Mathematical Formula Applicable To The Micom Relays:: Application Guide P12X/En Ap/F65
Mathematical Formula Applicable To The Micom Relays:: Application Guide P12X/En Ap/F65
Mathematical Formula Applicable To The Micom Relays:: Application Guide P12X/En Ap/F65
K 2 − θ2
Ttrip = Te In 2
K − θtrip²
With :
Ttrip = Time to trip (in seconds)
Te = Thermal time constant of the protected element (in seconds)
Iθ > = Full load current rating given by the national standard or by the supplier.
k = Factor associated to the thermal state formula.
θ2 = Initial thermal state. If the initial thermal state = 30% then θ2 = 0.3
θtrip2 = Trip thermal state. If the trip thermal state is set at 100%,
then θ trip2 = 1
The settings of these parameters are available in the menus :
PROTECTION G1/ [49] Therm OL
PROTECTION G2/ [49] Therm OL
The calculation of the thermal state is given by the following formula :
An alarm can be raised on reaching a thermal state corresponding to a percentage of the trip
threshold. A typical setting might be ‘Thermal Trip’ = 70% of thermal capacity.
Application Guide P12x/EN AP/F65
tCL controls the time for which the relevant overcurrent and earth fault settings (%) are
altered following an external input (e.g. circuit breaker closure). When the set tCL time has
elapsed, all of the relevant settings revert back to their original values or become unblocked.
tCL are initiated via a dedicated logic input (refer to AUTOMAT. CTRL/INPUTS menu) signal
generated by connecting an auxiliary contact from the circuit breaker or starting device to the
relay’s opto-inputs.
The following sections describe applications where the CLP logic may be useful and the
settings that need to be applied.
P12x/EN AP/F65 Application Guide
To avoid nuisance tripping, the setting group change is only executed when no protection
function (except for thermal overload function) or automation function is running.
If a setting group change is received during any protection or automation function, it is stored
and executed after the last timer has elapsed.
The active group is displayed in the OP PARAMETERS menu.
The active group can also be assigned to an output relay : with a normally open contact,
− Switch ON the power supply of the relay with the voltage applied to the logic input
The group will not change. It will remain as before the switching off of the relay.
− Switch ON the power supply of the relay with the voltage applied to the logic input
The group will change and it will change after every switching off.
B- FRONT option with Logic input configuration = 0
The active group changes every time the voltage applied to the logic input changes state
from +V to 0V.
Switch OFF the relay, then if we
− Switch ON the power supply of the relay with the voltage applied to the logic input
The group will change state and it will change after every switching off.
− Switch ON the power supply of the relay with the voltage applied to the logic input
The group will not change. It will remain as before the switching off of the relay.
NOTE : It is important to set properly the change active group with FRONT
option via a logic input. In general the customer should be conform to
the cases A-1 and B-2, so no group changes will take place upon
energizing the relay.
The front panel is priority level maximum due the fact when the user takes the hand on front
panel and enters a password , it is not possible to change of setting group via remote
communication as long as the password is active (5mn).
Application Guide P12x/EN AP/F65
Maintenance Mode
When activating this menu (YES), the Alarm led will start flashing and an alarm message will
appear “MAINTENANCE MODE”. In this case, all output contacts are blocked, no operation
will take place on these contacts even if a protection threshold associated to one of these
output contacts is exceeded.
(If protection threshold is exceeded, all the associated leds will become ON, even the TRIP
LED, if the threshold is associated to the RL1).
RELAYS 8765W4321
CMD 000000000
This window allows the user to verify the external wiring to the relay output contacts, to do
this, it is sufficient to assign a 1 to any of the output contacts, this will close the contact and
the wiring continuity could be verified.
P12x/EN AP/F65 Application Guide
• In certain applications, residual current may not be detected by an earth fault relay
due to the system configuration. For example, an earth fault relay applied on the delta
side of a delta-star transformer is unable to detect earth faults on the star side.
However, negative sequence current will be present on both sides of the transformer
for any fault condition, irrespective of the transformer configuration. Therefore, an
negative phase sequence overcurrent element may be employed to provide time-
delayed back-up protection for any uncleared asymmetrical faults.
• Where rotating machines are protected by fuses, a blown fuse produces a large
amount of negative sequence current. This is a dangerous condition for the machine
due to the heating effects of negative phase sequence current at double frequency. A
negative phase sequence overcurrent element may be applied to provide efficient
back-up protection for dedicated motor protection relays.
• It may also be required to simply alarm for the presence of negative phase sequence
currents on the system. Operators are then prompted to investigate the cause of the
The negative phase sequence overcurrent element has a current pick up setting ‘I2> Current
Set’, and is time delayed in operation by the adjustable timer ‘I2> Time Delay.’
17.1 I2> and I2>> Setting Guidelines
The current pick-up threshold (settable in the PROTECTION G1 (2)/[46] Neg Seg 0C menu)
must be set higher than the normal negative phase sequence current due to the normal load
unbalance on the system. This can be set at the commissioning stage, making use of the
relay measurement function to display the standing negative phase sequence current, and
apply a setting at least 20% above this figure.
Where the negative phase sequence element is required to operate for specific uncleared
asymmetric faults, a precise threshold setting have to be based on an individual fault
analysis for that particular system due to the complexities involved. However, to ensure
operation of the protection, the current pick-up setting must be set approximately 20% below
the lowest calculated negative phase sequence fault current for a specific remote fault
P12x/EN AP/F65 Application Guide
The correct setting of the time delay for this function is vital. It should also be noted that this
element is applied primarily to provide back-up protection to other protective devices or to
provide an alarm. Therefore, it would be associated with a long time delay.
It must be ensured that the time delay is set greater than the operating time of any other
protective device (at minimum fault level) on the system which may respond to unbalanced
faults, such as:
Setting Guidelines
In the case of a single point earthed power system, there will be little zero sequence current
flow and the ratio of I2/I1 that flows in the protected circuit will approach 100%. In the case of
a multiple earthed power system (assuming equal impedances in each sequence network),
the ratio I2/I1 will be 50%.
It is possible to calculate the ratio of I2/I1 that will occur for varying system impedances, by
referring to the following equations:-
I1F =
I2F =
Where :
Eg = System Voltage
Z0 = Zero sequence impedance
Z1 = Positive sequence impedance
Z2 = Negative sequence impedance
Therefore :
I2F Z0
I1F Z0+Z2
It follows that, for an open circuit in a particular part of the system, I2/I1 can be determined
from the ratio of zero sequence to negative sequence impedance. It must be noted however,
that this ratio may vary depending upon the fault location. It is desirable therefore to apply as
sensitive a setting as possible. In practice, this minimum setting is governed by the levels of
standing negative phase sequence current present on the system. This can be determined
from a system study, or by making use of the relay measurement facilities at the
commissioning stage. If the latter method is adopted, it is important to take the
measurements during maximum system load conditions, to ensure that all single phase
loads are accounted for.
Since sensitive settings are employed, it can be expected that the element will operate for
any unbalance condition occurring on the system (for example, during a single pole
autoreclose cycle). Therefore, a long time delay is necessary to ensure co-ordination with
other protective devices. A 60 second time delay setting may be typical.
Application Guide P12x/EN AP/F65
The following table shows the relay menu for the Broken Conductor protection, including the
available setting ranges and factory defaults :
Set tBC = 60 s to allow adequate time for short circuit fault clearance by time delayed
P12x/EN AP/F65 Application Guide
• Reduces operating costs - less man hours in repairing fault damage and the
possibility of running substations unattended. With autoreclose instantaneous
protection can be used which means shorter fault duration’s which gives rise to less
fault damage and fewer permanent faults.
As 80% of overhead line faults are transient, elimination of loss of supply from such faults, by
the introduction of autoreclosing gives obvious benefits. Furthermore, autoreclosing may
allow a particular substation to operate unattended. In the case of unattended substations,
the number of visits by personnel to reclose a circuit breaker manually after a fault can be
substantially reduced, an important consideration for substations in remote areas.
Autoreclosing gives an important benefit on circuits using time graded protection, in that it
allows the use of instantaneous protection to give a high speed first trip. With fast tripping,
the duration of the power arc resulting from an overhead line fault is reduced to a minimum,
thus lessening the chance of damage to the line, which might otherwise cause a transient
fault to develop into a permanent fault.
Using short time delay protection also prevents blowing of fuses and reduces circuit breaker
maintenance by eliminating pre-arc heating when clearing transient faults.
Application Guide P12x/EN AP/F65
O C O C O C O C O final trip
I threshold
Fault P0031ENa
• The auxiliary contact of the CB status 52a must be connected to the relay
See AUTOMAT. CTRL/Inputs menu
• The trip output relay RL1 must not be latched to the earth and/or phase protection
See AUTOMAT. CTRL/Latch functions menu
NOTE : If the auxiliary supply is lost during an autoreclose cycle, the
autoreclose function is totally disabled.
19.2.2 Autoreclose menu
The following table shows the relay settings for the autoreclose function, including the
available setting ranges. The same settings are available in the PROTECTION 2 Menu.
Example of setting :
tI> 1201
4321 are the cycles 1 to 4 associated to the trip on tI> pick up
1201 are the actions following the tI> time out :
0= no action on autorecloser : definitive trip
1= trip on tI> pick up, followed by reclosing cycle
2= no trip on tI> pick up : and this whatever the setting in AUTOMAT.
CRTL/Trip commands/Trip tI> menu.
The "Final trip" signal is allocated to the output relays in the AUTOMAT.Ctrl/Output
Relays/79 Trip menu.
Autoreclose lockout can also be caused by a CB FLT input. This CB FLT information can be
issued from the CB springs are not charged/Low gas pressure.
