Performance Evaluation and Testing of Low Cost Portable-Type Improved Cook Stoves

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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2018; 7(3): 2363-2370

E-ISSN: 2278-4136
P-ISSN: 2349-8234
JPP 2018; 7(3): 2363-2370 Performance evaluation and testing of low cost
Received: 15-03-2018
Accepted: 20-04-2018 portable-Type improved cook stoves
Department of Processing and Sushant, Yadvika, Arun Kumar Attkan and Naveen
Food Engineering, CCS Haryana
Agricultural University, Hissar,
Haryana, India
Present investigation was carried out on performance evaluation of four different types of low cost
improved cook stoves at four different biomass fuels. Boiling time, burning rate, thermal efficiency,
Department of Renewable & power output rate and fuel consumption were the main performance indicators that were assessed using
Bioenergy Engineering, CCS water boiling test (WBT). The experimental results were analysed statistically using Statistical Analysis
Haryana Agricultural System (SAS). The mean values obtained from each set were compared using tukey multiple comparison
University, Hissar, Haryana, test based on a complete randomized design (at 0.05 confidence level). Results revealed that cook stoves
India, India and fuels significantly affected the performance indicators and their combined impact is also meaningful
(p ≤ 0.05). It was observed that fuel consumption of SPRERI side feeding cook stove was maximum
Arun Kumar Attkan (1882±8.5 kg), burning rate (3.61±0.14 kgh-1) for fuel wood chips, minimum boiling time (12±0.24
Department of Processing and minute) with fuel wood, thermal efficiency (24±0.88%) with dung cake. Greenway Smart model takes
Food Engineering, CCS Haryana the maximum boiling time (48±1.25 minute) with fuel wood chips, it shows good thermal efficiency
Agricultural University, Hissar, (26±0.26%) with cattle dung cakes and having low burning rate (0.86±0.02 kgh-1) with wood chips.
Haryana, India
Greenway Jumbo model had lower fuel consumption (634±13.49 kg), highest thermal efficiency
(26±0.55%) among all the cook stoves and had lower burning rate (0.95±0.01 kgh-1) with wood chips.
Department of Processing and From the statistical assessment, SPRERI side feeding cook stoves found to be efficient as mean boiling
Food Engineering, CCS Haryana time was less and had higher mean power output rate followed by Greenway Smart model with highest
Agricultural University, Hissar, mean thermal efficiency and lower fuel consumption.
Haryana, India
Keywords: improved cook stoves, water boiling test, statistical analysis system, biomass, Tukey, thermal

1. Introduction
Energy is the primary requirement for socio-economic development of any society. In most of
the developing countries, biomass and solid fuels are the primary source of energy for the
majority of people living in rural areas. Worldwide, approximately three billion people use
solid fuels that are biomass (wood, wood chips, animal excreta and crop residue) and coal to
accomplish household energy needs. In cooking of food about half of the world’s population
uses biomass fuels (Bruce 2000) [4]. Cooking with biomass generates very high amount
of air pollution which is the main reason to 2.6% of global illness (Rumchev et al., 2007) [8].
Solid fuels are regularly burnt in presence of inadequate ventilated indoor or near house-hold
outdoor conditions utilising inefficient conventional cook stoves. Traditional cook stoves
increase indoor concentrations of certain pollutants, such as particulate matter, carbon
monoxide, NO2, SO2, benzene and formaldehyde which are released from the fuel wood and
other fuels burnt at the time of cooking. Such exposures are linked to acute respiratory
infections, chronic obstructive lung diseases, low birth weights, lung cancer and eye problems
(Kaoma and Kasali, 1994) [7]. Duflo et al (2008) [6] surveyed rural Orissa, India and reported
that one-third of the adults and half of the children had experienced symptoms of respiratory
illness in the 30 days preceding the survey, with 10 per cent of adults and 20 per cent of
children experiencing a serious cough due to the regular use of traditional cook stoves.
In India, 60% of total population lives in rural areas. But, unfortunately majority of rural
people, follow an unhygienic life style. About 60% of people use traditional biomass for their
daily cooking requirements, among them, wood constitutes 62.5%, crop residue constitutes
12.3% and cattle dung constitutes 10.9% (Anon, 2012) [1].
Due to excess utilisation of wood and biomass fuels, a rapid depletion in natural forest
Correspondence resource was noticed. To overcome these problems related to deforestation and women health
Arun Kumar Attkan hazard, Government of India initiated the National Programme on Improved Chulha (NPIC) in
Department of Processing and 1984-85. The fundamental goal of the program was to lessen the interest for fuel-wood,
Food Engineering, CCS Haryana
Agricultural University, Hissar,
expanding the fuel-utilize effectiveness of wood-burning stoves, diminish the drudgery related
Haryana, India with cooking, particularly of ladies, risks caused by smoke, heat exposure in the kitchen and

