Antioxidant Properties and Polyphenol Contents of Trembling Aspen Bark Extracts
Antioxidant Properties and Polyphenol Contents of Trembling Aspen Bark Extracts
Antioxidant Properties and Polyphenol Contents of Trembling Aspen Bark Extracts
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Alain Cloutier
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Abstract Trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx) bark was extracted with
water and the crude extract fractionated with tert-butyl-methyl ether (TBME), ethyl
acetate (EtOAc) and n-butanol (BuOH) to obtain four different fractions. The
antioxidant properties of the bark hot water extracts and its fractions were deter-
mined by three in vitro experiments: DPPH assay, phosphomolybdenum assay and
canola oil thermoxidation assay by DSC analysis. Most of the results of the reported
tests showed that the crude hot water extract and its fractions exhibited a strong
antioxidant activity, higher than the synthetic antioxidant BHT. The results of this
study confirm that antioxidant activity is a property that strongly depends on the
oxidation conditions used in the particular oxidation test. Among the fractions
separated from the aqueous extracts of bark, BuOH, TBME and EtOAc soluble
fractions exhibited the best antioxidant efficiency, in phosphomolybdenum assay,
DPPH assay and canola oil thermoxidation, respectively. Total phenol, flavonoid
and flavanol contents were also evaluated and the results confirmed that the poly-
phenols contained in the hot water extract of this bark are mainly composed of non-
flavonoid compounds.
The interest for polyphenols is ever growing especially due to the beneficial health
effects that are attributed to several classes of polyphenols (Arts and Hollman
2005). The role of polyphenols as natural antioxidants is inspiring the study
regarding their role in the prevention and treatment of cancer, inflammatory,
cardiovascular and neurodegenerative illnesses. Antioxidants are molecules that
458 Wood Sci Technol (2009) 43:457–470
delay or prevent the oxidation of other chemicals. The food industry initially used
these natural compounds or/and synthesized substances with higher antioxidant
activity. However, previous research has reported that some synthetic antioxidants,
such as butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) are
carcinogenic substances (Parke and Lewis 1992; Kahl and Kappus 1993).
Finding new natural, safe and economical antioxidant substances, especially from
abundant and low-value raw materials (bark wastes from forest industry) is a real
challenge nowadays, especially to develop the sustainability concept (Moure et al.
2001). In a recent research, the health benefits of the molecules from the forest
biomass, such as the inhibition of reactive oxygen species ROS by natural
antioxidants found in bark, have been studied (Goncalves et al. 2005; Cui et al.
2005; Pilarski et al. 2006). In order to identify the antioxidant-rich fractions, various
approaches are adopted. One of them consists of fractionating the crude extracts
through immiscible solvent–solvent partitioning to obtain different fractions (Gao
et al. 2006; Sanchez et al. 2006; Jia et al. 2007; Ku and Mun 2008).
The Canadian forest industry generates high quantities of trembling aspen bark
which is mainly used as fuel for thermal energy production. Trembling aspen bark
was investigated extensively between the 1950s and 1970s (Chang and Mitchelle
1955; Hossfeld and Hunter 1958; Faber 1960; Pearl et al. 1961; Thieme 1967;
Pronin and Vaughan 1968; Pearl and Darling 1971). Native Americans used its bark
as food and medicine: root bark tea for excessive menstrual flow; and a tea made of
the inner bark for venereal disease treatment, stomach pain, urinary ailments,
worms, colds, and fevers. The tincture of the bark contains the salicin which is the
remedy for fevers, rheumatism, arthritis and diarrhoea. But the antioxidant activities
of trembling aspen bark extracts have not been studied yet. The present paper
reports on the determination of the antioxidant properties of trembling aspen bark
hot water extract and its fractions in three in vitro models. Total phenol, total
flavonoid and total flavanol contents of the studied extracts have also been
Raw material
Fresh trembling aspen bark was supplied on the 26 June 2005 by the Oriented
Strand Board mill of Louisiana Pacific Canada, Québec-Chambord OSB division,
located in Chambord, Quebec, Canada. After air drying, the bark was milled,
successively sieved to select particles between 40–60 mesh, and then stored at -4°C
in darkness prior to the experiments.
