s 21.0
5.7 Total Collection area provided / boiler m2 60480
5.8 Specific Collection Area (SCA ) m2/m3/s 138.3
5.9 Effective Migration Velocity ( Wk) m/s 0.17
5.10 Spacing between the adjacent rows mm
of collecting electrode across gas 300
6.1 Flue Gas flow rate m3/s 437.3 (wet gas)
6.2 Flue Gas Temperature Deg C 144
6.3 Dust Concentration gm / Nm3 25.0 (dry gas)
6.4 Static Pressure of the Flue Gas mm WC 0.00


7.1 Emission (Dust Concentration at mg / Nm3
outlet ) with all fields in service 200 (dry gas)

7.2 Emission (Dust Concentration at mg/Nm3

outlet ) with one field in each ----------
stream out of service
7.3 Collection Efficiency at design %
conditions with all fields in service
7.4 Collection Efficiency at design %
conditions with one field in each --------
stream out of service
7.5 Corona Power Consumption kilowatts 130
7.6 Auxiliary Power Consumption kilowatts
( heaters,rapper motors etc)
7.7 Total Power Consumption kilowatts 277.5
7.8 Pressure drop across ESP mm WC
7.9 Air in-leakage through ESP % (of
design gas -------
flow rate)


8.1 Type of profile ‘G’Profile
8.2 Material of Construction Carbon steel - SPHC
8.3 Electrode thickness mm 1.4
8.4 Spacing between adjacent rows of mm
collecting electrodes across gas flow
8.5 Number of parallel gas paths / stream
of ESP
8.6 Active length of each collecting mm
8.7 Number of collecting electrodes in
each row
8.8 Total active length of collecting mm
electrode in each row
8.9 Active height of collecting electrode mm 15000
8.10 Total number of collecting electrodes
per stream of ESP
8.11 Total number of collecting electrodes
in ESP / boiler
8.12 Collecting electrode area m2/1000
8.13 Aspect Ratio ( Total active length of
the fields / active height of collecting 1.4
plate )
9.1 Type (spiral/rigid /mast etc) Spiral
9.2 Material of Construction Stainless Steel ( SUS 316)
9.3 Electrode dimensions 2.5 mm diameter
9.4 Number of total electrodes per
parallel gas path
9.5 Total number of electrodes per
stream of ESP
9.6 Total number of electrodes per boiler 24192
9.7 Support Arrangement Frame work / Hooks


10.1 Type (tumbling hammer / drop
Tumbling Hammer
hammer / MIGI etc )
10.2 Total number of rappers per stream
of ESP
10.3 Total number of rappers per boiler 8
10.4 Maximum number of collecting
electrodes rapped by a hammer --------
at one time
10.5 Percentage of collecting plate rapped %
at one time
10.6 Time interval between raps of same s
10.7 Time for one complete rapping cycle s 60
10.8 Minimum rapping acceleration normal g
to the plate
10.9 Type of rapper controller EPIR ( EP Intelligent Rapper)
10.10 Average input power to each of the kw
rapper 0.2


11.1 Type ( tumbling hammer /
drop hammer / MIGI etc ) Tumbling Hammer
11.2 Total number of rappers per stream
of ESP 8
11.3 Total number of rappers per boiler 16
11.4 Maximum number of emitting
electrodes rapped by a hammer
at one time --------
11.5 Percentage of emitting electrodes %
rapped at one time --------
11.6 Time interval between raps of same s
rapper ------
11.7 Time for one complete rapping cycle s --------
11.8 Minimum rapping acceleration g -------
11.9 Type of rapper controller EPIR ( EP Intelligent Rapper)
11.10 Average input power to each of the kw
rapper 0.2
12.1 Total number of TR sets / boiler 16
12.2 Manufacturer KRAFT,SWEDEN
12.3 Rated output voltage of the TR set kilovolts 70 (Peak)
12.4 Rated output current of the TR set milliamps 1200 (mean)
12.5 Input primary voltage of TR set volts 415
12.6 Input primary current of TR set amps ------
12.7 Type of Transformer Oil cooled / Single Phase
12.8 Temperature rise over ambient Deg C -------
12.9 Medium of cooling Air / Oil Oil
12.10 Class of Insulation of TR sets ------
12.11 Input Power to TR set kva ------
12.12 Output Power kw ------
12.13 Number of primary taps if any ------
12.14 Volume of oil ( if Tr is oil cooled ) litres -------
12.15 Type of oil / Specification Number -------
12.16 Type of rectifiers Full wave bridge connected
12.17 Half wave / Full wave Full wave


