Errores ABB - Codesys
Errores ABB - Codesys
Errores ABB - Codesys
Here you will find the error messages that the parser displays (italics) and possible causes.
1503 The POU ‘<name>’ has no The Output pin of a POU which has no outputs, is connected in FBD or KOP.
outputs. Box result is set to The assignment automatically gets the value TRUE.
1504 <name>’ (‘<number>’): Eventually not all branches of the logic expression will be executed.
Statement may not be executed Example:
due to the evaluation of the IF a AND funct(TRUE) THEN ....
logical expression If a has is FALSE then funct will not be called.
1505 Side effect in '<name>'! Branch The first input of the POU is FALSE, for this reason the side branch, which
is probably not executed ! may come in at the second input, will not be executed.
1506 Variable '%s' has the same Rename the variable or the action.
name as a local action. The
action will not be called!
1507 Instance '<name>' has the You call in ST an instance which has the same name like a function. The
same name as a function. The function will be called ! Use different names.
instance will not be called.
1550 Multiple calls of the POU Check, whether the multiple call of this POU is really necessary. By a multiple
'<name>' in one network may call unwanted value
lead to undesired side effects overstrikes may occur.
1700 Input box without assignment. An input box is used in CFC which has no assignment. For this no code will
be generated.
1750 Step '<name>': the minimal time Open dialog 'Step attributes' for this step and correct the time definitions.
is greater than the maximal
1800 <name>(element #<element The visualization element contains an expression which cannot be monitored.
number>): Invalid Check variable name and placeholder replacements.
watchexpression '%s'
1801 '<name> (number): No Input on In the configuration of the visualization object at field input a composed
Expression '<name>' possible expression is used. Replace this by a single variable.
1802 <Visualization object>(Element Make sure, that an external bitmap-file is available in that path which is
number): Bitmap '<name>' was defined in the visualization configuration dialog.
not found
1803 '<name>'('<number>'): "The A print action is assigned to an alarm configured in the visualization. This will
print action would not supported not be regarded in the Web- or Target-Visualization.
for web- and target
1804 '<name>'('<number>'): The font In the visualization you are using a font, which is not supported by the target
'<name>' is not supported by system. See in the target settings, category 'Visualization' for the supported
the target. fonts.
1805 '<name>'('<number>'): 'Store You are using a visualization element for storing trend data. This however will
trend data in PLC' should be not be regarded on the PLC, because option 'Store trend data' is not
set. activated in the target settings, category Visualization.
1806 '<name>'('<number>'): The You are using an element for alarm visualization. This however will not be
target setting 'Alarm handling in regarded on the PLC because option 'Alarm handling in the PLC' is not
the PLC' should be set. activated in the target settings, category 'Visualization'.
1807 <name> (<number>): No Regard that action "message" is not supported for the Target-Visualization!
message window for alarms for
target visualization
1850 Input variable at %IB<number> Please check which tasks are using this variable and whether the current
is used in task '<name>' but programming is not causing undesirable effects. The update of the variable
updated in another task value usually is done in the task with the highest priority.
1851 Output variable at Please check which tasks are using this variable and whether the current
%IQ<number> is used in task programming is not causing undesirable effects. The update of the variable
'<name>' but updated in value usually is done in the task with the highest priority.
another task
1852 CanOpenMaster might not be Currently the CanOpen Master is called by the named event task. If you want
called cyclically in event task to get it called cyclically, specify an appropriate task via parameter
'<name>'! Set modul parameter UpdateTask in the PLC Configuration in dialog 'Module
UpdateTask! parameters'.
1853 A PDO (index: '<number>') Currently the named PDO is controlled via the named event task. But if you
might not be updated cyclically want to get it called cyclically, you must assign an appropriate task to the
in event task '<name>' PDO by shifting IO-references to this task.
1900 POU '<name>' (main routine) is The Start-POU (z.B. PLC_PRG) will not be available, when the project is
not available in the library used as library.
1901 Access Variables and Variable Access variables and variable configuration are not stored in the library.
Configurations are not saved in
a library!
1902 '<name>': is no Library for the The .obj file of the lib was generated for another device.
current machine type!
1903 <name>: is no valid Library The file does not have the format requested for the actual target.
1904 The constant '<name>' hides a In your project you have defined a constant which has the same name like
constant of the same name in a one which is defined in a linked library. The library variable will be overwritten
library !
1970 Parameter manager: List Check the Import-file *.prm for entries which do not match the current
'<name>' , Column '<name>', configuration (standard values resp. XML-description file) of the Parameter
Value '<name>' could not be Manager.
1980 Global network variables In the configuration of the network variables list (Select list in the Resources
'<name>' '<name>': tab and open dialog 'Global variables list' via command 'Properties' in the
simultaneous reading and context menu) options 'Read' and 'Write' are activated. Regard that this might
writing may result in loss of result in data losses during communication.
1990 No 'VAR_CONFIG' for '<name>' For this variable there is no address configuration available in the
Variable_Configuration (VAR_CONFIG). Open window
Variable_Configuration in the Resources tab and there insert the appropriate
configuration (Command 'Insert 'All instance paths').
2500 Task '<task name>': no cycle In the Task configuration a cyclic task has been created, for which no cycle
time specified for cyclic task time has been defined. Enter an appropriate time span in dialog
'Taskattributes' at "Interval".
Compiler Errors
3415 Error during import of the Alarm You have imported an export file (*.exp) which contains erroneous
configuration information on the Alarm Configuration. Check the export file.
3450 PDO'<PDO-name>': Missing Click on the button ‚Properties’ in the PLC configuration dialog for the module
COB-Id! and enter a COB ID for the PDO <PDO Name>.
3451 Error during load: EDS-File Eventually the device file needed for the CAN configuration is not in the
'<name>' could not be found, correct directory. Check the directory setting for configuration files in ‚Project'
but is referenced in hardware 'Options' 'Directories'.
3452 The module '<name>' couldn't The device file for module <name> does not fit to the current configuration.
be created! Eventually it has been modified since the configuration has been set up or it
is corrupted.
