Development of Power Train ECU For AZ Line Engine: Norimitsu Yukumatsu Koji Sakamaki Akira Ikezoe
Development of Power Train ECU For AZ Line Engine: Norimitsu Yukumatsu Koji Sakamaki Akira Ikezoe
Development of Power Train ECU For AZ Line Engine: Norimitsu Yukumatsu Koji Sakamaki Akira Ikezoe
Motor industry is globalizing rapidly in recent years, and the requests for short-term product development and cost reduc-
tion are increasing, with intensifying competition. Therefore, the demand for on-vehicle equipment quality is becoming
much higher than ever before.
To correspond to such market factors, we reexamined each conventional operation step in the power train control field,
from development to production. We then started the introduction and application of new technology and construction meth-
In this article, we introduce the improvements toward the ease of manufacturing by surface mounting all electric parts, and
new inspection methods without using the ICT (in-circuit tester). In addition, improvements in software development tech-
nique are introduced.
※1: 2000cc engine (1AZ-FE, 1AZ-FSE), which is loaded on the RAV4 (’00/5) and the Opa (’00/8) by Toyota Motor Corporation.
1. Introduction ECU:
Our company has been producing power train system ① 3V power supply: For 32-bit flash microcomputer
ECUs for over twenty years. Initially, they were for emis- ② 5V power supply: For system LSI circuit, 32-bit flash
sion gas control, but recently developed ECUs have microcomputer, and output predriver
incorporated advanced functions, such as fuel injection, ③ 5V precision power supply: For sensor, analog signal
ignition timing, transmission, and electronic throttle con- processing circuit, knock processing circuit, and sys-
trol. tem LSI circuit
Furthermore, as mentioned in the Abstract, lower ④ 8V power supply: For 32-bit flash microcomputer
cost and a reduction in development period are also writing
expected of them. Even if the currently developed product used a con-
To meet expectations such as these, our company's ventional series system, the total power consumed by the
Motoronics Headquarters, aiming to develop a revolu- power supply unit would be 3.8 watts; thus, as shown in
tionary product, launched the SRM 2000 (Super Rapid Fig. 5, the power supply transistors, as lead-included
Module 2000) Project in November 1997, performing components, would need a radiator in order to dissipate
concurrent development work with related departments heat.
(Quality Control, Manufacturing Engineering, To solve this problem, the possibility of product
Manufacturing, and others) starting from the production materialization using a switching system was examined
planning stage. As a result, we developed a power train from the perspective of required voltage accuracy. Thus,
ECU for the AZ system engine, which came off the line it was determined that adoptability was possible for ①
in May 2000. Conventional product
This report will describe design-related actions that Lead part Radiator
were taken to materialize the concept of the project activ- Surface-mounted
ities (Table 1).
Table 1 Concept, manner, and aim of SRM2000
SRM2000 Aim Quality Cost Supply Developed product (except for connectors, all parts surface-mounted)
Concept Measure (Q) (C) (D) Connector
Speed Complete conversion to
surface-mounted parts
Slim number of parts
Fig.1 Product configuration
Improvement of software
development techniques Conventional product
Special software for Surface A Surface A
Surface B mounting of glued parts
vehicle modes
and ②. As a result, the total power consumption for ① circuit board (Fig. 3).
and ② was 0.55 watt. Cooling wheel
But because the power consumption was 0.25 watt (pattern soldering)
for ③, which required high voltage precision; and the
power consumption was 0.1 watt or less for ④; the con-
ventional series system was adopted for use. Cooling Cooling patterns
Print board
As a result, the total power consumption was 0.9 watts,
enabling the product to be developed as a surface-mount- Inside layer Cooling patterns
ed part.
To supply power for ①, ②, ③, and ④, a custom Fig.3 SOP (surface mounting) package with rear cooling wheel
power supply IC was newly developed, making it possi-
ble to control all power supplies with a single IC. 3. Measures for reducing number of parts
Furthermore, for the radiator-equipped lead IC shown in During the development of this ECU, the develop-
Fig. 5, a SOP (surface-mounted) package with rear-sur- ment of ICs by functional block (Fig. 4) was examined
face radiator was adopted to actively radiate heat to the and the following custom ICs were developed.
Power supply IC Sensor input (water temperature, intake air temperature, etc.) ECT (CVT)/VVT output Electronic slot output
①5V/3V switching power supply control Motor drive circuit
Linear solenoid drive IC
②5V high precision power supply Switch input (key switch, drive position, etc.)
③Power supply for flash memory writing Linear solenoid drive IC
Other input circuits Electronic throttle control IC
Linear solenoid drive IC
Lead IC
with radiator Adoption of SOP
package with
rear-surface radiator
C2 Integrated Microcomputer occurs only under certain travel conditions, adding to the
R1 R3 LSI circuit
R4 special travel patterns makes it possible to raise the level of
equipped with software for
R5 boundary scan inspections inspection.
R2 C1 *2 CRAMAS (ComputeR-Aided Multi-Analysis System)
Control by serial communications
Personal computer
Failure diagnosis
Speed change
environmental measures in recent years, the demand for
software for power train control ECUs has grown in scale
and become more complicated. To meet such demand
during the development of this product, we did not limit
ourselves to simply standardizing software components;
rather, we took the actions described below to improve
Platform level
APF layer
reusability and ensure quality in order to effectively uti-
lize the asset value of the software. ECU layer OS
5.1 Software structure
With this product, we further reviewed software CPU layer
structure, an issue that we have engaged in for many
years. To improve the reusability of software and adapt Fig.9 Software composition in hierarchical structure
Product requirement
specifications Shipment
Design process Verification process
Requirement analysis ECU inspection
Profiles of Writers
Yuji Uno
Joined company in 1984. Initially
engaged in development of automobile
HIC and high-density mounting tech-
nology, and since 1999 has engaged in
development of automobile electronic
equipment. Is currently manager of
Engineering Section No. 12 at
Motoronics Headquarters, Engineering
Department No. 1.