Colgate Max-Fresh: Marketing Management Project
Colgate Max-Fresh: Marketing Management Project
Colgate Max-Fresh: Marketing Management Project
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Anat C Thomas - 19068
Dr. H.Gayathri
Gokul Rov J - 19079
Colgate-Palmolive Company is an American global customer items organization
concentrated on the creation, conveyance and arrangement of family unit, social insurance,
and individual consideration items. Under its "Hills's Pet Nutrition" brand, it is additionally a
producer of veterinary items. The organization's corporate workplaces are on Park Avenue in
Midtown Manhattan, New York City.
Colgate-Palmolive (India) Limited is India's driving supplier of deductively demonstrated
oral consideration items. The range incorporates toothpastes, toothpowder, toothbrushes and
mouthwashes under the 'Colgate' brand, just as a scope of dental treatments under the
standard of Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals. The organization additionally gives a scope of
individual consideration items under the Palmolive' brand name. Colgate-Palmolive
Company, U.S.A. is the organization's definitive holding organization.
Colgate-Palmolive (India) Ltd was fused in the year 1937. In the year 1983, the organization
presented their effective item Colgate Plus toothbrush in the market. In the year 1988, CPIL
got a permit for delivering 24,000 tons for each annum of fatty acids. They additionally
enrolled with DGTD for generation of 30,000 tons of toilet soaps per annum. In June 1988,
the organization built up an entirely claimed auxiliary at Hetanda in Nepal to make the
toothpaste and tooth powder at first.
In the year 1991, the organization propelled new Colgate Gel Toothpaste, Palmolive Extra
Care and new Palmolive cleanser. They likewise re-propelled a great Colgate Plus and
different toothbrushes. In the year 1994, the organization gained the oral cleanliness business
of Hindustan Ciba-Geigy Ltd.
In the year 1996, the organization presented the Colgate new stripe toothpaste and Palmolive
natural soaps in close to home consideration items sections, Keratin Treatment Shampoo and
Palmolive optima in Hair care portion. Additionally, they set up an advanced office at
Aurangabad to make Dicalcium phosphate, a key element for toothpaste. In the year 1998,
the organization propelled Colgate Double Protection toothpaste for the whole family. They
propelled the advertisement battle for their new item Colgate Double Protection toothpaste in
rivalry with adversary brand Pepsodent from the Hindustan Lever stable.
In the year 1999, the organization propelled three new items, for example, Colgate Double
Protection, Colgate Total and Colgate Sensation. They began another innovative work focus,
an assembling office in Nepal. Additionally, they finished a dicalcium phosphate office in
In the year 2000, the organization acquainted two new variations with their Palmolive
Naturals cleanser extend and revived their sandalwood soap. Additionally, they propelled two
new variations in their Palmolive Naturals scope of magnificence soap lime and milk cream.
The organization re-propelled their Colgate Gel as Colgate Fresh Energy Gel. During the
year, the organization went into a key tie-up with Calcutta-based First-net Solutions Ltd for
joint deals advancement of Colgate Fresh Energy Gel toothpaste on the Web gateway called They made an invasion into another class of natural consideration with
the dispatch of Colgate Herbal touted to be a vehicle for expanding the organization's rustic
market infiltration over some stretch of time.
During the year 2000-01, the organization propelled Colgate Herbal Toothpaste, Economy
Toothpaste, Colgate Zig Zag Toothbrush, Colgate Navigator Toothbrush and Transparent
Skin Care Soap in the year showcase. They turned out with a uber advancement, 'Colgate ke
andar kya hai', which was one of the key drivers in fortifying the shopper bond with the
Company's oral consideration and individual consideration brands. During the year 2001-02,
the organization re-propelled Colgate Fresh Energy Gel with a reviving flavour in a one of a
kind first-of-its ruler straightforward cylinder and economy toothpaste.