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save and advance the utilization of fuel wood, particularly in dimensions of improved cook stoves are presented in Table 1.
the rural and semi-urban regions and to realize enhancement Each cookstove was tested in triplicate with each available
in household sanitation and general living conditions. biomass i.e. wood, coal, cattle dung and wood chips,
In any case, persistent innovation or improvement will tame respectively.
biomass disservices and enable biomass to be utilized with
considerably more noteworthy effectiveness and incredibly
diminished ecological effect. Keeping in view the problems
related to traditional chullas, the present investigation on
performance evaluation of four different kinds of improved
cook stoves was carried out. This paper also reports thermal
efficiency and power output rate of each improved cookstove.

2. Material and Methods

Present study was conducted at Department of Processing and
Food Engineering, CCS Haryana Agricultural University,
Hisar, Haryana (India). During the study, four available
models of improved biomass cook stoves were taken; two
models of Greenway make (Jumbo and Smart) and two
models of SPRERI make (Side Feeding and Top Feeding).
Four fuels used to test the performance of these cook stoves
were coal, cattle dung cake, wood and wood chips as shown
in Fig.1. The performance indicators studied during the
experiments were boiling time, burning rate, fuel
consumption, thermal efficiency and power output rate.
Comparison of data was carried out with the help of Statistical
Analysis System (SAS) at 5% level of significance. The mean
values obtained from each set were compared using tukey
multiple comparison test based on a complete randomized
design (at 0.05 confi dence level). Combined effects of fuel
and cook stoves on boiling time, burning rate, fuel
consumption, thermal efficiency and power output rate were
analysed and results were presented in the form of ANOVA
table and graphs. Probability values in the final column must
be less than 5% for accepting the effectiveness assumption.

Fig 2: Four type of improved cook stoves used in experimental study

Table 1: Dimensions of Improved Cook stoves

Greenway SPRERI
Dimensions (cms)
Smart Jumbo Side Feeding Top Feeding
Outer diameter 19.5 27.0 28.5 25.5
Inner diameter 11.5 11.5 19.0 17.0
Height 28.0 28.5 31.5 29.5
Feeding hole 13.5 x 13 14 x 14 9x8 NA
Stove- pot clearance 2.0 2.0 4.0 3.5
Ground clearance 3.5 3.5 2.5 4.5
Circumference 61.0 85.5 86.5 79.5
Weight (gm) 5650 4390 2790 3470
Cost (Rs.) 1240 2170 1300 1250

