Irc SP81 Micro-Surfacing - An - Eco-Friendly - Bailout PDF
Irc SP81 Micro-Surfacing - An - Eco-Friendly - Bailout PDF
Irc SP81 Micro-Surfacing - An - Eco-Friendly - Bailout PDF
Er. Satish Pandey*, Dr.Sangita* and Dr. N.K.S. Pundhir*
*Scientist, Flexible Pavement Div. Central Road Research Institute, Delhi Mathura Road, New-Delhi
**Assistant Manager, IRCON International Ltd., E-mail: [email protected]
A well designed, developed and maintained highway system plays a vital role in socio- economic
development of any country. A well maintained highway network is credited for bringing about
improvements in access to goods and services, education and employment opportunities. It has been very
well accepted worldwide that preventive maintenance of existing roadways is most effective use of available
financial resources. Recent developments in cold mix technology in the area of cost effective preventive
maintenance treatment have resulted durable pavements. Asphalt emulsion based micro surfacing is such a
cost effective and environment friendly, preventive maintenance technology. Microsurfacing was developed
in Germany and now commonly used for road maintenance in numerous countries. In Dec. 2008 Indian Road
Congress has published “IRC: SP: 81; Tentative Specification for Slurry Seal and Microsurfacing” to
standardized this technology for wider application in the country.
Microsurfacing act as a sealant over the pavement surfaces. It prohibits the entrance of water from the
surface course to base course and prolong the service life of the bituminous pavement by 3 to 4 years.
Besides acting as sealant it helps to maintain good riding quality for vehicular traffic.
Micro-surfacing and It’s Ingredients:
Micro Surfacing is well proportioned mixture of polymer- modified cationic emulsified asphalt, mineral
aggregate, mineral filler, water and additives which are mixed and spread with a machine over a properly
prepared surface. Micro-surfacing system is used not only as sealants but also for surface texturing and rut
filling of pavement. The maximum size of aggregate is between 6.3 and 9.5 mm and it is always 100%
crushed. The cationic emulsion is modified with a heavy polymer loading; varies between 3% to 4%. The
fines content ranges from 7% to 10%, and the residual bitumen content (by wt. of aggregate) ranges from
5.5% to 10.5%, depending upon the aggregate gradation. Portland cement and Hydrated lime are commonly
used as mineral filler in Micro surfacing mix. Every ingredient of micro surfacing has specific role in
properly designed micro surfacing mix.
Polymer Modified Bitumen Emulsion:
The bitumen emulsion shall be a polymer modified bitumen emulsion. Addition of polymer in to the bitumen
emulsion enhances stone retention and reduces thermal susceptibility. Incorporation of polymers in to the
bitumen emulsion consequently improve the softening point and flexibility of the residual bitumen and thus
help to obtain crack resistance micro surfacing layer. Natural rubber and Styrene Butadine rubber in latex
form are commonly used polymers for bitumen modification. As the majority of Indian aggregates are
siliceous in nature hence cationic bitumen emulsion is used for most of the paving works. The minimum
amount of polymer modifier / latex modifier shall be determined by performing the mix design. The
minimum amount required will be based on bitumen weight content. Following physical and chemical
requirements are laid down in IRC:SP:81-2008, for polymer modified bitumen emulsion:
5 Stabilizer 0.2 %
Mineral Aggregate:
The mineral aggregate used shall be the type specified for the particular application requirements of the
micro surfacing. The aggregate shall be a crushed stone such as granite, slag, limestone, chat, or other high-
quality aggregate, or combination thereof. To assure the material is 100 % crushed, the parent aggregate will
be larger than the largest stone in the gradation used.
Aggregate gradation directly affects the amount of emulsified asphalt required for a Micro Surfacing.
Variations in aggregate gradation, even within the allowable specified ranges will change the total aggregate
surface area to be coated by emulsified asphalt.
Microsurfacing Process
Bitumen & Chem. Water Polymers Quarry
Source Additives Source
Emulsion Plant
Emulsion Aggregate Water Cement
Service Lab Mix Design
Critical components Microsurfacing Machine
Fig. 2.2: Shows the flow chart for microsurfacing mix preparation and application
Field Trials in Delhi:
Keeping in view the merits of microsurfacing technology, Public Works Department, Delhi had carried out
preventive maintenance of several bituminous roads in Delhi using Micro surfacing. The preventive
maintenance works were executed on the following roads and CRRI had carried out quality control tests
before and during execution.
Siri Fort Road
Link Road between NH-8 & Samalkha Chowk,
Ambedkar Road New Delhi
Road No. 29 Pashim Vihar
Dr. K.N. Katju Marg Rohini
Rao Tula Ram Marg
Road No. 42A Deepali Chowk, Rohini.