3453 The channel '<name>' couldn't The device file for channel <name> does not fit to the current configuration.
be created! Eventually it has been modified since the configuration has been set up or it
is corrupted.
3454 The address '<name>' points to Option 'Check for overlapping addresses' is activated in the dialog ‚Settings’
an used memory! of the PLC configuration and an overlap has been detected. Regard, that the
area check is based on the size which results of the data types of the
modules, the size which is given by the entry ‚size’ in the configuration file.
3455 Error during load: GSD-File Eventually the device file required by the Profibus configuration is not in the
'<name>' could not be found, correct directory. . Check the directory setting for configuration files in
but is referenced in hardware ‚Project' 'Options' 'Directories'.
3456 The profibus device '<name>' The device file for module <name> does not fit to the current configuration.
couldn't be created! Eventually it has been modified since the configuration has been set up or it
is corrupted.
3457 Error in module description! Please check the device file of this module.
3458 The PLC-Configuration couldn't Check if all required configuration and device files are available in the correct
be created! Check the path (see defined compile directory in 'Project' 'Options' /Directories)
configuration files.
3460 3S_CanDrv.lib has the wrong Make sure, that the 3S_CanDrv.lib which is included in the project is up to
version. date.
3461 3S_CanOpenMaster.lib has the Make sure, that the 3S_CanOpenMaster.lib which is included in the project is
wrong version. up to date.
3462 3S_CanOpenDevice.lib has the Make sure, that the 3S_CanOpenDevice.lib which is included in the project is
wrong version. up to date.
3463 3S_CanOpenManager.lib has Make sure, that the 3S_CanOpenManager.lib which is included in the project
the wrong version. is up to date.
3464 3S_CanNetVar.lib has the Make sure, that the 3S_CanNetVar.lib which is included in the project, is up
wrong version. to date.
3465 CanDevice: Sub indices have to In parameter lists used by the CanDevice the subindices must be numbered
be numerated sequentially sequentially and without interruption. Check the corresponding list in the
Parameter Manager.
3466 CAN network variables: No There are network variables configured for a CAN network (Resources,
CAN controller found in the PLC Global Variables), but in the PLC Configuration there is no CAN Controller
configuration available.
3468 CanDevice: Update task not The update task (used for calling the CANdevice), which is defined in the
available in the task Base Settings dialog of the CANdevice in the PLC Configuration, must be
configuration. configured in the Task Configuration of the project.
3469 The CanOpenMaster can not be Assign a task, which should call the Master, via parameter UpdateTask in the
called. Please assign a task Module parameters dialog in the PLC Configuration.
3470 Invalid name in parameter Open the CanMasters Module parameter dialog in the PLC Configuration.
UpdateTask Check parameter UpdateTask. The specified task must be available in the
project. If you cannot set an appropriate task here, the device file must be
checked for the corresponding value definitions for UpdateTask.
3500 No 'VAR_CONFIG' for '<name>' Insert a declaration for this variable in the global variable list which contains
the 'Variable_Configuration'.
3501 No address in 'VAR_CONFIG' Assign an address to this variable in the global variable list which contains
for '<name>'. the 'Variable_Configuration'.
3502 Wrong data type for '<name>' in In the global variables list which contains the ‚Variable_Configuration’ the
'VAR_CONFIG variable is declared with a different data type than in the POU.
3503 Wrong data type for '<name>' in In the global variables list which contains the ‚Variable_Configuration’ the
'VAR_CONFIG' variable is declared with a different address than in the POU.
3504 Initial values are not supported A variable of the ‚Variable_Configuration’ is declared with address and initial
for 'VAR_CONFIG value. But an initial value can only be defined for input variables without
address assignment.
3505 '<name>’is no valid instance The Variable_Configuration contains a nonexisting variable.
3506 Access path expected In the global variable list for Access Variables the access path for a variable
is not correct. Correct: <Identifier>:'<Access path>':<Type> <Access mode>
3507 No address specification for The global variable list for Access Variables contains an address assignment
'VAR_ACCESS'-variables for a variable. This is not allowed. Valid variable definition:
<Identifier>:'<Access path>':<Type> <Access mode>
3550 Duplicate definition of identifier There are two tasks are defined with an identic same name. Rename one of
'<name>' them.
3551 The task '<name>' must contain Insert a program call or delete task.
at least one program call
3552 Event variable '<name>' in task There is an event variable set in the ‘Single’ field of the task properties dialog
'%s' not defined which is not declared globally in the project. Use another variable or define
the variable globally.
3553 "Event variable '<name>' in task Use a variable of type BOOL as event variable in the ‘Single’ field of the task
'%s' must be of type 'BOOL' properties dialog.
3554 Task entry '<name>' must be a In the field ‚Program call’ a function or a not defined POU is entered. Enter a
program or global function block valid program name.
3555 The task entry '<name>' In the field ‚Append program call’ there are parameters used which do not
contains invalid parameters comply with the declaration of the program POU.
3556 Tasks are not supported by the The currently defined task configuration cannot be used for the currently set
currently selected target target system. Change target or modify the task configuration
3557 Maximum number of Tasks The currently defined number of tasks exceeds the maximum number
('<number>') exceeded allowed for the currently set target system. Change target or modify the task
configuration correspondingly. Attention: Do not edit the XML description file
of the task configuration!
3558 Priority of task '<name>' is out The currently defined priority for the task is not valid for the currently set
of valid range between '<lower target system. Change target or modify the task configuration
limit>' and '<upper limit>' correspondingly.
3559 Task '<name>': Interval-Tasks The current task configuration contains an interval task. This is not allowed
are not supported by the current by the currently set target system. Change target or modify the task
target configuration correspondingly.
3560 Task '<name>': free wheeling The current task configuration contains an free wheeling task. This is not
tasks are not supported by the allowed by the currently set target system. Change target or modify the task
current target configuration correspondingly.
3561 Task '<name>': event tasks are The current task configuration contains event tasks which are not supported
not supported by the current by the currently set target system. Change target or modify the task
target configuration correspondingly.
3562 Task '<name>': external event The current task configuration contains external event tasks which are not
tasks are not supported by the supported by the currently set target system. Change target or modify the
current target task configuration correspondingly.