2.1.1 Greenway Smart

It was a portable-type, cylindrical in shape with inner
diameter and height of 11.5 and 28 cm. The total weight of
stove was 5.650 kg which made it easier to transport from one
Fig 1: Fuels used for experimental study place to another due to its light weight. It was suitable for a
medium sized family (6-8 members). It was found to be very
2.1 Description of improved cook stoves popular in many states of India, especially in villages of
The improved cook stoves were single burner with high Haryana and Punjab. A variety of fuels such as wood, cattle
efficiency as compared to traditional chullas. These cook dung cake, wood chips, coal and other similar agri-residue
stoves were portable type which comprised of combustion could be used. The stove has spherical bottom of 19.5 cm in
chamber with primary and secondary holes, grate for ash diameter. The cost of the cookstove was about Rs.1240 per
separation, stand and handle as shown in fig. 2. Cook stoves piece. Due to the double wall design feature, complete
were made up of GI sheet having two cylinders, inner one was combustion took place. The stove, therefore, can attain very
used as combustion chamber and outer one was used for high thermal efficiency, comparatively higher power output,
safety purposes and reduced the heat transfer losses. The faster cooking and lower emissions.
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2.1.2 Greenway Jumbo weight loss due to moisture drying and the weight of the
The Greenway Jumbo was more popular, portable, metallic biomass fuel with moisture as depicted in Equation 1
and non-chimney cook stove. The cook stove had a diameter
and height of 11.5 and 28.5 cm, respectively. The total weight
of the stove was 4.390 kg and very suitable for large sized
family (8-10 members) or small Dhabas. The stove is
specifically suitable for fuel wood. The cost of this cook 2.4 Water boiling test
stove, depending on its size and material specifications was Water Boiling Test (WBT) is short, simple simulation of
Rs. 2170 per unit. Due to the double wall design feature, standard cooking procedure. It measures the fuel consumed
coupled with grate (for provision of hot secondary air from and time required for observed cooking. The test is usually
underneath), complete combustion took place. The stove employed to investigate the performance of cookstove under
therefore can attain very high thermal efficiency, but different operating conditions used by stove designers,
comparatively lower than Smart cook stove. researchers and field workers. The data obtained were used to
compute the thermal efficiency for each stove using equation
2.1.3 SPRERI (Side Feeding) 2 (Danshehu et al. 1992) [5].
The SPRERI (Side Feeding) was a portable, metallic, single- 𝐻𝑈
pot stove without chimney, designed as an alternative to 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙 𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 (%) = × 100 2
traditional chullas that was specifically suitable for fuel wood 𝐻𝑈(𝑄) = 𝑚𝑤 × 𝑐 × ∆𝑡
and cattle dung cakes. Besides fuel wood, the SPRERI cook 𝐻𝑃(𝑄) = 𝑚𝑓 × 𝐵
stove (Side Feeding) could be used with coal and a variety of Where
agro-residues or with different fuel combinations. It could be HU= Heat utilised
used with vessels of diameter in the range of 19-30 cm. The HP= Heat produced
model, with a corrugated grate design with scraper (for 𝑚𝑤 = Mass of water (kg)
periodical ash removal), can be manufactured by small shops c = Specific heat of water (kJ/kg°C)
having facilities for welding, cutting, grinding and punching Δt = Change in temperature (°C)
sheet metal up to a thickness of 3mm. The cost of the 𝑚𝑓 = Amount of fuel used (kg)
cookstove was Rs. 1300 per unit. B= Calorific value of fuel (kJ/kg)

