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Speech Style of Sophie Deveoux in TV Series “Leverage”

Speech Style of Sophie Deveroux in TV series “Leverage”

Bagus Dwi Ramadhan

English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, The State University of Surabaya
Email: [email protected]
Adam Damanhuri
English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, The State University of Surabaya
Email: [email protected]

Language has developed in society and causes the existence of language variations. One of them is speech style which
deals with the level of formality based on the situations, condition and need of speech event. Generally, someone speaks
formally to the person who has just been known, older or higher status. In this study the character that being analysed
was Sophie Deveroux. She is the main focus in this study. Hence, the writer intends to analyse 1) What kinds of speech
style are used by Sophie Deveroux in the TV series “Leverage” and 2) Why does Sophie Deveroux use certain types of
speech style in the TV series “Leverage”. This study was conducted by using qualitative method and Speech theory
proposed by Dell Hymes where the setting and scene, participants, ends, act sequences, key, instrumentalities, norms of
interaction and interpretation, and genre are considered to determine someone speech style. Then, the result gotten from
this study shows that are 8 data of formal style, 6 data of consultative style, 14 data of casual style and 17 data of
intimate style. There is no frozen style found in the TV series. Formal style does not always happen in a formal place or
vice versa. This happened on all of the speech style aspects in this study.
Keywords: speech style, speech situation, TV series, Leverage

Bahasa telah berkembang di masyarakat dan menyebabkan adanya variasi bahasa. Salah satunya adalah gaya bicara
yang berkaitan dengan tingkat formalitas berdasarkan situasi, kondisi dan kebutuhan tertentu. Umumnya, seseorang
berbicara secara formal kepada orang yang baru dikenal, statusnya lebih tua atau lebih tinggi status sosialnya. Dalam
penelitian ini karakter yang dianalisis adalah Sophie Deveroux. Dia adalah fokus utama dalam penelitian ini. Oleh
karena itu, penulis bermaksud untuk menganalisis 1) Gaya bicara seperti apa yang digunakan oleh Sophie Deveroux
dalam serial TV "Leverage" dan 2) Mengapa Sophie Deveroux menggunakan jenis gaya bicara tertentu dalam serial TV
"Leverage". Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif dan teori situasi bicara yang diajukan oleh
Dell Hymes dimana setting dan scene, peserta, tujuan, urutan tindakan, kunci, instrumentalitas, norma interaksi dan
interpretasi, dan genre dianggap menentukan gaya bicara seseorang. Kemudian didapat hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu 8
data gaya formal, 6 data gaya konsultatif, 14 data gaya kasual dan 17 data gaya intim. Tidak ada gaya beku yang
ditemukan di serial TV ini. Gaya formal tidak selalu terjadi di tempat formal atau sebaliknya. Hal ini terjadi pada semua
aspek gaya bicara dalam penelitian ini.
Kata Kunci: gaya bicara, situasi bicara, serial TV, Leverage

with someone, and they also adapt their style

INTRODUCTION appropriated with their interlocutor or the situation and
Speech style is a variation of speech used by people function by using speech style. According to Joos in
to communicate with each other. Every people have SukmaSukriana (2015) speech style divided into five
different style when they speak depending on their forms. They are frozen style, formal style, consultative
situation. Speech style is the important part in people style, casual style and intimate style.
communication for different goal and different topic This research is focusing on the woman character in
when they speak with the same mother language. the TV series with title “Leverage”. This character has
According to Holmes (1992:9) variety is therefore a many different styles to deliver her speech to the other. In
broad term which includes different accents, different the series, she is a Grifter from the criminal group who
linguistic styles, different dialects and even different try to help people that being destroy by people who has
language which contrast each other for social reason. power and also rich people. Grifter is like a person who
In addition, when people do conversation with others, deceives other people to gain their purpose. Mostly they
they usually change their style. Because when they talk steal money or a treasure from rich people. What this

