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1. NOUN 1-15

2. PRONOUN 16-21

3. ARTICLE 21-24



6. ADVERB 34-41

7. ADJECTIVE 42-44



10. TENSE 67-69



Proper means one's own. Hence a proper name is person's means
NOUN one's own. Hence a proper name is person's own name.
Consider another example, compare the nouns 'man' and
A noun is a word used as the name of a person, place or
'Ram'. The noun 'man' is the name that one shares with a whole
thing. It is a naming word. The word thing means:
class of men, but the noun 'Ram' is the name of a particular man.
(a) all objects that we can see, hear, taste, touch or smell; Therefore, we call 'man' a common noun and 'Ram' a proper noun.
(b) also something we cannot perceive by the senses but can Similarly, girl, month, city, country etc are common nouns,
only think of. while May, April, Chennai, India are proper nouns. Note that
Consider the bold words of the example given below: proper nouns begin with a capital letter. Sometimes Proper Nouns
London is on the Thames. are used as common nouns. Consider the examples given below:
Her wisdom won her respect. Leander Paes is often called the Andre Agassi
Ashoka was a great Buddhist. (=the greatest tennis player) of India.
The sun rises in the east. Kalidas is often called the Shakespeare (= the greatest
Above mentioned bold words are the examples of Noun. dramatist) of India.

A noun is a single word, for example, the word 'book' is A collective noun is the name of a group (or collection) of
noun. But a noun phrase is usually longer than a single word persons, animals or things regarded as a whole. For example,
because it consists of an adjective or a determiner plus a noun. For crowd, mob, team, flock, herd, army, fleet, jury, family, nation,
example, parliament, committee etc are collective nouns.
A good captain cares for his players. Crowd a group of people
In this sentence 'A good captain' is a noun phrase. Army a group of soldier
Flock a group of sheep
Fleet a group of ships
Nouns can be classified into five kinds: Pod a group of whales
1. Common Nouns Herd a group of cattle
2. Proper Nouns Some grammarians treat collective nouns as a separate class
3. Collective Nouns from common nouns.
4. Material Nouns
5. Abstract Nouns
Another classification of noun is whether they are A material noun is the name of material, substance, or
"countable" or "uncountable", ie (1) Countable Nouns (or ingredient which things are made of. They can be articles of food
countable) and (2) Uncountable Nouns (or uncountable). or drink as well. For example, iron, copper, steel, gold, coal,
silver, rice, wheat, milk, water, tea, sugar etc.
Note: A material noun is a type of common noun but a distinction
Common nouns are the names given in common to all is made between the two. A common noun is usually a
persons, places or things of the same class or kind. ('common', countable noun but a material noun is an uncountable noun.
here, means 'shared by all'). Consider the bold word of the For example, look at the sentence given below:
example given below: The cow give us milk.
Hari is a boy. 'Cow' is a common noun (countable), but 'milk' is a material
The word 'Hari' in the example refers to a particular boy. But noun (uncountable).
the word 'boy' might be applied to any other boy also. Hence the
word 'boy' is a common noun.
An abstract noun is usually the name of a quality, action, or
state considered independent of the object to which it belongs.
Proper noun are the names of particular person, places or Consider the examples given below:
things. For example, the word 'Hari' given in the above example Quality: wisdom, compassion, honesty, bravery, sympathy,
refers to a particular person, hence is the example of proper noun. benevolence, hardness, goodness, darkness, brightness,
kindness, whiteness etc.

Action: denial, refusal, blockade, arrangement, laughter, theft, Compare the nouns cup, bag, pen, house with the nouns
movement, judgement, hatred etc. milk, sugar, ink, gold. We can count cups, bags, pens, houses, we
State: poverty, prosperity, independence, seclusion, loneliness, say "one cap", "two boys", "five pens", "many houses". But we
childhood, boyhood, cannot count milk, sugar, ink, gold. We do not say "one milk",
youth, slavery, sleep, sickness, death etc. "two milk", "ten sugars", "five golds" etc.
Note that the names of the Arts and Sciences (eg, grammar,
music, chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics etc) are also
The word gender is derived from Latin word 'genus' and it
abstract nouns.
means 'kind' or 'sort'. Gender denotes whether a person or an
[The word 'abstract' means 'separated from matter, practice
animal is male or female.
or particular examples'; 'not concrete'. It means 'drawn off'. We
speak of a wise man, a beautiful girl, a delicate flower etc. But we
can also think of these qualities separated from any particular (i) Masculine Gender: Nouns denoting men and male animals
person or thing, and speak of wisdom, beauty, delicacy etc by are said to belong to the masculine gender.
themselves. Hence, we can also speak of what persons do or feel For example, boy, king, man' Ashok, Akbar, ox, lion, cock etc are
apart from the persons themselves, and give it a name. masculine gender.
Formation of Abstract Nouns (ii) Feminine Gender: Nouns denoting women and female
We can form abstract noun from animals are said to belong to the feminine gender.
(1) Adjective as: For example girl, queen, woman, Leela, Elizabeth, lioness, hen etc
Kindness from kind are feminine gender.
Benevolence from benevolent Caution: Lifeless objects are often spoken of as if they were
Faithfulness from faithful living beings if personified. They are regarded as males or
Goodness from good females.
Brevity from brief (a) Objects known for strength and violence are addressed as
Absence from absent masculine gender. For example, time, death, summer, winter, sun
Most of the abstract nouns are formed from the adjectives. etc.
(2) From Verb as: (b) Objects known for beauty, gentleness and gracefulness are
Entrance from enter addressed as feminine gender. For example, spring, autumn,
Arrival from arrive nature, justice, mercy, moon, peace, hope, earth charity etc.
Obedience from obey (iii) Common Gender: A noun that denotes either a male or a
Difference from differ female can be said to be of the Common Gender. For example,
Excellence from excel disciple, thief, servant, relation, enemy, baby, infant, neighbour,
Failure from fail friend, person, orphan, cousin, student, child, artist, cook, member,
(3) From Common Noun as: doctor, parent, teacher, secretary, president, minister etc.
Boyhood from boy (iv) Neuter Gender: Nouns which denote inanimate things or
Slavery from slave things which do not have life in the sense in which we say living
Childhood from child beings have life, are said to belong to the Neuter Gender. For
example, table, tree, field, chair, mountain, silver, patience,
Countable Nouns and Uncountable Nouns kindness, politics, box, pen etc. So neuter gender denotes neither
Most useful classification of nouns is whether they are countable male nor female.
or uncountable.
Countable Nouns are the names of objects, people etc that
Ways of forming the feminine of Nouns
we can count, for example, mango, pen, jug, glass, table chair, There are mainly three ways of forming the feminine of nouns:
book, elephant, cow, doctor, teacher etc. Hence, common nouns (i) By using an entirely different word: For example,
(such as cup, bag, pen, table, cow, doctor, house etc) are countable Son daughter
nouns. Nouns such as flock, troop, herd, fleet, team, crowd etc are Boy girl
noun as collective nouns. These nouns are also countable nouns. Man women
Uncountable Nouns are the names of things which we cannot Brother Sister
count. For example, ink, milk, oil, sugar, water, rice, grass, dust, Bachelor Maid
dust, gold, air, smoke, steam, heat, cold electricity, light, lightning, Father Mother
thunder, gravity, friendship, happiness etc. Grandfather Grandmother

Husband wife Note:
Uncle aunt (i) Sometimes a he or a she is used to indicate sex. For example,
Nephew niece My cat is a he, not a she.
King queen Is this puppy a he or a she?
Lord lady (ii) Lady is usually used as a term of direct address and as a
Horse mare form of common courtesy to a girl or a woman present. For
Dog bitch example,
Cock hen Hey lady, you can't go there.
Bull cow etc. (not, girl or woman)
(i) By adding syllable (-ess, -ine, -trix, -a etc.) Can you give this lady a lift to the college?
For example, (not, girl or woman)
(iii) Male/female is usually used for human beings and animals to
Host hostess
indicate their sex or physical qualities. For example,
Prophet prophetess
A male/ female child.
Hero heroine
(iv) Male/female is not used to indicate one's
Testator testatrix
profession/occupation; man/woman is used instead. For
Sultan sultana
Duke duchess a woman doctor. (Not, a female doctor)
Lion lioness
Shepherd shepherdess etc.
Common or Dual Gender Usage
(i) Most of the noun denoting profession or occupation are in
In some masculine noun (-ess) is added after dropping the
the common gender. For example,
vowel of the masculine ending. For example,
Ambassador, artisan, artist, author, baby, captain, child, clerk,
Actor actress
collector, look, cousin, criminal, dancer, doctor, editor, enemy,
Conductor conductress
engineer, fool, foreigner, friend, infant, judge, lawyer, lecture,
Hunter huntress
librarian, magician, magistrate, minister, monarch, monitor,
Emperor empress musician, neighbour, novelist, orphan, person, player, poet,
Master mistress politician, president, principal, professor, pupil, reader, scientist,
Prince princess secretary, servant, singer, speaker, student, teacher, typist, worker,
Waiter waitress etc. writer, etc.
Note: English has only a small number of feminine forms (noun- He is an artist.
less). Professional activities are often referred to in the common She is an artist. (not, artistess)
gender. The feminine forms authoress, poetess, directress, He is a poet/author.
inspectors are no longer in use. For example: She is a poet/author. (not, poetess/not, authoress)
She is the director of this institute (not, directress) Note: The term cousin seems to cause some confusion. We often
She is an inspector of police. (Not, inspectress) hear expressions like cousin brother and cousin sister. Native
(ii) By placing a word before or after. For example, speakers neither use nor understand these. In English the word
Grandfather grandmother 'cousin' stands for either male or female.
Landlord landlady (ii) Noun + man/ woman is replaced by noun + person to
Salesman saleswoman indicate common gender. For example,
Son-in-law daughter-in-law Businessman/ businesswoman businessperson
Washer man washerwoman Chairman/ chairwoman chairperson
He-goat she-got Newsman/ newswoman newsperson
Boyfriend girlfriend Salesman/ saleswoman Salesperson
Student woman student Sportsman/ sportswoman sportsperson
Businessman businesswoman Spokesman/ spokeswoman spokesperson
Policeman Policewoman
Sportsman Sportswomen Note: While referring to an attribute the suffix - ship is added to-
Statesmaetc. stateswoman man, not to - woman, or- person, For example, sportsmanship

(not, sportswoman ship/ sportsperson ship) salesmanship (not, Bench - benches
salesmanship/ salesperson ship) Child - children
Statesmanship (not, stateswoman ship/ statesperson ship) Baby - babies
craftsmanship (not, craftswoman ship/ craftsperson ship) Knife - knives
workmanship (not, workwoman ship/ work person ship) Mouse - mice
(iii) Man/ mankind is sometimes used in the common gender to Tooth - teeth etc.
indicate both man and woman in axioms or idioms. For (i) Most nouns are made plural by adding an's' to the singular
example, form. For example,
Man is mortal. Boy boys
We will fight to a man/ to the last man. Cat cats
The and tide wait for no man. Chair chairs
Nobody cares for the man in the street. Cow cows
God made man in his own image. Hand hands
(iv) Nouns denoting degrees/ titles/ qualifications/ decorations Horse horses
are always in the common gender. For example, Face faces
BA, B.Sc. MA, LLB, MD, Ph.D., D. Litt. M. Com etc. Notice notices
He/ she is an MA. Packet packets
(v) Nouns denoting caste/ community/ religion/ nationality are
Page pages
in the common gender. For example,
Sitar sitars etc
He/ she is a Muslim/ Christian/ Hindu/ Indian.
(ii) The plural of nouns ending in 's', 'ss', 'ch', 'sh', 'x' or 'z' is
(vi) Pets, domestic animals and even lifeless objects are often
made by adding 'es' to the singular from. For example,
regarded as male or female when one is emotionally attached to
Bus - buses
them. Similarly, one's mother country or even a car/ bus/ plane/
Bench - benches
cat/ dog may be regarded as a female from a subjective point of
Torch - torches
view. One can refer to 'it' as 'she' in an endearing (loveable) way.
Gas - gases
When looked upon from and objective standpoint these will take
Kiss - kisses
the pronoun 'it'. For example,
Watch - watches
My mother country (India) is really very great; she has produced
Brush - brushes
great men and women.
Box - boxes
India has made remarkable progress in science and technology. It
Buzz - buzzes etc.
exports engineering goods to developed countries as well.
(iii) Nouns ending in consonant + o usually form their plural by
adding 'es' to the singular. For example,
Nouns can be singular (i.e. referring to one, for example, book) or Echo - echoes
plural (i.e. referring to more than one, for example, books). Embargo - embargoes
Therefore, noun that denotes one person or thing is said to be in Hero - heroes
the singular number, and a noun that denotes more than one Mosquito - mosquitoes
person or thing is to be the plural number. Potato - potatoes
In a few languages, plural denotes two or more people/ Tomato - tomatoes
things but in English plural denotes more than one. It could also Torpedo - torpedoes
be less than two. So one plus a fraction is considered plural. For Veto - vetoes etc.
example, [The word 'torpedo' means 'a' long narrow bomb that is fired under
One and a half years (not, year) the water from a ship or submarine and that explodes when it hits
One and a half feet (not, foot) a ship etc.]
One and a quarter minutes (not, minute) Exception: Words of foreign origin and abbreviated words ending
in 'o' take's' only. For example,
Plural Forms of Certain Nouns
Photo - photos
Plural are usually formed by adding's', 'es', or 'ies' to the singular
Solo - solos
form. They can also be formed by other means. For example,
Piano - pianos
Book - books
Dynamo - dynamos
Man - men

Kilo - kilos Self - selves
Tempo - tempos etc. Shelf - shelves
Note: Sheaf - sheaves
(a) Some nouns like these have two plural forms viz, Wife - wives
'noun + s' and, 'noun + es'. For example, wolf - wolves etc.
cargo – Cargos or Cargoes Note that the plural form of 'still life' (in painting) is 'still life's'
halo – halos or haloes (not, lives).
(b) The plural form of 'banjo' is 'banjos' and 'zero' is 'zeros'. (viii) The following nouns though ending in 'f' or 'off' or 'fe' take
(c) The plural form of 'maestro' is 'maestros' or 'maestri'. only an 's' in the plural. For example:
(d) 'Buffalo' can have two plural forms, 'buffalo' (an Belief - beliefs
unchanged plural form) and 'buffaloes'. Safe - safes
For example, Chief - chiefs
I saw a herd of buffalo (or buffaloes) there. Strife - strife's
(e) The plural form of 'Mafioso' (a member of the Cliff - cliffs
Mafia) is 'Mafiosi'. Roof - roofs
(iv) Nouns ending in 'vowel +o' form their plural by adding's' to Scarf - scarf's
the singular. For example, Gulf - gulfs etc.
Radio - radios Note that the plural of 'if' used as a noun is 'ifs', (not, ivies).
Curio - curios (ix) Nouns ending in 'ful' take's' in the plural. For example,
Cuckoo - cuckoos Armful - armfuls
Rodeo - rodeos cupful - cupfuls
Stereo - stereos Mouthful - mouthfuls
Portfolio - portfolios Spoonful - spoonfuls etc.
(v) Nouns ending in 'consonant + y' form their plural by (x) A few nouns form plural by adding 'en' to singular. For
dropping 'y' and adding 'ies'. For example, example,
Baby - babies Child - children
Duty - duties Ox - oxen
Lady - ladies Brother - brethren etc.
Army - armies (xi) (a) The plural of numerals (in figures) is formed by adding a
Fly - flies small's'. (Optionally an apostrophe before 's'.) For example,
story - stories etc. 1980 - 1980s or 1980's
(vi) Nouns ending in 'vowels + y' takes 's' in the plural form. For (b) The plurals of abbreviations are formed by adding's'. The
example, current trend is to use a small 's' for the plural form of
Boy - boys abbreviations or acronyms and leave's for the possessive
Day - days case. For example,
https://t.me/Aj_ebooks MA -
MP -
MAs (not, MA's)
MPs (not, MP's)
Monkey - monkeys etc. Our MPs represent the people. (Not, MP's)
Note that the plural form of 'money' is 'moneys' or 'monies' (= The MP's car was damaged. (Not, MPs)
sums of money). (c) The plural of numerals written in words is formed by adding
A statement of all monies paid into your account. a small s, not's. For example,
(vii) Nouns ending in 'f' or 'fe' form their plural by dropping 'f' or Two-twos (not, two's), four-fours (not, four's) etc.
'fe' and adding 'ves'. For example, Everything is at sixes and sevens. (not, six's and seven's)
Calf - calves (d) Letters, figures and other symbols are made plurals by
Half - halves adding an apostrophe and s, i.e., 's.
Life - lives For example,
Leaf - leaves t – t's
Loaf - loaves d – d's
Knife - knives p – p's
Thief - thieves i – i's

5 – 5's Harmonium – harmoniums
10 – 10's etc. Museum – museums
From the groups of 5's and 10's. Premium – premiums
They do not dot their i's and cross their t's. Referendum – referendums etc.
Do count the number of o's (zeros) while writing a trillion. (xvii)There are some nouns which have two plural forms. For
(xii) In compound nouns usually only the last word is made example,
plural. For example, Aquarium – aquaria aquariums
Boy-friend – boy-friends Curriculum. – curricula curriculums
Close-up – close-ups Forum – fora forums
Take-off – take-offs Medium – media mediums
Girl friend – girl-friends Memorandum – memoranda memorandums
Fountain pen – fountain pens Stadium – stadia stadiums
Woman-hater – woman haters Symposium – symposia symposiums
Grown-up – grown-ups Ultimatum – ultimate ultimatums
In-law – in-laws Note:
Break-down – break-downs (a) The s-form is usually preferred in common speech.
Forget-me-not – forget-me-nots etc. (b) The plural form of 'medium' is 'media' when it means 'a
(xiii) In noun + preposition + noun structure the first element is mode of mass communication'. The form is 'mediums ' when
made plural. For example, the meaning is 'a person who receives messages from the
Mother-in-law – mothers-in-law spirits of the dead or from gods or goddesses'. For example,
Father-in-law – fathers-in-law Radio and television are effective media. (not, mediums)
Grant-in-aid – grants-in-aid My uncle and aunt are mediums in the field of spiritualism.
Man-of-war – men-of-war (not, media)
Hanger-on – gangers-on (xviii) Nouns ending in 'is' characteristically change to 'es' in
Passer-by – passers-by plural. The 'e' in 'es' is pronounced as a long it. For
Runner-up – runners-up example,
(xiv) Both the elements are made plural where man or woman is Analysis – analyses
the first word. For example, Hypothesis – hypotheses
Man servant – men servants Basis – bases
Woman doctor – women doctors Oasis – oases
Man driver – men drivers Thesis – theses
Women student – women students Synopsis – synopses
Women servant – women servants Crisis – crises
But the plural form of 'man eater' is 'man eaters'. (not, men eaters) Ellipsis – ellipses
(xv) There are a quite a few foreign words in English ending in Diagnosis – diagnoses etc.
'um' those changes to 'a' in plural. For example, Note that 'précis' has an unchanged plural form, therefore, it does
Addendum – addenda not become 'preces'. Similarly, 'Metropolises'.
Bacterium – bacteria (xix) Nouns ending in 'us' drop the 'us' and add 'i' to make plural
Corrigendum – corrigenda forms. For example,
Erratum – errata Alumnus – alumni
Ovum – ova Bacillus – bacilli
Stratum – strata Locus – loci
Note that in current English 'agenda' and 'data' are used in both Stimulus – stimuli.
singular and plural numbers. 'Agendum' and 'datum' have dropped There are all foreign words. Note that the plural form of 'genus' is
out of use. For example, 'genera', (not, generic)
The agenda has/have been drawn up. (xx) Some nouns ending in 'us' form their plural by dropping 'us'
The data is/ are not sufficient for the purpose. and adding 'i' or 'uses'. For example,
(xvi) Other nouns ending in 'um' take an 's', For example, Cactus – cacti or cactuses
Album – albums Focus – foci or focuses
Asylum – asylums

Fungus – fungi or funguses Note:
Nucleus – nuclei or nucleuses (a) The plural form of 'specimen' is 'specimens'.
Radius – radii or radiuses (b) The plural form of 'mongoose' is mongooses' (not,
Stylus – styli or styluses mongeese)
Syllabus – syllabi or syllabuses (c) The plural forms of the words 'Englishman' and
Terminus – termini or terminuses 'Englishwomen' are 'Englishmen' and 'Englishwomen' are
The i-form is foreign plural. The uses-form is the regular plural. 'Englishmen' and 'Englishwomen' respectively. But the
This form is usually preferred in common speech. plural of 'German' is 'Germans' (not, Germen).
Note that the plural form of 'virus' is 'viruses'. (not, uric).
And 'genius' means 'a person with an exceptional quality of the
mind'. Its plural form is 'geniuses'. (not, genii). 'Genii' is the plural Case is the use of different forms of nouns (or pronouns) to show
form of 'genie', which means 'a spirit or goblin with supernatural their function in a sentence. For example, the difference in
powers'. meaning of the words: I and me or who and whom or Ram and
(xxi) some nouns ending in 'on' drop 'on' and take 'a' to form the Ram's is due to their cases. Now, examine the following sentence:
plural. For example, Ram gave Shyam a book.
Criterion – criteria Here, the noun 'Ram' is the subject. It is the answer to the
Phenomenon – phenomena etc. question, "who gave shyam a book?"
What are the criteria for selecting the candidates? (not, criterion) "What did Ram give Shyam?" – A book. Book is the object which
This is a new phenomenon of nature. (not, phenomena) Ram gave Shyam. The noun book is therefore called the object.
(xxii) Some nouns ending in 'on' add an 's' to form the plural. For Consider an another example,
example, The cow kicked the girl.
Demon – demons Here the noun 'cow' is the subject. It is the answer to the question,
Electron – electrons "who kicked the girl?" The noun girl is the object. It is the answer
Neutron – neutrons to the question. "Whom did the cow kick?"
Proton – protons etc. When a noun (or pronoun) is used as the subject of a verb
Note: 'automation' (robot) has two plural forms: it is said to be in the Nominative Case (or Subjective Case). In
'automatons' and 'automata'. the above two example: 'Ram' and 'Cow' are subjects of verbs
(xxiii) Some nouns ending in 'a' form their plural by adding 'e' or 'gave' and 'kicked' respectively. Therefore, to find the Nominative
's'. For example, put who? or what? before the verb.
Antena – antennae or antennas When a noun (or pronoun) is used as the object of a verb, it
Formula – nebulae or formulas is said to be in the Objective (or Accusative) Case. In the above
Nebula – nebulae or nebulas example, 'book' and 'girl' are objects of verbs 'gave' and 'kicked'
Vertebra – vertebrae or vertebras respectively. Therefore, to find a Accusative, put whom? or what?
Lacuna – lacunae or lacunas before the verb and its subject.
The ae-form is a foreign plural form. It normally occurs in science A noun which comes after a preposition is also in the accusative
and technology. The as-form is the regular plural form. It is case. For example,
normally used in common speech. Note that the plural form of The water is in the glass.
'alumna' is 'alumnae' (not, alumna's) The glass is on the table.
(xxiv) Nouns ending in 'eau' form their plural by adding's' or 'x'. Here, the bold words glass and table are accusative nouns.
For example, Nouns in English have the same form for the nominative and the
Plateau – plateaus or plateaux accusative. The nominative generally comes before the verb and
Bureau – bureaus or bureaux the accusative after the verb for example,
Note: The plural form of tableau is tableaux He broke the glass (object)
(xxv) A few nouns are put into plural by a vowel change. For A glass was broken (subject).
example: Now, consider the first sentence,
Foot – feet Ram gave Shyam a book.
Mouse – mice Noun book is the object of verb gave. And also Shyam was the
Tooth – teeth person to whom Ram gave a book. The noun Shyam is called the
Man – men Indirect Object of the verb gave. The noun book, the ordinary
Goose – geese etc. object, is called the Direct Object. It is noted that the position of

the Indirect Object is immediately after the verb and before the Archimedes' law, Pythagoras' Theorem, Euripides' plays,
Direct object. Socrates' ideas.
When a noun is used as the indirect object of a verb it is (v) With other names ending in 's' we may add 's or the
said to be in Dative Case. In the above example, Shyam is in apostrophe alone. For example,
Dative Case. Mr. Thomas's house or Mr Thomas' house
When a noun is changed to show ownership or possession, Yeast's poems or Yeats' poems
it is said to be in the Possessive or is Genitive Case. We use the (vi) When a noun or a title consists of several words, the
possessive form mainly with people or animals to show possession possessive sign is attached only to the last word. For
or something other relationships with somebody or something. example,
For example, The visit of King of Bhutan = The King of Bhutan's visit
Mr. Anant's son = the son of Mr Anant Speech of the Prime Minister of India = The prime minister
the cow's tail = the tail of the cow of India's speech.
a boy's school = a school for boys (vii) Each of two or more connected nouns implying separate
the girl's story = a story that the girl told possession must take the possessive sign. For example,
The possessive answers the question, "whose" ? I have bought Kiran's and Jyoti's shoes.
For example, Chetan Bhagat's and R K Narayan's Novels.
Whose son? = Mr. anat's Here separate possession is indicated.
Whose tail? = The cow's etc (viii) Also when two nouns are closely connected, the possessive
Note: The possessive case does not always express possession; it is put to the latter. For example,
also expresses origin, kind, authorship etc. For example, Ram and Shyam's shop.
Kalidasa's work = The works created by Kalidasa Manoj and Sanjay's publication house.
Ways to Form the Possessive Case Here joint possession is indicated.
(ix) When two nouns are in opposition, the possessive sign is
A noun used to express ownership or relationship indicates
put to the latter only. For example,
possession. The possessive case is formed in two ways:
Mohan the professor's son is very intelligent.
(a) Noun + ' s
That is Tagore the poet's house.
This is Shyam's pen.
Penicillin, Fleming's discovery, has saved the lives of many
These are the children's books.
(b) of + noun
The leg of this table is small. Nouns in Apposition
This is the horn of a scooter. When one noun follows another to describe it, the noun
which follows is said to be in opposition to the noun which comes
before it. For example,
(i) The possessive form of singular nouns is formed by adding
Tomorrow, I shall meet father, the writer.
an apostrophe – s ('s): For example,
We see that 'your father' and 'the writer' are one and the same
The house of Robert = Robert's house
person. The noun 'writer' follows the noun 'father' simply to
The book of the pupil = the pupil's book
explain which 'father' is refer to.
The mouth of the house = the horse's mouth
A noun in opposition is in the same case as the noun which it
Note: The letter's' is omitted in a few words where too many
explains. In the above sentence the noun 'writer' is in opposition to
hissing sounds would come together. For example,
the noun 'father' and is in the Accusative Case (because 'father' is
For conscience' sake; for goodness' sake
in the Accusative Case).
For justice' sake; for diocese' jurisdiction etc.
(x) 's is used with singular nouns denoting time, space or
(ii) A simple apostrophe (') is used with plural nouns ending in
weight. For example,
's'. For example:
a week's leave, a day's journey
the books of the pupils = the pupils' books
a ship's length, a month's wages etc.
the words of the teachers = the teachers' words
(xi) 's is used in idiomatic expressions like these: money's
(iii) It the plural nouns don't end in's' we add's. For example,
worth, at arm's length, at one's wit's end, for god's sake, at a
men's work, women's club, children's stories etc.
stone's throw, for mercy's sake etc.
(iv) With classical names ending in 's' we add only the
This book is my money's worth. (not, worth of my
apostrophe. For example,

He is at his wit's end. (not, at the end of his wit.) Proper noun are always written with a capital letter at the
(xii) The last element of a compound noun takes apostrophe's' beginning. For example,
('s). For example, The capital of India is New Delhi.
This is my sister-in-law's dog.
I had to obey the government of India's order.
These examples clearly show that the apostrophe's is A collective noun takes a singular verb when the whole groups are
attached to the end of the noun phrase. See another considered as one unit. For example,
example, The committee consists of five members.
The king of England's crown (not, the king's of England The family living next door has come from Chennai.
crown) Note that if we refer to the members of the committee or family
(xiii) 's can be used with inanimate nouns too when they are separately, the collective noun takes a plural verb, but it (the
personified. For example, collective noun) remains singular in form. For example,
Nature's laws, death's door, heaven's will, earth's surface, The committee have taken their seats.
sun's rays etc. Here the word 'committee' refer to the 'members' of the committee,
who have taken their seats.

(i) of + noun is used with lifeless things. It normally indicates

that something is a part of the whole. For example, Generally abstract nouns have no plurals. For example, love,
leg- chair : The legs of this chair are shaky. provocation, kindness, hope, charity etc.
(not, chair's legs) But whenever they are in the plurals, they are used as common
hands-watch: The hands of this watch are pretty. nouns. For example,
(not, watch's hands) Kindnesses = acts of kindness
(ii) of + noun is used with people as well, when the noun Provocations = cases of provocation
(person) is followed by a phrase (preposition + noun) or a
relative clause. For example, Material nouns are not used in the plural. For example, tin, wood,
We had to obey the order of the robbers with guns. (not, we iron, silver etc.
had to obey the robber's order with guns). But whenever they are in the plural, they become common nouns
In a sentence like this is unacceptable because the phrase with changed meaning, For example,
(preposition + noun = with guns) gets tagged to a wrong noun Singular Plural Changed Meaning
(viz., order). Copper Coppers Copper coins
Now, look at these sentences: Wood Woods Forests
1. I have read the works of Shakespeare, who is one of the Tin Tins Tin-cars
greatest poets. Iron Irons Chains
2. (not) I have read Shakespeare's works, who is one of the
greatest poets.
In sentence (2), the possessive's separates the relative pronoun (of) An abstract noun can also be used as a common noun by placing
from its antecedent (works) and creates ambiguity. The possessive an definite article (a or an) before it. For example,
'of' in sentence (1) is used to avoid such ambiguity. Rajani is a beauty. (a beautiful girl)
Note that a proper noun. or a abstract noun, or a material noun is
Correct Usage of Nouns usually never preceded by an indefinite article (a or an).

A proper noun becomes a common noun when it is used in the An abstract noun can also be used in the sense of a collective noun.
plural form, or when an article is placed before it. For example, When an abstract noun is used as a collective noun it takes a plural
look at the sentence given below: verb. For example,
There are five Gandhis in our college. Youth are the pillars of the nation. (Collective noun)
Vinay Kumar is the Milton of our college.
Kalidas is the Shakespeare of India.
When a material noun denotes a mass of matter, it is not used in
the plural form. For example,
Their house is built of bricks and stones (Incorrect)

Their house is built of brick and stone (Correct) Democracy is the government of the people (not,
'People' as a singular noun means 'nation' or 'race'. It adds an
When a plural noun denotes a specific amount, length, weight,
's' in the plural. For example,
quantity etc. considered as a whole, the verb must be in the
The peoples of the world must live in peace. (not,
singular form. For example,
Ten thousand rupees is a large amount.
'Persons' is usually replaced by 'people' in common speech
Six kilometres is not a long distance for a runner like
because 'persons' is considered rather formal. For example,
They are honest people. (not persons)
People ought to have some fundamental rights.
When the words-score, dozen, hundred, thousand etc. are preceded (not, persons)
by any other word denoting number, they take no plural form. For 4. Swine
example, look at the following sentence: 'Swine' meaning 'pigs' is used in the plural but it does not add
He has three dozen pencils. an 's'.
Sachin made two hundred runs. 'Swine' meaning 'a nasty or obnoxious person or thing' adds
He has three score shirts. an 's' in the plural. For example,
But when they are not preceded by any word denoting number Our neighbours are dirty swine's. (not, swine)
they take plural form. For example, 5. Cattle
Scores of people were there. 'Cattle' is always used with a plural verb in current English
Hundreds of men were arrested. but it does not add an 's', For example,
Thousands of boys assembled to hear the speech. The cattle are grazing in the field. (not, is)
Dozens of seats are vacant. He is feeding the cattle now. (not, cattle's)
6. Police
Some nouns have the same form for the plural as well as for the 'Police' is always used with a plural verb, for example,
singular. For example, the following are some nouns that belong The police have arrested five criminals today.
to this category: (Not, has)
sheep, deer, species, aircraft, offspring, yoke, space, The police are looking at some clue. (Not, is)
craft, salmon, hair, apparatus, series, fish, crops, swine, 7. Inning/ Innings
gross, means (way) etc. 'Inning' is singular in baseball. Its plural form is 'innings'.
The number of the above words should be distinguished by their 'Innings' in cricket is used in both numbers. (Its plural form is
preceding adjectives/ articles if the preceding words (these, those, not 'innings').
ten, twenty etc) indicate plurality. For example, 8. Issue/ Issues
Two deer were caught. 'Issue' meaning 'offspring' does not have a plural form.
Many sheep are grazing in the field. For example,
He has made a series of mistakes. He has no issue. (not, issues)
Every means has been tried. He died without any issue. (not, issues)
Ram is using an apparatus. But 'issue' meaning 'topic for discussion or point in question'
The apparatus kept in the science laboratory are new. can have a plural form. For example, these issues should be
His hair is black. settled in a court of law.
Note :
9. Hair/Hairs
1. When word 'means' connote 'wealth', it is always plural. For
'Hair' used as a collective noun is considered uncountable, so
it is always used in the singular. For example,
His means are small but he has worked wonder with it.
I got my hair cut. (not, hairs)
2. The word 'fish' has the singular and the plural alike. But
She is brushing her hair. (not, hairs)
'fishes' can be used to connote 'different kinds of fish'.
'Hari' considered separately is countable. For example,
3. People/ peoples/ persons a hair, one hair, two hairs, only a few hairs
'People' as a plural noun means 'person'. It does not add an 's'. I found a hair in the soup.
For example, There are only a few free hairs on his head.

10. Work/ Works/ homework/ housework Note: 'Advice' is the noun form and 'Advise' is the verb form.
'Work' in the sense of 'doing or making something' is For example,
uncountable, therefore, it is always used in the singular form, The advice of the doctor is that I should not
but it does not take 'a'. For example, smoke. (noun)
He is at work now. (not, works) The doctors advise not to smoke.
She owes her success to sheer hard work. (not, Similarly, 'Practice' is noun and 'Practise' is verb.
This is voluntary work. (not, a work)
Some nouns are apparently plural in form but are singular in use.
'Work' meaning 'product of intellect or imagination' can have
For example, Mathematics, Physics, Economics, news, measles,
a plural form 'works'. For example, mumps, ethics, politics, innings, summons, optics, gallows,
These are the works of Chetan Bhagat.
draughts etc. are always used as singular though they look like
But 'homework' or 'housework' is always singular. For
plural form. It will be wrong to use plural verb with these words.
For example,
They are doing their homework now. (not,
This is good news for you.
homework's) A summons was served upon him.
11. Pair/ pairs (The plural of 'summons' is 'summonses'.)
The plural form of 'pair' is 'pair' or 'pairs'. For example, Mathematics is not a difficult subject.
He bought a pair of gloves. Politics is a dirty game.
He bought two pair/ pairs of shoes. Note that the 'Word' used in the sense of the one's promise,
But 'pairs' (regular plural form) is the more usual in current assurance or message, does not take plural form. For example,
English. For example, We should keep our word. (promise)
She has bought two pairs of shoes today. He sent word (not, a word) to me. (message)
Correlative conjunctions go in pairs. (not, in pair) Note:
12. Ton/ Tons 1. Athletics
The plural form of 'ton' is 'ton' or 'tons'. For example, It is usually used in a singular sense to mean physical exercises
He brought five ton (or tons) of coal. or sports (running or jumping). For example,
But tons (regular plural form) are the more usual in current She has no interest in athletics.
English. For example,
2. Gymnastics
He bought five tons of coal.
It is usually used in plural sense to denote forms of exercise.
'tons of' indicating a large quantity or number always takes a
For example,
plural form (tons). For example,
Gymnastics help develop our muscles.
She has got tons of news! (not, ton of)
3. Acrobatics
13. Head
It is used in singular sense to denote the art of performing
'Head' does not add an 's' in the plural when it means
acrobatics. It is used in a plural sense when it means acrobatic
individual animals in a herd or group. For example,
qualities. For example,
She has got ten head of cattle. (not, heads)
Acrobatics is not easy to learn. (art)
His acrobatics are praised everywhere. (qualities)
Some nouns are used in the singular only. The following are some 4. Tactics
nouns that belong to this category: It can be used with a singular or plural verb, For example
advice, corn, grain, justice, clothing, information, poetry, scenery, Good tactics call (s) for a surprise attack.
machinery, alphabet, expenditure, furniture, offspring etc.
It is wrong to add 's/es' to these words to make them plural. For
example There are some nouns which are used only in the plural form. For
All the furniture was sold. example,
I gave him all the information about it. alms, ashes, auspices, bowels, riches, clothes, scissors,
all the expenditure was met by the secretary. shears, spectacles, trousers, pantaloons, shorts,
The machinery was purchased only last year. intestines, biceps, genitals, gymnastics, premises
(surroundings), proceeds (money got from sales etc.),
thanks, outskirts, nuptials, doldrums, shambles (slaughter

house), annals (history), statistics (numerical facts Meaning: an instrument with two long thin parts joined
collected systematically) together at the top, used for drawing circles
your clothes are very expensive. and measuring distances on a map.
Her scissors are not very sharp. A pair of compasses.
These statistics show our poor progress. 3. Good (Singular Word):
Alms are to be given to the poor and the needy. Meaning: The noun good means actions and behaviour
A dead person's ashes are their remains after their body has been that are morally right.
cremated. You can talk about a person doing good.
"Your bowels are not empty". A doctor said to Ram. The charity does a lot of good.
Your clothes are very expensive. Goods (Word in Plural):

https://t.me/Aj_ebooks Meaning: Things that are produced to be sold.

Leather or cotton or paper goods.
The following collective nouns are always used in plural.
Electrical or sports goods.
Cattle peasantry public police
Perishable or durable goods.
People poultry gentry mankind
Increased tax on goods and services.
folk cavalry infantry majority
4. Iron (Singular Word):
bulk jury army
Meaning: a hard strong metal that is used to make steel
The above mentioned words look like singular, but they are
and is also found in small quantities in blood and
always used as plural and therefore, they take plural verb. For
Iron is a useful metal.
The majority are satisfied.
Irons (Word in Plural):
Cattle are grazing in the field.
Meaning: Chains or other heavy objects made of iron,
The peasantry of India are very poor.
attached to the arms and legs to prisoners,
Public do not like it.
especially in the past.
Police have come. (Never write, 'Police has come')
He was found in irons in the jail.
5. Return (Singular Word):
The following nouns are used either in singular or in plural Meaning: Coming back (the action of arriving in or
according to the sense or meaning they are required to convey. coming back to place that you were in before),
Hence are should be taken while using singular or plural form of giving or sending back, earnings, yields etc.
these words. He was met by his brother on his return from
1. Air (Singular Word) : Italy.
Meaning: gas, space (usually, the air) etc. The judge ordered the return of the child to
I need to put some air in my tyres. his mother.
I kicked the ball high into the air. We would appreciate the prompt return of
It only takes three hours by air. (=in a plane). books to the library.
Airs (Word in Plural) : Write your return address.
Meaning: a way of behaving that shows that somebody A high rate of return on capital.
thinks that they are more important etc than Farmer seeking to improve return from his
they usually are. crops.
I hate the way she puts on airs. Returns (Word in Plural):
2. Compass (Singular Word) : Meaning: an official report or statement that gives
Meaning: a range or an extent, especially of what can be particular information to the government or
achieved in particular situation. another body.
The compass of a singer's voice (= the range census returns.
from the lowest to the highest note that he or election returns (= the number of votes for
she can sing.) each candidate in the election)
Compasses (Word in Plural) : 6. Sand (Singular Word):
Meaning: a substance that consists of very small fine
grains of rock.
Sand is found on beaches, in deserts etc.

Sands (Word in Plural): My feet are aching.
Meaning: a large area of sand on a beach. 3. Light (Singular Word):
People were lying on the sands and enjoying Meaning: (i) radiance
sunshine. (ii) a lamp
7. Force (Singular Word): The knife gleamed as it caught the light
Meaning: physical strength (=as the light shone on it)
The shopping centre took the full force of the Bring it into the light so I can see it.
blast. Lights (Plural Word):
Forces (Word in Plural) : Meaning: lamps
Meaning: the weapons and soldiers that an army etc has Suddenly all the lights went out.
considered as things may be used. The British 4. Practice (Singular Word):
forces marched at midnight. Meaning: (i) habit
8. Content (Singular Word) : It is his practice to read several books a week.
Meaning: happy and satisfied with what you have. (ii) Exercise of a profession
He had to be content with third place. My solicitor is no longer in practice.
Contents (Word in Plural) : Practices (Plural Word):
Meaning: the things that are contained in something. She Meaning: Habits
hadn't read the letter and so was unaware of its
There are some nouns which have one meaning in singular and
The fire has caused severe damage to the
two meanings in plural. For example,
contents of the building.
1. Circumstance (Singular Word):
Some more nouns with one meaning in singular and another in
Meaning: fact
I know I can trust her in any circumstance.
Singular Meaning Plural Meaning
Circumstance (Plural Word):
Abuse wrong use abuses unjust/ customs/ practices
Meaning: (i) facts
Advice suggestion/ advices information counsel
She never discovered the true circumstances
Physic medicine physics a natural (old use)
of her birth.
quarter a fourth part quarters residence
(ii) Condition
respect regard respects compliments
Grants are awarded according to your financial
water a liquid waters sea/ ocean
2. Colour (Singular Word):
Some nouns having two meanings in the singular against one in Meaning : Hue
the plural are given below: Her hair is a golden colour.
1. Abuse (Singular Word): Colours (Plural Word):
Meaning: (i) Wrong use Meaning: (i) hues
He was arrested on charges of corruption Red, yellow and blue are primary colours.
and abuse of power (ii) a flag, badge etc.
(ii) rude and offensive remarks, usually made Most buildings had a flagpole with the national
when somebody is very angry. colours flying.
I was left shouting abuse as the car sped off. 3. Custom (Singular Word):
Abuse (Plural Word): Meaning: habit
Meaning: wrong uses It was her custom to rise early.
reported abuses by the secret police. Customs (Plural Word):
2. Foot (Singular Word): Meaning: (i) habits
Meaning: (i) a part of the body. (ii) the taxes that must be paid to the
my foot is aching. government when goods are brought in from
(ii) Infantry other countries.
Feet (Plural Word): 4. Effect (Singular Word):
Meaning: Parts of the body Meaning: result

Modern farming methods can have an adverse Cut the apple into quarters.
effect on the environment. (ii) Lodgings
Effects (Plural Word): we were moved to more comfortable living
Meaning: (i) results quarters.
I can certainly feel the effects of too many late 10. Spectacle (Singular Word):
nights. Meaning: a sights
(ii) Belongings (personal possessions) The sunset was a stunning spectacle.
The insurance policy covers all baggage's and Spectacles (Plural Word):
personal effects. Meaning: (i) sights
5. Manner (Singular Word): (ii) eye-glasses
Meaning: way Please, buy a pair of spectacles for me.
The manner in which the decision was
announced was extremely regrettable.
Some nouns that have two forms in the plural number should be
Manners (Plural Word):
carefully selected and used according to the meaning we want to
Meaning: (i) ways
convey. The meaning of the plural forms should be carefully
(ii) Behaviours
He has no manners, as he behaves very badly.
Singular Plural Meaning
6. Moral (Singular Word):
Meaning: a moral lesson, ethical 1. Brother brothers sons of the same mother
Governments have at least a moral obligation brethren members of a society
to answer these questions. 2. Cloth cloths kinds or pieces of cloth
Morals (Plural Word): clothes articles of dress/garment
Meaning: (i) moral lessons 3. Die dies stamps for coinage
(ii) Conduct dice small cubes used in games
Young people these days have no morals. 4. Fish fish taken collectively
7. Pain (Singular Word): fishes taken separately
Meaning: suffering 5. Index Indexes tables of contents
My wife was clearly in a lot of pain. Indices signs used in algebra
Pains (Plural Word): 6. Shot shot little bells discharged from a
Meaning: (i) sufferings shots gun photographs
You get more aches and pains as you get 7. Staff staves sticks or poles
older. staffs department in the army or
(ii) Exertion business.
She was at great pains to stress the advantages
of the new system.
In a construction like numeral + noun + noun, the noun following
8. Premise (Singular Word):
the numeral is always singular. For example,
Meaning: proposition
a five-year plan
His reasoning is based on the premise that all
a six-month -old baby
people are equally capable of good and evil.
a three-man committee
Premises (Plural Word):
an all-party meeting
Meaning: (i) propositions
two ten-rupee notes etc
His reasoning is based on several premises.
We don't say : This is a five-year plan.
(ii) Buildings
I have a ten-rupee note.
Police were called to escort her off the
9. Quarter (Singular Word): There are two ways in which one can refer to fractions.
Meaning: a fourth part (i) Two and a half rupees
The programme lasted an hour and a quarter. Two rupees and a half
Quarters (Plural Word): (ii) Two and a half years ago.
Meaning: (i) fourth parts Two years and a half ago.

Both the above forms are acceptable in current English usage. 17. Students should not take part (a)/ in party political
Note: But we use 'two-thirds', 'three-fourths', 'two-fifths' etc. demonstrations (b)/ as they interfere in serious study. (c)/ No
error (d)
18. The flock of lions (a)/ roamed about (b)/ fearlessly in the
In the construction one of-the-noun, the noun is always plural. jungle. (c)/ No error (d)
Look at the examples given below:
19. I have done my best; (a)/ the whole thing is now (b)/ in the
He is one of the tallest boys. laps of the Gods. (c)/ No error (d)
This is one of the best books.
20. Satyajit Ray, who conceived, co-authored (a)/ and directed a
Ananya is one of the most intelligent girls. number of good films, was (b)/ one of India‟s most talented
Exercise film maker. (c)/ No error (d)
21. A trained gang of sailors (a)/ was employed (b)/ on the ship.
Directions: In the questions given below of the sentences (c)/ No error (d)
have errors and some have none. Find out which part of a
22. The sound of (a)/ a gunshot (b)/ scattered the flock of birds.
sentence has an error. If there is no mistake, the answer is (c)/ No error (d)
‘No error’.
23. I saw (a)/ a few children (b)/ playing on sand. (c)/ No error (d)
1. One of the most (a)/ widely spread (b)/ bad habit (c)/ is the
24. Interviews for (a)/ the posts of lectures (b)/ will begin from
use of tobacco. (d)/ No error (e) Monday. (c)/ No error (d)
2. Recently I visited Kashmir (a) / and found the sceneries (b)/ 25. The rate of growing (a)/ may be different for different people,
to be marvellous. (c) / No error (d) (b)/ but. old age spares none. (c)/ No error (d)
3. All the furnitures have been (a)/ sent to the new house (b)/
located in a village. (c)/ No error (d)
Answer Sheet
1. (c) : Replace „habit‟ by „habits‟.
4. The crowd of angry students (a)/ ordered the (b)/ closing of
shops. (c)/ No error (d) 2. (b) : Replace „sceneries‟ by „scenery‟
5. They left (a)/ their luggages (b)/ at the railway station. (c)/ No 3. (a) : Replace „furnitures‟ by „furniture‟.
error (d) 4. (a) : Replace „crowd‟ by „mob‟.
6. The bus could not (a)/ ascend the steep hill (b)/ because it was 5. (b) : Replace „luggages‟ by „luggage‟.
in the wrong gears. (c) No error (d) 6. (c) : Replace „gears‟ by „gear‟
7. The Indian force (a)/ drove away (b) /the chinese. (c)/ No 7. (a) : Replace „force‟ by „forces‟.
error (d) 8. (b) : Replace „a place‟ by „places‟
8. The polling was marred (a)/ at many a place (b)/ by attempts 9. (c) : Replace „bouquet‟ by „bunch‟.
at nagging. (c)/ No error (d) 10. (a) : Replace „brother-in-laws‟ „brothers-in-law‟
9. His mouth watered (a)/ when he saw (b)/ a bouquet of grapes. 11. (b) : Replace „rupees‟ by „rupee‟
(c) / No error (d) 12. (a) : Replace „kind‟ by „kinds‟.
10. My brother-in-laws (a) /who live in Bombay (b)/ have come 13. (b) : Replace „informations‟ by „information‟
to stay us. (c)/ No error (d)
14. (c) : Replace „shop‟ by „shops‟.
11. The customer handed over (a)/ a hundred-rupees not (b)/ to 15. (a) : Replace „blinds‟ by „blind‟.
the shopkeeper. (c) No error (d)
16. (b) : Replace „order‟ by „orders‟
12. These kind (a)/ of shirts (b)/ are rather expensive (c)/ for him
17. (c) : Replace „study‟ by „studies‟
to buy. (d)/ No error (e)
18. (a) : Replace „flock‟ by „herd‟. \
13. You can get (a)/ all informations you want (b)/ in this book.
(c)/ No error (d) 19. (c) : Replace „laps‟ by „lap‟.
20. (c) : Replace „maker‟ by „makers‟.
14. This article (a)/ is not available in (b)/ any of the shop (c)/ in
the market. (d)/ No error (e) 21. (a) : Replace „gang‟ by „crew‟
15. The blinds (a) deserve (b)/ our sympathy. (c)/ No error (d) 22. (c) : Replace „flock‟ by „flight‟.

16. They have (a)/ placed order (b)/ for books. (c)/ No error (d) 23. (c) : Replace „sand‟ by „sands‟.
24. (b) : Replace „posts‟ by „post‟.
25. (a) : Replace „growing‟ by „growth‟.

However, when more than one person is involved, the reflexive
PRONOUN conforms to the first person.
The repetition of a noun in a sentence or a set of sentences You, Mohan and I must not deceive ourselves.
is really boring. So, Grammar prescribes that instead of You and Madan must not deceive yourselves:
repeating the noun, we may use a word (for that noun) called When Compound Personal Pronouns are used to give emphasis,
pronoun. This leads us to a precise definition of Pronoun. they are called Emphatic Pronouns. The following examples will
make this point clear:
The Pronoun is a word that we use instead of a noun.
1. I myself will do it.
Many people commit grammatical mistakes because they lack
2. You yourself can best explain the matter.
thorough knowledge regarding the use of pronouns. The following
3. They themselves admitted their guilt.
facts can be stated on the basis of the above definition:
III. Demonstrative Pronouns: The pronouns which are used to
(c) A pronoun must itself be something equivalent to a point out the objects which they refer to are called
Demonstrative Pronouns.
(d) As a rule, the pronoun should not be mentioned until Examples:
the noun has been mentioned. 1. This is a gift from my father.
(e) A pronoun must be of the same number, gender and 2. These are merely excuses.
person as the noun it stands for. 3. Mumbai mangoes are better than those of Bangalore.
Pronouns have numerous subclasses. Though there are 4. That is the fort of Allahabad.
several features that pronouns have in common with nouns, yet IV. Indefinite Pronouns: All pronouns which refer to persons
there are some features which distinguish them from nouns. They or things in a general way and do not refer to any
are as follows: particular person or thing are called Indefinite Pronouns.
(a) They do not admit determiners; Examples:
(b) They often have an objective case; 1. Somebody has stolen my watch.
(c) They often have person distinction; 2. Few escaped unhurt.
(d) They often overt gender contrast; 3. Did you ask anybody to come?
(e) Singular and plural forms are often not morphologically 4. Nobody was there to welcome her.
related. 5. Everyone wants to be wealthy and wise.
6. Some are born great.
7. Anyone can do this.
I. Personal Pronouns: A pronoun which is used instead of 8. All were drowned.
the name of a person is known as a Personal Pronoun. 9. Many are called, but few are chosen.
Examples: 10. One must love one's country.
I, my, mine, me, we, our, ours, us. (First Person) V. Distributive Pronouns: Each, either, neither are called
Thou, thine, thy, thee. Distributive Pronouns because they refer to persons or
You, your, yours. (Second Person) things-one at a time. For this reason, they are always
He, his, him, she, her, hers, it, its, singular and thus followed by the verb in singular.
they, their, theirs, them. (Third Person) Examples:
II. Reflexive of Emphatic Pronouns: When self is added to 1. Each of these men received a reward.
my, your, him, her, it and salves to our, your, them, we get 2. Either of you can go.
Compound Personal Pronouns. When the action done by 3. Neither of the accusations is true.
the subject turns back (reflects) upon the subject, 'self' is VI. Relative Pronouns: A Relative Pronoun refers or relates to
added to the pronoun and becomes a Reflexive or some noun going before, which is called its Antecedent.
Emphatic pronoun.
1. I hurt myself. 1. I met Hari who used to live here.
2. He hurt himself. 2. I have found the pen which I had lost.
3. They hurt themselves. 3. Here is the book that you lent me.
It is noticed here that each of these reflexive pronouns refers to the VII. Interrogative Pronouns: These pronouns are used to
same person or thing as that denoted by the subject of the verb. ask questions.

Examples: 4. But it the nouns joined by and refer to the same person or
1. Whose book is this? thing, the pronoun used should be singular.
2. What will all the neighbours say? Examples:
3. Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?
(a) Mr. Keshvani, my friend and principal of the college, is
4. Whom do you want to meet?
known for his good behaviour.
5. Who is that man?
Note: Interrogative pronouns can also be used in asking indirect (b) Delhi, the beautiful city and capital of India, is famous for its
questions. Consider the following examples: historical monuments.
1. I asked who was speaking. 5. When two singular nouns joined by and refer to the same
2. Tell me what you have done. person, or thing, the pronoun used should be singular.
3. Say which you would like best. Example:
The manager and owner of the firm expressed his views on the
demands of the workers. (One person– Two portfolios)
Please study the following observations carefully:
6. When two singular nouns joined by and refer to two
1. If three pronouns (of different persons) are used together
different persons and each preceded by an article, the
in the same sentence, they are arranged in the following
pronoun used for them should also be plural.
2 3 1
(a) The party chief and the Prime Minster expressed their views
Second person Third person First person on the topic. (The party chief and the Prime Minister are two
different persons.)
(b) The Principal and the Chairman spoke their mind on this
(a) I, you and he must help that poor man. (Incorrect)
issue. (The Principle and the Chairman are two different
You, he and I must help that poor man. (Correct) persons.)
(b) I, you and he are friends. (Incorrect) Two persons– The party chief and the Prime Minister.
You, he and I are friends. (Correct) Two persons– The Principal and the Chairman.
2. When three pronouns (of different persons) are used Note- An easy way to understand points 5 and 6: If both nouns
together in the same sentence and the sentence confesses a are preceded by the, the pronoun used should be plural and if
guilt or flaw, they should be arranged in the following only the first noun is preceded by the, the pronoun used will
order: be singular.
1 2 3 7. When two nouns are joined by as well as, the pronoun
agrees with the first subject.
First person Second person Third person
(a) Mohan as well as his friends is doing his work.
(a) You, we and they were absent. (Incorrect)
(b) The students as well as their teachers are doing their work.
We, you and they were absent. (Correct)
8. When two singular nouns joined by and are preceded by
(b) You, he and I are to blame. (Incorrect) each or every, the pronoun used must be singular and
I, you and he are to blame. (Correct) should agree in gender with the second noun.
3. When two or more singular nouns are joined by and, the Examples:
pronoun used for them should be plural. (a) Every man and every woman will do her best for the nation.
Examples: (b) Each boy and each girl went to her house.
(a) Mohan and Sohan are friends. They play football. They live at 9. When two nouns are joined by with, the pronoun agrees
Lajpat Nagar. with the noun coming before with.
(b) Mala and Sangita are classmates. They are good friends. Examples:
(c) Ram, Syam and Madan live in Mumbai. They are workers. (a) The boy with his parents has gone to see a movie.
(b) The children with their parents have gone to the picnic.

