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Preliminary Investigation of K.T. Weir

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8 VI June 2020

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue VI June 2020- Available at www.ijraset.com

Preliminary Investigation of K.T. Weir

Karishma Kadave1, Amit Yadav2, Pratik Patil3, Vivek Vankhande4, Asst. Professor Aniruddha Chavan5
1, 2, 3, 4
B. Tech Students, 5Asst. Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University,
Lonere 402103, Maharashtra

Abstract: Since ancient times, we have seen many technological advancements in reducing water shortage problems. One such
technology is that of K.T Weir which has helped in storing the water with the help of gates and also helped in moving the traffic.
K.T Weir also known as Bridge-cum-Bandhara has been a great civil structure serving many purpose. Soon after a weir site has
been selected, a preliminary investigation on the location of the proposed site is essential to highlight important considerations.
In this paper we will look how the preliminary investigations for K.T Weir take place.
Keywords: Technological, K.T Weir, water shortage, preliminary investigations and civil structure.

Since ancient times, we have seen many technological advancements in reducing water shortage problems. One such technology is
that of K.T. Weir which has helped in storing the water with the help of gates and also helped in moving the traffic. K.T Weir also
known as Bridge-cum-Bandhara has been a great civil structure serving many purpose. The preliminary investigation is usually
made at the site to obtain information required to determine both physical and economic usefulness.

The purpose of a preliminary site investigation is to found the geological usefulness of the site and to find out the extent and
precision of detailed subsurface investigation required to possess the information needed for design and construction. For some sites
preliminary investigation may be adequate to determine the geological conditions and the engineering characteristics of materials.
But where enough information for design cannot be obtained during the preliminary investigation then detailed subsurface
investigation must be planned.


A. Study of Available maps Including Remote Sensing Maps
Plotting of contours on Google Earth

Plot co-ordinates on Google Earth Pro

Create Excel file of the co-ordinates mentioning the,

Latitude, Longitude and Altitude of the co-ordinates using
TCX converter

Export the following data in Surfer Pro and create contour

map using the same application

Fig. 1 Plotting of contours on Google Earth

Study of available maps should be made to have a general idea of the topography and to locate possible sites. By using the
topographic maps available, calculate the catchment area, flood discharge and flood plain of the reservoir.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved 1511

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue VI June 2020- Available at www.ijraset.com

B. Regional and Site Geology

1) Regional Reconnaissance Surveys (P-I stage)
The main purpose is to reduce the areas by identifying select ones for further studies.
a) Systematic geological mapping on 1:50,000 scale.
b) Airborne Geophysical Surveys (Magnetic, Electro-magnetic & Radiometric).
c) Regional geochemical sampling (wide spaced).
d) Regional geophysical survey (wide spaced).
e) Photo-geological and remote sensing studies (PGRS).
2) Preliminary prospecting (P-II stage)
Generally conducted for smaller areas, a few kms. to tens of Sq. kms.
a) Geological mapping on 1:25,000 or 1:12,500 scale.
b) Geochemical grids and ground geophysical grids for prospecting are kept at a closer intervals for the precise selection of the
target areas.
c) Pitting and trenching carried out to expose the ore body if near to the surface.
3) Preliminary Exploration (E-I stage)
a) Work is conducted over very small areas (less than a Sq.km to a few Sq. kms).
b) Detailed mapping on 1:2,000 or 1:1,000 scale.
c) Pitting, trenching and bed rock sampling on all out-crop sections.
d) Drilling on systematic pattern up to 60 to 120m depth and at 100m strike interval for gold, 200m for base-metals and 400m -
500m for limestone.
e) Detailed petrological and mineral studies.
Within the mineral deposit economically viable zones, their strike length, width and depth identified based on surface studied and
drilling data.
4) Detailed Exploration (E-II stage)
a) Exploratory openings or boreholes are drilled at closer intervals along the strike and also depth wise, to accurately determine
the shape, size, disposition of ore and grade of ore body.
b) Mineral phases (by EPMA), beneficiation test carried out.
c) Processing of all databases.

C. Study of Foundation Strata

The choice of the accurate type of foundation is governed by some following factor:-
1) The subsoil characteristics
2) The nature of the structure
3) The load exerted by the structure
For foundation strata, data should be collected by making trial pit, trenches and boreholes. And studies of other project in the nearby
area. Following test are to be performed

a) Tests for Foundation Strata

 Plate Load Test
 Standard Penetration Test (SPT)
 Bearing Capacity of Rock
Bearing capacity of rocks are determined by crushing a core sample in a testing machine. Samples used for testing must
be free from cracks and defects. Following are common laboratory tests for determining strength of rocks.
Whenever, hard strata for foundation is found then there will be following tests to be performed.

b) Tests for determining strength of Rock

 Unconfined Compression Test
 Splitting Tension Test
 Beam Bending Test

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved 1512

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue VI June 2020- Available at www.ijraset.com

D. Study of available run-off and flood flow data:

The study of available data, such as rainfall records in the catchment, river gauges and the corresponding discharges should be made
with a view to assessing the available 10-daily and monthly run-off and peak flow diversion or storage.

E. Study of existing projects upstream and downstream of barrage:

1) Visit sites having existing projects of weir.
2) Obtain data of them from concerning government authorities.