Language Horizon. Volume 06 Nomor 01 Tahun 2018, 19-27

research provide are what kind of speech style she uses to From the research gap above, this study concerns with
deceive that people, also why she is using that kind of analyzing the types of speech style, which is used by
speech style, lastly how she uses that speech style in this Sophie Deveroux in the TV series Leverage as a grifter.
TV series. This character has mostly using speech style in And what trigger or reason that makes Sophie Deveroux
this TV series rather than the other character. So, uses that kind of speech style in the TV series. In the TV
focusing on the woman is the best way to answer the series Sophie Deveroux conducts her speech with the
thought that come up in this research. This woman name other character, which is mostly has a job as a
is Sophie Deveroux. In this study the utterances of businessperson. This study tries to analyze the types of the
Sophie Deveroux is being analyze by using Martin Joos speech style she uses when she speaks. And also what is
theory about speech style. This theory is compatible to the reason she uses that types of speech style.
answering the research question about type of speech
style. In this study, the researcher is analyzing Sophie THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK
utterances in the TV series to matching the theory that 1. Speech Style
stated by Martin Joos. In the theory, speech style divided Speech style was the form of language that a speaker
into five type of speech style. There are frozen style, used and characterized by the degree of formality (Joos,
formal style, consultative style, casual style, intimate 1967 :156). The analysis of English style offered by
style. This theory used by the researcher. The researcher Martin Joos in his strangely titled book, The Five Clocks
uses this theory as the main theory in answering the (1962). The „clocks‟ were levels of formality in spoken
research question in this study. The other theory that and written English, which Joos labeled „frozen‟, formal‟,
required in answering the research question in this study „consultative‟, „casual‟, „intimate‟ (Coupland, 10:2007).
is the theory of speech situation by Dell Hymes. The two The speech style helped the speaker to choose the
of the theory was the main theory used by the researcher. suitable style when they were talking. It will help the
The two theory is more compatible than the other theory speaker deliver a speech more effectively. Labov in Allan
in answering the research question in this study. Bell (91: 2007) devised means for eliciting different
In this part, the researcher presents a study that is styles of speech from people within compass of single
closely related to this study. The study was written by interview.
Ruri Yunrita Ismunitiar (2010) and the title is A Study of 1. Frozen Style
Speech Style in The Film Catch Me If You Can. In this Frozen style or Oratorical style was the most formal
study, she analyzed the types of the speech style used by style of speech. It used for formal ceremony and official
characters in Catch Me If You Can movie through Joos government events or international meeting. According to
theory. And study is trying to find out the types of speech Hatch and Brown (1995:319) frozen style was the
style that can occur from the movie Catch Me If You register used in print or declamation. This type of speech
Can. style usually occurs in very formal situation. Commonly
In addition, there is also studies that conducted about it used in ceremonial, court, government or
speech style. The title was Speech Style of Oprah administration. Joos in his book “Five Clocks”
Winfrey and Ellen De Generes in Oprah Winfrey Show (1967:153-155) stated that an oratorical style used in
by Sukriana (2015). She analyzed speech style used in public speaking before a large audience; wording was
Oprah Winfrey and Ellen De Generes. She compared carefully planned in advance, intonation exaggerated, and
Joos with Chaika theories, also the dominant style used numerous rhetorical devices appropriated. It means that
by both of them. From this study, she found that casual people who used this type of style have high skill
style occurred most of the time in her study because the communication and educated because need more
setting of his study is informal or casual; there are no elaborated than the other styles. It showed how president
frozen and consultative styles. talked to society, lawyer in court, and prime minister who
Even though speech style has been conducted by talked to each other. Frozen style characterized by long
other researchers, theory, setting and the object of each and the sentence was complicated, a scientifically
study are different because this study only concerns with vocabulary, and a consistently serious tone. Grammatical
the analysis of speech style that is used by Sophie. Two rules were concerned, and the subject matter was
of the studies concerns in finding the speech style types substantial. This style usually tends to be monolog or
of the character in the movie and in the talk shows. The involves a fairly larger group.
previous study was classifying the types of speech style 2. Formal Style
that occurred in the movie and the talk show. Both of the Formal or deliberative style according to Joos in his
studies categorized the types of speech style with Martin book “Five Clocks” (1967) stated that a deliberative style
Joos theory and Chaika theory about type of speech style. also used in addressing audiences, usually audiences too