2.1.4 SPRERI (Top Feeding) 2.5 Burning Rate

The SPRERI (Top Feeding) was a low cost, single-pot, Burning rate tests were investigated on each improved
portable type stove without chimney. The design was meant cookstove. Appropriate amount of fuel was charged into each
for general use, but had taken into account the cooking needs cookstove. The initial and final weight of the fuel at start and
of weaker sections of the society. The stove can accommodate at the end of test, were recorded. This test was repeated thrice
flat or spherical pots with inner and outer diameter of 17 and for each cookstove and the average burning rate value was
26 cm, respectively and could be used with fuel wood, twigs, calculated using equation 3 (Bolaji and Olalusi, 2009) [3].
cattle dung cakes, agro-residues and briquettes. It was suitable
100(𝑊𝑖 −𝑊𝑓 )
for a medium-to-large family of 6-10 members. It could be 𝑅= 3
operated either as a fixed stove or as a portable one. Due to
the double wall design feature, coupled with the fired-clay Where
grate, complete combustion took place. The stove, therefore R = Burning Rate, kg/hr
could attain good thermal efficiency, comparatively lower Wi = Initial weight of fuel at start of test, kg
than Jumbo and Smart one. The cost of the cook stove was Wf =Final weight of fuel at end of test, kg
Rs. 1250 per unit. M = Moisture content of fuel, %
t = Total time taken for burning fuel, hr.
2.2 Description of Fuel used
Coal, cattle dung cake, wood and wood chips were the four 2.6 Power output rate
biomass fuels used during experiments shown in figure 1. The power output rating of improved cook stoves is a measure
They are locally available biomass fuel used by the rural of total useful energy produced during one hour burning of
people for their cooking and energy purpose. The net calorific fuel wood. The data of thermal efficiency and calorific value
value of the fuels used in calculation is presented in Table 2. of fuel wood obtained were used to compute the power output
rate for each stove using equation 4 (Venkataraman et
Table 2: Description of Fuel used al.,1987) [9].
S. Biomass Fuel Calorific Value Moisture content 𝐹𝑐 ×𝐶𝑣 ×𝑇𝑒
𝑃= 4
No used (kJ/kg) (% wb) 860×100
1 Wood 19500 8.0 Where
2 Coal 29000 2.0 P = Power Output Rating, kW
3 Cattle dung cakes 7000 10.0 Fc = Quantity of fuel wood burnt, kg/h
4 Wood chips 10500 14.0
Cv = Calorific value of fuel wood, kCal/kg
Te = Calculated thermal efficiency of the cook stoves
2.3 Determination of moisture content
The moisture content of the fuel sample was determined by
3. Results and Discussion
pre-weighing a sample of the biomass fuel and placing in an Performance study of improved cook stoves at different fuels
open-air oven at 105 oC for 2 hours. The sample was then was carried out and presented in given below tables 3, 4, 5
allowed to cool to room temperature in desiccator and re- and 6, respectively. The results were statistically analyzed and
weighed. The moisture content was calculated as a ratio of the presented in the form of graphs and ANOVA tables.
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Table 3: Performance of cook stoves using fuel wood

Greenway SPRERI
Performance indicators
Smart Jumbo Side feeding Top feeding
Fuel Consumption, g 338±6.24 395±17 518±19.20 600±20.55
Boiling Time, min. 18±0.47 14±1.55 12±0.24 15±0.62
Burning Rate, kg/hr 1.06±0.01 1.56±0.17 2.41±0.07 2.22±0.15
Thermal Efficiency,% 21.08±0.75 19.83±4.13 14.63±0.61 12.89±0.89
Power output rate, kw 1.21±0.01 1.64±0.5 1.90 1.54±0.10

Table 4: Performance of cook stoves using fuel coal

Greenway SPRERI
Performance indicators
Smart Jumbo Side feeding Top feeding
Fuel Consumption, g 908±11.59 917±4.78 1114±11.03 1134±4.92
Boiling Time, min. 28±0.47 26±1.25 22±0.82 36±1.7
Burning Rate, kg/hr 1.93±0.06 2.11±0.11 2.98±0.10 1.84±0.10
Thermal Efficiency,% 6±0.11 6±0.06 5±0.08 4±0.07
Power output rate, kw 0.94 1.00±0.01 1.15 0.59

Table 5: Performance of cook stoves using fuel cattle dung

Greenway SPRERI
Performance indicators
Smart Jumbo Side feeding Top feeding
Fuel Consumption, g 939±9.42 955±4.08 975±10.80 1752±30.64
Boiling Time, min. 44±1.25 43±1.25 29±1.63 42±2.05
Burning Rate, kg/hr 1.16±0.03 1.19±0.04 1.82±0.09 2.28±0.14
Thermal Efficiency,% 26±0.26 22±0.99 24±0.88 14±0.46
Power output rate, kw 0.56 0.50 0.85±0.01 0.60

Table 6: Performance of cook stoves using fuel wood-chips

Greenway SPRERI
Performance indicators
Smart Jumbo Side feeding Top feeding
Fuel Consumption, g 781±8.29 634±13.49 1882±8.5 1848±8.5
Boiling Time, min. 48±1.25 35±0.94 28±0.94 25±1.08
Burning Rate, kg/hr 0.86±0.02 0.95±0.01 3.61±0.14 4.01±0.19
Thermal Efficiency,% 21±0.22 26±0.55 8±0.04 8±0.04
Power output rate, kw 0.52±0.01 0.71 0.88 0.99