3563 The interval of task '<name>' is Change the interval value in the configuration dialog for the task.
out of valid range between
'<lower limit>' and '<upper
3564 The external event '<name>' of The currently set target system does not support the external event which is
task '<name>' is not supported defined in the task configuration for this task. Change target or modify the
by the current target task configuration correspondingly.
3565 Maximum number of event The currently set target system does not allow as many event tasks as are
tasks ('<number>') exceeded defined at the moment. Change target or modify the task configuration
3566 Maximum number of interval The currently set target system does not allow as many interval tasks as
tasks ('<number>') exceeded defined at the moment. Change target or modify the configuration
3567 Maximum number of free The currently set target system does not allow as many free wheeling tasks
wheeling tasks ('<number>') as defined at the moment. Change target or modify the configuration
exceeded correspondingly.
3568 Maximum number of external The currently set target system does not allow as many external interval
interval tasks ('<number>') tasks as defined at the moment. Change target or modify the configuration
exceeded correspondingly.
3569 POU '<name>' for system event The POU which should be called by the named system event, as defined in
'<name>' not defined the task configuration, is not available in the project. Modify the task
configuration correspondingly or make sure that the POU is available in the
3570 The tasks '<name>' and Modify the task configuration so that each task has a different priority.
'<name>' share the same
3571 The library 'SysLibCallback' is In order to create event tasks, the SysLibCallback.lib is needed. Link this
not included in the project! library to the project in the library manager or modify the task configuration
System events can not be (task attributes) in that way that there is no task triggered by an event.
3575 Task <'name>': the cycle time Correct the cycle time accordingly in the Taskattributes dialog for this task.
has to be a multiple of The target system defines a base time and prescribes that the cycle time
<number> μs. must be equal to or be a multiple of this base time.
3600 Implicit variables not found! Use command ‚Rebuild all’. If nevertheless you get the error message again
please contact the PLC manufacturer.
3601 <name> is a reserved variable The given variable is declared in the project, although it is reserved for the
name codegenerator. Rename the variable.
3610 '<name>' not supported The given feature is not supported by the current version of the programming
3611 The given compile directory There is an invalid directory given in the ‚Project’ ‚Options’ ‚Directories’ for the
'<name>' is invalid Compile files.
3612 Maximum number of POUs Too many POUs and data types are used in the project. Modify the maximum
(<number>) exceeded! Compile number of POUs in the Target Settings / Memory Layout.
is aborted.
3613 Build canceled The compile process was cancelled by the user.
3614 Project must contain a POU Create an init POU of type Program (e.g. PLC_PRG) or set up a task
named '<name>' (main routine) configuration.
or a task configuration
3615 <name> (main routine) must be A init POU (e.g. PLC_PRG) is used in the project which is not of type
of type program Program.
3616 Programs musn't be The project which should be saved as an external library contains a program.
implemented in external This will not be available, when the library will be used.
3617 Out of memory Increase the virtual memory capacity of your computer.
3618 BitAccess not supported in The code generator for the currently set target system does not support bit
current code generator! access on variables.
3619 Object file '<name>' and library Make sure that for the library there are available matching versions of *.lib
'<name>' have different and *.obj resp. *.hex files. These files must have the very same time stamp.
3620 The POU '<name>' must not be You want to save the project as a library of version 2.1. In this version a
present inside a library library may not contain a PLC_PRG object. Use a different POU name.
3621 "Cannot write compile file Probably in the path which is specified for the compile file there is already a
'<name>'" file of the same name, which is "read only". Remove that file resp. change
the access rights.
3622 "The symbol file '<name>' could Probably in the path which is specified for the symbol file (usually project
not be created" directory) there is already a file of the same name, which is "read only".
Remove that file resp. change the access rights.
3623 "Cannot write boot project file Probably in the path which is specified for the symbol file (target specific)
'<name>'" there is already a file of the same name, which is "read only". Remove that
file resp. change the access rights.
3624 "Target setting Check and correct these settings in the Targetsettings dialogs (Resources
<targetsetting1>=<set value> tab). If the settings are not visible resp. editable there, please contact the
not compatible with PLC Manufacturer.
<targetsetting2>=<set value>"
3700 POU with name ‘<name>' is A POU name is used in the project, which is already used for a library POU.
already in library '<name>' Rename the POU.
3701 Name used in interface is not Use command ‘Project’ ‘Rename object’ to rename the POU in the object
identical with POU Name organizer, or change the name of the POU in the declaration window. There
the POU name has to be placed next to one of the keywords PROGRAM,
3702 Overflow of identifier list Maximum 100 identifiers can be entered in one variable declaration.
3703 Duplicate definition of identifier Take care that there is only one identifier with the given name in the
'<name>' declaration part of the POU.
3704 data recursion: A FB instance was used, which needs itself.
<POU 0> -> <POU 1> -> .. ->
<POU 0>
3705 <Name>: VAR_IN_OUT in Top- Create a task configuration or make sure that there are no VAR_IN_OUT
Level-POU not allowed, if there variables used in PLC_PRG.
is no Task-Configuration
3720 Address expected after 'AT' Add a valid address after the keyword AT or modify the keyword.
3721 Only 'VAR' and 'VAR_GLOBAL' Put the declaration to a VAR or VAR_GLOBAL declaration area.
can be located to addresses
3722 Only 'BOOL' variables allowed Modify the address or modify the type of the variable to which the address is
on bit addresses assigned.
3726 Constants can not be laid on Modify the address assignment correspondingly.
direct addresses
3727 No array declaration allowed on Modify the address assignment correspondingly.
this address
3728 Invalid address: '<address>' This address is not supported by the PLC configuration. Check PLC
configuration resp. modify address.
3729 Invalid type '<name>' at The type of this variable cannot be placed on the given address. Example:
address: '<name>' For a target system working with ‘alignment 2’ the following declaration is not
valid: var1 AT %IB1:WORD;
3740 Invalid type: '<name>' An invalid data type is used in a variable declaration.
3741 Expecting type specification A keyword or an operator is used instead of a valid type identifier.
3742 Enumeration value expected In the definition of the enumeration type an identifier is missing after the
opening bracket or after a comma between the brackets.