Speech Style of Sophie Deveoux in TV Series “Leverage”

large to permit effectively interchange between speakers relaxed situation such as with close friend, acquaintances,
and hearers, though the forms were normally not as insider in social setting. It tends to make frequent use of
polished as those in an oratorical style such in a typical ephemeral words and expressions which act as badges of
university classroom lecture often carried out in a shared information or shared assumptions (slang).
deliberative style. It means that this style is lower than Casual is a conversational style, but it is not for stranger.
frozen style and commonly it is used in formal situation, The example of casual style: “Comin over tonight? Be
such as in office, school and when we meet new people. there at eight” “What‟s up man??”
Gleason (1965:358) said the deliberative key is typically 5. Intimate Style
used in speaking to medium or large group. He also Intimate style is an utterance that avoids giving the
describes that formal style is characterized by more addressee information outside the speaker‟s skin (Joos,
complex and varied sentence structures than in 1976:155). This style is completely private languages
consultative. The vocabulary which is used in formal develop within families, very close friends, couple, etc.
style is also extensive, use standard speech, low tempo Furthermore, intimate language is also characterized by
speech and avoidance the use of repetition. The speaker ellipsis, deletion, rapid, slurred, pronunciation, non-
should frame whole sentences and choosing the words verbal communication, and private code characteristics.
before delivered. For examples, when student talk with Intimate style is usually used by participants who
her or his teacher or the employee talk with her or his have very close relationship, like between family
boss. members, between close friends. This language can be
3. Consultative Style identified by the use of incomplete language, short
Consultative style is usually use in semiformal words, and usually with unclear articulation. This
situation. According to Joos (1967:154) consultative style because between participants already understood each
is a style that shows our norm for coming to terms with other. This style is characterizing by what Joos calls
strangers‟ people who speak our language but whose “extraction,” (Broderic 1967). In this style, intonation is
personal stock of information may be different. It means important than wording or grammar. The speaker
that these styles are tough formal enough but lower than sometimes uses private vocabulary. As Joos explain that
formal style. The sentence in this style usually shorter intimate style is characterized by a stable list of words
that formal style and it is also required from everyday with private meanings shared only by a small group-
speaker. Consultative style mostly has negative markers. usually in pair, in family situation. The reasons for using
It is marked say to say by the absence of all those intimate style are to express feeling between the speakers,
markers which are characteristic of the other styles to express intimate phenomena. By using intimate
individually. A few positive markers of consultative style language, the most informal atmosphere can be produced,
can be listed such as yes, no, uhhuh, Mmm, that’s right, I and automatically skip the distance and create
think so. This style usually occurs and used in some comfortable communication. The example of Intimate
group discussion, school or trading buyer with seller. style: “You have to believe me, Dear”, “just try to be
4. Casual Style brave as your father, boy”, “Bertie, you can do this, talk
Casual style is defined as a style that is used for the to me as friend”
conversation in our relaxed or normal situation. People 2. Speech Situation
tend to use this style when they have conversation When people going to talk with others, they should
between friends, family and people who have close understand where and with whom they are speaking
relationship. It is according to Gleason (1965:360) when because it allows us to see appropriate language and
people have well established relationships with each diction. According to Sociolinguistic Dell Hymes
other and the situation is informal, they are likely called (1974:55) the speech situation uses the first letters of
casual. This style is usually applied in daily conversation. terms for speech components: the categories are so
One of the characteristics from casual style is the use of productive and powerful in analysis that can be used this
the first name or even nickname rather than a little name model to analyze many different kinds of discourse.
and last name in addressing one another. Chaer (2001:71) Speech situation are those social situations in which there
explained that this style is a language variety used in is appropriate use of language. A speech situation
informal situations: sharing with family or close friends. consists of a number of components.
When people use this language, it is usually shortened. 1. Setting and Scene
The vocabularies are full with dialect, regional dialect Setting refers to place and the time of speech
and seldom use proper structural morphology and syntax. 2. Participants
Another characteristic of this style is sometimes the Speaker or the audience can be differences as
sentence is less on grammar. This style is used for addressees and addresser

