Technology Development Board: Vacancy Circular

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Advertisement No: TDB/2019/1-Admn.


[A Statutory Body of Department of Science & Technology]
Government of India
Wing A, Ground Floor, Vishwakarma Bhavan, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg, New Delhi-110016

Vacancy Circular

Applications are invited by the Technology Development Board from Indian citizens for the following
positions on a purely contract basis for a period of 2 years.

Sr. Designati Age in Qualifications Number Consolidate Desirable

No on years of d Experience
Position Emolument
s s per month
1. Project Upto M.Tech / Ph.D with 6 Rs.70,000 to Experience in
Coordinat 40 Yrs 05-10 years’ work 90,000 /- R&D/S&T Funding /
or experience IPR / Industry R&D /
Project financing
and Management.
2. Assistant Upto 40 LLB / Integrated 3 Rs.70,000 to Experience of
Law Yrs LLB with minimum 90,000 /- dealing with
Officer 05 years field company Project
experience with Financing;
focus on Corporate Arbitrations and
/ Company Law such other cases of
NPA; recoveries etc
under general legal
3. Technical Upto 40 Graduate in Science 4 Rs. 40,000 Preparing S&T
Assistant Yrs with minimum 05 to 50,000/- related Project
years work documents, IT –
experience enabled
documentation and
excellent written &
skills in English and

Candidate may note that only prescribed application form downloaded from will be

The eligible / shortlisted candidates will be called for interview before the duly constituted Selection
Committee for the purpose. The scheduled date and time of interview shall be intimated to the shortlisted
candidates through phone / e-mail. Canvassing in any form will result in disqualification of candidature.

No TA/DA shall be paid to the candidates for attending the interview.

The upper age limit for staff already working with TDB on contract basis will be relaxed to the extent of the
service rendered by them in TDB, limited to maximum of 5 years.

The upper age limit of all candidates shall be determined as on 01.07.19.

In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection, which may be detected at any stage, even after
issue of appointment letter, TDB reserves the right to modify / cancel / withdraw any communication made
to the candidates.

Completed applications in the prescribed format to be sent to the Under Secretary, Technology Development
Board, A-Wing, Ground Floor, Vishwakarma Bhawan, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg, New Delhi-110016, by
Registered Post or through Speed Post in a sealed cover super-scribed “Application for the post of (whichever
is applicable) . The last date of submission of application is 05th July, 2019, 5.00 PM. Candidates are also
advised not to send applications by ordinary posts or though courier. Candidates desiring to deliver their
applications by hand can do so by delivering the application at TDB’s reception by obtaining a duly signed
receipt bearing date of receipt.

Under Secretary,

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