After fat removal with petroleum ether, 15 g of ground material (13.8 g eq. o.d.
material) was extracted with 150 mL of distilled water for 1 h under reflux (85°C).
The extract was filtered through a Whatman No. 4 filter paper and rinsed with
Wood Sci Technol (2009) 43:457–470 459
50 mL of hot distilled water. Extraction of the residue was repeated twice under the
same conditions. The three filtrates were combined and freeze-dried to yield crude
The crude hot water extract (CHWE) was partitioned with solvents authorised in
food industry, in increasing order of polarity, namely tert-butyl-methyl ether, ethyl
acetate and n-butanol. One gram of CHWE was suspended in 50 mL of distilled
water, defatted with petroleum ether and sequentially partitioned with (3 9 50 mL)
each of tert-butyl-methyl ether (TBME), ethyl acetate (EtOAc) and n-butanol
(BuOH) to obtain four different fractions. The combined organic layers for each
solvent were concentrated to dryness in vacuo at 40°C using a rotary evaporator.
The left-over aqueous layer was freeze-dried to yield the aqueous fraction (H2O).
Dry extracts were stored in glass bottles at -20°C until testing.
The total antioxidant capacities (TAC) of the crude extract and its fractions were
evaluated by the method of Prieto et al. (1999). This assay is based on the reduction
of Mo (VI) to Mo (V) by the sample and the subsequent formation of a green
phosphate/Mo (V) complex at acidic pH. A total of 0.3 mL of methanolic sample
solution was mixed with 2.7 mL of the reagent solution (0.6 M sulphuric acid,
28 mM sodium phosphate and 4 mM ammonium molybdate). The effective
concentration of the sample was 100 lg/mL in the reaction mixture. For the blank,
0.3 mL methanol was mixed with 2.7 mL of the reagent. The absorbance of the test
sample was measured at 695 nm. Trolox was used as a reference standard and TAC
results were expressed as Trolox equivalents (mg TE/g of dry sample). BHT was
used as a reference for comparison.
The free radical scavenging activity (FRSA) of the crude extract and its fractions
was evaluated according to the method described by Wang et al. (1998) with some
modifications. Equal volumes of the methanolic solution of the 1,1-diphenyl-2-
picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical (200 lM) and of the extracts (200 lg/mL) were
rapidly mixed in rapid kinetic accessory SFA-22 (Hi-Tech Scientific, Salisbury,
England). The temperature was kept at 30°C. The radical scavenging effect was
continuously followed by monitoring the change of absorbance at 516 nm for
15 min, against methanol as the blank. The scavenging percentage was calculated
according to:
% Scavenging ¼ Acontrol Asample =Acontrol 100
where Acontrol is the absorbance at 516 nm of 100 lM DPPH without adding the
extract/fractions, Asample is the absorbance at 516 nm of 100 lM DPPH with
460 Wood Sci Technol (2009) 43:457–470
100 lg/mL of sample. Trolox was used as a reference standard and FRSA results
were expressed as Trolox equivalents (mg TE/g of dry sample). BHT was used as a
reference for comparison.
The total phenols contents of the crude extract and its fractions were determined
spectrophotometrically by the Folin-Ciocalteu method following the procedure
described in the literature (Singleton et al. 1999). A total of 0.5 mL of methanolic
solution of sample at 0.2 mg/mL was mixed with 2.5 mL of the Folin-Ciocalteu
reagent (diluted 10 times by distilled water) and 2.0 mL of an aqueous sodium
carbonate solution (75 mg/mL). The final mixture was heated at 50°C for 10 min
and after that the absorbance at 765 nm was read. Results are expressed in gallic
acid equivalents (mg GAE/g of dry extract).
The AlCl3 method according to Brighente et al. (2007) was used for the determination
of total flavonoid content of extracts. To 2 mL of sample at 1 mg/mL in methanol
contained in PTFE screw capped vial, the equal volume of the 2% AlCl36H2O
solution (2 g in 100 mL methanol) was added. The mixture was vigorously shaken,
and absorbance was read at 415 nm after 1 h of incubation at 20°C. Results are
expressed in quercetin equivalents (mg QE/g of dry extract).