Language Horizon. Volume 06 Nomor 01 Tahun 2018, 19-27


Purpose Outcomes which refers to the Finding
conversationally recognized and expected outcomes Datum 03
of speech event while Purpose Goals is about the Sophie : We’d also like to build the planes.
goals that the participants wish to achieve. More jobs. Build them in Africa, fly
4. Act sequence them in Africa, sell the rest around
This element is about message form and content. the world.
5. Key Mr. Dubenich : That's very ambitious. You have the
Key refers to the tone, manner or spirit in which the manufacturing facilities to do all that?
act is done. How the speech sounds or delivered. Sophie : Ah, we can easily raise the money
6. Instrumentalists to build the facilities, if we know for
It concerns with channel which is used in the certain we're going to get the
conversation. The type of channel could be oral, contracts.
written, telegraphic, etc. This conversation happens on the outside of the Mr.
7. Norms of interaction and interpretation Dubenich office. Sophie is talking with the CEO of The
Specific properties attached to speaking and Dubertech Company. That is Mr. Dubenich. Mr.
interpretation of norms within cultural belief system. Dubenich is the target of Sophie in this episode. Sophie is
trying to scam Mr. Dubenich to trust her. They meet for
8. Genre the first time in the office as a business colleague and
Genre refers to textual categories that happen in continued their conversation in the outside of the office.
conversation. Mr. Dubenich also does not know about Sophie. Mr.
Dubenich knows that Sophie is a colleague in the Africa
METHOD Company. The topic of the conversation is about Sophie
This study focused on what kind of speech style that Company that wants to work together with Mr. Dubenich
Sophie used in the TV series Leverage to communicate Company.
with the other character. And what kind of factor that By looking from the datum above, Sophie is using
influenced the speech style of Sophie such as the way formal style in the datum above. Looking from the
Sophie communicated with someone who had the same utterances, “We'd also like to build the planes. More
status or with someone who had higher status. Therefore, jobs. Build them in Africa, fly them in Africa, sell the
this study pays attention on Sophie utterances in the TV rest around the world.” The utterances are complex with
series Leverage. The data of study was description of grammar. The utterances “we’d also like to build the
Sophie communication with the other character in the planes” shows the characteristic of formal style. There is
various kinds of setting and time. word “would” in Sophie utterances that makes it formal.
Moreover, this study was taking the utterances which Sophie utterances consist of S+V+C in the formal degree
was used by Sophie in the TV series and context of the sentences. Moreover, there is no repetition in the Sophie
conversation such as the setting or the situation that could utterances in the datum. In the next utterances, Sophie
influenced their communication. This study used also uses conditional sentences with “if” in her
descriptive analysis based on some theories by Joos and utterances, it only occurs in the formal
Hymes. style. Therefore, Sophie is using formal style in this
So this study reflected descriptive qualitative to datum judged by the conversation between Mr.
analyze the utterances which was speech style used by Dubenich.
Sophie in the TV series “Leverage”. By using this Sophie is using formal style in the datum above
method, the writer could analyze and find out the because the person whom she talks to is Mr. Dubenich,
problem that was found in the data. As supported by the CEO of Dubertech company. Mr. Dubenich has the
Dornyei (2007:38) that qualitative research is higher status than Sophie does in this story. Sophie is
fundamentally interpretive. It means that the study applying speech situation in her conversation with Mr.
outcome concerns the product of the researcher‟s Dubenich. She uses formal style to understanding the
interpretation of the data. This method was needed to place she conducts her conversation. The place she is
answer all the problems well. By using descriptive conducting her conversation is on the outside of Mr.
qualitative method, it got more advantageous to explore Dubenich‟s company. The setting in this conversation
deeper about this study. So this method was suitable to be belongs to formal place. Sophie also looks with whom
used for this study. she conducts the conversation. She tends to use formal
style with Mr. Dubenich. By using formal style, Sophie is

Speech Style of Sophie Deveoux in TV Series “Leverage”

