ShareCollect One Pager PDF
ShareCollect One Pager PDF
ShareCollect One Pager PDF
The value of sustainability can only come into its own if all the departments in your organisation can use your LCA
results to more easily make sustainable decisions. SimaPro Share & Collect removes the barriers: it is an interactive,
web-based platform that makes it easy for you to share your LCA results with relevant stakeholders and collect data
from suppliers and other stakeholders.
Want to share the ownership of fact-based sustainability? Request a free 30-day trial!
“SimaPro Share & Collect brings LCA models to life - it provides a powerful look
into the life cycle impacts of products, creating better understanding of the
product, its supply chain, and its environmental impacts.”
Interpreting LCA results requires extensive expertise, and even answering Share & Collect can be used for a variety of business
simple ‘what if’ questions can take a lot of back-and-forth reporting and applications, such as:
waiting. LCA can seem like a black-box process, making people hesitant • Product development and modification.
to rely on it. • Environmental performance goal setting and benchmarking.
• Streamlined LCA studies across a product group.
With SimaPro Collect, you can send out surveys to optimise data • Efficient data collection from internal and external stakeholders.
collection from suppliers and stakeholders, and monitor your progress
online. This makes data collection more efficient and accurate, and With the custom interface in Share & Collect, you can show
saves time. people just the information they need.
And with SimaPro Share, you can finally make your LCA results accessible 1. Build an LCA model in SimaPro.
and actionable. The intuitive web interface allows your stakeholders to 2. Select the relevant parameters in the SimaPro model to determine
quickly understand the impact of their decisions, without having to ask hotspots in SimaPro Share.
you to interpret the results for them. Their increased insight into the 3. Upload your model in SimaPro Share.
sustainability performance of products is immediately applicable in 4. U se the parameter selection to build scenarios.
decision-making. 5. Give your stakeholders access to the scenarios via a web interface:
easy-to-interpret information for everyone who needs it. The
SimaPro Share & Collect was developed to help LCA professionals scenarios provide real-time feedback, so business users can quickly
improve collaboration and increase the value of LCA in their organisation. understand the environmental impacts of a given product.
Make your LCA results work for you. 6. A dapt the scenarios and see how the changes influence the results. Stake-
holders can assess product configurations individually or side-by-side.
Developed for LCA in business
SimaPro Share & Collect was developed with the end user in mind: REQUEST A FREE TRIAL NOW
to make it easy for business leaders to make informed decisions Start improving the value of your LCA results for your organisation
about sustainable product development and production. And for LCA today! Request a free trial and step away from Excel. To request a free
professionals to share their results and make more of an impact. With trial please go to:
these tools, LCA knowledge can finally be deployed effectively across
organisations. Accessible, tangible and actionable LCA information can WOULD YOU LIKE TO READ MORE?
help product developers, sustainability managers and other stakeholders Please go to:
more easily meet their sustainable business goals.
Find out more about how SimaPro can help you deliver sustainability value at:
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SimaPro sustainability software is distributed through a Global Partner Network. All partners were carefully selected by PRé.
A partner in your country will act as your local SimaPro sales and support representative.
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