DLP 16
DLP 16
DLP 16
Key Concepts/
Understandings to Folk Dance may lead to injuries that need proper application of first aid to lessen its effect.
be Developed:
1. Objectives
Knowledge Recall the common injuries related to physical activities.
Skills Execute first aid procedures for injuries and emergencies situations in dance (e.g. cramps, sprain,
heat exhaustion)
Attitudes Develop safety in performing any physical activities.
2. Content/ Topic First aid for injuries and emergency situations in dance.
3. Learning CG p. 47 – 48
Resources/ First aid kit, power point presentation, jumbled letters, video clips.
4. Procedures
4.1. Introductory
Activity ( 5 mins.) JUMBLED LETTERS:
Let the students arrange the following.
The teacher will ask:
1. What are these words?
2. Who among you already experienced these injuries?
4.2. Activity (
Present a video clip about an accident while performing a dance.
4.3. Analysis (
8 mins. ) 1. What can you say about the video?
2. What happened to the person in the video?
3. What is the proper thing to do?
4. What first aid procedure should be done?
4.4. Abstraction
( 10 mins. ) Using a power point presentation, the teacher will review the first aid procedure related to dancing.
(cramps, sprain, heat exhaustion)
4.5. Application GROUP ACTIVITY:
( 10 mins. ) 1. Divide the class into three groups.
2. Let the learners perform first aid procedures.
Group 1 – cramps
Group 2 – sprain
Group 3 – heat exhaustion
5. Assessment
(Analysis of EVALUATION:
Learners’ Product) 1. The teacher will evaluate each group’s performance:
( 7 mins. ) 2. They will graded with the following criteria:
Appropriateness 40
Cooperation 30
Speed and Time 30
Note: The teacher may use other criteria.
6. Assignment
(Preparing for the With your group, choose one Philippine folk dance and present it to the class the next meeting.
new lesson)
( 3 mins. )
7. Wrap- up/ End the lesson with this quote:
Concluding Activity
( 2 min. ) “ Take some time to learn first aid and CPR. It saves lives and it works.”
- Bobby Sherman
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