F. Assessment of water requirement(IS 1172-1993):

Water Demand
1) Domestic Water Demand
a) The water required in private building for drinking, cooking, bathing etc.
b) IS code caps a limit of 135 to 225 lpcd.
c) Maximum domestic demand is considered as 200 lpcd in a town with full flushing system.
d) 135 lpcd for weaker sections and LIG( Low income group )
2) Industrial Water Demand
a) Can vary from 50 l/h/d to high as 450 l/h/d.
3) Commercial Water Demand
a) On average, 20 l/h/d is considered to meet the requirement
b) May be as high as 50 l/h/d

Water Requirement
Sr. No Water requirement for commercial buildings Average consumption in lpcd
1. Factories
 Where bathrooms are provided 45
 Where no bathrooms are required

2. Hospitals
 Number of beds less than 100 340
 Number of beds exceeding 100
3. Hostels 135
4. Restaurants (per seat) 180
5. Offices 45
6. Schools(day scholars) 45

4) Public use
a) Considered to be 5% of total consumption.
b) 10 lpcd is added usually.
5) Fire Demand: 1 lpcd usually considered.
6) Water Required to Compensate losses in Thefts and Wastes: can be high as 15% of the total consumption, nearly 55 lpcd
7) Agricultural Water Demand: Depends upon the area in hectares where agriculture is practiced and per hectare requirement of
water depends upon the type of crops, cropping pattern, etc
Total maximum water demand: It is the sum of above demands. Total maximum demand of 335 lpcd is permitted.
Per Capita Demand in lpcd = Total yearly water requirement in litres / (365* Design Population )

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved 1513

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue VI June 2020- Available at www.ijraset.com

While calculating a water requirement a future population considering a Design Period of Water Supply Unit is considered.

Computation of Domestic Computation of Industrial water Computation of Institutional &

Water Demand demand (if any) Commercial Demand

Total demand is the sum of above Fire Demand, Demand for Public
demands. Total max. Demand of 335 Uses, loss in thefts & waste
lpcd permitted.

Fig. 2 Process of calculating water demand

G. Effect Of Proposed Barrage Or Weir Contemplated On Environment And Ecology

Effect of the structure (K.T Weir) on

the environment and the ecology
should be properly studied

Necessary measures should be taken

to reduce the effect. For eg:
Construction of fish ladder

The construction should not cause

any permanent harm to the

Fig. 3 Necessary steps to be considered for not harming environment and ecology

Because a weir impounds water behind it and alters the flow regime of the river, it can have an effect on the local ecology. Typically,
the reduced river velocity upstream can lead to increased siltation (deposition of fine particles of silt and clay on the river bottom)
that reduces the water oxygen content and smothers invertebrate habitat and fish spawning sites. The oxygen content typically
returns to normal once water has passed over the weir crest (although it can be hyper-oxygenated), although increased river velocity
can scour the river bed causing erosion and habitat loss.

H. Limitations Imposed By Custom, Water Laws And Rights Or Accepted Policy

In most areas the amount of water available may not be sufficient at least during some seasons to satisfy all potential demands. A
system of water laws or rights, interstate treaty on sharing of water, etc already developed or framed have to be recognized and a
careful evaluation is to be made of the human socio-economic factors in the area, their present state, their trends and to the
corresponding needs and requirements of the society.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved 1514

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue VI June 2020- Available at www.ijraset.com

I. Availability of construction materials:

Assess the types of construction materials Check whether the materials required are
requirement available locally or at short distances from
the construction site

Storing, controlling, material handling Assure that the right materials are in the right
Land transport at site
utility services: place, in the right quantities are available
when needed

Fig. 4 Availability of construction materials

J. Land for Utility Services

Assess whether sufficient and suitable land is

available near the proposed site

Selection of land without damaging the environment

and ecology and without any encroachment upon the
forest land and wild life habitat

Installation of utility services for eg. Workshop,

aggregate processing plant, batching and mixing
plant, etc.

Fig. 5 Land for utility services

K. Communication to the site of work

After deciding on the choice of suitable site, due consideration should be given for easy accessibility and economic transportation of
materials to the site of work. Possible sites for the location of the barrage or weir should be marked out on the basis of investigation
carried out in accordance with the provisions of study of available map up to utility service for land. It should be possible to
eliminate some of these sites on topographical, environmental and other considerations by site inspection. Further investigation
should be carried out for the remaining sites by sub-surface explorations. Thereafter, considering the merits and demerits of the
different sites, the sites chosen can be graded in order of their suitability.

Hence from the above description we would be able to carry out the Preliminary Investigation of K. T. weir in a systematic manner.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved 1515

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue VI June 2020- Available at www.ijraset.com

The authors would like to express their gratitude to Asst. Prof. Aniruddha Chavan and honourable Dr. S.R. Bhagat, Head in
Department of Civil Engineering, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere for helping us in carrying out this

[2] IS 1172: 1993 – “Code of Basic Requirements for Water Supply, Drainage and Sanitation” – Fourth Revision, February 1993
[4] Francesco Lombardi, Guglielmo Silvagni, Piero Sirini, - “Daily water demand” - Ambiente & Água - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science,Volume
3, 31 Jul. 2018

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