3743 Integer number expected Enumerations can only be initialized with numbers of type INT.
3744 Enum constant '<name>' Check if you have followed the following rules for the definition of
already defined. enumeration values:
- Within one enum definition all values have to be unique.
- Within all global enum definitions all values have to be unique.
- Within all local enum definitions all values have to be unique
3745 Subranges are only allowed on Subrange types can only be defined resting on integer data types.
3746 Subrange '<name>' is not One of the limits set for the range of the subrange type is out of the range
compatible with Type '<name>' which is valid for the base type.
3747 unknown string length: There is a not valid constant used for the definition of the string length.
3748 More than three dimensions are More than the allowed three dimensions are given in the definition of an
not allowed for arrays array. If applicable use an ARRAY OF ARRAY.
3749 lower bound '<name>' not There is a not defined constant used to define the lower limit for a subrange
defined or array type.
3750 upper bound '<name>' not There is a not defined constant used to define the upper limit for a subrange
defined or array type.
3751 Invalid string length '<number of The here defined string length exceeds the maximum value which is defined
characters>' for the currently set target system.
3752 More than 9 dimensions are not An array can be 1- 2- or 3-dimensional. The number of dimensions reached
allowed for nested arrays by nesting of arrays (e.g "arr: ARRAY [0..2,0..2,0..2] OF ARRAY
[0..2,0..2,0..2] OF ARRAY [0..2,0..2,0..2, 0..2] OF DINT" maximum may be 9
and is exceeded in the current error case. Reduce appropriately to max. 9
3760 Error in inital value Use an initial value which corresponds to the type definition. To change the
declaration you can use the declaration dialog for variables (Shift/F2 or
3761 'VAR_IN_OUT' variables must Remove the initialization at the declaration of the VAR_IN_OUT variable.
not have an inital value.
3780 VAR, VAR_INPUT, The first line following the name of a POU must contain one of these
VAR_OUTPUT or VAR_IN_OUT keywords.
3781 "'END_VAR' or identifier Enter a valid identifier of a END_VAR at the beginning of the given line in the
expected declaration window.
3782 Unexpected end In the declaration editor: Add keyword END_VAR at the end of the
declaration part. In the texteditor of the programming part: Add an instruction
which terminates the last instruction sequence (e.g. END_IF).
3783 END_STRUCT' or identifier Ensure that the type declaration is terminated correctly.
3784 The current target doesn't The target system does not support this type of variables (e.g. RETAIN,
support attribute <attribute PERSISTENT)
3800 The global variables need too Increase the number of segments given in the settings in dialog ‚Project’
much memory. Increase the ‚Options’ ‚Build’.
available memory in the project
3801 The variable '<name>' is too The variable uses a type which is bigger than 1 data segment. The segment
large (<Size> Byte) size is a target specific parameter and can be modified in the target
settings/memory layout. If you do not find this in the current target settings,
please contact your PLC manufacturer.
3802 Out of retain memory. Variable The memory space available for Retain variables is exhausted. The size of
'<name>', <number> bytes. the memory area can be set target-specific in the target settings /memory
layout. If you do not find the settings field in the dialog, please contact your
PLC manufacturer. (Please regard: If retain variables are used in an function
block instance, the complete instance POU will be stored in the retain
memory area !)
3803 Out of global data memory. The memory space available for global variables is exhausted. The size of
Variable '<name>', ‚<number>’ the memory area can be set target-specific in the target settings /memory
bytes. layout. If you do not find the settings field in the dialog, please contact your
PLC manufacturer.
3820 "'VAR_OUTPUT' and In a function no output or in_output variables may be defined.
'VAR_IN_OUT' not allowed in
3821 At least one input required for Add at least on input parameter for the function.
3840 Unknown global variable In the POU a VAR_EXTERNAL variable is used, for which no global variable
'<name>'! declared.
3841 Declaration of '<name>' do not The type given in the declaration of the VAR_EXTERNAL variable is not the
match global declaration! same as that in the global declaration.
3850 Declaration of an unpacked This structure definition leads to misalignment in the memory. Modify the
struct '<name>' inside a packed definition appropriately.
struct '<name>' is not allowed!
3900 Multiple underlines in indentifier Remove multiple underlines in the identifier name.
3901 At most 4 numerical fields There is a direct assignment to an address which has more than four levels.
allowed in addresses (e.g. %QB0.
3902 Keywords must be uppercase Use capital letters for the keyword or activate option ‚Autoformat’ in ‚Project’
3903 Invalid duration constant The notation of the constant does not comply with the IEC61131-3 format.
3904 Overflow in duration constant. The value used for the time constant cannot be represented in the internal
format. The maximum value which is representable is t#49d17h2m47s295ms
3905 Invalid date constant The notation of the constant dies not comply with the IEC61131-3 format.
3906 Invalid time of day constant The notation of the constant dies not comply with the IEC61131-3 format.
3907 Invalid date and time constant The notation of the constant dies not comply with the IEC61131-3 format.
3908 Invalid string constant The string constant contains an invalid character.
4000 Identifier expected Enter a valid identifier at this position.
4001 Variable '<name>' not declared Declare variable local or global.
4010 Type mismatch: Cannot convert Check what data type the operator expects (Browse Online Help for name of
'<name>' to '<name>'. operator) and change the type of the variable which has caused the error, or
select another variable.
4011 Type mismatch in parameter The data type of the actual parameter cannot be automatically converted to
'<name>' of '<name>': Cannot that of the formal parameter. Use a type conversion or use another variable
convert '<name>' to '<name>'. type.
4012 Type mismatch in parameter A value with the invalid type <Typ2> is assigned to the input variable
'<name>' of '<name>': Cannot '<name>'. Replace the variable or constant to one of type <Typ1> or use a
convert '<name>' to '<name>'. type conversion respectively a constant with type-prefix.
4013 Type mismatch in output A value with the invalid type <Typ2> is assigned to the output variable
'<name>' of '<name>': Cannot '<name>'. Replace the variable or constant to one of type <Typ1> or use a
convert '<name>' to '<name>'. type conversion respectively a constant with type-prefix.