Wood Sci Technol (2009) 43:457–470 461
Statistical analysis
Data are presented as means of three values ± SE. All experimental results were
analysed statistically by ANOVA and Turkey HSD test was used to determine the
differences of means. Significance was defined at P value \0.05.
Method I
This assay is based on the reduction of Mo (VI) to Mo (V) by the sample and the
subsequent formation of a green phosphate/Mo (V) complex at acidic pH which is
then determined spectrophotometrically. In this method, a higher TAC value
corresponds to a higher antioxidant activity. The crude extract and its fractions
demonstrate all antioxidant capacity. All fractions show higher antioxidant activity
than the crude extract. This observation allows to confirm that solvent partitioning
of the crude extract may concentrate antioxidant compounds in each fraction.
Figure 1 shows the total antioxidant capacity of CHWE and its fractions compared
with BHT. The best antioxidant efficiency has been determined for the BuOH
fraction (352.1 mg TE/g) followed in decreasing order by EtOAc (320.0 mg TE/g),
TBME (317.0 mg TE/g; not significantly different to EtOAc), the crude extract
CHWE (277.0 mg TE/g), and the water fraction H2O (205.0 mg TE/g). The water
fraction that presents therefore the least important antioxidant capacity is more
effective than the synthetic antioxidant BHT (171.9 mg TE/g).
Method II
462 Wood Sci Technol (2009) 43:457–470
b b
mg TE/g dry sample
Fig. 1 Total antioxidant capacity of trembling aspen hot water extract and its fractions. Different letters
represent significant differences at 0.05 probability level
DPPH þ RH ! DPPH H þ R :
The more efficiently the antioxidant compound ‘‘consumes’’ the DPPH [which
correspond to higher free radical scavenging activity (FRSA) values of Trolox
equivalents], the better is the antioxidant/antiradical power. CHWE as well as its
different fractions demonstrate all radical scavenging activity and one more
effective than BHT (36.2 mg TE/g). Figure 2 shows the free radical scavenging
activity of CHWE and its fractions compared with BHT. The best efficiency is
determined for the fraction TBME (115.9 mg TE/g), followed by the fractions
EtOAc (94.1 mg TE/g), BuOH (93 mg TE/g; not significantly different to EtOAc),
CHWE (72.2 mg TE/g), and finally the fraction H2O with the least antiradical
efficiency (45.0 mg TE/g) as also determined by method I.
Method III
Canola oil is the vegetable oil with the highest selling rate and consumption per
person in Canada. CO consists, on average, of 61% monounsaturated fatty acids and
the major fatty acid is oleic acid (total content 56%) (Romero et al. 2007). In
addition, it has a low content of saturated fatty acids (8.1%) and a medium content
of polyunsaturated fatty acids (30.7%), mainly represented by linoleic (21.5%) and
linolenic acids (8.0%). Therefore, the study of its oxidative stability without/with
antioxidants for high temperature application (e.g. deep frying, microwave) was
undertaken here. The use of natural compounds to prevent degradation during frying
has been reported earlier (Yanishlieva et al. 1997; Lalas and Dourtoglou 2003; Su
Wood Sci Technol (2009) 43:457–470 463
120 b
100 c c
mg TE/g dry sample
80 a
Fig. 2 Free radical scavenging activity of trembling aspen hot water extract and its fractions. Different
letters are significantat 0.05
et al. 2004; Romero et al. 2007). DSC has many advantages compared to other
accelerated stability methods like Schaal Oven Test (SOT), Active Oxygen Method
(AOM), Rancimat, etc. including small sample size (less than 20 mg), minimal
sample preparation, simplicity of operation and results in less than 1 h (Tan and
Man 2002). Oil samples which require 15 days by SOT could be evaluated in less
than 1 h by DSC. Unsaturated lipid substrates of CO, conveniently presented here as
LH, particularly polyunsaturated fatty acids are prime targets of oxidation which
proceeds via a chain reaction, including induction (i), propagation (p) and
termination (t) steps as follows (Rousseau-Richard et al. 1988):
Inducer ! 2 L ði1 Þ
L þ O2 ! LO2 ði2 Þ
LO2 þ LH ! LO2 H þ L ði3 Þ
L þ O2 LO2 ðp1 Þðp1 Þ
LO2 þ LH ! LO2 H þ L ðp2 Þ
LO2 þ LO2 ! ðt1 Þ
LO2 þ L ! non radical products ðt2 Þ
L þ L ! ðt3 Þ
The induction period is a preparatory stage where the chemical compounds
needed for the full development of oxidation are formed. This period is considered
