Practical 02 - Primitive Data Types & Operations
Practical 02 - Primitive Data Types & Operations
Practical 02 - Primitive Data Types & Operations
1. Which of the following identifiers are valid? For the invalid ones, explain why they are invalid.
(a) num (h) num_2
(b) num2 (i) _num2
(c) 2dNum (j) _num_2
(d) 2d_num (k) Peter’s
(e) num#2 (l) int
(f) num-2 (m) monthly income
(g) num 2 (n) INCHES_PER_FOOT
2. What is the type (int, double, char, or string) of each of the following values?
(a) -12.34 (f) 'H'
(b) 23 (g) "5.333333"
(c) 23.0 (h) '#'
(d) 's' (i) '5'
(e) "H" (j) -29999
3. What is the output of the following program fragments? Use a symbol (e.g., ◘) to indicate a space for
formatted number output e.g. ◘◘2.5.
(a) int x = 5;
cout << "x is " << setw(5) << x << endl;
x = x + 1;
cout << "x is now " << setw(5) << x;
(d) double w;
w = 2 / 5 + (double)3 * 2.0 - 7;
cout << "w = " << fixed << setprecision(2) << w;
5. Design an algorithm using pseudocode for the problem of converting a given number of days into the
equivalent number of weeks and days. For example, if the given number of days is 19, this is
equivalent to 2 weeks and 5 days.
6. Suppose you wish to implement the algorithm you wrote in question 5 by writing a C/C++ program.
How would you use the preprocessor directive ‘#define’ (for a constant)?
1. Refer to the algorithm you wrote for Part A question 5. Starting with the algorithm steps as comments in the
program, complete the program for the problem.
3. Implement the algorithm below. Use type double for numbers. Use the preprocessor directive ‘#define’ for the
constant PI (π).
1. Get the radius of a circle.
2. Compute the area of the circle.
2.1 Area of a circle is π x radius2 where π is 3.14159.
3. Display the area of the circle.
4. Write a program that asks the user to enter two integer numbers and displays the result of the addition,
subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus of the two numbers. Include the following variable
declarations in your program.
Make sure the division gives a real number result. [Hint: use casting to convert type integer to type double for
the division.]
5. Write a program that asks the user to enter a temperature in degrees Celsius and converts it to degrees
Fahrenheit. Formula for conversion to Fahrenheit:
f = c +32
where f is the Fahrenheit value and c is the Celsius value. Test your program with the Celsius value 100.0. The
Fahrenheit value should be 212.0. A sample output is as follows, where the ◘ represents a blank space:
Part C (Self-Review / Revision)
1. What is the general form of a program?
2. What are the rules for identifiers?
3. What are 2 preprocessor directives used in a C/C++ program? What is the purpose of each of them?
4. What is a data type?
5. What happens when an arithmetic expression has both type int and double for its operands?
6. Explain how operator precedence is used to evaluate arithmetic expressions involving more than one operator.
7. State the associativity rule.
8. How do you convert the integer type value in the following assignment statement to a double type using the
cast operator?
double y = -12345;
9. Describe 3 types of errors that you may encounter when developing or executing a program.
10. What are the steps for the software development method?
11. What is an algorithm?
1. Write a program to get the height of the user in feet and inches and convert and display the height in
centimetres, given that 1 foot is 12 inches and 1 foot is 30.48 cm.
2. Write a program that converts and prints a user-supplied measurement in inches into feet, yards, meters, and
centimetres, given the following:
1 foot = 12 inches
1 yard = 36 inches
1 meter = 39.37 inches
1 inch = 2.54cm