Quiz-1: Civil Engineering Department UCE&T, IUB

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Basic Electrical Engineering (ELEN-03104)

Civil Engineering Department UCE&T, IUB

CLO-I (60)

Q:1 The total charge entering a terminal is given by q=5 tsin 4 πt mC. Show the value of
current at t=0.5 Sec

Q:2 Show the power delivered to an element at t=3 ms if the current entering its positive
terminal is i=5 cos 60 πt A and the voltage is v=3 .

Q:3 Solve the given circuit to find v1 and v2

Q:4 Show v 0 and I in the circuit below

Q:5 Solve the given circuit to find the equivalent resistance Rab

Q:6 Show equivalent conductance G eq

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