applying the speech situation factor. She can use more comfortable when talking with Mr. Dubenich and
appropriate language and diction with Mr. Dubenich. So Mr. Dubenich can also see Sophie in a good side because
Sophie uses formal style in this datum because she talks she makes it as if she is serious about her proposal in the
with Mr. Dubenich on the outside of Mr. Dubenich business. So with consultative style Sophie trying to
Company. By using formal style, she conducts her matching the topic and Mr. Dubenich knowledge to gain
conversation with Mr. Dubenich in appropriate way. Mr. Dubenich attention.
Datum 02 Datum 05
Mr. Dubenich : You government? Sophie : Hello.
Sophie : No, no. Private business Charles : Executive Orders doesn't work for the
consortium. We are looking to US government.
encourage infrastructure Sophie : Yet. Perhaps we can do something
development. and economic renewal. about that.
Mr. Dubenich : I have no idea what that means in Congressman : Yes, well, um... It was very nice to
English. What does it mean? meet you.
Sophie : We create jobs and trade in Africa, Sophie : Oh.
keep the graft and the stealing Congressman : Now you'll have to excuse me.
manageable. The conversation happens in the party for executive.
This conversation happens in the outside of Mr. It happened at night. Sophie is talking with Mr. Charles
Dubenich office. Sophie is disguising as a person who Dufort and The Congressman. In this episode, Sophie is
works in the Infrastructure development and economic trying to find out about her client problem that makes her
renewal. Sophie is like a colleague of Mr. Dubenich in client becomes the target of Mr. Charles and The
this episode. She tries to make a deal with Mr. Dubenich Congressman secret plan. In this datum showed that
Company. Mr. Dubenich meets Sophie for the first time. Sophie trying to approach both of them in this business
Mr. Dubenich never knows about Sophie in the past. party. Sophie disguises herself as a reporter.
With the same social status as a business colleague, From the datum above, Sophie is using casual style.
Sophie confronts Mr. Dubenich in the outside of the We can see from the utterances of Sophie in the
office. conversation. ”Oh.” . The word “Oh.” has the
From the datum above, Sophie is using consultative characteristic as casual style. It is very short. The other
style to speak. We can see from the utterances “no, no. utterances that show Sophie uses casual style when she
Private business consortium.” It has the characteristic of speaks is from the utterance “Yet. Perhaps we can do
consultative style. It is built in short sentences and less something about that.” this utterance showed the
formal. The use of formal sentence likes “Private characteristic of casual style. The word “yet” appear in
Business Consortium”. The word “No, No” is one of the her utterance. This word can be the short word that
marker that indicate as a consultative style. She uses belongs to casual style. In addition, Sophie addressing
short answer when she trying to answer Mr. Dubenich Mr. Charles with words “we” is the characteristic that
question. In the utterances, “We create jobs and trade in appear in a casual style. In conclusion, Sophie using
Africa, keep the graft and the stealing manageable. “it casual style in this datum showed by the use of words
has both formal language and also less formal language that she uses when conducts her speech with the other
likes” keep the graft and the stealing manageable.” it character.
can be categorized as consultative style when the Sophie is using casual style because it is more
sentences are short and have slightly formal form. In effective. Before Sophie said ”Oh.” The person who talks
conclusion, Sophie uses consultative style in this datum with her have already tried to leave the place. That is why
based on the utterances that Sophie produces during the Sophie uses casual style. Sophie also disguises herself as
conversation with Mr. Dubenich. a government person. With the same status, Sophie is
Sophie uses consultative style in the datum above more proper to use casual style. Therefore, Sophie is
because she has spoken with her colleague in the outside using casual style in the datum above because the person
of Mr. Dubenich office, which is less formal. She uses has already had to leave the place. The other reason when
consultative style to match with Mr. Dubenich Sophie uses casual style is because she tries to make a
knowledge. Sophie tries to conduct conversation with her friend with Mr. Charles and the Congressmen. With this
colleague who works on the same field with her. With intention, Sophie uses casual style to make her more
consultative style, Sophie is approaching Mr. Dubenich approachable when she is talking to Mr. Charles or
without taking out taking out Sophie‟s title as a private Congressman. With casual style, Sophie can create a
business consortium. Consultative style makes Sophie friendlier situation with Mr. Charles so that Mr. Charles