13.1 Number of control units / boiler 16
13.2 Type of cabinet Front open / floor standing
13.3 Method of voltage control EPIC ( EP intelligent
13.4 Method of current control EPIC ( EP intelligent
13.5 Method of arc suppression -------
13.6 Type of protection --------

14.1 Plate thickness mm 6.5
14.2 Design Pressure mm WC - 440
14.3 Design Temperature Deg C 300
14.4 Material of construction Carbon Steel
14.5 Maximum excursion in temperature
( in the event of air heater stoppage)
14.6 Type of construction Pendulam / Internally braced


15.1 Total number of hoppers / boiler 16
15.2 Design storage capacity of m3
each hopper -------
15.3 Design storage capacity of hours
each hoppes -------
15.4 Plate thickness mm 6.5
15.5 Material of Construction Carbon Steel
15.6 Shape of hoppers pyramidal /
trapezoidal Pyramidal
15.7 Hopper plate ange to horizontal Deg -------
15.8 Electric heaters provided yes / no Yes
15.9 Rating of heating per hopper kw
15.10 Fluidising pads provided yes / no


16.1 Type of gas distributor screens Perforated profiled sheets
16.2 Material of Construction Carbon steel
16.3 Number of screens at inlet 2
16.4 Number of screens at outlet 0
16.5 Rapping mechanism provided for yes / no
GD screens Yes
16.7 Total number of rappers per boiler 2
16.8 Type of rapping mechanism Tumbling Hammer
16.9 Rating of the drive for the kw
rapping mechanism 0.2


17.1 Type Cylindrical
17.2 Material of construction Cordirite ISU – C 400
17.3 Number off / bus section 4
17,4 Number off / boiler 64
17.5 Location Roof of ESP
17.6 Voltage rating of the support insulator kv -------
17.7 Heating provided for support insulator yes / no Yes – hot air flushing
17.8 If yes,the rating of the heater kw Common heater through hot
per insulator air flushing
17.9 Type of heating arrangement electrical /
provided hot air
Hot air flushing
17.10 Method of control for heating system
of support insulator ----------


18.1 Type
18.2 Material of construction Alumina
18.3 Number off / bus section 1
18.4 Number off / boiler 16
18.5 Location Roof of ESP
18.6 Voltage rating of the shaft insulator kv ------
18.7 Heating provided for shaft insulator yes / no Yes
18.8 If yes,the rating of the heater kw Common heater through hot
per insulator air flushing
18.9 Type of heating arrangement electrical /
provided hot air
flushing Hot air flushing
18.10 Method of control for heating system
of shaft insulator ---------
19.1 Was gas distribution test conducted yes / no
prior to commissioning the
electrostatic preciptator
19.2 If yes,when was it done?
19.3 The location of gas distribution test
19.4 The coefficient of variation achieved %
19.5 The standard to which the tests
conform to
19.6 Was any three - dimensional yes / no
model test for gas distribution
19.7 If yes, the summary of the model test
( coefficient of variation achieved,
,the recommendations etc )