3.1 Fuel Consumption Table 7: Effect of biomass fuel and improved cook stoves on fuel
Table 7 shows ANOVA results for effect of different kind of consumption
biomass fuel and cook stoves on fuel consumption. Results Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F
shows that biomass fuel and cook stoves, individually have a
Model 15 10457027.15 697135.14 2497.39 <.0001
meaningful impact on fuel consumption and their combined
Fuel 3 4680450.72 1560150.24 5589.01 <.0001
effect is also found significant (p<0.05). The Model F-value
of 2497.39 suggests the model is highly significant. The Cookstove 3 3300688.72 1100229.57 3941.42 <.0001
model developed between biomass fuel and cook stoves and Fuel*Cookstove 9 2475887.68 275098.63 985.50 <.0001
their combined effect was found significantly (R2 = 0.9992, Error 32 8932.67 279.15
RMSE= 16.70) predictable at 5% level of significance with Corrected Total 47
coefficient of variation of only 1.70%.

Interaction Plot for FCM





Cookstove GJ GS SS ST

Fig 3: Amount of fuel consumed by cook stoves

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Figure 3 shows the total fuel consumed by each cookstove minute) and wood chips (48±1.25 minute) in case of
during accomplishing the cooking operation. The results Greenway (smart) followed by Greenway (Jumbo), 35±0.94
revealed that the fuel consumed was statistically lower for and 43±1.25 minute for wood chips and cow dung cake.
wood (338±6.24 kg) in case of Greenway smart and higher Results revealed that kind of fuel and type of cookstove have
for wood chips (1848±8.5 kg) in case of SPRERI Top significant effect on boiling time. It was found that the
feeding. It was observed that mean fuel consumption for improved cook stoves (ST, GJ and GS) are inefficient to burn
model SPRERI top feeding remains higher and lower for cow dung cake and wood chips due to which burning time
Greenway smart for each fuel. In case of SPRERI side increase which leads to increase in boiling time of water.
feeding, the statistical analysis from results shows that the Table 8 presents the statistical results of boiling time that was
fuel consumed was maximum and minimum for wood chips affected by different type of fuel and cook stoves. Results
(1882±8.5 kg) and cow dung cake (975±10.80 kg). Likewise demonstrates that biomass fuel and cook stoves,
in case of Greenway Jumbo and Greenway Smart, the fuel independently meaningfully affect boiling time and their
(coal, cow dung cake and wood) consumed was relatively combined impact is likewise found significant (p<0.05). The
equal but woodchips was consumed relatively higher in Model F-value of 185.14 recommends the model is highly
Greenway smart (781±8.29 kg) as compare to greenway significant. The model created between biomass fuel, cook
jumbo (634±13.49 kg). stoves and their combined impact was found significantly (R2
= 0.9886, RMSE= 1.46) foreseeable at 5% level of
3.2 Boiling time significance with coefficient of variation of just 5.05% and
Boiling time for water is a necessary parameter that was further supports the reliability of the model.
studied under investigation carried out. The results are very
clear from the figure 4; it was found statistically that the fuel Table 8: Effect of biomass fuel and improved cook stoves on boiling
wood having better performance with each cookstove due to time
less boiling time. The water starts boils and takes less time Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F
that was ranges in between 12±0.24 to 18±0.47 minute in case Model 15 5959 397 185.14 <.0001
of fuel wood. Fuel wood used with SPRERI (side feeding) Fuel 3 4120 1373 639.94 <.0001
taken approximately 12±0.24 minute time to boil water and Cookstove 3 834 278 129.52 <.0001
similarly greenway (smart) taken approximately 18±0.47 Fuel*Cookstove 9 1006 112 52.08 <.0001
minute for boiling water. SPRERI (side feeding) shows better Error 32 32 69 2.14
boiling time with each fuel used except wood chips. The Corrected Total 47 47 6028
water boiling time was higher for cow dung cake (44±1.25