as a relative measure of oxidative stability. PF value higher than 1 indicates an
464 Wood Sci Technol (2009) 43:457–470
Polyphenol contents
Control PF = 1
0.99 a
Fig. 3 Effect of trembling aspen hot water extract and its fractions on canola oil thermoxidation stability
by DSC analysis. Different letters represent significant differences at 0.05 probability level
Wood Sci Technol (2009) 43:457–470 465
Table 1 Total phenols, flavonoids and flavanols of the trembling aspen bark crude water extract and its
various fractions
Extract/fractions Yield Total phenols Total flavonoids Total flavanols
(mg extract/g (mg gallic (mg quercetin/g (mg catechin/g
o.d. bark) acid/g extract) extract) extract)
CHWE crude hot water extract, TBME tert-butyl methyl ether fraction, EtOAc ethyl acetate fraction,
BuOH butanolic fraction, H2O aqueous extract
(Table 1) seem to indicate that the major phenolic constituents of the trembling
aspen bark are phenolics other than flavonoids. Similar results have already been
presented in the literature. The phenolic glycosides represent an important class of
the extractives found in this species (Thieme 1967). Studies on the hot water
extractives of Populus tremuloides bark have identified the phenylglycosides
salicin, tremuloidin and salireposide (Pearl et al. 1961; Pearl and Darling 1971). In
addition to these glucosides, salicyl alcohol, gentisyl alcohol, benzoic acid and some
sugars were identified as important components of these extractives. The major
flavonoids of trembling aspen bark seem to be, according to our results, the
flavanols. This remains a challenge for future identification work.
In this study, the antioxidant activities of the trembling aspen bark hot water extract
and its fractions were measured by different methods, i.e. DPPH assay, phospho-
molybdenum assay and canola oil thermoxidation assay. The extract/fractions were
found to have different levels of antioxidant activity in different systems tested.
These experimental results seem to indicate that the hot water extract and its
fractions could contain different antioxidants, since they are demonstrating varying
reactivity in the three in vitro models tested in this work (Figs. 1, 2, 3). However,
the most efficient extracts BuOH, EtOAc and TBME for a chosen method remain
efficient when tested by the other two methods, but not in the same order. Measuring
the total antioxidant activity using only one assay seems therefore to be rather
unrealistic, yet there are numerous published results based on application of only
one selected assay claiming to measure total antioxidant activity in vitro. As
phenolic content of a sample is an important factor determining its antioxidant
capacity, it was correlated with the results of the antioxidant assays performed on
different extract fractions. The results of different antioxidant assays were also
compared and correlated between themselves, using linear regression analysis. The
same procedure has been used by several authors (Anagnostopoulou et al. 2006;
Chen et al. 2006; Smejkal et al. 2007; Nsimba et al. 2008). Correlation between the
466 Wood Sci Technol (2009) 43:457–470
Table 2 Comparison between different antioxidant assays as represented by correlation coefficient (r)
Variable Total phenols Method I Method II Method III
Wood Sci Technol (2009) 43:457–470 467
not beneficial for the chemical changes and nutritional value of vegetable oils. Lipid
oxidation is one of the major deteriorative reactions in heated oils, and often results
in a significant loss of quality (Tan and Man 2002). The role of phenolic compounds
in this measurement is to break the oxidation chain reaction by acting in the phase of
propagation. When a phenolic compound (AH) is present, it donates its mobile H
atom to free radicals; if the A radical produced is unreactive, it stops the kinetic
chain of the oxidation (and therefore it is called a chain breaking antioxidant) and it
reacts only (or mainly) in new termination steps (Rousseau-Richard et al. 1988):
LO2 þ AH ! LO2 H þ A ðp3 Þ
L þ AH LH þ A ðp4 Þðp4 Þ
LO2 þ A ! ðt4 Þ
L þ A ! non radical products ðt5 Þ
A þ A ! ðt6 Þ
In this way, phenolic compounds increase the thermoxidative stability of the oil
until complete consumption of the antioxidant agent. However, the moderate
correlation obtained (r = 0.58) between the antioxidant activities of the studied
extracts by method III and total phenol contents indicates that other important
