Clinical Pharmacy Viva Questions

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1. List out the barriers hindering the clinical pharmacy development in India
2. Mention the Milestones of Clinical Pharmacy

3. Mention the areas where the clinical pharmacy can be applied


1.Distinguish DUE & DUR

2. Differentiate between qualitative and quantitative DUE studies

3. What is the significance of medication history interview?

4. Enumerate the barriers for effective patient counselling.

5. Write briefly on the use of various counselling aids.

6. Enlist sources of data for drug usage evaluation in hospitals

7. Define Post Marketing Surveillance

8. Define Dechallenge and Rechallenge

9. List out the Causality Assessment scales

10. How pharmacist can involve in Prevention of ADRs


1. Write the full form of: a) GERD b) MCHC c) SGOT d) COPD

2. Write the full form of: a) HbA1c b) HS c) CRP d) SOS

3. Write the full form of: a) BBB b) ANC c) AFB d) EEG

4. Write the full form of: a) PFR b) ZES c) SJS d) CAD

5. Define the following:a) Otorhinolaryngology b) Otitis media
6. Structure of patient case history
7. Define the following:a) Cellulitisb) Dysplasia
8. What are the components of patient medication chart?
9. Define a) Cholecystectomy b) Rhabdomyolysis
10. Pharmacist’s annotation in Case sheet
11. Components of Patient case History
12. Write the full form of: a) TIA b) TIBC

Clinical laboratory tests used in the evaluation of disease states, and interpretation of test
results of some commonly ordered lab tests.

1. What is hyponatremia? List out the possible causes of hyponatremia.

2. What is the significance of a) BUN b) ESR?
3. What is the significance of test for Creatinine Kinase? .
4. Clinical Implications for commonly ordered Renal Function tests .

5. Write the Cockcroft-Gault Equation

6. Write a note on SGOT,SGPT and their reference values
7. Application of Culture sensitivity tests
8. Clinical Implications of ECG
9. Significance of serum Magnesium and Phosphate
10. Normal values of MCV and MCHC
11. Name the 2 drugs altering serum Potassium levels
12. Normal values of Troponin & LDH
13. Name the 2 drugs altering serum Sodium levels
14. Normal values and significance of Bilirubin
15. Normal value and clinical significance of ALP,AST
16. Name the 2 drugs altering serum calcium levels.
17. Normal value and Serum Creatinine and BUN
18. Normal value of ESR and its clinical significance
19. Normal value of HbA1c and its significance

1. Write four examples of primary drug information resources

2. Enumerate four Tertiary resources used in poison information Centre
3. Write four examples of secondary drug information resource.
4. Write four examples of tertiary drug information resource
5. Mention the various functions of DIC
6. Write the advantages and disadvantages of Primary resources
7. List out the skills required for drug information specialists
8. Draw the layout of DIC
9. Discuss in brief on the Material requirement for DIC& PIC
10. Discuss in brief on the staff requirement for DIC & PIC

Communication skills, including patient counselling techniques, medication history

interview, presentation of cases

1. Enumerate the barriers for effective communication.

2. Explain the importance of good communication skills for a clinical pharmacist
3. Enumerate the stages of verbal communication
4. Define Communication? Mention the various factors affecting the communication?
5. Explain the various types of Communication in hospital setup.
6. Discuss on Patient counseling technique
7. Structure of case Presentation
8. Examples of open ended and closed ended question
9. Patient information Leaflets
10. Describe on Non-verbal communication

1. Define medication Error and Medical error

2. Role of pharmacist in management of Medication error
3. Describe on COPE system
4. Give 2 examples of LASA drugs
5. Describe on administration errors
6. Safety measures for prescribing errors
7. Safety measures for administration errors
8. Structure of Medication error reporting form
9. Importance of Root cause Analysis in medication safety
10. How we can minimize the dispensing errors.

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