Interaction Plot for BT







Cookstove GJ GS SS ST

Fig 4: Water boiling time taken by each cook stoves

3.3 Thermal efficiency with fuel woodchips attains the maximum efficiency. It was
Thermal efficiency is the ratio of heat utilized in evaporating proven statistically that each cook stove depends on kind of
water to the heat produced by the fuel. The thermal fuel and its quality. Figure 5 shows that model SPRERI (top
efficiencies of the improved cook stoves were determined for feeding) was inefficient to attain thermal efficiency higher
each fuel at 5% level of significance. It was found than other cook stoves at each fuel. The maximum efficiency
statistically, that each cookstove has varying thermal gained by this model was 14±0.46% with fuel cow dung cake.
efficiency according to the fuel used. It was observed that Result shows that Greenway (jumbo and smart) models are
cook stoves with fuel coal has lowest efficiency (< 10%) as efficient in gaining higher thermal efficiency and suitable for
compared to other fuels. The Greenway smart (26±0.26%) biomass used.
with fuel cow dung cake and Greenway jumbo (26±0.55%)
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The results for thermal efficiency were statistically analyzed indicated that the model could fit the data for thermal
at 5% level of significance and it was observed from the table efficiency very well for fuel and cook stoves both.
9 that model is highly significant (p< 0.05) with F-value of The results from the determination of thermal efficiencies of
95.01. Fuel and Cook stoves, individually have significant improved cook stoves indicated that Greenway smart was the
effect on thermal efficiency and their combined effect is also most efficient among the four in case of fuel cow dung cake
found significant. Further the reliability of the model is and jumbo was most efficient among the four in case of fuel
supported by R2 and CV% value for thermal efficiency was wood chips.
0.9780 and 9.45% respectively with RMSE = 1.41 which

Interaction Plot for TE





Cookstove GJ GS SS ST

Fig 5: Thermal efficiency of improved cook stoves at different fuels

Table 9: Effect of biomass fuel on thermal efficiency of improved rate as compared to both model of Greenway. This could be
cook stoves. due to the fact that there are other design parameters that far
Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F more than compensate for the effect of surface area to volume
Model 15 28230 189 95.01 <.0001 ratio and wall cooling in the determination of the burning rate
Fuel 3 1729 576 290.17 <.0001 in the cook stoves (Boafo-Mensah et al, 2013) [2]. The effect
Cookstove 3 639 213 107.34 <.0001 of the particle size of the fuel and the homogeneity of the fuel
Fuel*Cookstove 9 462 51 25.85 <.0001 on the burning rate is expected to be significant since similar
Error 32 64 2 size fuel was not used for each cookstove test. Both the
Corrected Total 47 2893 models SPRERI top feeding (4.01±0.19 kgh-1) and SPRERI
side feeding (3.61±0.14 kgh-1) attains the higher values of
3.4 Burning rate burning rate that was found statistically significant. It was
Tests on burning rate were carried out with each improved also observed from the results that fuel cow dung cake shows
cook stoves at four different fuels presented in figure 6. The lower burning rate with each cook stoves, Greenway smart
way toward consuming fuel in a combustion chamber of a (1.16±0.03 kgh-1),Greenway jumbo (1.19±0.04 kgh-1),
cookstove decides the subsequent system performance. SPRERI top feeding (1.82±0.09 kgh-1), SPRERI side feeding
Number of factors can affect the burning rate of solid fuels. (2.28±0.14kgh-1), respectively. Results of analysis of variance
Some of the factors are air and fuel mixture ratio, combustion were presented in table 10 shows that fuel and cook stoves
chamber and size of fuel. The results of burning rate were individually have statistically significant (p<0.05) effect on
analyzed statistically to find the effect of fuels and cook burning rate and their combined effect is also found highly
stoves used in the study. The burning rate of the fuels used in significant at 5% level of significance. R2 and CV% value for
greenway smart and jumbo were approximately similar at burning rate was 0.9854 and 6.65% respectively with RMSE
1.93±0.06, 1.16±0.03, 1.06±0.01, 0.86±0.02 kgh-1 and = 0.132 which indicated that the model could fit the data for
2.11±0.11, 1.19±0.04, 1.56±0.17, 0.95±0.01 kgh -1 burning rate very well for fuel and cook stoves both. The
respectively for coal, cow dung cake, wood and woodchips. Model F-value of 144.08 implies the model is significant.
The burning rate of fuel wood chips in case of Greenway
smart (0.86±0.02 kgh-1) and jumbo (0.95±0.01 kgh-1) was Table 10: Effect of biomass fuel on burning rate of improved cook
found to be lower but the results are statistically significant
and there will be a significant effect on burning rate due to Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F
cook stoves and the fuels used for tests. Model 15 38.19 2.54 144.08 <.0001
The burning rate of the fuels used in SPRERI (top feeding) Fuel 3 4.29 1.43 80.91 <.0001
and SPRERI (side feeding) were found to be higher at
Cookstove 3 20.35 6.78 383.88 <.0001
1.84±0.1, 2.28±0.14, 2.22±0.15, 4.01±0.19 kgh-1 and
Fuel*Cookstove 9 13.55 1.50 85.20 <.0001
2.98±0.1, 1.82±0.09, 2.41±0.07, 3.61±0.14 kgh-1 respectively
for coal, cow dung cake, wood and woodchips. It was found Error 32 0.56 0.02
that both model of SPRERI have statistically higher burning Corrected Total 47 38.76

