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3 authors, including:
Winfried Harzer
Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus Dresden
All content following this page was uploaded by Winfried Harzer on 18 December 2013.
European Journal of Orthodontics 26 (2004) 237–244 European Journal of Orthodontics vol. 26 no. 3
European Orthodontic Society 2004; all rights reserved.
SUMMARY Early interceptive treatment for the elimination of factors inhibiting dental arch development and
mandibular and maxillary growth is applied varyingly by orthodontists, possibly because there is little
scientific evidence that such interventions are of actual benefit. The aim of this study was to determine
specific factors for treatment need in the early mixed dentition period in order to obtain basic data to sup-
port early intervention. The study was part of a larger survey of 8768 children aged between 6 and 17 years.
From this sample, 1975 children aged between 6 and 8 years were used to estimate the prevalence of mal-
occlusions using the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) during the early mixed dentition period.
The results showed that deep overbite and overjet, both more than 3.5 mm, were the most frequent
discrepancies, affecting 46.2 and 37.5 per cent of patients, respectively. An anterior open bite was
registered in 17.7 per cent, crossbite in 8.2 per cent, and a reverse overjet in 3.2 per cent. A tooth width
to arch length discrepancy was recorded in 12 per cent of teeth in the upper arch and in 14.3 per cent
in the lower arch. The proportion of children estimated using the Dental Health Component of the IOTN
to have a great or very great treatment need (grades 4 and 5) was 26.2 per cent. The higher values of
treatment need during the mixed dentition period may account for temporary changes in the dentition
and for the discrepancy in overjet and overbite. These discrepancies will be compensated in part during
mandibular growth and development of the dental arch. Nevertheless, the findings indicate the early
development of progressive malocclusion symptoms which are evidenced in the IOTN and concur with
the acronym ‘MOCDO’ hierarchy (missing, overjet, crossbite, displacement, overbite). This early formation
of progressive symptoms inhibiting or disturbing mandibular or maxillary growth or the development of
the normal dental arch, i.e. crossbite, reverse overjet and increased overjet with myofunctional dis-
orders, should be treated at an early stage.
238 E . TAU S C H E E T A L .
The Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN), Table 1 Distribution of the 1975 subjects related to
with the Dental Health Component (DHC) and the chronological age between 6 and 8 years.
Standard Component of Aesthetic Need (SCAN), is the
most frequently used tool for measuring treatment need 6 years 7 years 8 years Total Per cent
(Evans and Shaw, 1987; Brook and Shaw, 1989;
Firestone et al., 1993; Kisely et al., 1997; Breistein and Female 133 414 458 1005 50.9
Male 128 403 439 970 49.1
Burden, 1998). This index was developed on the basis of
all currently available scientific data and concurs with
a broad consensus of professional opinion in the UK
where it was developed. In most cases the DHC is Shaw, 1989) and is an internationally acknowledged
used to differentiate between ‘need’ and ‘no need’. The scoring system for treatment need as perceived by the
SCAN alone is unsuitable for screening treatment professional and the patient (Lindauer et al., 1998).
need but is a stronger indicator of patient satisfaction Apart from morphological discrepancies, this index also
(Crowther et al., 1997). Apart from overall treatment registers functional disorders and gives a systematic
need, characteristics of the IOTN comprise the order for a hierarchical scale. Considerations as to no
hierarchy of single symptoms. The acronym ‘MOCDO’ treatment need, borderline need, or great need are based
(missing, overjet, crossbite, displacement, overbite) on five-grade (DHC) and 10-grade scales (SCAN)
means that missing teeth and overjet, including reverse (Figures 1 and 2).
overjet, have the highest priority in the assessment As the time factor may be a priority when considering
of treatment need. The hierarchical scale was designed treatment need in terms of safeguarding normal
for the purpose of providing a guide for systematic development of the dental arches, an urgent need for
examination, with the examiner recording and focusing intervention was specified for certain anomalies such as
the treatment activity to the higher evaluated anomaly reverse overjet or crossbite as early as 6–8 years of age,
in the case of two or more occlusal anomalies (Richmond and the children’s parents were informed accordingly.
et al., 1994). In most studies the IOTN has been used in Richmond et al. (1994) state that displacement of
children in the late mixed or full permanent dentition. contact points should not be measured between the
The measurement of orthodontic treatment need is thus primary and permanent teeth. Therefore, crowding was
not only a question of the severity of malocclusion traits measured as the tooth width to arch length discrepancy
but also of age, dentition period and growth acceleration. and was recorded as anterior and posterior crowding.
Different morphological and functional factors are Calibrated data recording is important for the
involved in the early inhibition of growth and develop- application of the IOTN and for its validity and repro-
ment. This must be taken into account when using the ducibility. The DHC data were recorded simultaneously
IOTN (Crowther et al., 1997; Breistein and Burden, at the schools by two authors who had undergone
1998; Mauck and Tränkmann, 1998; Tarvit and Freer, extensive instruction. To test intra-examiner reproducibility,
1998). The aim of this study was to estimate the 20 children were re-examined 4 weeks after their initial
prevalence of malocclusions using the IOTN during the examination (kappa 0.78). The SCAN was evaluated by
early mixed dentition period to provide basic values for one calibrated postgraduate student (ET), with a kappa
the benefit of early orthodontic intervention and to value of 0.81 being recorded. Kappa values above 0.6
review the hierarchical system against this background. indicate substantial agreement (Landis and Koch, 1977).
O RT H O D O N T I C N E E D I N T H E M I X E D D E N T I T I O N 239
Figure 1 Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need: morphological and functional symptoms in the five grades (1 and 2 = no
need; 3 = borderline need; 4 and 5 = great/very great need) of the Dental Health Component.
in only 0.5 per cent of the children (Table 3). A Class III In this early mixed dentition group (first period), the
malocclusion (skeletal) with reverse overjet was found IOTN revealed an urgent treatment need in 26.2 per
in 3.2 per cent (Table 4). Overjets ranging from 0.5 to cent using the DHC (greater than or equal to grade 4)
14.0 mm were recorded, with an overjet greater than and in 21.5 per cent with the SCAN (greater than or
3.5 mm (Class II division 1) being registered in 31.4 per equal to grade 8) (Figures 5 and 6). When the borderline
cent of cases (Table 4). Anterior crowding greater than cases were taken into consideration, the treatment need
3 mm was recorded in the mandible in 14.3 per cent increased to 51.7 per cent with the DHC and to 66 per
of subjects and in the maxilla in 12 per cent (Table 5, cent with the SCAN. Between the ages of 9 and 11 years,
Figure 4). the treatment need according to the IOTN–DHC and
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240 E . TAU S C H E E T A L .
O RT H O D O N T I C N E E D I N T H E M I X E D D E N T I T I O N 241
Table 2 Prevalence of anterior open bite and deep overbite Table 5 Distribution of maxillary and mandibular crowding
in 1975 children aged between 6 and 8 years. in 1975 schoolchildren aged between 6 and 8 years.
242 E . TAU S C H E E T A L .
Figure 4 Distribution of malocclusion and occlusal anomalies in 1975 schoolchildren aged between
6 and 8 years.
Figure 5 Orthodontic treatment need in 1975 schoolchildren, Figure 7 Orthodontic treatment need and ongoing orthodontic
evaluated with the Dental Health Component of the Index of treatment in 8768 schoolchildren aged between 6 and 17 years
Orthodontic Treatment Need. (hatched area = 1975 schoolchildren aged between 6 and 8 years).
O RT H O D O N T I C N E E D I N T H E M I X E D D E N T I T I O N 243
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