10. When two different nouns are joined by either.... or; 14. Pronouns like mine, ours, yours, his, hers, its, theirs are
neither....nor, the pronoun is used according to the used to replace possessive adjective + noun.
number and gender of the second noun. Examples:
Examples: (a) I shall bring my scooter, you will bring yours.
(a) Either you sister or you have done your work. (your scooter)
(b) Neither the students nor the teacher was in his class. (b) This is Sudha's book, where is mine? (My book)
11. The pronoun coming after than must be in the same case 15. If a pronoun stands for a collective noun, bring treated as
as that coming before then. a whole, the pronoun should be placed in singular number
Examples: and neuter gender.
(a) She plays better than me (Incorrect) Examples:
She plays better than I. (Correct) (a) The jury was unanimous in its decision.
(b) His elder brother is more intelligent than him. (Jury is a collective noun.)
(Incorrect) (b) The army decided to disobey its commander.
His elder brother is more intelligent than he. (Army is a collective noun).
16. Use of that
12. Many a always takes a singular pronoun and singular
That is used Example (s)
1. After the words all, (A) All that glitters is not gold.
Examples: Ram is the only person that
the same, none,
(a) Many a soldier has met his death in the battlefield. nothing, any, only, (B) can help you in this work.
(b) Many a man has served his country nobly. the few, the little, etc. (C) He is the same person that had
13. Use of it gone on hunger strike.
(D) You may take any book that
It is used for Example (s) you like.
He gave me a book. It was old. (E) I have spent the few ` that I
1. Things without life.
2. Animals My horse gives me good 2. After an adjective in Mr. Keshvani is the most learned
service. I don't want to sell it. the 'superlative man that I have ever met.
3. Children (When sex is I saw a child. It was playing. degree'.
not mentioned.) 3. In speaking of (A) This is the same person
persons, animals and that had abused me.
4. Speaking of the (a) It is spring. lifeless things. The Gita is the book that
weather, the season, (b) It is half past ten by my (B) has impressed me the
the time. watch. most.
4. After an (A) What is the subject that
5. Stress over a noun or It was in Delhi that I was
Interrogative interests you the most?
a pronoun that cheated by a young man.
pronoun. (B) What is that plagues
6. Refers to a phrase or a "Look before you leap" is an 5. As a substitute for a The climate of Shimla is cooler than
clause that goes apt saying. it teaches us the single noun already that of Delhi.
before. way of the world. mentioned.
Note: It is also used as an introductory subject of 6. In an adverbial sense, We shall start the work the day that
is/am/are/was/were/ when the actual subject follows. when that implies– you decide. (That = On which).
when, on which, etc.
7. After two The boy and his cow that had
It is our duty to serve our aged parents. antecedents, one trespassed on the club premises were
denoting a person turned out.

and the other Examples:
denoting an animal (i) Who is knocking at the door? (some person)
or a thing. (ii) Whose pen in this? (This pen belongs to some person)
17. If the collective noun conveys the sense of separateness or (iii) Whom do you want? (Reference to a person)
division, the pronoun for it be in the plural sense.
(B) Which is used for things?
(i) Which is your book?
(a) The jury were divided in their decision.
(ii) Which game do you like?
(b) The committee were divided in their opinion.
Note: When selection is implied, which can be used for persons
18. Reflexive Pronouns: Reflexive pronouns are obtained by also, e.g.,
adding self to the pronouns of the singular number and
(i) Which your brother among them? (Selection)
selves to personal pronouns of the plural number.
(ii) Of Ram and Sham which is more intelligent?
My + self = Myself
(C) What is used for things and occupations?
Her + self = Herself
Your + self = Yourself
(i) What is your brother? (Occupation)
Our + selves = Ourselves
(ii) What is in your bag? (Thing)
Them + selves = Themselves
Now, mark the difference:
Your + selves = Yourselves
(i) Who is she? (What is her name?)
Remember three things about the Reflexive Pronoun:
(ii) What is she? (What is her occupation?)
(i) The reflexive pronoun tells us that the doer does something to
himself. (iii) Which is she? (Reference to a particular
lady from a group)
(ii) It is also used to lay emphasis on the pronouns.
(iii) In a sentence, a reflexive pronoun should not be used as
Directions: In the following questions, some of the
Examples: sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which
My father and myself went to see the Minister. part of a sentence has on error. If there is no error, mark
(Incorrect) your answer as ‘No error’.
My father and I went to see the Minister. (Correct) 1. The interviewer asked the candidate (a)/ to what district (b)/
Some more examples of the use of the Reflexive Pronoun: he came from. (c)/ No error (d)

(a) We went there and enjoyed. (Incorrect)

2. The master did not know (a)/ who of the servants (b)/ broke
the glass. (c) / No error (d)
We went there and enjoyed ourselves. (Correct)
3. The ruling party stood (a)/ for implementation of the Bill (b)/
(b) You should avail of the opportunity. (Incorrect)
and was ready to stake their political existence. (c)/ No error
You should avail yourself of the opportunity. (d)
(Correct) 4. This is the boy (a) whom I think had won (b)/ the gold medal
(c) He has raised in the eyes of his teachers. (Incorrect) in the Dance competition. (c) / No error (d)
He has raised himself in the eyes of his teachers. 5. Wherever they go, (a) / Indians easily adapt to (b)/ local
(Correct) circumstances. (c)/ No error (d)
19. Interrogative Pronouns: Who' whose, whom, which, what are 6. He is (a)/ taller (b)/ than me. (c)/ No error (d)
known as interrogative pronouns. Any sentence starting with 7. It is not easy for anyone to command (a)/ respect from one‟s
these pronouns will be an interrogative sentence. That is why friends as well as critics (b)/ as Dr. Johnson did for his
they are called interrogative pronouns. integrity and honesty. (c) / No error (d)
(A) Who, whose, whom, are used only for persons.

8. Mahatma Gandhi taught us (a)/ that one should respect (b)/ 29. Concurrent with this programme, (a)/ educational institutions
the religions of others (c)/ as much as his own. (d) / No error may be urged (b)/ to inculcate patriotism (c)/ in each and
(e) every one of its pupils. (d)/ No error (e)
9. He you and I (a)/ will manage (b)/ this problem together. (c) / 30. In spite of the doctor‟s stern warning, (a)/ he continued taking
No error (d) (b)/ sugar in his tea. (c)/ No error (d)
10. Was it him (a)/ who got injured (b) / in an accident this 31. Had I come (a)/ to know about (b)/ his difficulties (c)/ would
morning. (c) / No error (d) have certainly helped. (d)/ No error (e)
11. I suppose (a)/ you have heard the latest news (b)/ John has 32. One of them (a)/ forget to take their bag (b)/ from the school.
married that girl. (e) / No error (d) (c)/ No error (d)
12. As soon as her (a)/ saw his mother (b)/ he ran to her (c)/ and 33. Mr. Sunil Pawar, our representative, (a)/ he will attend the
embraced. (d)/ No error (e) meeting (b)/ on our behalf. (c)/ No error (d)
13. Due to me being a newcomer (a)/ I was unable to get a house 34. Being a destitute, (a)/ I admitted him (b)/ to an old peoples‟
(b)/ suitable for my wife and me. (c)/ No error (d) home. (c)/ No error (d)
14. The audience (a)/ are requested (b)/ to be in its seats. (c)/ No 35. If the teachers is good (a)/ the students (b)/ will respond (c)/
error (d) positively to them. (d)/ No error (e)
15. The scientist must follow (a)/ his hunches and his data (b)/ 36. Just before the race (a)/ I asked him (b)/ whom he thought (c)/
wherever it may lead. (c)/ No error (d) was going to win. (d)/ No error (e)
16. He is the general (a)/ whom the reporters agree (b)/ was most 37. It is not difficult to believe that a man (a)/ who has lived in
popular with the troops. (c) No error (d) this city for a long time (b)/ he will feel at home anywhere
17. There is no question (a)/ of my failing (b)/ in the examination. else in the world. (c)/ No error (d)
(c)/ No error (d) 38. Each girl was (a)/ given a bunch of flowers, (b) / which
18. The number of vehicles (a)/ plying on this road (b)/ is more pleased her very much. (c)/ No error (d)
than on the main road. (c) / No error (d) 39. The party chief made it a point to state that (a)/ the Prime
19. Being a destitute, (a)/ I admitted him (b)/ to an old people‟s Minister and the Union Home Minister should also come (b)/
home. (c)/ No error (d) and they see what his party men had seen. (c)/ No error (d)
20. This is not the (a)/ sense which (b)/ concerns us here. (c)/ No 40. I going there (a)/ will not solve (b)/ this complicated problem.
error (d) (c)/ No error (d)
21. One should make (a)/ his best efforts (b)/ if one wishes to 41. As it was Rajan‟s (a)/ first interview he dressed him (b)/ in his
achieve (c)/ success in this organisation. (d)/ No error (e) most (c)/ formal suit. (d)/ No error (e)
22. May I (a)/ know who you want (b)/ to see please. (c)/ No error 42. Whatever work (a)/ that which you undertake (b)/ put your
(d) best efforts (c)/ in it. (d)/ No errors (e)
23. Our is the only (a)/ country in the world (d)/ than can boast of 43. The superintendent of police has announced that those who
(c)/ unity in diversity. (d)/ No error (e) are found guilty of breach of peace (a)/ or of taking the law
24. Last summer he went (a)/ to his uncle‟s village, (b)/ and into their own hands (b)/ they will be taken to task. (c)/ No
enjoyed very much. (c)/ No error (d) error (d)
25. If I were him, (a)/ would have taught (b)/ those cheats a 44. Myself and Gopalan (a)/ will take care of (b)/ the function on
lesson. (c)/ No error (d) Sunday. (c)/ No error (d) .
26. Those sort of people (a)/ usually do not (b)/ earn fame in
society. (c)/ No error (d)
27. He could not plan his strategy (a)/ until he knew (b)/ whom
his opponents could be. (c)/ No error (d)
28. Being a very (a)/ hot day I (b)/ remained indoors. (c)/ No
error (d)

Answer Sheet
1. (b) : Replace „to what‟ by „which‟.
2. (b) : Replace „who‟ by „which‟. ERRORS IN USE OF ARTICLES
3. (c) : Replace „their‟ by „its‟.
4. (b) : Replace „whom‟ by „who‟. ARTICLES
5. (b) : Add „themselves‟ after „adapt‟.
6. (c) : Replace „me‟ by „I‟.
7. (b) : Add „one‟s‟ before „critics‟ (A, An) (The)
8. (d) : Replace „his‟ by „one‟s‟
9. (a) : The correct form is „You, he and I‟ Use of ‘An’
10. (a) : Replace „him‟ by „he‟ 1. Before words beginning with vowel sounds [a, e, i, o, u are
11. (a) : Add „that‟ after „suppose‟ called vowels. Others are consonants]
12. (d) : Add „her‟ after „embraced‟ an apple, an egg, an owl.
13. (a) : Replace „me‟ by „my‟ 2. Before words beginning with silent „h‟. an hour, an
14. (c) : Replace „its‟ by „their‟ honourable man, an heir, an honest man.
15. (c) : Replace „it‟ by „they‟ 3. F, H, L, M, N, R, S, X are letters that are not vowels but
16. (b) : Replace „whom‟ by „who‟ begin with vowel sound e.g. „M‟ has the sound of „em‟. So,
17. (b) : Replace „by‟ by „me‟ „an‟ is used before abbreviations beginning with vowels or
18. (c) : Add „that‟ after „than‟ thnese letters.
19. (a) : Add „He‟ before „being‟ eg. an M.L.A., an R.A.F., an N.C.C. officer, an F.I.R., an
20. (b) : Replace „which‟ by „that‟ X-ray, an H.E. school, an S.P., an LEA school.
21. (b) : Replace „his‟ „by „one‟s‟ Use of ‘A’
22. (b) : Replace „who‟ by „whom‟ 1. (i) In the sense of one
23. (b) : Replace „our‟ by „ours‟ e.g. He couldn‟t speak a word to save himself.
24. (c) : Add „himself‟ after „enjoyed‟ (ii) With „one‟ („one‟ begins with sound of „w‟)
25. (a) : Replace „him‟ by „he‟ a one-man show, a one-rupee note.
26. (a) : Replace „Those‟ by „That‟ 2. Before words beginning with consonant sound e.g. a boy, a
27. (c) : Replace „whom‟ by „who‟ box, a dog.
28. (a) : Add „It‟ before „being‟ 3. With vowel letters having consonant value:
29. (d) : Replace „its‟ by „their‟ e.g. a university, a unique article, a euphemism, a unit, a
30. (c) : Remove „his‟ European language. (all these begin with consonant sound
31. (d) : Add „him‟ after „helped‟ of „yu‟)
32. (b) : Replace „their‟ by „his‟ 4. With units and rate (per):
33. (b) : Remove „he‟ e.g. He earns rupees five hundred a month.
34. (a) : Add „He‟ before „being‟ Rice sells ten rupees a kilo.
35. (d) : Replace „them‟ by „him‟ Give me a metre length of the cloth.
36. (c) : Replace „whom‟ by „who‟ 5. In exclamatory expressions before singular countable
37. (c) : Remove „he‟ nouns:
38. (c) : Replace „her‟ by „them‟ What a pretty girl! How sunny a day!
39. (c) : Remove „they‟ 6. When two subjects or articles are thought of as a single
40. (a) : Replace „I‟ by „My‟ unit.
41. (b) : Replace „him‟ by „himself‟
He was ready with a cup and saucer.
42. (b) : Remove „that which‟
43. (c) : Remove „they‟ A cigarette is made of a paper and tobacco.
44. (a) : Replace „Myself and Gopalan‟ by „Gopalan and I‟ 7. With certain expressions of quantity:

a lot of, a dozen, a great deal of, a couple. The Makalu‟ (aeroplane), the Vikrant Ship), the Rajdhani
8. With a person‟s name to indicate that the person is perhaps express (train).
unknown to the person addressed: XI. Before names of an empire, dynasty or historical event.
A Mr. Roy is at the door. e.g. the Gupta dynasty, the old Stone Age, the First World
9. With a special meal (to celebrate something or in War, the American revolution.
someone‟s honour) XII. Clubs, foundations etc.:
I called my friends to a lunch to celebrate my success. the Lion‟s Club, the Ford Foundation.
A dinner was arranged to welcome the Principal. XIII. Before common nouns denoting unique things:
10. To make a common noun of a proper noun. the sun, the sky, the earth, the world, the stars.
This man is „a second Newton‟. XIV. With superlatives:
(This phrase means „a philosopher as great as Newton‟) Ex. (i) He is the best boy in the class.
„A Daniel‟ came to judgement. (ii) Prizes would be given for the most outstanding
(The phrase means „a wise man‟) performances.
XV. With ordinals:
Use of ‘The’
Ex. (i) He took the first taxi that came his way.
1. When we speak of a particular person or thing already (ii) He lives in the tenth block.
referred to: (iii) Our class is on the second floor.
I dislike the follow. XVI. Before the comparative degree:
The boy near the taps in my brother. Ex. (i) The more they get, the more they want.
I. When a singular noun represents a whole class: (ii) He is the cleverer of the two.
Ex. (i) The mango is considered the king among fruits. XVII. Before an adjective when the noun is understood:
(ii) The ass is used as a beast of burden. Ex. (i) The poor would favour him.
Remark: The nouns „man‟ and „women‟ do not take „the‟ before (ii) We must not shun the disabled.
Ex. Man is the greatest of God‟s creations. Exercise
II. With names of: Directions: In each of the following questions, find out
(a) gulfs, rivers, oceans, islands and mountains e.g. the which part of the sentence has an error. If there is no
Himalayas, the Indian ocean, the Persian Gulf, the Red sea, mistake, the answer is ‘No error’.
the Andaman islands, the Brahmaputra river. 1. The road (a)/ to famous monument (b)/passes through a forest
III. Certain books: (c)/ No error (d)
e.g. the Vedas, the Puranas, the Bible the Ramacharitmanas. 2. Our Housing Society comprises of (a)/six blocks and
(b)/thirty three flats in an (c)/ area of about thousand sq.
IV. Musical instruments:
metres. (d)/ No error (e)
e.g. the flute, the violin, the table, the trumpet.
3. Now that she is living in her own flat, (a)/she cleans the
V. The inventions:
windows, (b)/ twice a week in the summer and once a week in
Ex. (i) I hate the telephone for its constant ringing. the winter. (c)/ No error (d)
(ii) The television is a gift of science. 4. With little imagination and enterprise, (a)/ the tournament
VI. Parts of body: could have been transformed (b)/ into a major attraction (c)/
Ex. (i) He was wounded in the leg. No error (d)
(ii) They hit him on the hands. 5. These display (a)/ the (b)/ remarkable variety. (c)/ No error
VII. Religious groups: (d)
the Sikhs, the Hindus, the Parsees. 6. If you have faith in Almighty (a)/ everything will turn out (b)/
VIII. Names enforcing law: to be all right. (c)/ No error (d)
the Police, the Navy, the Air Force. 7. According to the Bible (a)/ it is meek and humble (b)/who
IX. Political parties: shall inherit the earth. (c)/ No error (d)
The Congress, the Janata Party, the B.J.P. 8. I am not wealthy, (a)/ so I cannot afford (b)/ to buy a
X. Aeroplanes, ships, trains etc. expensive car. (c)/ No error (d)

9. Sunita opened a almirah (a)/ full of books (b)/ and took one of 30. As I was to reach (a)/ early I left in aeroplane (b)/ instead of
them (c)/ for reading. (d) No error (e) (c)/ going by train. (d)/ No error (e)
10. Most people would have (a)/ attended the union meeting (b)/ 31. To perform this experiment, (a)/ drop little sugar (b)/ into a
if they had (c)/had longer notice of it. (d) / No error (e) glass of water. (c)/ No error (d)
11. My father is (a)/ in bad mood (b)/ today. (c)/ No error (d) 32. It is written in Gita (a)/ that God incarnates (b)/ Himself (c)/
in times of trouble. (d) No error (e)
12. The need to set up (a)/ a good library in the locality (b)/ has 33. Troy was taken by Greeks; (a)/ this formed the basis of a story
been in the minds of people (c)/ for some time now (d)/ No (b)/ which has become famous. (c)/ No error (d)
error (e) 34. These facts make it very clear (a)/ that he had hand in the
13. On my request (a)/ Lalit Introduced me (b)/ to his friend (c)/ murder, (b)/ though he still (c)/ pleads innocence. (d)/ No
who is singer and a scientist. (d)/ No error (e) error (e)
14. This town isn‟t very well known (a)/ and there isn‟t much to 35. A nationwide survey (a)/ has brought up an (b)/ interesting
see, (b)/ so a few tourists come here. (c)/ No error (d) finding (c)/ regarding infant mortality rate in India. (d)/ No
15. He took to (a)/ reading Times (b)/ for better knowledge (c)/ of error
the facts. (d)/ No error (e) 36. The man (a)/ cannot live (b)/ by bread alone. (c)/ No error (d)
16. The accelerating pace of life in our metropolitan city (a)/ has 37. I go to the bed (a)/ at eight (b)/ every night. (c)/ No error (d)
had the tremendous effect (b)/ on the culture and life-style of 38. If a man diligently seeks to come into the contact (a)/ with the
the people. (c)/ No error (d) best that has been thought and said in this world (b)/ he will
17. Both the civilians (a)/ and army men (b)/ joined the First become simple and selfish. (c)/ No error (d)
World War. (c) / No error (d) 39. Gangorti has special significance (a)/ for the devout (b)/ as it
18. The school is (a)/ within hundred yards (b)/ from my house. is considered as (c)/ the abode of King Bhagirath who brought
(c)/ No error (d) the Ganga down to the earth. (d)/ No error (e)
19. The majority of the (a)/ computer professionals recommends 40. The recent study has (a)/ indicated that there (b)/ is
(b)/ that effective measures (c)/ should be taken against perceptible change in (c)/ the attitudes of the people. (d)/ No
software piracy. (d)/ No error (e) error (e)
20. He obtained good marks (a)/ not only in English essay (b)/ but 41. The disclosure of (a)/ the synopsis of Thakkar Commission
also in arithmetic which was (c) full of complicated report (b)/ on the assassination of Mrs. Indira Gandhi (c)/ has
calculations. (d)/ No error (e) raised several vital questions. (d)/ No error (e)
21. The famous Dr. Chandra (a)/ is only dentist (b)/ in our village. 42. He was fascinated by insects (a)/ and the more he studied
(c) / No error (d) their habits (b)/ greater was his fascination. (c)/ No error (d)
22. This candidate lacks (a)/ an experience (b)/ otherwise he is 43. We all (a)/ must respect (b)/ a honest person. (c)/ No error (d)
well qualified. (c)/ No error (d) 44. With little patience (a)/ you will be able to (b)/ cross this
23. A person I met (a)/ in the theatre (b)/ was the playwright hurdle. (c)/ No error (d)
himself. (c)/ No error (d) 45. He did not go (a)/ to the city on foot, (b)/ he went there (c)/ by
24. The war of Mahabharata (a)/ is the full length illustration (b)/ the train. (d)/ No error (e)
of a righteous war. (c)/ No error (d) 46. My friends insisted (a)/ that I should see the movie (b)/ from
25. The interviewer asked me (a)/ if I knew that (b)/ Kalidas was beginning to the end. (c)/ No error (d)
the greater (c)/ than any other poet. (d)/ No error (e) 47. Both optimists and pessimists contribute to society; (a)/ the
26. The reason we have not been able to pay income tax (a)/ is optimist invents the aeroplane, (b)/ the pseeimist parachute.
due to fact (b)/ that we did not receive pay on time. (c)/ No (c) No errors (d)
error (d) 48. It being rainy day, (a)/ we decided not to go out (b) but to stay
27. Even now when I see the spot (a)/ I am reminded of an unique at home (c) / and watch a movie. (d)/ No error (e)
incident (b)/ that took place several years ago. (c)/ No error 49. By all standards (a)/ he is a best soldier (b)/ our military
(d) school (c)/ has produced so far. (d)/ No error (e)
28. As soon as the teacher entered, (a)/ everyone fell (b)/ in a 50. No Stronger (a)/ a figure than his (b)/ is prescribed in the
silence. (c)/ No error (d) history. (c) / No error (d)
29. As he had taken only a few sips (a)/ there was still little water
(b)/ left in the glass. (c)/ No error (d)

37. (a) : Remove „the‟.
Answer Sheet
38. (a) : Remove „the‟.
1. (b): Add „the‟ before „famous‟
39. (a) : Add „a‟ before „special‟.
„the‟ is used before particular objects.
40. (c) : add „a‟ before „perceptible‟.
2. (d) : Add „a‟ before „thousand‟. Here, „a‟ is before „thousand‟
41. (b) : Add „the‟ before „Thakkar Commission report‟
3. (c) : Remove „the‟ before „winter‟ and „summer‟
42. (c) : Add „the‟ before „greater‟.
4. (a) : Add „a‟ before „little‟.
43. (c) : Replace „a‟ by „an‟ because in „honest‟,
5. (b) : Replace „the‟ by „a‟
„h‟ is silent so that it begins with vowel sound „o‟
6. (a) : Add „the‟ before „Almighty‟.
44. (a) : Add „a‟ before „little‟.
7. (b) : Add „the‟ before „meek‟
45. (d) : Remove „the‟
8. (c) : Replace „a‟ by „an‟ because expensive‟ begins with a
46. (c) : Add „the‟ before „beginning‟.
vowel– e.
47. (c) : Add „the‟ before „parachute‟.
9. (a) : Replace „a‟ by „an‟.
48. (a) : Add „a‟ before „rainy day‟.
10. (d) : Add „a‟ before „longer‟.
49. (b) : Replace „a‟ by „the‟.
11. (b) : Add „a‟ before „bad mood‟.
50. (c) : Remove „the‟.
12. (c) : Add „the‟ before „people‟.
13. (d) : Add „a‟ before „singer‟.
14. (c) : Remove „a‟ https://t.me/Aj_ebooks
15. (b) : Add „the‟ before „Times‟.
16. (b) : Replace „the‟ by „a‟
17. (b) : Add „the‟ before „army men‟.
18. (b) : Add „a‟ before „hundred‟. Here, „a‟ is used for „one
19. (a) : The correct form is „A majority of the...‟
20. (b) : Add „the‟ before „English essay‟.
21. (b) : Add „the‟ before „only‟
22. (b) : Remove „an‟.
23. (a) : Replace „A‟ by “The”
„The‟ is used before specified objects.
24. Add „the‟ before „Mahabharata‟
25. (c) : Remove „the‟.
„the‟ is used before superlative degree i.e. „greatest‟
26. (b) : Add „the‟ before „fact‟.
27. (b) : Replace „an‟ by „a‟ because unique begins with the
sound „yu‟ and „y‟ is a consonant
28. (c) : Remove „a‟.
29. (b) : Add „a‟ before „little‟
30. (b) : Add „an‟ before „aeroplane‟
31. (b) : Add „a‟ before „little‟
32. (a) : Add „the‟ before „Gita‟.
33. (a) : Add „the‟ before „Greeks‟
34. (b) : Add „a‟ before „hand‟.
35. (d) : Add „the‟ before „infant‟
36. (a) : Remove „the‟.

Rule 1: If two or more singular nouns are joined by and, the
VERB verb used will be plural.

A verb is a word used to tell or assert something about Examples:

some person or thing. (i) He and I were going to the market.
There are three popular kinds of verbs: Auxiliary Verb, Ordinary (ii) Ram and Mohan are friends.
Verb and Verb of Incomplete Predication. In the above sentences, 'verb-subject' agreement is as follows:
The verb may tell us:
(f) What s person or thing does; as Subject Verb
Savita swims. He and I Were [a plural verb]
The bulb lights.
[Two singular nouns Joined by 'and]
(g) What is done to a person or thing; as
Ram and Mohan Are [a plural verb]
Mohan is punished.
(h) What a person or thing is; as [Two singular nouns Joined by 'and']
The dog is dead.
Rule 2: If two singular nouns joined by and point out to the
There are some sentences in which action passes over from the
same thing or person, the verb used must be singular.
subject to the object. Verbs used in these sentences are called
Transitive Verbs. These verbs are followed by an object. Examples:
Examples: (i) Rice and curry is the favourite food of the Punjabis.
1. The boy picked the stone. (ii) The collector and district magistrate is away.
2. The child hugged the mother. In the first example, rice and curry refer to one thing, i.e. food.
3. The student wrote a letter. Similarly, the collector and district magistrate is one man. Hence
In sentence 1, the action denoted by the verb picked passes over the verb used is singular. (i.e.is).
from the doer or subject boy to the object stone. The verb picked Note: If the article the is used with both nouns, the reference will
is, therefore, a transitive verb. Most verbs we use are transitive be to two persons or things and the verb used in such a case must
verbs as they take an object. be plural. For example:
Intransitive Verbs are those denoting the action that does not
The philosopher and the teacher are dead.
pass over from the subject to the object. These verbs denote an
action which does not pass over to an object or which expresses a The above sentence refers to two persons, i.e. the philosopher
(one man) and the teacher (the other man).
state or being. These verbs are not followed by an object.
Examples: Rule 3: In case two subjects are joined by as well as, the verb
1. The baby sleeps. agrees with the first subject.
2. Sunil ran a long distance. Examples:
3. The table is in the office. (i) Kanta as well as her children is playing.
In sentence 1, the action denoted by the verb sleeps, stops with the (ii) The children as well as their mother are playing.
doer or subject baby and does not pass over to an object. The verb
In the case of the first sentence, the verb (is) agrees with Kanta
sleeps in, therefore, an intransitive verb. Verbs that are intransitive
and in the case of the second sentence. the verb (are) agrees with
in their most common meanings include appear, come, fall, go,
happen, matter, sleep. If a verb is not followed by an object. It
Rule 4: Neither, either, every, each, everyone and many a are
cannot be made passive.
followed by a singular verb.
SUBJECT A DETAILED DISCUSSION (i) Either of the plans is to be adopted.
An Introductory Note (ii) Neither of the two brother is sure to pass.
'Verb-Subject' agreement plays a very important role in English
(iii) Every student is expected to be obedient.
Grammar. Even those who enjoy a good command over the
(iv) Each of them is capacitated to do the work.
language, sometimes commit mistakes. In the following
discussion, we have given sixteen rules that teach the verb-subject (v) Everyone of them desires this.
agreement. (vi) Many a person was drowned in the sea.

Rule 5: If two subjects are joined by either....or, neither....nor, Rule 10: When two subjects are joined by not only ....... but
the verb agrees with the subject near to it. also; the verb must agree with the second subject.
Note: You need not waste your time in understanding the meaning Examples:
of 'near to it. You should simply keep in mind that in such cases (i) Not only India but also Pakistan is poor.
the verb agrees with the second subject. (The second subject Pakistan is singular)
Examples: (ii) Not only the principal but also the students were
(i) Either my brother or I am to do this work. laughing. (The second subject students is plural)
(ii) Neither he nor they are prepared to do this work. (iii) Not only the children but also their mother was
In the first example, we find that the verb (i.e.am) agrees with I playing. (The second subject their mother is singular)
because I is immediately before it. Similarly, in the second Rule 11: When two subjects are joined by or, the verb must
sentence, the verb (i.e. are) agrees with they, because they is agree with the second subject.
immediately before it. In the application of the above rule, it is necessary to keep in mind
Rule 6: A noun singular in form and collective in sense takes that the 'plural subject', if any, should be placed near the verb.
a singular verb. Examples:
Examples: (i) Krishna or her sisters were there.
(i) The committee is unanimous in its opinion. (The second subject sisters is plural)
(ii) The council has chosen its president. (ii) Mohan or Sohan responsible for all this.
(iii) Parliament has elected its speaker. (The second subject Sohan is singular)
Note: Normally, when there is oneness in action, the verb is Rule 12: When two subjects of different numbers and persons
singular, but when there is diversity and every member of the or both are joined together by and, the verb used must be
collective noun has to be mentioned, the verb used is plural. plural.
Examples: Examples:
(i) The jury were divided in their opinion. (i) Sachin and his parents have gone to Kolkata.
(ii) The committee are divided on one minor point. (ii) He and I are friends.
(iii) The crew were taken prisoners. Rule 13: Some nouns, which are singular in form but are
Rule 7: A great many is always followed by a plural noun and plural in number take a plural verb.
a plural verb. Examples:
Examples: (i) People were shouting.
(i) A great many students have been declared successful. (ii) Cattle are grazing.
(ii) A great many men have come. Rule 14: When a plural noun denotes some particular quantity
Rule 8: Similarly, if two subjects are joined by with, together or amount considered as a whole, it takes a singular verb.
with, no less than, in addition to, and no, etc., the verb agrees Examples:
with the first subject. (i) Five hundred rupees is a big amount.
Examples: (The verb will agree with amount and not with five-
(i) The boy with his parents has arrived. hundred rupees)
(ii) The officer together with his subordinates was present (ii) Hundred miles is a long distance.
in the function. (The verb will agree with the distance and not with
hundred miles).
(iii) He no less than I is to blame.
Rule 15: The title of books, names of countries or subjects
(iv) Hard labour in addition to intelligence is needed for
which look like plural, but actually are in singular number,
success in life. are followed by singular verbs.
Rule 9: Nouns, plural in form but singular in meaning, take a Examples:
singular verb.
(i) Mathematics is a difficult subject.
(ii) The United States of America is the richest country of
These news were broadcast from All India Radio yesterday. the word.
(iii) The Arabian Nights is an interesting book.
This news was broadcast from All India Radio yesterday.
(iv) The Three Musketeers is a famous book.

Rule 16: When the subject is a relative pronoun, the verb Hold Held Held
agrees in number and person with the noun or pronoun to
Ring Rang Rung
which the relative pronoun refers.
Examples: Shine Shone Shone
(i) Rajiner, who is my friend, has a thirst for knowledge. Spin Spun Spun
(ii) I, who am at your service, should not be ignored. Win Won Won
(ii) Verbs with a suffix (suffix is referred to the letter or
letters added at the end of a word to form another word),
n, –ne or –en the third form; as:
Verbs in English are used in three different forms. They are:
First form Second form Third form
(1) Present of first or original form
Arise Arose Arisen
(2) Past or second form
Blow Blew Blown
(3) Past Participle or third form.
Note: The terms, first form, second form and third form, do not Bear Bore Born
exist in English Grammar but have been used here for the sake of Bear Bore Borne or Born**
convenience. Therefore, in all subsequent discussions on verbs, we
Drive Drove Driven
shall use the above mentioned terms. The form of the verb used
determines the tense of a sentence. Or conversely, the tense of a Eat Ate Eaten
sentence determines the form of the verb that is used. Fly Flew Flown
The first form is the actual form in which the verb as a word exists Go Went Gone
in the language. Therefore, we have referred to it as the original
form. The other two forms of the verb, in most cases, are derived Rise Rose Risen
by making certain changes in the original form. For example– See Saw Seen
Eat (1st form) Ate (2nd form) Eaten (3rd form). * But the second and third form of abide is abided when it is
Verbs can be divided into different types according to their used to convey to live up to (a promise, agreement etc.) He
method of changing from one form into another. abided by the rules and regulations of the game.

EXAMPLES OF THE THREE ** Bear when it means to give birth to, has two forms in past
participle: (i) She has borne (him) six children. (ii) He was
FORMS OF THE VERB born in 2007. Past participle born is only used in passive
Present/Original Past/ Second Past Participle
form form Third form (iii) Verbs which derive their 2nd and 3rd forms by the
addition of –d, –ed, or –t and without a change in the
Play played played vowel; as:
Go went gone First form Second form Third form
Walk Walked Walked
Sleep slept slept
Talk Talked Talked
Types of Verbs Prove Proved Proved
Shape Shaped Shaped
(i) Verbs with vowel change only, as: Wash Washed Washed
Writhe Writhed Writhed
First form Second form Third form
Climb Climbed Climbed
Abide Abode* Abode* Deal Dealt Dealt
Begin Began Begun Mean Meant Meant
Come Came Come Spoil* Spoilt or- poiled Spoiltor- poiled
Hear Heard Heard
Dig Dug Dug
Burn Burnt Brunt
Fling Flung Flung Dwell Dwelt Dwelt

(iv) Verbs that have a vowel change as well as the addition of a
suffix; as: Exercise
Directions: In the following questions, some of the
First form Second form Third form
sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which
Feel Felt Felt part of a sentence has an error. If there is no mistake, the
Kneel Knelt Knelt answer is 'No error'.
Bring Brought Brought 1. There are much inconveniences (a)/ that have to be put up
Sell Sold Sold with (b)/ when you are camping. (c)/ No error (d)
2. It is out duty (a)/ to put off our shoes (b)/ before entering the
Can Could Could
sanctum sanctorum of any temple or mosque. (c)/ No error (d)
Beseech Besought Besought
3. Supposing if you (a)/ are arrested, (b)/ what will you do? (c)/
Seek Sought Sought No error (d)
Tell Told Told 4. The child is very precocious (a)/ and not only speaks English
Think Thought Thought (b)/ but also German and French. (c)/ No error (d)
5. When I called at him (a)/ yesterday, he was busy (b)/ writing
(v) In some cases, the verbs retain their original identity in all a book (c)/ No error (d)
the three forms. They end in -d or -t; as: 6. we have helped them not only (a)/ with money but also (b)/
First form Second form Third form with new machinery (c)/ and raw material. (d)/ No error (e)
Bet Bet Bet 7. He was advised (a)/ to be more cautious (b)/ lest he is robbed
again. (c)/ No error (d)
Burst Burst Burst
8. Rural women congregated the mud roofs (a)/ when the
Cast Cast Cast
colourful procession (b)/ passed through the street. (c)/ No
Cost Cost Cost error (d)
Cut Cut Cut 9. None of the students attending your class (a)/ answered your
Hit Hit Hit questions (b)/ did they ? (c)/ No error (d)
Hurt Hurt Hurt 10. Everyone expected (a)/ the bold officer will face (b)/ the
Let Let Let situation with courage. (c)/ No error (d)
11. Jack has a far more expensive (a)/ and luxurious apartment
Put Put Put
(b)/ than John's. (c)/ No error (d)
Rid Rid Rid
12. She is going (a)/ to her aunt (b)/ for the weekend (c)/ and after
Set Set Set to Bombay. (d)/ No error (e)
Shed Shed Shed 13. Some leader feels (a)/ that the use of English language (b)/
Spread Spread Spread will hamper (c)/ the progress of the nation. (d)/ No error (e)
Shut Shut Shut 14. Some ruling party members (a)/ objected to the opposition
(b)/ raising the Bofors issue. (c)/ No error (d)
Slot Slot Slot
15. These Acts were (a)/ pushed through Parliament (b)/ in spite
Split Split Split
of opposition (c)/ but for little modification. (d)/ No error (e)
Thrust Thrust Thrust 16. Wearing extremely fashionable clothes (a)/ and surrounded by
photographers and pressmen, (b)/ she swept up to the
Note: There are no hard and fast rules by which one can make
out. by looking at a verb, how it is going to change its form. microphone. (c)/ No error (d)
Therefore, in order to be able to use verbs correctly in all their 17. As though this were not bad enough (a)/ nuclear power in
forms, it is essential to develop familiarity with them. This can be India is vastly (b)/ more expensive than it was (c)/ assumed to
done by reading and if possible memorising the list of verbs. with be. (d)/ No error (e)
their different forms. 18. It is an established fact that the transcendental American poets
and philosophers, (a) / who lived in the latter half of the

nineteenth century, (b)/ were more influenced by Indian 38. Long ago, when I was yet a student (a)/ I once went to
philosophy, in particular by Upanishad philosophy. (c)/ No Darjeeling, (b)/ where I was charmed by the beautiful
error (d) mountain sceneries (c)/ that greeted me on all sides. (d)/ No
19. Shalini and I (a)/ are good friends (b)/ and we meet (c)/ each error (e)
other often. (d)/ No error (e) 39. Neither he (a)/ nor his father is interested (b)/ in joining the
20. Sheela has scored a first class (a)/ in her final exams, (b)/ isn't party (c)/ No error (d)
it? (c)/ No error (d) 40. No sooner the teacher entered the class (a)/ than the pupils
21. Our is the only country (a)/ in the world (b)/ that can boast of (b)/ stopped talking. (c)/ No error (d)
(c)/ unity in diversity. (d)/ No error (e) 41. The fact that (a)/ the compact car is better than conventional
22. The long-awaited moment at last came, (a)/ and we set out for cars (b)/ has been proved by its sales. (c)/ No error (d)
the station, (b)/ as merry a band of children as I have ever 42. This room would look much better (a)/ if you put a furniture
seen before or since. (c)/ No error (d) (b)/ in that corner. (c)/ No error (d)
23. What this company needs (a)/ is not only qualified (b)/ 43. Several people (a)/ saw the thief (b)/ to snatch the jewellery.
manpower but also (c)/ dedicated workers. (d)/ No error (e) (c)/ No error (d)
24. The cause of earth quakes (a)/ is the heat in the (b)/ earth 44. A high level meeting (a)/ of officials is reporting (b)/ to have
interior. (c)/ No error (d) discussed (c)/ the issue in great detail. (d)/ No error (e)
25. Had she not gone (a)/ on writing the truth (b)/ which she saw 45. Swift's Gulliver's Travels (a)/ have been read by me (b)/
it (c)/ these changes might have taken longer. (d)/ No error (e) several times. (c)/ No error (d)
26. As poor as they are (a)/ they never refuse to donate, they have 46. The difficult situation in which I found myself (a)/ is not
(b)/ for any noble cause. (c)/ No error (d) made easy (b)/ by her constant nagging and grumbling. (c)/
27. It is better (a)/ to do not calculate (b)/ your gains before (c)/ No error (d)
they are realized. (d)/ No error (e) 47. Ever since the government (a)/ announced its new policy, (b)/
28. The wheat (a)/ on this land is (b)/ finer than last year. (c)/ No the private institutions had (c)/ run into heavy weather. (d)/
error (d) No error (e)
29. The students asked the teacher (a)/ what should they do (b)/ 48. "Meatless Days" (a)/ have been made (b)/ into a film. (c)/ No
after they had finished the text. (c)/ No error (d) error (d)
30. Tell me the name of (a)/ a country where every citizen is law- Answer Sheet
abiding (b)/ and no trouble is there. (c)/ No error (d)
1. (a) : Replace 'much' by 'many'
31. Rahul thought that (a)/ he would pass in the examination (b)/
2. (b): Replace 'put' by 'take'
although he did not answer (c)/ most of the questions
3. (a): Replace 'Supposing if' by 'In case'
correctly. (d)/ No error (e)
4. (b): Replace 'not only speaks' by 'speaks not only'
32. As there was only one taxi available (a)/ I had no other
5. (a): Replace 'at' by 'on'
alternative (b)/ but to pay the fare demanded by the driver.
6. (e): No error
(c)/ No error (d)
7. (c): Replace 'is' by 'be'
33. My friend is the kind of person (a)/ who will face up (b)/ to 8. (a): Add 'on' after 'congregated'
the most demanding tasks. (c)/ No error (d) 9. (c): Replace 'did they?' by 'did any?'
34. He says he is (a)/ going to (b)/ Delhi tonight. (c)/ No error (d) 10. (b): Replace 'will' by 'to'
35. I have (a)/ to usually reach (b)/ the office by 9.30 A.M. (c)/ 11. (c): Replace 'John's' by 'John'
No error (d) 12. (d): Replace 'after' by 'afterwards'
36. Thinking that death is imminent (a)/ one must perform (b)/ 13. (a): The correct form is 'some leaders feel'
noble deeds for virtue and goodness. (c)/ No error (d) 14. (b): Replace 'opposition' by 'opposition's'
37. The little boy knows (a)/ how to start the engine (b)/but does 15. (d): Replace 'for' by 'with a'
not know to stop it. (c)/ No error (d) 16. (d): No error
17. (a): Replace 'though' by 'if'
18. (c): Replace 'more' by 'much'

19. (e): No error
20. (c): Replace 'isn't it?' by 'hasn't she?' GERUND & INFINITIVE
21. (a): Replace 'our' by 'ours'
22. (c): Replace 'before or since' by 'since or before'
23. (e): No error 1. When an action is being considered in general sense,
24. (c): Replace 'earth' by 'earth's' gerund is used as subject:
25. (c): Replace 'which' by 'as' e.g. Swimming is his favourite pastime.
26. (a): The correct form is 'Poor as they are....'. Walking is a good exercise.
27. (b): The correct form is 'not to calculate' 2. Gerund is used as subject in short prohibitions:
28. (c): Replace 'year' by 'year's'
e.g. Smoking is prohibited.
29. (b): The correct form is '....what they should do'.
3. Verbs such as help, stop, detest, avoid, finish, dread,
30. (d): No error
31. (b): Remove 'in' mind, prevent, dislike, risk, deny, recollect, no good, no
32. (d): No error use, resent, delay, postpone, defer, enjoy, forgive,
33. (a): Replace 'the kind of person' by 'that kind of a person' pardon, excuse, suggest etc. are followed by the gerund:
34. (a): Add 'that' after 'says' e.g. It is no use saying.
35. (d): No error It is no good repenting.
36. (c): Replace 'for' by 'of' I avoid calling out loudly.
37. (c): Add 'how' after 'know'
4. A gerund is placed after a preposition:
38. (a): Replace 'yet' by 'still'
e.g. She is tired of waking.
39. (d): No error
40. (a): The correct form is 'No sooner did the teacher enter the
He is fond of riding.
class' But the prepositions except and but are followed by an
41. (b): Add 'the' before 'conventional' infinitive.
42. (b): Remove 'a' 5. A gerund, showing physical activity, is put after come or
43. (c): Remove 'to' go:
44. (b): Replace 'reporting' by 'reported' e.g. He is to go shooting.
45. (b): Replace 'have' by 'has'
Come fishing with us.
46. (b): Replace 'is' by 'was'
6. Nouns, followed by a gerund, are put in the possessive
47. (c): Replace 'had' by 'have'
48. (b): Replace 'have' by 'has'
e.g. He hates his child‟s playing all the time.
7. If there is a sense of dislike, hesitation, risk etc. in a
sentence, use gerund:
e.g. I dislike reading cheap novels.
She hesitates singing in the company of her friends.
8. Adjective before gerund are put in the possessive case:
e.g. I do not mind your going away.
What is the good of his trying to do that?
9. With a view to is always followed by a gerund and not an
e.g. We go to school with a view to studying.+

USE OF INFINITIVE (To + V1) 9. Infinitive is not used with to after verbs of perception like
to see, to hear, to feel, to watch etc. :
1. Verbs such as learn, remember, promise, swear, consent,
e.g. I saw him cross the street.
neglect, refuse, purpose, try, endeavour, attempt, fail,
She heard her come downstairs.
care, hope, decide, hesitate, prepare, determine,
10. Avoid using split-infinitive:
undertake, manage, arrange, seem, forget, agree, regret
He planned to not go on a vacation this year (×)
etc. are followed by infinitive:
He planned not to go on a vacation this year ()
e.g. We endeavour to invite such persons.
we promise to do this work soon.
2. Verbs such as order, tell, invite, oblige, allow, permit,
compel, teach, instruct, advise, tempt, encourage, urge, Directions: In each of the following sentences, find out
request, show, remind, forbid, warm etc. are followed by which part of the sentence has an error. The error may
object and infinitive: be idiomatic or grammatical. If there is no mistake, the
answer as „No error‟.
e.g. The teacher instructed the students to go.
1. The duties of a policeman are regulating the traffic, (a)/
She told me to come there.
investing crime (b)/ and to contain anti-social elements.
3. Verbs or expressions like– will, can, do, must, may, let
(c)/ No error (d)
are followed by infinitive without to: 2. If I was you (a)/ I would not have (b)/ committed this
e.g. Let him do this work. blunder. (c) / No error (d)
Let it be done. 3. It is not surprising (a)/ that her death cast (b)/ a pall of
4. Expressions like would rather, would sooner, rather than, gloom over all those (c)/ who came in contact with her.
sooner than, had better are followed by infinitive without (d)/ No error (e)
to: 4. Well, I spend six or seven years (a)/ after high school
e.g. You had better tell him. (b)/ trying to find a job for me (c)/ but could not succeed
I would do rather than suffer. in it. (d)/ No error (e)
5. See can be used with infinitive or without it: 5. Hardly did she finish (a)/ the typing when (b)/ the
Manager entered the room (c)/ with some more work.
e.g. Go to see him.
(d)/ No error (e)
Go and see him.
6. You will get (a)/ all the information (b)/ if you read this
6. The infinitive is used after adjectives like delight, angry,
booklet carefully. (c)/ No error (d)
glad, astonished, surprised, horrified, disappointed etc.: 7. Neither her husband (a)/ nor her brother were able (b)/
e.g. I was astonished to find him. to help in her work. (c)/ No error (d)
I was horrified to see the scene. 8. As soon as the Principal (a)/ entered the school (b)/ all
7. The verb know is never directly followed by the the students approached him (c)/ and report the matter.
infinitive. It is followed by a conjunction and then the (d)/ No error (e)
infinitive: 9. He is writing novels (a)/ ever since (b)/ he became a
Do you know to play the harmonium? (×) graduate. (c)/ No error (d)
Do you know how to play the harmonium? () 10. If my father (a)/ will approve (b)/ I will go to Bombay.
(c)/ No error (d)
8. ....had better is always followed by the infinitive without
11. Not only the bandits robbed (a)/ the traveller of his
purse (b)/ but they also wounded him grievously. (c)/
You had better to stop taking the medicine which has
No error (d)
harmful side-effects. (×) 12. Bacteria form (b)/ of life on earth. (c)/ common form
You had better stop taking the medicine which has (b)/ of life on earth. (c)/ No error (d)
harmful side-effects. ()

13. Twenty miles are (a)/ a long way (b)/ to walk. (c)/ No 31. The meeting adjourned abruptly (a)/ by the Chairman
error (d) after (b)/ about three hours of deliberation. (c)/ No error
14. Will you please (a)/ remind him to (b)/ switch off the (d)
fans (c)/ when he left? (d)/ No error (e) 32. If the streets would have been (a)/ clearly marked (b)/ it
15. I pleaded with him with (a)/ a view to convincing him would not have taken us (c)/ so long to find his house.
(b)/ of my innocence in the matter. (c)/ No error (d) (d)/ No error (e)
16. He drank once again (a)/ as he was (b)/ feeling thirsty. 33. I and you (a)/ know each other (b)/ for the last six years.
(c)/ No error (d) (c)/ No error (d)
17. With a view to help the Third World countries, (a)/ the 34. The eminent speaker's speech (a)/ was broadcasted over
I.M.F. and the world Bank keep sending (b)/ their (b)/ all the major radio stations. (c)/ No error (d)
experts to different regions of the world. (c)/ No error 35. Somewhere along the line (a)/ I lost track of (b)/ what
(d) Ashish said (c)/ about heart ailments. (d)/ No error (e)
18. One of these days (a)/ I will be going to (b)/ confront 36. When you father inquired (a)/ about your marks (b)/ you
you with incontrovertibly evidence. (c)/ No error (d) lied to him. (c)/ Have you not? (d)/ No error (e)
19. It is necessary (a)/ that everybody (b)/ must have a 37. I am sure that (a)/ neither the flat nor its contents (b)/ is
house. (c)/ No error (d) for sale. (c)/ No error (d)
20. This small table (a)/ will collapse (b)/ if you will stand 38. It's time (a)/ you started (b)/ working. (c)/ No error (d)
on it. (c)/ No error (d) 39. You are learning Tamil (a)/ for the last one year (b)/ but
21. Shobha asked the dealer (a)/ what was the price (b)/ of you show (c)/ no improvement whatsoever. (d)/ No
that bicycle and whether (c)/ it is really made in error (e)
Germany? (d)/ No error (e) 40. Many a profound thinker believe (a)/ that the march of
22. He refused to answer the question (a)/ despite the fact civilisation (b)/ has not coincided with real human
(b)/ that his silence will be interpreted as guilt. (c)/ No progress. (c)/ No error (d)
error (d) 41. The last of the Mughal emperors of India (a)/ was
23. Sadhana was the one person (a)/ who could somehow imprisoned (b)/ and was later (c)/ sent into exile by the
manage (b)/ to working in that section (c)/ for a long British. (d)/ No error (e)
time. (d)/ No error (e) 42. The programme which (a)/ came on television (b)/ these
24. When we consider all the factors, which are many, (a)/ days in the evenings (c)/ is very interesting. (d)/ No
the number of school dropouts (b)/ are quite disturbing. error (e)
43. On reaching the railway station (a)/ he was disappointed
(c)/ No error (d)
to learn (b)/ that the train left. (c)/ No error (d)
25. The lecture to be held (a)/ in the auditorium tomorrow 44. Neither India nor Pakistan (a)/ have yet acquired (b)/ the
(b)/ was open to the public (c)/ and free of charge. (d) capability to produce nuclear weapons. (c)/ No error (d)
No error (e) 45. When I shall see him (a)/ I shall tell him (b)/ that you
26. While proceeding on leave (a)/ he had committed (b)/ had called. (c)/ No error (d)
that he would be resumes after two days. (c)/ No error 46. I courteously asked him (a)/ where was he going (b)/ but
(d) he did not reply. (c)/ No error (d)
47. No body believed him (a)/ when he said that (b)/ his son
27. Coffee seeds (a)/ is dried and roasted (b)/ before they
was gone out of the country. (c)/ No error (d)
are ground into powder. (c)/ No error (d) 48. It is high time (a)/ that we send (b)/ the answer. (c)/ No
28. If there had been (a)/ no new thinking, (b)/ life would error (d)
follow the beaten track. (c)/ No error (d) 49. I have had to work (a)/ at the fountain for almost (b)/ ten
29. My faster did not (a)/ heard from my younger brother hours before it could (c)/ start functioning well. (d)/ No
(b)/ who is abroad for over a month. (c)/ No error (d) error (e)
30. While going (a)/ through the report (b)/ yesterday I find 50. My body has long since exhausted all its energy, (a)/ but
it went on running (b)/ just the same. (c)/ No error (d)
(c)/ several factual mistakes. (d)/ No error (e)

Answer Sheet 38. (b) :
39. (a) : Replace 'are' by 'have been'
1. (c) : Replace 'to contain' by 'containing'
40. (a) : Replace 'believe' by 'believes'
2. (a) : Replace 'was' by 'wee'
41. (c) : Remove 'was'
3. (d) : Replace 'came' by 'had come'
42. (b) : Replace 'came' by 'comes'
4. (a) : Replace 'spend' by 'spent'
43. (c) : Add 'had' before 'left'
5. (a) : Replace 'did the finish' by 'had she finished'
44. (b) : Replace 'have' by 'has'
6. (a) : Replace 'will' by 'can'
45. (a) : Remove 'shall'
7. (b) : Replace 'were' by 'was'
46. (b) : The correct form is 'where he was going'
8. (d) : Replace 'report' by 'reported'
47. (c) : Replace 'was' by 'had'
9. (a) : Replace 'is' by 'has been'
48. (b) : Replace 'send' by 'sent'
10. (b) : Replace 'will approve' by 'approves'
49. (e) : No error
11. (a) : The correct form is 'Not only did the bandits rob'
50. (b) : Replace 'went' by 'goes'
12. (a) : Replace 'is' by 'are'. ('Bacteria' is plural)
13. (a) : Replace 'are' by 'is'
14. (d) : Replace 'left' by 'leaves'
15. (b) : Replace 'convincing' by 'convince'
16. (d) : No error
17. (a) : Replace 'help' by 'helping'
18. (b) : Replace 'will be' by 'am'
19. (c) : Replace 'must' by 'should'
20. (c) : Remove 'will'
21. (d) : Replace 'is' by 'was'
22. (c) : Replace 'will' by 'could'
23. (c) : Replace 'working' by 'work'
24. (c) : Replace 'are' by 'is'
25. (c) : Replace 'was' by 'is'
26. (c) : Replace 'be resumed' by 'resume'
27. (b) : Replace 'is' by 'are' ('seeds' is plural)
28. (a) : Replace 'had been' by 'was'
29. (a) : Replace 'did' by 'has'
30. (c) : Replace 'find' by 'found'
31. (a) : The correct form is : 'The meeting was abruptly
32. (a) : Replace 'would have' by 'had'
33. (b) : Replace 'know' by 'have known'
34. (b) : Replace 'broadcasted' by 'broadcast'
35. (c) : Replace 'said' by 'was saying'
36. (d) : Replace 'Have' by 'Did'
37. (c) : Replace 'is' by 'are'

ADVERB According to their use, adverbs are subdivided into three classes:
An Adverb is a word that qualifies (i) a verb; (ii) an adjective; I. Simple
(iii) another adverb; (iv) a preposition.
II. Interrogative
III. Relative
He runs fast.
I. Simple Adverbs: Simple adverbs are used to modify the
In this sentence, the word fast is an adverb because it qualifies meaning of a verb, an adjective or an adverb. These can be
the verb runs. distinguished from one another by their meanings.
She is quite an intelligent girl. (a) Time (Which shows when)
In this sentence, the word quite is adverb because it qualifies the He will soon arrive.
adjective intelligent. He was taken ill yesterday.
She can run very fast. He did this before, and you have done it since.
In this sentence, the word very is an adverb because it qualifies I met him some time ago.
the adverb fast. We shall now begin to work.
The ship has sailed right round the world. He once met me in Mumbai but I have not seen him since.
In this sentence, the word right is an adverb qualifying the The main adverbs of this class are:
preposition round.
Now, then, before, since, ago, already, soon, presently,
SOME IMPROTANT FACTS immediately, instantly, early, late, afterwards, yesterday, today,
tomorrow, lately, daily, formerly, never.
ABOUT ADVERBS (b) Place (Which shows where)
An adverb can qualify not merely individual words. but an entire
We must rest here.
assertive sentence. In this case, it must stand first in the sentence.
Examples: He went there.
Unfortunately, the thief was not caught. The book is under the table.
Evidently, you were much distressed at the news. My house is near the market.
Probably, you are mistaken. Is Mr. Gupta within?
Luckily, I escaped unhurt.
My sister is out.
Certainly, he is wrong.
Come in.
We could rewrite these sentences in the following forms:
It is unfortunate that the thief was not caught. The dog followed Raju everywhere.
It was evident that you were much distressed at the news. The main adverbs of this class are:
Note: (a) As a general rule, adverbs do not qualify nouns or Here, there, hither, thither, in, out, within, without, above,
pronouns, But an adverb qualifies a noun or pronoun in such a below, inside, under, outside, far, near, everywhere, up, away,
sentence; as: backward, etc.
Even torture could not break his spirit. (Qualifying Noun) (c) Frequency (Which shows how often)
Only you can tell us the facts. (Qualifying Pronoun)
He always stood by his master.
(b) In the following examples, the adverb that precedes the noun
does not qualify the noun, but some participle or adjective that is He did this once, but he will not do it again.
understood: He often goes for a morning walk.
The then king = the king then reigning. She has tried twice already.
The above account = the account given above. Mahatma Gandhi never told a lie.
(c) In the following example, the adverb almost does not qualify He frequently comes here.
the noun drunkard but the verb is:
The main adverbs of this class are:
He is almost drunk.
To say, he is an almost drunkard would be incorrect. Once, twice, thrice, again, seldom, never, sometimes,
always, often, frequently, etc.

