AWS Inspector's Pocket Hand Book PDF
AWS Inspector's Pocket Hand Book PDF
AWS Inspector's Pocket Hand Book PDF
NOTE: Although care was taken in choosing and presenting the data in this guide, AWS cannot guarantee that it is
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Copyright American Welding Society
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The inspection requirements for the fabrication and welding of steel structures are very extensive. This Pocket
Handbook has been developed to provide a useful tool for inspectors to carry in their pockets or tool kits so
that selected pertinent portions of the AWS Structural Welding Code—Steel, D1.1/D1.1M:2004, can be easily
referenced at the job site. Underlining is as shown in the code.
This publication is not to be considered as a substitute for the D1.1 code book. Rather, the Handbook is provided
as a supplemental aid for the “deckplate” inspector. Only the complete code should be considered as the official
document to ensure that all of the quality attributes required for structural fabrication are performed correctly
and completely.
To assist the inspector, or other user, in verifying conformance to D1.1, the paragraph references, the table num-
bers, and the figure numbers contained in this book are directly from the D1.1/D1.1M:2004 code. In addition,
page numbering in this handbook is cross-referenced to reflect both the current page and the corresponding page
from the D1.1/D1.1M:2004 code, separated by a “/.” This will provide an easy cross reference for the user to
ensure that the complete requirements are understood when questions develop during the course of any inspection.
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Requirements for Transitions Between Materials of Unequal Thickness
Figure 2.21—Transition of Thickness of Butt Joints in Parts of
Copyright American Welding Society Unequal
Thickness (Tubular) (see 2.25 [pg. 22])
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Requirements for Transitions Between Materials of Unequal Thickness
Figure 2.21 (Cont’d)—Transition of Thickness of Butt Joints in Parts of
Copyright American Welding Society Unequal
Thickness (Tubular) (see 2.25 [pg. 22])
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Requirements for Transitions Between Materials of Unequal Thickness
Figure 2.12—Transition of Width (Cyclically Loaded Nontubular) (see [pg. 14])
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Thermal Cutting and Access Hole Requirements Roughness Requirements. In thermal Gouge or Notch Limitations. Rough-
cutting, the equipment shall be so adjusted and ness exceeding these values and notches or gouges
manipulated as to avoid cutting beyond (inside) the not more than 3/16 in. [5 mm] deep on other wise
prescribed lines. The roughness of all thermal cut satisfactory surfaces shall be removed by machining
surfaces shall be no greater than that defined by the or grinding. Notches or gouges exceeding 3/16 in.
American National Standards Institute surface rough- [5 mm] deep may be repaired by grinding if the
ness value of 1000 µin. [25 µm] for material up to nominal cross-sectional area is not reduced by more
4 in. [100 mm] thick and 2000 µin. [50 µm] for mate- than 2%. Ground or machined surfaces shall be fared
rial 4 in. to 8 in. [200 mm] thick, with the following to the original surface with a slope not exceeding one
exception: the ends of members not subject to calcu- in ten. Cut surfaces and adjacent edges shall be left
lated stress at the ends shall not exceed a surface free of slag. In thermal-cut surfaces, occasional
roughness value of 2000 µin. ANSI/ASME B46.1, notches or gouges may, with approval of the Engi-
Surface Texture (Surface Roughness, Waviness, and neer, be repaired by welding.
Lay) is the reference standard. AWS Surface Rough-
ness Guide for Oxygen Cutting (AWS C4.1-77) may
be used as a guide for evaluating surface roughness
5.16 Reentrant Corners
of these edges. For materials up to and including 4 in. Reentrant corners of cut material shall be formed
[100 mm] thick, Sample No. 3 shall be used, and to provide a gradual transition with a radius of not
for materials over 4 in. up to 8 in. [200 mm] thick, less than 1 in. [25 mm]. Adjacent surfaces shall meet
Sample No. 2 shall be used.