4014 Typed literal: Cannot convert The type of the constant is not compatible with the type of the prefix.
'<name>' to '<name> Example: SINT#255
4015 Data type ‘<name>' illegal for Direct bit addressing is only allowed for Integer- and Bitstring data types. You
direct bit access are using a variable var1 of type REAL/LREAL or a constant in bit access
4016 Bit index '<number>' out of You are trying to access a bit which is not defined for the data type of the
range for variable of type variable.
4017 'MOD' is not defined for 'REAL The operator MOD can only be used for integer and bitstring data types.
4020 Variable with write access or Replace the first operand by a variable with write access.
direct address required for 'ST',
'STN', 'S', 'R'
4021 No write access to variable '%s' Replace the variable by a variable with write access.
4022 Operand expected Add an operand behind the command.
4023 Number expected after '+' or '-' Enter a digit.
4024 <operator 0> or <operator 1> or Enter a valid operand at the named position.
... expected before '<name>'
4025 ':=' or '=>' expected before Enter one of the both operators at the named position.
4026 'BITADR' expects a bit address Use a valid bit address (e.g. %IX0.1).
or a variable on a bit address
4027 Integer number or symbolic Enter a integer number or the identifier of a valid constant.
constant expected
4028 'INI' operator needs function Check the data type of the variable, for which the INI operator is used.
block instance or data unit type
4029 Nested calls of the same At not reentrant target systems and in simulation mode a function call may
function are not possible. not contain a call of itself as a parameter. Example: fun1(a,fun1(b,c,d),e);
Use a intermediate table.
4030 Expressions and constants are Replace the constant or the expression by a variable or a direct address.
not allowed as operands of
4031 'ADR' is not allowed on bits! Use BITADR. Please note: The BITADR function does not return a physical
Use 'BITADR' instead. memory address
4032 ’<number>’ operands are too Check how many operands the named operator requires and add the missing
few for '<name>'. At least operands.
‘<number>’ are needed
4033 ’<number>’ operands are too Check how many operands the named operator requires and remove the
many for '<name>'. At least surplus operands.
‘<number>’ are needed
4034 Division by 0 You are using a division by 0 in a constant expression. If you want to
provocate a runtime error, use – if applicable - a variable with the value 0.
4035 ADR must not be applied on An address access on constants for which the direct values are used, is not
'VAR CONSTANT' if 'replaced possible. If applicable, deactivate the option ‚Replace Constants’ in ‚Project’
constants' is activated ‚Options’ ‚Build’.
4040 Label '<name>' is not defined Define a label with the name <LabelName> or change the name
<LabelName> to that of a defined label.
4041 Duplicate definition of label The label '<name>' is multiple defined in the POU. Rename the label or
'<name>' remove one of the definitions.
4042 No more than %d labels in The number of jump labels is limited to '<Anzahl>'. Insert a dummy
sequence are allowed instruction.
4043 Format of label invalid. A label The label name is not valid or the colon is missing in the definition.
must be a name optionally
followed by a colon.
4050 POU '%s' is not defined Define a POU with the name '<name>' using the command ‘Project’ ‘Add
Object’ or change '<name>' to the name of a defined POU.
4051 '%s' is no function Use instead of <name> a function name which is defined in the project or in
the libraries.
4052 '%s' must be a declared Use an instance of data type '<name>' which is defined in the project or
instance of FB '%s' change the type of <Instance name> to '<name>' .
4053 '%s' is no valid box or operator Replace '<name>' by the name of a POU or an operator defined in the
4054 POU name expected as The given parameter is not a valid POU name.
parameter of 'INDEXOF'
4060 'VAR_IN_OUT' parameter '%s' To VAR_IN_OUT parameters variables with write access have to be handed
of '%s' needs variable with write over, because a VAR_IN_OUT can be modified within the POU.
access as input.
4061 'VAR_IN_OUT' parameter '%s' A VAR_IN_OUT parameter must get handed over a variable with write
of '%s' must be used. access, because a VAR_IN_OUT can be modified within the POU.
4062 No external access to VAR_IN_OUT Parameter only may be written or read within the POU,
'VAR_IN_OUT' parameter '%s' because they are handed over by reference.
of '%s'.
4063 'VAR_IN_OUT' parameter '%s' A bit address is not a valid physical address. Hand over a variable or a direct
of '%s' must not be used with bit non-bit address.
4064 'VAR_IN_OUT' must not be Delete the parameters set for the VAR_IN_OUT variable in the local action
overwritten in local action call! call.
4070 The POU contains a too Decrease nesting depth by dividing up the expression into several
complex expression expressions. Use intermediate variables for this purpose.
4071 Network too complex Divide up the network into several networks.
4072 Inconsistent use of an action You have defined two actions of a function block fb: e.g. a1 and a2, but in the
identifier in FB type ('<name>') call of one of the actions in the FBD you are using a type (string within the
and instance ('<name>'). box, e.g. fb.a1 different to that used in the instancename (e.g. inst.a2, above
box). Correct the name correspondingly into the name of the desired action.
4100 '^' needs a pointer type You are trying to dereference a variable which is not declared as a pointer.
4110 '[<index>]' needs array variable [<index>] is used for a variable which is not declared as an array with ARRAY
4111 Index expression of an array Use an expression of the correct type or a type conversion.
must be of type 'INT'
4112 Too many indexes for array Check the number of indices (1, 2, oder 3), for which the array is declared
and remove the surplus.
4113 Too few indexes for array Check the number of indices (1, 2, oder 3), for which the array is declared
and add the missing ones.
4114 One of the constant indizes is Make sure that the used indices are within the bounds of the array.
not within the array range
4120 '.' needs structure variable" The identifier on the left hand of the dot must be a variable of type STRUCT
or FUNCTION_BLOCK or the name of a FUNCTION or a PROGRAM.
4121 '<name>' is not a component of The component '<name>' is not included in the definition of the object <object
<object name> name>.
4122 '%s' is not an input variable of Check the input variables of the called function block and change ‘<name>'
the called function block to one of these.