(d) Manner, Quality or State (Which shows how or in what Some of the adverbs may belong to more than one class.
manner) Examples:
She spoke loudly. (a) She sings delightfully. (Adverb of Manner)
He behaved foolishly. The weather is delightfully cool. (Adverb of Degree)
He did his work slowly. (b) Don't go far. (Adverb of Place)
I worked honestly. He is far better now. (Adverb of Degree)
Mohan reads clearly. II. Interrogative Adverbs: This is the name given to those
He works hard. adverbs that are used for asking questions.
I slept soundly. (a) Time
We fought bravely. When do you intend to pay him?
The main adverbs of this class are: How long will you remain here?
Thus, so, well, ill, amiss, badly, probably, certainly, (b) Place
conveniently, etc. Whither are you going?
Note: This class includes nearly all those adverbs which are Where did you stop?
derived from adjectives and end in –ly. (c) Number/ Frequency
(e) Quantity, Extent or Degree (Which shows how much or in How often does he visit you?
what degree or to what extent) How many person attended the meeting?
She is quite an intelligent girl. (d) Manner, Quality or State
He is clever enough for me. How are you today? (In what state of health)
She is a very beautiful girl. How did you solve the sums?
He is fully prepared. (e) Quantity or Degree
The weather is very stormy. How far was the statement true? (to what extent)
Ram is partly right. (f) Cause of Reason
I walk rather fast. Why did you do this? (for what reason)
The main adverbs of this class are: Wherefore did she weep?
Very, much, too, quite, almost, a little, rather, somewhat, half, Note: The adverb how is sometimes used in an exclamatory
partly, wholly, so, etc. sense:
(f) Affirming or Denying How nice of you to help me!
He did not come after all. What is the sense of quantity or degree is similarly used in an
Examples: Yes, no, not, yea, nay, not at all, by all means, etc. exclamatory sense:
Note: Yes or not are pro-sentence or substitute adverbs. What a beautiful flower it is!
III. Relative Adverbs: Relative adverbs are the same in form
as interrogative adverbs, but instead of asking questions, they
(i) Did he come? Yes (= He did come)
join two sentences together.
(ii) Did he come? No (= He did not come) These adverbs are called relative for two reasons– (1) because
In (i), Yes is substitute for an affirmative sentence, and in they relate to some antecedent, understood or expressed; (2)
(ii), No is substitute for a negative sentence. As pronouns save because they are formed from relative pronouns.
the repetition of a noun. these adverbs save the repetition of a (a) The Antecedent understood:
sentence. This is where we work.
(g) Reason Let us know when you will leave.
I fell off my bicycle, hence the bruises. (Where = the place where we work)
(When = the time when you will leave)
He therefore left office.
(b) The Antecedent expressed:
The Main adverbs of this class are: This is the place where we work.
Hence, therefore, consequently etc. Let us know the time when you will leave.


Some Adverbs have degrees of comparison like adjectives: Many adverbs are formed from adjectives by adding ly.

(a) If the adverb is a word of one syllabus, the comparative is Adjective Adverb
formed by adding er and the superlative by adding est. Bad Badly
Fast Faster Fastest High Highly
Hard Harder Hardest Kind Kindly
Late Later Latest of last Poor Poorly
Long Longer Longest Quiet Quietly
Loud Louder Loudest Short Shortly
Near Nearer Nearest Wise Wisely
Soon Sooner Soonest Adverbs formed from the, he, who.
(b) Some adverbs from the degree of comparison in an Rest Motion Motion Time Manner
irregular way or with complete different words: to from
Far Farther Farthest there thither thence then thus
Further* Furthest* Sim The here
He where
hither hence ..... .....
Rel. Who
whither whence when how
Ill or Bad Worse Worst where? whither? whence? when? how?
Inter. who?
Little Less Least
Many of the above adverbs can be compounded with prepositions
Many Much More Most Many or other adverbs:
Well or Good Better Best From there, we get therein, thereto, thereat, therefore, there from,
(c) Adverbs ending in ly form the comparative by adding therewith, thereon or thereupon, thereof, thereby. From here, we
more and the superlative by adding most: get herein, hereto, here fore, herewith, hereof, hereby, hereafter.
Beautifully More beautifully Most beautifully From where, we get wherein, whereto, wherefore, whereon.
Swiftly More swiftly Most swiftly From hither, we get hitherto (= up to this place or time).
Skilfully More skilfully Most skilfully From thence, we get thenceforth, thenceforward.
Wisely More wisely Most wisely From hence, we get henceforth, henceforward.
Note: The adverb early however, has earlier for its comparative Adverb Phrases. There are a large number of phrase in English
and earliest for its superlative. language, which do the work of adverbs and are, therefore, called
Adverb Phrases.
(1) A preposition followed by a noun: At random (without
Some adverbs have the same form as the corresponding
careful choice, aim etc.); of course (naturally: certainly); at
adjectives, as:
length (finally); in fact (actually); of a truth (truly).
Adverb Adjective (2) A preposition followed by an adjective:
He was much annoyed. There is much sickness here. In general, in particular, in short, at large, in vain, on a high,
He stayed long. He went on a long journey. of old, after all, at first, at last, at least, at all, at most, at best,
in future, at present.
She ran fast. He had a very fast horse.
Miscellaneous Phrases
He left early. I woke up at an early hour. By all means, by no means, by the by (incidentally), by the way
Come near. He is my near relation. (the same meaning as by the by), once upon a time, inside out,
upside down, to be sure (certainly), head foremost (with the head
He was a little tired. There is little hope now.
in front), head downwards, topsy-turvy, head over heels.
He came only once. This is my only son.
Adverbs sometimes go together in pairs, the one being connected
He has travelled enough. I have taken enough bread. with the other by the conjunction and:
He is walking up and down/to and fro.

He is walking here and there/hither and thither. if the verb consists of only one word; if there is more than
The mice run in and out/backwards and forwards. one word in the verb, they are put after the first word; as,
He never comes here.
He comes here now and then (occasionally).
I often go there.
He works off and on (irregularly). We usually meet him on Sundays.
You will see him by and by (after a short while). He has just gone out.
The two uses of adverbs. There are two different ways in which (e) If the verb is am/are/is/was, these adverbs (given above) are
adverbs can be used: (a) the Attributive, (b) the Predicative. placed after the verb, as
(a) Attributive use. An adverb is used attributively when it I am never late for school.
qualifies its word in the ordinary way–that is when it is She is always at home on Sundays.
placed as close as possible before it or after it: We are just off.
(f) These adverbs are usually put before an auxiliary or the
You are entirely wrong.
single verb be, when it is stressed, as
He shouted loudly. (i) Abdul has come late again.
He did his examination very badly. Yes, he always does come late.
I dislike him only because he is greedy. (ii) Will you be free on Sundays?
(b) Predicative use. An adverb is used predicatively when it is I usually am free on Sundays.
made part of the predicate of a sentence. (iii) Do you eat fish?
Yes, I sometimes do.
It is here.
When an auxiliary is used alone in short sentences, as in the last
It is there. example above, it is stressed and, therefore, the adverb comes
It is everywhere. before it.
(g) The auxiliaries have to and used to prefer the adverb in front
(a) Adverbs of manner, which answer the question how? I often have to go to college on foot.
(example: well, fast, quickly, carefully, calmly) are generally He always used to fight against me.
placed after the verb or after the object if there is one: as, (h) When an adverb modifies an adjective or another adverb, the
It is raining heavily. adverb usually comes before it; as,
She walks slowly. The cat was quite dead.
Madan speaks English well. The story is very interesting.
He does his work carefully. Do not walk so fast.
(b) Adverbs or adverb phrases of place (example: here, there, She is a rather lazy girl.
everywhere, on the wall) and of time (example: now, then, (i) But the adverb enough is always placed after the word which
yet, today, next Sunday) are also usually placed after the it modifies; as,
verb or after the object If there is one; as, Is he intelligent enough to do this work?
Come here. She spoke loud enough to be heard.
Go there.
I saw him yesterday.
I am to be married next week. ABOUT ADVERBS
She follows me everywhere. 1. If the word or the group of words to be qualified is an
(c) When there are two or more adverbs after a verb (and its adjective, or an adverb, or a phrase or a clause, the
object), the normal order is: adverb of manner, adverb of qualifying adverb is placed immediately before it:
place, adverb of time; as, The mangoyoubroughtwas quiteripe.
He should go there tomorrow evening. Adjectivewe arehalf pleasedand half sorry.
He spoke clearly at the meeting last night. This boxis tooheavyformetolift.

(d) Adverbs of frequency, which answer the question how
often? (e.g. always, never, often, rarely, usually, generally) Hespokeveryloudly.
and certain other adverbs like almost, already, hardly, nearly, Adverb I stoodfar apartfromhim.
Heseizedmyhand ratherroughly.
just, quite are normally put between the subject and the verb 

We reachedlongbeforethe time. (c) He promised only to read the first chapter of that book.
Phrase Hesat almostin theshade. That is, he did not promise to study, analyse or
I stoodjustbehindhim. remember but only to read. Here, only is an adverb

qualifying the verb read.
I likean appleonlywhenit is ripe.
(d) He promised to read only the first chapter of that book.
Clause Tellhimpreciselyhowit happened. That is, he promised to read nothing more than the first
I did merelybecauseI was orderedto.
 chapter. Here, only is an adverb qualifying the adjective
Note: There is one exception to the above rule. The word enough the first.
when an adverb and not an adjective, is placed after the word it (e) He promised to read and first chapter of the book only.
qualifies, as That is, he promised to read the first chapter of no other
Your pay is good enough for your work. book but that. Here, only is an adverb qualifying the
He spoke highly enough of what you had done. phrase of that book.
2. If the verb to be qualified is intransitive, the qualifying Double Negative. A sentence that is intended not to affirm but to
adverb is placed immediately after it: deny something, must contain only one word or phrase to express
I laughed heartily at the joke. the denial; as,
He spoke foolishly about his own merit. I forbade you not to enter the room. (Remove not)
Note: Adverbs denoting time or frequency are an exception to
this rule. Such adverbs are placed before and not after the verb
they qualify; as,
I seldom stayed with my parents.
She sometimes slept in my house. (a) Much qualifies adjectives or adverbs in the comparative
He often came here to see me. degree; very in the positive:
The air is much hotter today than yesterday.
3. It the verb to be qualified is transitive, the qualifying
This book is much heavier than that.
adverb must be placed either before the verb or after the
This book is very useful.
He finished his work patiently. He spoke very loudly.
I bore my troubles cheerfully. (b) Much qualifies past participles; very present ones:
He was much annoyed at your behaviour.
4. If the tense of a verb is formed by an auxiliary verb, the
He was much angered by the report.
adverb is generally placed between the auxiliary verb
He is a very good boy.
and the principal verb:
You will soon return. This news is very interesting.
He has quite forgotten me.
5. Similarly, the negative adverb not is always placed The adverb too denotes some kind of excess. It means more than
between the auxiliary verb and the principal verb: enough, something that goes beyond the contemplated limit or
I do not know what to do. purpose. In the following sentences, too has been wrongly
He will not come soon. written for very.
6. As a general rule only should be placed immediately Sugar is too sweet.
before the word it modifies. In spoken English, It is This wall is too strong.
usually put before the verb. The meaning of a sentence Note: But too is used correctly in the following sentences:
depends upon the position of the adverb only in the The news was too good to be true.
following sentence: My heart was too full for words.
(a) Only he promised to read the first chapter of that book.
Here, only qualifies the pronoun he. He alone, and no
one else promised to read the first chapter. The meaning of enough is different from that of too. Enough
(b) He only promised to read the first chapter of that book. signifies that required limit or amount has been reached, but
Here, only is an adverb qualifying the verb promised; too means more than enough, that is, the required limit has
and the meaning is that he only promised but did not been exceeded.
keep the promise. The air today is cold enough for me.
The house is big enough for us.

(i) He will die before the doctor reaches.
(ii) The crops will die before the rains fall.
There is the same difference between these two adverbs as (c) As a preposition, it signifies earlier than in front of:
between the corresponding adjectives. I reached home before 8 o'clock.
(a) Little is used in negative sense and means not much; in fact, The accused stood before the judge.
it is a weak form of not and is almost purely negative.
I little expected that he would fail.
(I did not expect that he would fail). This adverb denotes that something has happened prior to the
(b) A little is always used in an affirmative sense, and means to time mentioned or thought of:
some extent at least, slightly. Light the fire. It is lighted already.
She was a little ( = slightly, somewhat) tired.

Mistakes are often made by students in the use of yes or no in

This word is used as (a) an adverb of time; (b) a conjunction of answering a question:
time; (c) a preposition of time. Question – Is the sky cloudy today?
(a) As an adverb, it has two meanings: Answer – Yes, it is. or No, it is not.
(i) From then (from a specified time in the past up to now): But if the question is put in a negative form, the answer given is
I first read it ten years ago and have remembered it ever often ambiguous:
Did you not find him at home?
He left home two months ago and we haven't heard from
The answer sometimes given is –
him since.
Yes, I did not find him at home.
(ii) At or during sometime between then and now:
He told me last week and has spoken of it several times This is wrong, and the proper answer would be:
since. Yes, I did find him at home.
(b) As a conjunction, it signifies from which time or event: I No, I did not find him at home.
have not seen him since we were in high school.
Ten years have passed since I joined.
(c) As a preposition, it signifies from: This adverb usually signifies in or at that place, but it frequently
I have been ill since Sunday. stands as the first word in a sentence, where it has merely an
He has been teaching since morning. introductory value, and has no signification of place:
It has been raining since yesterday. There were four persons present.
There came a messenger from the kind's court.

It is used:
(i) As an adjective, always following its noun: Else should always be followed by but and never by than.
This happened a month ago. It is nothing else but (not than) vanity.
The lamp said, "A year ago I was not born".
(ii) As an adverb, in the expression long ago:
The Taj Mahal was built long ago. This adverb means rarely, not often. Never say seldom or ever
but always say seldom or never or seldom if ever:
He seldom or never (not ever) comes late.
This word is used sometimes as an adverb of time, and
sometimes as a conjunction of time, and also as a preposition. He seldom or never (not ever) visits us.
(a) As an adverb of time, it signifies formerly, or an a former
The word never is sometimes wrongly used with verbs indicating
(i) I have seen that film before.
a special point of time for do not or did not; as:
(ii) He did this once before and he will do it again.
Don't say : I never remember having met her.
(b) As a conjunction of time, it is followed by a verb in some
Say : I do not remember ever having met her.
present tense, if the verb in the principal clause is in the
Don't say : I never remember having phoned her.
future tense:
Say : I do not remember ever having phoned her.

16. My son's health has 16. My son's health has
been too good. been very good.
This adverb means perfectly, completely, but it is often wrongly
used as equivalent to very. 17. Sugar is too sweet. 17. Sugar is very sweet.
Thus, it is wrong to say: 18. Two years passed since 18. Two years have passed
'Impure water is quite unwholesome'.
my father died. since my father died.
19. It was a week since the 19. It is a week since the
USEGE OF ADVERB holidays began. holidays began.
Incorrect Correct 20. A month has passed 20. A month has passed
1. He is an almost 1. He is almost a since I am coming here. since I came here.
drunkard. drunkard. 21. I am too happy to see you 21. I am very happy to see
2. He only died a week ago. 2. He died only a week again. you again.
ago. 23. He writes too neatly and 22. He writes very neatly
3. He explained clearly his 3. He clearly explained spells too accurately. and spells very
words. his words. accurately.
4. I have read often that 4. I have often read that 23. Two hours have elapsed 23. Two hours have
book. book. since he had fallen elapsed since he fell
5. He struck severely the 5. He severely struck the asleep. asleep.
ox with his whip. ox with his whip. 24. My father died since last 24. My father has been dead
6. He soon will return 6. He will soon return Thursday. since last Thursday.
home. home. 25. The milk of a cow is too 25. The milk of a cow is
7. He almost has finished 7. He has almost finished nutritious. very nutritious.
his work. his work. 26. The water of this river is 26.
too pure.
The water of this river is
8. The rain began to fall 8. Suddenly the rain very pure.
suddenly. began to fall. 27. The school was closed 27. The school has been
9. Your teacher is enough 9. Your teacher is since yesterday. closed since yesterday.
pleased with your pleased enough with 28. The roof of this house is 28.
too strong.
The roof of this house is
industry. your industry. very strong.
10. He went out seldom 10. He seldom went out 29. My father has been ill 29. My father has been ill
before sunset. before sunset. since there weeks. for the last three weeks.
11. I cannot walk no further 11. I cannot walk any 30. The results have been 30. The results have been
today. further today. known since two days. known for the last two
12. That will not stop him; 12. That will not stop him; days.
nothing never did. nothing ever did. 31. Did you not find him at 31. Did you not find him at
13. Ramu is a quite 13. Ramu is quite an home? Yes, I did not find home? No, I did not find
intelligent boy. intelligent boy. him at home. him at home.

14. I was not idle neither. 14. I was not idle either. 32. The air is very hotter 32. The air is much hotter

15. I do not want nothing. 15. I don't want anything. today than yesterday. today than yesterday.

33. I have not received no 33. I have not received any 52. We never remember 52. I do not remember ever
offer. offer. having gone there. having gone there.
34. This hardly-won freedom 34. This hard- won freedom 53. This happened a month 53. This happened a month
was not to be lost so was not to be lost so before. ago.
easily. easily. 54. He tries always to do this. 54. He always tries to do
35. It is not going to rain 35. Today it is not going to this.
today, I don't think. rain, I think. 55. The Sikhs bravely fought. 55. The Sikhs fought
36. I am not by no means as 36. I am not by any means bravely.
clever as he is. as clever as he is.
37. I have received no letter, 37. I have received no letter
neither from him nor from either from him or from
her. her.
38. I was too pleased when I 38. I was very pleased when
heard the news. I heard the news.
39. I only eat when I am 39. I eat only when I am
hungry. hungry.
40. I only praise him when he 40. I praise him only when
deserves it. he deserves it.
41. He returned quicker than I 41. He returned more
expected. quickly than I expected.
42. He will pay dear for his 42. He will pay dearly for
mistake. his mistake.
43. We ever see those 43. We never see those
forsaken who trust in God. forsaken who trust in
44. He was very surprised by 44. He was very much
the news. surprised by the news.
45. It is much surprising. 45. It is very surprising.
46. It is heavily raining. 46. It is raining heavily.
47. She early left. 47. She left early.
48. He spoke earnestly last 48. He spoke earnestly at the
night at the meeting. meeting last night.
49. We should go tomorrow 49. We should go there
evening there. tomorrow evening.
50. My wife cooks never. 50. My wife never cooks.
51. He comes late frequently. 51. He frequently comes

e.g. Russel was one of the wisest and most learned men of
ADJECTIVE the world.
21. When there are two objects of comparison, then to avoid
Word qualifying a noun or pronoun is called an adjective. repetition of noun, „that‟ is used for singular noun and
10. The adjectives ending in – ior (prior, junior, senior, superior, „those‟ for plural noun.
posterior) take „to‟ and not „than‟ after them. e.g. The climate of Ranchi is better than Gaya. (×)
e.g. He is senior to me. The climate of Ranchi is better than that of Gays. ()
This book is superior to that book. 22. If comparison is made by using „other‟, „than‟ is used
11. Some adjectives like unique, ideal, perfect, extreme, instead of „but‟.
complete, universal, infinite, perpetual, chief, entire, round, e.g. He turned out to be no other than my old friend.
impossible are not compared. 23. Likely, certain and sure are followed by ‘to’.
e.g. It is the most unique book. (×) e.g. He is liked to win.
It is a unique book () We are sure to need help.
12. Comparative degree is used in comparing two things or
e.g. It is the better of the two books. 1. Beautiful is used for woman; handsome for man.
Superlative degree is used in comparing more than two e.g. He is a handsome youth.
things or persons. She is a beautiful girl.
e.g. He is the best of the three boys. 2. Less refers to quantity, fewer denotes number.
13. Double comparatives and double superlatives must not be e.g. He takes no less than a litre of milk.
used. They have fewer books than I have.
He is more wiser than his brother. (×) 3. Last in the final one; Latest is last up to the present.
14. When we compare two qualities in the same person or thing, e.g. Z is the last letter of the alphabet.
the comparative ending– er is not used. This is the latest edition of the book.
You are wiser than old. (×) 4. Each is used for one of two or more things; every is used
You are more wise than old. () for more than two things, taken as a group.
15. When two adjectives in superlative or comparative degree
e.g. Each of the two boys was wrong.
are used together the one formed by adding „more‟ or
He read every book I gave him.
„most‟ must follow the other adjective.
5. Older refers to persons or things.
He is more intelligent and wiser than his brother. (×)
e.g. This tree is older than that.
He is wiser and more intelligent than his brother. ()
Elder refers to persons only.
16. When two adjectives with differing degrees of comparison
e.g. He is elder brother.
are used they should be complete in themselves.
6. Little means „not much‟.
He is as wise, if not wiser than his brother. (×)
He is as wise as, if not wiser than his brother. () A little means „at least some‟.
17. When two changes happen together, comparative degree is e.g. He slept little.
used in both. He slept a little.
e.g. The higher you go, the cooler you feel. 7. Farther means „more distant‟.
18. When comparative degree is used in superlative sense, it is Further means „additional‟
followed by „any other‟. e.g. Bombay is farther than Delhi.
Kapil is better than any bowler. (×) I shall get further information.
Kapil is better than any other bowler. () 8. Latter means the second of two things.
19. Compound adjective formed by adding „worth‟ is placed Keats and Byron are romantic poets, but I prefer the latter.
after the noun it qualifies. Later refers to time.
This is a worth seeing sight. (×) She came to school later than I.
This is a sight worth seeing. ()
20. When two or more comparatives joined by ‘and’, they must
be in the same degree.

21. The car flew off the road (a)/ and fell into the valley (b)/
Exercise because Ashish (c)/ was driving faster. (d)/ No error (e)
Directions: In the following questions, some of the 22. He is very blind (a)/ to read (b)/ smallest of prints. (c)/ No
sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which error (d)
part of a sentence has an error. The letter corresponding
23. What is worst, (a)/ this distortion cannot be corrected (b)/ by
to that part is your answer. If there is no mistake, the
either contact lens or glasses. (c)/ No error (d)
answer is ‘No error’.
24. Inspite of working (a)/ very neat and careful (b)/ he could not
1. Firstly you should (a)/ think over the meaning of the words
win (c)/ even the third prize. (d)/ No error (e)
(b)/ and then use them. (c)/ No error (d)
25. Sohanlal is (a)/ richest (b)/ of the two. (c)/ No error (d)
2. The driver tried his best (a)/ to avert the accident by (b)/
26. On hearing the news, (a)/ he went directly (b)/ to the
bringing the car (c) / to a suddenly stop. (d)/ No error (e)
Manager's room. (c)/ No error (d)
3. The Sunrise Hotel was (a)/ fully equipped to offer (b)/ leisure
27. Even though it was (a)/ reining bad (b)/ I went out (c)/ to get
stay (c)/ to its clients. (d)/ No error (e)
some medicines. (d)/ No error (e)
4. The technician reminded (a)/ them to have a (b)/ thoroughly
28. The Mead master said that (a)/ Sachin was capable of doing
cleaning of the (c)/ machine after each use. (d)/ No error (e)
(b)/ more better work. (c)/ No error (d)
5. I am much glad (a)/ that you have (b)/ won the prize. (c)/ No
29. The night was bright, (a)/ the clouds dispersed, (b)/ and the
error (d)
stars were shining brightly in the sky. (c)/ No error (d)
6. My observation is that (a)/ between Vivek and Shashi, (b)/
30. It is the duty of every citizen to do his utmost (a)/ to defend
Vivek is the most intelligent. (c)/ No error (d)
the hardly-won (b)/ freedom of the country. (c)/ No error (d)
7. It very often (a)/ happens that (b)/ a man who talks most (c)/
31. Of the two (a)/ he was trying the hardest (b)/ to attain the
does little (d)/ No error (e)
highest percentage. (c)/ No error (d)
8. From all accounts (a)/ I learn that (b)/ he is the best and
32. Early rising (a)/ brings out the better (b)/ in a story writer. (c)/
honest member (c)/ of the new Cabinet. (d)/ No error (e)
No error (d)
9. He is (a)/ too intelligent (b)/ to make a mistake. (c)/ No error
33. At the end of the Second World War (a)/ the USA was
stronger (b)/ than any country in the world. (c)/ No error (d)
10. The flood situation this year (a)/ is worst than (b)/ that
34. Being the only people there (a)/ their presence was (b)/ most
prevailed in the last year, (c)/ No error (d)
important. (c)/ No error (d)
11. People invent new machines (a)/ when they (b)/ think
35. He can play (a)/ as good as (b)/ he can write (c)/ with his left
independent. (c)/ No error (d)
hand. (d)/ No error (e)
12. Geometry and Drawing (a)/ are more easier than (b)/
36. This is the more difficult (a)/ piece of work (b)/ I have every
Geography and Social Studies. (c)/ No error (d)
undertaken. (c)/ No error (d)
13. Some people get (a)/ used to changes (b)/ very easily than (c)/
37. He ultimately decided (a)/ to willingly and cheerfully accept
others do. (d)/ No error (e)
(b)/ the responsibility entrusted to him. (c)/ No error (d)
14. My uncle forbade me (a)/ not to go through (b)/ the contents
38. The Principal was (a)/ enough kind (b)/ to grant me (c)/ free
of his letter. (c)/ No error (d)
studentship. (d)/ No error (e)
15. This road is the worst (a)/ than any other road is Delhi (b)/ but
39. He is now making matters (a)/ a lot more worse (b)/ by his
remains unrepaired. (c)/ No error (d)
almost daily apologies (c)/ for having done so. (d)/ No error
16. Of all the friends (a)/ I have had, he is the most helpful (b)/
and less arrogant. (c)/ No error (d)
40. I tried on both the dresses (a)/ and finally decided (b)/ to buy
17. A man entered the tavern (a)/ and asked for some bread and
the expensive one. (c)/ No error (d)
cheese (b)/ with a decided foreign accent. (c)/ No error (d)
41. It is (a)/ nothing else (b)/ than foolishness. (c)/ No error (d)
18. Our new playground (a)/ is big and cleaner (b)/ than theirs.
42. The angry man walked hurriedly (a)/ into the crowded room
(c)/ No error (d)
(b)/ and shouted loud at the guest. (c)/ No error (d)
19. Watch how careful (a)/ the sparrow knits the (b)/ straws into
43. It very often happens (a)/ that a man who talks most (b)/ does
another (c)/ to form a nest. (d)/ No error (e)
little. (c)/ No error (d)
20. It is rather ironically (a)/ that so much is being spent (b)/ on
44. I will give you (a)/ a reward if you (b)/ do your work (c)/
the status of the one who had dedicated (c)/ his life to the
satisfactory. (d)/ No error (e)
uplift of the poor. (d)/ No error (e)

45. The recent census tells us (a)/ that the population of Calcutta 24. (b) : The correct form is
(b)/ is greater than any other town in India. (c)/ No error (d) 'very neatly and carefully'
46. After toiling very hardly (a)/ over a long period of time (b)/ he 25. (b) : Replace 'richest' by 'richer'
found that people recognised him as a successful person. (c)/ when a comparison is made between two, comparative
No error (d) degree is used.
47. The tried travellers were bundled off (a)/ to the nearby cop 26. (b) : Replace 'directly' by 'direct'
house (b)/ till anyone could come (c)/ and vouch for their 27. (b) : Replace 'bad' by 'badly'
credentials. (d)/ No error (e) 28. (c) : Replace 'more' by 'much'
48. I advised my son (a)/ to engage two coolies instead of one (b)/ Avoid using double comparatives
because the luggage was too much heavy for a single coolie. 29. (c) : Replace 'brightly' by 'bright'
(c)/ No error (d) 30. (b) : Replace 'hardly' by 'hard'
49. Everyone felt that (a)/ the big glittering diamond (b)/ was 31. (b) : Replace 'the hardest' by 'harder'
most unique. (c)/ No error (d) 32. (b) : Replace 'better' by 'best'
50. There is no one (a)/ whom I esteem highly (b)/ than your 33. (c) : Replace 'any country' by 'any other country'
father. (c)/ No error (d) 34. (c) : Remove 'most'
Answer Sheet 35. (b) : Replace 'good' by 'well'
36. (a) : Replace 'more' by 'most'
1. (a) : Replace 'Firstly' by 'First'
37. (d) : No error
2. (d) : Replace 'suddenly' by 'sudden'
38. (b) : The correct form is 'kind enough....'
3. (c) : Replace 'leisure' by leisurely'
39. (b) : Remove 'more'
4. (c) : Replace 'thoroughly' by 'thorough'
40. (c) : Add 'more' before 'expensive'
5. (a) : Replace 'much' by 'very'
41. (c) : Replace 'than' by 'but'
6. (c) : Replace 'the most' by 'more'
42. (c) : Replace 'loud' by 'loudly'
7. (c) : Replace 'most' by 'much'
43. (c) : Replace 'most' by 'much'
8. (c) : The correct form is 'he is the best and most honest
44. (d) : Replace 'satisfactory' by 'satisfactorily'
45. (c) : The correct form is
9. (d) : No error
.......greater than that of any other town'
10. (b) : Replace 'worst' by 'worse'
46. (a) : Replace 'hardly' by 'hard'
11. (c) : Replace 'independent' by 'independently'
47. (c) : Replace 'anyone' by 'someone'
12. (b) : Remove 'more'
48. (c) : Remove 'much'
Double comparatives are not used
49. (c) : Remove 'most'
13. (c) : Replace 'very' by 'more'
50. (b) : Add 'more' before 'highly'
14. (b) : Remove 'not'.
'Forbade' has a negative meaning and double
negatives are not used.
15. (a) : Replace 'the worst' by 'worse'
16. (c) : Replace 'less' by 'least'
17. (c) : Replace 'decided' by 'decidedly'
18. (b) : Replace 'big' by 'bigger'
When two qualities are compared, the two
adjectives should be of the same degree.
19. (a) : Replace 'careful' by 'carefully'
20. (a) : Replace 'ironically' by 'ironical'
21. (d) : Replace 'faster' by 'fast'
No comparison has been made here and so Positive
degree should be used.
22. (a) : Replace 'very' by 'too'
23. (a) : Replace 'worst' by 'worse'

CONJUCTION Ram has not phoned since he went to Delhi.
She returned home after he had gone.
A word that is used to join words or 2. Of Place: Where, wherever, whence, whither.
phrases or sentences is called a Examples:
You can go wherever you like.
Conjunction Sita found her frock where she had left it.
Examples: 3. Of Cause or Reason: Because, since, as, that.
(i) God made the country and manmade the town. Examples:
(ii) She must work hard, or she will fail. I am glad that you like it.
(iii) There and three make six. he will pass the examination because he has worked hard.
(iv) Madan and Sonu are brothers. 4. Of Purpose: That (in order that), lest.
In (i) and (ii), the conjunctions join two sentences, In (iii) Examples:
and (iv), the conjunctions join two words only. We eat that we may live.
SOME FACTS ABOUT CONJUNCTIONS He worked hard lest he should fail in the examination.
(1) A conjunction is never connected with an object. 5. Of Result or Consequence: That.
(2) A conjunction never qualifies a word. Examples:
Mina behaved in such a manner that all disliked her.
CLASSES OF CONJUNCTIONS He was so tired that he could scarcely stand.
Conjunctions are sub-divided into two main classes: 6. Of Condition: If, unless, whether.
(i) Co-ordinating Conjunctions join words, phrases or clauses Examples:
of co-ordinate (of equal) rank. Sita will dance if Reema dances.
(ii) Subordinating Conjunctions join a subordinate or You cannot succeed unless you work hard.
dependent clause to a principal clause (that is, to a clause of 7. Of Comparison: As, than.
higher rank). Examples:
Principal Conjunction Subordinate Hari is as intelligent as Shyam.
I will read that book if you recommend it. Madan is more intelligent than Manoj.
(i) Co-ordinating Conjunctions are of four kinds: 8. Extent or Manner: As.
(a) Cumulative or copulative which merely add one Examples:
statement or fact to another; as, Men will reap as they sow
He is not only honest, but also hard working. You may do as you please.
We carved not a line, and raised not a stone.
Cumulative conjunctions are – and, both.......and, as well as,
not only.....but also.
(b) Adversative conjunctions which express opposition or
contrast between two statements; as,
He is sad but hopeful.
Adversative conjunctions as but, whereas, while, only and
(d) Disjunctive or Alternative which express a choice between
two alternatives; as,
Work hard, else you will repent.
Either he is mad or he feigns madness.
Disjunctives are either....or, neither....nor, or, else.
(d) Illative which express an inference; as,
He will die someday, for all men are mortal.
(ii) Subordinating Conjunctions may be classified according
to their meaning, as follows:
1. Of Time: When, whenever, while, as, before, ere, after,
since, until, till.

(1) As soon as
It means at the moment that, not later than the moment when. This conjunction is used to denote two actions taking place at the
same time. In this case first action is immediately followed by the second.
Some facts about the use of this Conjunction:
(a) As is clear from the definition of the conjunction, there should be two actions in the sentence in which this conjunction is to be
used. Both actions must take place without any loss of time.
(b) This conjunction can be used in all the tenses.
(c) The use of the subject in such a sentence is to be made very carefully. If both actions mentioned in the sentence concern the
same subject, it should appear in both the clauses constituting the sentence, but if the actions mentioned in the sentence concern
two different subjects and both the sentences are related to each other, both subjects should be mentioned with their respective
actions. (Please see the formula given below to understand this point).
As soon as S First Action S Second Action
As soon as he sees his father he stops smoking (Present)
As soon as he saw his father he stopped smoking (Past)
As soon as you reach there he will give you money (Future)
From the above formula, these things are clear:
(i) As soon as can be used in all the tenses.
(ii) In those sentences in which this conjunction has been used, there should be two actions.
(iii) The actions can concern the same subject (Examples 1-2) or they may concern two subjects. However, both actions must take
place at the same time.
(2) No Sooner ....than
No sooner.....than, means immediately when or after, It is the negative of As soon as. It is also to denote two actions taking place
at the same time.
Some Facts about the Use of this Conjunction:
(a) The expression to sooner..... than should be used in sentences in the present and past tenses.
(b) There should be two actions in the sentence in which this conjunction has been used. The second action must occur at the
same time or should follow the first without much loss of time.
(c) Adjustment of the subject is the same as in the case of the sentence in which as soon as has been used.
No sooner do/does/did Subject First Action Than S Second Action
No sooner Does he see his father than he stop smoking
No sooner Do I see my father than I stop smoking (Present)
No sooner did I step out than it started raining (Past)
No sooner had he arrived than he had to leave again (Past)
(i) Than cannot be replaced by when or any other word.
Don't Say: No sooner did he see his father when he stopped smoking.
Say: No sooner did he see his father when he stopped smoking.
Don't Say: No sooner did I step out immediately it started raining.
Say: No sooner did I step out than it started raining.
(ii) 'S' in the above formula stands for 'Subject'.
(iii) Do/Does/Did are always followed by the 'First form of the verb'.
(iv) Had can also be used in place of did in the above formula. But past perfect tense must take had if it is used with no sooner

(3) Hardly/Scarcely ....when
Hardly/Scarcely....when, means only just a short time before. Hardly/ scarcely followed by when is also used to denote two
actions taking place at the same time.
Some Facts about the Use of Conjunction when after hardly/scarcely:
(i) Hardly/Scarcely followed by when should be used with past tense.
(ii) There should be two actions in the sentence in which this combination has been used. Both actions must occur at the same time.
There should be no loss of time.
(iii) Adjustment of the subject will remain the same as in the case of the use of as soon as.
(i) When is the above formula cannot be replaced by any other word.
Say: Hardly has he seen his father when he stopped smoking.
(ii) Had is always followed by the 'third form of the verb'.
Hardly/Scarcely Had S First Action when S Second Action
Hardly had he see his father when he stopped smoking
Scarcely had he see his father when he took to his heels
Scarcely had he entered the room when the phone rang

The previous formula can also be written as under:

S Had Hardly/Scarcely First Action when S Second Action

He had hardly seen his father when he took to his heels

(4) Not Only.....but also = both.... and

Not only...... but also is used for emphasis to show either two qualities of one subject or a common quality of two subjects. Not
only.......but also is equivalent to both......and.
Formula 1: One person–two qualities:
S HV Not only Q1/A1 Bit also Q2/A2
Chiranjeev Is Not only Handsome But also intelligent

HV = Helping Verb
Where Q1/A1 = First Quality/ First Action
Q2/A2 = Second Quality/Second Action
(i) 'Helping verb' is to be used according to the nature of the subject and the nature of the tense. If the subject is 'singular', the
helping verb will be singular, and if the subject is 'plural', it will be plural.
Similarly, tense is to be considered while using the helping verb.
(ii) There should be no repetition of the subject and the 'HV' in the second part of the sentence.
Don't Say: Chiranjeev is not only handsome but also he is intelligent.
Say: Chairanjeev is not only handsome but also intelligent.
Formula 2: Two persons – common quality:
Not only S1 But also S2 HV Q/A
Not only India But also Pakistan Is poor

(i) There should .
Don't Say: not only the students but also the teacher are playing.
Say: Not only the students but also the teacher is playing. (The second subject is singular)
Don't Say: not only the teacher but also the students is playing.
Say: Not only the teacher but also the students are playing. (The second subject is plural)

(ii) It is not necessary that every sentence should have a helping verb. There can be sentence even without a helping verb. In any
such case, necessary changes can be made in the above formulas. Consider the following example:
He ate not only bananas but also apples.
This sentence comes under Formula-1. Here, we have used the verb in place of a helping verb.
(5) Lest....should
Conjunction lest is used to extend a warning and also suggest the consequences of not paying attention to that warning. It is
followed by model verb should.
(i) This conjunction is used in those sentences in which a warning is extended to a person and a suggestion is also advanced to
know the consequences of not paying attention to that warning.
(ii) The use of this conjunction in any sentence conveys a negative sense. As such, no should not be used in that sentence.
Warning Last Person Should Consequence
Work hard lest you should fail
Explanation of the Formula: In the above sentence, the warning to the person is, work hard and the consequence suggested is
that if he does not pay attention to that warning, there is a possibility of his being unsuccessful.
Never use any other word in place of should in such sentences. Generally, people use may in place of should. It is a blunder. If
we do so, the spirit of the sentence will be lost.
Don't Say: Work hard lest you may not fail.
Say: Work hard lest you should fail.
Please note that both may and not should not be used in those sentences in which this conjunction is to be used.
Note: Generally, you is used as person in such sentences. but it is not a hard and fast rule. Any other person (i.e. first and third
persons) can also be used. Consider the following example:
Mohan must work hard lest he should fail.
(6) Although.....yet
Although.... yet is used to express two contrary qualities or actions of a subject (person).
Some Facts about this usage:

(i) This conjunction is generally used to express two contrasting qualities or actions of a person.
(ii) It cannot be used to show two similar qualities or actions of a person.
(iii) Although is always following by yet.
Although S Verb/HV Q1 Yet S Verb/HV Q2
Although he is rich yet he is miser

Explanation of the Formula: A rich man is supposed to be Though he is lame yet he can walk fast.
spendthrift and liberal but we find that the person is rich yet he is a Though he is poor, he is honest.
miser. Rich and Miser are two contrasting qualities. Note: Sentences with yet will mean still and it will degrade the
Note: status of the principal clause. So, simply the principal clause is to
(i) But cannot be used in place of yet. be indicated without yet.
Don't Say: Although he is lame but he can run fast. (7) While
Say: Although he is lame yet he can run fast. While means during or throughout the time that, At the same
Don't Say: Although he is poor but he is honest. time that. It is used as follows:
Say: Although he is poor yet he is honest. (A) As an adversative conjunction to show contrast between two
(ii) We can do away with yet. We can substitute a comma for statements.
it. Examples:
Examples: (i) Radha sang while her uncle danced.
Although he is lame, he can run fast. (Two statements showing a contrast)
Although he is poor, he is honest. (ii) The little boy was playing while his father was watching him
(iii) Though can be used in place of although. play.
Examples: (Two statements showing a contrast)

(iii) You are intelligent while your brother is dull. In the above sentence, we find that action is one (has
(Two statements showing a contrast) broken the slate) and persons are two (Mohan and Sohan). The
(B) As a subordinate conjunction of time introducing an slate has been broken positively by one of the two.
adverbial clause. Examples:
Examples: Either the teaches or the principal is to be blamed.
(i) Strike the iron while it is hot. (Action showing time) Either Ram or Madan has done this.
(ii) He met many persons while he was staying in Mumbai. (An Note: In such cases, the verb always agrees with the second
action in the past showing time) subject. Please refer to point (iii) mentioned above.
It will be a blunder to mix while with when. Both have different (9) Neither......nor
uses. While means during or throughout the time whereas when Neither.....nor, is the negative of either......or. It means, 'not
indicates a point of time. one or the other of the two'.
Don't Say: While she saw me, she waved. Some Facts about the Use of this. This pair of co-relative
Say : When she saw me, she waved. neither....nor:
Don't Say: The speaker was speaking when the people were (i) This pair of co-relative used in the negative sense. It means,
shouting. not.....and not. It tells us that of the two subjects mentioned
Say: The speaker was speaking while the people were shouting. in a sentence, the action or quality described in the sentence,
(8) Either.....or concerns neither the first nor the second.
Either....or are co-relatives used to show a choice of two (ii) Neither... nor can be used to show non-involvement of one
alternatives. If refers to one out of two. man in the given two actions quality or non-involvement of
Some Facts about the Use of either.....or: two persons in one action quality. Similarly, it can be used to
(i) Either...or is used in the positive sense. It means of the two show that the subject mentioned in a sentence has no concern
alternatives one is positive. with the two qualities action mentioned in that sentence or
(ii) This pair of disjunctive co-relative can be used to show the two subjects given in a sentence have no concern with the
involvement of one man in two actions or there is reference quality action mentioned in that sentence.
to two qualities of one man or two persons involved in one (iii) When two subjects are joined by neither......nor, the verb
action or one quality of which only one can be attributed to must agree with the second subject.
him or two persons involved in one action or one quality. (iv) Neither....nor can be used with only two subjects. If subjects
Therefore, there will be two formulas showing the use of are more than two, these co-relatives can-not be used.
either....or. Formula 1 : (One person– two qualities/actions – two alternatives
(iii) When two subjects are joined by either.....or, the verb must – both unconcerned)
agree with the second subject. S Verb/HV1 Neither Q1 /A1 Nor Q2/A2
(iv) Either ....or can be used when the persons (singular or plural) Mohan is neither mad nor over clever
are only two. If they are more than two, either....or is not
In the above sentence, two qualities have been mentioned
and it has been suggested that these are not related to the subject
Formula 1 : (One person – two qualities/actions – two
mentioned in the sentence. The subject is concerned with neither.
alternatives – at least one positive)
S Verb/HV1 Either Q1/A1 Or Q2/A2 Examples:
Madan is neither hardworking nor intelligent.
Mohan is either mad or cleaver
He can neither read nor write French.
In the above sentence, two qualities of Mohan have been described Formula 2 : (Two persons–one quality/action–neither has any
and it has been suggested that of his two qualities (mad and concern with that quality/action)
clever), he is positively associated with one of them.
Neither S1 Nor S2 Verb/HV Q/A
Madan is either hardworking or intelligent.
Riya is either a dancer or singer. Neither Mohan nor Sohan has broken the slate
Formula 2 : (Two persons – one quality/action – at least one does In the above sentence, it has been suggested that the action
have that quality) of breaking the slate concerns neither Mohan nor Sohan.
Either S1 Or S2 Verb/HV Q/A Notes:(i) While attempting Formula 2, it should be kept in mind
broken that the verb must agree with the second subject. Please refer to
Either Mohan or Sohan had point (iii) mentioned above.
the slate

(ii) In exceptional causes, neither can be substituted by do/ does (iii) As is also used as a subordinate conjunction to express
not. In that case, both the clauses must have do/does. Otherwise, manner.
the sentence will be wrong. Examples:
Formula: As you sow, so shall you reap.
Neither Do/Does Not Q1/A1 Nor Do/Does S +Q2/A2 As you give, so you take.
He does not smoke nor does he +drink As a gentlemen, he is well-known.
(D) For is also used to specify some reason and is used like as.
(10) Since, Because, For, As
Note: As conjunctions, because, since, as and for specify the
(A) Since is used as follows:
reasons in the following manner:
(i) To express time.
(i) Because shows the stronger reason.
(ii) Since shows normally strong reason.
It has been a year since I saw him.
(iii) As/for shows the weakest cause.
Mohan has been studying with me since he came here.
Don't Say: I could not go to college as I was seriously ill.
She has been crying since she came here.
Say: I could not go to college because I was seriously ill.
(ii) To show some cause or reason.
(A strong cause)
Don't Say: I did not go to college because it was raining.
Since he is my father, I respect him.
Say: I did not go to college as it was raining.
Since he is rich, everybody wants to make friends with him.
(A weak cause)
Although grammar prescribes different uses of because, since, as
(i) Since is a subordinate conjunction.
and for yet there are no hard and fast rules on their uses.
(ii) For showing cause or reason since is used to mean
(11) As well as
As well as is used to convey the sense of also.
(iii) When used to specify some reason, since is used in
the beginning of the sentence.
(iv) The following formula may be used:
This conjunction can be used only when the subjects are two and
Since Reason/Cause S Effect/Result action or quality is one. It cannot be used if the subject is one or
there are more than two subjects.
Since he is my father I respect him (i) When two subjects are joined by as well as, the verb always
agrees with the first subject.
Since I have not got his address, I can not write to him. (ii) Both and as well as cannot be used together in the same
(B) Because is used to specify some reason. sentence.
S1 as well as S2 Verb/HV Quality/Action
(a) I respect him because he is my father.
(b) I thrashed him because he abused me in the name of my (The as well as (The is playing
mother. teacher) Students)
Explanation: In sentence (a), the subject respects the object for
(First subject is singular)
the reason that the object is his father. In sentence (b), the subject
The as well as the teacher are playing.
thrashed the object for the reason that the object abused him in the
name of his mother.
Note: Normally, because is used to join two clauses. (First subject is plural)
(C) As is used as a subordinate conjunction to specify some Don't Say: Both Kanta as well as Zia are beautiful.
reason or cause. Say: Kanta as well as Zia is beautiful.
Examples: or
Bith Kanta and Zia are beautiful.
As he is my neighbour, I respect him.
Note: Both is also used as a conjunction. It is followed by and and
As he was not feeling well, he did not eat anything.
it should be placed immediately before the word or words that it
refers to.
(i) For showing reason as means. because.
(ii) When we use as to specify some reason, we generally use it
He is both diligent and intelligent.
in the beginning of the sentence.
Both India and Pakistan are poor.

Both Raju and Tapas damaged the furniture. only, as a conjunction, means except that, but, were it not
(12) As if (that); as,
As if, is used to convey the sense of presence. When a person A very pretty women, only she squints a little.
poses or pretends to be what he actually is not, we use this The night is pleasant, only rather hot.
conjunction to express his unreal behaviour. I would go with you, only I have no money.
Some Facts about the Use of this Conjunction:
(i) As if should be used as one conjunction. It cannot be divided
in any case. Exercise
(ii) If the action described in the sentence is in the present tense, Directions: In each of the following questions, find out
the verb used in the sentence will be were irrespective of the which part of the sentence has an error. The error may be
nature of the subject. Even the third person singular subject grammatical or idiomatic. If there is no mistake, the
will get were.
answer is ‘No error’
(iii) If the action described in the sentence is in the past tense, the
verb used in the sentence will be had been, irrespective of 1. No sooner did I open the door (a)/ when the rain, heavy and
the nature and number of the subject. stormy, rushed in (b)/ making us shiver from head to foot. (c)/
Examples: No error (d)
(i) He behaves as if he were my boss. 2. Be smart (a)/ not only in dress (b)/ and also in action. (c) / No
(The action is in the present tense) error (d)
(ii) He is running as if he were mad. 3. Hardly had I reached the airport (a)/ where I learnt (b)/ about
(The action is in the present tense)
the powerful bomb explosion. (c)/ No error (d)
(iii) He behaved as if he had been my boss.
(The action is in the past tense) 4. It is not (a)/ such a good book (b)/ that I expected. (c)/ No
(iv) He was running as if he had been mad. error (d)
(The action is in the past tense) 5. The downfall of this kind (a)/ is to be attributed to (b)/
(13) As long as/So long as nothing else than pride. (c)/ No error (d)
As long as/So long as, denote time during which an action or
event takes place.
6. Unless he does not return (a)/ all the library books (b)/ he will
The point of difference: not be (c)/ relieved from the service. (d)/ No error (e)
Both as long as and so long as carry the same meaning. 7. You must either tell me (a)/ the whole story or, at least, (b)/
However, there is some difference in their use. As long as is the whole story or, at least, (b)/ the first half of it.(c)/ No error
used to convey an affirmative sense whereas so long as is (d)
used to convey both affirmative and negative sense.
8. The old woman has had the best medical facilities available
(i) As long as I am alive, nobody can harm you. (a)/ but she will not be cured (b)/ unless she does not have a
(Affirmative sense) strong desire to live. (c)/ No error (d)
(ii) So long as you work honestly, nobody can sack you. 9. My book has been (a)/ missing from my room (b)/ till
(Affirmative sense) yesterday. (c)/ No error (d)
(iii) So long as he does not abuse me, I will not beat him. 10. The manager of the bank was busy; (a)/ so he asked them to
(Negative sense)
come and (b)/ see him between two to three in the afternoon.
(14) Or
(c)/ No error (d)
Or is used to introduce an alternative; as,
Do or die. 11. He is as clever if (a)/ not cleverer (b)/ than his brother. (c)/ No
Your purse or your life. error (d)
Note: 12. No sooner did the sun rise (a)/ when we took a hasty breakfast
(i) There may be several alternatives; as, (b)/ and resumed the journey. (c)/ No error (d)
He may study architecture or designing or medicine or
13. Hardly had the children (a)/ left the school (b)/ than it began
he may enter into trade.
(ii) To introduce an alternative name or synonym; as, The to rain. (c)/ No error (d)
violin or fiddle is the leading instrument of modern 14. Because he is physically strong, (a)/ therefore he was selected
orchestra. (b) for the school boxing team. (c)/ No error (d)
(iii) To mean otherwise; as, 15. The reason for (a)/ his failure is because (b)/ he did not work
We must hasten, or night will overtake us. hard. (c)/ No error (d)
(iv) As nearly equivalent to and; as, 16. Bharat asked him (a)/ that which was the way (b)/ to the post
They were not wanting in wealth or resources, but they were office. (c)/ No error (d)
determined. 17. Unless you do not listen to his advice (a)/ I am not going (b)/
(15) Only to help you. (c)/ No error (d)

18. How do you say (a)/ that neither he or (b)/ Ravi has qualified principle he stood for or the benefits he promised. (c)/ No
(c)/ in the examination? (d)/ No error (e) error (d)
19. Being a strict vegetarian (a)/ he depended on milk and fruit Answer Sheet
(b)/ and had to cook for himself. (c) No error (d)
1. (b) : Replace „when‟ by „than‟
20. Even though the shirt is rather expensive (a)/ but I wish to (b)/
2. (c) : Replace „and‟ by „but‟
purchase it with my own money. (c)/ No error (d)
3. (b) : Replace „where‟ by „when‟
21. Unless Ashish does not (a)/ return all the library books, (b)/
return all the library books, (b)/ he will not be (c)/ awarded 4. (c) : Replace „that‟ by „as‟
the pass certificate. (d)/ No error (e) 5. (c) : Replace „than‟ by „but‟
22. Mohan could not (a)/ go to the picnic (b)/ for his mother (c) 6. (a) : Replace „does not return‟ by „returns‟
was not well. (d)/ No error (e) 7. (d) : No error
23. Ranjeet is as (a)/ fast as or (b)/ perhaps faster (c)/ than Rohit. 8. (c) : Replace „does not have‟ by „has‟
(d) No error (e) 9. (c) : Replace „till‟ by „since‟
24. Though she was sick (a)/ but (b)/ she went to work. (c)/ No 10. (c) : Replace „to‟ by „and‟
error (d) 11. (a) : Add „as‟ after „clever‟
25. Hardly had I (a)/ reached the station where (b)/ I learnt about 12. (b) : Replace „when‟ by „than‟
(c)/ the powerful bomb explosion. (d)/ No error (e) 13. (c) : Replace „than‟ by „when‟
26. No sooner did (a)/ the Chairman begin speaking, some (b)/ 14. (b) : Remove „therefore‟
participants started (c)/ shouting slogans. (d)/ No error (e) 15. (b) : Replace „because‟ by „that‟
27. The Management Committee has requested me (a)/ not to take 16. (b) : Remove „that‟
any action (b)/ unless and until (c)/ I don‟t see all the 17. (a) : Remove „do not‟
documents. (d)/ No error (e) 18. (b) : Replace „or‟ by „nor‟
28. As he is rich, (a)/ so he spends (b)/ lavishly. (c)/ No error (d) 19. (c) : Replace „and‟ by „or‟
29. I am but (a)/ a humble seeker after truth (b)/ and bent upon 20. (b) : Remove „but‟
finding it. (c)/ No error (d) 21. (a) : Replace „Unless‟ by „If‟
30. Hardly he had arrived (a)/ when the house caught fire (b)/ and 22. (e) : No error
everything was reduced to ashes. (c)/ No error (d) 23. (b) : Remove „as‟
31. Neither the famine (a)/ or the subsequent fire (b)/ was able to 24. (b) : Replace „but‟ by „yet‟
destroy the spirit of the people. (c)/ No error (d)
25. (b) : Replace „where‟ by „when‟
32. Neither did he (a)/ accept the punishment (b)/ or apologised
26. (b) : Add „than‟ before „some‟
(c)/ for his mistake. (d)/ No error (e)
27. (d) : Remove „don‟t‟
33. No sooner did the jeep arrive (a)/ at the station (b)/ than a
young police officer (c)/ jumped out of it. (d)/ No error (e) 28. (b) : Remove „so‟
34. If you hate me, (a)/ then you should (b)/ leave my house. (c)/ 29. (c) : Remove „and‟
No error (d) 30. (d) : No error
35. The managing director well as the Board members (a)/ was in 31. (b) : Replace „or‟ by „nor‟
favour of taking strict action (b)/ was in favour of taking strict 32. (c) : Replace „or‟ by „nor‟
action (b)/ against the striking workers. (c)/ No error (d) 33. (e) : No error
36. We are not sure (a)/ if he is coming (b)/ to the party. (c)/ No 34. (b) : Remove „then‟
error (d) 35. (a) : Add „as‟ before „well‟
37. Sooner than he had arrived (a)/ his friends arranged a 36. (b) : Replace „if‟ by „that‟
reception (b)/ in his honour in (c)/ the best hotel in town. (d)/ 37. (a) : The correct form is
No error (e) „As soon as he arrived‟
38. Mrs. Drakmanton went to Dublin (a)/ because she might (b)/ 38. (b) : Replace „because‟ by „in order that‟
see Mrs. Roy. (c)/ No error (d) 39. (a) : Replace „As much as‟ by
39. As much as I admire him for his sterling qualities, (a)/ I „Howsoever much‟
cannot excuse him (b)/ for being unfair to his friends. (c)/ No 40. (b) : The correct form is
error (d) „......and also he did not help them‟
40. He gave them no money (a)/ nor he did help them (b)/ in any 41. (b) : Replace „and‟ by „but‟
way. (c)/ No error (d) 42. (d) : No error
41. He took out the spare tyre (a)/ and was very disappointed (b)/
when he was discovered (c)/ that this tyre was also punctured.
(d)/ No error (e)
42. Since it was his first election compaign, the candidate was
confused; (a)/ none could clearly understand (b)/ either the

PREPOSITION Among is used for more than two persons or things; between is
A Preposition denotes the position that one person or
thing occupies in relation to the other. used only for two:
It is pre (before) because it is put before the noun or noun Examples:
equivalent which is its object. (i) Distribute these sweets among the poor students of the class.
Examples: The book is on the table. (ii) She works among the poor.
On in the above sentence is a preposition. It shows the relation of
(iii) Distribute these books between Ram and Shyam.
the book to the table.
(iv) I lost my book somewhere between the car and the house.
Note: Generally, a preposition is used before a noun or a
pronoun, but there are some circumstances in which this does not
happen, either because the complement has to take first position
in the clause, or because it is absent. Among is used before collective plural nouns, in is used before
Wh- Questions: collective singular nouns.
What were you looking at?
What are you looking for?
Relative Clauses: (i) I found him standing among the crowd.
This is the book that we were looking for. (ii) I saw him in the crowd.
The old house which i was telling you about is empty.
What I am convinced of is that the world's population will grow Beside means by the side of, besides means in addition to.
to an unforeseen extent. Examples:
Exclamations: (i) The daughter was sitting beside her mother.
What a mess he's got into!
(ii) Beside his relatives, he invited his friends also.
She was sought after by all the leading impresarios of the day.
Infinitive Clauses:
In means at the expiry of a period of time in future; within means
He is impossible to work with.
before the expiry of a period of time in any tense.
After, about, above, across, against, around, before, (3) She will return in a week.
behind, below, beneath, between, beyond, by, for, from, in, into, of,
(4) I shall finish my work within a week.
off, on, over, since, through, till, towards, under, underneath, up,
upon, with, within, without, out, beside, down, besides.

On is used for things at rest, upon is used for things in motion or

(1) Simple Prepositions: At, in, on, by, with, of, off, for, from, things about to happen.
to, out, over, under, since, through, up, down, after, round, Examples:
till, against. (iii) He is sitting on the floor.
(2) Compound Prepositions: Into, upon, within, without,
(iv) The book is on the table.
beneath, besides, before, beyond, below, among, against,
underneath, between, behind, outside, above, across, about, (v) The dog sprang upon the table. (Motion)
beside. (vi) Diwali is upon us again. (About to happen)
PREPOSITIONS By denotes the agent or doer, with denotes the instrument with
Among, Between; Among, In; Beside, Besides; In, Within (in which anything is done.
relation to time); On, Upon; By, With; After, In (in relation to Examples;
time); For, From, Since; Over, Above; At, Towards: At, In, On;
(i) Ravana was killed by Rama with an arrow.
Below, Beneath; In, Into, To; Till, By, Of, Off; Across, Along,
Through; About, on. (ii) The bird was killed by the hunter with an arrow.

(iii) He beat the dog with a stick.
By is used in future tense to express the time limit (not later
than). over is used in the following four senses:
Example: (i) In the sense of above:
I shall reach here by five o'clock. At noon, the sun is over our heads.
With also means the following: There was a lamp over the table.
(a) in the company or presence of: (ii) In the sense of beyond:
I came to Delhi with a friend. I cannot get over my disappointment.
(b) agreement or support: (iii) In the sense of superiority:
Are you with us on this issue? God over all blesses for ever more.
(c) reason: (iv) In the sense of conclusion:
She trembled with fear. It is all over with me.
(d) opposition: Above is used in the following senses:
I had an argument with my landlord. (i) In the sense of higher than:
We flew above the clouds.
(ii) In the sense of more than:
After means at the end of a period of time in the past, in means at Applicants must be above the age of 18.
the end of a period of time in future. (iii) In the sense of greater importance or quality:
Examples : A soldier values honour above life.
(i) He returned the book after a week. (iv) In the sense of too honourable or too important to
(ii) I shall return your book in a week. engage in bad activities:
He is above suspicion

For is used before a noun denoting a period of time with all the
tenses. At denotes the idea of aim; towards denotes the idea of
From is used before a noun or phrase denoting a point of time; it destination/direction.
used in all the tenses. Examples:
Since is used before a noun or phrase denoting some point of (i) He threw the stone at the cat.
time and is always preceded by a verb in the perfect continuous (ii) Aim the ball at the hole.
tense or third form of a verb.
(iii) He went towards the house.
From is generally followed by to or till.
(iv) He came running towards me.
(i) We have been playing cards for two hours.
(ii) My elder brother has been ill for four days. At is used as follows:
(iii) She has lived in Mumbai for four years. (i) At is used with small towns and villages; as,
(iv) We play from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. every day. He was born at Sonepat. (Sonepat is a small town.)
(v) Will your school remain closed from tomorrow till the 25th He lives at Ramgarh. (Ramgarh is a village.)
of March? (ii) At is used before a noun denoting a definite point of time; as,
(vi) She stayed with her uncle from the 15th of March to the He will start at six o'clock in the morning.
15th of May.
He called on me at 9 p.m. yesterday.
(vii) I have been reading this book since morning.
In is used as follows:
(viii) My father has been teaching in this school since 1972.
(a) In is used with the names of big cities. provinces and
(ix) He has not heard from his uncle since last Monday. countries, as,
(i) His father lives in England.

(ii) I live at panipat in Haryana. To is also used in the following senses:
(iii) His younger brother lives in Kolkata. (i) towards a condition, state of quality:
(b) In is used before the names of months and years, as, She tore the letter to pieces.
His elder sister was born in 1972 in the month of May. (ii) as far as:
He will go to Patna in April. The garden extends to the river bank.
On is used with dates and names of days, as, (iii) of or belonging to:
(i) I joined college on 26th April. He gave her the key to the doorman.
(ii) He will leave for Chandigarh on Wednesday next. (iv) a moment in time or time before an exact hour:
(iii) He will come on Monday. The party continued from morning to night.
It's quarter to six.
(i) At can be used before a big city when one stays there for a
short time en route to some other place. as,
While going to Delhi, he will stay at Poona for three days. Till means up to or not earlier than.
(ii) At is used in the following phrases: By means not later than.
At night, At midnight, At noon, At day-break, At sunset, At
Of shows cause, source, separation, quality contents, possession,
sunrise, At home. At the station, At work, At play.
apposition, point of reference, space in time, etc.
(iii) In is also used in the following phrases:
Off shows separation at a near distance, and detached condition.
In the morning; In the evening;
In the afternoon; In winter, In summer.
1. I shall work till 5 a.m.
(iv) In also denotes a place inside anything, as,
2. By this time tomorrow, I'll have finished my job.
He travelled in a crowded bus.
3. Madhu died of cancer. (Cause)
Put it in a box.
4. The nib of the pen is made of gold. (Source)
5. He presented me a bottle of whisky. (Contents)
Below means of lower level in position, dignity and expectation, 6. He was deprived of luxury and comfort. (Separation)
etc. ; beneath means under. 7. Our principal is a man of principle. (Quality)
Examples: 8. He lived in the house of his friend. (Possession)
(i) A sergeant in the police force is below an inspector. 9. Mohan, the son of Mr. Ramlal, got married. (Apposition)
(ii) It is below my dignity to talk to her.
10. We are talking about the school 5 miles east of
(iii) They found gold coins beneath a pile of leaves. Delhi.(Point of reference)
(iv) They found a body buried beneath a pile of leaves. 11. He came back within an hour of the appointed time. (Space in
12. My house is off the road.
In expresses rest or motion inside anything.
(Separated from the main road by a short distance)
Into expresses motion towards the inside of anything or change
from one medium to another. 13. The book fell off the table. (Detached)

To denotes motion from one place to another.

(i) Across means from one side to the other side of
(i) Sita is in bed. something, on or to the other side of something.
(ii) The boys are in the room. Examples:
(iii) Rani jumped into the river. The ball rolled across the lawn.
(iv) He poured tea into the cup. The bus came towards across the bridge.
(v) Every morning, he goes to the temple. We use over rather than across when we talk about reaching the
(vi) They are going to France. other side of something, which is higher than it is wide.

Example: prepositions we give below lists of words showing where the
He jumped over the wall. preposition should be omitted, where it should not be
omitted, as also lists showing their correct use.
(ii) Along means from one end towards the other. It also
means close to or parallel with.
Where a Preposition should not be used; where a
Examples: Preposition should not be omitted; Correct use of
They walked along the footpath. prepositions; Infinitives wrongly used for Gerunds
preceded by Prepositions; Ready- Reckoner
I saw him walking along the road.
They are planning to go for a picnic along the river bank.
(iii) Through refers to movement in a three dimensional
space, with things all around.
If often suggests movement from one side or end of the [Where a Preposition should not be used]
space to the other. Don't Say/write Say/write
Examples: Resembles to/with Resembles
He pushed his way through the crowd of people to get to her.
2. Investigate into Investigate
She walked through the forest to get to her friend's house.
3. Ordered for ordered

4. To love with a man Love a man

We can use about and on to mean concerning or on the Subject 5. Enter into the room Enter the room
6. Pick up a quarrel Pick a quarrel
We use about, not, on, after the verbs argue, complain, find out,
joke, know, protest, quarrel, read, teach (someone), worry, ask, 7. Ask from Ask
enquire/inquire, learn, think, agree, hear, laugh, care, wonder. 8. Pass in the examination Pass the examination
Examples: Precede before Precede
Have you heard about it?
10. Succeed after Succeed
I know about it.
11. Only to the orders Only the orders
I care about other people and their problems.
12. Discuss about the problem Discuss the problem

13. Accompany with a man Accompany a man

We use on not about, after the verbs comment, concentrate, Approach to a man/place Approach a man/place
focus, insist, reflect.
15. To promise to a man Promise a man
He refused to comment on the car. 16. To request to a man Request a man

She found it difficult to concentrate on her work. 17. Resign from Resign
We can use either about or on after some other verbs. These 18. Sign on the paper Sign the paper
verbs are advise, agree, decide, disagree, lecture, speak, Enough of money Enough money
speculate, talk, write.
20. Recommend for a man Recommend a man
I would not like to speculate on/about the reasons for her 21. Benefit to a man Benefit a man
resignation. 22. To leave with bag and to leave bag and baggage
Mr. Sinha spoke on/about the issue. Return to home Return home
From the above use of the prepositions about and on it will be Told to her Told her
seen that certain verbs are followed by the preposition about,
certain by the preposition on and there are some verbs which 25. Pity on a man Pity a man
are followed by either of the two at the choice of the student 26. To answer to a question To answer a question
i.e. these two prepositions are interchangeable in those cases.
27. To criticise on a man/work To criticise a man/work
To equip the student with proper knowledge about

28. Obey to my words obey my words

29. Inform to your brother Inform your brother

Assist to him Assist him
[Correct use of Prepositions]
Don't Say/write Say/write
31. Sign to that contract Sign that contract
1. To learn word by word To learn word for word
32. Violate against the rules Violate the rules
2. Sit under the shade of a tree Sit in the shade of a tree
33. Combat with your views Combat your views Write with ink Write in ink
4. Sita was married with Sita was married to Rama
Rama Sita was married to Ra
5. China is in the north of China is to the north of
[Where a Preposition should not be omitted] India India
Don't Say/write Say/write 6. To meet in the way To meet on the way
Write a man Write to a man 7. Different than Different from
Disposed to property Disposed the property 8. Weak/good in a subject Weak/good at a subject
9. Mumbai is famous in its Mumbai is famous for its
3. Wish a thing Wish for a thing
textiles textiles
4. A pen to write A pen to write with 10. Time in the watch Time by the watch

5. Admit an excuse Admit of an excuse 11. Sign with ink Sign in ink
Prevail a man Prevail upon a man 12. To open a book on a To openTotheopen
at book
a at a
Particular page particular page
7. Ask something Ask for something Part with a man Part from a man
8. Partake something Partake of something 14. Part from money/ belongings/property, etc
Bed to lie Bed to lie in belongings/property, etc. Part with money/
9. Divide among two Divide between two
10. Meet an accident Meet with an accident
16. Divide between many Divide among many
11. Suggest a man Suggest to a man Since the last three days For the last three days
12. Propose a man Propose to a man For 3 p.m. Since 3 p.m.
13. Dispense the services Dispense with the services 19. Come off a family Come of a family
14. Listen a man Listen to a man 20. To be pleased from a man To be pleased with a man

15. Apply the principal Apply to the principal 21. Prefer from Prefer to
Apply the post Apply for the post 22. Superior than Superior to
I need a house to live I need a house to live in 23. To talk at a man To talk to a man
24. Inferior than Inferior to
18. What use is it? Of what use is it?
25. Acquitted from a charge Acquitted of a charge
19. Believe God Believe in God
26. Examination begins from Examination begins on
20. Beware someone Beware of someone
27. Die from a disease Die of a disease
21. Compensate a loss Compensate for a loss
28. Die of hunger Die from hunger
22. Pray God Pray to God To have a talk to a person To have a talk with a
What are you talking? What are you talking about? person
30. Jump in the river Jump into the river
24. Enquire a matter Enquire into a matter
31. Marathi into Marathi
25. Know the door Know at the door Translate from Oriya to Translate from Oriya
Reply a letter Replay to a letter 32. Lying upon the table Lying on the table
33. (To) Fall on a table (To) Fall upon a table
27. Care a man Care for a man
34. Since time immemorial From time immemorial

35. Climb on a tree Climb (or climb up) a tree 5. No harm to do this No harm in doing this
36. Spring on Spring upon 6. Hesitate to sing Hesitate singing
37. Quarrel on a trifle Quarrel over a trifle Passion to read books Passion for reading
38. (To) Dive in the river (To) Dive into the river Necessity to do it Necessity of doing it
39. Thirst of knowledge Thirst for knowledge
9. The practice to do The practice of doing
40. Blind to one-eye Blind in one-eye
10. Bent to harm Bent on harming
41. Blind of defects Blind to defects
11. Succeeded to win Succeeded in winning
42. Accused with theft Accused of theft
43. (To) Jump at the conclusion (To) Jump to the
44. (To) Jump to the offer (To) Jump at the offer
45. Ashamed from Ashamed of (One word – Many Prepositions)
46. Break into pieces Break to pieces A READY-RECKONER
47. Absorbed with studies/ Absorbed in studies/ [On the Correct Use of Prepositions]
business/ thoughts, etc.
1. Agree with a person to a thing, upon a
business/ thoughts, etc.
Rejoice for one's success Rejoice in or at one's policy
success 2. Angry with a person at a thing, for some
49. (To) Congratulate someone (To) Congratulate reason
for his success someone on his success
3. Apologise to a person for a wrong

50. To be sick from life To be sick of life. 4. Appeal to a person for a thing
51. Love with music Love for music Apply to a person for a post
52. Children from one's wife Children by one's wife
6. Argue with a person for/against a point
53. (To) Enter in an agreement (To) Enter into an
agreement 7. Attend on a person to a thing (lesson, etc.)
54. (To) come in the room (To) Come into the
8. Blind in one eye to one's faults, etc.
55. (To) Get rid from (To) Get rid of
9. Call at a place on a person
56. Related with a person Related to a person
(To) Come back after an (To) Come back in an 10. Care for a person of a thing
hour (in future tense) hour
11. Cause of trouble for anxiety
58. The birds build nests on The birds build nests in
the trees the trees Compete with a person for a thing
59. Full with water Full of water
13. Complain to/against a of something
60. To go to some place in train To go to some place by
train person
14. Confer with a person against a point

15. Consult with a person about something

[Infinitives wrongly used for Gerunds
16. Contend with or against on or about a matter
preceded by Prepositions] a person
Don't Say/write Say/write 17. Controversy with a person on or about something
1. Addicted to gamble Addicted to gambling
18. Converse with a person about a thing
2. Averse to make Averse to making
19. Correspond with a person to something
3. Chance of win the prize Chance of winning the prize
20. Deal with a person in a thing
4. Found to talk Fond of taking
21. Die of a disease, from overwork

for a cause
22. Differ with a person from a thing
Directions: In each of the following questions, find out
23. Disgusted with a person from a thing which part of the sentence has an error. The error may be
idiomatic or grammatical. If the sentence is correct, the
24. Distinguish one thing from between two things
answer is ‘No error’.
1. The widely publicised manifesto (a)/ of the new party (b)/ is
25. Enquire into a matter after one's health
not much different than ours. (c)/ No error (d)
26. Enter a place into an agreement, etc. 2. I was taken with surprise (a)/ when I saw (b)/ the glamorous
Appu Ghar. (c)/ No error (d)
27. Entrust a person with a a thing to a person
3. Man needs (a)/ security and leisure (b)/ of free thinking. (c)/
No error (d)
28. Fire at a man upon a mob
4. This watch (a)/ is superior and (b)/ more expensive than that.
29. Grateful to a person for a thing (c)/ No error (d)
5. It was apparent for everyone present (a)/ that if the patient did
30. Interfere with a person in some matter
not receive (b)/ medical attention fast (c)/ he would die. (d)/
31. Lean against a wall on a desk No error (e)
Meet a person with an accident 6. He knows very well (a)/ what is expected from (b)/ but he is
not able to fulfil all the expectations. (c)/ No error (d)
33. Part from a person with a thing 7. My brother (a)/ has ordered (b)/ for a new book. (c)/ No error
Put up at a place with a person (d)
8. That Brutus, who was his trusted friend (a)/ had attacked on
35. Point at a person to some result him (b)/ and caused heartbreak to Julius Caesar. (c)/ No error
36. Quarrel with a person over a thing (d)
9. Rana Pratap was (a)/ blind with (b)/ one eye. (c)/ No error (d)
37. Talk to or with a of or about en event
10. The doctor (a)/ attended to the patient (b)/ very quietly. (c)/
No error (d)
38. Trade with in something
11. I was shocked to hear (a)/ that his father (b)/ died of an
accident. (c)/ No error (d)
39. Turn to someone for something 12. I must start (a)/ at dawn (b)/ to reach the station in time. (c)/
Retire from business to bed No error (d)
13. I will put on (a)/ a note in this regard (b)/ for your
41. Slow of speech of a business consideration (c)/ and necessary decision. (d)/ No error (e)
42. Stare at a person a person in the face 14. None could (a)/ dare to encroach (b)/ on his rights. (c)/ No
error (d)
43. Suffer from fever, for follies
15. The father brought the sweets (a)/ and distributed them (b)/
between his five children. (c)/ No error (d)
44. Supply a person something to a person
16. Raman developed the (a)/ habit for sleeping late (b)/ when he
45. Sympathise with a person in his sorrows, etc. was (c)/ staying in the hostel. (d)/ No error (e)
17. It is the duty of every right thinking citizen (a)/ to try to make
46. Reason with a person about something
the whole world (b)/ a happier place to live. (c)/ No error (d)
47. Revenge on someone for some injury 18. The top-ranking candidates (a)/ will be appointed in (b)/
senior jobs in good companies. (c)/ No error (d)
48. Reckon with a person on something
19. My niece has been (a)/ married with (b)/ the richest man of
49. Thankful to a person for a thing the town. (c)/ No error (d)
Useful to a person for a purpose 20. The venue of examination (a)/ is one mile further up (b)/ the
hill. (c)/ No error (d)
21. The doctor referred (a)/ the patient for the O.P.D. (b)/ without
examining him. (c)/ No error (d)

22. A man who always (a)/ connives on the faults (b)/ of his 44. It was apparent for everyone present (a)/ that if the patient (b)/
children (c)/ is their worst enemy. (d)/ No error (e) did not receive medical attention fast (c)/ he would die. (d) /
23. I do not understand (a)/ why he is. (b)/ So angry at me. (c)/ No error (e)
No error (d) 45. The detective says that (a)/ there is no chance for (b)/ finding
24. I am hearing (a)/ a lot about (b)/ the problem of AIDS these the person (c)/ who wrote these letters. (d) / No error (e)
days. (c)/ No error (d) 46. In urban society (a)/ the social circle is limited with the family
25. Because of his innocence (a)/ he cannot (b)/ distinguish a (b)/ but in the villages (c)/ it encompasses the entire village.
cheat (c)/ for an honest person. (d)/ No error (e) (d)/ No error (e)
26. After opening the door (a)/ we entered into the room (b)/ next 47. Being most loquacious (a)/ among her brother and sisters (b)/
to the kitchen. (c)/ No error (d) she related a good many tales (c)/ in each breath (d)/ No error
27. As the meeting was about to end (a)/ he insisted to ask (b)/ (e)
several questions. (c)/ No error (d) 48. The committee appointed to investigate into (a)/ the said
28. The watchman was kind enough (a)/ to inform us about the murder (b)/ will convene next (c)/ to further discuss their
conspiracy (b)/ but declined to name (c)/ the person behind it. strategy. (d)/ No error (e)
(d)/ No error (e) 49. Kamal‟s habit of (a)/ delaying his work (b)/ put his
29. The captain and his wife (a)/ were invited (b)/ for the cultural colleagues. (c)/ to lot of trouble. (d)/ No error (e)
function (c)/ at my home. (d)/ No error (e) 50. No effort has been made at all (a)/ to cash on (b)/ the
30. The engineer came out (a)/ to a novel solution (b)/ which may refurbished image of Indian tennis. (c)/ No error (d)
even reduce (c)/ daily energy consumption. (d)/ No error (e)
31. On a holiday (a)/ Madhu prefers reading (b)/ than going out Answer Sheet
visiting friends. (c)/ No error (d) 1. (c) : The correct usage is „different from........‟
32. People who are averse with (a)/ hard work (b)/ generally do 2. (a) : Replace „with‟ by „by‟
not (c)/ succeed in life. (d)/ No error (e) 3. (c) : Replace „of‟ by „for‟
33. Vishal is (a)/ one year junior (b)/ than Madan (c)/ in our 4. (b) : Add „to‟ after „superior‟. Adjectives ending
office. (d)/ No error. (e) in – ior take „to‟ after them.
34. They walked (a)/ besides each other (b)/ in silence. (c)/ No 5. (a) : Replace „for‟ by „to‟
error (d)
6. (b) : Replace „from‟ by „of‟
35. Our Mathematics teacher (a)/ often emphasises on (b)/ the
7. (c) : Remove „for‟
need for a lot of practice. (c)/ No error (d)
8. (b) : Remove „on‟. The verb „attack‟ does not take a
36. Please put away (a)/ the candle (b)/ before you leave. (c)/ No
error (d)
9. (b) : Replace „with‟ by „in‟
37. All the doctors were (a)/ puzzled on the (b)/ strange
10. (b) : Replace „to‟ by „upon‟
symptoms (c)/ reported by the patient. (d)/ No error (e)
11. (c) : The correct usage is „died in an accident‟ and
38. Most of the Uttar Pradesh (a)/ is an extremely fertile plain (b)/
„died of malaria‟
between which the river Ganga flows. (c)/ No error (d)
12. (b) : Replace „at‟ by „by‟
39. He has been working on (a)/ the problem from a long time
13. (a) : Replace „on‟ by „up‟
(b)/ but is still not (c)/ able to solve it. (d)/ No error (e)
14. (c) : Replace „on‟ by „upon‟. The verb „encroach‟ takes
40. At the last day (a)/ of your holidays (b)/ you have started
„upon‟ after it
thinking about (c)/ how to finish your work. (d)/ No error (e)
15. (c) : Replace „between‟ by „among‟. „Between‟ is used for
41. India is in no way (a)/ inferior than the U.S.A. (b)/ in the
two persons and „among‟ for more than two persons.
fertility of soil (c)/ and in the richness of mineral resources.
(d)/ No error (e) 16. (b) : Replace „for‟ by „of‟
42. The students were (a)/ awaiting for (b)/ the arrival of the chief 17. (c) : Add „in‟ after „live‟
guest. (c)/ No error (d) 18. (b) : Replace „in‟ by „to‟
43. I could not convince them (a)/ because they persisted to 19. (b) : Replace „with‟ by „to‟.
suggest (b)/ that I was lying. (c)/ No error (d) The verb „marry‟ takes preposition „to‟
20. (a) : Replace „of‟ by „for‟
21. (b) : Replace „for‟ by „to‟.
The verb „refer‟ takes preposition „to‟

22. (b) : Replace „on‟ by „at‟. 5. I found it difficult (a)/ to remove (b)/ the chewing tum that
„Connive‟ takes the preposition „at‟ (c)/ stuck with my cap./ (d) No error (e)
23. (c) : The correct form is „angry with ......‟ 6. My answer (a)/ is different (b)/ then yours. (c)/ No error (d)
24. (b) : Replace „about‟ by „of‟ 7. Of all the man (a)/ known to me none is (b)/ less inclined that
25. (d) : replace „for‟ by „from‟ he is (c)/ to think ill to others. (d)/ No error (e)
26. (b) : Remove „into‟. 8. Dr. Addison has been trying (a)/ to develop a medicine for
„Enter‟ does not take any preposition. diabetes (b)/ for the last ten years. (c)/ No error (d)
27. (b) : The correct form is „he insisted on asking‟ 9. As the party was going (a)/ we noticed Mr. Roy fall back (b)/
28. (b) : Replace „about‟ by „of‟. in his chair, gasping for breath. (c)/ No error (d)
29. (c) : Replace „for‟ by „to‟. 10. In this age of despair and despondency, (a)/ only our rich
30. (b) : Replace „to‟ by „with‟ cultural heritage (b)/ can help us (c)/ escape to the menacing
31. (c) : Replace „than‟ by „to‟. doom. (d)/ No error (e)
The/verb „prefer‟ takes preposition „to‟. 11. Rekha was trying for admission (a)/ in the Engineering
32. (a) : Replace „with‟ by „to‟. Collage (b)/ even though her parents wanted (c)/ her to take
33. (c) : Replace „than‟ by „to‟. up medicine. (d)/ No error (e)
Adjectives ending in – ior take „to‟. 12. All the players (a) except sam (b)/ were present (c)/ on the
34. (b) : Replace „besides‟ by „beside‟ playground. (d)/ No error (e)
35. (b) : Remove „on‟. 13. It proves (a)/ year after year (b)/ that when it comes into
judging new writing (c)/ we are on slippery ground. (d)/ No
36. (a) : The correct usage is „put out the candle‟
error (e)
37. (b) : Replace „on‟ by „at‟.
14. This kind of behaviour (a)/ has not been seen here (b)/ since
38. (c) : Replace „between‟ by „through‟
the last four years. (c)/ No error (d)
39. (e) : No error.
15. He is in the habit (a)/ of going out (b)/ on a morning walk (c)/
40. (a) : Replace „at‟ by „on‟
regularly. (d)/ No error (e)
41. (b) : Replace „then‟ by „to‟.
16. The management did not (a)/ select him as he was (b)/ not
42. (b) : Remove „for‟ eligible to the post. (c) No error (d)
43. (b) : Replace „to suggest‟ by „in suggesting‟ 17. Both the form and substance (a)/ of what he says (b)/ about
44. (a) : Replace „for‟ by „to‟. his life and work (c)/ testify for a great reserve of inner
45. (b) : Replace „for‟ by „of‟. energy. (d)/ No error (e)
46. (b) : Replace „with‟ by „to‟ 18. I am vexed (a)/ at him about what (b)/ he has done. (c)/ No
47. (b) : Replace „among‟ by „of‟ error (d)
48. (a) : Remove „into‟. 19. Beside chocolates, (a)/ they also bought (b)/ many toys for the
49. (d) : Replace „to‟ by „into‟ child. (c)/ No error (d)
50. (b) : The correct form is „to cash in on‟ 20. Young children should not sit close (a)/ to the TV set (b)/ as it
affects on their eyes. (c)/ No error (d)
Exercise-2 21. The child freed himself (a)/ from his father‟s hold (b)/ and ran
Directions: In each of the following questions, find out on the road. (c)/ No error (d)
which part of the sentence has an error. If there is no 22. Without a moment‟s hesitation (a)/ the Principal agreed to
mistake, the answer is ‘No error’. write (b)/ a foreword to my book. (c)/ No error (d)
1. He says that (a)/ he has a car (b)/ beside a scooter. (c)/ No 23. When the teacher are on strike (a)/ and a notice to this effect
error (d) is pasted on the college gate (b)/there is no sense to go there.
2. Mahatma Gandhi laboured (a)/ to the good (b)/ of humanity. (c)/ No error (d)
(c) / No error (d) 24. To gain reputation among your clients, (a)/ you ought to
3. The blind old man was (a)/ knocked down by a car (b)/ upon finish (b)/ every assignment you undertake (c)/ within the
crossing the road. (c) No error (d) stipulated deadline. (d)/ No error (e)
4. In a report issued by Indian Statistical Institute, (a)/ the Iron 25. Children often (a)/ quarrel on (b)/ petty issues. (c)/ No error
and Steel Industry in investing more than any other (b)/ Indian (d)
industry in fighting pollution. (c)/ No error (d)

26. Rahul was in need (a)/ of money and (b)/ sold out his gold 46. In my opinion (a)/ this boy is very honest (b)/ and can be
medal for hundred rupees (c)/ to one of his friends. (d)/ No depended. (c)/ No error (d)
error (e) 47. The earth we live in (a)/ is enveloped (b)/ on all sides by air.
27. Our Mathematics teacher (a)/ often emphasises on (b)/ the (c)/ No error (d)
need for a lot of practice. (c)/ No error (d) 48. Several prominent figure (a)/ involved in the scandal (b)/ are
28. Many a time (a)/ the Minister caused by floods. (c)/ No error required to appear (c)/ to the investigation committee. (d)/ No
(d) error (e)
29. Having come to Calcutta (a)/ he had found the people (b)/ 49. If I were Principal of the college (a)/ I would have never
were warm and friendly (c)/ and there was nothing pessimistic accepted (b)/ such demands of the students. (c)/ No error (d)
in them. (d)/ No error (e) 50. She had shifted her residence (a)/ to this city to be (b)/ close
30. Our laxity in duty (a)/ increases with our (b)/ aversion for with the child (c)/ she has wanted to adopt. (d) No error (e)
work. (c)/ No error (d)
31. The teacher (a)/ was pleased (b)/ at Sanjay. (c)/ No error (d)
Answer Sheet
32. None saw him (a)/ worthy for the reward (b)/ he received. (c)/ 1. (c) : Replace „beside‟ by „besides‟
No error (d) „Beside‟ means by the side of‟,
33. My uncle frequently goes to abroad (a)/ on business (b)/ by „besides‟ means „apart from‟
air. (c)/ No error (d)
2. (b) : Replace „to‟ by „for‟
34. Yesterday, Sohan came across with (a)/ one of his (b)/ old
3. (c) : Replace „upon‟ by „while‟
friends. (c)/ No error (d)
35. The Minister and some of his colleagues (a)/ were invited (b)/ 4. (d) : Replace „in‟ by „on‟
for the charity show (c)/ stages by the Dhawan College (d)/ 5. (d) : „Stuck‟ takes the preposition „to‟, not „with‟.
No error (e) 6. (c) : The correct usage is „different from‟
36. He fixed a mental ladder (a)/ for the wall below his window 7. (d) : The correct form is
(b)/ so as to be able to (c)/ escape if there was a fire. (d)/ No
„to think ill of others‟
error (e)
8. (c) : Replace „for‟ by „since‟
37. For nearly half a century he lived in that village, (a)/ sharing
the joys and sorrows of the people there, (b)/ but later he left 9. (a) : Add „on‟ after „going‟
the village and has not been heard of since. (c)/ No error (d) 10. (d) : Replace „to‟ by „from‟
38. A large scale exchange of nuclear weapons (a)/ will produce 11. (b) : Replace „in‟ by „to‟
unprecedented amounts of radiation (b)/ that can penetrate 12. (d) : Replace „on‟ by „in‟
into the biological tissue. (c)/ No error (d)
13. (c) : Replace „into‟ by „to‟
39. He did not complain, (a)/although the pain (b)/ was behind his
capacity (c)/ to bear. (a)/ No error (e) 14. (c) : Replace „since‟ by „for‟
40. On his attitude (a)/ it seems that what he wants (b)/ is that the 15. (c) : Replace „on‟ by „for‟
decision making power (c)/ should rest with him (d)/ No error 16. (c) : The correct form is „eligible for....‟
(e) 17. (d) : Replace „for‟ by „to‟
41. The boy stood (a)/ by me (b)/ panting for breath. (c)/ No error 18. (b) : Replace „at‟ by „with‟
19. (a) : Replace „beside‟ by „besides‟
42. The plan is to go for (a)/ the cinema and then have dinner (b)/
but Ajay‟s late arrival (c) upset the whole thing. (d)/ No error 20. (c) : Remove „on‟
(e) 21. (c) : Replace „on‟ by „across‟
43. It is not possible for me (a)/ to exchange the goods (b)/ once 22. (c) : Replace „to‟ by „for‟
the sale has been completed. (c)/ No error (d) 23. (c) : Replace „to go‟ by „in going‟
44. The teachers taught (a)/ to the students (b)/ like his own
24. (d) : Replace „within‟ by „by‟
children. (c)/ No error (d)
25. (b) : Replace „on‟ by „over‟
45. Mr. Sumit was accused for murder (a)/ but the court found
him not guilty (b)/ and acquitted him. (c)/ No error (d) 26. (c) : Remove „out‟
27. (b) : Replace „on‟ by „upon‟

28. (b) : The correct form is „hinted at....‟ 7. Ritu was conscious to (a)/ all that was going (b)/ on around
29. (d) : Replace „in‟ by „about‟ her place. (c)/ No error (d)
8. I want this document (a)/ to be detached off (b)/ the main file
30. (c) : The correct form is „aversion to‟
and sent to me. (c)/ No error (d)
31. (c) : The correct form is „pleased with....‟ 9. It is easy to see that (a)/ a lawyer‟s demeanour in court (b)/
32. (b) : The correct form is „worthy of.....‟ may be prejudicial against the interests of his client. (c)/ No
33. (a) : Remove „to‟ error (d)
10. Of what I know (a)/ of him, (b)/ I hesitate to (c)/ trust him.
34. (b) : Remove „with‟
(d)/ No error (e)
35. (c) : The correct form is „invited to....‟ 11. The Prince (a)/ came on the throne (b)/ at a very early age.
36. (b) : Replace „for‟ by „to‟ (c)/ No error (d)
37. (c) : Add „then‟ after „since‟ 12. Considering about these facts (a)/ the principal has offered
(b)/ him a seat. (c)/ No error (d)
38. (c) : Remove „into‟ The verb „penetrate‟ doesn‟t take any
13. Two women were between (a)/ those killed in the fire (b)/ that
broke out at the hotel. (c)/ No error (d)
39. (c) : Replace „behing‟ by „beyond‟ 14. The angry boats man threw (a)/ the cracked oar (b)/ in the
40. (a) : Replace „on‟ by „from‟ river (c)/ and returned home. (d)/ No error (e)
41. (b) : Replace „by‟ by „before‟ 15. The third World countries must adopt (a)/ a radically different
approach for (b)/ the dissemination of scientific information
42. (a) : Replace „for‟ by „to‟ (c)/ in view of the nature and magnitude of their problems.
43. (c) : Replace „once‟ by „after‟ (d)/ No error (e)
44. (b) : Remove „to‟ 16. Yet the writers (a)/ have no qualms in (b)/ depicting the gory
(c)/ details of the violence. (d)/ No error (e)
45. (a) : The correct form is „accused of ....‟
17. The director prefers (a)/ your plan than (b)/ that given by (c)/
46. (c) : The correct form is „depended upon‟ the other members of the committee. (d)/ No error (e)
47. (b) : Replace „on‟ by „from‟ 18. I always prefer (a)/ working in a relaxed atmosphere (b)/ than
48. (c) : Replace „to‟ by „before‟ one full of (c)/ tension and anxiety. (d)/ No error (e)
49. (c) : Replace „of‟ by „from‟ 19. You should not discuss (a)/ about a matter (b)/ with friends
who are likely (c)/ to find it offensive (d)/ No error (e)
50. (c) : Replace „with‟ by „to‟ 20. When you have (a)/ read these books, (b)/ please return them
to me. (c)/ No error (d)
Exercise-3 21. Will you please buy (a)/ some jiggery for me (b)/ if you go to
Directions: In each of the following questions, find out the market? (c)/ No error (d)
which part of the sentence has an error. If the sentence is 22. In my opinion (a)/ Rajeev is very honest (b)/ and can be
correct, the answer is ‘No error’ depended. (c)/ No error (d)
1. He was honourably (a)/ acquitted from (b)/ the charge. (c)/ No 23. There are several ways (a)/ of investing money prudently (b)/
error (d) and making substantial profit (c)/ from the investments. (d)/
2. Ajay was suffering (a)/ from cholera (b)/ and ultimately he No error (e)
died by it. (c) / No error (d) 24. Rana Pratap was (a)/ blind with (b) one eye. (c)/ No error (d)
3. We returned to the quest house (a)/ impressed by (b)/ what we 25. Having to stay (a)/ in the jungle that night, (b)/ they had
had seen. (c)/ No error (d) nothing (c)/ to feed at. (d)/ No error (e)
4. I am pleased to sanction (a)/ one special increment (b)/ to all 26. The student (a)/ answered to (b)/ the question (c)/ asked by
the employees (c)/ with this month. (d)/ No error (e) the inspector of school (d)/ No error (e)
5. It must be said (a)/ to his credit that (b)/ he stood towards his 27. The plane took on (a)/ as soon as (b)/ the passengers boarded
friend (c)/ through thick and thin. (d)/ No error (e) it. (c)/ No error (d)
6. To transport goods (a)/ by sea is cheaper (b)/ than land. (c)/ 28. The boy attempted the questions (a)/ so well (b)/ that his
No error (d) teacher was exceedingly (c)/ pleased at him. (d)/ No error (e)

29. The Trust plans (a)/ to set on (b)/ a special school for (c)/ 48. Some animals are much more capable (a)/ than humans for
dumb and deaf children. (d)/ No error (e) perceiving (b)/ certain kinds of stimuli (c)/ which may
30. Amar‟s habit of (a)/ delaying his work (b)/ but his colleagues precede earthquakes. (d)/ No error (e)
(c)/ to lot of trouble. (d)/ No error (e) 49. The author‟s vision, (a)/ suffused by an innocence and
31. The wife is not (a)/ yet acquainted with (b)/ her husband‟s warmth, (b)/ may not correspond (c)/ to the country as it is
likings. (c)/ No error (d) today. (d)/ No error (e)
32. The beauty of her autobiography (a)/ lies in coming (b)/ to 50. On entering the room (a)/ she was found hanging (b)/ from
terms with life (c)/ facing its many challenges through a rare the ceiling. (c)/ No error (d)
courage. (d)/ No error (e)
Answer Sheet
33. We never buy any jam in the shops, (a)/ because my wife
1. (b) : Replace „from‟ by „of‟
makes all our jam from the fruit in our garden, (b)/ and it
The verb „acquitted‟ takes preposition „of‟
tastes much better than the jam from the shops, we think. (c)/
No error (d) 2. (c) : Replace „by‟ by „of‟
34. A shiver ran to Sachin‟s spine (a)/ when he recalled the 3. (b) : Replace „by‟ by „with‟
accident (b)/ in which he (c)/ was luckily saved. (d)/ No error 4. (d) : Replace „with‟ by „from‟
(e) 5. (c) : Replace „towards‟ by „by‟
35. On the time when the house collapsed (a)/ all the people in the 6. (c) : Add „by‟ before „land‟
house (b)/ were fast asleep. (c)/ No error (d) 7. (a) : Replace „to‟ by „of‟
36. I offered him part-time work (a)/ but he turned it over (b)/ 8. (b) : The correct usage is „detached from‟
saying that he would (c)/ rather wait for a full-time job. (d)/ 9. (d) : No error
No error (e) 10. (a) : Replace „of‟ by „from‟
37. These days very few people (a)/ brother to do the work (b)/ 11. (b) : Replace „on‟ by „to‟
entrusted upon them. (c)/ No error (d) 12. (a) : Remove „about‟
38. You will be tried of writing (a)/ at the time you (b)/ finish 13. (a) : Replace „between‟ by „among‟
your research. (c)/ No error (d) 14. (c) : Replace „in‟ by „into‟
39. Young children should not sit (a)/ close to the TV set (b)/ as it 15. (b) : Replace „for‟ by „to‟
affects on their eyes. (c)/ No error (d) 16. (b) : Replace „in‟ by „about‟
40. He (a)/ came across (b)/ with a beggar. (c)/ No error (d) 17. (b) : Replace „than‟ by „to‟
41. If on doing so (a)/ the critic arrives at (b)/ embarrassingly 18. (c) : Add „in‟ before „one‟
adverse conclusions (c)/ he does not shy at declaring them. 19. (b) : Remove „about‟
(d)/ No error (e) 20. (a) : Replace „when‟ by „After‟
42. The law is a sleeping giant (a)/ and until someone affected by 21. (c) : Replace „if‟ by „when‟
it (b)/ makes it wake up (c)/ it will continue to sleep. (d)/ No
22. (c) : The correct form is „...... can be depended upon‟
error (e)
23. (e) : No error
43. The visitors complained at (a)/ the poor accommodation (b)/
24. (b) : Replace „with‟ by „in‟
they were given. (c)/ No error (d)
25. (d) : The correct usage is „feed on‟
44. In the meeting, (a)/ Mr. Mehta‟s suggestions with regard for
26. (b) : Remove „to‟
(b)/ certain administrative reforms (c)/ were hailed by all the
members. (d)/ No error (e)
27. (a) : The correct usage is „The plane took off.......‟
45. Please do not forget (a)/ to send me an express telegram (b)/
28. (d) : Replace „at‟ by „with‟
on my address (c)/ when you reach Canada airport. (d)/ No 29. (b) : Replace „on‟ by „up‟
error (e) 30. (d) : Replace „to‟ by „into‟
46. Such natural imagery suggests that (a)/ the killings were akin 31. (d) : No error
with (b)/ a natural disaster and (c)/ not a matter of individual 32. (d) : Replace „through‟ by „with‟
responsibility, (d)/ No error (e) 33. (a) : Replace „in‟ by „from‟
47. Emphasis on quality of life ensures (a)/ for the health and 34. (c) : Replace „in‟ by „from‟
happiness (b)/ of every individual. (c)/ No error (d) 35. (a) : Replace „on‟ by „At‟
36. (b) : Replace „over‟ by „down‟

37. (c) : Replace „upon‟ by „to‟ 19. The teacher ordered (a)/ the students to (b)/ open page 10. (c)/
38. (b) : Replace „at‟ by „by‟ No error (d)
39. (c) : Remove „on‟ 20. I am angry (a)/ with your (b)/ rude behaviour. (c)/ No error
40. (c) : Remove „with‟ (d)
41. (a) : Replace „on‟ by „in‟ 21. He left to Bombay (a)/ this morning (b)/ for some official
42. (b) : Replace „until‟ by „unless‟ work. (c)/ No error (d)
43. (a) : Replace „at‟ by „about‟ 22. I gave him (a)/ a gun to shoot. (b)/ No error (c)
44. (b) : Replace „for‟ by „to‟ 23. The police investigated (a)/ into the case (b)/ but could find
45. (c) : Replace „on‟ by „to‟ no useful clues. (c)/ No error (d)
46. (b) : The correct usage is „akin to.....‟ 24. Children must (a)/ obey to the orders (b)/ of their elders. (c)/
47. (b) : Remove „for‟ No error (d)
48. (b) : Replace „for‟ by „of‟ „capable‟ is followed by „of‟ 25. Having resigned (a)/ from his job, (b)/ Mr. Kalkarni left the
town. (c) No error (d)
49. (b) : Replace „by‟ by „with‟
26. I requested him (a)/ to listen what I said (b)/ and work
50. (d) : No error
accordingly. (c)/ No error (d)
Exercise-4 27. I am content (a)/ for what (b)/ I have. (c)/ No error (d)
Directions: In each of the following questions, find out 28. Under such circumstances, (a)/ you should (b)/ guard from
which part of the sentence has on error. If the sentence is danger. (c)/ No error (d)
correct, the answer is ‘no error’. 29. Will you (a)/ do to me (b)/ a favour? (c)/ No error (d)
1. The teacher called Ravi (a)/ and asked him (b)/ to describe 30. As soon as the curtain rose (a)/ the spectators got up (b) on
about the incident. (c)/ No error (d) their seats (c)/ to have a better view of their beloved leader.
2. They shouted (a)/ on the top (b)/ of their voice. (c) / No error (d)/ No error (e)
(d) 31. The economic policy of the government (a)/ is not quite in
3. You should not (a)/ violate against the rules (b)/ laid down by variance (b)/ with the idea of (c)/ the socialist pattern of
the institution. (c)/ No error (d) society. (d)/ No error (e)
4. His grandmother (a)/ has taught him (b)/ to pray God daily. 32. All day long we saw the trees (a)/ tossing in the wind (b)/ and
(c)/ No error (d) heard the waves (c)/ crashing with the rocks (d)/ No error (e)
5. I promptly (a)/ answered to (b)/ his questions. (c)/ No error 33. It is not possible (a)/ for one to overhaul a system (b)/ so
(d) rotten into the core. (c)/ No error (d)
6. The warrior (a)/ fell from (b)/ his horse. (c)/ No error (d) 34. Atul‟s habit of (a)/ delaying his work (b)/ put his colleagues
(c)/ to a lot of trouble. (d)/ No error (e)
7. He reminded (a)/ me my (b)/ childhood days. (c)/ No error (d)
8. You cannot (a)/ prevent me (b)/ to go there. (c)/ No error (d)
35. Despite of a good monsoon this year, (a)/ the production of
food grains in the country (b)/ did not go up. (c)/ No error (d)
9. At the gate (a)/ was hung a wooden board (b)/ on which was
36. Supposing if the bridegroom (a)/ doesn‟t arrive in time for the
written: (c)/ „Beware the danger‟. (d)/ No error (e)
wedding, (b)/ what will you do? (c)/ No error (d)
10. This article was (a)/ prepared by (b)/ their own expense. (c)/
No error (d)
37. There is nothing that does (a)/ irritate me more than seeing
(b)/ other people sitting about (c)/ doing nothing when I am
11. He is (a)/ angry and (b)/ indifferent to me. (c)/ No error (d)
working. (d)/ No error (e)
12. He signed (a)/ upon (b)/ the application form. (c)/ No error (d)
38. It is every one‟s duty (a)/ to wipe out (b)/ the tears from the
13. I was going to school (a)/ when in the way (b)/ I met an old
eyes (c)/ of people in distress. (d)/ No error (e)
man. (c)/ No error (d)
39. One of the world‟s smaller coins (a)/ is found in the museum
14. I don‟t think (a)/ I have any use (b)/ of this book. (c)/ No error
(b)/ which is quite near from the old fort. (c)/ No error (d)
40. There has not been any rainfall (a)/ in this part of the country
15. They went (a)/ on one side (b)/ of the road. (c)/ No error (d)
(b)/ since the last two years. (c)/ No error (d)
16. He ascended (a)/ to the throne (b)/ at the early age of ten. (c)/
41. We may have to (a)/ await for a new political order (b)/ to
No error (d)
restructure our economy by adopting (c)/ a model of
17. I advised (a)/ to him (b)/ to do this work. (c)/ No error (d)
development closer to our needs. (d)/ No error (e)
18. He is loveable person (a)/ but what makes most people dislike
him (b)/ is that he boasts his wealth. (c) No error (d)

42. Even the imperial might of the British (a)/ could not suppress 27. (b) : Replace „for‟ by „with‟
(b)/ our desire of freedom. (c)/ No error (d) 28. (c) : Replace „from‟ by „against‟
43. Work hard (a)/ in Christmas holidays (b)/ so that you may (c)/ 29. (b) : Remove „to‟
eatch up with the class. (d)/ No error (e) 30. (c) : Replace „on‟ by „in‟
44. The religious argument (a)/ is not the only basis (b)/ over
31. (b) : Replace „in‟ by „at‟
which the case for animal rights rests. (c)/ No error (d)
32. (d) : Replace „with‟ by „against‟
45. She could not yet (a)/ acclimatize herself in the (b)/ strange
conditions of this house. (c)/ No error (d) 33. (c) : Replace „into‟ by „to‟
46. And though one did not (a)/ quite believe his claim, (b)/ one 34. (d) : Replace „to‟ by „into‟
saw no harm (c)/ in granting him permission. (d)/ No error (e) 35. (a) : Remove „of‟
47. The article (a)/ should not exceed (b)/more than five hundred 36. (a) : Remove „if‟
words. (c)/ No error (d) 37. (c) : Replace „about‟ by „around‟
48. All the boys (a)/ returned back home (b)/ well in time for 38. (b) : Replace „out‟ by „away‟
lunch. (c)/ No error (d) 39. (c) : Remove „from‟
49. Arun‟s parents died when he was young and (a)/ he looked
40. (d) : No error
after his aunt (b)/ who had no children. (c)/ No error (d)
41. (b) : Remove „for‟
50. Because of the emergency help (a)/ that the patient received,
(b)/ he would have died. (c)/ No error (d) 42. (c) : Replace „of‟ by „for‟
43. (b) : Replace „in‟ by „during‟
Answer Sheet
44. (c) : Replace „over‟ by „on‟
1. (c) : Remove „about‟ 45. (b) : Replace „in‟ by „to‟
2. (b) : Replace „on‟ by „at‟ 46. (e) : No error
3. (b) : Remove „against‟ 47. (c) : Remove „more than‟
4. (c) : Add „to‟ after „pray‟ 48. (b) : Remove „back‟
5. (b) : Remove „to‟ 49. (b) : The correct form is „he was looked after by his
6. (b) : Replace „from‟ by „off‟ aunt‟
7. (b) : The correct form is „.....remain died me of..... 50. (a) : Replace „Because of‟ by „But for‟
8. (c) : Replace „to go‟ by „from going‟
9. (d) : The correct form is „Beware of the danger‟
10. (b) : Replace „by‟ by „at‟
11. (b) : Add „with‟ after „angry‟
12. (b) : Remove „upon‟
13. (b) : Replace „in‟ by „on‟
14. (c) : Replace „of‟ by „for‟
15. (b) : Replace „on‟ by „to‟
16. (b) : Remove „to‟
17. (b) : Remove „to‟
18. (c) : Add „of‟ after „boasts‟
19. (c) : Add „at‟ after „open‟
20. (b) : Replace „with‟ by „at‟
21. (a) : Replace „to‟ by „for‟
22. (b) : Add „with‟ after „shoot‟
23. (b) : Remove „into‟
24. (b) : Remove „to‟
25. (b) : Remove „from‟
26. (b) : Add „to‟ after „listen‟

TENSE Exercise
Directions: In each of the following questions, find out
The Changed forms of a verb that indicate time of the action
are called tenses of the verb. which part of the sentence has an error. If there is no
1. When the verb in the Principal Clause is in the Past tense, mistake, the answer is ‘No error’.
the verbs of the Subordinate Clauses should be in the Past 1. Unless you stop to make noise at once, (a)/ I will have no
tense: option but to (b)/ bring the matter to the attention of the
e.g. He said that he had finished his work. police. (c)/ No error (d)
I was informed that her mother was ill. 2. The Minister along with his (a)/ party colleagues have (b)/
2. But a Past tense in the Principal Clause may or may not be been invited to the party. (c) / No error (d)
followed by the Past tense in the sub-ordinate clause if the 3. A group of friends (a)/ want to visit (b)/ the new plant as early
latter expresses universal or habitual truth: as possible. (c)/ No error (d)
e.g. The teacher said that the earth revolves round the sun. 4. It is rude (a)/ for the young (b)/ making fun of their elders.
My brother told me that smoking is injurious to health. (c)/ No error (d)
3. Any tense may be used in the sub-ordinate clause if it gives 5. Meerabai was sent away from her home (a)/ because she
a comparison by using the word than: spend most of the time (b)/ in the company of holy men (c)/
e.g. He respected you more than he respects his uncle. No error (d)
The teacher liked Anil better than he liked me. 6. If I was you (a)/ I would have (b)/ terminated his services then
4. Any tense can be used when the sub-ordinate clause is in a and there. (c)/ No error (d)
quotation: 7. As soon as I will reach Bombay (a)/ I will send (b)/ you the
e.g. She said, “He will go to Madras tomorrow”. books (c)/ you have asked for. (d)/ No error (e)
I said, “I am going to Delhi today”. 8. The job is much worse than I expected. (a)/ If I would have
5. The Present Perfect Tense (subject + has/have + V3) cannot realised (b)/ how awful it was going to be (c)/ I would not
be used when an expression of Past time (yesterday, last have accepted it. (d)/ No error (e)
night, ago etc.) is used: 9. Neither of the plans (a)/ suits him and therefore (b)/ he
e.g. We wrote to you yesterday about his mother. decided not to (c)/ go out yesterday. (d)/ No error (e)
I finished my letter last night.
10. The Cabinet Ministers and the Prime Minister (a)/ was at the
6. In conditional sentences the subordinate clause, beginning
airport (b)/ to receive the foreign dignitary. (c)/ No error (d)
with if, is a generally is Present or Past tense but not in
11. While proceeding on leave (a)/ he had orally committed that
future tense:
(b)/ he will resume after two days. (c)/ No error (d)
e.g. If I go to Delhi, I shall see the Red Fort.
12. The number of people (a)/ applying were so large (b)/ that the
If he had worked hard, he would have passed.
college had to (c)/ stop issuing application forms (d)/ No error
7. With the phrases as if and as though, Past tense and plural
form of the verb should be used:
e.g. He behaves as if he were a millionaire.
13. A series of lectures (a)/ of Indian philosophy (b)/ are arranged
8. Past Perfect tense (subject + had + V3) is used when a by the University. (c)/ No error (d)
sentence refers to two past actions and one of them occurs 14. The house with all its (a)/ furniture and exotic plants (b)/ were
earlier than the other: sold for ` 50,000. (c)/ No error (d)
e.g. When my uncle came to India I had passed M.A. 15. The teacher asked the students (a)/ if everyone of them were
9. Words like usually, generally, often, whenever etc. are interested in (b)/ going on an excursion. (c)/ No error (d)
used in Present Indefinite tense:
I usually go to play cricket. 16. Twice twelve (a)/ makes (b)/ twenty four. (c)/ No error (d)
I often laugh at him. 17. A physiologist in the last century demonstrated (a)/ that
10. If the action began in the past and is still continuing in the puppies will die (b)/ if kept awake for more than five days.
present, use Present Perfect tense (Subject + has/have + been (c)/ No error (d)
V1+ ing): 18. It is unfortunate that (a)/ many youngsters get (b)/ addicted to
e.g. I have been reading in this class for two months.
gamble. (c)/ No error (d)
11. Do not use the Future or the Present tense after such
expressions as suppose that, it is high time, it is time, as if 19. I have seen (a)/ that film last year, (b)/ but I do not remember
etc: its story. (c)/ No error (d)
e.g. It is high time that you went home. 20. The flight purser took control (a)/ of the plane after (b)/ the
It is time that we played football. pilot had had (c)/ a heart attack. (d)/ No error (e)

21. Our conception of (a)/ what should a science of mental life be 42. This pen is (a)/ very good but (b)/ it coasted me ten rupees.
(b)/ has changed considerably since James' time. (c)/ No error (c)/ No error (d)
(d) 43. Good people will make good laws (a)/ but good laws passed
22. We grieve our loss and cry helplessly (a)/ while we should be by a few (b)/ does not necessarily make (c)/ a good society,
fighting for our rights (b)/ and die a noble death. (c)/ No error (d)/ No error (e)
(d) 44. Every since the government (a)/ announced its new policy,
23. Sharad was entrusted with (a)/ the task of coordinating (b)/ the private institutions had (c)/ run into bad weather. (d)/
yesterday's programme, (b)/ but due to certain difficulties (c)/ No error (e)
he does not do it. (d)/ No error (e) 45. It cannot be forecasted (a)/ how society will emerge (b)/ a
24. Work hard (a)/ lest you will (b)/ fail. (c)/ No error (d) generation hence. (c)/ No error (d)
25. My friend did not see me (a)/ for many years (b)/ when I met 46. The Prime Minister has said that India would not have spent
him last week. (c)/ No error (d) so much on defence (a)/ if some of the neighbouring countries
26. Vipul was unhappy (a)/ because he would (b)/ not attend the (b)/ adopted the policy of restricting defence expenditure. (c)/
marriage (c)/ of his friend yesterday. (d)/ No error (e) No error (d)
27. Until he has confessed his fault (a)/ he will be kept (b)/ in 47. I've been to a few of his lectures. (a)/ but understood little of
prison. (c)/ No error (d) (b)/ what he has said. (c)/ No error (d)
28. Slow and steady (a)/ win (b)/ the race. (c)/ No error (d) 48. More leisure, as well as an abundance of goods, (a)/ are
29. After the allotted (a)/ time was over (b)/ they torn off all (c)/ attainable (b)/ through automation. (c)/ No error (d)
the papers which they had used. (d)/ No error (e) 49. Several visitors (a)/ have been expected (b)/ to visit (c)/ the
30. Deep snow laid on the track (a)/ as the Little Red Riding place tomorrow. (d)/ No error (e)
Hood struggled slowly (b)/ against a biting wind (c)/ for the 50. Looking forward (a)/ to (b)/ meet you here. (c)/ No error (d)
lonely farm house. (d)/ No error (e)
31. When I telephoned him (a)/ the line was so bad (b)/ that I
Answer Sheet
cannot hear (c)/ what he said. (d)/ No error (e) 1. (a) : Replace 'to make' by 'making'
32. If any of the founding fathers of our constitution (a)/ was to 2. (b) : Replace 'have' by 'has'
return to life for a day (b)/ his opinion of our amendments (c)/ 3. (b) : Replace 'want' by 'wants' ('A group' is singular)
would be interesting. (d)/ No error (e) 4. (c) : Replace 'making' by ' to make'
33. The new facts he (a)/ has discovered and the new (b)/ 5. (b) : Replace 'spend' by 'spent' because it is being talked
arguments he has advanced (c)/ has not changed my opinion. about the past
(d)/ No error (e) 6. (a) : Replace 'was' by 'were' when a wish or an
34. Hardly had he went (a)/ out of the class (b)/ when a mob of imagination is expressed, 'were' is used.
angry students (c)/ attacked him. (d)/ No error (e) 7. (a) : Remove 'will'
35. He is going everyday (a)/ for a morning walk (b)/ with his 8. (b) : Replace 'would have' by 'had'
friends and neighbours. (c)/ No error (d) 9. (b) : Replace 'suits' by 'suited'
36. When the thief (a)/ entered the house, (b)/ the watchman on 10. (b) : Replace 'was' by 'were'
duty (c)/ was fast a slept. (d)/ No error (e) 11. (c) : Replace 'will' by 'would'
37. How long (a)/ were you (b)/ learning English for? (c)/ No 12. (b) : Replace 'were' by 'was' (The number....' is singular)
error (d) 13. (c) : Replace 'are' by 'is'
38. Knowledge of regional language (a)/ is necessary for bank 14. (c) : Replace 'were' by 'was' ('The house' is singular)
officers because (b)/ they are to understand (c)/ what their 15. (b) : Replace 'were' by 'was'
customers say. (a)/ No error (e) 16. (b) : Replace 'makes' by 'is'
39. I have not (a)/ played cricket (b)/ since I have left college. (c)/ 17. (b) : Replace 'will' by 'would'
No error (d) 18. (c) : Replace 'gamble' by 'gambling'
40. Having deprived from (a)/ their homes in the recent 19. (a) : Replace 'have' by 'had'
earthquake, (b)/ they had no other option but (c)/ to take 20. (c) : Replace 'had had' by 'had'
shelter in a temple. (d)/ No error (e)
21. (b) : The correct form is 'what a science of mental life
41. I shall write (a)/ to you (b)/ when I shall reach Bangalore. (c)/ should be'
No error (d)
22. (b) : Replace 'be fighting' by 'fight'

23. (d) : Replace 'does' by 'could'
24. (b) : Replace 'will' by 'should' MISCLELLANEOUS
'lest' is followed by 'should'
1. Avoid the use of lots, a lot and a whole lot in the sense of
25. (c) : Replace 'did not see' by 'had not seen'
much of a great deal:
26. (b) : Replace 'would' by 'could'
He expects to earn a lot of money on his sale of farm products.
27. (a) : Replace 'has confessed' 'confesses' (×) miscellaneous
28. (b) : Replace 'win' by 'wins' He expects to earn a great deal of money on his sale of farm
29. (c) : Replace 'torn' by 'tore' products. ()
30. (a) : Replace 'laid' by 'lay' 2. Plenty is a noun and is always followed by of:
31. (c) : Replace 'can not' by 'could not' e.g. He has plenty of room in his old house.
32. (b) : Replace 'was' by 'were' 3. Due to always modifies a noun and not a verb. Hence, no
33. (d) : Replace 'has' by 'have' sentence should begin with due to, it must be used only after
34. (a) : Replace 'went' by 'gone' some form of the verb to be:
35. (a) : Replace 'is going' by 'goes' e.g. His death was due to natural causes.
Habitual actions are indicated by Simple Present 4. Alright is incorrect, use all right:
Tense I think it is quite alright if you stay. (×)
36. (d) : Replace 'a slept' by 'asleep' I think it is quite all right if you stay. ()
5. If the gender is not determined. use the pronoun of the
37. (c) : Replace 'were you' by 'have you been'
masculine gender:
38. (c) : Replace 'are' by 'have'
If anybody has got the book let her return it. (×)
39. (c) : Remove 'have'
If anybody has got the book let him return it. ()
40. (a) : The correct form is 'Having been deprived from...'
6. When two nouns are closely connected, apostrophe–‟s will be
41. (c) : Remove 'shall' written after second only:
42. (c) : Replace 'coasted' by 'cost' Ravi‟s and Shikha‟s mother is ill. (×)
43. (c) : Replace 'does' by 'do' ('laws' in plural) Ravi and Shikha‟s mother is ill. ()
44. (c) : Replace 'had' by 'have' 7. Both and as well as cannot be used together in the same
45. (a) : Replace 'forecasted' by 'forecast' sentence because both convey the same sense:
46. (c) : Add 'had' before 'adopted' Both Pinki as well as Pooja are beautiful. (×)
47. (c) : Remove 'has' Both Pinki and Pooja are beautiful. ()
48. (b) : Replace 'are' by 'is' 8. Supposing and if cannot be used together in the same
49. (b) : Replace 'have been' by 'are' sentence:
50. (c) : Replace 'meet' by 'meeting' Supposing if the fails, what will he do? (×)
'Looking forward to' is followed by 'ing' form of the If he fails, what will he do? ()
verb. 9. Endure suggests suffering, usually in silence and tolerate,
means to allow it with some degree of approval:
e.g. He endured the pain without complaint.
He will not tolerate laziness.
10. Avoid the use of had with ought:
You had not ought to do it. (×)
You ought not do it. ()
11. As is used when one compares things or persons of equal or
about equal size or quality, so is used when one compares
things or persons which are unequal:
e.g. He weighs as much as his father.
He does not weigh so much as his father.
12. Avoid using the double comparative and double superlative:
The weather is more hotter than it was yesterday. (×)
The weather is hotter than it was yesterday. ()
This pen is the most costliest in this store. (×)

This pen is the costliest in this store. () e.g. I divided my time between teaching, writing and delivering
13. Cent per cent and word by word are wrong uses. The real lecture.
terms are hundred percent and word for word. I shared his property between his wife, his son and his
14. When two comparatives are used in a sentence for proportion, daughter.
the is used before both of them: 27. In relative sentences any is usually followed by that, not by
e.g. The higher we go, the cooler it is. which or who:
15. Do the needful is incorrect, write do what is necessary. e.g. Borrow any book that interests you.
16. Never say family members, say members of the family: 28. Since is used as an adverb, as a preposition and also as a
e.g. His family members have gone to Bombay. (×) conjunction:
The members of his family have gone to Bombay. () I met Raj last Tuesday but have not seen him since. (Adverb)
17. Else is always followed by but and never by than: Ajay has eaten nothing since yesterday. (Preposition)
It is nothing else but your pride which makes you say such a What have you done since we last met? (Conjunction)
18. All of is used in conversation, not in standard written English:
She gave all of her antiques to the museum. (×) Exercise-1
She gave all her antiques to the museum. () Directions: In the following questions, some of the
19. Talking terms is wrong, use speaking terms: sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which
He is not on talking terms with his brother. (×) part of a sentence has an error. If there is no mistake, the
He is not on speaking terms with his brothel. () answer is 'No error'.
20. Verbs like resemble, recommend, comprise, order, accompany, 1. There are much inconveniences (a)/ that have to be put up
reach, join, shirk, attack, emphasise, discuss, fear, succeed, with (b)/ when you are camping. (c)/ No error (d)
resist, request, assist, benefit, afford etc. are not followed by 2. It is out duty (a)/ to put off our shoes (b)/ before entering the
any preposition when used in the active voice. sanctum sanctorum of any temple or mosque. (c)/ No error (d)
He emphasised on the need for discipline. (×) 3. Supposing if you (a)/ are arrested, (b)/ what will you do? (c)/
He emphasised the need for discipline. () No error (d)
She will accompany with you to madras. (×) 4. The child is very precocious (a)/ and not only speaks English
She will accompany you to Madras. () (b)/ but also German and French. (c)/ No error (d)
21. The phrase type of, sort of and kind of do not follow a or an: 5. When I called at him (a)/ yesterday, he was busy (b)/ writing a
What kind of a friend are you? (×) book (c)/ No error (d)
What kind of friend are you? () 6. we have helped them not only (a)/ with money but also (b)/
22. A full hour number follows o’ clock, but in fraction it does not with new machinery (c)/ and raw material. (d)/ No error (e)
follow: 7. He was advised (a)/ to be more cautious (b)/ lest he is robbed
He left this place by 10:40 o‟clock. (×) again. (c)/ No error (d)
He left this place by 10:40 () 8. Rural women congregated the mud roofs (a)/ when the
23. Yet means up to the present time something that has not colourful procession (b)/ passed through the street. (c)/ No
happened: error (d)
His brothers are not married even yet.
9. None of the students attending your class (a)/ answered your
I hope the end is not yet.
questions (b)/ did they ? (c)/ No error (d)
Still means that a situation, state, or action which began at an
10. Everyone expected (a)/ the bold officer will face (b)/ the
earlier time has continued right up to the present:
situation with courage. (c)/ No error (d)
I still do not understand.
11. Jack has a far more expensive (a)/ and luxurious apartment
24. And joins two clauses of the same nature, but joins two
(b)/ than John's. (c)/ No error (d)
antithetical clauses of quite opposite meaning:
e.g. It was lovely and warm outside.
12. She is going (a)/ to her aunt (b)/ for the weekend (c)/ and after
to Bombay. (d)/ No error (e)
It was a long walk but it was wroth it.
25. Hardly refers to degree, while scarcely refers to quantity: 13. Some leader feels (a)/ that the use of English language (b)/
e.g. H hardly see how I can finish this work. will hamper (c)/ the progress of the nation. (d)/ No error (e)
I have scarcely enough money for my own needs. 14. Some ruling party members (a)/ objected to the opposition
26. Words like divide and share are followed by between when (b)/ raising the Bofors issue. (c)/ No error (d)
we use several singular nouns:

15. These Acts were (a)/ pushed through Parliament (b)/ in spite 35. I have (a)/ to usually reach (b)/ the office by 9.30 A.M. (c)/
of opposition (c)/ but for little modification. (d)/ No error (e) No error (d)
16. Wearing extremely fashionable clothes (a)/ and surrounded by 36. Thinking that death is imminent (a)/ one must perform (b)/
photographers and pressmen, (b)/ she swept up to the noble deeds for virtue and goodness. (c)/ No error (d)
microphone. (c)/ No error (d) 37. The little boy knows (a)/ how to start the engine (b)/but does
17. As though this were not bad enough (a)/ nuclear power in not know to stop it. (c)/ No error (d)
India is vastly (b)/ more expensive than it was (c)/ assumed to 38. Long ago, when I was yet a student (a)/ I once went to
be. (d)/ No error (e) Darjeeling, (b)/ where I was charmed by the beautiful
18. It is an established fact that the transcendental American poets mountain sceneries (c)/ that greeted me on all sides. (d)/ No
and philosophers, (a) / who lived in the latter half of the error (e)
nineteenth century, (b)/ were more influenced by Indian 39. Neither he (a)/ nor his father is interested (b)/ in joining the
philosophy, in particular by Upanishad philosophy. (c)/ No party (c)/ No error (d)
error (d) 40. No sooner the teacher entered the class (a)/ than the pupils
19. Shalini and I (a)/ are good friends (b)/ and we meet (c)/ each (b)/ stopped talking. (c)/ No error (d)
other often. (d)/ No error (e) 41. The fact that (a)/ the compact car is better than conventional
20. Sheela has scored a first class (a)/ in her final exams, (b)/ isn't cars (b)/ has been proved by its sales. (c)/ No error (d)
it? (c)/ No error (d) 42. This room would look much better (a)/ if you put a furniture
21. Our is the only country (a)/ in the world (b)/ that can boast of (b)/ in that corner. (c)/ No error (d)
(c)/ unity in diversity. (d)/ No error (e) 43. Several people (a)/ saw the thief (b)/ to snatch the jewellery.
22. The long-awaited moment at last came, (a)/ and we set out for (c)/ No error (d)
the station, (b)/ as merry a band of children as I have ever 44. A high level meeting (a)/ of officials is reporting (b)/ to have
seen before or since. (c)/ No error (d) discussed (c)/ the issue in great detail. (d)/ No error (e)
23. What this company needs (a)/ is not only qualified (b)/ 45. Swift's Gulliver's Travels (a)/ have been read by me (b)/
manpower but also (c)/ dedicated workers. (d)/ No error (e) several times. (c)/ No error (d)
24. The cause of earth quakes (a)/ is the heat in the (b)/ earth 46. The difficult situation in which I found myself (a)/ is not
interior. (c)/ No error (d) made easy (b)/ by her constant nagging and grumbling. (c)/
25. Had she not gone (a)/ on writing the truth (b)/ which she saw No error (d)
it (c)/ these changes might have taken longer. (d)/ No error (e) 47. Ever since the government (a)/ announced its new policy, (b)/
26. As poor as they are (a)/ they never refuse to donate, they have the private institutions had (c)/ run into heavy weather. (d)/
(b)/ for any noble cause. (c)/ No error (d) No error (e)
27. It is better (a)/ to do not calculate (b)/ your gains before (c)/ 48. "Meatless Days" (a)/ have been made (b)/ into a film. (c)/ No
they are realized. (d)/ No error (e) error (d)
28. The wheat (a)/ on this land is (b)/ finer than last year. (c)/ No
error (d)
Answer Sheet
29. The students asked the teacher (a)/ what should they do (b)/ 1. (a) : Replace 'much' by 'many'
after they had finished the text. (c)/ No error (d) 2. (b): Replace 'put' by 'take'
30. Tell me the name of (a)/ a country where every citizen is law- 3. (a): Replace 'Supposing if' by 'In case'
abiding (b)/ and no trouble is there. (c)/ No error (d) 4. (b): Replace 'not only speaks' by 'speaks not only'
31. Rahul thought that (a)/ he would pass in the examination (b)/ 5. (a): Replace 'at' by 'on'
although he did not answer (c)/ most of the questions 6. (e): No error
correctly. (d)/ No error (e) 7. (c): Replace 'is' by 'be'
32. As there was only one taxi available (a)/ I had no other 8. (a): Add 'on' after 'congregated'
alternative (b)/ but to pay the fare demanded by the driver. 9. (c): Replace 'did they?' by 'did any?'
(c)/ No error (d) 10. (b): Replace 'will' by 'to'
33. My friend is the kind of person (a)/ who will face up (b)/ to 11. (c): Replace 'John's' by 'John'
the most demanding tasks. (c)/ No error (d) 12. (d): Replace 'after' by 'afterwards'
34. He says he is (a)/ going to (b)/ Delhi tonight. (c)/ No error (d) 13. (a): The correct form is
'some leaders feel'

14. (b): Replace 'opposition' by 'opposition's'
15. (d): Replace 'for' by 'with a'
16. (d): No error Directions: The following sentences may contain errors in
17. (a): Replace 'though' by 'if' grammar, usage, diction (choice of words) or idiom. No
18. (c): Replace 'more' by 'much' sentence contains more than one error. You will find that
the error, if there is none, is italicised and numbered.
19. (e): No error
Assume that all other elements of the sentences are correct
20. (c): Replace 'isn't it?' by 'hasn't she?'
and cannot be changed. If there is an error, select the
21. (a): Replace 'our' by 'ours'
italicised part that must be changed to make the sentence
22. (c): Replace 'before or since' by 'since or before'
correct. The number of that italicised part is your answer.
23. (e): No error If there is no mistake, the answer is 'No error'.
24. (c): Replace 'earth' by 'earth's'
1. The brand proposition now therefore had to be (a)/ that
25. (c): Replace 'which' by 'as'
Keokarpin Antiseptic Cream is more effective (b)/ because it
26. (a): The correct form is 'Poor as they are....'.
penetrates deep down (being light and non-sticky) and works
27. (b): The correct form is 'not to calculate' from within (c)/ (because of its ayurvedic ingredients) to keep
28. (c): Replace 'year' by 'year's' skin blemish, free and helps cope with cuts, nicks, burns and
29. (b): The correct form is '....what they should do'. nappy rash. No error (d)
30. (d): No error 2. It is argued that if the income of capitalists is taxed
31. (b): Remove 'in' sufficiently (a)/ by putting a ceiling to (b)/ the maximum
32. (d): No error income of capitalists and by introducing legislation for the
33. (a): Replace 'the kind of person' by 'that kind of a person' welfare of labourers and by freezing prices, the aims of
34. (a): Add 'that' after 'says' socialism will be realised (c)/ No error (d)
35. (d): No error 3. The average student, devoid of (a)/ good accommodation or
36. (c): Replace 'for' by 'of' atmosphere for study at home, utilises public libraries for (b)/
37. (c): Add 'how' after 'know' a great advantage to himself. (c)/ No error (d)
38. (a): Replace 'yet' by 'still' 4. Whereas Gandhi appealed to (a)/ the good sense of the human
39. (d): No error nature and sought after bringing out (b)/ the kinder elements
in the capitalists and other selfish individuals, Nehru believed
40. (a): The correct form is 'No sooner did the teacher enter the
in a legally regulated way of disciplining (c)/ the selfish
elements in society. No error (d)
41. (b): Add 'the' before 'conventional'
5. India has also become quite conversant with (a)/ advancement
42. (b): Remove 'a'
made by (b)/ the western civilization, of (c)/ the English
43. (c): Remove 'to'
language only. No error (d)
44. (b): Replace 'reporting' by 'reported'
6. The ability of plan, (a)/ organise and coordinate work is all
45. (b): Replace 'have' by 'has'
fundamental (b)/ to working within deadline. (c)/ No error (d)
46. (b): Replace 'is' by 'was'
7. In the legend of churning the ocean (a)/ of the universe we are
47. (c): Replace 'had' by 'have' told (b)/ that one of the objects which came to (c)/ the surface
48. (b): Replace 'have' by 'has' was poison. No error (d)
8. Though today India is a free country, yet that spirit (a)/ of
unity appears to have evaporated (b)/ which had made people
think that they are a one family (c)/ and one nation. No error
9. Those suffering from financial hardship, (a)/ should be
rendered (b)/ all possible help for the prosecution of (c)/ their
studies. No error (d)
10. Another reason for pharmaceutical companies beefing up their
(a)/ OTC (over the Counter) divisions is that prescription
drugs with proven safety records which have been reached

(b)/ the end of their patent protection period are (c)/ allowed work on a team (c)/ that has someone who can implement. No
to be sold without a prescription. No error (d) error (d)
11. Although widow remarriage is legalised (a)/ for nearly a 24. A role of great importance that India played (a)/ in
century, the majority of so-called high caste (b)/ Hindus still international field is that of bringing about (b)/ a happy
observe the custom (c)/ of enforced widowhood. No error (d) synthesis of conflicting ideology. (c)/ No error (d)
12. The foreigners had robbed India of (a)/ many things, but the 25. Our ancestors would find themselves in a world quite unlike
greatest loss for the country (b)/ has been the seeds of (a)/ what they saw in their life-time if they were to wake up
dissension (c)/ which were sown in society by them. No error (b)/ after their sleep for centuries. (c)/ No error (d)
(d) 26. In management, as you rise higher, (a)/ the problems you face
13. Remember that you are part of (a)/ the team and your success become more and more unstructured and you can't just fall
depends on the support (b)/ you are able to give and get from back on (b)/ the tools you had been (c)/ taught. No error (d)
your other team members. (c)/ No error (d) 27. All writers on the subject (a)/ of democracy have dwelt with
14. Although the object of the Britishers to introduce (a)/ English (b)/ the difficulty against which (c)/ the aims and ideals of
as the medium of instruction in India may have been quite democracy have to contest. No error (d)
selfish, yet there is no doubt that the western system of 28. It was in pursuance of (a)/ this policy of divide and rule (b)/
education did introduce (b)/ in India the liberalism of the that the Britishers got India parted into (c)/ two countries./ No
western philosophers and widened the outlook (c)/ of the error (d)
Indians. No error (d)
15. The single biggest gainer in this process (a)/ was ITC's Gold
Answer Sheet
Flake Kings sales are estimated (b)/ to have moved up from 1. (a): is
50 million to 200 million sticks per month during 1987 and 2. (b): ceiling on
last year. (c)/ No error (d) 3. (b): utilises public libraries to
16. But if science is allowed to cause suffering and destruction, if 4. (b): sought to bring out
it is let off (a)/ without the control dictated by (b)/ moral and 5. (d): No error
human considerations, then science becomes (c)/ a bad 6. (c): the deadline
master. No error (d) 7. (a): the churning of the ocean
17. Although agriculture is practically the only national industry 8. (c): one family
in India, it is conducted in the unsatisfactory conditions (a)/ 9. (d): No error
and the average yield per acre of the different crops is 10. (b): have reached
consequently very much lower than in (b)/ countries where 11. (a): has been legalised
agriculture is better organised. (c)/ No error (d). 12. (b): loss to the country
18. The whole thing moves (a)/ around the concept of building a 13. (a): a part of
small dynamic (b)/ organisation into a larger one. (c)/ No
14. (a): in introducing
error (d)
15. (b): sales of which are estimated
19. When India had got freedom, (a)/ she was faced with (b)/ the
16. (a): let loose
gigantic task of ameliorating (c)/ the economic condition of
17. (a): under the unsatisfactory conditions
her masses. No error (d)
18. (c): large dynamic one
20. While initial reports indicate that the brand has been (a)/ well
received at the capital, (b)/ it is still too early to say how much
19. (a): got freedom
of an impact (c)/ it will have in the long run. No error (d) 20. (d): No error
21. The most important condition of (a)/ a happy home is that the 21. (a): Condition for
income of the family should be enough (b)/ to meet the (c)/ 22. (b): utilised to
expenses of the family. No error (d) 23. (c): work in a team
22. It is one of the greatest responsibilities of modern scientists to 24. (a): India has played
see (a)/ that their discoveries and inventions are utilised for 25. (c): sleep of centuries
(b)/ the progress and welfare of humanity rather for its 26. (b): fall back upon
destruction. (c)/ No error (d) 27. (b): dwelt on
23. If you are great at ideas but not very good at getting into (a)/ 28. (c): partitioned into
the nitty gritty (b)/ of things and implementing them, then you

18. When your father inquired (1)/ about your marks (2)/ you
Exercise-3 lied to him. (3)/ Have you not? (4)/ No error (5)
Directions: Read each sentence to find out whether 19. A nationwide survey has (1)/ brought up an (2)/ interesting
there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in finding regarding (3)/ infant mortality rate in India. (4)/ No
one part of the sentence. The number of that part is error (5)
the answer. If there is no error the answer is (5). 20. Yesterday Ramesh got the (1)/ information that his father
(Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.) (2)/ died of accident (3)/ while travelling in a car. (4)/ No
1. This laboratory of physics is (1)/ not only equipped with (2)/ error (5)
all state-of-the-art instruments (3)/ but also with outstanding 21. No sooner did (1)/ I reach (2)/ Delhi railway station than (3)/
physicists. (4)/ No error (5) the train departed. (4)/ No error (5)
2. No method of making (1)/ other people agree to (2)/ your 22. As soon as I will (1)/ reach Patan I will (2)/ send you the
view-point is (3)/ as effective as this method. (4)/ No error books (3)/ you have asked for. (4)/ No error (5)
(5) 23. One of my good quality (1)/ is that I do not (2)/ take things
3. I was pretty sure that (1)/ he would support my views (2)/ for like (3)/ this very seriously. (4)/ No error (5)
changing the age-old (3)/ and static structure of our 24. Our Housing Society comprises of (1)/ eight blocks and (2)/
organisation. (4)/ No error (5) forty-eight flats in an (3)/ area of about thousand sq meters
4. I did not like his (1)/ comments on my paper (2)/ but I had (4)./ No error (5)
no alternative (3)/ as I had agreed to keep quiet. (4)/ No error 25. It being a (1)/ pleasant morning I (2)/ decided to go out (3)/
(5) on walking in the garden. (4)/ No error (5)
5. The report is candid in admitting (1)/ that the investment by 26. We are happy that (1)/ our Prime Minister (2)/ with the
the government (2)/ in health and family planning (3)/ have members (3)/ of his cabinet are to be present at the function.
been eroded considerably. (4)/ No error (5) (4)/ No error (5)
6. He is certainly a man (1)/ whom I know very well (2)/ is 27. Neither the size nor the colour (1)/ of clothes which (2)/ I
trustworthy beyond doubt (3)/ and meticulous in his habits. purchased for him (3)/ yesterday were right. (4)/ No error (5)
(4)/ No error (5) 28. I heard to my surprise (1)/ that the present (2)/ I send him
7. No sooner did (1)/ we reach the station (2)/ then the train had was not (3)/ to his taste. (4)/ No error (5)
(3)/ started moving out of the station. (4)/ No error (5) 29. Let us refer (1)/ this matter to the principal. (2)/ We shall
8. I am sure about it, (1)/ nobody has lived (2)/ in that house abide (3)/ with his decision. (4)/ No error (5)
(3)/ for a hundred years. (4)/ No error (5) 30. If I would have come (1)/ a little earlier, I would have (2)/
9. There were no less (1)/ than forty boys (2)/ in the class (3)/ got a glimpse (3)/ of my beloved leader. (4)/ No error (5)
when this happened. (4)/ No error (5) 31. When you buy something (1)/ on the instalment system (2)/
10. I am glad to hear (1)/ that you narrowly escaped (2)/ being you are not required to pay (3)/ the whole price at once. (4)/
run over by (3)/ a speeding car yesterday. (4)/ No error (5) No error (5)
11. I have been (1)/ working for this (2)/ organisation for (3)/ the 32. I am waiting for you (1)/ for the last two hours (2)/ but you
last ten years. (4)/ No error (5) did not bother (3)/ to turn up in time (4)/ No error (5)
12. The officer along with (1)/ his family members was (2)/ 33. The Head of the Department, (1)/ along with his colleagues
invited at the reception party (3)/ organised by his employer. are coming (2)/ to attend the conference which is (3)/
(4)/ No error (5) scheduled this afternoon. (4)/ No error (5)
13. On hearing from you (1)/ I will come not only (2)/ to the 34. One of the most effective (1)/ solutions is that (2)/ she
airport but will (3)/ also help you in customs clearance (4)/ should work on Sunday (3)/ and complete the assignment
No error (5) (4)/ No error (5)
14. I always prefer (1)/ working in a (2)/ relaxed atmosphere 35. Whatever he was (1)/ today is only because (2)/ of his
than (3)/ one full of tension and anxiety. (4)/ No error (5) mother who (3)/ was a renowned scientist (4)/ No error (5)
15. If we had Mohan (1)/ in our team we (2)/ would have won 36. I live on a top floor (1)/ of an old house. (2)/ When the wind
the match (3)/ against your team. (4)/ No error (5) blows (3)/ all the windows rattle. (4)/ No error (5)
16. My observation is that (1)/ between Ragav and (2)/ Deepa, 37. Had he not reached in time (1)/ he would have missed (2)/ a
Ragav is (3)/ the most intelligent. (4)/ No error (5) golden opportunity which comes (3)/ once in a while. (4)/
17. In my opinion (1)/ Balraj is very (2)/ honest and can (3)/ be No error (5)
depended. (4)/ No error (5)

38. The Ministry of Labour conducts its basic survey (1)/ on too must be singular. Hence, 'have been' should be replaced
trade unions each year (2)/ gathering information with all with 'has been'.
(3)/ labour unions as of June 30. (4)/ No error (5) 6. (3); It should be "and who is...." In the given form, the subject
39. Stories have always been used (1)/ as a powerful tool for (2)/ of 'is' is missing.
communicating vital information from (3)/ one generation to 7. (3); Delete 'had'. In a "No sooner....then...." structure, 'than' is
another. (4)/ No error (5) followed by a subject followed by past simple.
40. We all are indebted to him (1)/ for holding not only high 8. (2); 'For a hundred years' indicates that the verb should be in
moral values (2)/ but also rendering dedicated services (3)/ the perfect continuous tense. Hence replace 'has lived' with
for the betterment of human race. (4)/ No error (5) 'has been living'.
41. We are trying to (1)/ find out the root cause (2)/ of the 9. (1); 'Boys' is a countable noun. Hence replace 'less' with
recurring problem (3)/ since the last four days. (4)/ No error 'fewer' because 'less' qualifies quantity or amount, ie
(5) uncountable noun.
42. I told him bluntly (1)/ that he is a lazy fellow (2)/ and that he 10. (5); No error
had done (3)/ his work very badly. (4)/ No error (5)
11. (5); No error
43. Mumbai is full of tall buildings (1)/ which is at once its (2)/
12. (3); Use either 'reception' or 'party' but certainly not together.
strength as well as weakness (3)/ depending upon how one
13. (2); 'I will not only come...... but also help'. Had the second
look at it. (4)/ No error (5)
part of the sentence been left as it is, its meaning would have
44. I am fully aware that (1)/ my boss is one of those (2)/ who is
been as follows: 'I will come not only to the airport but
totally dedicated (3)/ to work and proper discipline. (4)/ No
somewhere else also'.
error (5)
45. The Director of our Company (1)/ does not believe that (2)/ 14. (3); In comparison we should use 'prefer to' instead of 'prefer
we are working sincerely (3)/ and with interest for all these than'.
years. (4)/ No error (5) 15. (5); No error
46. The driver of that car (1)/ is sounding horn for (2)/ the last 16. (4); Replace 'most' with 'more'. As there are only two persons
ten minutes (3)/ but nobody tells him to stop. (4)/ No error Raghav and Deepa and there is comparison between these two
(5) persons. Hence comparative degree of 'intelligent' should be
47. If you go on letting (1)/ your dog chase cars (2)/ he will end 'more intelligent'.
by being (3)/ run down one day. (4)/ No error (5) 17. (4); A preposition 'on' or 'upon' should be added after the
48. He heard the guard (1)/ blowing whistle and knew (2)/ it is word 'depended'. Since 'depend on/ upon' is a phrasal verb that
time for him (3)/ to enter the train. (4)/ No error (5) means 'to rely on somebody or something'.
49. He telephoned from a public call-box (1)/ so that the call (2)/ 18. (4); Replace 'have you not?' with 'Didn't you?'
would not be traced (3)/ to his own address. (4)/ No error (5) 19. (2); The correct phrase is 'brought out'. 'brought up' is past
50. It has been better (1)/ to put your money in a bank (2)/ than tense of 'bring up' which means 'to look after' whereas 'bring
to keep it under (3)/ your bed in a suitcase. (4)/ No error (5) out' means 'to bring into light or to disclose'.
Answer Sheet 20. (3); Had died of accident. (Because information was received
after the death, hence past perfect tense will be used for
1. (2); It should be "equipped not only with" instead of "not only former incident.)
equipped with" because 'not only' is used just after the word it
21. (5); No error
qualifies. Here the word 'equipped' expresses the
22. (1); Here present simple will be used. Hence delete 'will'
characteristics of the 'laboratory'. Hence 'not only' must be
because when two future events are expressed in a sentence
used just after 'equipped".
the first event is written in Present Indefinite Tense whereas
2. (1); Here, as we are comparing two methods for a single
the subsequent event is written in Future Indefinite Tense, ie
purpose, the sentence should start as 'No other method'.
'will' is not used twice in a conditional sentence. For example.
3. (3); 'Views' should always be followed by 'on' instead of 'for'. "When he will ask I will go to Kolkata' should be corrected as
4. (3); Here the first 'I' is sufficient to do the function of the 'when he asked I will go to Kolkata'.
second 'I' used just before 'had no alternative' in part (3) of the 23. (1); 'One of my good qualities' is the correct usage because
sentence. Hence there is no need to write it again. after 'one of' plural noun is used. Therefore, plural of 'quality',
5. (4); It should be 'has been' instead of 'have been' because 'the ie 'qualities' must be used.
investment' is singular and hence the qualifying auxiliary verb 24. (1); 'Of' is not used with 'comprise'. Note the use of
'comprise'. It can mean 'consist of' or 'be composed of' (ie be

formed of). For example, The Indian Parliament comprises/ Therefore, 'for holding not only' should be replaced with 'for
consists of/ is composed of the Lok Sabha, The Rajya Sabha not only holding'.
and the President. 41. (4); 'Since' should be replaced with 'for' because 'since' is used
In this sense careful speakers avoid using 'be comprised of'. with the point of time. (For example: Since 8 O'clock, since
It can also mean 'compose' or 'constitute' (ie form). For 1995, since Monday/Tuesday, evening/morning etc).
example, 42. (2); 'is' should be replaced with 'was' because the other part of
The Lok Sabha, the Rajya Sabha and the President comprise/ the sentence is in past tense. Hence, in order to make the
compose/ constitute the Indian Parliament. sentence coherent the whole sentence should be written in
This use of 'comprise' is less common. past tense.
25. (4); 'On walking' should be replaced with 'for a walk'. 43. (4); 'one look' should be replaced with 'one looks'.
26. (4); Replace 'are' with 'is' because the subject (Prime Minister) 44. (3); 'is' should be replaced with 'are' because the rule says that
is singular here. It is to be noted that if connective 'with' is when a relative pronoun (who/which/that) is used in a
used to combine two subjects the verb agrees with the subject sentence the verb is guided by the number and person of the
mentioned first. Therefore, here, the subject is 'the Prime antecedent (means coming before) of the relative pronoun.
Minister'. Here the antecedent of the relative pronoun 'who' is 'those'
27. (4); Replace 'were' with 'was'. As per rule, the verb following which is plural. Hence plural verb should be used.
'Neither...nor' is decided by the number and person of the 45. (3); 'are' should be replaced with 'have been' because the
noun/subject coming after 'neither' or 'nor'. Here, the nouns subordinate clause (second part of the sentence) is in present
coming after 'neither' and 'nor' are 'size' and 'colour' which are perfect continuous tense and the format of this tense is -
singular. Hence singular verb 'was' should be used. subject + has been/ have been + verb + ing...
28. (3); It should be 'the present I sent of him'. 46. (2); It should be 'has sounding horn'.
29. (4); It should be 'by' his decision'. 'Abide by' is a phrasal verb 47. (3); Replace 'by' with 'up' because 'end up' means 'to meet
that means 'to accept and act according to a law, agreement, one's end/ death/ destruction'.
etc.' 48. (3); It should be 'was' in place of 'is' because the other part of
30. (1); The sentence should begin as, If I had come...because the the sentence is in past tense.
structure of a conditional sentence is 'had...would have' or 49. (3); Change 'would not be traced' to 'could not be traced'
'would have...had'. Here in the given sentence the use of because 'would not' expresses futurity where as 'could not'
'would have...would have' is not proper. expresses possibility in negative sense. Here the intention of
31. (4); Replace 'at once' with 'at the beginning'. the writer is to avoid the possibility of being traced out.
32. (1); The sentence should start as, I had been waiting for you... Hence, in place of 'would not', 'could not' should be used.
33. (2); Replace 'are' with 'is' because the subject, 'Head of the 50. (1); Change the first part as 'It would be better...'
Department', is singular, therefore, the auxiliary verb will also
be singular Exercise-4
34. (5); No error Directions: Read each sentence to find out whether
35. (1); The sentence starts in present tense, therefore, replace there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in
'was' with 'is'. one part of the sentence. The number of that part is
36. (1); The article 'the' is used before physical place (position) the answer. If there is no error the answer is (5).
like 'top', 'bottom' etc. So, we say 'the top', the bottom'. (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)
Therefore, 'a top' should be replaced with 'the top'. 1. If you would have read (1)/ the instructions carefully (2)/
37. (5); No error you would not have (3)/ answered the questions wrongly.
38. (3); Replace 'with' with 'about'. (4)/ No error (5)
39. (5); No error 2. I can see through (1)/ her sudden friendliness;/ (2)/ she wants
40. (2); "Not only...but also" connects two words in the same me to look over (3)/ her dog while she is away. (4)/ No error
parts of speech. Therefore, if 'not only' is followed by a noun, (5)
'but also' should be followed by a noun. Similarly, they can be 3. My daughter never (1)/ would write to me (2)/ so I never
followed by two participles. In the given sentence, 'holding' know (3)/ what she is doing. (4)/ No error (5)
and 'rendering' are two participles. As 'but also' is followed by 4. Whenever we have a puncture (1)/ she just sits in the car (2)/
'rendering' (participle) so 'not only' must be followed by and reads a book (3)/ while I changed the wheel. (4)/ No
'holding' (participle). error (5)

5. He walked to the market (1)/ with both his servants (2)/ on 24. I know who (1)/ this job should be (2)/ entrusted to (3)/ for
either side of his (3)/ to help him buy things. (4)/ No error smooth handling. (4)/ No error (5)
(5) 25. They have the nasty habit of (1)/ looking down upon people
6. Ganesh, who has been (1)/ driving all day (2)/ was extremely (2)/ and criticised them (3)/ for no reason. (4)/ No error (5)
tired (3)/ and wanted to stop. (4)/ No error (5) 26. Nowadays, the cost of living (1)/ is so high that (2)/ people
7. Everyone was reading quietly (1)/ when suddenly the door find it difficult (3)/ to make both ends meeting. (4)/ No error
(2)/ burst open and a (3)/ complete stranger rushed in. (4)/ (5)
No error (5) 27. Karnavati is (1)/ one of the leading (2)/ business centres (3)/
8. My secretary is so (1)/ careful of her work that (2)/ none has in our State. (4)/ No error (5)
so far found (3)/ any error in her work. (4)/ No error (5) 28. The judge asked the man (1)/ if the bag he had lost (2)/
9. Our conclusion is that (1)/ between Vinayak and (2)/ Lobo, contain five thousand rupees. (3)/ The man replied that it did.
Vinayak is (3)/ the most honest. (4)/ No error (5) (4)/ No error (5)
10. The new project group (1)/ would first look into the tender 29. I trust you will (1)/ show forbearance to me (2)/ a few
conditions (2)/ of both basic and value added (3)/ services minutes more (3)/ so that I can finish this work. (4)/ No error
before submit its bid. (4)/ No error (5) (5)
11. I would have committed (1)/ the same mistake of signing (2)/ 30. The ground outside the village, (1)/ abounding with frogs
the sale deed if my agent (3)/ would not have forewarned and snakes, (2)/ the enemies of mankind, (3)/ is soft and
me. (4)/ No error (5) marshy. (4)/ No error (5)
12. The team leaders encourages (1)/ the participants who have 31. We are all short-sighted (1)/ and very often see but one side
(2)/ difficulty in performing (3)/ the assigned task. (4)/ No of the matter. (2)/ Our views are not extended (3)/ to all that
error (5) has a connection with it. (4)/ No error (5)
13. We were happy that (1)/ the audience responded well (2)/ 32. Just laws are no restraint on (1)/ the freedom of the good,
and gave all the speakers (3)/ a patiently listening. (4)/ No (2)/ for the good man desires nothing (3)/ which a just law
error (5) interfere with. (4)/ No error (5)
14. He received timely support (1)/ from his elder brother (2)/ 33. Had he done (1)/ his home work well (2)/ he would not have
who is working abroad (3)/ for the last six years. (4)/ No (3)/ suffered this embarrassment. (4)/ No error (5)
error (5) 34. He was angry with me (1)/ because he thought my (2)/
15. The notorious gang opened (1)/ the door quietly and (2)/ remark was (3)/ aimed before him. (4)/ No error (5)
escaped in the dark with (3)/ whatever they would collect. 35. You may not know it (1)/ but this engine is (2)/ claimed to
(4)/ No error (5) have twice (3)/ as powerful as the previous one. (4)/ No error
16. One of the security men (1)/ rushed forward and asked (2)/ (5)
me whether I (3)/ had anything objectionable. (4)/ No error 36. Nothing ever becomes real (1)/ till it is experienced. (2)/
(5) Even a proverb is no proverb to you (3)/ till your life has
17. We could not (1)/ believe that one (2)/ of us was (3)/ illustrated with it. (4)/ No error (5)
responsible with the act. (4)/ No error (5) 37. I remember my childhood days (1)/ when I was used to go
18. We are now (1)/ reliably learnt that (2)/ he was involved (3)/ (2)/ to the farm with my father (3)/ and help him in his work.
in the bank robbery. (4)/ No error (5) (4)/ No error (5)
19. I do not know (1)/ what most people feel (2)/ depressed and 38. I missed the last train (1)/ which I usually catch (2)/ and have
dejected (3)/ even with the slightest provocation. (4)/ No to stay at the station (3)/ on my way back home yesterday,
error (5) (4)/ No error (5)
20. She had such pretty (1)/ that the thinks (2)/ she can afford to 39. Suresh babu, who is living (1)/ in this town since 1955, (2)/
be (3)/ careless about her clothes. (4)/ No error (5) is a well-known scholar of history (3)/ and a distinguished
21. After carefully examining (1)/ all the medicine bottles (2)/ he musician. (4)/ No error (5)
submitted a detailed report (3)/ to the higher authorities. (4)/ 40. If you had read (1)/ the relevant literature carefully (2)/ you
No error (5) would have answered (3)/ most of the questions correctly.
22. All of you have the liberty (1)/ to come home (2)/ as per the (4)/ No error (5)
convenient (3)/ and discuss the problems. (4)/ No error (5) 41. The house where the dead man was found (1)/ is being
23. He was persuaded (1)/ by his friends (2)/ to end his fast guarded by police (2)/ to prevent it from being entered (3)/
(3)/because of his condition deteriorated. (4)/ No error (5) and the evidence interfered with. (4)/ No error (5)

42. As I reached the hospital (1)/ I had found, a great rush of 13. (4); Replace 'patiently' with 'patient' because a noun (here,
visitors (2)/ whose relatives had been admitted there (3)/ for listening) is qualified by an adjective not an adverb.
one or the other aliment. (4)/ No error (5) 14. (3); Replace is 'working' with 'had been working' because the
43. One should study the history (1)/ of his country because it sentence is in past tense.
alone can satisfy (2)/ one's natural curiosity to know (3)/ 15. (4); Replace 'would' with 'could' because 'could' expresses
what happened in the past. (4)/ No error (5) one's capability. For example, 'He could finish the job in just
44. It is interesting to note (1)/ that the greatest lines in poetry two hours'.
are simple (2)/ and yet there is with them some quality (3)/ 16. (5); No error
which makes them outstandingly great. (4)/ No error (5) 17. (4); Replace 'with' with 'for' because 'responsible' is followed
45. In order to make human life happy, (1)/ man should live (2)/ by 'for'.
as far as possible (3)/ in perfect harmony with nature. (4)/ No
18. (1); Replace 'are' with 'have' because this part is in the active
error (5)
46. You have heard (1)/ of Socrates, I suppose. (2) Undoubtedly
19. (2); Replace 'what' with 'why'
he was one (3)/ of the greatest man of the world. (4)/ No
20. (1); Replace 'had such' with 'is so'
error (5)
47. As you know (1)/ by my visiting card (2)/ I am now (3)/ in 21. (5); No error
Mumbai. (4)/ No error (5) 22. (3); Replace 'convenient' with 'convenience'
48. With a fresh coat (1)/ of paint (2)/ the school can (3)/ look 23. (4); Replace 'condition deteriorated' with 'deteriorating
much nice. (4)/ No error (5) condition'
49. I asked the salesman (1)/ if I could exchange (2)/ the faulty 24. (1); Replace 'who' with 'whom'
camera (3)/ with another one. (4)/ No error (5) 25. (3); Replace 'criticised' with 'criticising' because the parallel
50. It took me (1)/ almost a hour (2)/ to fill the (3)/application structure of the verb 'looking' is 'criticising'.
form. (4)/ No error (5) 26. (3); Replace 'meeting' with 'meet' because the phrase is 'to
make both ends meet' which means 'to earn enough money to
Answer Sheet live without getting into debt'; 'to balance ones income and
1. (1); The sentence should start as 'If you had read expenditure'.
2. (3); The right phrase will be 'to look after' in place of 'to look 27. (5); No error
over'. 28. (3); Replace 'contain' with 'contained' because the sentence is
3. (2); Replace 'would write' with 'writes'. in past tense.
4. (4); Replace 'changed' with 'change' because the whole 29. (3); Add 'for' before 'a few'.
sentence is in present tense. Therefore, 'changed' should be 30. (5); No error
replaced with 'change'. 31. (4); Replace 'with' with 'to
5. (3); Replace 'his' with 'him'. 32. (4); Replace 'interfere' with 'interferes' because 'a law' is
6. (1); Replace 'has' with 'had' because 'was' used in part (3) of singular.
the sentence indicates that the sentence is written in past 33. (5); No error
tense. 34. (4); Replace 'before' with 'at'
7. (5); No error 35. (3); Replace 'have' with 'be'.
8. (2); Replace 'of' with 'in'. 36. (4); Add 'been' after 'has'.
9. (4); Here, there is a comparison between two persons, so it 37. (2); Delete 'was'.
should be 'more honest' in place of 'most honest'. 38. (3); Replace 'have' with 'had' because the sentence is
10. (4); It should be 'submitting' because after preposition the expressing a past event.
verb generally takes V4, ie V+ ing. Here, 'before' is a 39. (4); Replace 'is' with 'has been' because Suresh babu has been
preposition. Hence 'submit' should be 'submitting'. living continuously since 1955. Here, the structure of the
11. (4); Replace 'would not have' with 'had not'. Remember the sentence should be that of present prefect continuous tense for
rule 'had...would have' or 'would have...had'. Here also, 'would which 'has been/have been' is used.
have...would have' has been used which is not proper. 40. (5); No error
12. (1); 'team leaders encourages' should be replaced with 'team 41. (4); Add 'to be' after 'evidence'.
leaders encourage' or 'team leader encourages'.
42. (2); Delete 'had' because the sentence is in simple past tense.
'Had' is used in past perfect tense.

43. (5); No error 12. Her sympathetic nature (1)/ and ability of motivation of
44. (4); Replace 'makes' with 'make'. people (2)/ make her the best (3)/ of all the supervisors.(4)/
45. (1); Delete 'human'. No error (5)
46. (4); Replace 'man' with 'men' because after 'one of' the 13. To loose weight, (1)/ cut down on (2)/ what you eat (3)/ and
noun/pronoun must be plural. exercise regularly. (4)/ No error (5)
47. (2); Replace 'by' with 'from'. 14. The limitations and constrains with which (1)/ we have been
managing our work (2)/ have been duly realized (3)/ by our
48. (4); Replace 'nice' with 'nicer' because we are comparing the
superiors. (4)/ No error (5)
effect of fresh coat of paint with that of the earlier look of the
15. How could one (1)/ who had all along (2)/ been a criminal,
school. hence 'nice' should be replaced with 'nicer'.
(3)/ be granted privileges? (4)/ No error (5)
49. (5); Both 'another' and 'another one' are correct usages.
16. The child complained that (1)/ he was denied his (2)/ father's
50. (2); Replace 'a' with 'an' because 'hour' is pronounced as 'aar'
love due to (3)/ his step-mother's intervention. (4)/ No error
which resembles a vowel sound.

Exercise-5 17. He was grateful (1)/ to me for the help (2)/ that I had
extended for him (3)/ in the hour of his need. (4)/ No error
Directions: Read each sentence to find out whether (5)
there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in 18. While undergoing a (1)/ strenuous workout, (2)/ he suffered
one part of the sentence. The number of that part is a massive heart attack (3)/but luckily survival. (4)/ No error
the answer. If there is no error the answer is (5). (5)
(Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.) 19. He thinks that (1)/ once he paid money (2)/ he is relieved of
(3)/ all his responsibilities. (4)/ No error (5)
1. She insists (1)/ you stay (2)/ until her husband (3)/ comes
20. Taking care of yourself (1)/ cannot be (2)/ and should not be
home. (4)/ No error (5)
considered (3)/ as a selfish thing. (4)/ No error (5)
2. I don't understand (1)/ how she could (2)/ treat him (3)/ so
21. People express their expectations (1)/ that their leaders
bad. (4)/ No error (5)
should not (2)/ resorting to (3)/ corrupt practices and
3. At my arrival (1)/ in Delhi (2)/ I went straight (3)/ to the
nepotism. (4)/ No error (5)
nearest hospital. (4)/ No error (5)
22. We as the editors of (1)/ a popular magazine would like to
4. It is more better (1)/ if one of the parents (2)/ stays at home
(2)/ know what are other topics most (3)/ on people's minds.
(3)/ to look after the children. (4)/ No error (5)
(4)/ No error (5)
5. These reports have (1)/ deterred some (2)/ women to have
23. The smooth and easier (1)/ we allow people to navigate (2)/
(3)/ the operation. (4)/ No error (5)
through any device at any place (3)/ in the word, the better.
6. I answered (1)/ the questions (2)/ as best as (3)/ I could. (4)/
(4)/ No error (5)
No error (5)
24. Asian culture will, (1)/ sooner or later, (2)/ become
7. People are worried (1)/ more because of the frequency (2)/ of
international norm (3)/ for entertainment industry. (4)/ No
occurrence of the crime rather (3)/ than the magnitude of
error (5)
each one. (4)/ No error (5)
25. What really agonise them (1)/ is the presence of (2)/ an
8. The quality of construction (1)/ of our building was (2)/
unwanted and unscrupulous (3)/ member on the panel. (4)/
highly appreciable by (3)/ most of the visitors. (4)/ No error
No error (5)
26. The business lobby wanted (1)/ he to take over (2)/ as the
9. The discreet enquiry revealed (1)/ that his involvement in
new Chairman (3)/ of their coveted Board. (4)/ No error (5)
(2)/ the fraud cases have been (3)/ more than what was first
27. Nowadays (1)/ the accidents of diabetes (2)/ among urban
guessed, (4)/ No error (5)
children (3)/ is on the rise. (4)/ No error (5)
10. I know nothing (1)/ about chess because (2)/ my game's
28. The air is heavy (1)/ with gaseous (2)/ and noise pollutants
teacher also (3)/ was not knowing nothing about it. (4)/ No
(3)/ generated by thousands of vehicles. (4)/ No error (5)
error (5)
29. Some American students (1)/ feel that (2)/ academic
11. Due to uncertainly (1)/ capital market conditions, (2)/ there
standards are (3)/ larger in India. (4)/ No error (5)
has been tremendous (3)/ growth in bank deposits. (4)/ No
30. The shopkeeper was pleased (1)/ when we told him (2)/ this
error (5)
kinds of mangoes (3)/ were very delicious. (4)/ No error (5)
31. Hritik along with his family (1)/ are visiting (2)/ the Prince
of Wales museum (3)/ day after tomorrow. (4)/ No error (5)

32. As a teenager (1)/ Monica Seles had (2)/ often best Steffi
Graf (3)/ at the French Open. (4)/ No error (5)
Answer Sheet
33. He was (1)/ of the belief (2)/ that the evening news (3)/ are 1. (2); Replace 'you stay' with 'on your staying' because 'insist' is
worth watching. (4)/ No error (5) followed by 'on' and after a preposition the verb takes 'ing'
34. Many believe that (1)/ nothing could have (2)/ avoided the with it. Hence 'on your staying'.
war (3)/ between America and Iraq. (4)/ No error (5) 2. (4); Replace 'bad' with 'badly'.
35. The instructions clearly (1)/ state that (2)/ each item is 3. (1); Replace 'at' with 'on'.
having (3)/ two options. (4)/ No error (5)
4. (1); Replace 'more' with 'much'.
36. The postman was polite (1)/ and said he regretted (2)/ at the
delay (3)/ in delivery. (4)/ No error (5) 5. (3); Replace 'to have' with 'from having'.
37. They have invited (1)/ Sushma and I (2)/ for the meeting to 6. (3); Delete 'as' after 'best'. The correct idiom is 'as best one
be (3)/ held in the next month. (4)/ No error (5) can'.
38. The city people stayed (1)/ fearlessly despite of (2)/ rumour 7. (4); It should be 'than because of its magnitude'. .
of terrorist attack (3)/ in the area. (4)/ No error (5)
8. (3); Replace 'appreciable' with 'appreciated'.
39. The Director asked me (1)/how I have not (2)/ taken his
permission (3)/ before applying for the new job. (4)/ No error 9. (3); Replace 'have been' with 'had been' because the whole
(5) sentence is written in past tense.
40. Buy presents for ladies (1)/ in their absence (2)/ is a very (3)/ 10. (4); Replace 'was not knowing' with 'knew'.
difficult task. (4)/ No error (5) 11. (1); Replace 'uncertainly' with 'uncertain'.
41. A disaster management call is opened (1)/ by the state
12. (2); Replace 'ability of motivation of people' with 'ability to
government (2)/ before the rainy season (3)/ as a
motivate people'.
precautionary measure. (4)/ No error (5)
42. This college has (1)/ a glorious tradition (2)/ that attract (3)/ 13. (1); Substitute 'lose' for 'loose' because 'loose' means 'not
good students to the college. (4)/ No error (5) tight'.
43. Manasi is too busy (1)/ in her current (2)/ programmes to 14. (1); Substitute 'constraints'.
take (3)/ up any new ones. (4)/ No error (5) 15. (5); No error
44. The main advantage India has (1)/ over other countries is (2)/
16. (3); Substitute 'because of' for 'due to'. 'Because of' is used to
its large human capital which (3)/ make it an ideal
express reason (s) whereas 'due to' means 'as' a result of.
outsourcing base. (4)/ No error (5)
45. The judge has directed to (1)/ the accused and the 17. (3); Replace 'for' with 'to'.
complainant (2)/ not to interfere with (3)/ the witness in any 18. (4); Replace 'survival' with 'survived'.
manner. (4)/ No error (5) 19. (2); Replace 'paid' with 'has paid'.
46. Today most employees complain (1)/ of suffering for the
20. (2); Delete 'be'.
stress (2)/ of attending to (3)/ rude customers all day. (4)/ No
error (5) 21. (3); Replace 'resorting' with 'resort' because modals (should,
47. Since the tenant failed (1)/ to pay his rent on time (2)/ the would, could.....) take V1.
landlord denied him (3)/ access to the premise. (4)/ No error 22. (3); The auxiliary verb 'are' should come after the subject
(5) 'topics' because the given sentence is an assertive sentence. In
48. His industrious nature (1)/and calm temperament (2)/ have interrogative sentences auxiliary verbs are used just after wh -
endeared him (3)/ to his colleagues and one's superiors. (4)/ words. For example, What are you doing? Who is standing
No error (5) there? etc.
49. After careful scrutiny of the report (1)/ variety mistakes that 23. (1); Use comparative 'smoother'.
had been (2)/ made by the research (3)/ department were
24. (3); Use article 'the' before 'international norm'.
found. (4)/ No error (5)
50. Since the online education system (1)/ has been poorly 25. (1); The verb should be singular 'agonises'.
designed there (2)/ are not many institute (3)/ that offer this 26. (2); Replace 'he' with 'him'.
facility. (4)/ No error (5) 27. (2); Substitute 'incidence' for 'accidents' because 'accident' is
an unpleasant and violent event that happens unexpectedly
and results into damage. injury or even death whereas

'incident' is something that happens (especially something
unusual or unpleasant). Exercise-6
28. (3); It should read 'pollutants' and 'noise'. Directions: Read each sentence to find out whether
there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in
29. (4); Substitute 'higher' for 'larger'.
one part of the sentence. The number of that part is
30. (3); Substitute 'these' for 'this'. the answer. If there is no error the answer is (5).
31. (2); Substitute 'is' for 'are' because when two nouns/pronouns (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)
are joined by 'along with', 'with', 'as well as', 'like', unlike', 'in 1. The celebrities that organised (1)/ the marathon were aiming
addition to' etc the verb takes the form as per the first (2)/ to create an awareness (3)/ about the treatment of
noun/pronoun. Here, the first noun is 'Hritik' which is diabetes. (4)/ No error (5)
singular, hence, singular verb 'is' should be used in place of 2. Unless the new resolution is (1)/ completely reviewed it (2)/
'are'. will cause a great deal of (3)/ trouble for new employees.
32. (3); Substitute 'beaten' for 'beat' because 'had' takes V3 (past (4)/ No error (5)
participle). 3. There will be several (1)/ new visa application centres
33. (4); Replace 'are' with 'is' because 'news' is singular noun. opened (2)/ in metros across the country (3)/ to easy the
pressure on embassies. (4)/ No error (5)
34. (3); Substitute 'averted' for 'avoided'. 'Avoid' means 'refrain
4. Villagers want to build (1)/ a bridge crossed the river (2)/ to
from doing something' while 'avert' means 'to prevent
connect their village (3)/ to the highway. (4)/ No error (5)
something unpleasant'.
5. He was invited one (1)/ of his biggest business rivals (2)/ to
35. (3); Replace 'each' with 'every' because 'each' means 'every his office (3)/ to discuss the merger. (4)/ No error (5)
individual thing or person' while 'every' means 'all of the 6. To avoid any interruption (1)/ during the presentation (2)/ he
people or things in a group'. Here, the sentence intends to checked all the system (3)/ the previous day. (4)/ No error
state about more than two items otherwise the writer must (5)
have used 'either of the items' in place of 'each item'. 7. It is the government (1)/ responsibility to provide (2)/
36. (3); Delete 'at' athletes with the necessary facilities (3)/ for their training.
37. (2); Substitute 'me' for 'I' because it (me) is the object of (4)/ No error (5)
'invited'. 8. The management is (1)/ not willing to (2)/ make no
concession (3)/ to the employee's demands. (4)/ No error (5)
38. (2); Delete 'of' after 'despite' because we never use 'of' after
9. The company has launched (1)/ a creative marketing
campaign (2)/ to reach for (3)/ its rural customers. (4) No
39. (2); Substitute 'why I had' for 'how I have'. error (5)
40. (1); Substitute gerund 'buying' for 'buy'. 10. After her retiring (1)/ she established many (2)/ institutions
41. (5); No error to train (3)/ underprivileged but talented children. (4)/ No
error (5)
42. (3); Substitute singular 'attracts' for 'attract'.
11. Against his family's wishes (1)/ Rajesh plans to (2)/ take up
43. (2); Substitute preposition 'with' for 'in'. a job (3)/ as a journalist. (4)/ No error (5)
44. (4); Substitute singular 'makes' for 'make' because the verb 12. The candidate has appealed (1)/ donations from younger
'make' has been used for 'human capital'. As 'human capital' is voters, (2)/ who will be used (3)/ to defray campaign
singular, the verb also must be singular. Hence 'make' should expenses. (4)/ No error (5)
be 'makes'. 13. Most of that country's (1)/ hilly land is not only (2)/
45. (1); Delete 'to'. unsuitable for building (3)/ but also for agriculture. (4)/ No
error (5)
46. (2); Substitute 'suffering from' for 'suffering for'.
14. It is now (1)/ possible for customers (2)/ to handle nearly all
47. (4); Substitute plural 'premises' for 'premise'. (3)/ their transactions online. (4)/ No error (5)
48. (4); Delete 'one's'. 15. The minister has (1)/ recently announced (2)/ a detail
49. (2); Substitute 'various' for 'variety'. insurance plan to (3)/ meet the needs of the poor. (4)/ No
error (5)
50. (3); Substitute plural 'institutes' for 'institute'.
16. In the circumstance (1)/ the manager has (2)/ no option (3)/
except to resign. (4)/ No error (5)

17. On account of (1)/ its new investment rules (2)/ more 36. Instead criticizing (1)/ why don't (2)/ you help (4)/ with the
companies are planning (3)/ for open its business in China. presentation? (4)/ No error (5)
(4)/ No error (5) 37. Mr Sethi was (1)/ not given a promotion (2)/ because he is
18. He deserves a lot (1)/ of praise for all (2)/ the records he (3)/ frequent absent. (4)/ No error (5)
achieves (3)/ during his career. (4)/ No error (5) 38. In spite of (1)/ so many hardships (2)/ Amar has managed
19. Illegal sand mining in the peripheral areas (1)/ of the district (3)/ to success. (4)/ No error (5)
continues to remain a big problem for (2)/ forest-range 39. The ongoing merger among (1)/ the two companies will (2)/
officers as yet another instance illegal (3)/ mining was have an adverse (3)/ impact on consumers.(4)/ No error (5)
reported yesterday. (4)/ No error (5) 40. It is evident that (1)/ the banking sector has underwent (2)/
20. The main advantage India has (1)/ over other countries is (2)/ tremendous changes during (3)/ the past two decades. (4)/
its large human capital which (3)/ make it an ideal No error (5)
outsourcing base. (4)/ No error (5) 41. According to the consultant (1)/ a more detail analysis of (2)/
21. Psychologists have been documenting (1)/ the emotional and customer needs (3)/ and product pricing is required.(4)/ No
physical (2)/ effect of (3)/ negative political advertisements. error (5)
(4)/ No error (5) 42. Over the next five years (1)/ the government needs to invest
22. India's efforts that are (1)/ aimed at controlling (2)/ (2)/ at less 350 billion dollars (3)/ in rural infrastructure. (4)/
infectious diseases is likely (3)/ to show only partial success. No error (5)
(4)/ No error (5) 43. The lack of no funds (1)/ has resulted in several (2)/ delays
23. The magazine industry (1)/ in India (2)/ has been going from in launching our (3)/ new product in India. (4)/ No error (5)
(3)/ confusing times. (4)/ No error (5) 44. The only option is (1)/ for the bank to (2)/ modernise its
24. The fast pace of progress on (1)/ basic education and literacy operations (3)/ at all their branches. (4)/ No error (5)
(2)/ is consistent with an increase (3)/ in demand for 45. He has a reputation (1)/ for acquiring bankrupt companies
education. (4)/ No error (5) (2)/ restructuring them and sells (3)/ them off for profit. (4)/
25. Technology is (1)/ transforming the way (2)/ films are screen No error (5)
(3)/ theatres. (4)/ No error (5) 46. If we have to be (1)/ competitive we must be (2)/ ready to
26. One needs to set goals (1)/ at differing stages (2)/ of one's face (3)/ various technical challenge. (4)/ No error (5)
career and (3)/ monitor achievements and accomplishments. 47. The government has introduced (1)/ a new law who forces
(4)/ No error (5) (2)/ farmers to sell their produce (3)/ only to license dealers.
27. Non-communicable diseases (1)/ often require (2)/ long-term (4)/ No error (5)
and expensive interventions which (3)/ poor people cannot 48. The company recently opened (1)/ its first branch in
afford. (4)/ No error (5) Bangalore (2)/ and will expand its operations (3)/ to other
28. A leader is a group member which (1)/ exerts profound states sooner. (4)/ No error (5)
influence (2)/ on the behaviour and attitudes (3)/ of other 49. Since most of the (1)/ employees were in (2)/ favour of the
members of the group. (4)/ No error (5) merger (3)/ it was a success. (4)/ No error (5)
29. During the flood (1)/ Shilpa's colleagues (2)/ prayed for (3)/ 50. The Reserve Bank of India are (1)/ responsible for ensuring
her safety.(4)/ No error (5) (2)/ that the banking sector (3)/ functions effectively. (4)/ No
30. Everyone admires Deepa (1)/ because of her ability (2)/ to error (5)
generate (3)/ so good ideas. (4)/ No error (5)
31. The company has announced (1)/ a bonus for all (2)/
Answer Sheet
employee who (3)/ achieve their sales targets. (4)/ No error 1. (4); Substitute 'of' for 'about'.
(5) 2. (4); Substitute 'to' for 'for'.
32. The Cashier cannot (1)/ give no explanation (2)/ for the 3. (4); Substitute 'ease' for 'easy'.
money (3)/ that is missing. (4)/ No error (5)
4. (2); Substitute 'across' for 'crossed'.
33. The manager has (1)/ confidence in the engineer (2)/ ability
5. (5); No error
to (3)/ design the new software. (4)/ No error (5)
6. (3); Substitute 'the entire system' for 'all the system'.
34. He has been assigned (1)/ with that team (2)/ because he is
(3)/ well qualified and experienced. (4)/ No error (5)
7. (1); Substitute 'government's' for 'government'.
35. The company's new project (1)/ cannot be launched (2)/ 8. (3); Substitute 'any' for 'no'.
unless the approval (3)/ of the Board. (4)/ No error (5) 9. (3); Delete 'for'.
10. (1); Substitute 'retirement' for 'retiring'.

11. (1); Use singular 'wish'. 'selling' also has 'ing'. Such type of structure is called similar
12. (3); Substitute 'which' for 'who'. structure or parallel structure. While writing sentences care
13. (3); Substitute 'construction' for 'building'. must be taken to use parallel structure.
14. (5); No error 46. (4); Substitute 'challenges' for 'challenge'.
15. (3); Substitute 'detailed' for 'detail'. 47. (2); Substitute 'which' for 'who' because to express 'things'
16. (4); Substitute 'but' for 'except'. generally, we use 'which'.
17. (4); Substitute 'to open their business' for 'for open its 48. (4); Substitute 'soon' for 'sooner' because 'sooner' is used in
business'. comparative degree.
18. (3); Substitute 'achieved' or 'has achieved' for 'achieves'. 49. (2); Substitute 'has been' for 'were'.
19. (3); Substitute 'instance of illegal' for 'instance illegal'. 50. (1); Substitute 'is' for 'are'.
20. (4); Substitute 'makes' for 'make'.
21. (5); No error Exercise-7
22. (3); Substitute 'are' for 'is'. Directions: Read each sentence to find out whether
23. (3); Substitute 'through' for 'from'. there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in
24. (1); Replace 'on' with 'in'. one part of the sentence. The number of that part is
25. (3); Replace 'screen' with 'screened'. the answer. If there is no error the answer is (5).
26. (2); Replace 'differing' with 'different'. (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)
27. (5); No error 1. There is a shortage (1)/ for qualified staff (2)/ in many
28. (1); Replace 'which' with 'who'. software (3)/ companies in India. (4)/ No error (5)
29. (5); No error 2. According to the survey (1)/ more of forty per cent (2)/ of
30. (4); Substitute 'very' for 'so'. Indians do not (3)/ have access to banks. (4)/ No error (5)
31. (3); Substitute 'employees' for 'employee'. 3. To improve its efficiency (1)/ all income tax officers (2)/ will
32. (2); Substitute 'any' fro 'no'. be provided with (3)/ laptops by next year. (4)/ No error (5)
33. (2); Substitute 'engineer's for 'engineer'. 4. He was not a (1)/ good manager because (2)/ he did not
34. (2); Substitute 'to' for 'with'. know (3)/ what to react in a crisis. (4)/ No error (5)
5. Ram will be suspended (1)/ because he opened an account
35. (3); Substitute 'without' for 'unless'.
(2)/ without obtaining none (3)/ of the necessary documents.
36. (1); Insert 'of' after 'instead'.
(4)/ No error (5)
37. (4); Substitute 'frequently' for 'frequent'.
6. Mr Bajaj has resigned (1)/ from the post of Director (2)/
38. (1); Replace 'In spite' of with 'Despite'. which he holds (3)/ for over ten years. (4)/ No error (5)
'In spite of' is used when something does not happen even 7. In spite of living (1)/ in Kerala for two years (2)/ he yet does
after making effort for it. For example, (i) In spite of hard (3)/ not speak Malayalam. (4)/ No error (5)
labour he could not pass the examination. Here, effort has 8. Mr. Patil has approached (1)/ the bank for (2)/ a loan to
been made to pass the exam. 'Despite' is used where finance (3)/ his son college education. (4)/ No error (5)
something happens without making any effort for it. For 9. Having lifted the heavy weight, (1), the boy suffered (2)/ a
example, (ii) Despite his poverty he is satisfied. It is true that severe pain in (3)/ his elbow joint. (4)/ No error (5)
no one makes any effort to become poor and face poverty. 10. Without waiting for (1)/ the instructions from the
Therefore, it can be said that 'poverty' is not the result of any Government, (2)/ some cable operators in (3)/ the city had
effort. In such type of sentences 'despite' is used. block the news. (4)/ No error (5)
39. (1); Substitute 'between' for 'among'. 11. The authorities have instructed (1)/ that brief notes must be
40. (2); Substitute 'undergone'. 'Has' takes V3. The V3 of 'go' is prepared (2)/ on all the issues related (3)/ to customer
'gone'. grievances. (4)/ No error (5)
41. (2); Substitute 'detailed' for 'detail'. 12. In absolutely terms, (1)/ the damage may not (2)/ be very
42. (3); Substitute 'at least' for 'at less'. serious, (3)/ but it should not be ignored. (4)/ No error (5)
43. (1); Delete 'no'. 13. The complainants in their complaint (1)/ have been alleged
44. (4); Substitute 'its' for 'their'. that (2)/ they were forced to leave (3)/ their belongings
45. (3); In order to make parallel structure of verb we must use unattended. (4)/ No error (5)
'selling' in place of 'sell'. As 'restructuring' has 'ing' similarly 14. The long gap needs (1)/ to be bridged soon (2)/ because it
has created (3)/ a lot of unpleasant. (4)/ No error (5)

15. He asked the same question (1)/ that why he was not selected 33. Out of the six companies (1)/ shortlisted for the project (2)/
(2)/ and everyone responded saying (3)/ that he had failed. five have already (3)/ made its presentations. (4)/ No error
(4)/ No error (5) (5)
16. If they are found (1)/ guilty during investigation, (2)/ a 34. In accordance with the byelaws (1)/ he was to take on as (2)/
complaint will be (3)/ lodged against them. (4)/ No error (5) Chairman of the committee with effect (3)/ from the first of
17. They have already put (1)/ the proposal for to be approved next month. (4)/ No error (5)
(2)/ in the ensuing meeting (3)/ before the Union Cabinet. 35. The bank's staff is (1)/ opposed to the takeover (2)/ because
(4)/ No error (5) they are convinced that (3)/ they will lose their jobs. (4)/ No
18. They had been hired a taxi (1)/ to roam around the city (2)/ error (5)
but their plan failed (3)/ as the taxi met with an accident. (4)/ 36. It was a great honour (1)/ and privilege to witness (2)/ the
No error (5) high level meetings between (3)/ Chinese and India's leaders.
19. On a number of occasions, (1)/ we had noticed that (2)/ those (4)/ No error (5)
two employees (3)/ were often in state of confused. (4)/ No 37. Identifying, nurturing and (1)/ developing an employee's
error (5) talent is (2)/ among the most important task (3)/ of Human
20. Hindi films are certainly (1)/ popular in the last decade (2)/ Resource Development. (4)/ No error (5)
but in these days our regional films (3)/ have attained more 38. Despite all our efforts during (1)/ the past few months there
popularity. (4)/ No error (5) remain (2)/ lots of work to do before (3)/ the project can be
21. Most politicians predict (1)/ that the same members will (2)/ launched. (4)/ No error (5)
be elected despite of (3)/ their failure to perform. (4)/ No 39. Many residents claim (1)/ that the company has (2)/ taken
error (5) their land (3)/ without adequate compensating. (4)/ No error
22. He was selected for that post (1)/ because he was familiar (5)
(2)/ with both urban as well as (3)/ rural way of life. (4)/ No 40. The industrialist has donated (1)/ large sums of money to (2)/
error (5) scientific organisations to develop (3)/ environmentally
23. The tribal people have (1)/ high regard for him because (2)/ friendly fuels. (4)/ No error (5)
he donated large number of (3)/ money for their up liftment. 41. Corruption costs the economy about (1)/ three per cent of the
(4)/ No error (5) GDP every year (2)/ what is almost equal to (3)/ the amount
24. It is not worthy (1)/ the company's reputation (2)/ to spent on education. (4)/ No error (5)
compromise on quality (3)/ for the sake of profit. (4)/ No 42. This magazine is a good (1)/ source of information on (2)/
error (5) current events and is (3)/ also reasonably price. (4)/ No error
25. The company which has (1)/ won the government contract (5)
43. These protests are because (1)/ of the government's plans to
(2)/ also plans to invest (3)/ with the power sector. (4)/ No
(2)/ raise the retirement age (3)/ of public sector employees.
error (5) (4)/ No error (5)
26. Implementing these measures (1)/ will help the government 44. Some of the word (1)/ largest water bodies are (2)/ drying up
(2)/ to save more of (3)/ 400 corers each year. (4)/ No error thus threatening (3)/ the livelihoods of millions. (4)/ No error
(5) (5)
27. You have failed to produce (1)/ no evidence to support (2)/ 45. Among the many (1)/ challenges facing the country (2)/ in
the charge that he (3)/ is responsible for the error. (4)/ No the next decade (3)/ is poverty and unemployment. (4)/ No
error (5)
error (5)
46. According to economists (1)/ not more than five per cent (2)/
28. As per the agreement (1)/ scientists from both of (2)/ the of education loans taken (3)/ by students are overdue. (4)/ No
countries will work (3)/ together to find a solution. (4)/ No error (5)
error (5) 47. The two candidates share (1)/ a reputation for (2)/
29. Negotiations with the bank (1)/ are at an advanced (2)/ stage competency as well as (3)/ for good communication skills.
and we hope to (3)/ signed the deal soon. (4)/ No error (5) (4)/ No error (5)
30. These goods have been (1)/ damaged and as such (2)/ should 48. His main qualification (1)/ on the job is (2)/ his extensive
experience (3)/ in foreign branches. (4)/ No error (5)
be declared (3)/ unsuitable for sale. (4)/ No error (5)
49. A representative from the (1)/ Reserve Bank will provide
31. On account of the (1)/ high land prices we (2)/ are set up the students an (2)/ insight into the (3)/ economic future of our
factory (3)/ on the outskirts of the city. (4)/ No error (5) country. (4)/ No error (5)
32. Bhutan is a beautiful (1)/ country which almost (2)/ eighty 50. As one of the leader (1)/ insurance companies in (2)/ India
per cent of the (3)/ population lives in villages. (4)/ No error they offer (3)/ comprehensive financial services. (4)/ No
(5) error (5)

Answer Sheet 34. (2); Substitute 'over' for 'on'. 'Take on' means 'to start doing
something', 'take over' means 'to take something under
1. (2); Substitute 'of' for 'for'. control'.
2. (2); Substitute 'than' for 'of'. 35. (1); 'Bank's staff' means more employees than one. Hence
3. (1); Substitute 'their' for 'its' because 'officers' are plural. plural verb 'are' should be used.
4. (4); Substitute 'how' for 'what'. 36. (4); Substitute 'China's'. Similar to 'India's' is 'China's' not
5. (3); Substitute 'any' for 'none'. 'Chinese'.
6. Substitute 'had held' for 'holds'. 37. (3); Substitute 'tasks'. The word 'among' suggests selection of
7. (3); Delete 'yet'. one from many. Therefore, 'task' should be replaced with
8. (4); Substitute 'son's' for 'son'. 'tasks'.
9. (3); Substitute 'from' for 'a'. 38. (5); No error
10. (4); Substitute 'blocked' for 'had block'. 39. (4); Substitute 'compensation' for 'compensating'.
11. (2); Delete 'must'. Here, 'be' conveys the sense of 'must'. 40. (4); Substitute 'environment-friendly' for 'environmentally
Therefore, there is no need to write 'must' again. friendly'.
12. (1); Substitute 'absolute' for 'absolutely'. 41. (3); Substitute 'which' for 'what'.
13. (2); Delete 'been'. 'Complainants have alleged' means 42. (4); Substitute 'priced' for 'price'.
'complainants have charged someone else'. Whereas 43. (2); Substitute 'plan' for 'plans'.
'complainants have been alleged' means 'someone else has 44. (1); Substitute 'world's' for 'world'.
charged the complainants'. Moreover, 'complainants have 45. (4); Substitute 'are' for 'is'. 'Poverty' and 'unemployment' are
alleged' is in active voice whereas 'complainants have been two different things hence plural verb 'are' should be used.
alleged' is in passive voice. 46. (4); Substitute 'is' for 'are'. The verb 'are' has been used for
14. (4); Substitute 'unpleasantness' for 'unpleasant'. 'five per cent'. As 'five per cent' is singular, singular verb 'is'
15. (2); Delete 'that'. should be used in place of 'are'.
16. (5); No error 47. (3); Substitute 'competence' for 'competency'.
17. (2); Substitute 'approval' for 'to be approved'. 48. (2); Substitute 'for' for 'on'.
18. (1); Delete 'been'. similar explanation as Q.No.13. 49. (5); No error
19. (4); Substitute 'in a state of confusion' for 'in state of 50. (1); Substitute 'leading' for 'leader'.
20. (1); Substitute 'were' for 'are'. Exercise-8
21. (3); Delete 'of' because 'despite' doesn't take 'of' with it.
Directions: Read each sentence to find out whether
22. (3); 'Both' takes 'and' not 'as well as'. For example, Both Ram
there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in
as well as Shyam are honest. (incorrect). Both Ram and
one part of the sentence. The number of that part is
Shyam are honest. (correct).
23. (3); Substitute 'a large amount' for 'large number of' because
the answer. If there is no error the answer is (5).
'money' is uncountable. Generally we confuse 'money' with (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)
'cash'. 'Cash' is countable, whereas 'money' is uncountable. 1. There is a rumour that (1)/ this multinational company will
24. (1); Insert 'of' after 'worthy'. (2)/ set up its regional headquarters (3)/ in India in short. (4)/
No error (5)
25. (4); Substitute 'in' for 'with'.
2. Despite taking steps to (1)/ encourage foreign investment
26. (3); Substitute 'than' for 'of'.
(2)/ there has been any (3)/ substantial improvement in our
27. (2); Substitute 'any' for 'no'.
economy. (4)/ No error (5)
28. (2); Delete 'of'. 3. We had made every effort (1)/ to ensure that a (2)/
29. (4); Substitute 'sign' for 'signed'. compromise is reached and (3)/ that the deal was signed. (4)/
30. (5); No error No error (5)
31. (3); Substitute 'have' for 'are'. 4. On account of the week (1)/ long strike the factory (2)/ was
32. (2); Substitute 'where' for 'which'. forced to close and (3)/ next month's shipment will delay.
33. (4); Substitute 'their' for 'its'. (4)/ No error (5)

5. Since the US economy experiences (1)/ a recession many 24. Selling peanuts (1)/ on the road is (2)/ the only means of
Asian countries (2)/ are likely to have (3)/ reduced growth earning (3)/ in respect of most of the people. (4)/ No error
rates this year. (4)/ No error (5) (5)
6. Oil is now so expensive that (1)/ India will have to cut 25. Her talk was (1)/ judged by many (2)/ as one of the most
subsidies (2)/ instead face running out (3)/ of funds to import important talks (3)/ given in the seminar. (4)/ No error (5)
oil. (4)/ No error (5) 26. The boy who was guilty with (1)/ having stolen the cell
7. It is unlikely that you will (1)/ find a more qualified and phone (2)/ came out (3)/ with the truth. (4)/ No error (5)
experience (2)/ candidate than Mr. Prasad (3)/ for the post of 27. She is the teacher (1)/ whom I know (2)/ has helped my son
President. (4)/ No error (5) (3)/ in the examination. (4)/ No error (5)
8. On account of the rising (1)/ costs many people are (2)/ 28. You cannot demand (1)/ all your articles (2)/ unless you do
finding it difficult (3)/ to feed their families. (4)/ No error (5) not (3)/ give advance notice. (4)/ No error (5)
9. By marketing agriculture (1)/ products well, we (2)/ can 29. We insisted, but neither (1)/ Jona nor her assistant (2)/ are
ensure that (3)/ farmers make a good profit. (4)/ No error (5) ready to (3)/ work on Sunday. (4)/ No error (5)
10. The promotion means (1)/ that you may be (2)/ post in 30. There is just not enough (1)/ time in my unit to sit round (2)/
Chennai (3)/ from next month. (4)/ No error (5) talking about how we feel (3)/ about each other. (4)/ No error
11. This project is (1)/ too big to (2)/ undertake successfully at (5)
(3)/ such short of notice. (4)/ No error (5) 31. The act will be passed (1)/ with a comfortable majority if all
12. When our company was (1)/ faced financial difficulties (2)/ (2)/ the partisans of (3)/ her group favours it. (4)/ No error
the training budget was (3)/ the first to be cut. (4)/ No error (5)
(5) 32. Hardly had I (1)/ entered the airport (2)/ than I met (3)/ my
13. Conservationists believe that (1)/ better management of cousin Tilak. (4)/ No error (5)
national parks (2)/ is the only way to save (3)/ India's tiger 33. An anti-terrorism cell is opened (1)/ by the town police (2)/
population from extinction. (4)/ No error (5) three months ago (3)/ as a precautionary measure. (4)/ No
14. These companies have been asked (1)/ to furnish their error (5)
financial details (2)/ and information about (3)/ its board 34. The artist who was giving (1)/ detailed description of (2)/ the
members. (4)/ No error (5) sculptures was (3)/ speaking fluently French. (4)/ No error
15. The scheme which will be launched (1)/ during the next two (5)
years (2)/ require an additional investment (3)/ of one 35. Martin would attempt (1)/ to open the umbrella (2)/ when her
hundred crores. (4)/ No error (5) spectacles slipped off (3)/ and fell down. (4)/ No error (5)
16. Road developers unable (1)/ to finish their projects (2)/ on 36. If you had not (1)/ reached so quickly, (2)/ we might well
time will not be (3)/ awarded new ones. (4)/ No error (5) (3)/ have had a disaster. (4)/ No error (5)
17. We have taken on (1)/ the responsibility of (2)/ arranging the 37. He has taken care to (1)/ compliance with the norms (2)/ so
required training (3)/ and supervise the new staff.(4)/ No he expects the proposal (3)/ to be approved without delay.
error (5) (4)/ No error (5)
18. The government has signed (1)/ a memorandum of 38. Under the terms of the new deal (1)/ the channel can
understanding with (2)/ the company to set up (3)/ a plant in broadcast (2)/ the next cricket tournament to be (3)/ played
the state. (4)/ No error (5) among India and Australia. (4)/ No error (5)
19. Owing the new policy (1)/ we feel that the targets (2)/ set for 39. Our equipment gets damage (1)/ very often in summer (2)/
this year (3)/ may not be achieved. (4)/ No error (5) because there are (3)/ frequent power cuts. (4)/ No error (5)
20. Since the lack of (1)/ manpower we cannot (2)/ conduct the 40. We have received many (1)/ of the letters from customers
survey (3)/ in rural areas. (4)/ No error (5) (2)/ asking us to extend (3)/ the deadline to repay their loans.
21. Palm oil is very beneficial (1)/ and is use to (2)/ make (4)/ No error (5)
products ranging (3)/ from soap to biodiesel. (4)/ No error 41. Since I had lived there (1)/ for many years the villagers (2)/
(5) were very comfortable talked (3)/ to me about their
22. There are only (1)/ a few company (2)/ who can handle (3)/ problems. (4)/ No error (5)
projects of this magnitude. (4)/ No error (5) 42. We have been under (1)/ a lot of pressure to (2)/ open fifty
23. The data shows that (1)/ the unemployment rate has (2)/ new stores (3)/ by the ending of the year. (4)/ No error (5)
raised to 6.1 percent, (3)/ the highest in five years. (4)/ No 43. The government has (1)/ launched many creative schemes
error (5) (2)/ to make banking services (3)/ available to everyone. (4)/
No error (5)

44. The company is in debt (1)/ and has been unable (2)/ to pay 16. (3); Substitute 'in time' for 'on time'. 'In time' means 'just
their employees' salaries (3)/ for the past six months. (4)/ No before scheduled time'. 'On time' means 'exactly at scheduled
error (5) time'.
45. This is turned out to be (1)/ one of our most successful 17. (4); Substitute 'supervising' for 'supervise'. The parallel
projects (2)/ and we have made quite (3)/ a large profit from structure of 'arranging' is 'supervising'. Hence 'supervise'
it. (4)/ No error (5) should be supervising'.
46. A noun-banking financial company is a (1)/ financial 18. (5); No error
institution similarly to a bank (2)/ but it cannot issue (3)/ 19. (1); It should be: 'Owing to the...'.
cheque books to customers. (4)/ No error (5) 20. (1); It should be 'Since we lack'.
47. Ancient artefacts are (1)/ a part of global heritage (2)/ and
21. (2); Substitute 'used' for 'use'.
should not be (3)/ sold to the highest bidder. (4)/ No error (5)
22. (2); Substitute 'companies' for 'company'.
48. Most people like to (1)/ rest after a day's hard work (2)/ but
23. (3); Substitute 'risen' for 'raised'.
he seemed to have (3)/ an in exhaustive supply of energy.
(4)/ No error (5) 24. (5); No error
49. None of the student (1)/ in the class (2)/ scored below the 25. (3); Substitute 'ones' for 'talks'. There is no need to repeat
(3)/ given cut-off marks. (4)/ No error (5) 'talk', it may be replaced by 'one' and the plural of 'talks' by
50. To be a king and (1)/ wear a crown are (2)/ more glamorous 'ones'.
to (3)/ see than to bear. (4)/ No error (5) 26. (1); Substitute 'of' for 'with'.
27. (2); Substitute 'who' for 'whom'. To justify the answer, the
Answer Sheet sentence can be seen as a combination of two clauses: (i) She
1. (4); Substitute 'shortly' for 'in short'. is the teacher, I know, (ii) Who has helped my son in the
2. (3); Substitute 'no' for 'any'. 'Despite' must take a exam. It is clear that we cannot use whom in (ii) above in
phrase/clause/sentence of contrary idea. Here, contrary to place of who. 'Who' is used as subject 'whom' as object.
'taking steps' should be 'no improvement'. Therefore 'any' 28. (3); Delete 'do not'. Phrase having negative command or
should be replaced with 'no'. request is not used after 'unless', because 'unless' itself is a
3. (3); Substitute 'was' for 'is'. negative word. So, the use of 'unless' and 'negative phrase'
4. (4); Substitute 'will be delayed' for 'will delay'. together makes the sentence affirmative instead of a negative
5. (1); Substitute is 'experiencing' for 'experiences'. There is a one. This is the reason that after 'unless' no other negative
cause-effect relationship in the sentence. The US economy is phrase is used.
experiencing a recession the results thereof are likely reduced 29. (3); Substitute 'is' for 'are'. In case of 'neither....nor', The verb
growth rate. is guided by the number and person of noun of pronoun used.
6. (3); Substitute 'or' for 'instead'. The sentence has a sense either If either of the noun/pronoun used is plural the verb should be
cut-subsidies or face running out of funds. plural. Otherwise singular verb is used. Here 'Jona' and
7. (2); Substitute 'experienced' for 'experience'. The parallel 'assistant' both are singular hence singular verb 'is' should be
structure of 'qualified' is 'experienced' not 'experience'. used.
8. (5); No error 30. (4); Substitute 'one another' for 'each other'.
9. (1); Substitute 'agricultural' for 'agriculture'. 31. (4); Substitute 'favour' for 'favours'.
10. (3); Substitute 'posted' for 'post'. 32. (3); Substitute 'when' for 'than'. Hardly, scarcely and barely
11. (4); Delete of 'Short of notice' means 'type kind of notice'. take the conjunction when.
'Short notice' means 'the notice given without giving much 33. (1); Substitute 'was' for 'is'.
time'. 34. (4); Replace 'fluently French' with 'French fluently'.
12. (2); Substitute 'faced with' for 'faced'. According to MPT (Manner, Place and Time) rule: when all
13. (5); No error three elements manner, place and time are written in a
14. (4); Substitute 'their' for 'its'. The pronoun for 'companies' sentence manner is written first followed by place and place
followed by time. Here, only element manner is written and
should be 'their' not 'its'.
there is no other element to follow it, in such a situation
15. (3); Substitute 'requires' for 'require'. 'The scheme requires'
manner itself follows other parts of the sentence and comes at
because 'the scheme' is singular.
the end of the sentence.
35. (1); Substitute 'was attempting' for 'attempt'.

36. (5); No error 9. In response to the growing crisis, (1)/ the agency is urgently
37. (2); Substitute 'comply' for 'compliance'. asking for (2)/ more contributions, to make up for (3)/ its
38. (4); Substitute 'between' for 'among'. sharp decline in purchasing power. (4)/ No error (5)
39. (1); Substitute 'damaged' for 'damage'. 10. The tennis player easy through (1)/ the opening set before
40. (2); Delete 'of the'. her opponent, (2)/ rallied to take the final two sets (3)/ for
the biggest victory of her young career. (4)/ No error (5)
41. (3); Substitute 'talking' for 'talked'.
11. Aggression in some teenage boys (1)/ may be linkage to
42. (4); Substitute 'end' for 'ending'.
overly (2)/ large glands in their brains, (3)/ a new study has
43. (5); No error
found. (4)/ No error (5)
44. (3); Substitute 'its' for 'their'. Company is singular hence its 12. The merchant counted (1)/ the number of pearls (2)/ to make
pronoun in possessive case is 'its'. sure that (3)/ none of them were missing. (4)/ No error (5)
45. (1); Substitute 'has' for 'is'. 13. When deep sea diving, (1)/ one should always take care (2)/
46. (2); Substitute 'similar' for 'similarly'. that oxygen cylinder is (3)/ tied to the back tightly. (4)/ No
47. (5); No error error (5)
48. (3); Replace 'seemed' with 'seems'. 14. As the salary (1)/ did not match (2)/ his expectations, he did
49. (1); Replace 'student' with 'students'. 'None of' takes plural not (3)/ accept the job. (4)/ No error (5)
noun after it, hence 'students'. 15. The reason behind his success (1)/ in the recent past (2)/ is
50. (2); Replace 'are' with 'is'. due to hard-work (3)/ and presence of mind. (4)/ No error (5)
16. No sooner did the students (1)/seen the principal approach
Exercise-9 (2)/ than they ran (3)/ from the playground. (4)/ No error (5)
17. My elder sister and I am (1)/ interested in painting (2)/ and
Directions: Read each sentence to find out whether
therefore have joined (3)/ the coaching classes. (4)/ No error
there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in
one part of the sentence. The number of that part is 18. Only after a lot of persuasion, (1)/ the illiterate village
the answer. If there is no error the answer is (5). allowed (2)/ himself's girl child (3)/ to study in the school.
(Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.) (4)/ No error (5)
1. Ashok is among the (1)/ few people in the word (2)/ which 19. The need for alternate (1)/ sources of energy are (2)/
did not blindly follow (3)/ the path of others. (4)/ No error essential to conserve (3)/ the environment. (4)/ No error (5)
(5) 20. I have being working (1)/ in that organization for five years
2. The President has denied (1)/ that the economy is in (2)/ but now I work (3)/ for a different company. (4)/ No
recession (2)/ or was go into one (3)/ despite a spate of error (5)
downcast reports. (4)/ No error (5) 21. There is no argument against (1)/ the fact that (2)/ humans
3. The angry at being (1)/ left out of the bonanza (2)/ is are the most intelligent (3)/ of all other species. (4)/ No error
palpable among (3)/ employees of the organization. (4)/ No (5)
error (5) 22. The policemen, who (1)/ was deployed heavily (2)/ in the
4. His comments came after (1)/ the research group said that its area, did nothing to (3)/ dissuade the protesters. (4)/ No error
(2)/ consumer confidence index were (3)/slumped to its (5)
lowest level. (4)/ No error (5) 23. Festivals are prime occasions (1)/ for splurging on presents
5. If all goes well (1)/ the examination scheduled for next and owing to improved economic situation, (2)/ the youths is
month (2)/ is all set to be completely free (3)/ from annoying gung-ho (3)/ about breaking all previous recodes. (4)/ No
power cuts and disruptions. (4)/ No error (5) error (5)
6. There are just too few trains (1)/ for the ever grow (2)/ 24. It is important to recruit personnel at (1)/ different levels in
number of passengers (3)/ in the city. (4)/ No error (5) the organisation so that (2)/ the ensuing human resources gap
7. The buzz at the party was (1)/ that a famous (2)/ film star is bridged (3)/ at least for the critical operations. (4)/ No
and politician, would (3)/ probable drop by for a while. (4)/ error (5)
No error (5) 25. Bank are on the verge (1)/ of facing a formidable challenge
8. The opposition disrupted proceedings (1)/ in both Houses of (2)/ of losing over fifty per cent of (3)/ their employees due
Parliament (2)/ for the second consecutive day (3)/ above the to retirement. (4)/ No error (5)
plight of farmers in the country. (4)/ No error (5) 26. Not only has the commerce ministry fixed (1)/
extraordinarily high minimum prices for onion exports

(2)/but also made licences mandatory (3)/ for every 42. Sheela had to travel all the way back (1)/ when she
consignment. (4)/ No error (5) remembered that (2)/ she had forgot to take (3)/ important
27. A new study found that while weight loss (1)/ via surgery documents with her. (4)/ No error (5)
may improve knee pain, in obese patients (2)/ there may be 43. The party is holding a meeting (1)/ in order to begin the (2)/
permanent damage to the knee (3)/ from being severe painful and difficult process (3)/ of rethink its political
overweight. (4)/ No error (5) strategy. (4)/ No error (5)
28. In order to streamline (1)/ the movement of vehicles during 44. The only bad thing about (1)/ these flowers are the (2)/
(2)/ the festival, traffic police have (3)/ chalked out diversion pollen which causes (3)/ allergy in many people. (4)/ No
plans. (4)/ No error (5) error (5)
29. With a view to avoid another caste conflict, (1)/ the 45. Nobody in the bus I/ offered to give their seat (2)/ to the
administration has deployed additional police force (2)/ on elderly lady who had to (3)/ travel a long distance. (4)/ No
the village, while the administration as well as police error (5)
officials (3)/ are monitoring the situation. (4)/ No error (5) 46. This is the only organisation (1)/ which could somehow
30. of global warming (2)/ by protecting forests (3)/ and starting continue (2)/ to making profits (3)/ in the face of recession.
at a forestation programme. (4)/ No error (5) (4)/ No error (5)
31. The task for ensuring employment (1)/ for the labour force 47. Many more would have died (1)/ if they hadn't received (2)/
has been (2)/ a persistent concern throughout (3)/ India's the timely helping from (3)/ the relief team.(4)/ No error (5)
post-independence development. (4)/ No error (5) 48. A man along with (1)/ his wife and two children (2)/ were
32. We have recently began (1)/ the process of recruiting (2)/ rescued with the help (3)/ of an army helicopter. (4)/ No
insurance agents for (3)/ our North Eastern branches. (4)/ No error (5)
error (5) 49. In the past two decades, (1)/ preventive measures have (2)/
33. In spite that organisations are aware (1)/ of the importance of drastically reduced the (3)/ occurrence of polio in children.
IT (2)/ they often do not know (3)/ how to deploy it (4)/ No error (5)
effectively. (4)/ No error (5) 50. Neither the ministers (1)/ not the intelligence sources (2)/
34. Although interlinking of rivers will (1)/ help tackle drought, was aware of the coup (3)/ being planned in the country. (4)/
the government (2)/ has not paid much (3)/ attention to this No error (5)
project. (4)/ No error (5)
35. Keeping in mind that India (1)/ is one of the world's fastest
Answer Sheet
(2)/ growing economies many international (3)/ companies 1. (3); Replace 'which' with 'who'.
are invested in India. (4)/ No error (5) 2. (3); Substitute 'was to go' for 'was go'.
36. Despite the merger, (1)/ the airline has reported (2)/ sizeable 3. (1); Substitute 'anger' for 'angry'.
losses and is unable (3)/ to pay their employees. (4)/ No error 4. (3); Substitute 'had' for 'were'.
(5) 5. (5); No error
37. The company's decision to issue (1)/ bonus shares clearly 6. (2); Substitute 'ever-growing' for 'ever-grow'.
indicates (2)/ the management's confident (3)/ about the 7. (4); Substitute 'probably' for 'probable'.
future. (4)/ No error (5) 8. (4); Substitute 'regarding' for 'above'.
38. RBI is in favour (1)/of amending currently (2)/ policies 9. (5); No error
governing operations of (3)/ foreign banks in India. (4)/ No 10. (1); Substitute 'eased' for 'easy'.
error (5)
11. (2); Substitute 'linked' for 'linkage'.
39. These recently upgraded branch offices (1)/ have been fully
12. (4); Substitute 'was' for 'were'.
computerised (2)/ and are connected to headquarters (3)/ to
13. (1); Substitute 'when diving into deep sea' for 'deep sea
ensure proper monitoring (4)/ No error (5)
40. The rise in prices of food items is (1)/ likely the cause of
inflation (2)/ to exceed eight per cent (3)/ during the next
14. (5); No error
quarter. (4)/ No error (5) 15. (1); Delete 'The reason behind'.
41. Many people believe that (1)/ the nationalisation of banks in 16. (1); Substitute 'had' for 'did'.
(2)/ the 1960s have protected India (3)/from the current 17. (1); Substitute 'are' for 'am'. The rule says that: When two
financial crisis. (4)/ No error (5) clauses are joined by 'and' plural verb is used. Here 'my elder
sister' is one clause and 'I' is another clause and both are
joined by 'and'. Hence plural verb 'are' should be used.

18. (3); Substitute 'his' for 'himself's'.
19. (2); Substitute 'is' for 'are'.
20. (1); Substitute 'had been' for 'being'. Directions: Read each sentence to find out whether
21. (4); Delete 'other' because 'the most intelligent' is in there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in
superlative degree while 'all other' is in comparative degree. one part of the sentence. The number of that part is
Hence in order to make it superlative 'other' should be deleted. the answer. If there is no error the answer is (5).
22. (5); No error (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)
23. (3); Replace 'youths' with 'youth'. 1. Certain amounts of stress (1)/ at work is natural but (2)/ it is
24. (5); No error important that one learns (3)/ to keep it in the right
25. (5) ; No error proportion. (4)/ No error (5)
26. (2); Replace 'extraordinarily' with 'extraordinary'. 2. We had extensively discussions (1)/ with the participants and
27. (4); Replace 'severe overweight' with 'severely overweight'. (2)/ obtained their feedback (3)/ regarding our new services.
28. (3); Replace 'have' with 'has'. (4)/ No error (5)
29. (3); Replace 'on' with 'in'. 3. The success of the (1)/ government sponsor job guarantee
programme (2)/ has resulted in a (3)/ drastic drop in poverty.
30. (4); Substitute 'an' for 'at'.
(4)/ No error (5)
31. (1); Substitute 'of' for 'for'.
4. The Board's decision has provided (1)/ employees with the
32. (1); Substitute 'begun' for 'began'.
opportunity (2)/ to acquire up to 100 (3)/ shares by the
33. (1); Substitute 'In spite of the organisations being aware' for company. (4)/ No error (5)
'In spite that organisations are aware'. 5. Their failure to inspect (1)/ our factories is a (2)/ clear
34. (1); Insert 'the' before 'interlinking'. indications that our (3)/ licence will not be renewed. (4)/ No
35. (4); Substitute 'investing' for 'invested'. error (5)
36. (4); Replace 'the managements' with 'that the management is'. 6. Arranging such a large amount (1)/ of funds now will be a
37. (3); Substitute 'confidence' for 'confident'. problem why (2)/ banks are usually not open (3)/ so early in
38. (2); Substitute 'the current' for 'currently'. the morning. (4)/ No error (5)
39. (3); Insert 'the' before 'headquarters'. 7. If the manufacturing sector continues (1)/ to grow at the
40. (2); Substitute 'to cause' for 'the cause of'. same rate for (2)/ the next few months, I think it (3)/ has a
41. (3); Substitute 'has' for 'have'. high growth rate this year. (4)/ No error (5)
42. (3); Substitute 'forgotten' for 'forgot'. 8. Though he has promoted to (1)/ the bank's board as a
43. (4); Substitute 'rethinking'. director (2)/ he continues to carry out (3)/ all his current
responsibilities. (4)/ No error (5)
44. (2); Substitute 'is' for 'are' Here, the verb has been used for the
9. He had telephoned yesterday to (1)/ ask how much of the
subject 'the only bad thing' which is singular. Hence singular
youth (2)/ who attend our classes would be (3)/ interested in
verb 'is' should be used.
working for a textile company. (4)/ No error (5)
45. (2); Substitute 'his' for 'their'.
10. We were forced into react (1)/ as no organisation can (2)/
46. (3); Substitute 'make' for 'making'.
afford to adhere to (3)/ these outdated regulations. (4)/ No
47. (3); Substitute 'help' for 'helping'. error (5)
48. (3); Substitute 'was' for 'were'. 'Along with' takes the verb 11. The government is working (1)/ out a new system to
according to the first subject. Here, the first subject, 'A man' is compensate (2)/ those companies to sell (3)/ products below
singular, hence, singular verb 'was' should be used. the market price. (4)/ No error (5)
49. (5); No error 12. We are yet starting (1)/ offering this facility to (2)/ our
50. (3); Substitute 'were' for 'was'. customers as we are (3)/ awaiting approval from the Board.
(4)/ No error (5)
13. The Chairman of all large (1)/ public sector banks met with
(2)/ senior RBI officials to give its (3)/ suggestions about
implementing the new policy. (4)/ No error (5)
14. They have not fully considered (1)/ the impact that relaxing
(2)/ these guidelines is likely (3)/ to have with the economy.
(4)/ No error (5)

15. Had this notification (1)/ been amended earlier, (2)/ we could migratory birds (3)/ from Europe and Siberia. (4)/ No error
have stopped (3)/ the transfer of funds. (4)/ No error (5) (5)
16. There are many insurance (1)/ disputes nowadays because of 32. Plagued by huge losses, (1)/ full service airlines are
(2)/ most people do not fully (3)/ understand the terms and struggling (2)/ to cope with the competition (3)/ from low
conditions of their policies. (4)/ No error (5) cost airlines. (4)/ No error (5)
17. Some genuine issues exist (1)/ with the newly adopted (2)/ 33. Volunteers of an NGO (1)/ interacted with school students
system and needs to (3)/ be examined seriously. (4)/ No error (2)/ to spread awareness about (3)/ environment related
(5) issues. (4)/ No error (5)
18. Whether or not to confront (1)/ them about their role (2)/ in 34. The Union health minister said that (1)/ there was an acute
the matter is a decision (3)/ which is yet to take. (4)/ No error shortage of (2)/ health personnel in rural areas (3)/ who
(5) needed to be addressed urgently. (4)/ No error (5)
19. The government is still in the (1)/ process of finalised new 35. Even though most of India's youth (1)/ lives in villages,
policy (2)/ guidelines for the allocation of land (3)/ to private many people considers (2)/ the ones roaming in dazzling
sector organisations. (4)/ No error (5) multiplexes (3)/ as their true reflection. (4)/ No error (5)
20. According to government estimates (1)/ at least four millions 36. The RBI has proposed to introduce (1)/ polymer notes after
tonnes of sugar (2)/ will have to be imported (3)/ this year taking into considering (2)/ the cost and longevity (3)/
because of a poor monsoon. (4)/ No error (5) associated with their manufacturing. (4)/ No error (5)
21. In our experience people usually (1)/ value things that they 37. While most major economies set aside (1)/ about 3 per cent
have to (2)/ pay off more than those that (3)/ they receive of their GDP (2)/ in research and development, India (3)/
free of cost. (4)/ No error (5) spends less than 1 per cent on this. (4)/ No error (5)
22. At present China is the (1)/ world's leader manufacture (2)/ 38. Owing to the poor quality of (1)/ the equipment producing
of environment-friendly products (3)/ such as electric cars by Chinese firms (2)/ many foreign companies have placed
and bicycles. (4)/ No error (5) (3)/ orders with Indian firms. (4)/ No error (5)
23. Over eighty per cent from us (1)/ feel that if we had taken 39. We expect a hike (1)/ in the cash reserve ratio (2)/ which is
(2)/ some corrective measures earlier (3)/ the crisis could the portion of deposits (3)/ that banks keep with RBI. (4)/ No
have been averted. (4)/ No error (5) error (5)
24. The manager of that city branch (1)/ cannot handle it with 40. Unless these differences (1)/ will be resolved soon (2)/ there
the help of (2)/ only two personnel as (3)/ business has will be an adverse (3)/ effect on foreign investment. (4)/ No
increased substantially. (4)/ No error (5) error (5)
25. With the literacy rates in this (1)/ region as low as ten per 41. We are confident that the steps (1)/ we have taken to attract
cent (2)/ we need to encourage (3)/ local people to build talented people (2)/ and build a solid organization (3)/ will
schools. (4)/ No error (5) ensure we remain profitably. (4)/ No error (5)
26. While providing such facilities, (1)/ online makes it 42. At a time which most firms (1)/ were finding it difficult (2)/
convenient (2)/ and easily accessible for customers, (3)/ we to raise money, we succeeded (3)/ in raising the necessary
face several challenges. (4)/ No error (5) funds. (4)/ No error (5)
27. Angered over the delay in giving compensation; (1)/ factory 43. Everyone is keen in knowing (1)/ the forecast for the
workers shouted (2)/ slogans against the president (3)/ when monsoon (2)/ this year as it has been the (3)/ major cause of
he reaches the office. (4)/ No error (5) inflation in Asia. (4)/ No error (5)
28. The cascading effect of economic slowdown (1)/ has brought 44. Building biogas plants will help to reduce (1)/ greenhouse
a much unnerving gloom (2)/ to the real estate industry last gas emissions by reducing (2)/ the consuming of
year (3)/ but the industry is looking up this year. (4)/ No conventional fuels (3)/ such as firewood and kerosene. (4)/
error (5) No error (5)
29. A recycling plant in close proximity to (1)/ the residential 45. Since some banks may take longer (1)/ to achieve these
area can pose (2)/ serious threats from residents (3)/ by targets, RBI (2)/ has considered to revise these guidelines
leaving behind persistent pollutants. (4)/ No error (5) (3)/ on a case to case basis. No error (5)
30. The government has the obligation (1)/ to provide basic 46. After joining the Hong Kong based (1)/ bank in 1990, he has
infrastructure facilities (2)/ to regulating the process of (3)/ (2)/ head various departments (3)/ including corporate and
urbanization in the country. (4)/ No error (5) investment banking. (4)/ No error (5)
31. Bharatpur is transforming into (1)/ India's most fastest
growing bird sanctuary (2)/ attracting thousands of rare

47. Sugar-sweetened drinks does not (1)/ pose any particular 26. (5); No error
health risk, and (2)/ are not a unique risk factor (3)/ for 27. (4); Substitute 'reached' for 'reaches'. The words 'last year'
obesity or heart disease. (4)/ No error (5) used in part (3) suggest that the principal clause is in past
48. Airline managements should note (1)/ that the ultimate indefinite tense. Hence V2 of 'bring', ie 'brought' should be
passenger-unfriendliness (2)/ is to have their planes crash used.
(3)/ due to the adopted of unsafe procedures. (4)/ No error 28. (2); Delete 'has'.
(5) 29. (3); Substitute 'to' for 'from' because after infinitive (to) we
49. Celebrating its ten long years (1)/ in the industry, a private generally use V1.
entertainment channel (2)/ announce a series of (3)/ 30. (3); Substitute 'regulate' for 'regulating'.
programmes at a press conference. (4)/ No error (5)
31. (2); Delete 'most'. Double superlative is not used. Here 'most'
50. The award ceremony ended (1)/ on a note of good cheer (2)/
and 'fastest' both are superlatives. Hence 'most' should be
with audiences responding warmly (3)/ to its line-up of
films. (4)/ No error (5)
32. (5); No error
Answer Sheet 33. (3); Substitute 'of' for 'about'.
1. (1); Substitute 'A certain amount' for 'certain amounts of'. 34. (4); Substitute 'which' for 'who'. Here, 'who' has wrongly been
used for 'shortage'. For 'shortage' it should be 'which'.
2. (2); Substitute 'extensive' for 'extensively'.
35. (2); Substitute 'consider' for 'considers'. Also in part (2) 'lives'
3. (2); Substitute 'government-sponsored' for 'government
should be 'live'.
36. (2); Substitute 'consideration' for 'considering'.
4. (4); Substitute 'of' for 'by'.
37. (3); Substitute 'for' for 'in'.
5. (3); Substitute 'indication' for 'indications'.
38. (2); Substitute 'produced' for 'producing'.
6. (2); Substitute 'because' for 'why'.
39. (5); No error
7. (4); Substitute 'will have' for 'has'.
40. (2); Substitute 'are' fro 'will be'. When two future events are to
8. (1); Substitute 'has been promoted' for 'has promoted to'.
be expressed in a sentence the first event is expressed in
9. (2); Substitute 'many' for 'much' because 'much' is used before
simple present tense while the subsequent event is expressed
'quantity' while many is used before 'number'.
in simple future tense. Hence first 'will be' should be replaced
10. (1); Substitute 'to' for 'into'.
with 'are'.
11. (3); Substitute 'for selling' because the parallel structure of
41. (4); Substitute 'profitable' for 'profitably'.
'working' is 'selling'.
42. (1); Substitute 'when' fro 'which'.
12. (1); Substitute 'to start' for 'yet starting'.
43. (1); Substitute 'on' for 'in'. 'Keen' takes the preposition 'to/on'.
13. (3); Substitute 'their' for 'its'. The pronoun of 'chairmen' is
So the sentence can be corrected by using either 'keen to
'their' not 'its'.
know' or 'keen on knowing'. Why knowing? because after
14. (4); Substitute 'on' for 'with'. preposition verb takes 'ing' with it. Here 'on' is preposition,
15. (5); No error hence 'knowing'.
16. (2); Delete 'of'. 44. (3); Substitute 'consumption' for 'consuming'.
17. (3); Substitute 'need' for 'needs'. 45. (3); Substitute 'is' 'considering' for 'considered'.
18. (4); Substitute 'to be taken' for 'which is yet to take'. 46. (3); Substitute 'headed' for 'head'.
19. (2); Substitute 'finalising'. 47. (1); Substitute 'do' for 'does'.
20. (2); Substitute 'million' for 'millions'. The units of counting, 48. (4); Substitute 'adopting' for 'adopted'.
weights and measures when follow numerals (say ten' twelve, 49. (3); Substitute 'announced' for 'announce'.
thirty etc) are not changed to their plural by adding s/es. To
50. (5); No error
write sentence like- two hundreds were spent is incorrect. We
must use 'hundred' in place of 'hundreds'.
21. (3); Substitute 'off' for 'for'.
22. (2); Substitute 'leading manufacture' for 'leader'.
23. (1); Substitute 'of' for 'from'.
24. (3); Substitute 'persons' for 'personnel'.
25. (5); No error

increasing the price (3)/ of the fuel, bringing it closer to that
Exercise-11 of petrol. (4)/ No error (5)
Directions: Read each sentence to find out whether 14. Not only was the actress over the moon (1)/ as winning an
award, but was (2)/ also deeply touched by the support (3)/
there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in
she got from the industry. (4)/ No error (5)
one part of the sentence. The number of that part is
15. The protestors went on a rampaging (1)/ and set ablaze three
the answer. If there is no error the answer is (5). shops (2)/ resulting in injuries to thirty people (3)/ including
(Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.) women and children. (4)/ No error (5)
1. The actress was ordered for (1)/ wear an alcohol monitoring 16. Hectic schedules can (1)/ take a toll on anybody and (2)/ the
bracelet and (2)/ submit to random weekly drug testing after solutions to this is (3)/ a quick holiday to some exotic
(3)/ she failed to appear for a court date last week. (4)/ No location. (4)/ No error (5)
error (5) 17. The biggest (1)/ health burden that India (2)/ is set to face in
2. Coaches have the advantage of (1)/ draw on their, personal the coming years (3)/ is tackle cancer.(4)/ No error (5)
experiences (2)/ and providing their players (3)/ with unique
inputs. (4)/ No error (5) Directions: Read each sentence to find out whether
3. The actor loves to think, (1)/ never enjoys stick to one kind there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it the
of role (2)/ and finds it difficult to (3)/ fulfil everyone's error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence.
expectations. (4)/ No error (5) Ignore the error of punctuation, if any.
4. A major computer security firm urged (1)/ the social 18. Women after women (1)/ claimed to speak against (2)/ the
networking site to set up (2)/ an early warning system after present political situation (3)/ of Bihar in the meeting. (4)/
hundreds of users were (3)/ hit by a new wave of virus No error (5)
attacks. (4)/ No error (5) 19. More than one student (1)/ have passed the examination (2)/
5. The finding may help doctors (1)/ give more personalised of the first terminal test (3)/ of pronoun. (4)/ No error (5)
care to patients (2)/ and modify the amount of powerful 20. If Sunit would have (1)/ solving this, he would have (2)/ got
drugs (3)/ administered over their patients. (4)/ No error (5) a reward (3)/ in the debate. (4)/ No error (5)
6. The actress made a rare appearance (1)/ at the party and was 21. One should (1)/ be honest (2)/ by his word (3)/ in all
(2)/ overheard talking in (3)/ her next big project. (4)/ No situations. (4)/ No error (5)
error (5) 22. When the house was (1)/ set on the fire (2)/ all the
7. More than half the food product (1)/ targeted at babies and neighbouring people (3)/ ran and started extinguishing it. (4)/
toddlers have (2)/ a high sugar content and are (3)/ excessive No error (5)
sweet. (4)/ No error (5) 23. By this time next year (1)/ Mritunjay has had (2)/ settled in
8. The foreign company has so far declined to (1)/ directly Buxar (3)/ with his parents. (4)/ No error (5)
comment on the Indian company's move, (2)/ which analysts 24. All know (1)/ that Rani is (2)/ the most unique speaker (3)/
say is a sign the company wanting to (3)/ fight for its of her class. (4)/ No error (5)
presence in the market. (4)/ No error (5) 25. Being a rainy day (1)/ Ashis decided to stay indoors (2)/ and
9. After forty years of trying to (1)/ understand why asbestos enjoy himself (3)/ with music. (4)/ No error (5)
causes cancer (2)/ researchers have now finally (3)/ 26. I advised Prashant (1)/ not to walk (2)/ on the road (3)/ lately
unravelled the mystery. (4)/ No error (5) at night. (4)/ No error (5)
10. A property dealer was (1)/ shoot dead by four unidentified 27. Handsome is usually used (1)/ of men but beautiful is not
jacket-clad men (2)/ while taking a morning walk (3)/ in a (2)/ usually used to talk (3)/ about man's appearance. (4)/ No
park. (4)/ No error (5) error (5)
11. The auditions for India's first ever (1)/ reality based pop 28. Payal kept her drum (1)/ besides her (2)/ always and (3)/ she
band hunt, is (2)/ going on in full swing, (3)/ with numerous played wisely. (4)/ No error (5)
entries came in. (4)/ No error (5) 29. Either you (1)/ or your friend (2)/ has stolen (3)/ my wrist
12. To curbing the spread of violence (1)/ authorities brought watch. (4)/ No error (5)
under curfew (2)/ more areas in the state, where (3)/ three 30. My son has (1)/ bought four pens (2)/ who are (3)/ red in
youths were killed. (4)/ No error (5) colour. (4)/ No error (5)
13. Demand for diesel cars, which has (1)/ been on the rise for 31. If you look up tea in a cookery book (1)/ you may find a
the last few years, (2)/ may dip as the government is little instructions (2)/ that give you no help (3)/ on several
important points. (4)/ No error (5)

32. The Chinese tea is (1)/ not very costly (2)/ and we can drink 7. (4); Substitute 'excessively' for 'excessive'.
(3)/ it without milk. (4)/ No error (5) 8. (3); Insert 'of' between 'sign' and 'the'.
33. Alaripu is an invocatory item (1)/ where the dancer (2)/ 9. (5); No error
offers salute (3)/ to the lord. (4)/ No error (5) 10. (2); Substitute 'shot dead' for 'shoot dead'.
34. He served the country (1)/ with heart and soul (2)/ but he got 11. (4); substitute 'having come in' for 'came in'.
(3)/ only a few rewards. (4)/ N error (5)
12. (1); Substitute 'to curb' for 'to curbing'.
35. With rise in population (1)/ man needed more space (2)/ for
13. (1); Substitute 'the demand for diesel care that has' for
growing crops (3)/ and for building houses. (4)/ No error (5)
'demand for diesel cars which has'.
36. Which (1)/ do you prefer (2)/ more meat (3)/ or fish? (4)/ No
14. (2); Substitute 'on' for 'as'.
error (5)
37. The travel agency made (1)/ all the arrangements (2)/ for our 15. (1); Substitute 'rampage' for 'rampaging'.
journey (3)/ for England. (4)/ No error (5) 16. (3); Substitute 'solution' for 'the 'solutions'.
38. The boys made up (1)/ when the (2)/ owner of the (3)/ 17. (4); Replace 'tackle' with 'tacking'.
garden appeared. (4)/ No error (5) 18. (1); Replace 'women after women' with 'woman after woman'
39. Gandhiji was a (1)/ men who (2)/ become a legend (3)/ in his because in case of 'hyphenated expressions' such as 'page after
own time. (4)/ No error (5) page', 'day after day', 'ship after ship' both the words which
40. The Central Government has (1)/ refused to meet (2)/ all the get repeated are written in singular form.
demands (3)/ of its employees in to. (4)/ No error (5) 19. (2); Replace 'have' with 'has'. 'More than one' takes singular
41. The question was (1)/ so difficult that (2)/ nobody were (3)/ verb. The rules says that although 'more than one' necessarily
able to answer it. (4)/ No error (5) appears to be plural but its internal meaning implies 'one thing
42. The new assignment is (1)/ more challenging than (2) much many times'. Hence it agree with singular verb.
of the (3)/ earlier assignments. (4)/ No error (5) 20. (1); Correct the first part of the sentence as 'Had Sunit been'.
43. When the doctors found (1)/ that the player has taken (2)/ 21. (3); Replace 'to' with 'by'.
prohibited medicines, he reported (3)/ the matter to the team 22. (2); Delete 'the'. 'The' is used to make something definite or
manager. (4)/ No error (5) specific. Here no specific fire is being mentioned.
44. We are sure that (1)/ they will definitely help up (2)/ if we 23. (2); Replace 'has had' with 'will have'.
approach (3)/ them will in advance. (4)/ No error (5) 24. (3); Delete 'the most' because 'unique' is itself a superlative. It
45. They now claim that (1)/ they would have (2)/ guided us if does not take any other superlative with it.
we (3)/ would have requested them. (4)/ No error (5) 25. (1); Add 'it' before 'being'. The given sentence has two clauses
46. None of the passengers were (1)/ aware of what (2)/ was (i) Being a rainy day and (ii) Ashish decided to stay.....As per
going to happen (3)/ in the next two hours. (4)/ No error (5) rule both clauses must have a subject. Therefore, it is
47. The University has (1)/ not spent enough (2)/ money to necessary to add 'it' before 'being' to make the first clause
maintaining (3)/ its valuable library. (4)/ No error (5) meaningful.
48. The survey found (1)/ that most of the employees (2)/ has
26. (4); Replace 'lately' with 'late'.
positive view (3)/ of the company. (4)/ No error (5)
27. (4); 'About man's appearance' should be replaced with 'about a
49. The meeting will not end (1)/ till the Chairman (2)/ gets
man's appearance'.
approval from (3)/ every members of the Board. (4)/ No
28. (2); 'Besides her' should be replaced with 'beside her' because
error (5)
'besides' means 'in addition to' whereas 'besides' means 'by the
50. For millions of people (1)/ his retirement from (2)/ cricket
side of'.
has been (3)/ a greatest shock. (4)/ No error (5)
29. (5); No error. When two Subjects are joined by
Answer Sheet Either...or/Neither... nor then verb should be according to the
1. (1); Substitute 'to' for 'for'. second Subject.
2. (2); Substitute 'drawing' for 'draw'. Parallel structure of 30. (3); Replace 'who' with 'that' or 'which'.
'providing' is 'drawing', here 'draw' should be replaced with 31. (2); Use 'a few instructions' in the place of 'a little instructions'
'drawing'. because 'a little' is an adjective of quantity ie 'a little' is added
3. (2); Substitute 'sticking' for 'stick'. before quantity or uncountable noun. 'A few' is an adjective of
4. (5); No error number. Therefore, 'a few' should be used before 'instructions'
5. (2); Substitute 'to' for 'in'. because 'instructions' can be counted ie it is countable noun.
6. (3); Substitute 'about' for 'in'. 32. (5); No error

33. (3); Use 'offers salutation' in the place of 'offers salute'. 6. Your desire to (1)/ meet the President (2)/ without prior
34. (2); Use 'heart and soul' in the place of 'with heart and soul'. appointment (3)/ cannot be fulfil. (4)/ No error (5)
'Heart and soul' is an idiom which means 'wholly or 7. Whenever man attains fame, (1)/ his person qualities are (2)/
devotedly'. Therefore, no preposition will be used before it, imitated by others who (3)/ are close to him. (4)/ No error (5)
35. (5); No error 8. Rivers, mountains and deep forests (1)/ are the places (2)/
36. (3); The word 'more' should not be used. 'prefer' itself a mostly like by (3)/ people living in urban areas. (4)/ No error
conveys a sense of comparison. (5)
37. (4); Write 'to' in place of 'for'. 9. When we visited his office (1)/ we found that (2)/ he was
sipping coffee (3)/ with some of his colleagues. (4)/ No error
38. (5); No error
39. (2); Write 'man' in place of 'men' because 'Gandhiji' is
10. For giving up (1)/ the bad habit of smoking (2)/ use of
chewing gum or (3)/ similar other method can be helped. (4)/
40. (4); Delete 'in to'
No error (5)
41. (3); Write 'was' in place of 'were' because 'no body' is 11. His obviously reluctance (1)/ was viewed seriously by (2)/
singular. his superiors and (3)/ he was suspended. (4)/ No error (5)
42. (3); 'Many' should be used in place of 'much'. 'Much' is an 12. The new project is (1)/ to big for (2)/ the trainee to handle
adjective of 'quantity' whereas 'many' an adjective of 'number'. (3)/ on his own. (4)/. No error (5)
As assignment in countable noun, hence 'many' should be 13. The explanation that (1)/ her gave for (2)/ missing the
used in place of 'much'. meeting (3)/ were not satisfactory. (4)/ No error (5)
43. (2); Instead of 'has', 'had' should be used in part (2) of the 14. Mr Singh's son has applied (1)/ to the post (2)/ of Assistant
sentence because the whole sentence is in past tense. Manager (3)/ in a construction company. (4)/ No error (5)
44. (2); Use of 'definitely' after the use of 'sure' is superfluous as 15. The manager has sent (1)/ many reminders to Mr Rao (2)/ to
both bear the same meaning. repay the loan but (3)/ has not received no reply (4)/ No error
45. (4); In part (4) of the sentence 'had' must be used in place of (5)
'would have'. 16. Beside the Chairman (1)/ all the Committee members (2)/
46. (1); 'Was' should be used in place of 'were'. were present (3)/ at the shareholders meeting. (4)/ No error
47. (3); It should be 'money to maintain' because after infinitive (5)
(to) V1 is used. 17. He submitted (1)/ the request for compensation (2)/ in time
48. (3); It should be 'have a positive view'. but (3)/ it was denied (4)/. No error (5)
49. (4); It should be 'Every member of the board'. 18. Unfortunately today many (1)/ parents cannot afford (2)/ to
50. (4); It should be 'a great shock'. send its (3)/ children to school. (4)/ No error (5)
19. He was convinced (1)/ that he (2)/ loss the account (3)/
Exercise-12 because of bad luck. (4)/ No error (5)
20. many customers have (1)/ complained because (2)/ his goods
Directions: Read each sentence to find out whether
was (3)/ inferior in quality (4)/. No error (5)
there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it the
21. In his opinion (1)/ every senior citizens (2)/ will benefit (3)/
error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. from the new rule. (4)/ No error (5)
Ignore the error of punctuation, if any. 22. Despite of their best efforts (1)/ they failed to retain (2)/ the
1. The Chairman has refused (1)/ no to sanction (2)/ the contract due to (3)/ unwanted political interference. (4)/ No
required funds (3)/ for the project (4)/ No error (5) error (5)
2. People who intend (1)/ to visit the tourist spots (2)/ are 23. We has decided (1)/ to scrap the project (2)/ but the
always thrilling (3)/ to see the scenario here. (4)/ No error (5) chairman insisted with (3)/ its continuation on the same
3. In such delicate matters. (1)/ we often go with (2)/ has advise terms. (4)/ No error (5)
as he has (3)/ been handling such cases, effectively. (4)/ No 24. Because of his prolonged illness (1)/ he could not
error (5) concentrate (2)/ on his studies although (3)/ he was very
4. You should thing (1)/ of all the possibilities (2)/ before you much desired to do so. (4)/ No error (5)
take (3)/ any decision. (4)/ No error (5) 25. You must realize (1)/ how importance it is (2)/ to give away
5. He was too tired that (1)/ he could not cross (2)/ the street to the needy (3)/ whatever you possess in excess. (4)/ No
even with (3)/ the help of a porter. (4)/ No error (5) error (5)

26. Most of the travellers experienced (1)/ a shock when they 46. Unless we work (1)/ careful we may (2)/ overlook something
arrived (2)/ at the museum only to find (3)/ that it had been (3)/ in the contract. (4)/ No error (5)
burgled. (4)/ No error (5) 47. Some people (1)/ are believing (2)/ that women cannot (3)/
27. How people do (1)/ to earn their bread (2)/ is dependent compete with men. (4)/ No error (5)
largely on (3)/ the locality where they live. (4)/ No error (5) 48. He avoids (1)/ taking the (2)/ prescribed medicine (3)/ at
28. He took a sharp knife (1)/ and torn the covering (2)/ made of regularly intervals. (4)/ No error (5)
cardboard (3)/ but could not open the packet. (4)/ No error 49. Some people do not like (1)/ to do any social (2)/ work even
(5) though (3)/ they have abundant resources. (4)/ No error (5)
29. The security force posted (1)/ at the entrance is so strict (2)/ 50. It is advisable that (1)/ each time you (2)/ encountered such a
that even the top boss (3)/ cannot be entered without situation (3)/ keep you cool. (4)/ No error (5)
frisking. (4)/ No error (5)
30. The moment he tried (1)/ to escape from the (2)/ clutches of
Answer Sheet
the policemen (3)/ they knocked him down. (4)/ No error (5) 1. (2); It should be 'to sanction'. 'Refused' and 'no' are negative
31. Some people have (1)/ generously contributed to the welfare words. Use of two negatives makes the sentence 'affirmative'
fund (2)/ but they wanted that there names (3)/ should not be or 'positive'. But, in order to keep the meaning of the sentence
published. (4)/ No error (5) negative, one of the negative words should be omitted. Hence,
32. We were aware that (1)/ she had received many awards (2)/ 'no' should be omitted from the given sentence.
and was felicitated on (3)/ account for her wisdom. (4)/ No 2. (3); Replace 'thrilling' with 'thrilled'.
error (5) 3. (2); Replace 'with' with 'by'.
33. They are aware of (1)/ the risk involved in (2)/ investing the 4. (5); No error
entire funds (3)/ in only one scheme. (4)/ No error (5) 5. (1); Replace 'too' with 'so'. The general structure is "too.....to"
34. When we were reached (1)/ at the gate of the park (2)/ it was or "so....that". For example, He is too tired to walk or He is so
too dark (3)/ to see the new entrants. (4)/ No error (5) tired that he cannot walk.
35. The soldiers were supposed (1)/ to sought shelter inside (2)/ 6. (4); Write 'cannot be fulfilled' because 'cannot be/ could not
the nearby factory (3)/ to save themselves. (4)/ No error (5) be' takes V3.
36. Being a good swimmer (1)/ he could keep (2)/ himself 7. (2); Write 'personal qualities' in place of 'person qualities'.
floating (3)/ the surface of the lake. (4)/ No error (5) 8. (3); Replace 'mostly like' with 'most likely'.
37. In our opinion (1)/ the venue is too small (2)/ to 9. (5); No error
accommodate such the (3)/ large number of candidates. (4)/ 10. (4); Write 'can help' in place of 'can be helped'.
No error (5)
11. (1); Replace 'obviously' with 'obvious'.
38. He deserves a reward (1)/ because he managed (2)/ to
12. (2); Replace 'to' with 'too'. The given sentence is based on
complete the assignment (3)/ in spite many difficulties. (4)/
'too...to' format.
No error (5)
13. (4); Replace 'were' with 'was'.
39. The Director has refused to (1)/ gave them an appointment
(2)/ on Wednesday because (3)/ he has another meeting
14. (2); Replace 'to' with 'for'.
scheduled. (4)/ No error (5) 15. (4); Replace 'no' with 'any'.
40. He has the necessary (1)/ qualifications for (2)/ the post so 16. (1); Replace 'beside' with 'besides'. 'Beside' means 'by the side
(3)/ he has declined it. (4)/ No error (5) of' whereas 'besides' means 'in addition to'.
41. The clerk whom (1)/ spoke rudely to (2)/ the customer 17. (3); Replace 'of' with 'for'. 'Every' agrees with singular
yesterday (3)/ has been suspended. (4)/ No error (5) number.
42. Although Ram did not handle (1)/ his previous project well 18. (3); Replace 'its' with 'their'.
(2)/ he has been entrusted (3)/ with a new one. (4)/ No error 19. (3); Replace 'loss' with 'had lost'.
(5) 20. (3); Replace 'was' with 'were'.
43. The majority of (1)/ the Board are (2)/ in favour of (3)/ 21. (2); Replace 'citizens' with 'citizen'.
implementing the proposal. (4)/ No error (5) 22. (1); Delete 'of' after 'despite'. The word 'despite' takes no
44. Mr Rao has (1)/ no intention of (2)/ accepting the transfer preposition. We use either 'despite' or 'in spite of'. We never
(3)/ in that rural branch. (4)/ No error (5) use 'of' after 'despite'.
45. Despite the progress (1)/ we have achieved in (2)/ the field 23. (3); The word 'insist' takes the preposition 'on'.
of medicine many (3)/ million of people die of malaria. (4)/
No error (5)

24. (4); Here, passive form of the sentence is improper. Hence,
'he was very much desired to do so' should be replaced with Exercise-13
'he desired very much to do so'.
Directions: Read each sentence to find out whether
25. (2); Replace 'importance' with 'important'.
there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it the
26. (5); No error
error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence.
27. (1); Replace 'do' with 'work'.
Ignore the error of punctuation, if any.
28. (2); Replace 'tom' with 'tore'.
1. Accidents usually (1)/ result into (2)/ negligence, ignorance
29. (4); Replace 'frisking' with 'being frisked'.
(3)/ recklessness or carelessness. (4)/ No error (5)
30. (5); No error
2. He asked me that (1)/ what my total investment was (2)/
31. (3); 'There' should be replaced with 'their'. during the (3)/ last five years. (4)/ No error (5)
32. (4); The correct form of idiom is 'on account of'. 3. This institution had founded (1)/ by some noble souls (2)/ for
33. (5); No error the welfare of the poor (3)/ and disabled people. (4)/ No
34. (1); Delete 'were'. error (5)
35. (2); Replace 'sought' with 'seek'. 4. Every driver should take (1)/ abundant precautions (2)/ while
36. (3); The word 'float' takes the preposition 'on'. driving on (3)/ an unfamiliar road. (4)/ No error (5)
37. (3); Replace 'the' with 'a'. 5. His good qualities include (1)/ his ability to take (2)/ quickly
38. (4); Replace 'in spite' with 'in spite of'. and (3)/ appropriate decisions. (4)/ No error (5)
39. (2); Replace 'gave' with 'give' because when 'to' is used as 6. In order to (1)/ ensure quick service (2)/ please give us all
infinitive, the verb takes V1 form. the required (3)/ details as quick as possible. (4)/ No error (5)
40. (4); It should be 'he declined' in place of 'he has declined'. 7. The interrogation made by (1)/ him hardly yield (2)/ any
concrete conclusion (3)/ about the crime. (4)/ No error (5)
41. (1); Replace 'whom' with 'who' because 'who' acts as subject
8. What you had said (1)/ about the employees was (2)/ found
while 'whom' as object.
to be correct (3)/ but it could not be proved. (4)/ No error (5)
42. (5); No error
9. When you had started (1)/ the work, you should (2)/ ensure
43. (2); Replace 'are' with 'is'.
that you (3)/ concentrate on it. (4)/ No error (5)
44. (5); No error
10. If you have good (1)/ control over breathing (2)/ you can
45. (4); Replace 'million' with 'millions'. Generally units of float (3)/ on water effortlessly. (4)/ No error (5)
counting are not made plural by adding s/es when they are 11. The way to the fort (1)/ was too difficult that (2)/ we could
preceded by a numeral except in the cases where 'of' follows not reach (3)/ the farthest point (4)/ No error (5)
them. For example. 12. When we heard the name (1)/ of our leader uttered (2)/
He gave me four hundreds rupees (incorrect). respectfully by the foreigners (3)/ we felt pride of him (4)/
He gave me four hundred rupees (Correct). No error (5)
But, Hundred of people were rendered homeless (Incorrect). 13. It goes to his credit (1)/ that he was a clean man (2)/ in
(it should be hundreds of) politics as well as (3)/ his person dealings. (4)/ No error (5)
Thousands of them were killed (Correct). 14. His strictly discipline (1)/ had made him (2)/ very unpopular
46. (2); Replace 'careful' with 'carefully'. among (3)/ all the employees. (4)/ No error (5)
47. (2); Replace 'are believing' with 'believe'. 15. Jamshedji knew that (1)/ an industrial revolution can (2)/
48. (4); Replace 'regularly' with 'regular'. only brought in the country (3)/ by setting up iron and steel
49. (5); No error industry. (4)/ No error (5)
50. (3); Replace 'encountered' with 'encounter'. Since the given 16. He being the oldest son (1)/ has requested us (2)/ to look
sentence is in present tense 'encountered' should be after the problem (3)/ faced by the father. (4)/ No error (5)
'encounter'. 17. It was clear from the way (1)/ they were behaving (2)/ that
they had been (3)/ lost their senses.(4)/ No error (5)
18. That boy possess (1)/ three beautiful pens (2)/ but he would
not (3)/ show them to any one. (4)/ No error (5)
19. A small piece (1)/ of bread is (2)/ better than (3)/ having
nothing to eat. (4)/ No error (5)
20. Families are (1)/ fortunate enough to own (2)/ a house in the
city (3)/ are very few. (4)/ No error (5)

21. Though I had been (1)/ his friend for quite a long time, (2)/ I 43. Naturalisation is the (1)/ process by which (2)/ a immigrant
refused to help him (3)/ because his ill nature. (4)/ No error becomes a citizen (3)/ of his new country. (4)/ No error (5)
(5) 44. A high fat diet (1)/ not only increase the risks (2)/ of heart
22. When he had been (1)/ walked along the road (2)/ a wild and ailments (3)/ however also that of other disorders. (4)/ No
ferocious dog (3)/ hit him hard and knocked him down. (4)/ error (5)
No error (5) 45. When two-vowel (1)/ sounds occurs in direct succession, (2)/
23. I am grateful to you (1)/ and all your friends (2)/ for showing the transition between them (3)/ is often difficult to make.
sympathy (3)/ and kindness with me. (4)/ No error (5) (4)/ No error (5)
24. The leader was so shrewd (1)/ that he could not deceive (2)/ 46. The solutions is to (1)/ avoid the impasse altogether, (2)/ by
by the words of (3)/ the sycophant courtiers. (4)/ No error (5) taking a (3)/ slightly different route. (4)/ No error (5)
25. He is the man (1)/ who I know (2)/ has helped my son (3)/ in 47. I am grateful to you (1)/ and all your friends (2)/ for they
the final examination. (4)/ No error (5) showed sympathy (3)/ and kindness towards me. (4)/ No
26. I have been (1)/ living in Hyderabad (2)/ at my uncle (3)/ error (5)
since my birth. (4)/ No error (5) 48. While he was (1)/ walking along the road (2)/ a speeding car
27. Everyone of us know (1)/ that he is not capable of (2)/ (3)/ knocked down to him. (4)/ No error (5)
remaining under water (3)/ for such a long time. (4)/ No 49. Though none of his (1)/ so-called well-wishers forwarded to
error (5) help (2)/ I helped him by (3)/ completing his work on time,
28. Your television set (1)/ is superior to (2)/ our television set (4)/ No error (5)
(3)/ by all respects. (4)/ No error (5) 50. From the way he was talking (1)/ it was clear (2)/ that he had
29. The boy who was guilt for (1)/ having broken the window (3)/ no control on himself. (4)/ No error (5)
glass (2)/ came out (3)/ with the truth. (4)/ No error (5)
30. Remesh has been both (1)/ a dishonestly person (2)/ and a
Answer Sheet
gambler (3)/ since his childhood. (4)/ No error (5) 1. (2); Replace 'result into' with 'result out of'.
31. The number of employees (1)/ reporting sick (2)/ has 2. (1); Delete 'that'.
reduced significantly (3)/ because of the incentive. (4)/ No 3. (1); Replace 'had' with 'was'.
error (5) 4. (2); Replace 'abundant' with 'necessary'.
32. I have criticise (1)/ the remarkable book (2)/ because I 5. (3); Replace 'quickly' with 'quick'.
benefited (3)/ from reading it. (4)/ No error (5) 6. (4); Replace 'quick' with 'quickly'.
33. As Arundhati Roy (1)/ in her foreword write (2)/ John offers 7. (2); Replace 'yield' with 'yielded'.
(3)/ untold stories of people. (4)/ No error (5) 8. (5); No error
34. Citizen needed (1)/ to know that (2)/ our leader cannot (3)/ 9. (1); Replace 'had started' with 'start'.
be trusted. (4)/ No error (5) 10. (5); No error
35. Responsibilities includes (1)/ working with the editors (2)/
11. (2); Replace 'too' with 'so'.
on all aspects (3)/ of the editorial process. (4)/ No error (5)
12. (4); Replace 'pride' with 'proud'.
36. We build a simple model (1)/ to test whether (2)/ there is a
13. (4); Replace 'person' with 'personal'.
phase change (3)/ in the Indian economy. (4)/ No error (5)
37. Our results (1)/ indicate that (2)/ 1991 marked (3)/ the end of
14. (1); Replace 'strictly' with 'strict'.
an era. (4)/ No error (5) 15. (3); Add 'be' after 'only'.
38. While grouping the words (1)/ care have been taken (2)/ to 16. (1); Replace 'oldest' with 'eldest'.
include the role (3)/ grammar plays in a language. (4)/ No 17. (3); Delete 'been'. Past perfect tense should be used. The
error (5) structure is : Subject + had + past participle (V3)
39. Between the years (1)/ 1952 to 1962 (2)/ I worked in the 18. (1); 'That boy possesses' is the correct usage, as the verb must
field (3)/ as sub-divisional officer. (4)/ No error (5) agree with its subject (in number and person).
40. The Chief Minister (1)/ was obliged (2)/ to honour the 19. (5); No error
promise (3)/ made during the contest. (4)/ No error (5) 20. (1); Delete 'are'. There is just one sentence, hence only one
41. Distrust seems (1)/ to be a factor (2)/ borne out of (3)/ 'are' will do.
prevailing circumstances. (4)/ No error (5) 21. (4); Replace 'because' with 'because of'. 'Because of' it the
42. He is neither in (1)/ favour of arms face (2)/ or in favour of correct idiomatic form.
(3)/ simple nuclear disarmament. (4)/ No error (5)

22. (2); Replace 'walked' with 'walking'. The structure of past
perfect continuous is – Subject + had been + V4 (verb + Exercise-14
ing)..... Directions: Read each sentence to find out whether
23. (4); The preposition 'with' should be replaced with 'to'. there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it the
24. (2); Passive voice 'that he could not be deceived'. should be error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence.
used in place of 'that he could not deceive'. Ignore the error of punctuation, if any.
25. (3); Replace 'has helped' with 'helped'. 1. Your over-dependent on (1)/ others even for (2)/ trivial
26. (3); The preposition 'at' should be replaced with 'with'. matters may (3)/ prove disadvantageous. (4)/ No error (5)
27. (1); Replace 'know' with 'knows' because singular subject 2. People who are (1)/ fortunate enough to own (2)/ a personal
agrees with the singular verb. library are always (3)/ held in high esteem by me. (4)/ No
28. (4); 'In all respects' is the correct idiomatic form. error (5)
29. (1); 'The boy who was quality of' is the correct usage. 3. A small loaf of bread (1)/ given with affection (2)/ is far
30. (2); 'dishonestly' should be replaced with an adjective superior to (3)/ a delicious dish served with indifferently.(4)/
'dishonest'. No error (5)
31. (2); 'Reporting' should be replaced with 'reported'. 4. The incentive seems to (1)/ having been worked well (2)/
because the number of employees going on leave (3)/ has
32. (1); The error lies in part (1) of the sentence. 'I have criticise'
reduced significantly. (4)/ No error (5)
should be replaced with 'I did not criticise'.
5. His dishonest acts have (1)/ made his parents (2)/ bent their
33. (2); The word 'write' is in present indefinite tense. It should be
heads (3)/ in shame. (4)/ No error (5)
replaced with 'has written'.
6. Everybody know (1)/ that his failure can (2)/ be attributed
34. (1); Replace 'needed' with 'need'.
only (3)/ to his lack of practice. (4)/ No error (5)
35. (1); The 'responsibilities' is plural. Therefore, it will take
7. Most of the popular tele-serials (1)/ are not only illogical (2)/
plural verb. Hence, replace 'includes' with 'include'.
in their story line (3)/ but also crude in their presentation.
36. (5); No error (4)/ No error (5)
37. (5); No error 8. I am trying to convince him (1)/ for the last two days to
38. (2); The word 'care' is singular. Hence, 'care have been taken' come (2)/ and live with me (3)/ till his father's anger cools
should be replaced with 'care has been taken'. down. (4)/ No error (5)
39. (5); No error 9. It is a pity that a son (1)/ born from very good parents (2)/
40. (5); No error should live a life of (3)/ misery and deprivation of the worst
41. (3); The phrase 'borne out of', should be replaced with 'born order. (4)/ No error (5)
of' which means coming from the specified type of parents, 10. I would have asked him (1)/ to leave our house immediately
background, origin etc. (2)/ if my father would not have been (3)/ at home and
42. (3); Replace 'or' with 'nor'. "Neither.....nor" is correct awake. (4)/ No error (5)
correlative. 11. Mala's two brothers Rupesh and Bhupat (1)/ are very
43. (3); Replace 'a' with 'an'. intelligent and hardworking (2)/ but I am sure (3)/ I like the
44. (4); Replace 'however' with 'but'. "Not only.....but also" is the latter most. (4)/ No error (5)
correct form of correlative. 12. Their team is (1)/ most like to lose (2)/ as all their players
45. (2); Replace 'occurs' with 'occur'. Here the subject (when two (3)/ lack self-confidence. (4)/ No error (5)
vowel sounds) is plural. Hence, it will take a plural verb. 13. Most of the industrialists (1)/ have come forward (2)/ to fund
the rescue operations (3)/ carrying in the cyclone-hit areas.
46. (1); Replace 'solutions' with 'solution'.
(4)/ No error (5)
47. (4); The word 'kindness' is followed by preposition 'to'.
14. Their faithful is beyond (1)/ any doubt but their (2)/
48. (4); The phrase 'knock some body down' means 'hit somebody
decision-making is slow (3)/ and not free from defaults. (4)/
and make him fall to the ground'. So replace 'knocked down
No error (5)
to him' with 'knocked him down'.
15. Who helps is (1)/ immaterial so long (2)/ as the help is
49. (2); Replace 'forwarded to help' with 'came forward for help'.
extended (3)/ with a sincere intention. (4)/ No error (5)
50. (1); Replace 'he was talking' with 'of his talking'. 16. Our company can (1)/ no longer afford (2)/ overmanned
units as (3)/ our profit has lower. (4)/ No error (5)
17. Unlike the other (1)/ rich men of his community, (2)/ he does
not look (3) down upon the poor. (4)/ No error (5)

18. Paying careful attention at (1)/ what the speaker is saying is 41. Hari has faith in God (1)/ and will do never wrong (2)/ even
(2)/ considered to be (3)/ a sign of good manners. (4)/ No in the most (3)/ tiring and unusual circumstances. (4)/ No
error (5) error (5)
19. Though he is quick (1)/ in analysing a problem (2)/ he takes 42. The vacancy was (1)/ filled by Mr Gupta (2)/ whom the
always time (3)/ for finding a solution. (4)/ No error (5) manager said (3)/ ought to be promoted. (4)/ No error (5)
20. His supporters are (1)/ not as enthusiastic (2)/ and 43. As this is an (1)/ important matter (2)/ each of us has (3)/
cooperative as (3)/ that of his opponent's. (4)/ No error (5) something to say on this. (4)/ No error (5)
21. All those articles (1)/ that has published (2)/ in the weeklies 44. Silver as well as cotton (1)/ have fallen considerably (2)/ in
will now (3)/ be published in the form of a book. (4)/ No prices (3)/ in recent days. (4)/ No error (5)
error (5) 45. You must warn him (1)/ saying that you (2)/ would beat him
22. He was upset (1)/ because he had (2)/ never in such a (3)/ if (3)/ he is talking against you again. (4)/ No error (5)
peculiar situation before. (4)/ No error (5) 46. I and Ramesh will (1)/ proceed on journey tomorrow (2)/ as
23. He failed explaining (1)/ why he could not (2)/ complete the it is an auspicious day (3)/ according to my uncle. (4)/ No
important assignment (3)/ within the given time limit. (4)/ error (5)
No error (5) 47. The interrogation made by (1)/ him hardly yield (2)/ any
24. His decision of quitting (1)/ the present job before (2)/ he concrete conclusion (3)/ about the crime. (4)/ No error (5)
will get a new job (3)/ is not admirable. (4)/ No error (5) 48. What you had said (1)/ about the employees was (2)/ found
25. Had all of them (1)/ gone there with the books (2)/ it could to be correct (3)/ but it could not be proved. (4)/ No error (5)
have (3)/ impressed the delegates. (4)/ No error (5) 49. When you had started (1)/ the work, you should (2)/ ensure
26. He advised me (1)/ to wait with patiently (2)/ for the next that you (3)/ concentrate on it. (4)/ No error (5)
opportunity (3)/ and to grab it soon. (4)/ No error (5) 50. If you have good (1)/ control over breathing (2)/ you can
27. Ramesh is a student (1)/ who we all expect (2)/ to get more float (3)/ on water effortlessly. (4)/ No error (5)
than (3)/ 95% marks. (4)/ No error (5)
28. Small farmers do not get (1)/ the require support (2)/ from
Answer Sheet
outside (3)/ the farming sector. (4)/ No error (5) 1. (1); 'Your over-dependence on' is the correct usage. As
29. He is one of (1)/ the best novelists (2)/ that has ever lived 'dependent' is an adjective, its noun form will be used as a
(3)/ Do you agree? (4)/ No error (5) subject.
30. The campaign launched (1)/ by the group of citizens (2)/ was 2. (5); No error
admirable most (3)/ by all the guests. (4)/ No error (5) 3. (4); The word 'indifferently' has wrongly been used. It should
31. We do not know (1)/ whom we should blame (2)/ for all the be replaced with its noun form 'indifference'.
lapses observed (3)/ in the procedure. (4)/ No error (5) 4. (2); Replace 'having been' with 'have'.
32. Patriots of every country (1)/ have one thing in common (2)/ 5. (3); Replace 'bent' with 'bend'. When used as bare infinitive
and that (3)/ the love for their motherland. (4)/ No error (5) 'made' agrees with V1. For example, He made him laugh.
33. He who knows (1)/ all the pros and cons (2)/ of any problem Similarly.......made his parents bend, not bent, (bent is V 2 of
(3)/ can wield a lot of power. (4)/ No error (5) bend).
34. Not only he but (1)/ also his sons were (2)/ blamed for the 6. (1); 'Everybody' is a singular noun. Hence the correct verb
(3)/ act and rightly so. (4)/ No error (5) should be 'knows', not 'know'.
35. None else (1)/ should held responsible (2)/ for this accident 7. (5); No error
(3)/ and the loss. (4)/ No error (5) 8. (1); The Present Perfect Continuous is used for an action
36. I am obliged with you (1)/ and your entire family (2)/ for which began at some time in the past and is still continuing.
showing kindness (3)/ and generosity towards us. (4)/ No For example,
error (5) He has been writing for two hours (still writing).
37. The economical condition (1)/ of our country is bad (2)/ and Therefore, 'I am trying' should be replaced with 'I have been
unlikely to improve (3)/ in the near future. (4)/ No error (5) trying'.
38. As mentioned on the form (1)/ and also in the brochure (2)/ 9. (3); The present continuous is used for an action going on at
please write your (3)/ name only with ink. (4)/ No error (5) the time of speaking. For example, She is singing (now).
39. He wept bitterly (1)/ on hearing the news (2)/ of his failure Therefore, 'should live' should be replaced with 'is living'.
(3)/ in the examination. (4)/ No error (5) 10. (3); The given sentence expresses a past possibility that
40. Come and sit down (1)/ for a while, (2)/ you are digging (3)/ remained a possibility. The structure will be: If + subordinate
since lunch time. (4)/ No error (5)

clause [Simple Past/Past Perfect]+ Principal clause [Past 36. (1); Replace 'with' with 'to'. 'Oblige' should be followed by
Perfect]. For example, 'to'.
If she had worked hard, she would have passed, Therefore, 'If 37. (1); 'Economical' should be replaced with 'economic'.
my father would not have been, should be replaced with 'if 38. (1); Replace 'on' with 'in'.
my father were not'. 39. (5); No error
11. (4); 'I' comes for 'Mala'. Therefore 'She likes' will be the 40. (3); 'Since lunch time' makes it clear that the sentence is in
correct usage. present perfect continuous tense. Therefore 'are' should be
12. (2); Replace 'like' with 'likely'. As 'to lose' is a verb, so it replaced with 'have been'.
should be qualified by an adverb. 41. (2); 'Never' cannot be used after principle verb. Such adverbs
13. (4); Replace 'carrying in' with 'being carried out'. are used before principle verbs. 'Will do never' should be
14. (1); Replace 'faithful' (adj) with 'faithfulness' (noun). replaced with 'will never do'.
15. (2); Replace 'so' with 'as'. 42. (3); 'whom' (object) should be replaced with 'who' (subject).
16. (4); Replace 'lower' with 'lowered'. If a verb, follows 43. (4); Replace 'this' by 'it'.
'has/have', then it must be in past participle form. 44. (2); 'have' should be replaced with 'has' because the rule says
17. (5); No error that when two nouns are joined by 'as well as', 'like', 'unlike',
18. (1); Replace 'at' with 'to' because 'attention' is followed by 'to'. 'in addition to' etc, the verb takes the form according to the
19. (3); 'Always' is an adverb which is used before main verb. number and person of first subject. Here the first subject is
Thus 'always' will come before 'takes'. 'Silver' which is in third person singular number. Hence 'have'
20. (4); Remove 'that of'. should be replaced with 'has'.
21. (2); Replace 'had' with 'had been'. 45. (4); A conditional clause starting with 'if' should normally be
22. (3); 'Been' should be used before 'in' to make the sense clear. in present indefinite tense. Therefore 'talking against' should
23. (1); 'Explaining' should be replaced with 'to explain'. be replaced with 'talks against'.
24. (3); Replace 'will get' with 'gets'. Present indefinite tense will 46. (1); In a sentence second person comes first, followed by third
be used instead of future simple tense. person and first person (ie, 231 rule is followed). Therefore 'I
25. (5); No error and Ramesh' should be replaced with 'Ramesh and I'.
26. (2); Remove 'with'. 47. (2); Write 'yielded' because the sentence is in simple past
27. (3); The sentence may be corrected in two ways; tense.
(i) Ramesh is a student whom we all expect to get more than 48. (5); No error
95% marks. 49. (1); Write 'when you start'.
(ii) Ramesh is a student who, we all expect, will get more 50. (5); No error
than 95% marks.
But we opt the former because our approach should be to Exercise-15
arrive at the correct answer with the least effort. Directions: Read each sentence to find out whether
28. (2); Replace 'require' with 'required'. Here 'support' is a noun there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in
and should be preceded by an adjective. So past participle one part of the sentence. The number of that part is
form of 'require' (verb) is used. the answer. If there is no error the answer is (5).
29. (3); Replace 'has' with 'have' as the verb 'has.....lived' is used (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)
for the subject 'best novelists', which is in plural number. So 1. It is truth (1)/ that India is (2)/ the largest consumer of (3)/
the verb should also be in plural. gold in the world. (4)/ No error (5)
30. (3); Replace 'admirable' with 'admired'. 2. These facts make it very clear (1)/ that he had a hand in the
31. (5); No error murder (2)/ though he still (3)/ pleads innocence. (4)/ No
32. (3); 'That' (subject) must have a verb, so 'is' should be used error (5)
here. 3. A nationwide survey (1)/ has brought out an (2)/ interesting
33. (5); No error finding (3)/ regarding infant mortality rate in India. (4)/ No
34. (5); No error error (5)
35. (2); The sentence is in passive voice so 'should held' should be 4. Gangotri has a special significance (1)/ for the devout (2)/ as
replaced with 'should be held'. it is considered as (3)/ the abode of king Bhagirath who
bought the Ganga down to the earth. (4)/ No error (5)

5. The recent study has (1)/ indicated that there (2)/ is 25. Accordingly their policies (1)/ banks write off (2)/
perceptible change in (3)/ the attitudes of the people. (4)/ No outstanding amounts (3)/ in NPA accounts. (4)/ No error (5)
error (5) 26. In order to (1)/ be profitable (2)/ a company needs (3)/ to
6. The disclosure of (1)/ the synopsis of Thakkar Commission control its costs. (4)/ No error (5)
report (2)/ on the assassination of Mrs Indira Gandhi (3)/ on 27. The idea behind the (1)/ scheme is to encourage (2)/ the
the assassination of Mrs Indira Gandhi (3)/ has raised several private sector to (3)/ invest in infrastructure. (4)/ No error (5)
vital questions. (4)/ No error (5) 28. The company is (1)/ expected to grow by (2)/ as more as
7. The road from the (1)/ river bank to the hut (2)/ was more nine per cent (3)/ during the next year. (4)/ No error (5)
difficult than (3)/ we have feared. (4)/ No error (5) 29. Due to varieties (1)/ legal problems the (2)/ plant is not (3)/
8. I found that (1)/ I had the (2)/ hardest time in writing fully operational. (4)/ No error (5)
dialogues (3)/ for elderly people. (4)/ No error (5) 30. The meeting with (1)/ employees will hold (2)/ once the
9. During the course of the exhibition, (1)/ the old man who management (3)/ finalises the merger. (4)/ No error (5)
was (2)/ looking usually cheerful (3)/ kept on take notes. (4)/ 31. The number of (1)/ ATMs are (2)/ being increased to (3)/
No error (5) serve customers better. (4)/ No error (5)
10. Unable to decide (1)/ what to do, (2)/ he stared at the 32. The revised government's (1)/ guidelines have reduced (2)/
fountain (3)/ at the centre of the pack. (4)/ No error (5) the number of mergers (3)/ taking place among banks. (4)/
11. The bank employees could remember John (1)/ as he has No error (5)
been maintained (2)/ his account with the bank (3)/ for the 33. I do not know (1)/ who of the (2)/ new trainees should (3)/ be
last ten years. (4)/ No error (5) confirmed. (4)/ No error (5)
12. There has not a (1)/ moment when the gates (2)/ of the 34. To promote India as (1)/ a tourist destination (2)/ the
bungalow (3)/ were not being watched. (4)/ No error (5) government has organized (3)/ many cultural programmes.
13. Haven't you notice (1)/ that for the past one month (2)/ he (4)/ No error (5)
hasn't been here (3)/ at his regular place? (4)/ No error (5) 35. Banks in India (1)/ cannot open ATMs (2)/ except obtaining
14. It seemed to him (1)/ that the manager of the (2)/ bank (3)/ approval from RBI. (4)/ No error (5)
looking at him (3)/ in a rather suspicious manner. (4)/ No 36. Today the success of (1)/ companies depends on the (2)/
error (5) quality of their products and (3)/ efficient managing staff.
15. The policeman went away, (1)/ apparently convincing (2)/ (4)/ No error (5)
but he did not (3)/ feel safe at all. (4)/ No error (5) 37. Ashok has managed to (1)/ achieve his sales targets (2)/ for
16. It was with that moment (1)/ that the front door scanner (2)/ the quarter very easily (3)/ than we expected. No error (5)
warned us that (3)/ someone was approaching. (4)/ No error 38. He did not grant (1)/ their request for a loan (2)/ although it
(5) would (3)/ displease his boss. (4)/ No error (5)
17. We all seemed to forget (1)/ for a while that (2)/ something 39. At present oil companies (1)/ are making a loss of (2)/ rupees
very strangely and terribly (3)/ had happened. (4)/ No error five on all (3)/ litre of petrol that they sell. (4)/ No error (5)
(5) 40. The manager's belief that (1)/ Ramesh is (2)/ incompetent is
18. He is one (1)/ of the religious reformer (2)/ who has spoken not (3)/ necessary true. (4)/ No error (5)
out (3)/ strongly against castecism. (4)/ No error (5) 41. Since I was doing (1)/ my MBA initially (2)/ chose to
19. I becoming an administrator (1)/ was not liked (2)/ by my specialize in (3)/ marketing management. (4)/ No error (5)
parents (3)/ and our well wishers. (4)/ No error (5) 42. All banks must (1)/ necessary keep a certain (2)/ percentage
20. With his many talents (1)/ and dynamic leadership (2)/ he of deposits (3)/ with the Reserve Bank. (4)/ No error (5)
served his country (3)/ in commendable and lasting ways. 43. Students will be (1)/ the worse affected (2)/ by the public
(4)/ No error (5) transport (3)/ strike next week. (4)/ No error (5)
21. He was not (1)/ a leader who (2)/ was desiring of making (3)/ 44. Our country has (1)/ the ambitious goal (2)/ of eliminating
compromises with the rules. (4)/ No error (5) poverty (3)/ for ten years. (4)/ No error (5)
22. Farmers will be (1)/ entitled to fresh (2)/ agricultural loans 45. I cannot sanction (1)/ such a large sum (2)/ without no
(3)/ from July onward. (4)/ No error (5) permission (3)/ of the manager. (4)/ No error (5)
23. Today there is (1)/ over one billion (2)/ people living in 46. Seventy out from the (1)/ eight hundred employees of (2)/
poverty (3)/ in developing countries. (4)/ No error (5) the company have opted (3)/ for voluntary retirement. (4)/
24. There is no need (1)/ to import maize (2)/ since there is (3)/ No error (5)
any demand for it. (4)/ No error (5) 47. A customers usually (1)/ goes to a bank (2)/ to deposit or
withdraw money (3)/ or to apply for loans. (4)/ No error (5)

48. The management will be taken (1)/ a decision about (2)/ the 29. (1); Replace 'varieties' with 'various'.
training of the clerical (3)/ staff early next month. (4)/ No 30. (3); Write 'will be held' in place of 'will hold'. 'Meeting will
error (5) hold' means meeting itself will act as a person and hold
49. She has started (1)/ much new initiatives (2)/ to help meeting with the employees. But how a meeting can act as a
underprivileged students (3)/ get an education. (4)/ No error person.
(5) Hence the sentence must be written in passive voice and 'the
50. The success of the project (1)/ depends on how (2)/ much meeting will hold' should be replaced with 'the meeting will
efforts each (3)/ team member puts in. (4)/ No error (5) be held'.
Answer Sheet 31. (2); Write 'ATMs is' because 'the number' agrees with singular
1. (1); Replace 'truth' with 'true'.
32. (1); Write 'the government's revised'.
2. (1); Replace 'this' with 'the'.
33. (2); Write 'which of the'. In case of selection we use 'which'
3. (4); Replace 'regarding' with 'of'.
not 'who'. For example,
4. (4); Replace 'bought' with 'brought'. 'Bought' is the past tense
Which pen do you like most red or blue?
of 'buy', which means to purchase something. 'Brought' is the
34. (3); Write 'the government is organising'.
past tense of 'bring' which means to carry something.
35. (3); Write 'without obtaining'.
5. (3); Replace 'is' with 'are' to correlate it with 'attitudes', which
36. (4); Write 'efficient managerial staff'.
is plural.
6. (5); No error 37. (3); Change 'very easily' to 'more easily'. 'Very' is used in
positive degree whereas 'more' is used in comparative degree.
7. (4); Replace 'have' with 'had'. The use of 'was' in part (3) of
Use of 'than' suggests that the sentence is in comparative
the sentence makes it clear that the given sentence is in past
degree. Hence. 'more easily' should be used in place of 'very
tense. Hence 'have' should be 'had'.
8. (5); No error
38. (3); Write 'even though it would'.
9. (4); Replace 'take' with 'taking' because the parallel structure
39. (3); Write 'each' in place of 'all'.
of 'looking' should be 'taking' ie both ending in 'ing'.
40. (4); Write 'necessarily true'.
10. (4); Replace 'at' with 'in'.
41. (2); Delete 'my'.
11. (2); Change 'has been maintained' to 'has been maintaining'.
42. (2); Replace 'necessary' with 'necessarily'.
12. (1); Replace 'has' with 'was'.
43. (2); Replace 'worse' with 'worst'.
13. (1); 'Haven't you noticed' is the correct form.
44. (4); Replace 'for' with 'in'.
14. (3); Change 'looking' to 'was looking'.
45. (3); Replace 'no' with 'the'.
15. (2); Replace 'convincing' with 'convinced'.
46. (1); Replace 'from the' with 'of'.
16. (1); Replace 'with' with 'form'.
47. (3); Add 'to' before 'withdraw'.
17. (3); Change 'strangely and terribly' to 'strange and terrible'.
48. (1); Replace 'will be taken' with 'will take'. The sentence is in
18. (2); Replace 'reformer' with 'reformers' because after 'one of'
active voice, hence 'will take' should be used.
the noun takes plural form.
49. (2); Replace 'much' with 'many'.
19. (1); Replace 'I' with 'my'.
50. (5); No error
20. (5); No error
21. (3); Replace 'desiring' with 'desirous'.
22. (2); Write 'entitled for fresh'.
23. (1); Write 'Today there are', The verb is used for 'people'
hence it should be 'are'.
24. (4); Write 'no demand'. 'No need to import' is directly linked
with 'no demand' hence, 'any' should be replaced with 'no'.
25. (1); Write 'According to their policies'.
26. (5); No error
27. (5); No error
28. (3); Delete 'as more as'. Moreover the sentence can be
corrected by using 'many' in place of 'more' also.

20. The principal that (1)/ a pen is mightier (2)/ than a sword (3)/
Exercise-16 was known to early Greeks. (4)/ No error (5)
Directions: Read each sentence to find out whether 21. Martha missed her dog (1)/ who died of a (2)/ skin infection
there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in at a (3)/ very young age. (4)/ No error (5)
one part of the sentence. The number of that part is 22. He was awfully dissatisfy (1)/ with the arrangements (2)/
the answer. If there is no error the answer is (5). made for him (3)/ by the security guards. (4)/ No error (5)
(Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.) 23. I wanted to be (1)/ out of the way (2)/ when she was (3)/
1. This is one (1)/ of the few companies (2)/ who has done (3)/ likely for receiving the letter. (4)/ No error (5)
well for the past two years. (4)/ No error (5) 24. We have rarely come (1)/ across programme, (2)/ which does
2. The club has lost (1)/ a lot of business (2)/ because of poor not show (3)/ violent in some from. (4)/ No error (5)
(3)/ maintained facilities. (4)/ No error (5) 25. A lot of people (1)/ have involved in (2)/ the national
3. The village has electricity (1)/ today only because (2)/ of the mission (3)/ to eradicate illiteracy. (4)/ No error (5)
efforts of a (3)/ few dedicated engineers. (4)/ No error (5) 26. They failed in (1)/ their plan only because (2)/ they could not
4. The company has appointed (1)/ consultants to help them (3)/ give timely attention to it. (4)/ No error (5)
(2)/ increase its revenue (3)/ and improve its financial 27. It is absolutely (1)/ necessarily to participate (2)/ in any
position. (4)/ No error (5) project (3)/ for social up liftment. (4)/ No error (5)
5. The cost of the new (1)/ machines is likely to (2)/ be so high 28. We admire your (1)/ contribution to (2)/ this project and
as ten (3)/ times the existing ones. (4)/ No error (5) wishing (3)/ you a fruitful tenure. (4)/ No error (5)
29. He always makes (1)/ it a point to (2)/ listen to the what (3)/
6. The NGO provides (1)/ free daily meal to them (2)/ who live
below the (3)/ poverty line in rural areas. (4)/ No error (5) others say. (4)/ No error (5)
7. He reports (1)/ suggest that (2)/ the project is (3)/ behind 30. Many of us (1)/ have been undergone (2)/ the agony of
schedule. (4)/ No error (5) losing (3)/ someone important to us. (4)/ No error (5)
8. He is a great leader (1)/ who has inspired people (2)/ to 31. Put the work aside; (1)/ she got up from her seat (2)/ and
marched off without (3)/ looking at the visitor. (4)/ No error
achieve freedom (3)/ through non-violent means. (4)/ No
error (5) (5)
9. An estimate forty (1)/ lacs workers will (2)/ benefit from the 32. He made a deliberately (1)/ attempt to malign (2)/ his friend
(3)/ amendment to the Act. (4)/ No error (5) and to (3)/ benefit from it. (4)/ No error (5)
10. What satisfies a teacher (1)/ the most is the (2)/ excitement 33. Once he was by himself, (1)/ he started thinking (2)/ about
what had gone wrong (3)/ and why it had done so. (4)/ No
of students when (3)/ they learnt something new. (4)/ No
error (5) error (5)
11. She is the first women (1)/to be appointed as President (2)/ 34. When there is a lot (1)/ of work pressure (2)/ and deadlines
since the company (3)/ was established form 1950. (4)/ No to be meeting (3)/ I become restless. (4)/ No error (5)
error (5) 35. He doesn't want (1)/ to get any credit (2)/ with whatever
good (3)/ he does to others. (4)/ No error (5)
12. There was such (1)/ a crowd that (2)/ he would not (3)/ find
his brother. (4)/ No error (5) 36. He said nothing (1)/ in response but (2)/ he clearly
13. Whether a person (1)/ takes to smoking (2)/ depends a lot understood what (3)/ was being happened. (4)/ No error (5)
(2)/ in his social network. (4)/ No error (5) 37. The committee has made (1)/ significant changes in (2)/ the
14. Having managed the (1)/ team of two (2)/ years, he knew rules which (3)/ will help to banks. (4)/ No error (5)
38. This project which is funded (1)/ by the United Nations (2)/
(3)/ his players well. (4)/ No error (5)
15. Because of heavy (1)/ rains the trains (2)/ are disable to (3)/ has helped over four (3)/ lacs Indians overcome poverty. (4)/
run on time. (4)/ No error (5) No error (5)
16. The idea of turning (1)/ invisible with the (2)/ switch of 39. The merger talks have (1)/ taken longer that (2)/ we
clock have (3)/ always fascinated scientists. (4)/ No error (5) anticipated because (3)/ of the financial crisis. (4)/ No error
17. She had seen (1)/ the approaching truck (2)/ and had jumping
(3)/ out of the way. (4)/ No error (5) 40. His share of (1)/ the money from the sale (2)/ off the
18. Every home and office (1)/ needs the latest equipment (2)/ property will (3)/ be given to charity. (4)/ No error (5)
for keep up (3)/ with times. (4)/ No error (5) 41. The number of tourists (1)/ is expected to rise (2)/ from four
19. The state government (1)/ has send reports (2)/ to the centre to ten per cent (3)/ in the next ten years. (4)/ No error (5)
42. When he asked (1)/why the machines (2)/ were idle we told
(3)/ on the situation. (4)/ No error (5)
(3)/ him it was broken. (4)/ No error (5)

43. We informed customers (1)/ that there will be (2)/ no 17. (3); Replace 'jumping' with 'jumped'.
interrupting in (3)/ our bank services tomorrow. (4)/ No error 18. (3); Replace 'for' with 'to'.
(5) 19. (2); Replace 'send' with 'sent'. 'Has' takes V3. V3 of 'send' is
44. To train its newly (1)/ recruit staff the company (2)/ has 'sent'.
developed an (3)/ online training programme. (4)/ No error 20. (5); No error
(5) 21. (2); Replace 'who' with 'which'. Relative pronoun used for
45. A person whose wishes to (1)/ avail of this facility (2)/ animals in 'which' and not 'who'.
should not have been (3)/ a loan defaulter in the past. (4)/ No
22. (1); Replace 'dissatisfy' with 'dissatisfied'.
error (5)
23. (4); Replace 'for receiving' with 'to receive'.
46. Graduates have experience (1)/ in the IT industry (2)/ are in
24. (4); Replace 'violent' with 'violence'.
great demand (3)/ in the finance sector. (4)/ No error (5)
47. Senior citizens prefer (1)/ banks which (2)/ branches are 25. (2); Replace 'have' with 'were'.
located (3)/ near their homes. (4)/ No error (5) 26. (5); No error
48. In the latest statistics (1)/ China supplies more than (2)/ 27. (2); Replace 'necessarily' with 'necessary'.
ninety per cent of the (3)/ steel imported by India. (4)/ No 28. (3); Replace 'wishing' with 'wish'. The parallel structure of
error (5) 'admire' is 'wish' not 'wishing'. Parallel structure means similar
49. We shall be calling a meeting (1)/ next week to assess (2)/ structure. For example, if two verbs are having 'ing' or V 4
the cause of frequently (3)/ delays in infrastructure projects. form, we can say that both the verbs are having parallel
(4)/ No error (5) structure. For example, 'Wishing' and 'looking' are examples
50. Although it has received (1)/ clearance from the RBI the of similar or parallel structure. Similarly, 'admire' and 'wish'
bank (2)/ has decided not to open (3)/ their office in are similar or parallel structure because both of them are in V 1
Hongkong. (4)/ No error (5) form.
29. (3); Delete 'the' before 'what'.
Answer Sheet 30. (2); Delete 'been'.
1. (4); Replace 'for' with 'since'. 31. (1); Replace 'Put' with 'Putting'.
2. (3); Replace 'poor' with 'poorly'. 32. (1); Replace 'deliberately' with 'deliberate'.
3. (5); No error 33. (5); No error
4. (2); 'them' should be deleted. 34. (3); Replace 'to be meeting' with 'to be met'.
5. (3); Replace 'so' with 'as'. The structure is 'as......as'. For 35. (3); Replace 'with' with 'for'.
example, 'as good as', 'as high as, etc. 36. (4); Replace 'was being' with 'had'.
6. (2); Replace 'them' with 'those'. 37. (4); Delete 'to' before 'banks'.
7. (1); Replace 'He' with 'His' or 'Her'. 38. (5); No error
8. (1); Replace 'is' with 'was'. 39. (2); Replace 'that' with 'than'. The sentence is in comparative
9. (1); Replace 'estimate' with 'estimated'. degree hence after 'longer', 'than' should be used.
10. (4); Replace 'learnt' with 'learn'. The whole structure of the 40. (3); Replace 'off' with 'of'.
sentence is in present tense and hence, 'learnt' should be 41. (5); No error
replaced with 'learn'.
42. (4); Replace 'it was' with 'they were'.
11. (4); Replace 'from' with 'in'. 43. (3); Replace 'interrupting' with 'interruption'.
12. (3); Replace 'would' with ''could'. 'Could' shows ones 44. (2); Replace 'recruit' with 'recruited'.
capability to do something.
45. (1); Replace 'whose' with 'who'.
13. (4); Replace 'in' with 'on'.
46. (1); Replace 'have' with 'having'.
14. (2); Replace 'of' with 'for'.
47. (2); Replace 'which' with 'whose'.
15. (3); Replace 'disable' with 'unable'. 'Disable' is used when
48. (1); 'In the latest' should be replaced with 'As per the latest' or
someone is unable to do something due to some impairment
'According to the latest'.
in any part of his body. One may be physically disabled,
49. (3); Replace 'frequently' with 'frequent'.
mentally disabled etc. 'Unable' means not in a position to do
the desired work due to some temporary obstructions.
50. (4); Replace 'their' with 'its'.
16. (3); Replace 'have' with 'has' to accord with singular subject

19. We often greet (1)/ one person by (2)/ joining our hands (3)/
Exercise-17 and saying Namaste. (4)/ No error (5)
Directions: Read each sentence to find out whether 20. The horse who (1)/ won the race (2)/ has been removed (3)/
there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in from the stable. (4)/ No error (5)
one part of the sentence. The number of that part is 21. The traffic signals (1)/ at the junction (2)/ did not worked
the answer. If there is no error the answer is (5). (3)/ properly in the morning. (4)/ No error (5)
(Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.) 22. The child weight (1)/ less than what (2)/ is expected (3)/ at
1. Most of the tribal's (1)/ in the region (2)/ are depended on the his age. (4)/ No error (5)
forest (3)/ to earn their livelihoods. (4)/ No error (5) 23. The cup of tea (1)/ which was kept (2)/ upon the table (3)/
2. After graduating from college (1)/ having an engineering fell down. (4)/ No error (5)
degree (2)/ he received a job offer (3)/ from a reputed 24. The pass percentage has (1)/ gone up by twenty per cent (2)/
American firm. (4)/ No error (5) from what used to (3)/ a decade earlier. (4)/ No error (5)
3. In order for (1)/ the scheme to be (2)/ successful we require 25. There is a (1)/ lot of schemes (2)/ for senior citizens (3)/ to
as (3)/ much as twenty investors. (4)/ No error (5) invest money. (4)/ No error (5)
4. The insurance company has plans (1)/ to hire 30,000 agents 26. He was a (1)/ miser son who (2)/ never spent a penny (3)/ on
(2)/ at a time when (3)/ most companies are cutting jobs. (4)/ his own children. (4)/ No error (5)
No error (5) 27. During the holidays (1)/ I am often worked (2)/ in my uncle's
5. One of the important lesson (1)/ he taught me was to save shop to (3)/ earn some pocket money. (4)/ No error (5)
28. Many of the funds (1)/ I needed to buy (2)/ my own house
(2)/ at least thirty per cent (3)/ of my gross income. (4)/ No
error (5) were (3)/ given by my father. (4)/ No error (5)
6. Due to the financial crisis (1)/ the price of food grains (2)/ 29. It is sad that in (1)/ our country education is (2)/ available
has risen sharply (3)/ over the past few months. (4)/ No error only to those (3)/ whom can afford it. (4)/ No error (5)
(5) 30. I was determined (1)/ to learn everything (2)/ I could from
the people (3)/ off the village. (4)/ No error (5)
7. The Grameen Bank was (1)/ set up to lend (2)/ small
amounts of money (3)/ for the poor. (4)/ No error (5) 31. Most banks did not taken (1)/ her plan to set up (2)/ a factory
8. He is given me (1)/ a lot of documents (2)/ to read before in (3)/ the area seriously. (4)/ No error (5)
(3)/ the presentation tomorrow. (4)/ No error (5) 32. Since he was from (1)/ the district and able to (2)/ speak the
9. Many of our staff (1)/ had the opportunity (2)/ to go to Pune language locally, (3)/ they trusted him. (4)/ No error (5)
33. Every year we have (1)/ a function where (2)/ the children of
(3)/ for training last year. (4)/ No error (5)
10. Even those which (1)/ have no previous (2)/ work experience our staff (3)/ is awarded scholarships. (4)/ No error (5)
have (3)/ applied for this job. (4)/ No error (5) 34. He did not (1)/ have a property (2)/ to sell to (3)/ cover his
11. Most of the funds (1)/ we get from (2)/ America is used to losses. (4)/ No error (5)
(3)/ build roads and bridges. (4)/ No error (5) 35. Every month he would (1)/ meet the employees to (2)/
discuss their problems (3)/ and answer their questions. (4)/
12. Since the trip to home (1)/ was expensive I (2)/ did not went
home (3)/ during the holidays. (4)/ No error (5) No error (5)
13. While giving a loan (1)/ you must check (2)/ if the borrower 36. I had to work full time (1)/ so I could not devote (2)/ as
has (3)/ sufficiently collateral to repay it. (4)/ No error (5) much time as (3)/ I wanted to playing cricket. (4)/ No error
14. We tried to do much more than (1)/ the work as possible by (5)
37. Some of our staff is worried (1)/ that as soon as (2)/ the
ourselves (2)/ because we did not (3)/ want to rely on others.
(4)/ No error (5) project is over they (3)/ will lose their jobs. (4)/ No error (5)
15. Every year we advertise (1)/ in a few national (2)/ 38. It you decide to hold (1)/ the function in Kolkata (2)/ not
newspapers and receive (3)/ thousands of applications. (4)/ much of us (3)/ will be able to attend. (4)/ No error (5)
No error (5) 39. In case you need five people (1)/ to run a branch you (2)/
should be selected (3)/ ten since some may leave. (4)/ No
16. Everyday he used to travel (1)/ to the nearby village (2)/ to
play cricket (3)/ with no telling anyone. (4)/ No error (5) error (5)
17. Taking regular breaks (1)/ from work are (2)/ important for 40. Although he approached (1)/ many private business to invest
health (3)/ and reduces stress. (4)/ No error (5) (2)/ in his printing business (3)/ nobody of them was
18. Children of smokers (1)/ are more affected by (2)/ diseases interested. (4)/ No error (5)
like asthma (3)/ and tuberculosis. (4)/ No error (5)

41. How can you give up (1)/ this job when you arer (2)/ just 12. (3); Replace 'went' with 'go'.
about to be (3)/ appointed for General Manager? (4)/ No 13. (4); Replace 'sufficiently' with 'sufficient'.
error (5) 14. (2); Replace 'ourselves' with 'us'.
42. Base on the research (1)/ we have conducted in (2)/ different 15. (5); No error
parts of the country (3)/ this scheme will be successful. (4)/ 16. (4); Replace 'with no' with 'without'.
No error (5)
17. (2); Replace 'are' with 'is'. Here, the verb 'are' has been used
43. I want to share (1)/ my experience with you (2)/ though you
for 'taking'. We generally use singular verb with 'talking'. For
will (3)/ benefit from it. (4)/ No error (5)
example, taking plenty of green vegetables is useful for
44. He used to advise (1)/ his students to do (2)/ their work
health. Therefore, 'are' should be replaced with 'is'.
serious if they (3)/ wanted to achieve their goals. (4)/ No
18. (5); No error
error (5)
19. (2); Replace 'one' with 'a'.
45. Any of these branches do (1)/ not require more than (2)/ two
employees since they (3)/ have been recently established. 20. (1); Replace 'who' with 'which'. For 'animals' we use 'which'
(4)/ No error (5) not 'who'.
46. He encouraged us to (1)/ think but none of the (2)/ 21. (3); Replace 'worked' with 'work' because after 'did' we
suggestions we made was (3)/ discussed at the meeting. (4)/ always use V1. Hence 'work'.
No error (5) 22. (1); Replace 'weight' with 'weights'.
47. Rajiv is the best person (1)/ to advise you since (2)/ he faced 23. (3); Replace 'upon' with 'on'.
plenty of difficulty (3)/ while setting up his business. (4)/ No 24. (3); Add 'be' after 'to'.
error (5) 25. (1); Replace 'is' with 'are'.
48. The University that (1)/ I taught was (2)/ located on the (3)/ 26. (2); The word 'son' has been wrongly used. 'He was a miser
outskirts of the city. (4)/ No error (5) parent/father' will be the correct sentence.
49. Most of my (1)/ co-workers have been (2)/ transferred to 27. (2); Replace 'am often worked' with 'often work'.
various (3)/ neighbourly districts. (4)/ No error (5) 28. (1); Replace 'many' with 'most' because 'many' is used with
50. Though my father spent (1)/ a lot of money on (2)/ our countable, 'most' with uncountable.
education he refused to (3)/ give us no pocket money. (4)/ 29. (4); Replace 'whom' with 'who'.
No error (5) 30. (4); Replace 'off' with 'of'. 'Off' is used to express
Answer Sheet separation/detachment whereas 'of' is used to establish or
1. (3); Replace 'depended' with 'dependent'. express a relation. For example, the dog jumped off the table
(separation). He is off duty now. (separation) He comes of a
2. (2); Replace 'having' with 'with'.
poor family (relation with poor family). He is brother of Ram
3. (4); Replace 'much' with 'many'. For countable noun we use
(He is related to Ram).
'many' not 'much'. Here, 'twenty investors' is obviously a
31. (1); Replace 'taken' with 'take'.
countable noun. Hence 'many' in place of 'much' should be
used. 32. (3); Replace 'the language locally' with 'the local language'.
4. (4); Replace 'most companies' with 'most of the companies'. 33. (4); Replace 'is' with 'are'.
5. (1); Replace 'lesson' with 'lessons'. 34. (2); Replace 'no' with 'any'.
6. (1); Replace 'due to' with 'owing to' because 'owing to' is used 35. (5); No error
to start a sentence whereas 'due to' is used in the middle of the 36. (4); Replace 'playing' with 'to play'. The parallel structure of
sentence. However both of them are used to express reason 'to work' is 'to play'.
for something. For example, 37. (1); Replace 'is' with 'are'.
Owing to his sickness he could not attend the office 38. (3); Replace 'much' with 'many'.
yesterday. (Correct) 39. (3); Replace 'should be selected' with 'should select' because
He could not attend the office due to his sickness. (Correct) the use of 'be' converts the sentence into passive voice but
Due to his sickness he could not attend the office. (Incorrect) here, the given sentence is in active voice (S+V+O) hence 'be'
7. (4); Replace 'for' with 'to'. should be deleted.
8. (1); Replace 'is' with 'has'. 40. (4); Replace 'nobody' with 'none'.
9. (5); No error 41. (5); No error
10. (1); Replace 'which' with 'who'. 42. (1); Replace 'base' with 'based'.
11. (3); Replace 'is' with 'are'. 43. (3); Replace connective 'though' with 'as'.

44. (3); Replace 'serious' with 'seriously'. 15. Since I had ordered (1)/ a large number of (2)/ books the
45. (1); Replace 'do' with 'does'. Any of these branches means salesman agreed (3)/ to give me a discount. (4)/ No error (5)
'anyone' of these branches hence singular verb should be used. 16. We have not yet (1)/ reached a stage that (2)/ we can think of
To make the verb singular we add/ s/es to it. Therefore, 'do' (3)/ expanding our business overseas. (4)/ No error (5)
should be written as 'does'. 17. People who intend (1)/ to visit the tourist spots (2)/ are
46. (5); No error always thrilling (3)/ to see the scenario here. (4)/ No error (5)
47. (3); Replace 'difficulty' with 'difficulties'. 18. In such delicate matters, (1)/ we often go with (2)/ his advice
48. (1); Replace 'that' with 'in which'. as he has (3)/ been handling such cases effectively. (4)/ No
error (5)
49. (4); Replace 'neighbourly' with 'neighbouring'.
19. You should think that (1)/ of all the possibilities (2)/ before
50. (4); Delete 'no' it is redundant.
you take (3)/ any decision. (4)/ No error (5)

Exercise-18 20. He was too tired that (1)/ he could not cross (2)/ the street
even with (3)/ the help of a porter. (4)/ No error (5)
Directions: Read each sentence to find out whether 21. Your desire to (1)/ meet the President (2)/ without prior
there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in appointment (3)/ are impossible to be satisfied. (4)/ No error
one part of the sentence. The number of that part is (5)
the answer. If there is no error the answer is (5). 22. Whenever a man attain fame, (1)/ his personal qualities are
(Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.) (2)/ imitated by others who (3)/ are close to him. (4)/ No
1. Often ideas and concepts (1)/ are passed on from (2)/ one error (5)
generation to the next (3)/ without being questioned. (4)/ No 23. Because of the pace at (1)/ which the company is growing
error (5) (2)/ I believe it will easily (3)/ achieve their target. (4)/ No
2. Funds that are collected (1)/ in the morning has (2)/ to be error (5)
disbursed as (3)/ new loans by afternoon. (4)/ No error (5) 24. When we visited his office (1)/ we found that (2)/ he was
3. Your promotion depends (1)/ on the number of (2)/ projects sipping coffee (3)/ with some of his colleagues. (4)/ No error
your handling (3)/ during the year. (4)/ No error (5) (5)
4. Our team has spent (1)/ the night entirely (2)/ awake trying 25. For giving up, (1)/ the bad habit of smoking (2)/ use of
to decide (3)/ what strategy to adopt. (4)/ No error (5) chewing gum or (3)/ similar other method can be helped. (4)/
5. I have finally managed (1)/ to convince my parents (2)/ to No error (5)
allow myself (3)/ to study abroad. (4)/ No error (5) 26. His obviously reluctance (1)/ was viewed seriously by (2)/
6. When he took a loan (1)/ for the first time (2)/ he was so his superiors and (3)/ he was suspended. (4)/ No error (5)
nervous that (3)/ he repay it early. (4)/ No error (5) 27. Progress is impossible (1)/ without change, and those (2)/
7. Which sectors (1)/ have been affected (2)/ the most of (3)/ who cannot change their minds (3)/ cannot change nothing.
the global recession? (4)/ No error (5) (4)/ No error (5)
8. One of the (1)/ executives who work (2)/ at the head office 28. She was allergic (1)/ to some medicine (2)/ and informed (3)/
(3)/ has confirmed the news. (4)/ No error (5) the doctor about it. (4)/ No error (5)
9. It took myself (1)/ four months to (2)/ convince them to (3)/ 29. He walked as faster (1)/ as he could so that (2)/ he would not
take this step. (4)/ No error (5) (3)/ miss the train to work. (4)/ No error (5)
10. Anita's new office (1)/ is quite spacious but (2)/ most of the 30. She shared (1)/ all her secrets with (2)/ Suman as they had
furniture is (3)/ old and should be changed. (4)/ No error (5) been (3)/ friends with childhood. (4)/ No error (5)
11. According to the terms (1)/ of the agreement we have to (2)/ 31. Gautam did not care (1)/ so many about (2)/ anything else as
pay five per cent commissions (3)/ to the travel agent. (4)/ much (3)/ as he cared for his dog. (4)/ No error (5)
No error (5) 32. You cannot change (1)/ people, but you (2)/ can definitely
12. Unless you work out all (1)/ the details and get the necessary (3)/ change own. (4)/ No error (5)
(2)/ approvals they will not want (3)/ investment in the 33. Veena wanted to (1)/ become a surgeon (2)/ and worked very
project. (4)/ No error (5) hardly (3)/ to achieve this. (4)/ No error (5)
13. Hearing the tone of (1)/ my colleague's voice I (2)/ realised 34. Krishna ran to the (1)/ nearing grocery store to (2)/ buy
that he was (3)/ upsetting about something. (4)/ No error (5) biscuits as his parents (3)/ were expecting guests. (4)/ No
14. Being recently arrived (1)/ in the city we (2)/ visited our error (5)
neighbours to (3)/ get to know them. (4)/ No error (5) 35. As soon so (1)/ he came home, (2)/ he showered and got (3)/
ready to go out again. (4)/ No error (5)

36. She failed to remember (1)/ that it was Rema's birthday (2)/ 10. (5); No error. The word 'furniture' is uncountable noun and
and did not buy (3)/ a present for her. (4)/ No error (5) therefore it is always used in singular number.
37. She was running (1)/ a very high fever (2)/ and thus her 11. (3); Replace 'commissions' with 'commission'.
mother takes (3)/ her to the doctor. (4)/ No error (5) 12. (5); No error
38. He talked on the phone (1)/ for hours together (2)/ who 13. (4); Replace 'upsetting' with 'upset'. 'Upsetting' is verb+ing
really irritated (3)/ his parents a lot. (4)/ No error (5) (V4) and 'upset' is a noun. Here, the sentence requires a noun
39. Although his speech (1)/ was not very clearly (2)/ everyone to express the state of mind of his colleague that time. Hence
understood (3)/ the underlying meaning. (4)/ No error (5) 'upset' should be used.
40. Despite working (1)/ very hard he (2)/ failed to achieve (3)/ 14. (1); Replace 'being' with 'having'.
the desiring results. (4)/ No error (5)
15. (4); Delete 'a'.
41. He was very excited (1)/ about go to (2)/ the park with (3)/
16. (2); Replace 'that' with 'when'.
his younger brother. (4)/ No error (5)
17. (3); Replace 'thrilling' with 'thrilled'.
42. Saddened by (1)/ the sudden demise of (2)/ his favourite pet
he decided (3)/ not to go to the party. (4)/ No error (5) 18. (5); No error
43. There is a ray of hope (1)/ among the masses (2)/ this year as 19. (1); The use of conjunction 'that' is superfluous.
more candidates (3)/ are being educated well. (4)/ No error 20. (1); Replace 'too' with 'so'.
(5) 21. (4); Replace 'are' with 'is'.
44. As she is late (1)/ for work she decided (2)/ to skip breakfast 22. (1); Replace 'attain' with 'attains'.
and (3)/ head directly to office. (4)/ No error (5) 23. (4); Replace 'their' with 'its' because the 'company' is singular.
45. In my visiting (1)/ to the country (2)/ I decided to go (3)/ on 24. (5); No error
a tour all by myself. (4)/ No error (5) 25. (4); Replace 'can be helped' with 'can help'.
46. The tiger was not (1)/ the only dangerous animal (2)/ in the 26. (1); Replace 'obviously' with 'obvious'.
forest (3)/ there was hyenas too. (4)/ No error (5) 27. (4); Replace 'nothing' with 'anything'.
47. The number of students (1)/ present in the school today (2)/ 28. (5); No error
are less because of (3)/ the rumour of an approaching storm.
29. (1); 'As fast as' will be the correct usage.
(4)/ No error (5)
30. (4); Replace 'with' with 'since'.
48. When the fire alarm (1)/ went off, the (2)/ residents of
31. (2); Replace 'many' with 'much'. 'Manny' is used with
building (3)/ vacated it immediately. (4)/ No error (5)
countable noun whereas 'much' is used with uncountable
49. Considering the amount (1)/ of stress she is under (2)/ it is
noun. Here 'anything' is uncountable, hence, 'much' should be
not surprising that (3)/ she keep getting migraines. (4)/ No
error (5)
50. The condition of the city (1)/ seems to be very appalling (2)/
32. (4); Replace 'own' with 'yourself'.
with all the vehicles (3)/ belching out exhaust fumes. (4)/ No 33. (3); Replace 'hardly' with 'hard' because 'hard' means a 'tough
error (5) work', 'hardly' means 'rarely' or 'not very often'.
34. (2); Replace 'nearing' with 'nearby'.
Answer Sheet 35. (1); 'As soon as' is the correct form of correlative.
1. (5); No error 36. (5); No error
2. (2); Replace 'has' with 'have' because 'funds' are plural, hence 37. (3); Replace 'takes' with 'took'.
plural verb should be used. Therefore, 'has' should be replaced 38. (3); Replace 'who really' with 'which really'.
with 'have'. 39. (2); Replace 'clearly' with 'clear'.
3. (3); Replace 'your handling' with 'you handle'. 40. (4); Replace 'desiring' with 'desired'.
4. (3); Replace 'awake' with 'awaken' because 'has' takes V3. The 41. (2); Replace 'go' with 'going' because after preposition
V3 of 'awake' is 'awaken'. (verb+ing) V4 is used. Here 'about' is a preposition hence after
5. (3); Replace 'myself' with 'me'. it, V4 (going) must be used.
6. (4); Replace 'repay' with 'repaid'. 42. (5); No error
7. (3); Replace 'of' with 'by'. 43. (3); Replace 'more' with 'many'.
8. (2); Replace 'work' with 'works'. 44. (1); Replace 'is' with 'was'.
9. (1); Replace 'myself' with 'me'. 45. (1); Replace 'in my visiting' with 'during my visit'.
46. (4); Replace 'was' with 'were'.

47. (3); 'The number' agrees with singular verb. Hence, 'are' 17. Hostility between the (1)/ two groups have (2)/ increased in
should be replaced with 'is'. the (3)/ past few months. (4)/ No error (5)
48. (3); Add 'the' before 'building'. 18. Her class is very special (1)/ because it has children (2)/ with
49. (3); Add 'which' before 'it is not surprising that' many different (3)/ abilities and skills. (4)/ No error (5)
50. (3); Replace 'with all the vehicles' with 'because of all the 19. Many peoples were (1)/ brought to safety (2)/ by the army
vehicles'. helicopters (3)/ from the flood hit area. (4)/ No error (5)
20. It is difficult to (1)/ understand the problems (2)/ that the
Exercise-19 physically challenged people (3)/ encounters in their daily
life. (4)/ No error (5)
Directions: Read each sentence to find out whether 21. I had gone only a little way (1)/ down the street (2)/ when I
there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in realised that (3)/ I had not lock the door. (4)/ No error (5)
one part of the sentence. The number of that part is 22. Mammoths were a (1)/ species of elephants (2)/ who lived
the answer. If there is no error the answer is (5). millions of years ago (3)/ but are now extinct. (4)/ No error
(Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.) (5)
1. As it got foggier (1)/ it become almost impossible (2)/ to 23. The sink is (1)/ so dirty that (2)/ one needs a very strong (3)
steer the boat (3)/ along the narrow canal. (4)/ No error (5) abrasive to cleaning it. (4)/ No error (5)
2. She still not sell the house (1)/ since the buyers went back 24. The talks ended (1)/ abruptly when one of (2)/ the delegate
(2)/ on their words and (3)/ pulled out of the deal. (4)/ No walked (3)/ out in protest. (4)/ No error (5)
error (5) 25. A twenty year old (1)/ absconder was caught (2)/ in a local
3. As the inspection day approached (1)/ the manager is under restaurant (3)/ this morning. (4)/ No error (5)
(2)/ a tremendous pressure to make sure (3)/ that everything 26. If she will secure more than (1)/ 90% marks in the exams
was in place. (4)/ No error (5) (2)/ I will give her (3)/ a suitable reward. (4)/ No error (5)
4. Unlikely the holiday season (1)/ the famous tourist spot (2)/ 27. Your desire to (1)/ meet the President (2)/ without prior
bore a deserted look (3)/ this time around. (4)/ No error (5) appointment (3)/ cannot be fulfil. (4)/ No error (5)
5. He went to the cinema hall (1)/ to accompany his friends (2)/ 28. Majority of the banks (1)/ today uses technology (2)/ to
even if he had (3)/ seen the movie earlier. (4)/ No error (5) reach out to those (3)/ living in rural areas. (4)/ No error (5)
6. The CEO of the company (1)/ had gone abroad (2)/ on an 29. I will give (1)/ you the advance (2)/ if you repay it as (3)/
official visit (3)/ but she is come back now. (4)/ No error (5) soon as possibly. (4)/ No error (5)
7. They asked him (1)/ how did he received (2)/ the wound but 30. Thought he is very (1)/ wealthy and powerful (2)/ he has any
he (3)/ refused to answer. (4)/ No error (5) (3)/ concern for the poor. (4)/ No error (5)
8. Babar was not only (1)/ a great soldier, (2)/ but also a (3)/ 31. Mala has the (1)/ ability to handle (2)/ many tasks at (3)/ the
very wisest ruler. (4)/ No error (5) same time. (4)/ No error (5)
9. Weather permitting (1)/ there will be a (2)/garden party on 32. The price of (1)/ all petroleum products (2)/ is controlled (3)/
(3)/ the farm house tomorrow. (4)/ No error (5) by the Government. (4)/ No error (5)
10. As the airplane was (1)/ ready for takeoff, (2)/ the 33. There is a (1)/ tax benefit for (2)/ the income of (3)/ senior
passengers and the crew (3)/ fastened themselves seatbelts. citizens. (4)/ No error (5)
(4)/ No error (5) 34. In my opinion (1)/ Vikas has (2)/ failed to follow (3)/ none
11. The teacher admires Rahul (1)/ as he has always (2)/ of the instructions. (4)/ No error (5)
admired students which (3)/ speak the truth. (4)/ No error (5) 35. At least of (1)/ three per cent of (2)/ those who applied (3)/
12. Instead of running (1)/ as fast as possible (2)/ he could not will be selected. (4)/ No error (5)
(3)/ win the race. (4)/ No error (5) 36. He was a (1)/ well known economist (2)/ who usual wrote
13. The meeting was not (1)/ of much help (2)/ as there was too (3)/ for international journals. (4)/ No error (5)
much talk (3)/ and little work. (4)/ No error (5) 37. Rajiv has won a prize of (1)/ two million dollars which (2)/
14. Reema is the tallest (1)/ of my two daughters (2)/ even has to be shared (3)/ with all his team members. (4)/ No error
though she is (3)/ five years younger. (4)/ No error (5) (5)
15. The walls of the house (1)/ are made of stone (2)/ whereas 38. I do not understand (1)/ about how the payment (2)/ was
the floor (3)/ is made of wood. (4)/ No error (5) made without (3)/ the manager's permission. (4)/ No error
16. His son has make (1)/ much progress in life (2)/ owing to his (5)
(3)/ hard work and determination. (4)/ No error (5) 39. The company has (1)/ decided to sell half (2)/ of it shares
(3)/ to a Chinese firm. (4)/ No error (5)

40. By opening so many (1)/ branches in such a (2)/ short time, 19. (1); Replace 'peoples' with 'people'.
they have (3)/ used the wrong strategy. (4)/ No error (5) 20. (4); Replace 'encounter' with 'encounters'.
41. During the interview (1)/ with the General Manger (2)/ I 21. (4); Replace 'lock' with 'locked' because 'had' takes V3, hence
asked her what challenges (3)/ she was faced. (4)/ No error 'locked'.
(5) 22. (3); Replace 'who' with 'which' because for animals, we write
42. We have an account (1)/ with this bank and (2)/ find the staff 'which' not 'who'.
much (3)/ helpful and knowledgeable. (4)/ No error (5) 23. (4); Replace 'cleaning' with 'clean' because after 'to' we use V1
43. The scheme has been (1)/ implemented only in these (2)/ part if it is a case of 'infinitive'.
of the country and the (3)/ Prime Minister will visit it
24. (3); Replace 'delegate' with 'delegates' after 'one of' plural
shortly. (4)/ No error (5)
noun is used, hence 'delegates'.
44. Today we are closer (1)/ to reaching an agreement (2)/ than
25. (5); No error
we were (3)/ a few months ago. (4)/ No error (5)
26. (1); 'If she will secure' should be replaced with 'If she secures'.
45. We have been (1)/ telling them to (2)/ drive carefully but (3)/
In case of two future events to be expressed in a sentence, the
they are never listening. (4)/ No error (5)
first event is expressed in present indefinite tense while the
46. There is all sorts (1)/ of regulations that have (2)/ to be met
subsequent event is expressed in future indefinite tense.
before (3)/ we get a license. (4)/ No error (5)
Hence 'will secure' should be 'secures'.
47. The majority of the population believes (1)/ that the stock
market is recovered (2)/ end that it is the (3)/ right time to 27. (4); Replace 'fulfil' with 'fulfilled'.
buy shares. (4)/ No error (5) 28. (2); Replace 'uses' with 'use'.
48. Seema's new office is close (1)/ to her residence so (2)/ she 29. (5); Replace 'possibly' with 'possible'.
will not longer (3)/ have to travel by tain. (4)/ No error (5) 30. (3); Replace 'any' with 'no'.
49. In the present guidelines, (1)/ the bank is required to obtain 31. (5); No error
(2)/ a photograph from any person (3)/ who wishes to open 32. (5); No error
an account. (4)/ No error (5) 33. (2); Replace 'for' with 'on'.
50. Chetan puts in a lot (1)/ of effort to ensure (2)/ that the 34. (4); Replace 'none' with 'any'.
scheme was (3)/ launched in March. (4)/ No error (5) 35. (1); Delete 'of'.
Answer Sheet 36. (3); Replace 'usual' with 'usually'.
1. (1); Replace 'foggier' with 'foggy'. 37. (4); Replace 'with' with 'by'.
2. (1); Replace 'still' with 'could'. 38. (2); Here 'about' is superfluous, delete it.
3. (2); Replace 'is' with 'was'. 39. (3); Replace 'if' with 'its'.
4. (1); Replace 'unlikely' with 'unlike'. 40. (2); Replace 'in' with 'within'.
5. (5); No error 41. (4); Replace 'was' with 'had'.
6. (4); Replace 'is' with 'has'. 42. (3); Replace 'find' with 'have found'.
7. (2); Delete 'did'. 43. (2); Replace 'these' with 'this'.
8. (4); Replace 'wisest' with 'wise'. 44. (2); Replace 'to reaching' with 'to reach'.
9. (1); Replace 'weather permitting' with 'If weather permits'. 45. (5); No error
10. (4); Replace 'themselves' with 'their'. 46. (1); Replace 'is' with 'are'.
11. (3); Replace 'which' with 'who'. 47. (2); Replace 'is' with 'has'.
12. (1); Replace 'Instead of' with 'Despite' or 'In spite of'. 48. (3); Replace 'not longer' with 'no longer'.
13. (5); No error 49. (3); Replace 'any' with 'every'. Here, 'any person' means any
one person whereas 'every person' means all who come to
14. (1); Replace 'the tallest' with 'taller' because there is a
open a bank account. 'Every' includes all members of a group.
comparison between two daughters, hence comparative
For example, if I say "Good Morning every body!" it means I
degree of 'tall' ie, 'taller' should be used.
am wishing good morning to all persons who are present
15. (5); No error
16. (1); Replace 'make' with 'made'.
50. (3); Replace 'was' with 'is'.
17. (2); Replace 'have' with 'has'.
18. (3); Delete 'many' because 'different' already implies the
meaning of 'many'. Hence there is no need to write 'many'.

17. The student which (1)/ you had thought (2)/ so highly of has
Exercise-20 (3)/ failed to pass the examination. (4)/ No error (5)
Directions: Read each sentence to find out whether 18. It will not be possible for you (1)/ to catch the train on time
there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in (2)/ because the nearest railway station (3)/ is at ten
one part of the sentence. The number of that part is kilometres away. (4)/ No error (5)
the answer. If there is no error the answer is (5). 19. When I called him yesterday, (1)/ he offered to donate (2)/ a
(Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.) handsome sum to (3)/ the flood relief fund. (4)/ No error (5)
1. As our economy is (1)/ experiencing a recession, banks (2)/ 20. The constable said that (1)/ the prisoner seize a (2)/ fully
have become very cautious (3)/ about giving loans. (4)/ No loaded gun from a policeman (3)/ and shot the prosecutor.
error (5) (4)/ No error (5)
2. After retiring she spent (1)/ most of her time teaching young 21. Although he has been (1)/ winning the elections (2)/ all
(2)/ doctors and motivating themselves (3)/ to work in rural years, this year his popularity (3)/ has substantially reduced.
areas. (4)/ No error (5) (4)/ No error (5)
3. Since this foreign bank has (1)/ not performed very good this 22. If a person is given (1)/ diplomatic immunity then he (2)/
year (2)/ it will be setting (3)/ up any new branches. (4)/ No cannot be arrested on a (3)/ foreign land under any
error (5) circumstance. (4)/ No error (5)
4. Our Chairman is deeply concerned (1)/ about the 23. Considering about her good credentials, (1)/ the manager
environment (2)/ and or plans to take some steps to reduce offered her a job (2)/ in his organisation (4)/ despite the lack
of experience.(4)/ No error (5)
the (3)/ pollution caused by our factories. (4)/ No error (5)
5. He was afraid that his parents (1)/ would not allow him to 24. A group of birds (1)/ migrate from southern part (2)/ of the
(2)/ make the firm so he did (3)/ not tell them about it. (4)/ country to the (3)/ northern part during summer. (4)/ No
No error (5) error (5)
6. I was previously posted (1)/ in Singapore and it (2)/ took me 25. Government took strict action (1)/ against the doctors on
strike (2)/ but they refused to (3)/ resume to work (4)/ No
a long time (3)/ to accustom to the food. (4)/ No error (5)
7. The main advantage of (1)/ investing such schemes (2)/ is error (5)
that you will not (3)/ have to pay any taxes. (4)/ No error (5) 26. Each of the survivors of the Tsunami (1)/ have been offered
8. That customer has (1)/ written a letter (2)/ thanks the free (2)/ psychological consultation to ease their trauma, (3)/
manager (3)/ for her timely help. (4)/ No error (5) by some of the top consultants. (4)/ No error (5)
27. The tax treaty between India and Switzerland have (1)/ been
9. Our company was recently (1)/ award the contract (2)/ to
construct two major (3)/ brides in the state. (4)/ No error (5) amended and we (2)/ shall be able to obtain information (3)/
10. Accordingly the circular (1)/ that was issued yesterday the about any Swiss bank account by next month. (4)/ No error
RBI (2)/ has raised the rate at (3)/ which it lends to banks. (5)
(4)/ No error (5) 28. An investor must (1)/ be take into account (2)/ many factors
before (3)/ making any financial decision. (4)/ No error (5)
11. Their company is going to incur (1)/ heavy losses this year
because (2)/ of the big discounts they (3)/ offers to 29. The committee will discuss (1)/ the draft in detail (2)/ and
customers. (4)/ No error (5) will make suggestions for the (3)/ proper implementing the
12. A large number of policy (1)/ have lapsed because many (2)/ scheme. (4)/ No error (5)
people have not paid (3)/ their instalments on time. (4)/ No 30. A current account is a deposit account (1)/ which is offered
by banks mainly (2)/ to firms and companies who (3)/ need
error (5)
13. The Foreign Investment Promotion Board is (1)/ the banking facilities very frequently. (4)/ No error (5)
government body who (2)/ regulates investment received (3)/ 31. Handicraft exports have an increase (1)/ in the past year (2)/
by Indian factories from foreign countries. (4)/ No error (5) because of the innovative steps (3)/ taken by the government.
14. The final decision can (1)/ be taken only after (2)/ we (4)/ No error (5)
32. In his speech (1)/ the finance minister stated (2)/ that the new
consider all (3)/ the panel suggestions. (4)/ No error (5)
15. If his aim is to (1)/ buy a house in the (2)/ next three years he tax law will be (3)/ applicable from April 1, 2010. (4)/ No
(3)/ should start immediate saving. (4)/ No error (5) error (5)
16. Can you explain why (1)/ you were late this morning (2)/ 33. Under the scheme banks (1)/ provide loans to small and
when we had to make (3)/ such an important presentation medium (2)/ enterprises at two per cent (3)/ lower the market
rate. (4)/ No error (5)
(4)/? No error (5)

34. SEBI has recently issued (1)/ show cause notices to some 6. (4); Put 'myself' after 'accustom'.
(2)/ insurance companies seeking its explanation for not (3)/ 7. (2); Add 'in' after 'investing'.
complying with certain norms. (4)/ No error (5) 8. (3); Replace 'thanks' with 'thanking'.
35. I would advise you (1)/ to invest in our company (2)/ stock 9. (2); Replace 'award' with 'awarded'.
although last year (3)/ our profits decline.(4)/ No error (5) 10. (1); Replace 'accordingly' with 'according to'.
36. The next meeting can be (1)/ hold next week as (2)/ we had
11. (4); Replace 'offers' with 'offered'.
the first meeting (3)/ over a month ago. (4)/ No error (5)
12. (1); Replace 'policy' with 'policies' because 'A large number'
37. As the minister was (1)/ very intelligent and hardworking
signifies that plurality.
(2)/ the Kind appointed him (3)/ as his chief advisor. (4)/ No
13. (2); Replace 'who' with 'which' because for nonliving things
error (5)
we generally use 'which' not 'who'.
38. Humour is a better way (1)/ to provide social commentary on
(2)/ controversy issues and some movies (3)/ do that 14. (5); No error
successfully. (4)/ No error (5) 15. (4); Replace 'immediate saving' with 'saving immediately'.
39. The comedian enthralled (1)/ everybody with his quick witty 16. (2); Replace 'you were' with 'were you', because in an
as (2)/ he had chosen just the right topic (3)/ to warm up to interrogative sentence starting with wh-words the auxiliary
the crowd. (4)/ No error (5) verb is written just after the wh-word. For example,
40. The superstar reveal that (1)/ he had been turning (2)/ the Where have you been since morning? (Correct)
controversial security measures into (3)/ a public relations Where you have been since morning? (Incorrect)
opportunity. (4)/ No error (5) 17. (1); Substitute 'whom' for 'which'.
41. An old tiger living in (1)/ the forest was not strong enough 18. (4); Delete 'at'.
(2)/ to hunt animals and starved (3)/ for much days. (4)/ No 19. (5); No error
error (5) 20. (2); Substitute 'seized' for 'seize'.
42. My singing style was unique, (1)/ but it would have been 21. (3); Substitute 'every year' for 'all years'.
nothing (2)/ without the contribution of (3)/ the brilliant 22. (5); No error
music directors. (4)/ No error (5) 23. (1); Delete 'about'.
43. The boy was almost (1)/ asleep when a ball (2)/ flies across 24. (2); Substitute 'migrates' for 'migrate'.
the garden (3)/ and hit him on the foot. (4)/ No error (5)
25. (4); Delete 'to'.
44. At last Amar found (1)/ Naresh in the shade (2)/ of a tree and
26. (2); Substitute 'has'. 'Each' agrees with singular verb. Hence
brought him (3)/ back on the city. (4)/ No error (5)
'have' should be replaced with 'has'.
45. Mother sat through her chair (1)/ by the fire to read her book
27. (1); Replace 'have' with 'has'.
(2)/ but her ten little boys were (3)/ too noisy. (4)/ No error
28. (2); Delete 'be' because 'be' is used to transform the sentence
46. Since the lion was (1)/ very illness, all the other animals (2)/ into passive voice. But here, the given sentence is in active
in the forest gave the lion (3)/ a lot of medicines. (4)/ No voice. Hence 'be' should be deleted.
error (5) 29. (4); Replace 'implementing' with 'implementation of'.
47. It being a rainy day (1)/ we will decide not to go out (2)/ but 30. (5); No error
to stay at home (3)/ and watch a movie. (4)/ No error (5) 31. (1); Write 'have increased' because 'have' takes V3. Hence 'an
48. By all standards (1)/ he is the best soldier (2)/ our military increase' should be replaced with 'increased'.
school (3)/ will produce so far. (4)/ No error (5) 32. (3); Replace 'law' with 'laws'.
49. As I was reach (1)/ early I left in an aeroplane (2)/ instead of 33. (4); Write 'than' after the word 'lower'.
(3)/ going by train. (4)/ No error (5) 34. (3); Replace 'its' with 'their'.
50. On my request (1)/ Lalit introduced me (2)/ to his friend (3)/ 35. (4); Write 'had declined'.
who is singer and a scientist. (4)/ No error (5) 36. (2); Replace 'hold' with 'held'.
Answer Sheet 37. (4); Delete 'as'.
38. (3); Replace 'controversy' with 'controversial'.
1. (3); Replace 'became' with 'become'.
39. (2); Replace 'witty' with 'wit'.
2. (3); Replace 'themselves' with 'them'.
40. (1); Replace 'reveal' with 'revealed'.
3. (4); Replace 'branches' with 'branch'.
41. (4); Replace 'much' with 'many'.
4. (5); No error
42. (5); No error
5. (3); Replace 'so' with 'and so'.

43. (3); Replace 'flies' with 'flew'. 17. The father divided (1)/ the property equally (2)/ between his
44. (4); Replace 'on' with 'to'. son (3)/ and daughter. (4)/ No error (5)
45. (1); Replace 'through' with 'in'. 18. I am thinking (1)/ you were aware (2)/ of the rules and
46. (2); Replace 'illness' with 'ill'. regulations (3)/ before joining. (4)/ No error (5)
47. (2); Replace 'will decide' with 'decided'. 19. I knows a very good doctor (1)/ in my village (2)/ who will
be able to (3)/ cure your disease. (4)/ No error (5)
48. (4); Replace 'will produce' with 'has produced'.
20. I am not scared (1)/ to be travelling (2)/ in the dark (3)/ alone
49. (1); The sentence can be corrected either by adding 'to' after
at right. (4)/ No error (5)
'was' or by replacing 'was' with 'had to'.
21. The elevator in the building (1)/ is under repair, (2)/ we
50. (4); Replace 'singer and a scientist with 'a singer and scientist'.
regret for (3)/ the inconvenience caused (4)/ No error (5)
Exercise-21 22. The basketball match (1)/ was organised and (2)/ the
sponsored by his (3)/ father's company. (4)/ No error (5)
Directions: Read each sentence to find out whether 23. There were many (1)/ factors that contributed (2)/ to the
there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in success (3)/ of this experiments. (4)/ No error (5)
one part of the sentence. The number of that part is 24. Child labour is (1)/ considered to be (2)/ illegal in (3)/ many
the answer. If there is no error the answer is (5). countries. (4)/ No error (5)
(Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.) 25. He did not go (1)/ to the city on foot, (2)/ he go there (3)/ by
1. Many multinational companies (1)/ have not been as (2)/ train. (4)/ No error (5)
successful in India (3)/ than we expected. (4)/ No error (5) 26. In spite of the (1)/ heavy raining Raj (2)/ decided to go (3)/
2. He has ruined (1)/ his eyesight (2)/ by not using (3)/ his for the meeting. (4)/ No error (5)
spectacles regularly. (4)/ No error (5) 27. Ragi may not taste (1)/ good but it has (2)/ very high (3)/
3. Mostly of the (1)/ newly recruited officers (2)/ have no nutritive value. (4)/ No error (5)
experience (3)/ in the banking sector. (4)/ No error (5) 28. She wanted to reached (1)/ home as early (2)/ as possible
4. The resignation of (1)/ one of our directors (2)/ have caused because (3)/ it was getting dark. (4)/ No error (5)
the price (3)/ of shares to fall. (4)/ No error (5) 29. Rohan's happiness knew to (1)/ bounds when the results (2)/
5. There are many (1)/ ways of which (2)/ inflation can (3)/ be were announce because (3)/ he had won the competition. (4)
measured. (4)/ No error (5) No error (5)
6. In present the (1)/ prices of food grains (2)/ are high all (3)/ 30. The royal guards were instruction (1)/ to keep the place (2)/
over the world. (4)/ No error (5) gates closed as the (3)/ villagers were agitated. (4)/ No error
7. The employee was (1)/ asked to leave her job (2)/ as she was (5)
not (3)/ performing well. (4)/ No error (5) 31. They were hoping (1)/ to reach of time (2)/ for the lecture
8. In school (1)/ we have to enrolled (2)/ in sports (3)/ and (3)/ but they were late. (4)/ No error (5)
music classes. (4)/ No error (5) 32. As they watched (1)/ the football match (2)/ the huge crowd
9. This report (1)/ highlights on (2)/ the need for (3)/ further (3)/ chant in unison. (4)/ No error (5)
research. (4)/ No error (5) 33. The noise was (1)/ so faintly that (2)/ one had to strain (3)/
10. My best friend (1)/ left the country, (2)/ I hope to hearing one's ears to hear it. (4)/ No error (5)
(3)/ from her again soon. (4)/ No error (5) 34. When he found out that (1)/ the girl had escaped (2)/ he was
11. She is pretending (1)/ to be sick (2)/ because she don't (3)/ absolute (3)/ irritated and furious. (4)/ No error (5)
want to study. (4)/ No error (5) 35. The weather is (1)/ much more warmer (2)/ than it was (3)/ a
12. While I am (1)/ doing the house works, (2)/ I like to listen to few days ago. (4)/ No error (5)
(3)/ music on the radio. (4)/ No error (5) 36. A vast numbers (1)/ of people greeted (2)/ the film star on
13. I was very lucky (1)/ that day (2)/ and cached (3)/ a lot of his arrival (3)/ at the airport. (4)/ No error (5)
fish. (4)/ No error (5) 37. Time the concert ended, (1)/ the crowd clapped (2)/ and
14. Several banks (1)/ are shown interest (2)/ in the proposed cheered (3)/ enthusiastically. (4)/ No error (5)
development (3)/ of the public sector. (4)/ No error (5) 38. The students blamed (1)/ their professor for (2)/ their late
15. In order (1)/ to be successful (2)/ you must worked (3)/ very arrival (3)/ in the concert. (4)/ No error (5)
hard. (4)/ No error (5) 39. We have many rooms (1)/ inn our house, (2)/ several of
16. As a child. (1)/ I always want to (2)/ have a bicycle (3)/ of which (3)/ have not been in use for years. (4)/ No error (5)
my own. (4)/ No error (5) 40. When I heard (1)/ footsteps behind me (2)/ I was being
scared (3)/ that I would be attacked. (4)/ No error (5)

41. The Manager said that (1)/ he wanted to hear (2)/ the pros 22. (3); Delete 'the'.
and cons (3)/ of the issue. (4)/ No error (5) 23. (4); Substitute 'experiment' for 'experiments'.
42. There were (1)/ many people (2)/ present on the (3)/ award 24. (5); No error
function. (4)/ No error (5) 25. (3); Replace 'go' with 'went', because the sentence is in past
43. It was a long (1)/ and uncomfortable journey (2)/ but he tense.
managed (3)/ to reach with time. (4)/ No error (5) 26. (2); Substitute 'rain' with 'raining'.
44. The car broke (1)/ down while he (2)/ was on his (3)/ way to
27. (5); No error
work. (4)/ No error (5)
28. (1); Substitute 'reach' for 'reached'.
45. Do you wanted (1)/ to discuss this (2)/ project today or can
29. (3); Substitute 'announced' for 'announce'.
(3)/ we do it tomorrow? (4)/ No error (5)
46. In spite of being (1)/ unwell, Shalini gave (2)/ a wonderful 30. (1); Substitute 'instructed' for 'instruction'.
performance (3)/ at the concert. (4)/ No error (5) 31. (2); Substitute 'in time' for 'of time'.
47. Nina had applied (1)/ for a loans for (2)/ postgraduate studies 32. (4); Substitute 'chanted' for 'chant'.
but (3)/ it was not sanctioned. (4)/ No error (5) 33. (2); Substitute 'faint' for 'faintly'.
48. People find it (1)/ difficult to understand (2)/ him as he (3)/ 34. (3); Substitute 'absolutely' for 'absolute'.
don't speak clearly. (4)/ No error (5) 35. (2); Delete 'more' for 'much more'.
49. Dr Shah was explain (1)/ the benefits of (2)/ exercising at 36. (1); Substitute 'number' for 'numbers'.
least (3)/ five times a week. (4)/ No error (5) 37. (1); Substitute 'when' for 'time'.
50. The actor donated (1)/ a huge sum of (2)/ the money to the 38. (4); Substitute 'for' for 'in'.
(3)/ orphanage on Children's Day. (4)/ No error (5) 39. (3); Substitute 'some' for 'several'.
Answer Sheet 40. (3); Delete 'being' because 'being' is used in continuous
1. (4); Replace 'than' by 'as' because the correct conjunction is
41. (5); No error
'as........as'. For example,
42. (3); Substitute 'at for 'on'.
He is an intelligent as his sister.
She is as beautiful as her sister. 43. (4); Substitute 'in' for 'with'.
2. (5); No error 44. (5); No error
3. (1); Replace 'mostly' with 'most'. 45. (1); Substitute 'want' for 'wanted'.
4. (3); Replace 'have' with 'has'. 46. (5); No error
5. (2); Replace 'of' with 'by'. 47. (2); Substitute 'loan' for 'loans'.
6. (1); Replace 'in' with 'at'. 48. (4); Substitute 'doesn't for 'don't'.
7. (3); Substitute 'had not been' for 'was not'. 49. (1); Substitute 'explained' for 'was explain'.
8. (2); Substitute 'be enrolled'. 50. (3); Delete 'the' before 'money'.
9. (2); Delete 'on'.
10. (3); Substitute 'to hear' because after infinitive 'to' V1 is
11. (3); Substitute 'doesn't for 'don't'
12. (2); Substitute 'work' for 'works'.
13. (3); Substitute 'caught' for 'catched'.
14. (2); Substitute 'are showing' or 'have shown' for 'are
15. (3); Substitute 'work' for 'worked'. After 'modal' V 1 is used.
Here, 'must' is a modal hence V1 (work) should be used.
16. (2); Substitute 'wanted' for 'want'.
17. (5); No error
18. (1); Replace 'am thinking' with 'think'.
19. (1); Replace 'knows' with 'know'.
20. (2); Replace 'to be' with 'of'.
21. (5); No error

Exercise-12 Answer Sheet
Directions: Read each sentence to find out whether 1. (4); Substitute 'trial' for 'try'.
there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in 2. (3); Change 'believes' to 'believe' because after 'one of these'
one part of the sentence. The number of that part is plural verb is used. Hence 'believes' should be 'believe'.
the answer. If there is no error the answer is (5). 3. (2); Change 'its' to 'their'.
(Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.) 4. (1); Change 'to implementation the' to 'to the
1. The customers were asked to (1)/ give their feedback after implementation of the'.
(2)/ using the try pack of the (3)/ new detergent powder. (4)/ 5. (5); No error
No error (5) 6. (3); Change 'torn' to 'tore'.
2. Having acquired some experience (1)/ she is no longer (2)/ 7. (3); Delete 'not'.
one of those who believes (3)/ every explanation she is 8. (5); No error
given. (4)/ No error (5) 9. (1); Replace 'so' with 'as'.
3. Governments and business must reduce (1)/ its own energy 10. (2); Replace 'supports' with 'support'.
use (2)/ and promote conservation (3)/ to their citizens and 11. (2); Replace 'reconsidered' with 'should reconsider'.
employees. (4)/ No error (5) 12. (4); Delete 'well'.
4. With regard to implementation the (1)/ details of the
13. (5); No error
proposal (2)/ the committee was divided (3)/ in its opinion.
14. (3); Replace 'needy' with 'needed'.
(4)/ No error (5)
15. (1); Replace was by were
5. If the allegations (1)/ made against him (2)/ are found to be
true (3)/ he could face rigorous imprisonment. (4)/ No error
6. On discovering that (1)/ it was a forgery (2)/ he torn up the
agreement (3)/ he had signed. (4)/ No error (5)
7. The scheme failed because (1)/ some states could not, (2)/
manage not to raise (3)/ the necessary funds. (4)/ No error
8. Real estate prices in the (1)/ business district of the city (2)/
are expected to rise (3)/ at 15% this year. (4)/ No error (5)
9. By so early as next year (1)/ that leading investment bank
(2)/ has plans to open (3)/ an office in New Delhi. (4)/ No
error (5)
10. There is lots of (1)/ supports from the employees (2)/ for the
proposal to (3)/ merge with the parent company. (4)/ No
error (5)
11. Experts have recommended that (1)/ the government
reconsidered (2)/ restrictions imposed on foreign (3)/
investment in real estate. (4)/ No error (5)
12. The crucial point to (1)/ be discussed at the (2)/ meeting is
how to (3)/ well implement the policy. (4)/ No error (5)
13. He wants to (1)/ set up a laboratory (2)/ to undertake
research (3)/ into a vaccine for cancer. (4)/ No error (5)
14. According to him (1)/ two factors which are (2)/ needy for
success (3)/ are discipline and diligence. (4)/ No error (5)
15. If I was you (1)/I would have (2) /terminated the services
then and there. (3)


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