Copyright American Welding Society Figure 5.2—Weld Access Hole Geometry (see 5.17.1 [pg. 185])
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General Notes:
For ASTM A 6 Group 4 and 5 shapes and welded built-up shapes with web thickness more than 1-1/2 in. [40 mm], preheat to
150°F [65°C] prior to thermal cutting, grind and inspect thermally cut edges of access hole using MT or PT methods prior to
making web and flange splice groove welds.
These are typical details for joints welded from one side against steel backing. Alternative joint designs should be considered.
1. Radius shall provide smooth notch-free transition; R ≥ 3/8 in. [10 mm] (Typical 1/2 in. [12 mm]).
2. Access hole made after welding web to flange.
3. Access hole made before welding web to flange. Weld not returned through hole.
4. hmin = 3/4 in. [20 mm] or tw (web thickness), whichever is greater.
Figure 5.2 (Cont’d)—Weld Access Hole Geometry (see 5.17.1 [pg. 185])
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Root Not Root
Backgouged Backgouged
in. mm in. mm
(1) Root face of joint ±1/16 2 Not limited
(2) Root opening of
±1/16 2 +1/16 2
joints without
–1/80 3
Root opening of +1/40 6
Not applicable
joints with backing –1/16 2
(3) Groove angle of +10° +10°
joint –5°0 –5°0
General Note: See for tolerances for CJP
tubular groove welds made from one side without
Figure 5.3 (Cont’d)—Workmanship Tolerances in Assembly of Groove Welded Joints (see [pg. 187])
Tubular Root Opening Tolerances (see [pg. 187])
a/S a/S
Span 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Span 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
≥ 100 ft 9/16 1 1-1/4 1-7/16 1-1/2 ≥ 100 ft 1/4 1/2 5/8 3/4 3/4
< 100 ft 1/4 1/2 5/8 3/4 3/4 < 100 ft 1/8 1/4 5/16 3/8 3/8
a/S a/S
Span 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Span 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
≥ 30 m 14 25 34 38 40
--```,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- ≥ 30 m 7 13 17 19 20
< 30 m 7
Copyright American Welding Society
13 17 19 20 < 30 m 4 6 8 10 10
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21 194
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detailed camber shape. These provisions also apply nal web plane. Measurements shall be taken prior to
to an individual member when no field splices or erection (see Commentary).
shop assembly is required. Camber measurements Statically Loaded Nontubular Struc-
shall be made in the no-load condition. tures. Variations from flatness of webs having a
5.23.5 Beam and Girder Sweep. The maximum depth, D, and a thickness, t, in panels bounded by
variation in specified sweep at the midpoint shall be stiffeners or flanges, or both, whose least panel
dimension is d shall not exceed the following:
No. of feet of total length Intermediate stiffeners on both sides of web
± 1/8 in. × ------------------------------------------------------------- where D/t < 150, maximum variation = d/100
where D/t ≥ 150, maximum variation = d/80
1 mm × No. of meters of total length Intermediate stiffeners on one side only of web
provided the member has sufficient lateral flexibility where D/t < 100, maximum variation = d/100
to permit the attachment of diaphragms, cross- where D/t ≥ 100, maximum variation = d/67
frames, lateral bracing, etc., without damaging the No intermediate stiffeners
structural member or its attachments. where D/t ≥ 100, maximum variation = D/150
5.23.6 Variation in Web Flatness (See Annex VI for tabulation.) Measurements. Variations from flatness Cyclically Loaded Nontubular Struc-
of girder webs shall be determined by measuring the tures. Variation from flatness of webs having a
offset from the actual web centerline to a straight depth, D, and a thickness, t, in panels bounded by
edge whose length is greater than the least panel --```,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
stiffeners or flanges, or both, whose least panel
dimension and placed on a plane parallel to the nomi-
Copyright American Welding Society
dimension is d shall not exceed the following:
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Intermediate stiffeners on both sides of web reamed; either during assembly or to a template for a
Interior girders— field bolted splice; provided, when the splice plates
where D/t < 150—maximum variation = d/115 are bolted, the web assumes the proper dimensional
where D/t ≥ 150—maximum variation = d/92 tolerances.
