Khul Supermarket
Khul Supermarket
Khul Supermarket
Cash is the most important element for day today activity. By effective
cash management KHUL Mart can reduce the excess cash at optimum
level and ensure customers requirements. Cash management involves
neither excess not deficient amounts of cash on hand at right time
proper cash management requires that the business know how much
cash is need as well as how much it has and where that cash is at all
time. Cash management also require knowing the amounts of fund
available for investment and the length of time that can be must. n
There for this study tried to investigate a solution for the following basic
research questions.
What are the source of short term financing used by Khul
How the khul supermarket control cash receipt and gives advance .
Objective of Study
General Objectives
The general objective of the study focus on the cash management practices of
khul supermarket in Adiss Ababa.
Specific Objectives
In addition the above mentioned general objective the study has the
following specific objectives.
Here the researcher knows that the study includes the whole
supermarket cash management practice but time and financial
constraints the researcher forced to focus on the assessment of cash
management practices of Khul supermarket. After this study the
community would expected to compare the cash management practice of
khul supermarket with theoretical aspect of cash management and if
there is cash management problem give possible solution (Advices ) for
markets in Addis Ababa.
During the collection of data for this study purpose we have faced
different limitation, like voluntariness of the concerned people to give the
information and there was also a time constraint to do this study.
Because, the aim of the study was to describe the actual cash management
practice of Khul supermarket.
For this study, we have was used both quantitative and qualitative data type
especially the later one. we have also use both primary and secondary source
of data.
After necessary data were collected from the primary source and secondary
sources the data would processing and analyze data processing is an activity
which involves interpretation data to make the data appropriate for analysis.
Data analysis would be done both by using qualitative and quantitative data
processing from the data get the data presenting would be descriptive data
presentation by using tables and others.