20.1 Was the guaranteed performance yes / no
test conducted for ESP?
20.2 If yes,when was it done?
20.3 The parameters measured at inlet during
such tests
20.3.1 Total Gas flow rate m3/s
20.3.2 Gas temperature Deg C
20.3.3 Gas static pressure mm WC
20.3.4 Dust concentration gm / Nm3
20.3.5 Moisture content in the flue gas %
( by weight)
20.4 The parameters measured at outlet
during such tests
20.4.1 Total Gas flow rate m3/s
20.4.2 Gas temperature Deg C
20.4.3 Gas static pressure mm WC
20.4.4 Dust concentration mg / Nm3
20.4.5 Moisture content in the flue gas %
( by weight)
20.5 Analysis of Coal during test
20.5.1 Fixed carbon %
20.5.2 Volatiles %
20.5.3 Moisture %
20.5.4 Ash %
20.5.5 Sulphur %
20.6 Analysis of Flyash during test
20.6.1 Silica (SiO2) %
20.6.2 Alumina (Al2O3) %
20.6.3 Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) %
20.6.4 Calcium Oxide (CaO) %
20.6.5 Magnesia (MgO) %
20.6.6 Sodium Oxide (Na2O) %
20.6.7 Potassium Oxide (K2O) %
20.6.8 Phosporous Pentoxide (P2O5) %
20.6.9 Titania ( TiO2) %
20.6.10 Sulphur trioxide (SO3) %
20.7 Electrical Resistivity of Flyash ohm - cm
during test


It has generally been observed that a large number of collecting electrodes has bent
resulting in the significant reduction in the electrical spacing between the collecting
and emitting electrodes. The electrical bus sections AL1, AR2, BL3 and BR3 were
dead short during the inspection. In the electrical bus sections AL1 and AR2, it had
been observed that the collecting electrodes had bent and many of them had come
out of the vertical ‘U’ guide and almost touching the emitting frame. In the electrical
bus sections BL3 and BR3, the suspension tube had been found corroded and had
fallen on one side touching the emitting suspension rod.
The reduction in the electrode spacing reduces the operating voltage of the
precipitator system and results in significant reduction in the performance.
The damaged collecting electrodes must be replaced with new ones.
The bends in the collecting electrodes can be corrected in – situ by controlled flame
heating and wooden mallets.
The electrical clearances between the collecting electrode and the emitting system
can be checked with the help of ‘go / no go ‘gauges to ensure proper spacing.
The damaged screen tubes of the emitting system suspension must be replaced with
new ones, maintaining the electrical clearances.

It had been observed that the shock pad which receives the impact from the tumbling
hammer and transmits the rapping acceleration to the collecting electrode rows is
missing at a number of locations.

Photograph showing the absence of shock pad of collecting electrode rapping

It is to be noted that the shock pads mounted on the shock bars of the collecting
electrode system play a vital role in keeping the collecting electrode system in a state
of cleanliness and providing the required performance of electrostatic precipitator. In
the absence of the shock pads, the rapping of the collecting electrode system will
NOT be very effective and will lead to the build-up of dust layer on the collecting
The bent / damaged shock bars and pads must be replaced with new ones.
It must also be ensured that the direction of rotation of the rapping shaft is proper for
the respective mechanism. The rotation of the rapping shaft in the reverse direction
will cause serious damage to the shock bars and invariably result in bending of the
shock bar and the lifting of the collecting electrode rows.

The pin-wheels in the rapping mechanism of the emitting system frame work are
seriously eroded.
It can be appreciated that the rapping mechanisms of the electrode systems operate
in dusty atmosphere and hence the mating components of the pin-wheel are subject
to erosion .It can also be seen that the chemical composition of the fly ash
considered during the design stage show the presence of silica ( SiO2) and alumina
( Al2O3) in large percentages. The presence of these elements in large proportions
provides a highly erosive environment and hence to reduce the possible damage of
the pin-wheels during operation, the same are recommended to be nitrided to
enhance the surface hardness.
The damaged / eroded pin-wheels must be replaced with new ones. It must be
ensured that the complete assembly consisting of both large and small wheels of the
set is replaced simultaneously. The contact pins in the assembly shall be surface
hardened as per the recommendations of the equipment supplier.


