Western Mindanao Adventist Academy: Arts 9
Western Mindanao Adventist Academy: Arts 9
Western Mindanao Adventist Academy: Arts 9
2nd Midterm Examination
September 19, 2019
Name: _______________________________________________ SCORE: ____________
Grade/Section: _______________________
Test I. MULTIPLE CHOICES. Directions: Read and understand the questions carefully. Box the best letter of your
1. It was an era of great artistic and intellectual achievement with the birth of secular art. The focus was on realistic and humanistic art.
a. Medieval Period b. Baroque Period c. Renaissance Period
2. In Renaissance period, it was characterized by its symmetry and balance.
a. Sculptures b. Architecture c. Paintings
3. Baroque Period began in what year?
a. 1400-1600 b. 1700-1900 c. 1600-1800
4. A Renaissance painting technique that helps create an illusion of limitless space on the ceiling or wall.
a. Sfumato b. Foreshortening c. Quadratura
5. A Renaissance painting technique reduce or distort a part of an object to convey the illusion of 3 dimensional space as perceived by
the human eye done according to the rules of perspective.
a. Sfumato b. Foreshortening c. Quadratura
6. He was an Italian sculptor, painter, architect, and poet. He was considered the greatest living artist in his lifetime, and ever since
then he was considered as one of the greatest artists of all time.
a. Leonardo da Vinci b. Raffaelo c. Donatello d. Michaelangelo
7. He was a painter, architect, scientist, and mathematician. He is known as the ultimate “Renaissance man” because of his intellect,
interest, talent and his expression of humanist and classical values.
a. Leonardo da Vinci b. Raffaelo c. Donatello d. Michaelangelo
8. He was an Italian painter and architect of the High Renaissance period. His work was admired for its clarity of form and ease of
composition and for its visual achievement of the interpreting the Divine and incorporating Christian doctrines.
a. Leonardo da Vinci b. Raffaelo c. Donatello d. Michaelangelo
9. He was one of the Italian great artists of the period. He was an early Renaissance Italian sculptor from Florence.
a. Leonardo da Vinci b. Raffaelo c. Donatello d. Michaelangelo
10. A Portuguese word “barocco” which means “irregularly shaped pearl or stone.”
a. Medieval Period b. Baroque Period c. Renaissance Period
11. Renaissance Period began in what year?
a. 1400-1600 b. 1700-1900 c. 1600-1800
12. What are the 2 famous fresco painting of Michaelangelo?
a. Vitruvian Man & Monalisa b. Last Judgment & Sistine Chapel ceiling c. St. John the Evangelist & Lamentation over the
dead Christ
13. What are the 2 famous painted works of Leonardo da Vinci?
a. Monalisa & Last Supper b. The School of Athens and The Transfiguration c. David, Statue of St. George and
Equestrian Monument of Gattamelata
14. In Baroque period, it describes a fairly complex idiom and focuses on _______ and __________.
a. Architecture and painting b. Sculpture and painting c. Painting and sculpture
15. How many great artists who celebrated their masterpieces in Renaissance period?
a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6
Test II. Identification. Instruction: Name the following works and the corresponding name of the artist.
1. 3.
Title of artwork: Title of artwork:
Name of artist: Name of artist:
2. 4. 5.
Title of artwork: Title of artwork: Title of artwork: