SAP FI - Automatic Payment Program (Configuration and Run)
SAP FI - Automatic Payment Program (Configuration and Run)
SAP FI - Automatic Payment Program (Configuration and Run)
Applies to:
SAP ECC 6.0. For more information, visit the Financial Excellence homepage.
This document helps you to configure and run Automatic Payment Program in FICO Module in SAP ECC
Introduction....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Steps for Configuring APP............................................................................................................................. 3
Step by Step Process....................................................................................................................................... 3
Step 1:........................................................................................................................................................... 3
Step 2:........................................................................................................................................................... 4
Step 3:........................................................................................................................................................... 5
Step 4:........................................................................................................................................................... 6
Step 5:........................................................................................................................................................... 6
Step 6:........................................................................................................................................................... 8
Related Content.............................................................................................................................................. 25
Disclaimer and Liability Notice........................................................................................................................ 26
Automatic Payment Program serves the purpose of posting accounts payable (say, payment to a vendor)
based on vendor invoices automatically, shortly termed as APP.
Click on 'New Entries', enter your company code in the 'company code' field as well as in the 'Paying
company code' field, check the two check boxes as shown in the below screen and save it.
Step 2:
Select the 'Paying company codes' button, click on 'New Entries'. Type your paying company code. Click on
'Forms' button and 'Sender Details' button to open their respective input screens.
Type in the rest of the details as shown. The amounts for minimum incoming payment and minimum
outgoing payment could be given as per the organization standards.
Step 3:
Now select the 'Payment methods in country' button. Click on 'New Entries' and type your
country's name, select payment method as required. In this case, I have given it as 'C' since
I have configured it for check payment.
→ Payment method for 'Outgoing Payments' as this is for a vendor payment(Accounts Payable)
→ Payment method classification to be 'Check', select the check box for
'Allowed for personal payments'.
Type the posting details for document type for payment and clearing document type as 'KZ',
which indicates vendor payment.
For the payment medium, select radio button 'Use classic payment medium program(RFFO*)',
type payment medium program as 'RFFOUS_C' and give the name of print dataset as 'LIST1S'.
Give the key in code line as '11' and save it.
Step 4:
Click the 'Payment Methods in Company Code' button, click on 'New Entries'.
Give your company code and the payment method as 'C', Select 'No optimization' for Bank selection
In the form data type as 'F110_PRENUM_CHCK'.
Enter details that are to be printed on the form in 'Drawer on the form' and save it.
Step 5:
Click on 'Bank Determination' button, select your company code from the list displayed.
Then double click Ranking Order.
Give the payment method as 'C', Rank order can be given as per your organization's requirement,
you can give choose your 'House Bank' if you have maintained one and save it. if not, you should
create a house bank in the transaction 'FI12' or by clicking the House Bank button.
Now double click on Bank Accounts and you will get a screen as shown.
Type in your House bank name and House bank Account id and G/L account for Bank sub-account
from the input help, save it.
Now double click on Available Amounts and provide details as required, save it and click back.
Step 6:
Now Vendor Master Record should be updated with the payment method, For this, go to
transaction 'FK02', specify your vendor's name, company code, check payment transaction
check box and click enter.
Before APP Run, we must have an open item, for that we have to create a vendor invoice in
transaction 'F-43'.
Enter your vendor number with the posting key 31(Vendor Credit) and press enter.
Then in the next screen, specify the amount for which the invoice is to be generated. Give a
description and in the next line item window, specify posting key as 40(Debit entry), your purchase
account in the account input field and press enter.
In the next screen, type '*' in the amount field and '+' in the text field. This will return the previously
entered values.
You will get the screen showing the debit and credit entry together.
You can check the open items for vendors in the transaction 'FBL1N', by specifying the necessary
parameters and click execute.
You will see the open line item with a red colored indicator as shown above.
Now go to Transaction 'F110', give the date of APP Run and any 5 digit alpha-numeric characters as
Click Parameter tab.
Give your company code and type the payment method as C , give the next p/date to be minimum 2
days later than the current posting date. Provide your vendor number using the input help.
Move on to the Additional Log tab
Select the check boxes for Due date check , Payment method selection in all cases and Line items
of the payment documents, give your vendor number and save it.
You will get a status message as shown above. Then click back.
Now click the Proposal button in the menu bar.
Type today's date, select the start immediately check box and type your target computer's name.
Click OK.
You will see the status as 'Proposal is running' and receive a status message.
Press Enter and you will see the status changes as shown below.
You will get the details of transactions between your company and the vendor(Line Items).
Double click the item and you will be navigated to another screen with further more details of the line
Again double click the entry, and you will get a pop-up window as shown below.
Type in all details as shown above, click OK , save it and click back.
The next screen will show the cleared line item.
Press enter till the status turns out as shown below.
Go to the Printout/data medium tab and specify your identification against the RFFOUS_C field and
click Maintain variants button.
Specify details as shown and click attributes button.
Now click the Printout button.
Specify your identification and click OK. You will get a status message.
Now go to menu bar, click system → services → Output Control.
You will get a screen for spool request selection, click execute.
You will get a list of spool requests from which you can choose your respective document to be
This ensures that your Automatic Payment Program Run is executed successfully.
Once APP is executed, the open line item for the vendor will be cleared. You can check it by
executing the transaction 'FBL1N' and selecting the radio button for 'cleared item'.
You will see the cleared line items as listed.
Related Content
Automatic Payment Transactions
Automatic Payment Transactions 2
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For more information, visit the Financial Excellence homepage
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