It has been observed that a thick coating of ash is sticking to the emitting and
collecting electrodes as seen in the photograph attached.
This permanent coating of ash sticking on to the surfaces of the electrodes greatly
reduces the performance of the electrostatic precipitator. This can be due to any one
or combination of the following problems
a) the electrostatic precipitator fields must have been energized while the
steam generator is fired with oil for fairly long periods ( at part loads). A
layer of thick and sticky oil / oil soot had been deposited on the surfaces
of the electrodes. When the steam generator is subsequently fired with
coal, the resulting fly ash must have been deposited on to the electrode
surfaces and stuck to the oil / oil soot layer already present on the
electrode surfaces. Such deposits are generally found to be hard and
difficult to remove with the help of rapping mechanisms.
b) the rapping mechanisms have not been operated for long periods due to
electrical and mechanical problems associated with them.
c) the ineffectiveness of rapping mechanism like the inadequate rapping
frequency and / or inadequate rapping accelerations . Under such
conditions the electrode systems are not thoroughly cleaned and a
residual layer of dust sticks to the electrode surfaces
d) the problems associated with high electrical resistivity of the fly ash
leading to back corona situations

Photograph showing the coating of fly ash on the spiral emitters


The electrode systems can be thoroughly water washed during the annual / planned
shutdown of the unit.

The mechanical and electrical systems of the rapping mechanisms can be checked and the
proper functioning of the same can be ensured through repair / replacement of defective

The chemical composition of the fly ash indicates that the elements like silica and alumina
are present in large percentages. It can be mentioned in this context that these elements are
considered to be electrical insulators and tend to increase the electrical resistivity of the fly
ash. The high electrical resistivity of the fly ash (of value larger than 1013 ohm – cm)
interferes with the successful / reliable operation of the electrostatic precipitator. The
electrical resistivity of the fly ash can be determined through laboratory studies and if found
to be very high, suitable corrective measures can be initiated.



A large number of emitting electrodes have been found to be loosely hanging on to their
support hooks. Such loose electrodes interfere with the operation and performance of the
electrostatic precipitators in many ways like inefficient rapping, frequent sparking at low
voltages due to their swinging, choking of hopper outlets by the displaced emitters etc.


Slackening of the emitting electrodes is caused by any one or combination of the following:

a) improper stretching of emitting electrode during the erection stage. Each emitting
electrode must be stretched to the required level during the erection stage using
the special device (stretching device) supplied by the precipitator manufacturer.
Over stretched emitting electrodes will loosely hang between the support hooks
and tend to oscillate excessively during rapping and / or due to flow induced
b) It is mandatory to stretch the spiral emitting electrode during the erection only
with the help of special stretching device as mentioned above. The use of
stretching device ensures uniform unwinding of the spiral emitters and uniform
distribution of the corona initiating points over the entire height of the emitting
electrodes. This is essential from the point of ensuring uniform corona current
distribution and deposition of dust over the entire collecting electrode surface.
c) It is possible that the emitting electrodes have thermally relaxed due to operation
at higher temperatures over long periods. This phenomenon is very common with
the emitting electrodes which have been over stretched during erection.
d) The loose emitting electrodes have lost their retention force (normally of the order
of 12 kgf) and their spring back (of the order of 600 mm).Such wires cause
electrical disturbances during the operation of electrostatic precipitator and lead
to its reduced performance.


Such loose emitters must be identified and replaced with new ones. It must be ensured that
during replacement, the emitting electrodes are stretched only with the special device
intended for such purposes. Over stretching of emitting electrodes must be totally avoided.



The following have also been observed during the inspection of the electrostatic

1) The screen tubes of the emitting system suspension have been found corroded and
have fallen onto the emitting system frame work ( bus sections BL3, BR3)
2) Wearing out of the plain bearings of the rapping mechanisms
3) Bending of the secondary screens of the gas distribution screens at the inlet of
electrostatic precipitator
4) Leakages in the hot air purging line for support insulators.
5) The top openings for rectifier and supports need to be refurbished.
6) The roof plates are corroded leading to ingress of rain water.