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Interaction Plot for BR


Cookstove GJ GS SS ST

Fig 6: Burning rate of improved cook stoves at different fuels

3.5 Power output rate power output rate and their combined effect is also found
The mean power output rate (1.15, 0.86±0.01 and 1.90 kW) of highly significant at 5% level of significance. R2 and CV%
SPRERI side feeding was found statistically higher than other value for power output rate was 0.9782 and 7.69%
cook stoves for coal, cow dung and wood respectively. The respectively with RMSE = 0.07 which indicated that the
highest power output was determined to be 1.90 kW for model could fit the data for power output rate very well for
SPRERI side feeding, 1.64±0.5 kW for Greenway Jumbo, fuel and cook stoves both.
1.54±0.10 kW for SPRERI top feeding and 1.21±0.01 kW
Greenway Smart with fuel Wood. It was also found that Table 11: Effect of biomass fuel on power output rate of improved
power output rate of each cook stove is lower than 1 kW with cook stoves.
fuel coal, cow dung and woodchips. Figure 7 shows that the Sum of Mean F
lower power output rate was determined to be 0.52±0.01 kW Source DF Pr > F
Squares Square Value
for Greenway smart with wood chips, 0.59 kW for SPRERI Model 15 8.06 0.537 95.79 <.0001
top feeding and 0.50 for Greenway jumbo with cow dung
Fuel 3 6.23 2.079 370.45 <.0001
cake. Table 11 shows Analysis of Variance results for fuel,
Cookstove 3 0.95 0.318 56.69 <.0001
cook stoves and their combined effect on power output rate.
Fuel*Cookstove 9 0.87 0.096 17.28 <.0001
ANOVA results shows that model is highly significant
Error 32 0.17 0.005
(p<0.01) with F-value of 95.79. Fuel and cook stoves
individually have statistically significant (p<0.05) effect on Corrected Total 47 8.24

Interaction Plot for PR






Cookstove GJ GS SS ST

Fig 7: Power output rate of improved cook stoves at different fuels.

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4. Conclusion
The performance of improved cook stoves was found to be
satisfactory and statistically analysed. These are portable type,
easy to use and give very less smoke. However the smoke
emission was different for different fuels. Improved cook
stoves are suitable for wood, cow dung and wood chips but in
case of coal, they consume much fuel and efficiency is also
low. Thermal efficiency of GREENWAY cook-stoves is
better than SPRERI cook-stoves. Greenway (jumbo) model
has highest thermal efficiency with woodchips (26±0.55%)
but it required a sieve of small openings over the grate. All
the cook-stoves consumed least time for boiling of water with
wood and thermal efficiency was also high with wood. In case
of coal, a forced circulation of air is required for proper
burning of coal. Improved cook stoves consume less fuel and
produce less smoke which leads to reduction in air pollution
and health hazard to the rural women.

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