Smart Grids Section Course Outline-1
Smart Grids Section Course Outline-1
Smart Grids Section Course Outline-1
Course Description
By using information and communication technologies (ICT) and sophisticated power electronic advancements,
traditional electricity grid can evolve into a smart grid. In a smart electricity grid, information and power can be
efficiently processed, which facilitates the integration of renewable and distributed energy and demand side
management. The role of electricity consumers and their relationship with the grid operator is also changing as the
awareness and uptake of smart grid technologies is gathering pace and momentum. However, implementation of
several smart grid concepts is quite challenging due to multiple reasons that include the complexity of the power
grids, increased communication requirements, consumer behavior and their habits, uncertain nature of renewable
energy sources, strict voltage and frequency control and tight regulation of electricity markets. These challenges are
driving the research community to develop new techniques, architectures, algorithms and procedures to realize the
smart grid vision. In this context, this course is designed to develop an understanding of key smart grid technologies
and applications.
Course Detail
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CLOs Description PLOs Domain Level
CLO1 To discuss the global vision of smart grids and to understand the PLO01 Cognitive 2.
Information and Communication Technologies used in smart grids Understand
CLO2 To identify the the sensing, measurement, control and automation PLO02 Cognitive 4. Analyze
technologies of smart grids and to analyze their working.
CLO3 To analyze the renewable energy sources based generations, PLO02 Cognitive 4. Analyze
power electronics and energy storage methods and technologies
used in smart grids.
Text Books 1/3
2/18/2020 Odoo
Grading Policy
Presentation 10.0%
Quiz 1 10.0%
Midterm 30.0%
Quiz 2 10.0%
Final 40.0% 2/3
2/18/2020 Odoo 3/3