Ashram Chowk to Nizamuddin
Rajghat (Ring Road)
Captain Gaur Marg
The Experimental work was completed in several phases i) evaluation of ingredients in laboratory ii)
evaluation of ingredients at site iii) Calibration of machine and development of mix for thin surfacing and
iv) evaluation of manufactured mix and loss on Wet Track Abrasion Test in laboratory. Out of the total 11
locations, detailed performance evaluation was carried on four locations as agreed by PWD.
1. Dr. K.N. Katju Marg Rohini
Road No. 42A Deepali Chowk, Rohini.
Ashram Chowk to Nizamuddin
Captain Gaur Marg
Performance Evaluation of Test Sections:
One of the objectives of the performance evaluation i.e. condition survey was completed by taking photo
graphs before and after Micro surfacing. The surface condition of road sections before and after execution of
Microsurfacing is shown in photographs 4.1 to 4.4.
Photograph 4.1: Condition of Test section before Microsurfacing on Dr. K.N. Katju Marg, Rohini
Photograph 4.2: Microsurfacing work in progress on Dr. K.N. Katju Marg, Rohini
Photograph 4.3: A close view of Dr. K.N. Katju Marg, Rohini after two year of Microsurfacing application
Photograph 4.4: Condition of Test section before Microsurfacing on Road No.42-A Deepali Chowk, Rohini
Photograph 4.5: A close view of Road No.42-A Deepali Chowk, Rohini after microsurfacing application
From the observed roughness values shown in table 5.1, it is evident that the application of Microsurfacing
slurry invariably improved the riding quality of the bituminous wearing course. Besides delaying the
progress of roughness, Micro surfacing slurry helped to seal the hair cracks present in the bituminous
wearing course and prevented further intrusion of water into the pavement layers. Test results summarized in
table 5.2 indicate that the application of microsurfacing slurry prevented the further deterioration of the
existing bituminous layer as well as the base and sub base course (in absence of ingress of moisture) and
ultimately prolong the service life of the pavement. Traffic survey data indicate that this technology can be
used successfully on low to medium traffic roads. Since Microsurfacing mix seals the surface effectively and
prevents ingress of moisture in pavement which prevents progressive development of distress and therefore
the deterioration of surface was not noticed even after three years of service life except the reflection of
cracks noticed during visual observations. Enhancement in service life of the pavement resulted in savings,
in terms of application of bitumen overlay, which is normally implemented through hot mix technology.
These Hot Mix Plants emits various air pollutants i.e. particulate matter (PM10), sulphur dioxide (SO 2),
nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), carbon monoxide (CO) and other hazardous air
pollutants (HAPs). As the microsurfacing is a cold mix technology where heating of bitumen and other
ingredients is not required hence it involves very less emission of air pollutants comparatively to Hot Mix
Asphalt. The cost of Microsurfacing on aforesaid test sections was varies between Rs. 97 to Rs. 100 per
square meter which is substantial economical compare to conventional hot mix asphalt treatment.
Preventive maintenance technology i.e Microsurfacing could be a cost effective alternative of thin hot mix
asphalt renewals for structurally sound bituminous roads. As the microsurfacing paved surfaces can be
opened for traffic within 2 to 3 hours time, hence it is one of the most appropriate options for maintenance of
urban roads. As no substantial hauling of raw materials is involved in the application of Microsurfacing
slurry, there is minimal environment deterioration. Microsurfacing laid test sections under low to medium
traffic conditions considered in the study comply various serviceability criteria including riding quality,
continuously for three years.
The authors are thankful to Dr. S. Gangopadhyay, Director CRRI to provide the opportunities to conduct
above mentioned studies. A special thank is also due to Shri B. M. Sharma and Dr. P.K.Jain,
Scientists, CRRI to provide necessary guidance and support to principal author during study period. Al last
but not least, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all divisional members of Flexible pavement
division for their valuable guidance and consistent support.
[1]Report of Caltrans Division of Maintenance, June 16, 2009, MTAG Volume- I, Flexible Pavement
Preservation, 2nd Edition.
[2]International Slurry Surfacing Association (2010), Recommended performance guidelines for
Micro-surfacing, A-143.
[3]Indian Road Congress (Dec. 2008), I.R.C: SP: 81:-2008 Tentative Specifications for Slurry Seal
and microsurfacing.
[4]Satish Pandey, (Jan. 2010), Formulation of Mix Design procedure for Micro-Surfacing mix
with Industrial waste materials like Fly Ash and Marble dust (OLP-0454), CRRI.
[5]Sangita, (Dec. 2010), Detailed performance evaluation of microsurfacing test sections on
various Delhi roads (OLP-429) final report flexible pavement division, CRRI.