During the year 2002-03, the organization re-propelled their leader image, Colgate Dental
Cream. Additionally, they re-propelled their top-notch toothpaste, Colgate Total, in a green
and white striped glue configuration. They propelled Colgate Navigator Plus toothbrush to
convey super cleaning with a high level of solace and control. Additionally, they re-propelled
Colgate Super Flexible with the customer guarantee of '3-route activity for an agreeable
clean'. During the year, the organization stripped their whole shareholding in Camelot
Investments Company Ltd (Camelot), an entirely possessed auxiliary of the organization.
During the year 2003-04, the organization propelled Colgate Herbal White striped toothpaste
with lemon concentrates, eucalyptus and mint. They propelled Colgate Navigator Plus
Toothbrush in the market. During the year 2004-05, the organization set up a cutting-edge
extra toothpaste fabricating office at Baddi, Himachal Pradesh to fulfil the developing
business sector need. The principal period of the office wound up operational in April 2005
During the year 2005-06, the organization set up Oral Care Category Innovation Centre
works intimately with the Technology Centers in India and U.S.A. to shape thoughts into
items that meet the present buyer needs. They propelled Colgate Advanced Whitening,
Colgate Active Salt, Colgate Max Fresh Gel and Colgate Super Flexible Toothbrush with
Unique Tongue Cleaning Feature. During the year 2006-07, Sewri fabricating office stopped
its activities with impact from September 27, 2006.
During the year 2007-08, the organization procured 75% shareholdings in three
organizations, to be specific, Advanced Oral Care Products Pvt Ltd, Professional Oral Care
Products Pvt Ltd and SS Oral Hygiene Products Pvt Ltd and in this way, they progressed
toward becoming auxiliaries of the organization with impact from November 1, 2007.
In April 2008, the organization procured 75% shareholding in CC Health Care Products Pvt
Ltd at Hyderabad for an absolute thought of Rs 1,93.83 lakh. In this manner, the organization
turned into an auxiliary organization.
During the year 2008-09, the organization procured the staying 25% shareholding in SS Oral
Hygiene Products Pvt Ltd at an absolute thought of Rs 77.70 lakh. Additionally, according to
the plan of amalgamation, SS Oral Hygiene Products Pvt Ltd was amalgamated with the
organization with impact from March 26, 2009.
During the year 2009-10, the organization gained the staying 25% shareholdings in
Professional Oral Care Products Pvt Ltd and CC Health Care Products Pvt Ltd at an all-out
thought of Rs 2.40 crore and Rs 69.07 lakh separately. Likewise, according to the plan of
amalgamation, Professional Oral Care Products Pvt Ltd and CC Health Care Products Pvt Ltd
were amalgamated with the organization with impact from April 1, 2009. In June 2011, Essel
Propack Ltd consented to a long-haul arrangement with the organization to set up a plant in
Goa at a speculation of Rs 400 million.
On 30 September 2011, Colgate-Palmolive (India) reported that the assembling tasks at its
Hyderabad production line have been suspended powerful 29 September 2011 after the
laborers of the industrial facility acknowledged the compensation offered under the
Voluntary Retirement Scheme. On 14 January 2013, Colgate-Palmolive (India) reported its
entrance in the gum care fragment with the dispatch of Colgate Total Pro Gum Health
The Board of Directors of Colgate-Palmolive (India) at its gathering hung on 25 March 2013
concurred, subject to the endorsement of the investors, to sell and move, the entire of the
organization's division viz. Worldwide Shared Services Organization (GSSO) including all
representatives, resources, liabilities, and so forth to Colgate Global Business Services
Private Limited, an entirely claimed auxiliary of its definitive holding organization, Colgate-
Palmolive Company, U.S.A., compelling 1 June 2013 by method for a droop deal for an all
out thought of Rs 59.89 crore.
On 23 June 2014, Colgate-Palmolive (India) declared that the Colgate brand was by and by
positioned the No.1 Most Chosen Consumer Brand' in India in the 2014 Brand Footprint
report by shopper information and bits of knowledge firm, Kantar Worldpanel.
On 6 May 2015, Colgate-Palmolive (India) reported that the toothpowder producing activities
at Aurangabad industrial facility have been ceased with impact from 5 May 2015 after the
laborers of the processing plant acknowledged the remuneration bundled offered under the
Voluntary Retirement Scheme.