4200 'LD' expected Insert at least one LD instruction after the jump label in the IL editor.
4201 IL Operator expected Each IL instruction must start with an operator or a jump label.
4202 Unexpected end of text in Insert a closing bracket after the text.
4203 <name> in brackets not allowed The operator <name> is not valid in a IL bracket expression. (not valid are:
'JMP', 'RET', 'CAL', 'LDN', 'LD', 'TIME')
4204 Closing bracket with no Insert an opening bracket or remove the closing one.
corresponding opening bracket
4205 No comma allowed after ')' Remove comma after closing bracket.
4206 Label in brackets not allowed Shift jump label so that it is outside of the brackets.
4207 'N' modifier requires operand of The N modifier requires a data type, for which a boolean negation can be
type 'BOOL', 'BYTE', 'WORD' or executed.
4208 Conditional Operator requires Make sure that the expression gives out a boolean result or use a type
type 'BOOL' conversion.
4209 Function name not allowed here Replace the function call by a variable or a constant.
4210 'CAL', 'CALC' and 'CALN' Declare an instance of the function block which you want to call.
require a function block
instance as operand
4211 Comments are only allowed at Shift the comment to the end of the line or to an extra line.
the end of line in IL
4212 Accumulator is invalid before The accu is not defined. This happens if an instruction is preceeding which
conditional statement does not submit a result (e.g. 'CAL').
4213 'S' and 'R' require 'BOOL' Use a boolean variable at this place.
4250 Another 'ST' statement or end of The line does not start with a valid ST instruction.
POU expected
4251 Too many parameters in There are more parameters given than are declared in the definition of the
function '%s' function.
4252 Too few parameters in function There are less parameters given than are declared in the definition of the
'%s' function.
4253 'IF' or 'ELSIF' require 'BOOL' Make sure that the condition for IF or ELSIF is a boolean expression.
expression as condition
4254 'WHILE' requires 'BOOL' Make sure that the condition following the ‘WHILE’ is a boolean expression.
expression as condition
4255 'UNTIL' requires 'BOOL' Make sure that the condition following the ‘UNTIL’ is a boolean expression.
expression as condition
4256 'NOT' requires 'BOOL' operand Make sure that the condition following the ‘NOT’ is a boolean expression.
4257 Variable of 'FOR' statement Make sure that the counter variable is of an integer or bitstring data type (e.g.
must be of type 'INT' DINT, DWORD).
4258 Expression in 'FOR' statement Replace the counter variable by a variable with write access.
is no variable with write access
4259 Start value in 'FOR' statement is The start value in the ‚FOR' instruction must be compatible to the type of the
no variable with write access counter variable.
4260 End value of 'FOR' statement The end value in the ‚FOR' instruction must be compatible to the type of the
must be of type 'INT' counter variable.
4261 Increment value of 'FOR' The incremental value in the ‚FOR' instruction must be compatible to the type
statement must be of type 'INT' of the counter variable.
4262 'EXIT' outside a loop Use 'EXIT' only within 'FOR', 'WHILE' or 'UNTIL' instructions.
4263 Expecting Number, 'ELSE' or Within a ‘CASE' expression you only can use a number or a 'ELSE'
'END_CASE' instruction or the ending instruction 'END_CASE'.
4264 'CASE' requires selector of an Make sure that the selector is of an integer or bitstring data type (e.g. DINT,
integer type DWORD).
4265 Number expected after ',' In the enumeration of the CASE selectors there must be inserted a further
selector after a comma.
4266 At least one statement is Insert an instruction, at least a semicolon.
4267 Function block call requires The identifier in the functionblock call is no instance. Declare an instance of
function block instance the desired functionblock or use the name of an already defined instance.
4268 Expression expected Insert an impression here.
4269 'END_CASE' expected after Terminate the 'CASE' instruction after the 'ELSE' part with an 'END_CASE'.
4270 'CASE' constant '%ld' already A 'CASE' selector may only be used once within a ‘CASE' instruction.
4271 The lower border of the range is Modify the area bounds for the selectors so that the lower border is not
greater than the upper border. highte than the upper border.
4272 Exptecting parameter '%s' at You can edit a function call in that way, that also the parameter names are
place %d in call of '%s'! contained, not only the parameter values. But nevertheless the position
(sequence) of the parameters must be the same as in the function definition.
4273 Parts of the 'CASE'-Range Make sure that the areas for the selectors which are used in the CASE
'%ld..%ld' already used in instruction, don’t overlap.
Range '%ld..%ld'
4274 Multiple 'ELSE' branch in A CASE instruction may not contain more than one ‚ELSE' instruction.
'CASE' statement
4300 Jump requires 'BOOL' as input Make sure that the input for the jump respectively the RETURN instruction is
type a boolean expression.
4301 POU '%s' need exactly %d The number of inputs does not correspond to the number of VAR_INPUT and
inputs VAR_IN_OUT variables which is given in the POU definition.
4302 POU '%s' need exactly %d The number of outputs does not correspond to the number of VAR_OUTPUT
outputs variables which is given in the POU definition.
4303 '%s' is no operator Replace '<name>' by a valid operator.
4320 Non-boolean expression The switch signal for a contact must be a boolean expression.
'<name>' used with contact
4321 Non-boolean expression The output variable of a coil must be of type BOOL.
'<name>' used with coil
4330 Expression expected at input Assign an input or an expression to the input EN of POU '<name>’.
'EN' of the box '<name>'
4331 Expression expected at input The input <number> of the operator POU is not assigned.
'<number>' of the box '<name>'
4332 Expression expected at input The input of the POU is of type VAR_IN_OUT and is not assigned.
'<name>' of the box '<name>'
4333 Identifier in jump expected The given jump mark is not a valid identifier.
4334 Expression expected at the Assign a boolean expression to the input of the jump. If this is TRUE, the
input of jump jump will be executed.
4335 Expression expected at the Assign a boolean expression to the input of the RETURN instruction. If this is
input of the return TRUE, the jump will be executed.