Note, lockout can also be caused by : Load
Due to the great diversity of load which may exist on a system it may prove very difficult to
arrive at an optimum dead time. However, it is possible to address each type of load
individually and thereby arrive at a typical dead time. The most common types of load are
addressed below.
Synchronous motors are only capable of tolerating extremely short interruptions of supply
without loss of synchronism. In practice it is desirable to disconnect the motor from the
supply in the event of a fault; the dead time should be sufficient to allow the motor no-volt
device to operate. Typically, a minimum dead time of 0.2-0.3 seconds has been suggested
to allow this device to operate. Induction motors, on the other hand, can withstand supply
interruptions, up to a maximum of 0.5 seconds and re-accelerate successfully. In general
dead times of 3-10 seconds are normally satisfactory, but there may be special cases for
which additional time is required to permit the resetting of manual controls and safety
Loss of supply to lighting circuits, such as street lighting may be important for safety reasons
as intervals of 10 seconds or more may be dangerous for traffic. The main considerations for
domestic customers are those of inconvenience.
An important measurement criteria for many power utilities is the number of minutes lost per
year to customers which will be reduced on feeders using autoreclose and will also be
affected by the dead time settings used. Circuit Breaker
For high speed autoreclose the minimum dead time of the power system will depend on the
minimum time delays imposed by the circuit breaker during a tripping and reclosing
Since a circuit breaker is a mechanical device, it will have an inherent contact separation
time. This operating time for a modern circuit breaker is usually within the range of 50-
100ms, but could be longer with older designs.
After tripping, time must be allowed for the mechanism to reset before applying a closing
pulse. This resetting time will vary depending on the circuit breaker, but is typically 0.1
Once the circuit breaker has reset, the breaker can begin to close. The time interval between
the energisation of the closing mechanism and the making of the contacts is termed the
closing time. Owing to the time constant of a solenoid closing mechanism and the inertia of
the plunger, a solenoid closing mechanism may take 0.3s. A spring operated breaker, on the
other hand, can close in less than 0.2 seconds.
Where high speed reclosing is required, for the majority of medium voltage applications, the
circuit breaker mechanism itself dictates the minimum dead time. However, the fault de-
ionising time may also have to be considered.
High speed autoreclose may be required to maintain stability on a network with two or more
power sources. For high speed autoreclose the system disturbance time should be
minimised by using fast protection, <50 ms, such as distance or feeder differential protection
and fast circuit breakers < 100 ms. Fast fault clearance can reduce the required fault arc de-
ionising time.
For stability between two sources a dead time of <300 ms may typically be required. The
minimum system dead time only considering the CB is the mechanism reset time plus the
CB closing time. Thus, a solenoid mechanism will not be suitable for high speed autoreclose
as the closing time is generally too long.
Application Guide P12x/EN AP/F65
• Supply continuity - Large reclaim times can result in unnecessary lockout for transient
• Fault incidence/Past experience - Small reclaim times may be required where there is
a high incidence of lightning strikes to prevent unnecessary lockout for transient faults.
• Spring charging time - For high speed autoreclose the reclaim time may be set longer
than the spring charging time to ensure there is sufficient energy in the circuit breaker
to perform a trip-close-trip cycle. For delayed autoreclose there is no need as the dead
time can be extended by an extra CB healthy check window time if there is insufficient
energy in the CB. If there is insufficient energy after the check window time the relay
will lockout.
• Switchgear Maintenance - Excessive operation resulting from short reclaim times can
mean shorter maintenance periods. A minimum reclaim time of >5s may be needed to
allow the CB time to recover after a trip and close before it can perform another trip-
close-trip cycle. This time will depend on the duty (rating) of the CB.
The reclaim time must be long enough to allow any time delayed protection initiating
autoreclose to operate. Failure to do so would result in premature resetting of the
autoreclose scheme and re-enabling of instantaneous protection.
If this condition arose, a permanent fault would effectively look like a number of transient
faults, resulting in continuous autoreclosing unless additional measures were taken to
overcome this such as excessive fault frequency lockout protection.
It is possible to have short reclaim times by blocking the reclaim time from the protection
start signals. If short reclaim times are to be used then the switchgear rating may dictate the
minimum reclaim time. The advantage of a short reclaim time is that there are less lockouts
of the CB, however, there will be more CB operations and so maintenance periods would be
P12x/EN AP/F65 Application Guide
Sensitive earth fault protection is applied to detect high resistance earth faults and usually
has a long time delay, typically 10-15s. This longer time may have to be taken into
consideration, if autoreclosing from SEF protection, when deciding on a reclaim time, if the
reclaim time is not blocked by an SEF protection start signal. Sensitive earth faults, for
example, a broken overhead conductor in contact with dry ground or a wood fence, is rarely
transient and may be a danger to the public.
It is therefore common practice to block autoreclose by operation of sensitive earth fault
protection and lockout the circuit breaker.
Where motor-wound spring closed circuit breakers are used, the reclaim time must be at
least as long as the spring winding time for high speed autoreclose to ensure that the
breaker can perform a trip-close-trip cycle.
A typical 11/33kV reclaim time is 3-10 seconds, this prevents unnecessary lockout during
thunderstorms. However, times up to 60-180 seconds maybe used.
Application Guide P12x/EN AP/F65
CB Monitoring
CB Opening Time Display the CB opening time (Note 1)
CB Closing Time Display the CB closing time (Note 2)
CB Operations Display the number of opening commands executed by the CB
ΣAmps(n) IA Display the summation of the Amps (or square Amps)
interrupted by the CB phase A
Σ Amps(n) IB Display the summation of the Amps (or square Amps)
interrupted by the CB phase B
Σ Amps(n) IC Display the summation of the Amps (or square Amps)
interrupted by the CB phase C
NOTE 1: the CB opening time is measured between the trip command (Trip
output relay) and the change of position of O/O (52a).
NOTE 2: the CB closing time is measured between the closing command
(output auxiliary relay) and the change of position of O/O (52a).
The above counters may be reset to zero, for example, following a maintenance inspection
and overhaul.
The following table, detailing the options available for the CB condition monitoring, is taken
from the relay menu. It includes the setup of the current broken facility and those features
which can be set to raise an alarm or CB lockout.
Application Guide P12x/EN AP/F65
CB Supervision
CB Open S’vision No Yes
CB Open Time 50 ms 1 000 ms 50 ms
CB Close S’vision No Yes
CB Close Time 50 ms 1 000 ms 50 ms
CB Open Alarm ? No Yes
CB Open NB 0 50 000 1
ΣAmps (n) ? No Yes
ΣAmps (n) 0 4 000 E6 1 E6
n 1 2 1
t Open Pulse 100 ms 5 000 ms 100 ms
t Close Pulse 100 ms 5 000 ms 100 ms
The circuit breaker condition monitoring counters will be updated every time the relay issues
a trip command. In cases where the breaker is tripped by an external protection device it is
also possible to update the CB condition monitoring. This is achieved by allocating one of the
logic inputs or via the communication to accept a trigger from an external device.
21.2 Setting guidelines
The Σ In counter monitors the cumulative severity of the duty placed on the interrupter
allowing a more accurate assessment of the circuit breaker condition to be made.
For OCB’s, the dielectric withstand of the oil generally decreases as a function of Σ I2t. This
is where ‘I’ is the fault current broken, and ‘t’ is the arcing time within the interrupter tank (not
the interrupting time). As the arcing time cannot be determined accurately, the relay would
normally be set to monitor the sum of the broken current squared, by setting n = 2.
For other types of circuit breaker, especially those operating on higher voltage systems,
practical evidence suggests that the value of n = 2 may be inappropriate. In such
applications n’ may be set to 1.
An alarm in this instance may be indicative of the need for gas/vacuum interrupter HV
pressure testing, for example.
It is imperative that any maintenance programme must be fully compliant with the switchgear
manufacturer’s instructions.
P12x/EN AP/F65 Application Guide
Ia under
I< threshold
Ib under tI< 0
I< threshold >=1
& Output
Ic under Relays
I< threshold Digital
Input 52a P0032ENa
− at least one of the 3 phase current is detected under the threshold I<
Following inception of a fault one or more main protection devices will operate and issue a
trip output to the circuit breaker(s) associated with the faulted circuit. Operation of the circuit
breaker is essential to isolate the fault, and prevent damage / further damage to the power
For transmission/sub-transmission systems, slow fault clearance can also threaten system
stability. It is therefore common practice to install circuit breaker failure protection, which
monitors that the circuit breaker has opened within a reasonable time. If the fault current has
not been interrupted following a set time delay from circuit breaker trip initiation, breaker
failure protection (CBF) will operate.
CBF operation can be used to backtrip upstream circuit breakers to ensure that the fault is
isolated correctly. CBF operation can also reset all start output contacts, ensuring that any
blocks asserted on upstream protection are removed.
CB Fail Enabled
Any Trip
tBF CB Fail Alarm
1 S
External CBF R
In the window of 20 samples, the relay checks that the current signal going out the I<
bandzone is in opposite way than the first one.
• If there is no current signal going out in opposite way than the first one, the relay
states there is an opened CB pole condition. The « CB pole open » internal signal is
• If there is a current signal going out in opposite way than the first one, the relay states
the pole of the CB is not yet open. The « CB pole closed » internal signal is
At the drop off the t BF time delay, the relay checks what is the internal status of each pole of
the breaker device. If one or several internal signals mention one or several are not opened,
the P122/P123 relay initiates the CB FAIL signal. The “CB failure” message is displayed.
Note the possibility to start the CB fail detection function by a digital input without trip order
given by the MiCOM relay. In this case the tBF timer starts on the digital input. If the CB is
not open (by an another protection relay) at the end of tBF, the MiCOM relay initiates the CB
FAIL signal.
The configuration of the digital input to the "CB Fail detection" function is done in the
AUTOMAT. CTRL/Inputs menu.
The Figure 15 below shows a CB Fail detection start further to the trip order :
Trip order
t BF timer
20 samples 20 samples 20 samples 20 samples 20 samples 20 samples
I< threshold
I< threshold
The Figure 16 below shows a normal CB operation before tBF expired. No CB fail signal is
CB pole opened
« CB pole closed » internal signal
Trip order
t BF timer
20 samples 20 samples 20 samples
I< threshold
I< threshold
20 samples 20 samples 20 samples 20 samples
CB failed
« CB FAIL » signal
Trip order
t BF timer
20 samples 20 samples 20 samples 20 samples 20 samples
I< threshold
I< threshold
« CB pole opened »
« CB pole closed» internal signal
Trip order
t BF timer
20 samples 20 samples 20 samples 20 samples
I< threshold
I< threshold
CB Fail ? No Yes
tBF 0.03 s 10 s 10 ms
I< 0.02 In In 0.01 In
TC Supervision ? Yes No
tSUP 100ms 10s 50ms
2 6 Trip
order Opto-
MiCOM P123
- Vdc
2 6
order Opto-
MiCOM P123
52a 52b
- Vdc
Example 3
In this example both 52a and 52b auxiliary contacts are available, the MiCOM relay monitors
the whole of the trip circuit whatever the CB status (CB open or CB closed).
In this case a resistor R1 is necessary to avoid a full current in the trip coil with CB already
open (52a open), if either the contact trip order is latched, or it stays involuntary closed, or a
long time trip pulse is programmed.
2 6
order Opto-
MiCOM P123
52a 52b
Resistor R1
Trip Coil
- Vdc
The calculation of the R1 resistor value will take in account a minimum current value flowing
through the opto-input. This minimum current value is function of the relay auxiliary voltage
1 - Case of example No 2 :
The R1 resistor maximum value (in Ohm) is defined by the following formula :
R1 < (0,8 * Vdc – Vmini) / Imini
Where :
Vdc = auxiliary voltage value ( dc voltage)
Vmini = internal minimum voltage value needful for the opto-input operation
Imini = minimum current value needful for the opto-input operation
2 - Case of example No 3 :
The R1 resistor maximum value (in Ohm) is defined by the following formula :
R1 < (0,8 * Vdc – Vmini) / Imini - Rcoil
Where :
Vdc = auxiliary voltage value ( dc voltage).
Vmini = internal minimum voltage value needful for the opto-input operation
Imini = minimum current value needful for the opto-input operation
Rcoil = Trip coil resistance value
Disturb Record
Pre-Time 100 ms 3000 ms 100 ms
Post-Time 100 ms 3000 ms 100 ms
Disturb Rec Trig On Instantaneous On Trip
The total recording time is set by a combination of the pre and post fault recording times. For
example, the default settings show that the pre-time time is set to 100 ms and if the post -
time is set to 2.5 s, than the total disturbance recording time will be 2.6 s.
P12x/EN AP/F65 Application Guide
The MiCOM P122 and P123 relays are able to store the 3 phases rolling average and
maximum subperiod values. The description and principle of calculation are given bellow.
29.1 Rolling demand
The principle of the calculation of the rolling demand value for IA, Ib and IC currents is
following :
− Calculation of the average of the RMS values on a "Rolling Sub Period" period.
The setting of the width of the period "Rolling Sub Period" is in the "RECORDS/Rolling
Demand/Sub Period" menu.
Setting range : from 1 to 60 minutes.
− Calculation of the average of these average values (sliding window values) on the
number of "Num of Sub Periods" periods.
The setting of the number of Sub Period "Num of Sub Periods" in the "RECORDS/Rolling
Demand/Num of Sub Per" menu.
Setting range : from 1 to 24.
− Display of the first result in the MEASUREMENTS menu only after the storage of
"Num of Sub Periods" periods. The 3 phases Rolling average value are displayed :
Rolling Average IA RMS
Rolling Average IB RMS
Rolling Average IC RMS
− The calculation is reset by either "hand Reset" (by key !) without use of password, or
a remote command.
NOTE : In case of loss of power supply the rolling demand are not stored.
A modification of the settings (either "Rolling Sub Period" or "Num of
Sub Periods" parameter) reset the calculation.
Example :
Sub Period = 5 mn
Num of Sub Period = 2
5 mn 5 mn 5 mn
− The calculation is reset by either "hand Reset" (by key !) without use of password, or
a remote command.
NOTE : In case of loss of power supply the Peak average values are stored.
A modification of the setting "Rolling Sub Period" parameter reset the
P12x/EN AP/F65 Application Guide
The CT requirements for the MiCOM P12x Overcurrent relays are given below.
The current transformer requirements are based on a maximum prospective fault current of
50 times the relay rated current (In) and the relay having an instantaneous setting of 25
times rated current (In). The current transformer requirements are designed to provide
operation of all protection elements.
Where the criteria for a specific application are in excess of those detailed above, or the
actual lead resistance exceeds the limiting value quoted, the CT requirements may need to
be increased according to the formulae in the following sections.
VK ≥ 48 * In * (RCT + 2RL) for X/R < 40, 15In < If < 40In
and 40 <X/R < 120, If < 15In
Where :
VK = Required CT knee point voltage (volts),
In = Rated secondary current (amps),
RCT = Resistance of current transformer secondary winding (ohms)
RL = Resistance of a single lead from relay to current transformer (ohms),
If = Maximum through fault current level (amps).
30.5 High Impedance Restricted Earth Fault Protection
The High Impedance Restricted Earth Fault element shall maintain stability for through faults
and operate in less than 40ms for internal faults provided the following equations are met in
determining CT requirements and the value of the associated stabilising resistor:
Rs = [K * (If) * (RCT + 2RL)] / IS
VK ≥ 4 * Is * Rs
K = 1 for Vk/Vs less or equal to 16
K = 1.2 for Vk/Vs greater than 16
Where :
VK = Required CT knee-point voltage (volts),
Rs = Value of Stabilising resistor (ohms),
If = Maximum through fault current level (amps).
VK = CT knee point voltage (volts),
IS = Current setting of REF element (amps),
RCT = Resistance of current transformer secondary winding (ohms),
RL = Resistance of a single lead from relay to current transformer (ohms).
P12x/EN AP/F65 Application Guide
Communications P12x/EN CT/F65
MiCOM P120/P121/P122/P123
IEC 60870-5-103
MiCOM P120 - P121 - P122 - P123
Communications P12x/EN CT/F65
MiCOM P120/P121/P122/P123
MiCOM P120 - P121 - P122 - P123
Communications P12x/EN CT/F65
Modbus Database
MiCOM P120/P121/P122/P123 Page 1/168
1.1 Purpose of this document 3
1.2 Glossary 3
2.1 Technical characteristics of the MODBUS connection 4
2.1.1 Parameters of the MODBUS connection 4
2.1.2 Synchronisation of exchanges messages 4
2.1.3 Message validity check 4
2.1.4 Address of the MiCOM relays 4
2.2 MODBUS functions of the MiCOM relays 5
2.3 Presentation of the MODBUS protocol 5
2.3.1 Format of frames sent by the MiCOM relays 5
2.3.2 Messages validity check 6
1.1 Purpose of this document
This document describes the characteristics of the MODBUS, K-Bus/COURIER and IEC
60870-5-103 communication protocol of MiCOM P120, P121, P122 and P123 relays.
1.2 Glossary
Ir, Is, It : currents measured on the concerned phases (r, s, t)
IE : residual current measured by earth input (= 3.I zero sequence)
pf : soft weight of a word of 16 bits
PF : heavy weight of a word of 16 bits
P12x/EN CT/F65 Communications
Modbus Database
Page 4/168 MiCOM P120/P121/P122/P123
MiCOM P120, P121, P122 and P123 relays can communicate by a RS 485 link behind the
unit following the MODBUS RTU protocol.
2.1 Technical characteristics of the MODBUS connection
2.1.1 Parameters of the MODBUS connection
The different parameters of the MODBUS connection are as follows:
Baud rate
1 start / 8 bits / 1 stop: total 10 bits
1 start / 8 bits / even parity / 1 stop: total 11 bits
1 start / 8 bits / odd parity / 1 stop: total 11 bits
1 start / 8 bits / 2 stop: total 11 bits
Slave number:
The slave number is situated between 1 and 255.
A frame transmitted with a slave number 0 is globally addressed to all pieces of equipment
(broadcast frame )
Function code:
Requested MODBUS function (1 to 16)
Contains the parameters of the selected function.
Value of the CRC16 calculated by the master.
NOTE: The MiCOM relay does not respond to globally broadcast frames sent
out by the master.
2.3.1 Format of frames sent by the MiCOM relays
Frame sent by the MiCOM relay ( response)
Slave number:
The slave number is situated between 1 and 255.
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Function code:
Processed MODBUS function (1 to 16) .
Contains reply data to master query .
CRC 16:
Value of the CRC 16 calculated by the slave.
2.3.2 Messages validity check
When MiCOM P120, P121, P122 and P123 relays receive a master query, it validates the
If the CRC is false, the frame is invalid. MiCOM P120, P121, P122 and P123 relays do not
reply to the query. The master must retransmit its query. Excepting a broadcast message,
this is the only case of non-reply by MiCOM P120, P121, P122 and P123 relays to a master
If the CRC is good but the MiCOM relay can not process the query, it sends an exception
Warning frame sent by the MiCOM relay (response)
Slave number:
The slave number is situated between 1 and 255.
Function code:
The function code returned by the MiCOM relay in the warning frame is the code in which the
most significant bit (b7) is forced to 1.