Language Horizon. Volume 06 Nomor 01 Tahun 2018, 19-27

can trust her. In conclusion, Sophie is using casual style study found that Sophie in the TV series “Leverage “do
because she has the intention to be friends with Mr. communication by using formal style, consultative style,
Charles and the place is very comfortable to conduct casual style, and intimate style; it means that there are
conversation in a friendly manner. four type of speech style. There is no frozen style in this
Datum 04 study because based on the theory in the chapter 2, frozen
Eliot : Next time I'll wear the suit. is the highest rank of formality beyond four styles. This
Sophie : Dufort's here. I'll make contact. utterance usually used to a long sentence with good
Nate : See what you can squeeze out of him. Parker, grammatical and vocabulary. It can be seen from the data
Hardison, time to hit his office. which taken from TV series “Leverage”, there is no scene
This conversation happens in the party for the shows that conversation happen very formal place or
businessperson. The party is in formal suit. The formal ceremony with uses high standard pattern of
participant of the party is wearing a suit. The situation is language.
Sophie and her team tries to infiltrate the party that held Based on the analysis, we can slightly found the small
by congressional representative. Sophie and her team different in the situation and the other factors that being
disguises them self as invitee and a waiter. They try to showed in the datum of Sophie speech style. In this
find out the plan of their target in this datum by study, the datum consists of 8 formal styles, 6
infiltrating the party. This datum showed the consultative styles, 14 casual styles, and 17 intimate
conversation of Sophie, Eliot, and Nate. styles. Overall, the data in this study is 45 data. In the
The datum above, Sophie is using intimate style for study, the analysis is conducting on 45 data. The analysis
the conversation. That shows through “Dufort’s here. I’ll showed the entire datum analyzed by the researcher. The
make contact. “She uses “Dufort’s” to tell her teammate reason this study shows the analysis of all the datum,
Nate. The word is like a code that only her teammate that because Sophie speech style in this TV series do not only
can know. The other utterance that showed Sophie uses show the same characteristics and factors in each style
intimate style in this datum is “I'll make contact. “This but also show the different characteristics and factors in
sentence has the meaning that only the member of her each style. Every type of speech that Sophie utter in the
team only knows. We can see the next answer from Nate TV series, have the same and different characteristics and
after Sophie say the sentence. Nate says, “See what you factors in her speech style. Even though there are many
can squeeze out of him. “Nate knows what the meaning kinds of repetition in the analysis but this study also can
of Sophie utterances then He tells Sophie what she has to find the slightly differences in each datum. It all shows in
do. Therefore, in the conversation from the datum above the analysis in the sub chapter 4.1.
Sophie is using intimate style by looking in the The first style that found in this study is formal style.
characteristic of her utterance. It shows in the sub chapter in datum (03), (11),
The reason Sophie is using intimate style because she (18), (27), (33), (39), (41), (43). The most of people
is talking with her teammate that is Nate. Nate is her speak quite differently when they speak to different
friends and the leader of her group. Sophie understands people: to a child, to a friend, or to a boss at work. People
that she is talking with Nate. Nate is her friends and it is even speak differently to the same person when they meet
making Sophie uses intimate style to Nate to make the them in different situation; at work, people use the
other confused while Nate is not. Even though the place language of office and at the game people use language
is in a formal place but Sophie and Nate is talks via game. Then two people talking to a third in similar term
phone. Sophie knows the situation and chooses to use and circumstances will nevertheless each have a quite
intimate style when talking with her member because the different way of speaking. It means that people have
other not knows that conversation. It is become a code for different style depend on his or her interlocutor and
Sophie and her team member. Therefore, Sophie is using situation. From the result above formal style used by
intimate style because she is talking with her fellow team characters in data (03), (11), (18), (27), (33), (39), (41)
that has already close to her. In addition, the situation and (43) it can be seen that the used of formal style
makes Sophie without hesitation to use intimate style. happens when he or she communicates in formal
DISCUSSION situation. It happens between people who have lower
According to the used speech style by Sophie in the position communicates with a person who has higher
TV Series “Leverage”, based on the chapter 2, speech position such as when people do their presentation in
style is the form of language that used by speaker and it conference room or business meeting with the boss in the
is characterized into five style, those are frozen style, meeting room because this situation people will have
formal style, consultative style and intimate style. It presented their opinion in front of his boss and others
means that there are five types of speech style, but this employee. For example, in the datum mostly Sophie talks

Speech Style of Sophie Deveoux in TV Series “Leverage”