4336 Expression expected at the Assign a suitable expression to the output box.
input of the output
4337 Identifier for input expected Insert a valid expression or identifier in the input box.
4338 Box '%s' has no inputs To none of the inputs of the operator POU '<name>' a valid expression is
4339 Typemismatch at output: The type of the expression in the output box is not compatible to that of the
Cannot convert '<name>' to expression which should be assigned to it.
4340 Jump requires 'BOOL' as input Make sure that the input for the jump is a boolean expression.
4341 Return requires 'BOOL' as input Make sure that the input for the RETURN instruction is a boolean expression.
4342 Expression expected at input Assign a valid boolean expression to the EN input of the box.
'EN' of the box '<name>'
4343 Values of Constants: ‘<name>’ Input '<name>' of box '<name>' is declared as VAR_INPUT CONSTANT. But
to this POU box an expression has been assigned in the dialog 'Edit
Parameters' which is not type compatible.
4344 'S' and 'R' require 'BOOL' Insert a valid boolean expression after the Set resp. Reset instruction.
4345 Invalid Type for parameter An expression is assigned to input '<name>' of POU box '<name>' which is
'<name>' of '<name>': Cannot not type compatible.
convert '<type>' to '<type>'.
4346 Not allowed to use a constant You can only assign an output to a variable or a direct address with write
as an output" access.
4347 'VAR_IN_OUT' parameter To VAR_IN_OUT parameters only variables with write access can be handed
needs variable with write over, because these can be modified within the POU.
access as input.
4348 Invalid program name '<name>'. You have inserted a program box in the CFC editor, which has the same
A variable with the same name name as a (global) variable already existing in your project. You must rename
exists already. accordingly.
4349 Input or output in POU <name> Correct the POU appropriately.
has been deleted: Check all
connections to the box. This
errormessage disappears only
after the CFC was edited
4350 An SFC-Action can not be SFC actions only can be called within the SFC POU in which they are
accessed from outside! defined.
4351 Step name is no identifier: Rename the step or choose a valid identifier as step name.
4352 Extra characters following valid Remove the not valid characters in the step name.
step name:'<name>'
4353 Step name duplicated: '<name>' Rename one of the steps.
4354 Jump to undefined Step: Choose an existent step name as aim of the jump resp. insert a step with
'<name>' name ‚<name>’.
4355 A transition must not have any A transition must be a boolean expression.
side effects (Assignments, FB-
Calls etc.)
4356 Jump without valid Step Name: Use a valid identifier as aim (mark) of the jump.
4357 IEC-Library not found Check whether the library iecsfc.lib is inserted in the library manager and
whether the library paths defined in ‘Project’ ‘Options’ ‘Paths’are correct.
4358 Action not declared: '%s'. Make sure that in the object organizer the action of the IEC step is inserted
below the SFC POU and that in the editor the action name is inserted in the
box on the right hand of the qualifier.
4359 Invalid Qualifier: '%s' In the box on the left hand of the action name enter a qualifier for the IEC
4360 Time Constant expected after Enter next to the box on the left hand of the action name a time constant
qualifier '%s' behind the qualifier.
4361 '%s' is not the name of an action Enter next to the box on the right hand of the qualifier the name of an action
or the name of a variable which is defined in the project.
4362 Nonboolean expression used in Insert a boolean variable or a valid action name.
action: '%s'
4363 IEC-Step name already used for Please rename the step or the variable.
variable: '<name>'
4364 A transition must be a boolean The result of the transition expression must be of type BOOL.
4365 Time Constant expected after Open dialog ‚step attributes’ for the step '<name>' and enter a valid time
qualifier '<name>' variable or time constant
4366 The label of the parallel branch Enter a valid identifier next to the triangle which marks the jump label.
is no valid identifier: '<name>'
4367 The label '<name>' is already There is already a jump label or a step with this name. Please rename
used correspondingly.
4368 Action '<name>' is used in The action '<name>' is used in the POU as well as in one or several actions
multiple step chains, where one of the POU.
is containing the other!
4369 Exactly one network required There are used several FBD resp. LD networks for a transition. Please
for a transition reduce to 1 network.
4370 Additional lines found after Remove the not needed lines at the end of the transition.
correct IL-transition
4371 Invalid characters following Remove the not needed characters at the end of the transition.
valid expression: '<name>
4372 Step '<name>': Time limit needs Define the time limits of the step in the step attributes by using a variable of
type 'TIME' type TIME or by a time definition in correct format (e.g. "t#200ms").
4373 IEC-actions are only allowed There is an action assigned to a non-SFC-POU (see in the Object
with SFC-POUs Organizer), which is programmed in SFC and which contains IEC actions.
Replace this action by one which contains no IEC actions.
4374 Step expected instead of The SFC POU is corrupt, possibly due to any export-import actions.
transition '<name>'
4375 Transition expected instead of The SFC POU is corrupt, possibly due to any export-import actions.
step '<name>'
4376 Step expected after transition The SFC POU is corrupt, possibly due to any export-import actions.
4377 Transition expected after step The SFC POU is corrupt, possibly due to any export-import actions.
4500 Unrecognized variable or The watch variable is not declared within the project. By pressing <F2> you
address get the input assistant which lists the declared variables.
4501 Extra characters following valid Remove the surplus signs.
watch expression
4520 Error in Pragma: Flag expected The pragma is not correct. Check whether ‘<name>' is a valid flag.
before '<name>'!
4521 Error in Pragma: Unexpected Check whether pragma is composed correctly.
element '<name>'!
4522 "flag off' pragma expected! The switch off of the pragma is missing, add a 'flag off' instruction.
4550 Index out of defined range : Ensure that the index is within the area which is defined in the target settings/
Variable OD "number>, Line networkfunctionality.
<line number>.
4551 Subindex out of defined range : Ensure that the subindex is within the area which is defined in the target
Variable OD "number>, Line settings /networkfunctionality.
<line number>.
4552 Index out of defined range : Ensure that the index is within the area which is defined in the target settings
Parameter OD "number>, Line /networkfunctionality
<line number>.
4553 Subindex out of defined range : Ensure that the subindex is within the area which is defined in the target
Parameter OD "number>, Line settings /networkfunctionality.
<line number>.
