Importance of Training - Need For Training (2020) - Geektonight

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Importance of Training

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Last Updated on 23/05/2020

3 min read
Training is a very important tool in all the departments of the business e. g. finance, production,
marketing, etc. The return on investment in training is huge in terms of higher productivity,
enhancing the skills of the employees, increasing the motivation levels, etc.

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1 Importance of Training
1.1 Higher productivity and better quality of work
1.2 Reduction in wastage and cost
1.3 Increases morale and loyalty
1.4 Reduced supervision and low accident rates
2 Importance of Training in HRM
2.1 To the Organization
2.2 To the Employees
2.3 For Personnel and Human Relation
3 Need for Training
4 Benefits of Training
Importance of Training
Adequately planned and well-executed training program can lead to the following advantages.

Importance of Training are:

1. Higher productivity and better quality of work

2. Reduction in wastage and cost
3. Increases morale and loyalty
4. Reduced supervision and low accident rates

Importance of Training

Higher productivity and better quality of work

Formal training leads to the enhancement of skills of the employees that enables them to perform
their job more efficiently. As standard methods are taught to the employees it improves the quality
of product and services.
Reduction in wastage and cost
Workers learn how to make the optimum use of resources. Training leads to the economic use of
material and machinery and helps minimize the cost of operations per unit.

Increases morale and loyalty

Training helps boost the morale of the employees by developing a positive attitude, job satisfaction
and enhanced learning. It makes them loyal to the organization as they develop a sense of

Reduced supervision and low accident rates

Training develops well-motivated employees who are self-reliant, they do not need constant
guidance and supervision. Employees can also avoid mistakes and accidents on the job as they can
handle a job with confidence and adopt the right work methods

Importance of Training in HRM

1. To the Organization
2. To the Employees
3. For Personnel and Human Relation

Importance of Training in HRM

To the Organization
1. Gets more effective in decision-making and problem-solving.

2. Improve the morale of the workforce.

3. Helps people identify the organizational goal.

4. Aids in developing leadership skills, motivation, loyalty and better attitude.

5. Aids in improving productivity and quality of work.

6. Aids in understanding and carrying out organizational policies.

7. Aids in organizational development.

8. Creates an appropriate climate for growth and communication.

9. Helps employees adjust to change.

To the Employees
1. Increases job satisfaction and recognition

2. Moves a person towards personal goals while improving skills

3. Helps in eliminating the fear of attempting new tasks

4. Provides the trainee with an avenue for growth

5. Through training and development, motivational variables of recognition, achievement growth,

responsibility and advancement are internalized and operationalised

6. Provides information for improving leadership, communication skills and attitudes

7. Helps to handle stress, tension, frustration and conflict

For Personnel and Human Relation

1. Improve inter-personnel skills

2. Improves morale

3. Builds cohesiveness in groups

4. Makes the organization a better place to work and live

5. Provides information on other governmental laws and administrative policies.

Need for Training

Training is required for organizational growth. It is beneficial to both the employer and the
employee; it makes the employee more efficient which leads to better results and growth of the

Need for Training

1. Learning for New Recruits: Once the employees are selected and placed in a position they need
to be trained for a specific job. It helps in making them perform their job effectively. On job
training help them handle their job competently.

2. Promotions: In order to prepare the existing employees for higher roles they need to be trained
in the areas of their added responsibilities so that they can do justice to the position.

3. Transfers: Training on different jobs makes the employees mobile and versatile and makes them
capable to be moved from one job to another.

4. Bridging the Gap: There can at times be some gaps between the knowledge and skills an
employee possesses and the requirements of the job. Training helps in bridging this gap and
making the employees more productive.

Benefits of Training

1 Trained people can It makes an employee

work more more useful to the firm.

2 They use It makes employees more

machines, tools efficient and effective.
materials in a They produce more with
proper way. minimum effort.
Wastage is thus
eliminated to a
large extent.

3 There are fewer It enables employees to

accidents. secure promotion easily.
They can realize their
career goals comfortably.

4 They show They can handle jobs with

superior confidence. They are more
performance. satisfied on their jobs.
Their morale would be

5 It makes It can enable employees to

employees more cope with organisational,
loyal to an social and technological
organisation. They change. Effective training
will be less is an invaluable investment
inclined to leave in the human resource of
the unit where an organisation.
there are growth

1. R. P. Lynton, U. Prateek, “Training for Development”, Sage Publications 2002.
2. Goldstein, “Training in Organizations”, Burr Ridge: McGraw Hill, Irwin, 1999
3. Fitzgerald, W. (1992). Training versus development. Training and Development, 46(5), 81-84

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