On 16 February 2016, Colgate-Palmolive (India) reported the dispatch of inventive new item
'pain Out' for express alleviation from Tooth torment. Pain Out is the First guide
arrangement which can offer transitory alleviation from Tooth torment. On 21 June 2016,
Colgate-Palmolive (India) declared the dispatch of a characteristic item-based toothpaste to
give security against sensitivity - Colgate Sensitive Clove. On 22 August 2016, Colgate
Palmolive (India) reported the dispatch of another energizing blue gel toothpaste called
Colgate Maxfresh Power Freeze - an extraordinary minty variation stuffed with cold, cooling
precious stones.
On 6 October 2016, Colgate Palmolive (India) declared that the organization has marked a
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the deal/move of mechanical land and building
situated at Waluj, MIDC Aurangabad on as is premise'. The organization has recognized a
reasonable purchaser to whom the property will be sold/moved on commonly satisfactory
terms and conditions.
Colgate-Palmolive has for some time been in rivalry with Procter and Gamble (P&G), the
world's biggest soap and detergent producer. P&G presented its Tide clothing soap soon after
World War II, and a huge number of customers abandoned Colgate's soap to the new item.
Colgate lost its main spot in the toothpaste advertise when P&G added fluoride to its
toothpaste (Colgate has since re-asserted the no.1 deals position). In the start of TV, Colgate-
Palmolive wished to contend with P&G as a patron of dramas and supported numerous soaps
in full or to a limited extent including The Doctors. In 1960s and 1970s George Henry Lesch,
President, CEO, and executive of the leading body of Colgate-Palmolive, during that time,
changed it into an advanced organization with major rebuilding.
In 2005, Colgate sold the failing to meet expectations brands Fab, Dynamo, Arctic Power,
ABC, Cold Power and Fresh Start, just as the permit of the Ajax brand for detergents in the
US, Canada and Puerto Rico, to Phoenix Brands, LLC as a component of their arrangement
to concentrate on their higher edge oral, individual, and pet care products. In 2006, Colgate-
Palmolive declared the expected securing of Tom's of Maine, a main creator of regular
toothpaste, for US $100 million. Tom's of Maine was established by Tom Chappell in 1970.
Today, Colgate has various auxiliary associations spreading over 200 nations, however it is
freely recorded in just two, the United States and India. On October 25, 2012, the
organization declared it would cut 2,310 laborers, or 6% of its workforce, before the finish of
2016 out of a push to make the customer items organization more efficient. The organization
positioned 184th on the 2018 Fortune 500 rundown of the biggest United States enterprises
by income.
(Source: Colgate-Palmolive annual report 2018)
Presenting New Colgate Max Fresh Toothpaste With Mini Breath Strips NEW YORK (June
1, 2004) - Colgate-Palmolive, the world's oral consideration pioneer, is making an entirely
different element of freshness with the presentation of new Colgate Max Fresh Toothpaste
with small scale Breath Strips - the sole brightening toothpaste imbued with smaller than
expected breath strips. The breath strips break up in your mouth in a flash after brushing,
discharging an additional surge of breath refreshing force. Many present customers partner
breath strips with moment new breath. By joining toothpaste with breath strips, Colgate use
applicable customer patterns while carrying development to the new breath section of the
class. To speak to a scope of customers, Colgate is offering new Colgate Max Fresh in a 6.0
oz. laydown tube and in a 4.6 oz fluid gel. The two structures will be accessible in two
invigorating flavours: Cool Mint (peppermint) and Clean Mint (spearmint).
"The lively hues and obvious breath strips in the toothpaste will really stand apart on rack,
telling the buyer this is something new and extraordinary," said Suzan Harrison, Vice
President and General Manager, Colgate U.S. Oral Care. "We're sure that once buyers
attempt it, they'll like it."
To make it simpler to attempt, Colgate-Palmolive has made key preliminary vehicles on the
side of the dispatch. A two-pack with 0.75 oz containers of each flavour will be accessible in
a sidekick and power chute. The organization is additionally arranging substantial help
including new TV and Internet publicizing, numerous FSIs, in-store showcases, testing and
unique packs.