Fascia girders— Architectural Consideration. If archi-
where D/t < 150—maximum variation = d/130 tectural considerations require tolerances more
where D/t ≥ 150—maximum variation = d/105 restrictive than described in or, spe-
cific reference must be included in the bid documents.
Intermediate stiffeners on one side only of web
Interior girders— 5.23.7 Variation Between Web and Flange Center-
where D/t < 100—maximum variation = d/100 lines. For built-up H or I members, the maximum
where D/t ≥ 100—maximum variation = d/67 variation between the centerline of the web and the
centerline of the flange at contact surface is 1/4 in.
Fascia girders— [6 mm].
where D/t < 100—maximum variation = d/120
where D/t ≥ 100—maximum variation = d/80 5.23.8 Flange Warpage and Tilt. For welded beams
No intermediate stiffeners—maximum variation = D/150 or girders, the combined warpage and tilt of flange
shall be determined by measuring the offset at the toe
(See Annex VII for tabulation.) of the flange from a line normal to the plane of the Excessive Distortion. Web distortions of web through the intersection of the centerline of the
twice the allowable tolerances of or web with the outside surface of the flange plate. This
shall be satisfactory when occurring at the end of a offset shall not exceed 1% of the total flange width
Copyright American Welding Society
girderby IHS
Provided which has with
under license beenAWS drilled, or subpunched and or 1/4 in. [6 mm], whichever is greater, except that
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welded butt joints of abutting parts shall fulfill the flange shall not exceed 90° in the bearing length (see
requirements of 5.22.3. Commentary).
5.23.9 Depth Variation. For welded beams and 5.23.11 Tolerance on Stiffeners
girders, the maximum allowable variation from spec-
ified depth measured at the web centerline shall be Fit of Intermediate Stiffeners. Where
For depths up to 36 in. [1 m] incl. ± 1/8 in. [3 mm] tight fit of intermediate stiffeners is specified, it shall
For depths over 36 in. [1 m] to be defined as allowing a gap of up to 1/16 in.
72 in. [2 m] incl. ± 3/16 in. [5 mm] [1.6 mm] between stiffener and flange.
For depths over 72 in. [2 m] + 5/16 in. [8 mm] Straightness of Intermediate Stiffen-
– 3/16 in. [5 mm] ers. The out-of-straightness variation of intermediate
5.23.10 Bearing at Points of Loading. The bearing stiffeners shall not exceed 1/2 in. [12 mm] for girders
ends of bearing stiffeners shall be square with the web up to 6 ft [1.8 m] deep, and 3/4 in. [20 mm] for
and shall have at least 75% of the stiffener bearing girders over 6 ft [1.8 m] deep, with due regard for
cross-sectional area in contact with the inner surface of members which frame into them.
the flanges. The outer surface of the flanges when
bearing against a steel base or seat shall fit within Straightness and Location of Bearing
0.010 in. [0.25 mm] for 75% of the projected area of Stiffeners. The out-of-straightness variation of bear-
web and stiffeners and not more than 1/32 in. [1 mm] ing stiffeners shall not exceed 1/4 in. [6 mm] up to
for the remaining 25% of the projected area. Girders 6 ft [1.8 m] deep or 1/2 in. [12 mm] over 6 ft [1.8 m]
without stiffeners shall bear on the projected area of deep. The actual centerline of the stiffener shall lie
the web on the outer flange surface within 0.010 in.
--```,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- within the thickness of the stiffener as measured from
[0.25 mm] and the included angle between web and
Copyright American Welding Society
the theoretical centerline location.
