Hotel Paris
Hotel Paris
Hotel Paris
Guest Information
The front desk is one of the best resources for guest information and communication. If
there is no concierge, the front desk agents will be tasked with the job of helping
guests make reservations and recommending activities they can do while they are in
town. They will often have to communicate with a guest before they arrive in regards
to room type and amenities and sometime, will have to communicate with a guest after
they have left about problems with their stay or billing issues.
• A large aspect to a front desk agent's job involves paperwork. All hotels guests need
to have their accounts checked daily to make sure there is enough of a deposit for the room.
The front desk is also responsible for making sure all money has been collected and there are
no outstanding accounts. The hard copies of signed registration paperwork must be kept
organized and placed in a secure location when the guest has checked out. These accounting
duties are vital to the continued success of the hotel.
Guest Complaints
• The front desk agent is tasked with resolving all guest complaints. Most of the time,
desk agents are empowered to give free meals, move guest rooms or rebate money for a
guest stay if it did not live up to expectations. Dealing with complaints requires a gentle
touch, especially if the agent has to explain some policy to a guest or if the guest is very