The support and the shaft insulators are required to be heated sufficiently above the water
due point to avoid any condensation of moisture on their surfaces. This is accomplished by
the hot air purging system provided by the manufacturer. The system consists of a blower
(rotating component), the electrical heating elements and the hot air purge lines (to individual
insulators) with suitable thermal insulation. The layout of such hot air flushing systems and
the purge lines are clumsy and interfere with convenience of maintenance of the high
voltage transformer-rectifier sets and the support /shaft insulator compartments located on
the roof of the electrostatic precipitators. Further, the insulators run the risk of being supplied
with cold air in the event of failure of heating elements and / or the blower. The purge lines
will also be corroded under such circumstances as has been witnessed during the

The simple and convenient approach can be to provide electrical resistance type heating
elements (of 1000 watts capacity each) in each of the insulator compartments. The heating
elements located in the support insulator compartments are thermostatically controlled
whereas those located in the shaft insulator compartments are intended for continuous
operation. The elements, by virtue of their design, lend themselves for easy maintenance
and replacement.


Further to the specific observations / comments / recommendations as elaborated in the

preceding paragraphs, the following are also recommended.

1) Conduct of gas distribution test to check the uniformity of gas flow distribution
inside the precipitator. Modern, state-of-the-art technologies like Computational
Fluid Dynamics (CFD) can be employed to study the gas flow patterns inside the
precipitator to optimize the performance and the pressure drop across the
2) During the forthcoming shut down, if any, of the generating unit, the electrical bus
sections can be separately meggered to detect any dead shorting. A reasonable
value of 200 mega ohms while testing at atmospheric conditions is an acceptable
value. If the bus sections show shorting or lower values, the internals of the same
must be thoroughly inspected.
3) Conduct air-load test of the individual electrical bus section by charging the bus
sections from the control panels of the high-voltage transformer-rectifier sets. The
spark rate shall be kept at zero and the secondary voltages and secondary
currents shall be recorded and the values can then be plotted to generate the V-I
characteristics for the individual bus sections. The trend must be smooth and the
bus section must be able to sustain a voltage of 55-60 kv when the secondary
current is equal to / close to the rated value of the transformer-rectifier set. Such
graphs can be preserved to serve as records for future reference.
4) If any of the electrical bus section shows premature sparking at low secondary voltages,
then a detailed investigation of the same must be launched as described below.
1) The procedure involves a team of personnel thoroughly conversant with the
operation and maintenance of the electrostatic precipitator and the associated
controls. Excepting the electrical bus section which requires a thorough
investigation, all other electrical bus sections shall be safely earthed /
grounded through disconnecting / isolating switches and earthing rods.
The electronic controllers and the high voltage transformer-rectifier sets of
these bus sections shall also be switched off.
2) Two of the maintenance personnel can now position themselves inside the
electrostatic precipitator. For example, if the first field is taken up for investigation,
the above personnel can be positioned at the rear of the second field (i.e.
between 2 nd and 3 rd fields)
3) The bus section chosen for investigation can be charged from the respective
electronic controller of the transformer-rectifier set. The secondary current can be
increased step by step and the behavior of the bus section is watched. When a
spark occurs, the approximate location in the bus section can be seen by the
maintenance personnel positioned inside the precipitator
4) The concerned electrical bus section is switched off and securely grounded. The
maintenance personnel can now look for any defect / abnormality in the location
from where the spark had emanated and the same can be rectified
5) The electrical bus section is charged again and the power input to the same is
increased till a new spark is observed by the maintenance personnel located
inside the precipitator.
6) The procedure is repeated till all such defects / abnormalities are completely
eliminated and the electrical healthiness of the bus section is established.
7) Now that the bus section is healthy, a full fledged air-load test can be conducted
on the respective field and the readings can be recorded and plotted to obtain the
V-I characteristics
8) It is important and essential that the entire team works in total cohesion
and an excellent communication network is established among the
members of the team.
5. Cleaning of all insulators
6. Tightening of all loose joints in the disconnecting switches and high–voltage
connections to avoid any localized air gap and sparking.
7. Tuning of the oil burners of the steam generators to avoid carry over of any unburnt
oil droplets into the precipitator internals
8. Leakages in the roof plates must be arrested with suitable patch plates to avoid
water and air ingress.
9. The thermal insulation on the inner roof must be refurbished.


GEECO ENERCON places on record their sincere thanks to the plant authorities for
having granted us the permission to carry out the inspection of the electrostatic
precipitators and for sharing of technical details.

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