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of box members and other dimensional tolerances of tractor and the Owner with proper regard for erection
members not covered by 5.23 shall be individually requirements.
pg. 190
values (see ASME B46.1) shall not exceed ished parallel to the direction of primary stress. Surfaces
250 microinches [6.3 micrometers]. Surfaces finished finished to values of 125 microinches [3.2 micrometers]
to values of over 125 microinches [3.2 micrometers] or less may be finished in any direction.
pg. 190
Copyright American Welding 5.4 (Cont’d)—Acceptable
Society and Unacceptable Weld Profiles (see 5.24 [pg. 190])
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Table 5.8
Minimum Fillet Weld Size (see 5.14 [pg. 183])
in. mm in. mm
1/8 3
T ≤ 1/4 T≤6
(Note 3) (Note 3)
1/4 < T ≤ 1/2 6 < T ≤ 12 3/16 5
1/2 < T ≤ 3/4 12 < T ≤ 20 1/4 6
3/4 < T 20 < T 5/16 8
1. For non-low-hydrogen processes without preheat calculated in accordance with 3.5.2, T equals thickness of the thicker part
joined; single-pass welds shall be used.
For non-low-hydrogen processes using procedures established to prevent cracking in accordance with 3.5.2 and for low-
hydrogen processes, T equals thickness of the thinner part joined; single-pass requirement does not apply.
2. Except that the weld size need not exceed the thickness of the thinner part joined.
3. Minimum size for cyclically loaded structures is 3/16 in. [5 mm].
Table 6.1
Visual Inspection Acceptance Criteria (see 6.9 [pg. 201])
Statically Cyclically
Loaded Loaded Tubular
Nontubular Nontubular Connections
Discontinuity Category and Inspection Criteria Connections Connections (All Loads)
(1) Crack Prohibition
Any crack shall be unacceptable, regardless of size or location.
(2) Weld/Base-Metal Fusion
Thorough fusion shall exist between adjacent layers of weld metal and X X X
between weld metal and base metal.
(3) Crater Cross Section
All craters shall be filled to provide the specified weld size, except for X X X
the ends of intermittent fillet welds outside of their effective length.
(4) Weld Profiles
Weld profiles shall be in conformance with 5.24.
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Table 6.1 (Continued)
Visual Inspection Acceptance Criteria (see 6.9 [pg. 201])
Statically Cyclically
Loaded Loaded Tubular
Nontubular Nontubular Connections
Discontinuity Category and Inspection Criteria Connections Connections (All Loads)
(5) Time of Inspection
Visual inspection of welds in all steels may begin immediately after the
completed welds have cooled to ambient temperature. Acceptance
criteria for ASTM A 514, A 517, and A 709 Grade 100 and 100 W
steels shall be based on visual inspection performed not less than
48 hours after completion of the weld.
(6) Underrun
The size of a fillet weld in any continuous weld may be less than the spec-
ified nominal size (L) without correction by the following amounts (U):
L, specified U, allowable
nominal weld size, in. [mm] decrease from L, in. [mm]
≤ 3/16 [5] ≤ 1/16 [2]
≤ 1/4 [6] .0 ≤ 3/32 [2.5]
≤ 5/16
Copyright American Welding Society [8] ≤ 1/8 [3]
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Table 6.1 (Continued)
Visual Inspection Acceptance Criteria (see 6.9 [pg. 201])
Statically Cyclically
Loaded Loaded Tubular
Nontubular Nontubular Connections
Discontinuity Category and Inspection Criteria Connections Connections (All Loads)
(6) Underrun (Cont’d)
In all cases, the undersize portion of the weld shall not exceed 10% of
the weld length. On web-to-flange welds on girders, underrun shall be
prohibited at the ends for a length equal to twice the width of the flange.
(7) Undercut
(A) For material less than 1 in. [25 mm] thick, undercut shall not exceed
1/32 in. [1 mm], with the following exception: undercut shall not
exceed except that a maximum 1/16 in. [2 mm] for any accumulated X
length up to 2 in. [50 mm] in any 12 in. [300 mm]. For material equal to
or greater than 1 in. thick, undercut shall not exceed 1/16 in. [2 mm] for
any length of weld.