with the new business client. In this case, Sophie is using language that the speaker use which is influenced by
formal style when she talks with her client. Sophie uses social context. Therefore, Sophie is use consultative style
formal style in the formal situation such as in the office. by understanding this social context. In this datum,
This situation makes Sophie to use formal style to match Sophie shows the reason she chooses to use consultative
with the situation. The place that is refers to formal place style. Sophie try to makes her client feels more
and formal situation, according to the theory (see chapter comfortable when talks to her. The conversation is
2) formal style generally used in a formal situation, occurring in the less formal place. In addition, some
where there is the least amount of shared background datum happened between Sophie with the receptionist.
knowledge and where communication is one-way See in the datum (19). In this datum, Sophie talks in
communication with little or no feedback from the consultative style because she talks with the receptionists
audiences. Then, Sophie uses the formal style when she in a phone. It can influence Sophie to use consultative
talks with the boss from her new client. Sophie uses style because she is the customers. Therefore,
formal style because the status of her interlocutor. In the Consultative style can occur when Sophie talks with her
datum, Sophie mostly talks with the person who has business partner and her new client in a place that less
higher status as her and the person who have the same formal with topic about business or formal occasion.
status with the same background knowledge. Usually These kinds of factors can influence Sophie to use
people will talk in a formal style when the interlocutor consultative style.
has the higher status. Like boss and the employee. In this Besides, Formal style and Consultative style, there is
case, Sophie also uses formal style whether the status is casual style, which found in this study. Casual style used
higher or same. Based on the data about formal style, by someone who has close relationship. Language used is
Sophie uses formal style in the formal occasion with designed by some relevant factors appropriated to the
higher status and same status. For the same status, Sophie context, they are, the setting and social context of the
shows the formal style speech when she talks with her interaction, the topic and the function. (See chapter 2).
new business client. Sophie also speaks in a formal way This style still uses even though the place is in quite
with her interlocutor when they are having the same formal place because the participant and the topic of the
background knowledge. conversation influence the use of speech style. In this
The second style in this study is consultative style. In study, we can see in the data (01), (05), (07), (09), (13),
this study, this style has the least datum than formal style (14), (16), (21), (22), (23), (35), (36), (38) and (40). This
that can be seen in and appendix. It can be seen in style has more than datum than formal style and
the data (02), (08), (19), (20), (28) and (45). Based on consultative style. In this study, Sophie happened to have
theory in chapter 2 consultative styles is a style that more conversation between her and her close friends or
shows our norm for coming to forms with strangers‟ has the close relationship. Casual style is an informal
people who speak our language but whose personal stock style because it uses people who have close relationship.
of information may be different. It means that For examples, when they communicate with friends,
consultative style happens when people meet stranger family, insiders, and acquaintance. In this study, Sophie
people or people did not have close relationship. This is talking with her close friends and her teammate the
style usually uses in the place that is less of formality most. Casual style can have happened casually because
place. In the datum, mostly Sophie will use consultative they meet every day in daily activities. By looking from
style when she talks with her client or the person that she the datum in the casual style, we can see the interlocutor
first time meet. Usually Sophie meets with her client in of Sophie mostly her team member. Sophie feels more
the less formal place such as outside the office, cafe, and comfortable with her team member. There are many short
bar near her place. In order to conduct a conversation, conversations in the datum from casual style. However,
Sophie uses consultative style which less formal and not some cases occur in this study. See the datum (05), (13),
in a casual way. This kind of situation is influence Sophie (14), (35), (36). In this datum, Sophie is talking with a
to use consultative style. The datum in consultative style new person. In the datum (05), Sophie is talking casually
in this study, it shows that Sophie uses consultative style with Mr. Charles in the party for business partnership.
when she talks to her new client or the person she met for Sophie uses casual style in this datum because the
the first time. In addition, the conversation happened in situation is less than formal and they both have the same
the outside of formal place. According to the theory in background knowledge or have the same status as a
chapter 2, speech style means the form of language that business partner. In the data, (13) and (14) showed that
the speaker use influenced social factors. For examples, Sophie uses casual style when she speaks with Mr.
who are the participant, what the purpose is, where it is Derrick. The place of the conversation happened in the
happen, and what is the topic because the form of formal place. That is Bank. But the situation at the time