Warning code:
On the 8 warning codes of the MODBUS protocol, the MiCOM relay manages two of them:
Values Fault
Address Group Description Step Unit Format Range
range Value
0000 Product Relay description 32-127 1 - F10 P120 to P123
Information characters 1 and 2
0001 Relay description 32-127 1 - F10 P1 P120 to P123
characters 3 and 4
0002 Relay description 32-127 1 - F10 23 P120 to P123
characters 5 and 6
0003 Unit reference 32-127 1 - F10 AL P120 to P123
characters 1 and 2
0004 Unit reference 32-127 1 - F10 ST P120 to P123
characters 3 and 4
0005 Software version 10-xx 1 - F21 P120 to P123
0006 Front communication 0-3 1 - F41 P122-P123
0007 Internal phase ratio - F1 P122-P123
0008 Internal earth ratio - F1 P122-P123
0009 to Reserved P120 to P123
000D Real Active Setting 1-2 F1 P122-P123
Group (after taking into
account the protection
000E Password active* - F24 0 P120 to P123
000F Relay status - F45 P120 to P123
0010 Remote Logical inputs 0 to 7 or 1 - F12 P120 to P123
signalling to 31
0011 Logical data 0 to 2n - F20 P120 to P123
0012 Internal Logic 0 to 2n - F22 P120 to P123
0013 Output contacts 0 to 127 1 - F13 P120 to P123
or to 511
0014 Output information: I> 0 to 1 - F17 P121-P122-
0015 Output information: 0 to 1 - F17 P121-P122-
I>> FFFF P123
0016 Output information: 0 to 1 - F17 P121-P122-
I>>> FFFF P123
0017 Output information: IE> 0 to 1 - F16 P120 to P123
0018 Output information: 0 to 1 - F16 P120 to P123
0019 Output information: 0 to 1 - F16 P120 to P123
Values Fault
Address Group Description Step Unit Format Range
range Value
001A I> memorisation 0 to 1 - F17 P121-P122-
001B I>> memorisation 0 to 1 - F17 P121-P122-
001C I>>> memorisation 0 to 1 - F17 P121-P122-
001D tI> memorisation 0 to 1 - F17 P121-P122-
001E tI>> memorisation 0 to 1 - F17 P121-P122-
001F tI>>> memorisation 0 to 1 - F17 P121-P122-
0020 Thermal state 0 to 1 1 - F37 P122-P123
0021 Output information: I< 0 to 1 - F17 P122-P123
0022 Output information: 0 to 1 - F16 P122-P123
0023 Output information: 0 to 1 - F38 P122-P123
broken conductor FFFF
/ CB failure
/ CB alarm
0024 tI< memorisation 0 to 1 - F17 P122-P123
0025 Memorised flag for non - F36 P122-P123
acknowledged alarms
0026 Number of disturbance 0 to 5 1 - F31 P122-P123
records available
0027 Tripping output (RL1) 0 to 1 1 - F1 P122-P123
0028 CB supervision flag - F43 P122-P123
0029 memorised flag 2 for - F44 P122-P123
non acknowledged
002A Reserved Logical 0 to 2n - F20 P120 to P123
data FFFF bis
002B Threshold information: 0 to 1 - F16 P122-P123
Iinv>> FFFF
002C to Reserved P120 to P123
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Values Fault
Address Group Description Step Unit Format Range
range Value
0030 Remote Phase A current RMS 0 to 1 A/100 F18 P121-
measurements value 600 000 P122-P123
0032 Phase B current RMS 0 to 1 A/100 F18 P121-
value 600 000 P122-P123
0034 Phase C current RMS 0 to 1 A/100 F18 P121-
value 600 000 P122-P123
0036 Earth current RMS 0 to 1 A/100 F18 P120 to
value 120 000 P123
0038 to Reserved P120 to
0039 P123
003A Thermal state (saved) % F1 P122-P123
003B Frequency 4500 to 1 1/100 F1 P120 to
6500 Hz P123
003C Max RMS value phase 0 to 600 1 A/100 F18 P122-P123
A 000
003E Max RMS value phase 0 to 600 1 A/100 F18 P122-P123
B 000
0040 Max RMS value phase 0 to 600 1 A/100 F18 P122-P123
C 000
0042 Average RMS value 0 to 600 1 A/100 F18 P122-P123
Phase A 000
0044 Average RMS value 0 to 600 1 A/100 F18 P122-P123
Phase B 000
0046 Average RMS value 0 to 600 1 A/100 F18 P122-P123
Phase C 000
0048 Harmonic IO* 0 to 600 1 A/100 F18 P122-P123
004A Inverse Current 1 A/100 F18 P122-P123
004C Direct current 1 A/100 F18 P122-P123
004E I2/I1 ratio % F1 P122-P123
004F Reserved P120 to
0050 Fourier Module IA - F1 P121-
Module P122-P123
0051 Module IB - F1 P121-
0052 Module IC - F1 P121-
0053 Module IE - F1 P120 to
Values Fault
Address Group Description Step Unit Format Range
range Value
0054 Fourier Argument IA - F1 P121-P122-
Argument P123
0055 Argument IB - F1 P121-P122-
0056 Argument IC - F1 P121-P122-
0057 Argument IO - F1 P120 to
0058 Module I2** - F1 P122-P123
0059 Module I1** - F1 P122-P123
005A Recloser Cycle total number - F1 P123
005B Cycle 1 number - F1 P123
005C Cycle 2 number - F1 P123
005D Cycle 3 number - F1 P123
005E Cycle 4 number - F1 P123
005F Definitive tripping - F1 P123
0060 Closing order number - F1 P123
0061 Rolling Average sliding time 0 to 600 1 A/100 F18 P122-P123
Demand window- RMS IA 000
0063 Average sliding time 0 to 600 1 A/100 F18 P122-P123
window- RMS IB 000
0065 Average sliding time 0 to 600 1 A/100 F18 P122-P123
window- RMS IC 000
0067 Maximum of the sub 0 to 600 1 A/100 F18 P122-P123
period average value 000
RMS phase A
0069 Maximum of the sub 0 to 600 1 A/100 F18 P122-P123
period average value 000
RMS phase B
006B Maximum of the sub 0 to 600 1 A/100 F18 P122-P123
period average value 000
RMS phase C
006D to Reserved P122-P123
0070 Output information: 0 to 1 - F54 P123
3.3 Page 1h
Read and write access
Values Fault
Address Group Description Step Unit Format Range
range Value
0100 Remote Address 1 to 255 1 - F1 1 P120 to
parameters P123
0101 Reserved P120 to
0102 Password characters 1 32 -127 1 - F10 AA P120 to
and 2 P123
0103 Password characters 3 32 -127 1 - F10 AA P120 to
and 4 P123
0104 Frequency 50-60 10 Hz F1 50 P120 to
0105 Phase A label ** L1-A-R VTA - F25 A P121-
0106 Phase B label ** L2-B-S VTA - F25 B P121-
0107 Phase C label ** L3-C-T VTA - F25 C P121-
0108 Earth label *** N-G-E VTA - F25 N P120 to
0109 Fault display *** 1-4 1 - F26 1 P120 to
010A User reference 32-127 1 F10 AL P120 to
(characters 1 and 2) P123
010B User reference 32-127 1 F10 ST P120 to
(characters 3 and 4) P123
010C Fault number to be 1-5 1 F31 5 P122-P123
010D Configuration of EDGE 0 F12 0 P122-P123
validation of logic inputs
010E Instantaneous fault 1-5 1 F31 5 P122-P123
number to be displayed
010F Voltage Type applied to 0-1 1 F50 0 P122-P123
the logic inputs
0110 CB monitoring Operation number 1 - F1 P122-P123
0111 CB Operating time 1 1/100 F1 P122-P123
0112 Switched square Amps An F18 P122-P123
phase A sum
0114 Switched square Amps An F18 P122-P123
phase B sum
0116 Switched square Amps An F18 P122-P123
phase C sum
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Values Fault
Address Group Description Step Unit Format Range
range Value
0118 CB Closing time 1/100 F1 P122-P123
0119 to Reserved P120 to
011D P123
011E Maintenance mode P122-P123
011F Relays Latching F14 P121-
0120 Ratio Primary phase CT value 1 to 1 - F1 1000 P121-
50000* P122-P123
0121 Secondary phase CT 1 to 5 4 - F1 1 P121-
value P122-P123
0122 Primary earth CT value 1 to 1 - F1 1000 P120 to
50000* P123
0123 Secondary earth CT 1 to 5 4 - F1 1 P120 to
value P123
0124 to Reserved P120 to
012E P123
012F Rotation phase sequence 0 to 1 1 - F51 0 P121-