New Colgate Max Fresh starts transportation to nourishment, medication and mass
merchandiser stores on August 2, 2004. It will be premium estimated with the laydown tube
equality evaluated to Colgate Total and the fluid gel equality valued to Colgate 2 in 1.
Demographic Segmentation:
Colgate Max fresh has segmented according to the following factors namely age and life-
cycle stage, income and generation. In the age segmented factor, Colgate Max-fresh has
segmented for the teenagers, and for the customers who are within the range of 20-40 years
of age. Regarding the generation, it has segmented to the millennials. Finally coming to the
income, it has segmented to the high income category as it costs around Rs 160-175 for a
300 gm gel tube.
Geographical Segmentation:
The Colgate Max fresh has segmented geographically by expanding its business in over 200
countries. It has expanded across different regions and also towards rural and semi-urban
Benefit Segmentation:
As, the max-fresh toothpaste provides a good taste with a fresh and mint flavor, people tend
to buy this toothpaste as it provides good benefits with a good taste.
Psychographic Segmentation:
As, the Colgate Max-fresh toothpaste provides a mint flavor, Customers who have interest in
that flavor will buy this toothpaste. Therefore , the Psychographic factor includes interest
and falls under this segmentation.
The Colgate Max-Fresh mainly targets the youth. The creative idea behind the targeting was
to bring to life Max-Fresh’s youthful infectious freshness, transforming dull moments into
fun-filled, exciting experiences.
The Colgate Max-Fresh positions itself as a premium brand. It promises freshness with a
whitening reassurance. It also provides cooling crystals with fresh breath and long lasting
freshness. As it positions itself on the basis of freshness, the tagline being used for this
attribute based positioning is “A new dimension of freshness”.
Colgate Max Fresh with Cooling Crystals - New Extra Fresh: In the freshness segment, your
Company has re-launched Colgate Max Fresh with Cooling Crystals with a new formula
powered with breakthrough cooling technology that provides more intense cooling and a
super fresh experience. (2017-18, n.d.).
A marketing mix is a blend of various tools to like Product, Promotion, Place, and Price to
sell your product by promoting them using the appropriate marketing strategy.
The product was initially launched in the US market where Colgate had a strong market
share of 34.8% in 2005 followed by Proctor and Gamble with 31.6% value share.
Four P’s of Marketing Mix
Colgate Max Fresh is an oral hygiene product. This toothpaste’s uniqueness is to provide
fresh breath. This freshness gives the user a clean and fresh sensation in his mouth. The
product is packed in gel tubes that are blue and red in color and transparent liquid bottles.
This attracts the customer’s attention towards the product when it is kept on the retail shelf.
The product is offered in two different flavors and they are Green clean mint and blue cool
mint. This adds freshness to the mouth which is its product feature. It is a cavity preventing
toothpaste that encumbers strong chemicals like fluoride to help scrub the plaque from the
teeth and polish the surface of the teeth by taking the food stains off.
Colgate Max Fresh when launched in the United States was propelled as a premium
toothpaste. However, this was not the case in the Chinese and Mexican market where there
was high competition among brands in low priced toothpaste. Because of which, Colgate
had to change the pricing of the Max Fresh toothpaste in those markets to vie with other
brands. Colgate as an oral health care brand has positioned itself a premium priced brand
with products ranging from variety of toothbrush to toothpaste for all age groups meeting
various oral problems. The company has adopted a competitive pricing policy. The products
are either priced in line with competitors’ product or slightly higher than other competitor’s
As many dentists endorse the product to be used, the additional costs that they have to bare
is not felt like a burden to them at the time of purchase. So as to meet the demand of
different segments of the society the prices are diverse for unrelated products. For example,
a Visiblewhite toothpaste costs so more than a Max fresh toothpaste as it provides some
additional whitening apart from the basic oral care. To maintain the customers the pricing is
done in such a manner that the they do not feel the burden.
