New Yorkers-Glossary

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English Description in English Spanish Words to learn

lawyer a person who has studied the law and abogado • Write down any other new words you
2 who helps people or talks for them in discover in your Oxford Graded Reader.
a court of law • Translate them into your language.
New Yorkers - lovely very nice; beautiful bonito /
• Now try to learn them!
Short Stories
memento something which helps you to remember recuerdo English Your language
O. Henry / Retold by Diane Mowat somebody

1 moment a very short time momento ................

pick up to take something in the hand coger
................ ................
English Description in English Spanish Reverend a name given to a man of the church reverendo
................ ................
actor / a man/woman who works in a theatre, actor / actriz rose (n) a summer flower with a sweet smell rosa ................ ................
actress and acts, sings or dances
sir a polite word to say to a man when señor ................ ................
amnesia forgetting everything; not knowing your amnesia
you don't know his name (tratamiento
name, your family, where you live, etc. de cortesía) ................ ................
beer cerveza ................ ................
a drink with alcohol in it swing (n) a seat on the end of two long ropes, columpio
which moves backwards and forwards ................ ................
cards a set of 52 cards used to play games carta, naipe
through the air
(playing cards)
................ ................
chain (n) a lot of very small metal rings cadena throw to move your arm quickly to send tirar / lanzar ................ ................
joined together (past tense something through th air
threw) ................ ................
choice something that you choose or decide elección

umbrella a cover on a stick that you hold over paraguas

................ ................
comb (n) a piece of metal or wood with long peine
"teeth" which women use to put up you to keep the rain off ................ ................
their long hair
waiter / a man/woman who works in a restaurant camarero/a ................ ................
curl (n) a little ring of hair rizo waitress and brings food to the table
................ ................
druggist American word for a person who makes farmacéutico
and sells medicines (n) ................ ................
fall in love to begin to love somebody very much enamorarse ................ ................
with ................ ................
garter something worn by women round liga
................ ................
the top of the leg (not usually seen
because it is under the skirt) ................ ................
kiss (v & n) to put your mouth on the mouth besar / beso ................ ................
of another person to show love
................ ................

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