factors should be taken into consideration. Nevertheless, as found by the two other
methods, TBME, EtOAC, BuOH fractions which contain the highest amounts of
total phenols increase the thermoxidative stability of CO, whereas CHWE and H2O
which contain the lowest total phenols enhance it. Contrary to the methods I and II,
BHT which is a very good fat-soluble phenolic compound protects better CO
thermoxidation than the more efficient fractions. One should also consider the oil
solubility of the extracts/fractions having in mind their hydrophilic nature. On the
other hand, this suggested that the potent antioxidant components present in these
fractions (TBME, EtOAc and BuOH) seemed to be more soluble in a nonpolar
solvent. Similar results were mentioned by Jia et al. (2007) for the methanolic
extracts from Cassia tora L. Another factor which should be considered is the
stability of the extracts at high temperature. The oxidative stability test by DSC is
conducted at high temperature. Some authors (Yen and Hung 2000; Xu et al. 2007)
reported that some phenolic extracts are unstable and can lose their antioxidant
efficiency at high temperatures. This observation was confirmed by the moderate
antioxidant activity in canola oil tests at high temperature for the best antioxidant
extracts (TBME, EtOAc, and BuOH fractions) with PF values near unity but
significantly different from the control. Additionally, two hypotheses can explain
the pro-oxidant effects for the CHWE and H2O bark extract fractions. In order that a
given phenolic compound is an efficient inhibitor of oil oxidation, the free radical
formed should be poorly reactive and should not participate in the chain reactions.
On the contrary, if A radical produced is reactive (reaction p-4 of the propagation
process), one would have a pro-oxidant system. The other factor that can explain the
pro-oxidant activity of CHWE and H2O may be attributed to the presence of
inorganic extractives. The hot water extraction will not only solubilise the
phenolics, but also the sugars and some mineral constituents which are likely to also
468 Wood Sci Technol (2009) 43:457–470
contain the transition metal cations. Ngueho Yemele et al. (2008) have reported
5.1% of ash content in the bark of P. tremuloides. Transition metals enhance the rate
of oxidation of edible oils by increasing the rate of generation of free radicals from
fatty acids or hydroperoxides (Nawar 1996).
All these considerations indicate the need to apply several methods for the
determination of the antioxidant activity which cannot be determined unambigu-
ously by just one prescribed method. In that way, method I enables the
determination of the total antioxidant activity based on all reducing compounds
present in the extracts, while method II allows determining the antioxidant activity
of phenolic compounds present in the extracts. These two methods are therefore
complementary (r = 0.86). Method III allows to determine the global influence of a
given compound or extract, either inhibitory (antioxidant) or accelerating (pro-
oxidant) and seems to better translate the reality of the support-organic substrate
exposed to the phenomenon of oxidation and the complexity of the reactions taking
The present results demonstrate that the trembling aspen bark could serve as a
source for natural antioxidant agents under certain conditions. The application of
different methods of antioxidant activity determination has shown the interesting
antioxidant potential of trembling aspen bark hot water extract and its various
fractions. The properties of the studied bark extract and its fractions, determined in
this research, such as their polyphenol contents, combined with the important
antioxidant activities of these materials demonstrate the potential of their
application like free radical scavengers, reducing agents and lipid thermoxidation
inhibitors. For their future utilization, further research on qualitative/quantitative
chemical composition as well as their toxicity should be carried out. Research is in
progress to isolate and identify the antioxidant components in TBME, EtOAc and
BuOH fractions.
Acknowledgments The authors are very grateful to the Fonds québécois de recherche sur la nature et
les technologies (FQRNT) and Fonds de la recherche forestière du Saguenay–Lac Saint Jean for the
financial support to this project and to Mr. Yves Bédard for his technical support.
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