0130 Communication Speed 0 to 7 1 - F4 6= P120 to
19200 P123
0131 Parity 0 to 2 1 - F5 0= P120 to
without P123
0132 Data bits 0 to 1 1 - F28 1 = 8 bits P120 to
0133 Stop bit 0 to 1 1 - F29 0=1 P120 to
stop bit P123
0134 COM available 0 to 1 1 - F30 1=COM P120 to
available P123
0135 Date Format 0 to 1 1 - F48 0= P122-P123
0136 to Reserved 0 P120 to
013F P123
0140 Configuration Setting group 1 to 2 1 - F1 1 P122-P123
0141 Validation of 0 to 1 1 - F1 0 P122-P123
instantaneous alarms
auto reset
0142 Configuration of change 0 to 1 1 - F47 1 P122-P123
of group selection
0143 Battery alarm and RAM 0 to 1 1 - F1 0 P122-P123
error configuration
0144 Configuration of LED 0 to 1 1 F1 0 P122-P123
reset on fault
0145 to Reserved 0 P120 to
0149 P123
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Values Fault
Address Group Description Step Unit Format Range
range Value
014A Output Relay Max I2>> 0 to 31 1 - F14 0 P122-P123
014B to Reserved P120 to
014F P123
0150 LEDs Led 5 1 - F19 4 P120 to
allocation P123
0151 Led 6 1 - F19 16 P120 to
0152 Led 7 1 - F19 32 P120 to
0153 Led 8 1 F19 64 P120 to
0154 Led PF 5 1 F19' 0 P122-P123
0155 Led PF 6 1 F19' 0 P122-P123
0156 Led PF 7 1 F19' 0 P122-P123
0157 Led PF 8 1 F19' 0 P122-P123
0158 to Reserved P122-P123
015B Logic input Logic input 1 VTA - F15 0 P122-P123
allocation Bis
015C Logic input 2 VTA - F15 0 P122-P123
015D Logic input 3 VTA - F15 0 P122-P123
015E Logic input 4 VTA - F15 0 P122-P123
015F Logic input 5 VTA - F15 0 P122-P123
Values Fault
Address Group Description Step Unit Format Range
range Value
0160 Logic input Logic input 1 VTA - F15 0 P120 to
allocation P123
0161 Logic input 2 VTA - F15 0 P120 to
0162 Logic input 3 VTA - F15 0 P122-P123
0163 Logic input 4 VTA - F15 0 P123
0164 Logic input 5 VTA - F15 0 P123
0165 Output relay Broken conductor 0-31 1 - F14 0 P122-P123
allocation detection
0166 CB failure 0 - 31 1 - F14 0 P122-P123
0167 I< 0 - 31 1 - F14 0 P122-P123
0168 I2> 0 - 31 1 - F14 0 P122-P123
0169 Thermal overload alarm 0 - 31 1 - F14 0 P122-P123
016A Thermal overload trip 0-31 1 - F14 0 P122-P123
016B CB close 0-31 1 - F14 0 P121-
016C tAUX1 0-31 1 - F14 0 P122-P123
016D tAUX2 0-31 1 - F14 0 P122-P123
016E CB alarms 0-31 1 - F14 0 P122-P123
016F Trip circuit 0-31 1 - F14 0 P123
0170 Active setting group 0 - 31 1 - F14 0 P122-P123
If active group =2 than
output =1
0171 Trip 0 - 31 1 - F14 1 P120 to
0172 tI> 0 - 31 1 - F14 0 P121-
0173 tI>> 0 - 31 1 - F14 0 P121-
0174 tI>>> 0 - 31 1 - F14 0 P121-
0175 tIE> 0 - 31 1 - F14 0 P120 to
0176 tIE>> 0 - 31 1 - F14 0 P120 to
0177 tIE>>> 0 - 31 1 - F14 0 P120 to
0178 I> 0 - 31 1 - F14 0 P121-
0179 I>> 0 - 31 1 - F14 0 P121-
017A I>>> 0 - 31 1 - F14 0 P121-
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Values Fault
Address Group Description Step Unit Format Range
range Value
017B IE> 0 - 31 1 - F14 0 P120 to
017C IE>> 0 - 31 1 - F14 0 P120 to
017D IE>>> 0 - 31 1 - F14 0 P120 to
017E Recloser running 0 - 31 1 - F14 0 P123
017F Recloser final trip 0 - 31 1 - F14 0 P123
0180 Automation Trip 0 to 63 1 - F6 1 P120 to
0181 Relay latching 0 to 63 1 - F8 0 P120 to
0182 Blocking logic 1 0 to 63 1 - F8' 0 P120 to
0183 Blocking logic 2 0 to 63 1 - F8' 0 P122-P123
0184 Broken conductor 0-1 1 - F24 0 P122-P123
0185 tBC 0 to 14400 1 - F1 0 P122-P123
0186 Cold load start 0-1 1 - F24 0 P122-P123
0187 Cold load start thresholds 0 to 255 1 - F33 0 P122-P123
0188 Cold load start % 100 to 500 1 F1 50 P122-P123
0189 Cold load start delay 1 to 36000* 1 1/10 s F1 10 P122-P123
018A CB failure 0-1 1 F24 0 P122-P123
018B tBF 0 to 1000 1 1/100 F1 10 P122-P123
018C Logic Selectivity1 0 to 15 1 - F40 0 P122-P123
018D tSEL1 0 to 15000 1 1/100 F1 0 P122-P123
018E Logic Selectivity2 0 to 15 1 - F40 0 P122-P123
018F tSEL2 0 to 15000 1 1/100 F1 0 P122-P123
0190 Disturbance Pre-time 1 to 30 1 - F1 1 P122-P123
0191 Post-time 1 to 30 1 - F1 1 P122-P123
0192 Disturbance starting 0-1 1 - F32 0 P122-P123
Values Fault
Address Group Description Step Unit Format Range
range Value
0193 CB monitoring Operating time 0-1 1 - F24 0 P122-P123
0194 Operating time threshold 5 to 100 5 1/100 s F1 5 P122-P123
0195 Operation number 0-1 1 - F24 0 P122-P123
0196 Operation number 0 - 50000 1 - F1 0 P122-P123
0197 CB switched Amps sum 0-1 1 - F24 0 P122-P123
(Power n)
0198 CB switched Amps sum 0 to 10E6 An F3 P122-P123
threshold 4000
0199 Amps or square Amps 1-2 1 F1 1 P122-P123
019A Closing time threshold 5 to 100 5 1/100 s F1 0 P122-P123
019B Auxiliary timer 1 0 to 20000 1 1/100 s F1 0 P122-P123
019C Auxiliary timer 2 0 to 20000 1 1/100 s F1 0 P122-P123
019D Peak value 5 to 60 VTA min F42 5 P122-P123
019E I2/I1 threshold 20 to 100 1 % F1 20 P122-P123
019F Tripping time 10 to 500 5 1/100 s F1 10 P122-P123
01A0 Closing time 10 to 500 5 1/100 s F1 10 P122-P123
01A1 Closing time threshold 0-1 1 F24 0 P122-P123
01A2 Trip circuit supervision 0-1 1 F24 0 P122-P123
01A3 t SUP 10 to 1000 5 1/100 s F1 10 P122-P123
01A4 I< threshold CB failure 10 - 100 1 %In F1 10 P122-P123
01A5 Instantaneous phase 0–1 1 - F24 0 P122-P123
blocking if CB failure
01A6 Instantaneous earth 0–1 1 - F24 0 P122-P123
blocking if CB failure
01A7 Rolling Sub period 0 – 60 1 min F1 P122-P123
01A8 Sub period number 0 – 24 1 - F1 P122-P123
01A9 Output relay Communication Order 1* 0 - 31 1 - F14 0 P122-P123
01AA Communication Order 2* 0 - 31 1 - F14 0 P122-P123
01AB Communication Order 3* 0 - 31 1 - F14 0 P122-P123
01AC Communication Order 4* 0 - 31 1 - F14 0 P122-P123
01AD T comm 1* 10 – 500 5 1/100s F1 10 P122-P123
01AE T comm 2* 10 – 500 5 1/100s F1 10 P122-P123
01AF T comm 3* 10 – 500 5 1/100s F1 10 P122-P123
01B0 T comm 4* 10 – 500 5 1/100s F1 10 P122-P123
01B1 tEXT 3 0 – 31 1 - F14 0 P122-P123
01B2 tEXT 4 0 – 31 1 - F14 0 P123
01B3 Auxiliary timer3 0 – 20000 1 1/100s F1 0 P122-P123
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Values Fault
Address Group Description Step Unit Format Range
range Value
01B4 Auxiliary timer4 0 – 20000 1 1/100s F1 0 P123
01B5 to Reserved P120 to
01BF P123
01C0 to Reserved ** P123
01F6 Remote trip** 0 – 31 1 - F14 0 P123
01F7 Remote close** 0 – 31 1 - F14 0 P123
01F8 SOFT function** 0–1 1 - F52 0 P123
01F9 SOFT timer** 0 - 500 1 1/1000s F1 0 P123
01FA SOFT parameter I>> or 0-1 1 - F53 0 P123
01FB Trip bis** 0 to 63 1 - F6’ 0 P123
01FC Relay latching bis** 0 to 63 1 - F7 0 P123
01FD Output relay SOFT** 0 - 31 1 - F14 0 P123
* From V5.D
** From V6.C
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Values Fault
Address Group Description Step Unit Format Range
range Value
0200 Setting group I> 0-1 1 - F24 0 P121-P122-
1 P123
0201 I> threshold 10 to 2500 1 In/100 F1 10 P121-P122-
0202 I> time delay type 0 to 2 1 - F27 0 P121-P122-
0203 I> IDMT Curve Type 0 to 10 1 - F3 1 P121-P122-
