Chapter 14 Exercises: 14.4 Mathcad: Solving Systems of Linear Equations

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4 Mathcad: Solving Systems of Linear Equations

Chapter 14 Exercises

1. Consider the following matrices.

 
1 1/2 1/3
1/4 1/5
 1/2 1/3 1/4
1/5 1/6 
 
H5 =  1/3 1/4 1/5
1/6 1/7 

 1/4 1/5 1/6
1/7 1/8 
1/5 1/6 1/7
1/8 1/9
 
  1 −1
0 1 0  0 2 
M3 =  0 0 1  A=
 
3 5 
1 0 0
10 4

a. Find det(H5 ), det(M3 ) .

b. Find H52
c. Find H5−1 , M3−1 .
d. Augment A with itself to form a new matrix (called B) and then find det(B), B 2
and B −1 .
e. Find M32 , M33 , M34 and M35 . What is the pattern you see? What is M320112011 ?

2. A square matrix A is called nilpotent if some power of the matrix is equal to the
zero matrix, i.e. An = 0 for some integer n. The smallest such n is called the
degree of A. Consider the matrix
 
0 1 0 0
 0 0 1 0 
A=  0 0 0

1 
0 0 0 0

a. Show that A is nilpotent, and find its degree.

b. The eigenvalues of any nilpotent matrix are all zero. Confirm this by finding
the eigenvalues of A.
c. Find a matrix that is nilpotent with order 10.
E.C. Give (or describe) a matrix that is nilpotent with order 2011.
3. The L2 condition number of a matrix is given by the 2-norm of the matrix times
the 2-norm of the inverse of the matrix (written ||A||2 · ||A−1 ||2 )
a. Find the condition number of H5 from problem 1. Look in the help files for
the correct norm command.
b. Find a value of x so that the following matrix C has L2 condition number as
close to 100 as possible. Guess and check.
 
x 2 2
C= 2 2 2 
2 2 x

Chapter 14 Mathcad: Matrices

4. In computing an approximating function for a set of data, a spline is often used. The
theory of splines is covered in numerical analysis, but for a specific data set, the following
system of equations must be solved.
 

 0.28S1 + 0.1S2 = −64.65  
 0.1S1 + 0.34S2 + 0.07S3 = −54.81 

 

0.07S2 + 2.16S3 + 1.01S4 = −8.43
1.01S3 + 2.58S4 + 0.28S5 = −7.92 

 

 

0.28S4 + 1.42S5 = −2.78
 

Solve this system in three ways:

a. Using the command rref.
b. Using the command lsolve.
c. Using the matrix inverse.


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