Language Horizon. Volume 06 Nomor 01 Tahun 2018, 19-27

trigger Sophie to use casual style towards Mr. Derrick. types of speech style based on the Joos theory. Those are
Mr. Derrick try to rob the bank where Sophie works and frozen style, formal style, consultative style, casual style,
Sophie is held as a hostage by Mr. Derrick. Without and intimate style. However, in this study, Sophie did not
much thought, Sophie uses casual style to calm Mr. show the characteristics about frozen style that can only
Derrick and makes hi feels comfortable to listen to her. occur in very formal situation. In this study Sophie the
The datum (35) and (36) are also unique case. Sophie main subject of the study show that people can use many
talks with Mr. Larry as his friends in a high school. kinds of speech style based on some reason. This type of
However, in the reality Sophie does not have that kind‟s speech style can occur in different kind‟s situation,
relationship with Mr. Larry. Therefore, Sophie uses different place and different person. These three factors
casual style when talking with Mr. Larry because they are are mainly the reason Sophie chooses that types of speech
friends. Sophie uses casual style towards her close friends style. The person she talks to, the place she talks with,
include her team member and by looking the situation at and the situation at the time. These kinds of factors can
the time. influence the varieties type of speech that Sophie can
The last speech style that is occurring in this study is produce in her utterances.
intimate style (see in sub-chapter It used by This study shows the analysis from the entire datum
people has intimacy such as girl or boy friend, best that chosen by the researcher. The data is 45 data. All of
friend, family and couple. Intimate style is an intimate the 45 datum being analyze by the researcher because
utterance pointedly avoids giving the addressee there are many kinds of differences in each of the datum
information outside of the speaker‟s skin. It means that even though the datum in the same type of speech. In
they communicate with no give detail information about each datum show the same characteristics and factors that
something because the interlocutor and the speaker have makes them belongs to certain type of speech, such as the
already known about it without give more information. In situation, the setting, and the utterance characteristics.
addition to theory about intimate styles, (see in chapter This is the way the researcher sorting out the datum.
2). There are two characteristics of intimate style. Those Besides many kinds of repetition because the entire
are extraction and jargon. It means there is a secret word datum mostly the same, but also slightly different kinds
that not all people know about the meaning, only the characteristics and factors. For example, the datum
speaker and the interlocutor that knows such as jargon. belongs to formal style. The setting that makes the datum
We can see in the data (04), (06), (10), (12), (15), (17), belongs to formal style is in a formal place. This is
(24), (25), (26), (29), (30), (31), (32), (34), (37), (42) and different in each datum. The formal can be office,
(44). In this style, Sophie mostly uses intimate style meeting room, also a hall room. Those kinds of
towards her close friends that also her family member. differences showed in the analysis in the chapter 4.
That is her team member. Based on the datum in the sub In this study, the most style that can occur in Sophie
chapter of intimate style, Sophie talks with her member utterances is casual style. This type of style is the most
such as Nate, Eliot, Hardison, and Parker. Sophie uses occur when Sophie speaks with another character in the
intimate style towards them based on the characteristics TV series “Leverage”. casual style of speech by Sophie
of Sophie speech when she conducts a conversation with occur when she talks with her partner business, her close
them. Many characteristics of intimate style such as friends that is her team member, and also some of her
extraction, jargon, addition, etc., show in the client when she had a meeting with them in a private.
conversation between Sophie and her team member. Sophie often uses casual style in this study because most
Based on this analysis, from the five types of speech of her conversation happened in the place where people
style there are four speech styles used by Sophie in TV meet up with her friends in daily activities. Beside from
Series “Leverage”. Those are formal, consultative, casual the casual style, the second most style that occurs in the
and intimate style. There is not frozen style because there TV series “Leverage” is intimate style. Sophie uses this
is not situation that support this style. From the four type of speech style when she conducts a conversation
styles above, intimate style is the most dominance between her members. Casual and intimate style is the
because this style is the most occurs in this study, and most speech style that can be finds in Sophie utterances
then followed by casual, formal and consultative style. in the TV series “Leverage”. Not only Sophie often uses
CONCLUSION these two types of speech but also Sophie uses formal
From the analysis of the study in previous chapter and consultative in her utterances. Sophie uses formal
shows that there are several types of speech style occur in style and consultative style only in the specific situation.
the Sophie utterances in TV series “Leverage. Those are The situation in this study that makes Sophie uses formal
formal style, consultative style, casual style, and intimate or consultative style is when the situation is formal. For
style. Based on the theory in the chapter 2, there are five example, is when Sophie talks with her target for the first

Speech Style of Sophie Deveoux in TV Series “Leverage”

time and when she meets her target in their office. We Miles, Matthew B., Huberman, A. Andrew, &Saldanna,
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The researcher hopes that this study can improve their
knowledge about speech style in the social situation. In
addition, with hope that the reader can be more
knowledgeable when they have to use this speech style
because these types of speech style can also occur in the
daily activities. With read this study, the reader can
improve their speech in the daily activities in the future,
if it is possible. Moreover, the other research has to
correcting this study because this study is also had the
shortage. Therefore, another researcher has to find the
shortage of this study and make the improvement in his
or her research that has the same interest with this
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