The products are made available in several sizes like 50g, 100g, 200g, 500g, and in combo
so that they attract the customer while making the purchasing decision. Occasionally the
prices are made persistent but consumers get added benefits like extra quantity of that
product or in some cases an additional Colgate product with the core product. This helps in
retaining the sales figure and increasing the revenues. The company has a constant eye on
the pricing policy of its competitors in order to make a competitive move as early as
The suppliers of Colgate are departmental stores, retailers, khirana stores and co-operative
stores. The product is made available in urban, semi urban and rural areas. Apart from these
distribution channels, the Colgate Palmolive has deals with Indian Dental Associations
(IDA) in order to keep checkups in rural areas where oral hygiene is given least importance.
This ultimately helps to promote their products and create a brand image. By doing so,
dentists and medical stores have become their suppliers for the brand value and positioning
that they done to the minds of the customers. Their distribution channel is very simple
starting from manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer and then finally reaches to the end user.
These days, the online market has helped Colgate Palmolive India to reach ever corner of the
population successfully. The company has an official website along with the online portals
that provides shopping to be made a click away.
The product line Max Fresh in China and Mexico were launched as a product that provided
freshness to the mouth. In a new market celebrity endorsements and branding is highly
necessary. When Colgate entered the Mexican and Chinese market for the first time they
advertised their brand rather focusing on the freshness aspect of max fresh product. They
wanted to create initially brand awareness. They used celebrities who associated themselves
well with the idea of freshness. They used several instruments like television commercials,
billboards and instore sampling actions. Social media marketing was their focus where
customers interact with brand ambassadors and thus creating a sensation. To promote the
sales of their products, the company has cheered several advertising policies shown through
the digital media like televisions, radios and print media like weekly magazines, newspapers
and through billboards and hoardings. The company also has a website called “Colgate
World of Care” where all the product details are mentioned and interested parties can access
it. Discounts and offer details are also mentioned. In India several celebrities were used to
endorse the products like Lara Dutta, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Sonam Kapoor and Priyanka
Chopra with Max fresh being endorsed by Ranveer Singh.
Colgate Max Fresh is one of the leading brands in the FMCG sector. Below is the list of top
three competitors of Colgate Max Fresh. They are;
1. Close Up
2. Pepsodent
3. Oral- B
Segment Gel Toothpaste – Alternative to White Toothpaste.
Strengths 1. First gel toothpaste in India – launched in 1980.
2. The dual benefits (shiny white teeth & fresh breath) and a
modern ingredient (Mouthwash) makes it very appealing.
3. Market leader in the gel-segment for almost 3 decades
4. Excellent advertising and branding.
1. Colgate
2. Pepsodent
3. AquaFresh
4. Sach
Tagline/ Slogan Dss nahi to bas nahi; My toothpaste fights 10; Protection
Outside Freshness Inside
Segment Personal Care -Toothpastes – Range of variants for different needs
Target Group Urban Households for Oral hygiene care
Positioning Brand that overs various oral care solutions
Threat 1.Competition.
2.Oral hygiene still lacks in the rural part of the country.
2. Anchor
3. Oral- B
Threat 1.Competition.
2. Regular introduction of new products by competitors.
3. Copied innovations by competitors.
1. Colgate
2. Pepsodent
3. Close-Up
Toothpaste contains a mouthwash ingredient, menthol, for fresh breath and long
lasting freshness.
Gel helps achieve whiter teeth and fight tooth cavities.
Brand image.
Youthful advertising and good brand presence.
Available in 4 exciting flavours – Peppermint Ice, Spicy Fresh, Citrus Blast.
Brand switching.
Many national and international brands with gel variants of toothpaste available in
the market.
Innovative bundling like ‘Max Fresh Good Morning Kit’ should be introduced in the
market which would include toothpaste, toothbrush and Plax.
Colgate should give more emphasis on Research and Development projects that are
focused on innovative products catering to an audience with specific needs
Colgate should increase its rural penetration in India as most of the people there still
use Neem Sticks or prefer local ayurvedic brands and are cost conscious. Creating
awareness among them will help increase the market share.
2017-18 Annual report [Online] // colgate palmolive (India) Ltd. -