0204 I> TMS value 25 to 1500 25 1/1000 F1 25 P121-P122-
0205 I> K value (RI curve) 100 to 10000 5 1/1000 F1 100 P121-P122-
0206 tI> value 0 to 15000 1 1/100 s F1 4 P121-P122-
0207 I> Reset type 0-1 1 F27 0 P122-P123
0208 I> RTMS value 25 to 3200 25 1/1000 F1 25 P122-P123
0209 I> tRESET value 4 to 10000 1 1/100 s F1 4 P122-P123
020A to Reserved 0 P120 to
020F P123
0210 I>> 0-1 1 - F24 0 P121-P122-
0211 I>> Threshold 50 to 4000 5 In/100 F1 50 P121-P122-
0212 tI>> value 0 to 15000 1 1/100 s F1 1 P121-P122-
0213 I>> time delay type 0–2 1 - F27 0 P122-P123
0214 I>> IDMT curve type 0 – 10 1 - F3 1 P122-P123
0215 I>> TMS value 25 – 1500 25 1/1000 F1 25 P122-P123
0216 K value (RI curve) 100 – 10000 5 1/1000 F1 100 P122-P123
0217 I>> Reset Type 0–1 1 - F27 0 P122-P123
0218 I>> RTMS value 25 – 3200 25 1/1000 F1 25 P122-P123
0219 I>> tRESET value 4 – 10000 1 1/100 s F1 4 P122-P123
021A to Reserved 0 P120 to
021F P123
0220 I>>> 0-1 1 - F24 0 P121-P122-
0221 I>>> Threshold 50 to 4000 5 In/100 F1 50 P121-P122-
0222 tI>>> value 0 to 15000 1 1/100 s F1 1 P121-P122-
0223 I>>> on sample 0–1 1 - F24 0 P122-P123
0223 to Reserved 0 P120 to
022F P123
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Values Fault
Address Group Description Step Unit Format Range
range Value
0230 IE> 0-1 1 - F24 0 P120 to
0231 IE> Threshold 10 to 1000 5 1/1000 F1 10 P120 to
I0n P123
0232 IE> time delay type 0 to 3 1 - F27’ 0 P120 to
0233 IE> IDMT curve type 0 to 10 1 - F3 1 P120 to
0234 IE> TMS value 25 to 1500 25 1/1000 F1 25 P120 to
0235 IE> K value (RI curve) 100 to 10000 5 1/1000 F1 100 P120 to
0236 tIE> value 0 to 15000 1 1/100 s F1 4 P120 to
0237 IE> reset type 0-1 1 F27 0 P122-P123
0238 IE> RTMS value 25 to 3200 25 1/1000 F1 25 P122-P123
0239 IE> tRESET value 4 to 10000 1 1/100 s F1 4 P122-P123
023A IE> Curve type 0–2 0 1 F3’ 0 P122-P123
023B to Reserved P120 to
023F P123
0240 IE>> 0-1 1 - F24 0 P120 to
0241 IE>> Threshold 10 to 8000 5 1/1000 F1 10 P120 to
I0n P123
0242 tIE>> value 0 to 15000 1 1/100 s F1 1 P120 to
0243 IE>> time delay type 0 to 3 1 - F27’ 0 P122-P123
0244 IE>> IDMT curve type 0 to 10 1 - F3 1 P122-P123
0245 IE>> TMS value 25 to 1500 25 1/1000 F1 25 P122-P123
0246 IE>> K value 100 to 10000 5 1/1000 F1 100 P122-P123
(RI curve)
0247 TReset Type 0–1 1 - F27 0 P122-P123
0248 Time Multiplier 25 – 3200 25 1/1000 F1 25 P122-P123
0249 TReset 4 – 10000 1 1/100 s F1 4 P122-P123
024A Curve Type 0–2 0 1 F3’ 0 P122-P123
024B to Reserved 0 P120 to
024E P123
024F IE>> on sample 0–1 1 - F24 0 P122-P123
0250 IE>>> 0-1 1 - F24 0 P120 to
0251 IE>>> Threshold 10 to 8000 5 1/1000 F1 10 P120 to
I0n P123
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Values Fault
Address Group Description Step Unit Format Range
range Value
0252 tIE>>>value 0 to 15000 1 1/100 s F1 1 P120 to
0253 Ith> 0-1 1 F24 0 P122-P123
0254 Ith> Threshold 10 to 320 5 1/100 F1 8 P122-P123
0255 Ith> k value 100 to 150 1 1/100 F1 105 P122-P123
0256 Ith> trip threshold 50 to 200 1 % F1 100 P122-P123
0257 Ith> alarm 0-1 1 F24 0 P122-P123
0258 Ith> alarm threshold 50 to 200 1 % F1 90 P122-P123
0259 Thermal overload time 1 to 200 1 mn F1 1 P122-P123
025A I< 0-1 1 - F24 0 P122-P123
025B I< threshold 0 to 100 1 % In F1 20 P122-P123
025C I2> 0-1 1 - F24 0 P122-P123
025D I2> threshold 10 to 4000 1 In/100 F1 10 P122-P123
025E I2> time delay type 0 to 2 1 - F27 0 P122-P123
025F I2> IDMT type 0 to 9 1 - F3 1 P122-P123
0260 I2> TMS value 25 to 1500 25 1/1000 F1 25 P122-P123
0261 I2> K value (RI) 100 to 10000 5 1/1000 F1 100 P122-P123
0262 tI2> value 0 to 15000 1 1/100 s F1 P122-P123
0263 I2> Reset type 0-1 1 F27 0 P122-P123
0264 I2> RTMS value 25 to 3200 25 1/1000 F1 25 P122-P123
0265 I2> tRESET value 4 to 10000 1 1/100 s F1 4 P122-P123
0266 Iinv>> 0–1 1 - F24 0 P122-P123
0267 Iinv>> Threshold 10 – 4000 1 1/100 In F24 10 P122-P123
0268 tIinv>> value 0 to 15000 1 1/100 s F1 P122-P123
0269 to Reserved 0 P120 to
026E P123
026F tI< value 0 to 15000 1 1/100 s F1 P122-P123
0270 AR Recloser valid 0-1 1 F24 0 P123
0271 CB position active 0-1 1 F1 0 P123
0272- Supervision window 1 to 60000 1 1/100 s F18 1 P123
0274 External blocking input 0 – 1 1 F24 0 P123
0275 to Reserved P120 to
0276 P123
0277 Dead time 1 0 to 30000 1 1/100 s F1 1 P123
0278 Dead time 2 0 to 30000 1 1/100 s F1 1 P123
0279- Dead time 3 0 to 60000 1 1/100 s F18 1 P123
027B- Dead time 4 0 to 60000 1 1/100 s F18 1 P123
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Values Fault
Address Group Description Step Unit Format Range
range Value
027D- Reclaim time 2 to 60000 1 1/100 s F18 2 P123
027F- Inhibit time 2 to 60000 1 1/100 s F18 2 P123
0281 Recloser cycles for 0 to 4 1 F1 0 P123
phase faults
0282 Recloser cycles for 0 to 4 1 F1 0 P123
earth faults
0283 I> Phase cycle 0 – 2222 1 F49 0 P123
0284 I>> Phase cycle 0 – 2222 1 F49 0 P123
0285 I>>> Phase cycle 0 – 2222 1 F49 0 P123
0286 IE> Phase cycle 0 – 2222 1 F49 0 P123
0287 IE>> Phase cycle 0 – 2222 1 F49 0 P123
0288 IE>>> Phase cycle 0 – 2222 1 F49 0 P123
0289 TAUX1 cycle 0 – 2222 1 F49 0 P123
028A TAUX2 cycle 0 – 2222 1 F49 0 P123
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3.6 Page 4h
Access in writing
Values Fault
Address Group Description Step Unit Format Range
range Value
0400 Remote Remote control word 1 0 to 31 1 - F9 0 P120 to
control P123
0401 Reserved 0 P120 to
0402 Remote control word 2 0 to 511 1 - F39 0 P122-P123
(single output command)
0403 Remote control word 3 0 to 1 1 - F46 0 P122-P123
3.8 Page 7h
Access in quick reading only (MODBUS 07 function)
Values Fault
Address Group Description Step Unit Format
range Value
0700 Quick Description of the 1 - F23 0
reading byte protection autocontrol
Addresses Contents
0900h to 09FAh 250 disturbance data words
0A00h to 0AFAh 250 disturbance data words
0B00h to 0BFAh 250 disturbance data words
0C00h to 0CFAh 250 disturbance data words
0D00h to 0DFAh 250 disturbance data words
0E00h to 0EFAh 250 disturbance data words
0F00h to 0FFAh 250 disturbance data words
1000h to 10FAh 250 disturbance data words
1100h to 11FAh 250 disturbance data words
1200h to 12FAh 250 disturbance data words
1300h to 13FAh 250 disturbance data words
1400h to 14FAh 250 disturbance data words
1500h to 15FAh 250 disturbance data words
1600h to 16FAh 250 disturbance data words
1700h to 17FAh 250 disturbance data words
1800h to 18FAh 250 disturbance data words
1900h to 19FAh 250 disturbance data words
1A00h to 1AFAh 250 disturbance data words
1B00h to 1BFAh 250 disturbance data words
1C00h to 1CFAh 250 disturbance data words
1D00h to 1DFAh 250 disturbance data words
1E00h to 1EFAh 250 disturbance data words
1F00h to 1FFAh 250 disturbance data words
2000h to 20FAh 250 disturbance data words
2100h to 21FAh 250 disturbance data words
NB: The disturbance data pages contain values of one channel from one
given disturbance record.
