Relationship Between Academic Achievement and Self-Esteem
Relationship Between Academic Achievement and Self-Esteem
Relationship Between Academic Achievement and Self-Esteem
Mental-, physical-, emotional- and social-well-being are various aspects influenced by education. And so is self-esteem. The
term self-esteem comes from Greek word meaning “reverence for self”; self-esteem is acceptance of us for who and what we
are at a given period of time in our lives; it may be positive or negative orientation towards self. Past literature reveals that
academic achievement is directly proportional to self-esteem. According to random house dictionary of English, Academic
Achievement has been defined as accomplishment especially by superior ability, special effort and great valour. Is self-esteem
really boosted by academic achievement?
After entering data in SPSS, data was analysed using appropriate statistical techniques. Descriptive and correlation methods
were used to analyse data. There was no statistical difference observed between academic achievement and self-esteem when
boys and girls were compared. But when the sample was taken as whole there is significant positive relationship between self-
esteem and academic achievement scores of senior secondary school students.
Academic achievement increases self-esteem also linearly and symmetrically.
Self-Esteem, Academic Achievement, Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale, Pearson Correlation.
HOW TO CITE THIS ARTICLE: Malhotra A, Sharma A, Ajanta, et al. Study the relationship between academic achievement
and self-esteem of senior secondary school students. J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc. 2019; 6(11), 899-903. DOI:
J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc., pISSN- 2349-2562, eISSN- 2349-2570/ Vol. 6/Issue 11/March 18, 2019 Page 899 Original Research Article
Rosenberg 1986)8 keeping these facts this study was
planned to see whether self-esteem has any association with
academic achievement especially in Indian population that
too from rural area where it is a taboo for a girl child to go
outside home and study, Where a son of farmer has no
Where pretensions means feeling good about ourselves importance for education because he has to work with his
and success means how we actually do. We can feel better father in fields. On the other hand there are thriving new
about ourselves by succeeding in the World but also by generation who wants to improve their quality of life with
varying the level of hopes and expectations. higher education and increased self-esteem.
Academic achievement is defined as measurable
behaviour in standardized series of test (Simpson and MATERIALS AND METHODS
Weiner 1989). According to Bruce and Neville (1979)4
educational achievement is measured by standardized Sample
achievement test developed for school subjects. GOOD The sample for the study was consisted of 100 students of
(1973), has defined, academic achievement as knowledge standard XI of which 50 were males and 50 were females
attitude or skill developed in the school subject usually from Hisar and adjoining school from Hisar city. The school
designed by test scores or by marks assigned by teacher or were selected through simple random sampling technique.
both. Consequently, academic achievement could be defined
as self-perception and self-evolution of one’s objective Test and Tools
success. Rosenberg self-esteem scale was used to measure both
Lots of studies were conducted showing direct positive and negative feeling about the self. To measure
correlation with self-esteem and academic achievement. academic achievement student’s annual score of class 10th
High self-esteem is associated with high academic were taken. To collect the data first approval from school
achievement (Marsh, Byrne and Yeung 1999).5 Rubie et al in principal was taken. Only those students were taken who
20046 demonstrated that best way to improve student gave the consent to participate in the study. Help of teachers
achievement is to increase their self-esteem. Low self- were taken and metric scores were recovered from the
esteem is viewed as the cause of evil and high self-esteem school records. After entering the data in SPSS data was
as the cause of all good. (Manning, Bear and Minke 2006).7 analysed using appropriate statistical techniques i.e.
Self-esteem is associated with depression, anxiety, descriptive and co relation method was used to analyse the
motivation and general satisfaction with one’s life (Harter, data.
It is evident from the table 1 that there is no significant difference between self-esteem and academic achievements
between boys and girls.
J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc., pISSN- 2349-2562, eISSN- 2349-2570/ Vol. 6/Issue 11/March 18, 2019 Page 900 Original Research Article
Table-2 indicates that there is significant positive RESULTS
relationship between self-esteem and academic Our study also proves the fact that as academic achievement
achievements scores of scores of senior secondary school of students increases their self-esteem also increases. Our
students it means as the academic achievement increases results are in consonance with number of studies like
self-esteem also increases linearly and symmetrically. (Coopersmith S.A.1967,9 Wyliie.R.C.1979,10 Walz G & Bleuler
J1992.11 Purky1970,12 Covington. M, 1989).13
Number of studies correlates both positive and negative influence of academic achievement on self-esteem. Regarding this,
many studies had also been conducted in India and abroad. These studies are tabulated in short form as under-
Year of
Author Type of Study Results
Study effect of SE and AA among Significant main effect of SE and
Srivastava14 1981
Indian students interaction effect of SE and AA
SE scores of both black and white
Study AE and SE in black and students were same despite black
Demo and Parker15 1987
white students students have significantly low AE
Parental pressure as perceived by
Effect of parental pressure on
Sebastian16 1997 children had negative influence on
school achievement, SE, creativity
SE, creativity and AA
Men scored slightly higher in global
Carlson, Uppal & Prosser17 2000 Effect of Gender on SE and AA
SE than women.
Relation between SE AND AA is
Singh18 2005 Relationship between SE &AA bidirectional. Causation flows in both
SE of gifted student was much higher
Studied SE of gifted
than students with low AA scores.
Kelly and Jordan19 1990 students(those with high degree
They have more positive self-image
of AA)
and self-concept.
Other variables are quality of family
life, appreciation from teacher and
What are other variables
Wiggins20 1987 parents, participation in co-curricular
contributing to SE?
activities and positive peer
Academic self-esteem is strong
predator of school achievement.
Relationship of academic and
General SE is a significant predictor
Pullmann and Allik21 2008 general self-esteem to school
of superior school performance when
academic self-esteem and
multicollinearity is controlled
No significant difference between SE
Joshi and Srivastava22 Compare SE and AA of rural and of rural and urban adolescents.
urban adolescents. Urban adolescents scored higher in
AA than rural adolescents
Longitudinal study of SE, cultural Relationship between SE and AA is
Whitesell et al23 2009 identity and AA among American mediated by personal resources and
Indian adolescents problem behaviours.
There is significant difference
between the SE of successful and
Studied SS and AA of seven grade
Alves-Martins et al24 2010 unsuccessful students of 7th grade
but this difference wades away in
eighth and ninth grade.
Relationship between SE and AA in SE, goal orientation components and
Rahmani25 2011
primary school children. AA are correlated
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