Regulatory 5
Regulatory 5
Regulatory 5
Using the preceding number, if the sale is for P22, 000, can A recover
the excess?
A. Yes, even without stipulation
B. Yes, if there is stipulation
C. No, even if there is stipulation
D. No, stipulation allowing recovery is void
22. Ava borrowed P300,000 from Bonbon and pledged his car to secure
the loan. Ava died leaving his children Corco, Duco and Esto. Corco paid
P100,000 to Bonbon.
A. Corco can ask for extinguishment of the pledge to the extent of one
third of the entire obligation.
B. Corco should ask for refund because it was their parent who
contracted the debt
C. Corco has no right to pay the debt whether in full or in part.
D. The pledge is not partially extinguished because it is indivisible.
E. All of the above.
23. Apo borrowed P100,000 from Bayan. The first P50,000 is secured by
pledge of Apo's car while the second P50,000 is secured by a pledge of
his Rolex watch. Apo paid P50,0000
A. Apo can demand the return of his car.
B. Apo can demand the return either of his car or of his Rolex watch at
his option.
C. Apo cannot demand either of the car or of his Rolex watch because a
contract of pledge is indivisible
D. Apo can demand the return either of his car or of his Rolex watch at
the option of Bayan.
E. B and D.
24. Aba borrowed P90,000 from Bano secured by a pledge of his laptop
computer worth P50,000 and secured by a pledge of his Rolex watch
worth P50 000. When the balance of the debt was only P50,000, Aba
failed to pay
A. Bano can sell either the laptop computer or the watch at the option at
B. Bano can sell either the laptop computer or the watch at his option.
C. Bano has to sell both the laptop computer and the watch.
D. Bano has the option to sell either of the two objects even if the
contract stipulates that he should sell only the watch.
25. A owes B P5000 and as security. A pledged his diamond ring. Later A
borrowed again P2,000 As a result-
A. B has a right to retain the thing until the P7,000 is paid
B. B has a right to retain the thing until the P5,000 is paid
C. A has a right to demand that the thing be deposited with a third
D. B has the right to use the thing pledged until the pledge effects
payment of the obligation