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• Frequency channel:
Time between two samples in microseconds
• Logic channels:
Addresses Contents
2200h Disturbance data index frame
Word Contents
n° 1 Disturbance record number
n° 2 Disturbance record finish date (second)
n° 3 Disturbance record finish date (second)
n° 4 Disturbance record finish date (millisecond)
n° 5 Disturbance record finish date (millisecond)
n° 6 Disturbance record starting condition:
1: tripping command (RL1)
2: instantaneous
3: remote command
4: logic input
n° 7 Frequency at the post-time beginning
n° 8 (=0) Optional
n° 9 (=0) Optional
Code Meaning of the event Type
address Cell
00 No event - -
01 Remote closing F9 013h 021
02 Remote tripping F9 013h 021
03 Disturbance recording start F9 -
04 Trip output delatch F9 013h 021
05 Setting change Address -
06 Remote thermal reset F9 -
07 Maintenance Mode F9 ↑ ↓ 0400h -
08 Control relay in maintenance mode F39 ↑ ↓ 013h -
09 I> F17 ↑ ↓ 014h 023
10 I>> F17 ↑ ↓ 015h 023
11 I>>> F17 ↑ ↓ 016h 023
12 IE> F16 ↑ ↓ 017h 023
13 IE>> F16 ↑ ↓ 018h 023
14 IE>>> F16 ↑ ↓ 019h 023
15 Thermal overload alarm F37 ↑ ↓ 020h 023
16 Thermal overload threshold F37 ↑ ↓ 020h 023
17 tI> F17 ↑ ↓ 014h 023
18 tI>> F17 ↑ ↓ 015h 023
19 tI>>> F17 ↑ ↓ 016h 023
20 tIE> F16 ↑ ↓ 017h 023
21 tIE>> F16 ↑ ↓ 018h 023
22 tIE>>> F16 ↑ ↓ 019h 023
23 tI< F16 ↑ ↓ 021h 023
24 Broken conductor F38 ↑ ↓ 023h 024
25 t Aux 1 F38 ↑ ↓ 023h 024
26 t Aux 2 F38 ↑ ↓ 023h 024
27 CB failure F38 ↑ ↓ 023h 024
28 Selective scheme logic 1 F20 ↑ ↓ 011h 020
29 Selective scheme logic 2 F20 ↑ ↓ 011h 020
30 Blocking logic 1 F20 ↑ ↓ 011h 020
31 Blocking logic 2 F20 ↑ ↓ 011h 020
32 Setting group change F20 011h 020
33 52a F20 ↑ ↓ 011h 020
34 52b F20 ↑ ↓ 011h 020
35 Acknowledgement of the output F20 ↑ ↓ 011h 020
relay latched, by logic input,
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Code Meaning of the event Type
address Cell
36 SF6 F20 ↑ ↓ 011h 020
37 Cold load start F20 ↑ ↓ 011h 020
38 Change of input logic state F12 ↑ ↓ 010h 020
39 Thermal overload trip F37 013h 021
40 tI> trip F13 013h 021
41 tI>> trip F13 013h 021
42 tI>>> trip F13 013h 021
43 tIE> trip F13 013h 021
44 tIE>> trip F13 013h 021
45 tIE>>> trip F13 013h 021
46 tI< trip F13 013h 021
47 Broken conductor trip F13 013h 021
48 tAUX 1 trip F13 013h 021
49 tAUX 2 trip F13 013h 021
50 Output relays command F39 ↑ ↓ 013h 021
51 Front panel single alarm acknowl. - -
52 Front panel all alarms acknowledge - -
53 Remote single alarm acknowledge - -
54 Remote all alarms acknowledge - -
55 Major material alarm F45 ↑ ↓ 00Fh 022
56 Minor material alarm F45 ↑ ↓ 00Fh 022
57 I2> F16 ↑ ↓ 022h 024
58 tI2> F16 ↑ ↓ 022h 024
59 Operation time F43 ↑ ↓ 028h 024
60 Operation numbers F43 ↑ ↓ 028h 024
61 Sum of switched square amps F43 ↑ ↓ 028h 024
62 Trip circuit supervision F43 ↑ ↓ 028h 024
63 Closing time F43 ↑ ↓ 028h 024
64 Reclose successful F43 ↑ ↓ 028h 024
65 Recloser locked F43 ↑ ↓ 028h 024
66 Recloser settings error or F43 ↑ ↓ 028h 024
configuration error
67 I2> trip F16 ↑ ↓ 013h 021
68 General Starting
69 Reclosure in service
70 CB Closed by autoreclosure
71 Relays latching
72 External CB failure
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Code Meaning of the event Type
address Cell
73 I< F16 ↑ ↓ 021h 023
74 I2>> F16 ↑ ↓ 022h 024
75 tI2>> F16 ↑ ↓ 022h 024
76 I2>> Trip F16 ↑ ↓ 013h 021
77 Reserved
78 Latching Trip Relay (RL1)
79 t AUX3 F38 023h 025
80 t AUX3 TRIP F13 013h 021
81 t AUX4 F38 023h 025
82 t AUX4 TRIP F13 013h 021
83 t Reset I> F17 ↑ ↓ 014h 025
84 t Reset I>> F17 ↑ ↓ 015h 025
85 t Reset Ie> F16 ↑ ↓ 017h 025
86 t Reset Ie>> F16 ↑ ↓ 018h 025
87 t Reset I2> F16 ↑ ↓ 022h 025
88 TRIP Breaker Failure
Addresses Contents
3600h Most older event data
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Addresses Contents
3700h Fault value record n°1
3701h Fault value record n°2
3702h Fault value record n°3
3703h Fault value record n°4
3704h Fault value record n°5
Addresses Contents
3E00h Most older Fault record
Addresses Contents
3D00h Number of disturbance records available
F1 Unsigned integer – numerical data: 65535
F2 Signed integer – numerical data: -32768 – 32767
F3 Unsigned integer – curves type
0: STI (IEC)
1: SI (IEC)
2: VI (IEC)
3: EI (IEC)
4: LTI (IEC)
5: STI (C02)
6: MI (ANSI)
7: LTI (CO8)
8: VI (ANSI)
9: EI (ANSI)
10: RC (IEC) Rectifier curve
F3’ Unsigned integer –Belgium curves type for Earth sensitive version
0: Network 1 (Laborellec)
1: Network 2 (Laborellec)
2: source 3 (Laborellec)
F4 Unsigned integer: MODBUS speed
0: 300
1: 600
2: 1200
3: 2400
4: 4800
5: 9600
6: 19200
7: 38400
F5 Unsigned integer: parity
0: without
1: even
2: odd
F6 Unsigned integer: Tripping configuration
bit 0: tI>
bit 1: tI>>
bit 2: tI>>>
bit 3: tIE>
bit 4: tIE>>
bit 5: tIE>>>
bit 6: I<
bit 7: tIth>
bit 8: Broken conductor detection
bit 9: t Aux 1
bit 10: t Aux 2
bit 11: tI2>
bit 12: tI2>>
bit 13: t Aux 3
bit 14: t Aux 4
bit 15: Breaker Failure
F6’ Unsigned integer: Tripping configuration
bit 0: SOFT
bit 1: Remote Trip
bit 2 to 15: Reserved
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F7 Unsigned integer: Latching configuration
bit 0: SOFT
bit 1 to 15: Reserved
F8 Unsigned integer: Latching configuration
bit 0: I> latching
bit 1: I>>
bit 2: I>>>
bit 3: IE>
bit 4: IE>>
bit 5: IE>>>
bit 6: I<
bit 7: tIth>
bit 8: Broken conductor detection
bit 9: t Aux 1
bit 10: t Aux 2
bit 11: tI2>
bit 12: tI2>>
bit 13: t Aux 3
bit 14: t Aux 4
bit 15: Breaker Failure
F8' Unsigned integer: Blocking logic configuration
bit 0: I> blocking
bit 1: I>>
bit 2: I>>>
bit 3: IE>
bit 4: IE>>
bit 5: IE>>>
bit 6: reserved
bit 7: tIth>
bit 8: Broken conductor detection
bit 9: t Aux 1
bit 10: t Aux 2
bit 11: tI2>
bit 12: tI2>>
bit 13: t Aux 3
bit 14: t Aux 4
bit 15: reserved
F9 Unsigned integer: Remote control 1
bit 0: Tripping contact delatched
bit 1: 1st alarm acknowledge
bit 2: All alarms acknowledge
bit 3: Remote tripping
bit 4: Remote closing
bit 5: Setting group change
bit 6: Thermal state reset
bit 7: Peak and rolling value reset
bit 8: Disturbance record remote start
bit 9: Maintenance mode
bit 10: Recloser counter reset
bit 11: Recloser reset
bit 12: Local manual acknowledge
bit 13: Oldest event acknowledge
bit 14: Oldest fault acknowledge
bit 15: Hardware RAM alarm acknowledge
F10 2 characters ASCII
32 –127 = ASCII character1
32 – 127 = ASCII character 2
F11 Reserved
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F12 Unsigned integer: Logic input status
bit 0: logic input number 1
bit 1: logic input number 2
bit 2: logic input number 3
bit 3: logic input number 4
bit 4: logic input number 5
bits 5 to 15: reserved
F13 Unsigned integer: logic outputs status
bit 0: logic output number RL1 (tripping)
bit 1: logic output number RL2
bit 2: logic output number RL3
bit 3: logic output number RL4
bit 4: logic output number RL0 (watchdog)
bit 5: logic output number RL5
bit 6: logic output number RL6
bit 7: logic output number RL7
bit 8: logic output number RL8
bits 9 to 15: reserved
F14 Unsigned integer: logic outputs configuration
bit 0: selection logic output number RL2
bit 1: selection logic output number RL3
bit 2: selection logic output number RL4
bit 3: selection logic output number RL5
bit 4: selection logic output number RL6
bit 5: selection logic output number RL7
bit 6: selection logic output number RL8
F15 Unsigned integer: logical input allocation
bit 0: delatch allocation
bit 1: allocation 52 a
bit 2: allocation 52 b
bit 3: allocation Lack of SF6
bit 4: allocation external input 1
bit 5: allocation external input 2
bit 6: allocation logic blocking 1
bit 7: allocation logic blocking 2
bit 8: allocation disturbance start
bit 9: allocation cold load start
bit 10: allocation selective scheme logic 1
bit 11 allocation selective scheme logic 2
bit 12: allocation change of setting group
bit 13: allocation recloser locked
bit 14: allocation thermal state reset
bit 15: allocation trip circuit supervision
F15bis bit 0: allocation Circuit Breaker Failure
bit 1: Reset of LEDs alarms
bit 2: Maintenance mode
bit 3: allocation external input 3
bit 4: allocation external input 4
bit 5: SOFT/TOR (from V6.C)
bit 6: Local/remote (from V6.C)
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F16 Unsigned integer: threshold earth information status
bit 0: information threshold exceeded (IE> or IE>> or IE>>>)
bit 1: reserved
bit 2: reserved
bit 3: reserved
bit 4: reserved
bit 5: Instantaneous information IE> or IE>> or IE>>>
bit 6: Tripping information tIE> or tIE>> or tIE>>>
bits 7 to 15: reserved
F17 Unsigned integer: threshold phase information status
