2019 Bioplasm-NLS Features With CHAKRAS PDF
2019 Bioplasm-NLS Features With CHAKRAS PDF
2019 Bioplasm-NLS Features With CHAKRAS PDF
Features Description:
Singularity INC
Different parts of body to choose for testing
Singularity INC
Other 4 functions : ( Blood group, Face, Iris, Zodiac )
Singularity INC
What Can Bioplasm-NLS Device Test:
Singularity INC
The Chakras is the electromagnetic field that surrounds every living being and is manifested in the physical field by
electrically charged objects that represent themselves as different colors that surround the body. This
electromagnetic field can provide information regarding a person’s emotional state, the quality of consciousness
and will determine the level of health regarding an individual organ and organ systems.
Singularity INC
Singularity INC
Conditions Treated With Bio-resonance Therapy:
Acute Infectious Diseases
Bronchial Asthma
Autoimmune Diseases
Degenerative Organic Diseases
Rheumatic Diseases
Gynecological Disorders such as:
- Painful Menstruation , Hormonal Imbalance , Pre-natal Treatment
Immunodeficiency of varied origin
Post-Vaccine Complications
Intoxication and Toxic Stress
Headache and Migraine
Mycotic and Parasitic Disorders
All Types of Pain
Neurodermatitis and Eczema
Sports Injuries
Metabolic Diseases
Pre and Postoperative Treatment(s)
Secondary Viral Disorders
Urological Disorders
Singularity INC
The Meta-Therapy frequency treatment
The brain will receive a signal regarding the need to test one or more organs of the body, which signal is displayed
on the computer monitor and is captured in the headphones of subject. The signal represents a series of
electromagnetic oscillations characteristic of healthy organs. Every human body possesses its own particular
spectrum of electromagnetic oscillations. The question regarding the state of the health can be explored, and in
response to a question, the subject’s brain provides an answer, which is then perceived by the sensors. The
outcome represents the state of the body organism.
Comparetive analysis
Singularity INC
Main Analysis Functions:
1.Overall, the Bioplasm-NLS program is an advanced program with a reasonable price with the support
you will receive from Singularity Bioplasm-NLS experts.
2.The Bioplasm-NLS Scanner 3 Years Warranty.
3. If you would like to know more, call or email us. Ask about an online demonstration through Teamviewer
or Skype.
Singularity INC
Facts about the latest original Bioplasm-NLS software:
1. Equipment set up on a modern element base, has a stylish design, and interfaces with a PC via USB-port.
2. The Bioplasm-NLS has a digital trigger sensor in the unit and an analog trigger sensor which is built into
the Bio-inductor.
3. There is a registration CE certificate.
4. The program works steadily on any Windows operating system (XP, Vista,Windows7,
Windows8/8.1/ Window10 32/64-bits).
5. The program is translated into many languages and updated regularly.
6. New versions are available for free upgraded.
7. The software run faster, with better compatibility
8. Support the higher resolution.
9. 12-core processors.
10. Contrast database Accuracy 95%.
11. Assessment of the CHAKRAS
1. Family doctors
2. Clinics and medical units
3. Education facilities schools
4. Sanatoriums
5. Sports, recreation facilities
6. Spa and cosmetic centers
7. Health food direct-selling workers
Singularity INC
Package includes:
Singularity INC