4554 Variablename invalid: Variable Enter a valid project variable in the filed ‚variable’. Use the syntax <POU
OD <number>, Line <line name>.<variable name> resp. for global variables .<variable name>
4555 Empty table-entry, input not You must make an entry in this field.
optional: Parameter OD
<number>, Line <line number>
4556 Empty table-entry, input not You must make an entry in this field.
optional: Variable OD
<number>, Line <number>
4557 The required parameter The maximum size of data which can be loaded via parameter lists of type
memory is too large Parameters to the controller has been exceeded. This size is defined by the
target system. Information on the data size is displayed in the message
window at compilation. Reduce the parameter lists size.
4558 The required variable memory The maximum size of data which can be loaded via parameter lists of type
is too large Variables to the controller has been exceeded. This size is defined by the
target system. Information on the data size is displayed in the message
window at compilation. Reduce the parameter lists size.
4560 Invalid value: Dictionary Check this entry. It depends on the currently used column (attribute)
'<Name>', column '<Name>', definition which entries are valid for this field. This definition is given by the
line '<line number>' target-specific XML description file of the Parameter Manager resp. by the
standard settings which will be used if there is no description file.
4561 Column not defined: '<Name>' Entries in a column of the parameter list refer to another column, which is not
defined however. The column definitions are given by the description file
(XML) of the Parameter Manager for the current target. If a description file is
not available, standard settings are used.
4562 Index/subindex used already: The Index/Subindex-combination must be unique throughout all parameter
Dictionary '<Name>', line '<Line lists, because it can be used for the parameter access. Correct the indices
Number>' correspondingly.
4563 Identifier '<Name>' used The name must be unique throughout all parameter lists, because it can be
already: Dictionary '<Name>', used for parameter access.
line '<Line Number>'
4564 Index '<Name>' is out of range: Enter an index which is within the range defined in the target settings,
Dictionary '<Name>', line '<Line category network functionality in field 'Index range...' for the respective list
Number>' types (Variables, Parameters, Mappings).
4565 Subindex '<Name>' is out of Enter an subindex which is within the range defined in the target settings,
range: Dictionary '<Name>', line category network functionality in field 'SubIndex range'.
'<Line Number>'
4566 An error occurred during import You have imported an export file which contains erroneous information on the
of the parameter manager Parameter Manager. Check the *.exp-file.
4600 Networkvariables: '<name>' Make sure that the variable defined in the properties dialog of the network
expression is not from type variables list at option 'Transmit on event', is of type BOOL.
4601 Network variables '<name>': No There is no cyclic or free-wheeling task resp. PLC_PRG in the project where
cyclic or freewheeling task for the network variables of type CAN or UDP of the given list are used (only
network variable exchange declaration is not sufficient!). You must take care that the variables are used
found in an appropriate task or in PLC_PRG. If you want to use them in several
tasks, regard, that at data exchange the task with the highest priority will be
4602 '<name of network variables In the Settings of the named network variables list a port number is used
list>': The object uses UDP port which is not the same as that which is used in the first network variables list
'<port number>' instead of '<port found in the global variables folder. Take care that all network variables lists
number>' are using the same port!
4620 Unused variables have been Unused variables have been found in the project.
found in the project.
4621 There are overlaps at the There are overlaps at the assignment of variables to memory areas via the
assignment of variables to „AT"-declaration.
memory areas via the „AT"-
4622 IEC addresses assigned to the IEC addresses assigned to the same memory area are referenced in more
same memory area are than one task.
referenced in more than one
4623 The project gains write access The project gains write access to the same memory area at more than one
to the same memory area at place.
more than one place.
4650 AxisGroup '<Name>': Task In the PLC Configuration in the definition of the axis group (dialog 'Module
'<Name>' does not exist. parameters', column 'Value') there is a name defined for the task which is
controlling the data transfer of this axis group, which is not known in the Task
Configuration. Correct Task Configuration resp. PLC Configuration
4651 AxisGroup '<Name>': Cycletime In dialog 'Module parameters' of the axis group enter a value for the cycle
(dwCycle) not set. time (dwCycle).
4670 CNC program '<Name>': Global In the CNC program a global variable is used (e.g. $glob_var$), which is not
variable '<Name>' not found. defined in the project. Add the appropriate declaration resp. correct the
assignment to the variable in the CNC program.
4671 CNC program '<Name>': There is a variable assigned in a instruction of the CNC program , which is
Variable '<Name>' has an declared of a data type which is not valid in this place. Use another variable
incompatible type. resp. correct the type specification.
4685 CAM '<Name>': CAM table type Check the data type which is specified in the CAM Editor dialog ''Compile
unknown. options.." for the equidistant resp. element optimized point table.
4686 CAM '<Name>': CAM point In this CAM points are used, which are out of the data range specified for the
exceeds datatype range. point table. For the current range definition see dialog 'Compile options..' in
the CAM-Editor.
4700 '<Number>' ('<Name>'): Watch In the configuration of the visualization a variable is used which is not a
expression '<Name>' is not a number, as required in this place (e.g. at the configuration of XOffset or Angle
numeric variable. values etc.).
4701 '<Name>' ('<Number>'): Watch In the configuration of the visualization a variable is used which is not of type
expression '<name>' is not of BOOL, as required in this place.
type BOOL.
4702 '<Name>' ('<Number>'): Watch The visualization contains a variable which is not of type STRING although
expression '<name>' is not of this is required in this place (e.g. at the tooltip configuration).
type STRING.
4703 '<Name>' ('<Number>' ): Invalid The visualization contains an invalid variable.
watch expression '<Name>'
4704 '<Name>'('<Number>'): Invalid In this watchlist, used in a visualization (INTERN command in category
initial value in watchlist Input), there is a erroneous
'<Name>'. initial value. Check the used list.
4705 '<name>' ('<number>'): No valid Enter a valid alarm group In the configuration dialog of the alarm table
alarm group assigned to alarm (category Alarm table).
4900 Invalid type for conversion You are using a type conversion which is not supported by the currently
chosen codegenerator.
4901 Internal error: Overflow in array The array bounds are to large for a 32-bit-variable. Reduce the array index
access! range.