bit 0: information thresold exceeded (I>, I>>, I>>>)
bit 1: Instantaneous IA
bit 2: Instantaneous IB
bit 3: Instantaneous IC
bit 4: reserved
bit 5: Instantaneous information I> or I>> or I>>>
bit 6: Tripping information tI> or tI>> or tI>>>
bits 7 to 15: reserved
F18 Long integer
F19 Unsigned integer: LEDs allocation
bit 0: I>
bit 1: tI>
bit 2: I>>
bit 3: tI>>
bit 4: I>>>
bit 5: tI>>>
bit 6: IE>
bit 7: tIE>
bit 8: IE>>
bit 9: tIE>>
bit 10: IE>>>
bit 11: tIE>>>
bit 12: Thermal overload trip
bit 13: tI2>
bit 14: Broken conductor trip
bit 15: CB failure
bit 16: Logic input 1
bit 17: Logic input 2
bit 18: Logic input 3
bit 19: Logic input 4
bit 20: Logic input 5
bit 21: Recloser running
bit 22: Recloser locked
bit 23: tAUX1
bit 24: tAUX2
bit 25: tI2>>
bit 26: SOFT (from V6.C)
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F20 Unsigned integer: logic input data status
bit 0: Selective scheme logic 1
bit 1: Selective scheme logic 2
bit 2: Relay delatch
bit 3: CB position (52 a)
bit 4: CB position (52 b)
bit 5: Lack of SF6
bit 6: External 1
bit 7: External 2
bit 8: Blocking logic 1
bit 9: Blocking logic 2
bit 10: Disturbance record start
bit 11: Cold load start
bit 12: Setting group change
bit 13: Recloser locked
bit 14: Thermal state reset
bit 15: Trip circuit supervision
F20 bis bit 0: CB Failure by external signalisation
bit 1: LEDs alarms reset
bit 2: maintenance mode
F21 Unsigned integer: software version
10: Version 1.A
11: Version 1.B
20: Version 2.A
F30 0: Communication non-available
1: Communication available
F31 Unsigned integer: Number of available event records
0: None
1: 1 event record available
2: 2 event records available
3: 3 event records available
4: 4 event records available
5: 5 event records available
F32 Unsigned integer:
0: Disturbance record start condition on INSTANTANEOUS
1: Disturbance record start condition on TRIPPING
F33 Cold load start thresholds
bit 0: tI>
bit 1: tI>>
bit 2: tI>>>
bit 3: tIE>
bit 4: tIE>>
bit 5: tIE>>>
bit 6: Thermal overload trip
bit 7: tI2>
bit 8: tI2>>
bit 9 to 15: reserved
F34 Reserved
F35 0: No disturbance record uploaded
1: Disturbance record upload running
F36 Memorised flags of non acknowledged alarms:
bit 0: IE>
bit 1: tIE>
bit 2: IE>>
bit 3: tIE>>
bit 4: IE>>>
bit 5: tIE>>>
bit 6: Thermal overload alarm
bit 7: Thermal overload trip
bit 8: Broken conductor
bit 9: CB failure
bit 10: I2>>
bit 11: I2>
bit 12: tI2>
bit 13: t Aux 1
bit 14: t Aux 2
bit 15: tI2>>
F37 Unsigned integer: Thermal overload information
bit 0: Thermal overload alarm
bit 1: Thermal overload trip
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F38 Unsigned integer:
bit 0: reserved
bit 1: CB failure
bit 2: Pole A opening
bit 3: Pole B opening
bit 4: Pole C opening
bit 5: Broken conductor
bit 6: t Aux 1
bit 7: t Aux 2
bit 8: Broken conductor time delay
bit 9: CB failure time delay
bit 10: Cold load pick up time delay
bit 11: CB alarms or bits 0,1,2,4 of F43
bit 12: t Aux 3
bit 13: t Aux 4
F39 Unsigned integer: output relay remote word in maintenance mode
bit 0: RL1 (trip)
bit 1: RL2
bit 2: RL3
bit 3: RL0 (watch-dog)
bit 4: RL4
bit 5: RL5
bit 6: RL6
bit 7: RL7
bit 8: RL8
F40 Unsigned integer: selective scheme logic configuration
bit 0: tI>>
bit 1: tI>>>
bit 2: tIE>>
bit 3: tIE>>>
F41 0: Front and rear MODBUS communication
1: Front MODBUS and rear Courier communication
2: Front MODBUS and rear IEC103 communication
3: Front MODBUS and rear DNP3 communication
F42 5, 10, 15, 30 or 60 minutes
F43 bit 0: CB operating time overreach
bit 1: CB operation number overreach
bit 2: Square Amps sum overreach
bit 3: Trip circuit self-test
bit 4: CB closing time overreach
bit 5: Recloser locked
bit 6: Recloser successful
bit 7: Recloser running
bit 8: Closing command issued from recloser cycle
bit 9: Recloser configuration error
bit 10: Only for VDEW: reclosure in service
F44 bit 0: CB, operating time overreach, memorised alarm
bit 1: CB operation number overreach, memorised alarm
bit 2: Square Amps sum overreach, memorised alarm
bit 3: Trip circuit self-test, memorised alarm
bit 4: CB closing time overreach, memorised alarm
Bit 5: t Aux 3, Memorised alarm
Bit 6: t Aux 4, Memorised alarm
Bit 7: reserved
bit 8: SOFT
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F45 Unsigned integer: relay status
bit 0: Watchdog
bit 1: Communication failure
bit 2: EEPROM data failure
bit 3: Analogue failure
bit 4: Datation failure
bit 5: EEPROM calibration failure
bit 6: SRAM failure
bit 7: Battery failure
bit 8 to 15: reserved
F46 bit 0: Launching IO harmonic calculation
bit 1: internally reserved for delatching of tripping relay only (RL1), and not like
bit 0 in F9.
bit 2: Acknowledgement of the oldest disturbance record
bit 3: End of maintenance mode
bit 4: Reset of Rolling Demands Data (average avlues and timers)
bit 5: Reset of maximum values of the averages in sub period
bit 6: LEDs reset
bit 7: Internal reset of non latched tripping LED
bit 8: communication Order 1
bit 9: communication Order 2
bit 10: communication Order 3
bit 11: communication Order 4
F47 0: user wishes working on EDGE (Rising or Falling) of the logic inputs
(configuration can be done by communication or by the front panel)
1: user wishes working on LEVEL (High or Low) of the logic inputs
F48 0: Private Format Date
1: IEC Format Date
F49 bit 0: Cycle 1 configuration ( trip and initialise the reclosure)
bit 1: Cycle 1 configuration ( block the tripping on cycle )
bit 2, 3: reserved
bit 4: Cycle 2 configuration ( trip and initialise the reclosure)
bit 5: Cycle 2 configuration ( block the tripping on cycle )
bit 6, 7: reserved
bit 8: Cycle 3 configuration ( trip and initialise the reclosure)
bit 9: Cycle 3 configuration ( block the tripping on cycle )
bit 10, 11: reserved
bit 12: Cycle 4 configuration ( trip and initialise the reclosure)
bit 13: Cycle 4 configuration ( block the tripping on cycle )
F50 0: DC Voltage
1: AC Voltage
F51 0: Direct phase rotation ABC
1: Inverse phase rotation ACB
F52 Status of SOFT functions (Switch On To Fault)
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
F53 SOFT parameters
0: Start I>>
1: Start I>>>
F54 Bit 0: SOFT in progress
Bit 1: Instantaneous information
Bit 2: Tripping information
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This request may be answered an error message with the error code:
EVT_NOK(OF): No record available
NOTA: If there is less than 5 records available, the answer will contains zero
in the non-used words.
4.1.3 Service requests
This request must be send before uploading the disturbance record channel samples. It
allows to know the record number and the channel number to upload. It allows also to know
the number of samples in the channel.
This request may be answered an error message with two different error codes:
CODE_DEF_RAM(02): SRAM failure
CODE_EVT_NOK(03): No disturbance record available in SRAM
4.1.4 Disturbance record upload request
This request may be answered an error message with two different error codes:
CODE_DEP_DATA(04): The required disturbance data number is
greater than the memorised number.
CODE_SERV_NOK(05): The service request for disturbance record and
channel number has not been send.
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This event request may be answered an error message with the error code:
EVT_EN_COURS_ECRIT (5): An event is being written into the saved RAM.
NOTE: On event retrieval, two possibilities exist regarding the event record
a) Automatic event record acknowledgement on event retrieval.
b) Non automatic event record acknowledgement on event
a) Automatic event record acknowledgement on event retrieval:
The bit12 of the remote order frame (format F9 – mapping address 0400h) shall be set to 0.
On event retrieval, this event record is acknowledged.
b) Non automatic event record acknowledgement on event retrieval:
The bit12 of the remote order frame (format F9 – mapping address 0400h) shall be set to 1.
On event retrieval, this event record is not acknowledged.
To acknowledge this event, an other remote order shall be sent to the relay. The bit 13 of
this frame (format F9 – mapping address 0400h) shall be set to 1.
4.1.7 Request to retrieve a dedicated event
This event request may be answered an error message with the error code:
EVT_EN_COURS_ECRIT (5): An event is being written into the saved RAM.
NOTA: This event retrieval does not acknowledge this event.
4.1.8 Modbus request definition used to retrieve the fault records
Two ways can be followed to retrieve a fault record:
Send a request to retrieve the oldest non-acknowledge fault record.
Send a request to retrieve a dedicated fault record.